AUGUST 30, 2015—TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME CATHOLIC CHURCH We are Catholic Christians striving to love beyond all boundaries and to continue the mission of Christ. M a r k 7:6 25511 Eshelman Avenue, Lomita (310) 326-3364 2 See Fr. Paul’s messages on page 5 and the back page. L A B O R D A Y M O N D A Y , S E P T E M B E R 7 th Masses at 6:30 and 9 AM, both in English “Remember before God your work of faith and labor of Love” Unknown PARISH OFFICE CLOSED MONDAY PUBLIC SQUARE ROSARY CRUSADE We gather to pray the Rosary, to show our faith in God. SATURDAY, September 5th Noon to 1 PM Torrance Crossroads, Crenshaw and Lomita Blvds. (between Wells Fargo & Petco) Bring a chair and (optional) American flag Questions? Linda (310) 539-2211 Bible Study Gospel of Mark Fr. John Palmer’s Bible Study will return Thursday, September 17th 10 to 11:30 AM Location to be advised. SOUTHWESTERN DISTRICT OF ARCHDIOCESAN COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN All Ladies are invited and encouraged to attend. ACCW District Meeting Guest Speaker Sister Gretchen Hailer RSHM Well known author and speaker Tuesday, September 22nd, 9:30 to 1:30 PM Holy Trinity Parish Center 209 N. Hanford, San Pedro 9:30 AM registration and refreshments 10 AM meeting with Guest Speaker 11:30 AM Mass, celebrant Rev. Sebastian Vettickal, CMI. 12:15 PM Lunch 1:30 PM meeting adjourns Mke reservations by Saturday September 19th Cost is $10 for the day. All reservations are PREPAID Make checks payable to Linda Nietes-Little and mail to 2115 Trudie Dr, Rancho PV, CA 90275. Park behind Parish Center—enter off Sepulveda Questions? Linda Nietes-Little (310) 514-9139 or Patti Laney (310) 832-3635 PASTOR: Fr. Paul O’Donnell ASSOCIATE PASTORS: Fr. John Palmer, Fr. Marinello Saguin PRIEST IN RESIDENCE: Fr. Sebastian Venni DEACONS: Cheto Mendoza, Craig Siegman, Richard Soria and Dan Wallace Saturday 5 PM (Vigil), Sunday 6:45, 8, 9:30, 11 AM, 5PM, Español 12:30, 7 PM Monday—Friday 6:30, 8:15 AM, Saturday 8:15 AM only First Wednesday, September 2nd Mass (Our Lady of Perpetual Help) 7 PM First Friday, September 4th Mass (Sacred Heart of Jesus) 7 PM PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA Wednesdays, 7:30 PM (except 1st Wednesday) ALL-NIGHT EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT First Friday, September 4, 7:30 PM with benediction on Saturday 8 AM ROSARY (in Chapel) Monday through Friday 7 and 8:45 AM; Wednesday 6:30 PM, Tuesday 7 PM (Español) Confessions Friday 5-5:30 PM; Saturday 3:30-4:30 PM; 7:30-8:30 PM or call for appointment. `xÇát}x wxÄ ctáàÉÜ 3 PRESTE ATENCION: Hace poco recibí una carta de Dios. Apareció misteriosamente en mi escritorio y está destinada a ser compartida con todos ustedes. Sta. Margarita María Alacoque Iglesia Católica 25511 Eshelman Ave. Lomita, CA 90717 Estados Unidos de América Hemisferios Norte y Occidental Planeta Tierra Via Láctea Universo De La Mente de Dios A: MI FAMILIA Y AMIGOS Ahora me dirijo a todos ustedes para decirles-una vez más-cuánto los amo. Individualmente, ustedes son mis queridos hijos e hijas. Juntos, ustedes son mi amada familia. Como ustedes saben, voy a hacer algo por ustedes, y de hecho, ya lo he hecho todo por ustedes, el envío de mi único hijo Jesús a través de María en la Iglesia. Aunque soy Todopoderoso, necesito tu ayuda. Les estoy pidiendo ser voluntario en nuestra próxima Feria de Lomita, del 11-13 Septiembre 2015. Aunque tengo completo conocimiento y sé todo, todavía no sé cuántos de ustedes serán lo suficientemente generosos como para dar su precioso tiempo para ayudar a otros. Como ustedes saben, todos los ingresos van a apoyar a muchos programas dignos parroquiales. Mis servidores en SMM me han estado pidiendo que les envié ayudantes y voluntarios. Recuerden, sin mí no pueden hacer nada, pero sin ustedes no puedo hacer nada. Ustedes son mis manos que me ayudan. ¡Así que, por favor! – ¡SE VOLUNTARIO! Te garantizo que, si sacrificas algo para mí y tu parroquia-te lloverán incontables bendiciones. ¡Harás amigos y te divertirás también! Tú siempre amoroso, Padre Celestial P.O. Box “tu corazón” PASTOR: Fr. Paul O’Donnell PADRES ASOCIADOS: Fr. John Palmer, Fr. Marinello Saguin PADRE EN RESIDENCIA: Fr. Sebastian Venni DIACONOS: Cheto Mendoza, Craig Siegman, Richard Soria y Dan Wallace Horario de Misas y Servicios Sábado 5 PM, Domingo 6:45, 8, 9:30, 11 AM, 5PM, Español 12:30, 7 PM Lunes—Viernes 6:30, 8:15 AM, Sábado 8:15 AM Primer Viernes, Misa (Sagrado Corazðn de Jesús) 7 PM ROSARIO (en La Capilla) Lunes—Viernes 7 and 8:45 AM; Miércoles 6:30 PM, Martes 7 PM (Español) Confesiones Viernes 5-5:30 PM; Sábado 3:30-4:30 PM; 7:30-8:30 PM 4 O U R F A I T H I N A C T I O N FAITH SHARING WANTED: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 7 to 9 PM EDITORS AND STAFF FOR THE SUNDAY ST. MARGARET MARY BULLETIN Imagine witnessing the miraculous healing of a man who for his entire life had been deaf and suffering from a speech impediment. That’s what a crowd of people experienced when Jesus healed the man near the Sea of Galilee in a district called Decapolis. Each and every one of us is in need of some kind of healing whether it be physical, spiritual, emotional, or any other need for healing to improve our well being. In what way do you need the healing touch of Jesus in your life? Share your thoughts and listen to those of others at our next Faith Sharing meeting at the Parish Center. We’ll reflect upon the readings for the Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time: Isaiah 35:4-7a; James 2:1-5; Mark 7:31-37 call or email Roy and Carole Hardinge (310) 539-6027 or [email protected]. After 8 years, our two teams of editors are retiring. Is God calling you to serve Him in this ministry? No bulletin editing background required, but you’ll need computer experience, English language skills, a desire to explore your creativity and be able to work with a deadline. Please email us if interested or with any questions: smmcbulletin SMM PRO-LIFE There must be a deep unity among the works of charity on behalf of life—for each of its stages and conditions human life is sacred and inviolable, a gift that is indivisible. The Gospel of Life 87 The consistency of our care for life flows from the fact that God’s care is constant. Every life at every stage of its existence belongs to Him. God’s rights over human life are never interrupted or diminished. Prayer: God of uninterrupted love, keep us constant and consistent in care for one another. Amen JUST FOR TODAY With the grace of God . . . I will be unafraid. Especially I will not be afraid to enjoy what is beautiful, and to believe that as I give to the world, so the world will give to me. OUR FAITH IN ACTION 5 MEET YOUR “NEW” PASTOR First of all, I want to thank all of you who participated in my installation as pastor last Sunday. I think everyone found it to be a beautiful, lively and sometimes moving ceremony. I especially want to thank Bishop Solis for being the main presider, Mike Molina for coordinating the ceremony and music, our SMM staff for their participation and support, and so many of you for being there. Plus, of course the presence of our wonderful Bishop Joe. But what, you may ask is the purpose of an “Installation”? Perhaps you have never witnessed one before. The installation of a pastor is the public recognition of what has already been decreed by the Archbishop, i.e., assigning a priest, who has already spent the required years as administrator, to be the pastor of a parish community for a period of six years. The rite itself has developed over the years and can be adapted for the particular parish. The essence of it, however, consists in the local bishop confirming the Archbishop’s nomination before a good representation of the parishioners. If there were any questions about suitability, popularity or what not, these are now secondary. Deacon Dan proposed my name on behalf of the whole parish, the bishop recognized me, the people accepted warmly (with applause). The staff then presented the symbols of the pastoral office as a reminder of my daily duties: the missal, the holy oils, the sacred vessels etc. I promised fidelity to the Catholic Church and her teachings and then led the faithful in the recitation of the Creed. The Mass continued on as normal. All in all, it was a special moment in my life to be sure, and I am very grateful to God for placing me here at St. Margaret Mary’s. With prayers and gratitude, Fr. Paul FIRST FRIDAY and ALL NIGHT ADORATION September 4th, 6:30, 8:15 AM and 7 PM bilingual Mass followed by You are invited to spend an hour in adoration and prayer with Jesus. It will be the best time you will spend on this earth. “Can you not watch one hour with Me?” Scott (310) 831-5093 or Gary (310) 991-2948 or email: [email protected] 6 E S P I R I T U A L RESISTENCIA A LOS CAMBIOS Por Humberto Beltrán Los letrados y fariseos representan el culto hipócrita que se ciñe a lo externo, a lo de fuera, perdiendo de vista lo profundo, lo de dentro. Frente a una religiosidad basada en la observancia legal de ritos y en la interpretación rígida de la doctrina. Jesús enseña una nueva forma de relacionarse con Dios. Dios está en la comunidad de hermanos, en la justicia con los pobres y harapientos. Las legalidades son accesorias. La letra mata, y el espíritu vivifica. Un Mundo de Apariencias. Vivimos en un mundo lleno de apariencias y de fantasías que nos deslumbran los ojos y nos impiden ver el fondo de las cosas. Arreglamos muy linda la casa y tratamos de que los huéspedes no vean la ropa sucia ni la basura. Los novios presentan lo mejor de sí mismos para causar buena impresión. Muchos quieren aparentar ser ricos y acomodados y hablan de viajes y dinero. Los políticos parecen inmaculados, hasta que se descubren su corrupción. En el fondo de cada uno de nosotros hay un poco de hipocresía. Fácilmente nos ponemos una máscara ante los demás para que nos haga ver mejores de lo que somos y distraiga a la gente, a fin de que no nos vea lo interior. Es como la sonrisa encantadora de muchos comerciantes que no nos dan tiempo para ver sus intenciones de engañarnos y llevarse nuestro dinero. En el evangelio de este día, el Señor tiene una tremenda lección sobre el valor de las cosas y la falsedad de la hipocresía. Se trata de una escena con los fariseos. Ellos tenían una tradición muy antigua que consistía en purificarse las manos antes de comer. A esta práctica higiénica le daban un valor religioso exagerado. Con tal de estar limpios, no les importaba ver morir de hambre a un pobre si estaba sucio. El Señor los llamó hipócritas. Y luego añadió con fuerza que lo mancha al hombre no está fuera, sino dentro en el corazón: allí está la semilla de las injusticias, de las violencias, de las guerras y asesinatos. Si muchos mueren por accidentes y enfermedades, muchos mueren por maldad de los hombres. Lo que debe de preocupar nos es pues, lo que está allí dentro de nosotros mismos. Nosotros los cristianos podemos tener el peligro de quedarnos sólo en lo material de las cosas sagradas. Por ejemplo, bautizamos no porque queremos que nuestro hijo sea hijo de Dios, sino porque queremos compadres y una fiesta. Después ni nosotros ni los hijos vamos a la iglesia ni hacemos el bien. Hipocresía es todo lo que aparenta fuera, pero no trae conversión al corazón, no tiene mayor valor ante Dios. A veces decimos con falsa modestia: no soy santo bajado del cielo, pero yo no robo, no mato, tengo las manos limpias. Pilatos tenía también las manos limpias, pero no hizo lo que debía: defender la justicia aun a costa de su puesto. Jesús nos trae una religión interior, del corazón. No es tan exigente en cuanto a limpieza sólo de las manos. No le importa mucho que la ropa sea un poquito vieja o fuera de moda, que tengamos la casa pobre y no seamos famosos en la sociedad. Pero quiere ver riqueza por dentro de nosotros. Quiere vernos con la mente abierta para buscar la verdad, y con la voluntad dispuesta a cumplir con nuestro deber. Reflexión En la misa a la que hemos venido, vemos la apariencia muy sencilla de pan sobre el altar. Si sólo miramos con los ojos del cuerpo, allí no está Dios y nuestra reunión no tiene sentido. Pero si miramos con fe, allí está el Señor presente. STRENGTHENING OUR FAITH REGISTRATION for SPECIAL RELIGIOUS ED Saturday September 19th 9 AM to Noon St. Margaret Mary Room Questions? Angela Taylor (310) 539-4134 or angela.taylor Readings For The Week Monday, August 31 Reading 1: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Gospel: Luke 4:16-30 Tuesday, September 1 Reading 1: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6, 9-11 Gospel: Luke 4:31-37 Wednesday, September 2 Reading 1: Colossians 1:1-8 Gospel: Luke 4:38-44 Thursday, September 3 Saint Gregory the Great Reading 1: Colossians 1:9-14 Gospel: Luke 5:1-11 Friday, September 4 Reading 1: Colossians 1:15-20 Gospel: Luke 5:33-39 Saturday, September 5 Reading 1: Colossians 1:21-23 Gospel: Luke 6:1-5 Sunday, September 6 Reading 1: Isiah 35:4-7a Reading 2: James 2:1-5 Gospel: Mark 7:31-37 bâÜ f|v~ Delia CHAVEZ Joe GARZA Chris JOYA Diana ROMAN Alani TURPIN Dear Lord please bless these sick with comfort, courage, hope and enduring faith in your love and protection. Amen bâÜ Wxvxtáxw Rudolfo ALONSO Teofilo BICHIO Olivia CAMPOS Thomas MONTERO Maria E. TRINIDAD-DE NUNEZ Tomas Montero RODRIGUEZ, Sr. Tomas Montero VARGAS, Jr. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. Amen. San Lorenzo Ruiz Festival Saturday, September 26th following the 8:15 AM Mass Reception in Hegarty Hall Catered Brunch by Chef Arturo $10 donation, or only $5 if you bring a salad or dessert to share Questions? Evelyn (310) 698-2058 or Lulu (310) 408-6468 7 8 N U E S T R A F E E N A C C I O N July 15 DIRECTORIO IGLESIA CATOLICA SANTA MARGARITA MARIA ALACOQUE 25511 Eshelman Ave. Lomita, CA 90717 Pagina de Internet: Email: [email protected] Teléfonos: (310) 326-3364 (310) 539-1570 (fax) HORARIO DE OFICINAS Lunes-Viernes, 8 AM—8 PM Sábado, 8 AM—5PM (Lunes-Sábado cerrado del Medio día a la 1 PM) Domingo, 9 AM—1 PM STAFF Administrador de la Parroquia Diacono Dan Wallace, ext 42 Educación Religiosa Joe Voigt, ext 17 Teresa Carbajal, ext 16 Ministerio Juvenil Cheyenne Vásquez, ext 13 Servicio Cristiano Laura Nieto, ext 35 Contactar la Oficina Parroquial para: Todos los Sacramentos Quinceañeras Unción de los Enfermos Arreglos de Funerales Registraciones Oportunidades para Voluntarios y otras preguntas ESCUELA PARROQUIAL Elisa Zimmerman (310) 326-9494, ext 21 BOLETIN 9 días antes que su articulo aparezca . [email protected] Lea su Boletín los Viernes Por el internet. CONOCE A TU NUEVO PASTOR En primer lugar, quiero dar las gracias a todos los que participaron en mi instalación como pastor el domingo pasado. Creo que a todos nos pareció que fue muy hermoso, alegre y a veces emotiva ceremonia. Especialmente quiero agradecerle al Obispo Solís por ser el celebrante principal, a Mike Molina por la coordinación de la ceremonia y la música, nuestro personal SMM por su participación y apoyo, y a muchos de ustedes por estar ahí. Además, por supuesto, la presencia de nuestro maravilloso obispo Joe. Pero, usted puede preguntar ¿cuál es el propósito de una "instalación"? Tal vez usted nunca ha presenciado una antes. La instalación de un pastor es el reconocimiento público de lo que ya ha sido decretado por el arzobispo, es decir, la asignación de un sacerdote, que ya ha pasado los años requeridos como administrador, para ser el pastor de una comunidad parroquial por un período de seis años. El rito en sí se ha desarrollado a lo largo de los años y puede ser adaptado para la parroquia en particular. La esencia de la misma, sin embargo, consiste en el obispo local confirmar el nombramiento del arzobispo ante una buena representación de los feligreses. Si hay alguna pregunta sobre la idoneidad, la popularidad o lo que no, estos ahora son secundarios. El Diácono Dan propuso mi nombre, en nombre de toda la parroquia, el obispo me reconoció, las personas aceptaron con gusto (con aplausos), el personal luego presentaron los símbolos de la oficina pastoral como un recordatorio de mis tareas diarias: el misal, los santos óleos, los vasos sagrados, etc. Prometí fidelidad a la Iglesia Católica y sus enseñanzas y luego llevaron a los fieles en recitación del Credo. La Misa continúo en forma normal. Sin embargo, fue un momento especial en mi vida para estar seguro, y estoy muy agradecido con Dios por colocarme aquí en Santa Margarita María. Padre Paul RETIRO DE PAREJAS Retiro de Parejas en Español con el Padre Ramón, O.F.M. y la Hna. María Luz. Del Viernes 25 de Septiembre a las 6pm hasta el Domingo 27 Septiembre a la1pm. Los Frailes Franciscanos les invitan a un fin de semana en pareja para aprender nuevas maneras de vivir felices en el matrimonio. El retiro incluye pláticas, misa, dirección espiritual, y presentaciones. El costo es $325 por pareja (incluye sus 6 comidas). Hay un depósito no-rembolsable de $100 por pareja para registrarse. Este retiro está abierto a todas las parejas de habla Hispana. Para más información, por favor llamar al centro al (310) 456-6631 o visita nuestra página electrónica N U E S T R A F E E N A C C I O N 9 RITO DE INICIACION CRISTIANA DE ADULTOS RICA Un programa de formación Sacramental para mayores de 20 años que no hayan recibido: Bautismo Confirmación Primera Comunión O si desea crecer en su fe y conocer mas sobre la Iglesia Católica. Domingo 20 de Septiembre del 2015 Salón de Jóvenes Santa Margarita María De 10:00 a 12:00 del medio día Para mas información favor de llamar al (310) 326-3364 Ext. 16 O pasar a la Oficina Parroquial por una forma. ESTUDIO DE BIBLIA “DESCUBRE A JESUS A TRAVES DE LAS ESCRITURAS” Los Días Martes de 7 a 9 de la noche Salón San José CURSO GENERAL DE BIBLIA EN ESPAÑOL Para mas información favor de llamar a Minerva Sanchez (310) 530-9323 Teresa Carbajal (310) 326-3364 Ext. 16 TODOS LOS VIERNES - EXCEPTO LOS PRIMEROS VIERNES DE CADA MES SOBRE EL ANTIGUO TESTAMENTO CON EL PADRE PAUL A PARTIR DEL 25 DE SEPTIEMBRE 2015 HORARIO: 7:00PM A 8:15PM Lecturas de la Semana Lunes 31 de agosto 1ra. Lectura: Tesalonicenses 4:13-18 Evangelio: Lucas 4:16-30 Martes 1 de septiembre 1ra. Lectura: Tesalonicenses 5:1-6. 9-11 Evangelio: Lucas 4:31-37 Miércoles 2 de septiembre 1ra. Lectura: Colosenses 1:1-8 Evangelio: Lucas 4:38-44 Jueves 3 de septiembre San Gregorio el Granda 1ra. Lectura: Colosenses 1:9-14 Evangelio: Lucas 5:1-11 Viernes 4 de septiembre 1ra. Lectura: Colosenses 1:15-20 Evangelio: Lucas 5:33-39 Sábado 5 de septiembre 1ra. Lectura: Colosenses 1:21-23 Evangelio: Lucas 6:1-5 Domingo 6 de septiembre 1ra. Lectura: Isaías 35:4-7 2da. Lectura: Santiago 2:1-5 Evangelio: Marcos 7:3137 10 O U R P A R I S Monday, August 31 8:15 AM—Mass in honor of these deceased Holy Name men: Gene COMMANDER, Aramis DANDOY, Larry DeFRANCE. Monday, August 31 Membership Meeting 6:30 PM—Gathering and Dinner; St. Joseph Center 7 PM—Rosary in the Church 7:30 PM—General Membership meeting; St. Joseph Center This organization is open to all men of our parish and school. To find out more about Holy Name, visit PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY at St. Margaret Mary All are welcome to join the group to share in prayers. Wednesday, September 2nd, 7 to 9 PM (call Jean for location) Thursday, September 3rd, 1:30 to 3 PM St. Margaret Mary Room We are accepting donations in the form of gift cards for Joann’s or Michael’s to provide yarn and supplies. These donations may be left at the Parish office marked “Prayer Shawl Ministry”. We are also seeking volunteers who are bilingual with Spanish to help coordinate our outreach. Call Cindy if you can help. Cindy, (310) 539-6929 or [email protected] For evening meetings: Jean (310) 539-9059 or [email protected] H I N A C T I O N Council 7864 Thursday, September 3, 7 PM Monthly general meeting, Hegarty Hall Members from other Councils are welcome First Friday, September 4, 7 PM Mass followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Knights scheduled for 8 PM to Midnight Last call for Third and Fourth Degree candidates. Contact Virgil Rabe to apply MEMBERSHIP ADMISSION IS ONGOING Membership Sunny Quezon (310) 381-9931 Insurance Ernie Literto (310) 781-3048 GIGANTIC YARD SALE IN SMM UPPER PARKING LOT September 26th 6AM to 2PM GATES OPEN to Sellers at 6 AM, to general public at 7 AM Spaces are 18' X 18' REGISTRATION On or before September 15—$20 After September 15—$25 Applications available in parish office or download from events page or Bulletin page Women’s Society will be selling food and drinks Don't miss this chance to clear your clutter SPACES ARE GETTING FILLED UP FAST Proceeds from sales of spaces (vendors keep their own earnings) will be donated to 2016 World Youth Day Attendees O U R P A BULLETIN DEADLINE: FRIDAY NOON, 9 DAYS BEFORE YOUR ARTICLE WILL APPEAR. [email protected] READ THE BULLETIN ONLINE EVERY FRIDAY St. Margaret Mary DIRECTORY Website: Email: [email protected] Telephones: (310) 326-3364 (310) 539-1570 (fax) PARISH OFFICE HOURS Mon-Thurs, 8 AM—8 PM Fri, 8 AM to Noon & 5 to 8 PM Saturday, 8 AM—5PM (Monday—Saturday closed Noon to 1 PM) Sunday, 9 AM—1 PM STAFF Parish Administrator Deacon Dan Wallace, ext 42 Religious Education Joe Voigt, ext 17 Teresa Carbajal, ext 16 Youth Ministry Cheyenne Vasquez, ext 13 Christian Service Laura Nieto, ext 35 Religious Vocations Contact Parish Office for: All Sacraments Quiceañeras Anointing of the Sick Funeral Arrangements Registrations Volunteer Opportunities and all other questions PARISH SCHOOL Elisa Fernandez-Zimmerman, Principal (310) 326-9494 R I S H I N A C T I O N 11 WHEN YOUR CHILD HAS DIED If you have lost a child, no matter the age, no matter the cause, we are a support group just for you. THE COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS We meet the first Wednesday of the month. Next meeting is this Wednesday, September 2nd, 7 PM Neighborhood Church, 415 Paseo Del Mar, Palos Verdes, CA. (310) 953-5230 or If you need to talk, call us anytime SMM YOUNG AT ♥ CLUB Catholic Seniors ages 50 plus: Men, Women, Married, Single, Widowed or Divorced st 1 Saturday of the month—Bible Care and Share with social events planning. 3rd Saturday of the month— Social Meetings We are planning a Balboa Harbor Cruise and Mass in September. All meetings are at 6:30 PM in the Parish Lounge Questions? Call Mike or Lin (310) 626-7008 MEMORY BOOSTERS for SENIORS Instructor: David Hart, Ph.D. FREE workshops for seniors committed to improving memory and “aging successfully” Exciting workshops designed to boost brain power and enhance memory. You’ll be challenged to focus attention, problem solve, and learn practices to remain cognitively fit, all while having fun and making social connections. You’ll learn life-style strategies associated with a reduction in individual risk for cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s disease, and related dementias. Tuesdays, September 8th to 29th, 9 to 10:30 AM Little Sisters of the Poor, 2100 Western Ave, San Pedro Parking and seating are limited. Carpooling is recommended Register early (310) 548-0625 WEDDING BANNS FOR: MONESTACIONES DE LA BODA PARA: CESAR JAVIER BATISTA DELGADO (de San Pedro Lagunillas, Nayarit, Mexico) ANGELA MELISSA GUZMAN AGUIRE (de Torrance, CA, USA) TO BE WED IN HOLY MATRIMONY IN THE PARISH OF SAN PEDRO APOSTOL, SAN PEDRO LAGUNILLAS, NAYARIT, MEXICO on SEPTEMBER 11, 2015 Quienes contraerán Matrimonio en la Parroquia de San Pedro Apóstol , San Pedro Lagunillas, Nayarit, México el 11 de Septiembre del 2015 VOLUNTARIOS – VOLUNTARIOS - VOLUNTARIOS NECESITAMOS MUCHOS, VOLUNTARIOS – PARA ARMAR LOS PUESTOS, LUNES 7 DE SEPTIEMBRE A LAS 7:AM. Y EL DOMINGO 13 DE SEPTIEMBRE PARA DESARMAR LOS PUESTOS LLAMAR A MOLLY MORENO (310) 561-7410. BEVMO EL BAGON DE FIESTA - RIFA ESPECIAL DEL BAGON $5.00 CADA UNO O 5 POR $20.00 Donado Por Bevmo, Rolling Hills Plaza TICKET PRE-VENTA DE BOLETOS COMPRE sus Boletos para los Juegos mecánicos, de venta los Domingos en el patio, o en: 7-Eleven, Eshelman Ave. y Lomita Blvd. y en Belsan Travel, Presidente Ave. y Pacific Coast Hwy. COMA CON NUESTROS SACERDOTES La Cocina del Cielo No te pierdas la oportunidad de comer una cena preparada y servida por nuestros Sacerdotes, solo para ti y 7 personas mas. Compra tus Boletos ya; $5.00 cada uno o 5 por $20.00. Espacios – Espacios Si tienes algo que vender o negocio que promocionar, La Feria de Lomita es el lugar adecuado, septiembre 11, 12 y 13 para mas información. Llamar a Marty (310) 930-8598 Sta. Margarita María Feria de Lomita Septiembre 11, 12 y 13, 2015 Todas las rifas empezaran el Domingo 13, a las 8:00pm. Playeras, boletos para la rifa y boletos para los juegos, están de venta después de todas las Misas. También hay venta de boletos para las rifas en la Oficina Parroquial 13 CASA DE LOS ANGELITOS SMMC WOMEN’S SOCIETY San Lorenzo Guild EMPANADA SALE THIS WEEKEND!! Delicious Empanada will be on sale in the patio August 29th, Saturday after 5 PM Vigil Mass August 30th, Sunday after 8 and 9:30 AM Masses Supplies are limited Even though there is a lot of congestion in our patio Sunday mornings, we ask you to please consider stopping by to support Casa’s most important Pro-Life work in our community. Saturday & Sunday, August 29th & 30th Annual Fall Raffle tickets for sale. CASA DE LOS ANGELITOS is a maternity home in Harbor City that has been helping pregnant women in crisis since 1986. It is the only home of its kind in the South Bay VENDOR SPACE TIME IS RUNNING OUT! Kiana, Dana and Sky Pearl invite you to their ALL-QUEEN CANDIDATE BAKE SALE Sunday, September 6 after morning Masses ANNOUNCING THE WINNER OF THE $100 BONUS RAFFLE DRAWING CONGRATULATIONS TO DONNA BELITZ Sign up by August 31st If you have something to sell or a business to promote, our vendor showroom might be just the place to do it. For all the information you need, call Marty (310) 930-8598 Applications at St. Margaret Mary Alacoque Catholic Church 25511 Eshelman Ave. Lomita, CA 90717 United States of America Northern and Western Hemispheres Planet Earth Milky Way Galaxy Universe Mind of God To: My Family and Friends PLEA S I rece E NOTE ntly : re from God. ceived a letter mys It ap te pe desk riously o ared n a shar nd is me my ed w a nt t i th a Fr. P ll of o be aul you. I am writing to you all now to tell you—once again—how much I love you. Individually, you are my dear daughters and sons. Together, you are my beloved family. As you know, I will do anything for you, and indeed, have already done everything for you, sending my Only Son Jesus through Mary in the Church. lthough I am All-powerful, I need your help. I am asking you to volunteer at our upcoming Lomita Fair, September 11—13, 2015. Although I am omniscient and know everything, I still don’t know how many of you will be generous enough to give of your precious time to help others. As you know, all proceeds go to support many worthy parish programs. My servants at SMM have been begging me to send them helpers and volunteers. Remember, without me you can do nothing, but without you I will do nothing. You are my helping hands. o, please!—VOLUNTEER! I guarantee that—if you sacrifice something for me and your parish—I will shower you with untold blessings. You will make friends and have fun too. Your ever-loving, Heavenly Father P.O. Box “Your Heart” A S YOU’RE INVITED TO ANSWER GOD’S CALL TO VOLUNTEER We need thousands of volunteers for setting up, tearing down and everything in between. Let us know what your interests are, when you are available and we’ll schedule a shift for you. Contact Molly Moreno (310) 561-7410 or [email protected] FOR MORE INFORMATION ON FAIR SEE, Facebook or contact Fair Chairs Skip & Roni Richards (310) 890-0649 An opportunity to have our priests prepare and serve dinner just for you and 7 friends if your ticket is drawn. $5 each or 5 for $20 SAVE THE DATE SEPTEMBER 26, 2015 GIGANTIC YARD SALE AT THE CHURCH UPPER PARKING LOT Gates open: Sellers at 6am General Public hours 7am – 2pm Women’s Society will be selling food and drinks during the event Spaces are 18' X 18' Registration on or before September 15, 2015 - $20.00 (Price Reduction) $25 after September 15, 2015 GET YOUR REGISTRATION IN EARLY Proceeds(from(space(sales,((vendor(sales(excluded),(will(be(donated(to(the(( 2016(World(Youth(Day(Attendee’s!( REGISTRATION FORM Make your checks payable to: SMMC Women's Society Mail check and registration form to SMMC Attention Gail Quinn 25511 Eshelman Ave Lomita, CA 90717 If you have questions you may call: Gail Quinn 310-534-0723 NAME_____________________________________________________________ PHONE #__________________________________________________________ AMOUNT SENT_____________________________________________________ Rosacruz Falla Parishioner BRE: 01707997 310-951-6181 Propiedades de Cementerio en desarrollo [email protected] Pre-developed Cemetery Property Ahorre 40% Discount “For all Your Real Estate Needs and Dreams” 10% of my commission donated to S.M.M. Church or your charity Hablo Español y será un honor poder ayudarlo 10% de mi comisión donado a Santa Margarita en su nombre Sal Correa Pre-Arrangement Counselor Llame Ahora-Call Today Una Cadena Con Tradicion y Buen Sabor [email protected] BUYYOUR YOURTAMALES, TAMALES. MENUDO BUY MENUDO CARNITAS DAILY CARNITAS&&MASA MASA FRESH FRESH DAILY Cell (310) 987-1104 Eat In or Take Out 300 E. Sepulveda, Carson La Bonita, Open 24 Hours (310) 834-4886 6035 Pacific BI., H.P. (323) 582-9222 16330 Pioneer Bl., Norwalk (562) 926-5802 2905 N. Durfee, El Monte (626) 444-0555 Diana’s Market 16529 S. Normandie Ave., Gardena (310) 329-7594 Free Help with Your Enrollment Medical, Medicare and Medi-Cal Insurance Special Enrollment Ends April 30, 2015 (310) 698-2311 Cristina Feingold Parishioner 2040 Lomita Blvd Lomita CA 90717 310-533-9474 Mon - Fri 9am-9pm Sat 9am-6pm / Sun 10am-6pm mention this ad and get $5 off any hair services Saint Margaret Sunday Missal al mpanion o Person Your Prayer C through 2030 Designed to be Readings • Reflections • Prayers In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. 800-566-6150 • $39.95 Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. WHY IS IT? Courses Offered: ACLS, PALS, BLS (Healthcare Provider), BASIC EKG/PHARMACOLOGY, NRP Angelo Villanueva, RN Tel: 310.427.0883 Mobile: 310.989.3222 Low Stress Class, Cards/Certificates Given Same Day... 309 East Carson Street Carson, CA 90745 (Corner of Dolores St./Carson St.) *First Three Months Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 513128 St Margaret Mary Church (B) an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 IMMIGRATION ATTORNEY ABOGADA DE INMIGRACION Esta Planeando? • UNA BODA • UNA QUINCEAÑERA CROWNE PLAZA - L.A. Harbor Hotel Le Ofrece: • Elegante Salones para su Banquete/Recepcion Para 50-350 invitados • Menus Apetitosos a Precios Rasonables • Meseros y Cantineros profesionales Para mas informacion llamenos (310) 521-8022 601 S. Palos Verdes Street, San Pedro Law Office of TRAIGA ESTE CUPON Y RECIBA $50 DE DESCUENTO EN SU BANQUETE MIKE BOTELLO Attorney At Law Wills • Probate Trusts • Real Estate B E N BAUTI STA* & AS S O C IATE S TAXES - IRS PROBLEMS - ACCOUNTING - PAYROLL *Licensed to practice before the IRS in all states $15 = 1040 EZ 316-6244 Torrance MEMBER: American Institute of CPAsNational Association of Enrolled Agents-Broker California Dept. of Real Estate-Philippine Bar. LOMITA PURE WATER & HAWAIIAN SHAVED ICE PARISHIONERS 21514 Main Street, Carson, CA 90745 Tel. 310-549-3242 Fax 310-549-5632 Purified • Ozone • Alkaline Ice • Accessories Always Hydrating, Always Delicious 1234 Lomita Blvd. Suite J Harbor City, CA 90710 (310) 707-6312 FREE Consultation FREE Electronic Filing Alena Ray Conrad, P.C. (310) 987-7172 Harbor City Se Habla Español Consulta Gratis FLORES WINDOWS &Best DOORS Best Replacement Price (310) 650-2815 FELIPE FLORES CSL#933382 • VINYL DUAL GLAZED • CALL FOR FREE IN-HOME ESTIMATES Closed Monday Tue-Fri 10am-7pm Sat 10am-6pm Sun 10am-2pm [email protected] 310-539-9300 49 and Memorial Chapel • Advanced Funeral Planning • Serving All Faiths • Available 24 Hours • Service Discounts 27501 S. Western Ave Rancho Palos Verdes (310) 831-0311 If We Can’t Clean Your Drain For This Price... Frank León, Agent 727 W. Pacific Coast Hwy. Wilmington, CA 90744 Bus 310.518.8700 Parishioners 25322 Narbonne Ave. Lomita, CA 90717 A. M. Gamby Funeral Home Professional Drain Cleaning Tel: (310) 530-6290 Enrolled Agent/Tax Services Parishioner Offices of S. B. Guzman (310) 325-1742 (310) 326-6343 • FD 716 • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL RICK SORIA, E.A. Conveniently Located Within Green Hills Memorial Park 25001 Narbonne Ave. Lomita, CA 90717 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE could be in this space! Cosmetic & Family Dentistry, $ Dental Implants, Teeth Whitening EXAM Kids Under 12 Braces, Gum Problems $39 & CLEANING 3600 Lomita Blvd. Suite 201-A • Torrance, CA 90505 FD#1175 License # 990504 Your ad Moran Dental Green Hills Mortuary PLUMBING, HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING INC. Clean Any Drain Clean Sewer FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Service the right way...right away. AUTO LOANS 2355 Crenshaw Blvd., Suite 100, Torrance, CA 90501 310.320.4588 $59.00 $79.00 Peninsula Pet Clinic, Inc. Dogs • Cats • Birds • Exotics It’s FREE (Call For Details) Full Veterinarian Svc • Boarding • Grooming License # 925060 Specializing in All Plumbing Services 1450 W. 25th St., San Pedro 90732 Open 7 days a week! • Repipe • Tankless Water Heaters M-F 8-6 • Sat 8-4 • Sun 9-4 • Drain Repairs • Faucets, etc. $15 VACCINES • All Work Guaranteed • Senior Discounts • Lowest Prices 310-833-1111 MPD PLUMBING 310.489.7508 Se Habla Español FRANK SCOTTO TOWING Se Habla Español Providing Insurance & Financial Services Auto • Home • Life • Business • Workers’ Comp “We care for your car as much as you do.” Health Ins. • Auto Loans Retirement Planning • College Savings 513128 St Margaret Mary Church (A) 1750 W. 223rd Street Torrance, CA 90501 310-787-0208 Fax: 310-212-5714 Parishioner For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805
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