PTA News Roosevelt Elementary School PTA is now on Facebook. Facebook 199 People “Like” us already! Roosevelt Elementary School April 22, 2015 Para escuchar boletin en español: 869-3825 ex.89 UPCOMING EVENTS Mensaje del VP April April April April April 22 – Early Dismissal & LGBTQ Alliance 7:00pm 23 – Early Dismissal, Open House and Earthquake Drill 23 – Dads’ Club Spaghetti Feed 24 – Auditions 3-4:30pm 28 – AAPAG Meeting 7:00pm May 1 – Dress Rehearsal 3-4:30pm May 1 – Variety Show 7pm May 6 – Early Dismissal, Open House, Earthquake Drill and Coffee & Conversation May 9 – Spring Auction May 13 –All School Assembly 8:15am and Multi-Cultural Event May 14 – LGBTQS Mtg., 7pm May 20 – Volunteer Tea, 2:30 -3:30pm May 25 – Memorial Day No School May 26 – AAPAG Mtg., 7pm vp’s Message Dear Roosevelt Community, Listen to your children. Do you actually hear what they are saying? Do you anticipate their words before they speak? As soon as our children can talk, we need to tune our ears to their voice; the voice of the innocent – the voice of the future. Take the time to not only listen, but hear the words and meaning behind their words. There is nothing more rewarding than clear communication with your children. Be thankful for every word. True unhindered communication can enrich your life and nourish the next generation in your own home. They are speaking. We must listen and hear! Let’s open our ears and our hearts to communicate and understand our children before they choose to stop speaking. Lori King PTA Executive Vice President Hola Comunidad de Roosevelt, Escuche a sus hijos . ¿Usted realmente escucha lo que están diciendo ? ¿Usted anticipa sus palabras antes de hablar ? Tan pronto como nuestros hijos puedan hablar , tenemos que afinar nuestros oídos a su voz ; la voz de los inocentes - la voz del futuro . Tómese el tiempo para no sólo escuchar , sino escuchar las palabras y el significado detrás de sus palabras. No hay nada más gratificante que una comunicación clara con sus hijos. Sea agradecido por cada palabra . La verdadera comunicación sin trabas puede enriquecer su vida y alimentar la próxima generación en su propia casa. Ellos están hablando. Debemos escuchar y oír ! Vamos a abrir nuestros oídos y nuestros corazones para comunicarse y entender a nuestros hijos antes de que decidan dejar de hablar . Lori King Vicepresidente de PTA Dear Roosevelt Families, April 23rd - Pasta Feed (5pm) & Open House (6:30pm - 7:30pm) We hope you will join us tomorrow evening for Open House and the annual Pasta Feed (sponsored by the Dads’ Club.) Open House is a wonderful opportunity for families to celebrate all the hard work and project our students have been designing on all year long. It is not the best time to have one-on-one conferences with teachers. If you would like to meet with your child’s teacher, please feel free to send them an email or make an appointment at a later date. We will have early dismissal on Open House day. TK/K 8:10 11:40, 1st - 5th gr 8:10 - 1:50. Dr. Soraya Sablo Sutton Principal box tops We are collecting box tops for education in every classroom to help our school. Each box top is worth 10 cents. Last year you helped collect over 10,000. The top three classrooms will receive a prize. Volunteer spot Say Cheese! And Thank You to Awesome Spring Photo Helpers: Isela Anaya, Maria Raymundo and Alexandria Kinsley. Upcoming Events – Helpers Wanted – Jump in Where You Can! May 1 Variety Show mailto:[email protected] May 9 Spring Auction mailto:[email protected] Auction Helpers Wanted: Yearbook News YEARBOOKS ARE ON SALE for $25 until the end of the school year. Submit cash/checks (payable to Roosevelt PTA) to teacher/office. Include student’s name/teacher. LAST CALL FOR PHOTOS! Wanted: Awesome Pics of: Community on the Green, Fall Festival, Art & Rhythm Night and Variety Show. Thank You! [email protected] PTA Meeting Notes Teacher’s Report o Ms. Breedlove was there but did not have anything to report. Did have a question of why we have Spring Pictures. The photographer does donate time for picture wall and donates to auction. Principal’s Report o SLED donated to Outdoor Ed $750 and $250 for library o PBIS – positive behavior incentive program – kids may come home with a green ticket if caught being good. o SBAC testing has started 4/16-5/19. Window is so long because of internet issues. o Garden Day Sat. April 18th o First United Credit Union fundraiser – each student who opens a saving account of $25 or more, they will donate $25 to Roosevelt. o Girls Inc. Parent Communication Workshop – free May 6th, 6-7:30 o Dia de los Ninos/libros – Thurs. April 30- book swap and soccer demo 1 p.m. – please bring gently used books o Thursday April 30 Open House and Pasta Feed Dinner o April 28 AAPAG meeting 6:30 o May 1 – Variety Show o District and Parent Survey Results: Soraya gave a presentation which included our info along with other schools. For ex., library circulation rates (Roosevelt scored high), Compass learning being used at different grade levels, STAR reading data (Roosevelt has high scores and has made improvement), Discovery Ed Usage (Roosevelt using the most), students who qualify for GATE, and much more info. o Our Roosevelt Parent Survey – some results – many parents think technology is important to education, but some think there is too much tech., most kids feel safe at Roosevelt, concerns about facilities were expressed, and much more. Fundraising o Bag orders are due tomorrow, April 17. o A’s fundraiser is happening o Clothes bins will be put out o Pennies still being counted Treasurer’s Report o Feb and March Balance sheets were passed out. Ending Balance for Feb. was $59,257.44 and March was $59,833.22. Projections are looking solid. Checks 4085-4101 needed to be ratified. Heidi made a motion, Jennifer seconded. Approved. March checks 41024108 need to be ratified, Maria made a motion, Heidi seconded. Approved. o Money came in for Outdoor Ed from Ms. Tronvig and SLED. We did not deplete all reserves, but hoping to not have this problem next year. Dad’s Club paying for Marine Science Inst. 3 PTA board 2015-2016 ELECTIONs If you think you might be interested in an elected or appointed PTA position for the 2015-2016 school year, please contact Johanna Normart for more information at mailto:[email protected]. The following were elected for 2015-2015 board President - Lisa nominated Johanna Normart, Heidi seconded. Approved. o Exec. Vice President – Johanna nominated Dara Garcia, Lesley seconded. Approved. o VP of Programs – Heidi nominated Jamie Barbieri, Tricia seconded. Approved. o VP of Membership – Lorrie nominated Lesley Feikert, Melisa seconded. Approved. o VP of volunteers – OPEN o Treasurer – Lisa nominated Tricia Reichert, Lorrie seconded. Approved o Financial Secretary – Tricia nominated Heidi Klopfer, Lorrie seconded. Approved. o Recording Secretary – Johanna nominated Lisa Musselman, Heidi seconded. Approved. o Corresponding Secretery – Johanna nominated Yvonne Day Rodriguez, Jennifer seconded. Approved. o Parliamentarian – Johanna nominated Lesley Kamien, Lisa seconded. Approved. The following were appointed for 2015-2016 o Auditor – Nicole Hunter Maes o Fundraising – Maria Parker Markison o Clothing – Paula Hanson o Purchasing Chair – Debbie Fitting o Hospitality Chair – Shauna Olsen o Family Outreach – Lesley Christiansen o Historian – Mayela Cuevas o Health - OPEN o Web/Facebook - OPEN o AUCTION o Coming May 9. Tickets and Raffle forms available outside the office door. o Pre-order Lei by April 24th o Auction Items Needed!! o Auction Donations still being accepted. o Auction Helpers Wanted: o Voces Unidas is donating items to auction, and AAPAG is donating a pay-to-play. o Questions: mailto:[email protected] LOOKING FORWARD – Next month will be our last official PTA meeting. We will be talking about budget for next year so feel free to come with ideas. MISC – other ideas for outdoor ed. Some feel it is not an “outdoor” experience. Ms. Lipka said teachers are happy with it. . Important Board of Education Meeting SLUSD invites the community to participate in providing feedback on the 2015-2016 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) in order to learn about the district's goals, initiatives and funding priorities. A draft of the 2015-2016 LCAP will be available via the district website in early May. Please consider attending the June 2nd public hearing at the Board of Education meeting that evening at 7:00 pm at City Hall. At this 6/2 meeting, the public will be invited to provide feedback and comments. The final draft of the 20152016 will be adopted by the Board of Education on Tuesday, June 23rd at 7:00 pm at the Board of Education meeting at City Hall. Monday, April 20th - Thursday, April 23rd Every day after School & during Open House! Roosevelt Elementary Pasta Feed Join us for a great dinner! Roosevelt School Multipurpose Room Thursday, April 23, 2015 5:00 PM to 6:15 PM All you can eat Catered by Luke’s Grill Fettuccine with Alfredo Sauce Garden Salad with Italian Dressing Spaghetti with Meat Sauce Buttered & Garlic French Bread Cookies for Dessert Lemonade & Water $5 per Person, $20 per family, <3 Years Free Sponsored by the Roosevelt Dads’ Club APRIL 15, 2015 Op Ed: Trouble With Recess Dear Editors: Have you ever noticed children begging for recess, and then just sitting around in the classroom in front of screens? There are two related issues that I would like to bring to attention. One, kids at our school need to get off screens, and get active! Secondly, I believe that kids shouldn’t stay cooped up in the classroom, and go outside, get some fresh air! I admit, I am often one of those kids sitting in the classroom. I think that it would be easier for me to choose to play outside if sitting in the classroom wasn’t an option. Some teachers use recess time to get their work done, but it seems hard when there are so many kids talking in the classroom. I understand that teachers enjoy spending time with their students in their classrooms. I also understand that some students don’t enjoy playing playground games like foursquare, tag, and basketball. It seems almost perfect, the classroom being open for anyone who is bored, or wants to use the Internet. Here are some solutions. Teachers, you have a teacher’s lounge. If you have a laptop, you can go and work there. Lock your classroom, and get your students outside. I really appreciated the HERO program, a program in which a person would come and bring equipment, play with us, and encourage us to be active. They provided all sorts of toys that kids might find interesting! Some teachers believed that they could not use the HERO program because it was causing conflicts between students during class time. Students should get outside and get active, at recess and everyday! Adela San Leandro, CA ABOUT Ms. Valdivia’s 2014-15 5th grade class at Roosevelt Elementary is making a newspaper for project based learning. They have been working all school year on elements of a newspaper, like writing articles, photography, and getting ads. Contact the editors with feedback, story ideas, or advice at [email protected]. READ MORE! This is just a sample. Roosevelt Times is not just opinion pieces. Visit us online to read all sorts of stories including: Current events Travel Sports Fashion Recipes Puzzles Advice Reviews of games, movies, restaurants, music, and more! READ MORE NEWS AT The San Leandro Public Library presents... ~ El día de los ninos/El día de los libros Children’s Day/ Book Day , sabado, 25 de abril, 2015 • 11am a 1:30pm Saturday, April 25, 2015 • 11am to 1:30pm Biblioteca de San Leandro/San Leandro Main Library 300 Estudillo Ave. 577-3960 Enjoy Día at the Main Library with FREE activities that celebrate reading! 11:15am: Bilingual Puppet Show 12:00pm: Music with Mariela Herrera 12:30-1:30pm: Crafts and games Receive a FREE book! Disfruta el Día en la Biblioteca con actividades GRATIS que celebran la lectura! 11:15am: show de marionetas— bilingües! 12:00pm: música con Mariela Herrera 12:30-1:30pm: Manualidades y juegos Recibe un libro GRATIS! Girls Incorporated Of Alameda County Pathways Counseling Center 510 - 16th St. Oakland, CA Tel: 510 357-5515 Fax: 510 318-5396 Inspiring all girls to be strong, smart and boldSM FREE FAMILY COMMUNICATION WORKSHOP Improve your relationship with your child: • Create open communication between you and your child • Learn to listen and be heard in your family • Increase your understanding of your child's feelings When: Wed., May 6th from 6:00-7:30 PM Where: Roosevelt Elementary School A LIGHT SNACK WILL BE PROVIDED Leaders: Marriage and Family Therapy Interns with Pathways Counseling Center/Girls Incorporated of Alameda County • All parents are welcome • Pre-registration required • Childcare will be provided For additional information talk with Michelle Horton (510) 357-5515 ext. 501 Family Communication Workshop is being provided by Pathways Counseling Center (Mental Health Component of Girls Incorporated of Alameda County) and funded by Alameda County Social Services Agency, Alameda County Probation Department, City of San Leandro, San Leandro Unified School District. Girls Incorporated Of Alameda County Pathways Counseling Center 510 - 16th St. Oakland, CA Tel: 510 357-5515 Fax: 510 318-5396 Inspiring all girls to be strong, smart and boldSM Gratis Taller de Comunicación familiar En Español e Ingles Mejore su relación con sus hijos: • Crea una comunicación abierta entre su hijo(a) y usted • Aprenda a escuchar y ser escuchado en su familia • Aumente su entendimiento de los sentimientos de su hijo(a) Cuando: Miercoles 6th de Mayo de 6:00-7:30 PM Dónde: Roosevelt Elementary School Habrá bocados ligeros para comer. Líderes: Psicoterapeuta licenciada de parejas y familias • Padres Solteros son bienvenidos • Preinscripción es requerida • CUIDADO DE LOS NIÑOS SERA PROVEIDO Más información hable con Michelle Horton (510) 357-5515 ext 501 Los Talleres Familiares de comunicación están siendo proporcionados por el Centro de Consejería Pathways (Componente de Salud Mental de Girls Incorporated del Condado de Alameda), y están financiados por la Agencia de Servicios Sociales del Condado de Alameda, el Departamento de Libertad Condicional del Condado de Alameda, la Ciudad de San Leandro, y El Distrito Escolar Unificado de San Leandro. Girls Incorporated Of Alameda County Pathways Counseling Center 510 16th Street Oakland, CA. 94612 Tel: 510 357-5515 Fax: 510 318-5396 Inspiring all girls to be strong, smart and boldSM Parent Communication Workshop Registration Form Please give the entire registration form to Michelle Horton (box in front office) or classroom teacher. Please complete the questions below, to assist us in tracking the families we serve. Your information will be kept confidential. Parent/Guardian Name ___________________________________________________________________ Street Address: _______________ Number of Parent(s) Attending City: ____________________________ State: ___ ___ Phone Demographic Information (Parent) Parent gender (Male/Female) _____________________ Age(s) _____________________ Ethnicity/ Race _________________________________________ Primary Language Spoken at Home _________________________ Spanish and English interpretation will be provided for parent communication workshop. Grade and Age of Child/Children at Roosevelt: ___________________________________________ Is your child receiving services through Pathways Counseling Center? Yes No For additional information contact Michelle Horton at (510) 357-5515 ext. 501 Family Communication Workshop is being provided by Pathways Counseling Center (Mental Health Component of Girls Incorporated of Alameda County) and funded by Alameda County Social Services Agency, Alameda County Probation Department, City of San Leandro, San Leandro Unified School District. Girls Incorporated Of Alameda County Pathways Counseling Center 510 16th Street Oakland, CA. 94612 Tel: 510 357-5515 Fax: 510 318-5396 Inspiring all girls to be Strong, Smart and BoldSM Taller para Padres formulario de inscripción Por favor completé la form de registro y regresé la forma al maestr o de su hijo/hija o en el buzón de Michelle Horton que se encuentra en la oficina principal. Por favor, complete las siguientes preguntas, para que nos ayuden en el seguimiento de las familias a las que servimos. Su información se mantendrá confidencial. Padres/Guardian Nombre _________________________________________________ Direccion: Dirección: _______________ Ciudad: ________________________ Estado: ___ Información Demográfica (Padre/a) Sexo (Femenino/ Masculino)_________________ Edad _________________ Etnicidad / Raza _________________________________________ Primer idioma hablado en el hogar _________________________ Este taller se ofrece en Español e Inglés. El grado y la edad de su hijo/hija que va a Roosevelt ______________________________________________ Su hijo/a esta reciviendo servicios traves de Pathways Counseling Center? Si No Contacte a Michelle Horton, (510) 357-5515 ext. 510, para Infomacion adicioanal que tenga Los Talleres Familiares de comunicación están siendo proporcionados por el Centro de Consejería Pathways (Componente de Salud Mental de Girls Incorporated del Condado de Alameda), y están financiados por la Agencia de Servicios Sociales del Condado de Alameda, el Departamento de Libertad Condicional del Condado de Alameda, la Ciudad de San Leandro, y El Distrito Escolar Unificado de San Leandro. Roosevelt Elementary Step Up to the Plate for Education Roosevelt Elementary students, parents, and their friends and families can purchase tickets for select 2015 Oakland A's games. A portion of each ticket sold will go directly back to the school. To purchase tickets, visit the link below: Roosevelt Elementary School students, parents, and their friends and families can purchase Field Level seats for $25 and Plaza Outfield seats for $15 for select 2015 Oakland A's games. A portion of each ticket sold will go directly back to the school. For more ticket information please contact Nick Walko at (510) 563-2352 or [email protected]. * Please note tickets are limited and based on availability. The deadline to purchase tickets for this special fundraising program is Thursday, April 30. **Anyone wishing to sit together during a game. You must purchase ALL tickets at the same time. Playing Athletics vs Seattle Mariners Athletics vs Houston Astros Athletics vs Chicago White Sox Athletics vs Texas Rangers Athletics vs Toronto Blue Jays Athletics vs Houston Astros Date Saturday, April 11 Friday. April 24 Friday, May 15 Tuesday, June 9 Wednesday, July 22 Friday, August 7 Should you have any fundraising questions please contact: Maria Markison – PTA Fundraising Chair [email protected] – (510)569-2156 Time 1:05 PM 7:05 PM 7:05 PM 7:05 PM 7:05 PM 7:05 PM Activities we provide: -Arts & crafts - Wii Fun -Snacks -Share Day -Homework Club - Movie days -Van Transport --OPEN DURING SCHOOL BREAKS -Sports Activities and much more… - SPACE IS LIMITED SO REGISTER TODAY!!! SUMMER PROGRAM STARTS JUNE 15TH & FALL PROGRAM STARTS AUGUST 24TH WE ARE OPEN YEAR ROUND!!! OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY 7AM- 6PM We are located at 993 Estudillo Ave. School Age entrance is on Joaquin Ave. Please Call or E-Mail School Age Supervisor Trish Wood for more information at: 510-895-9596 ext.2 or [email protected] School Thank you for all you do!!! The Roosevelt Staff Would like to cordially invite you to The Volunteer Tea Where: Multipurpose Room When: Wednesday, May 20th, 2015 Time: 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm Please RSVP by Friday, May 15th, 2015 ***Child care will be provided*** Name: _______________________________________________________________ Child’s Teacher: ____________________________________________________ ______ Yes, I am attending ______ No, I can not attend ______ Yes, I need child care. # of children ____________ Roosevelt School Remember this year with a full-color YEARBOOK! AWESOME ROOSEVELT YEARBOOK! Regular Order Price of: $25 Cash or Checks Accepted. Please make Checks Payable to: Roosevelt PTA Order Your Copy Today! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please enclose correct payment ($25) and return bottom portion to school (Classroom or Office). Adjunte pago correcto y volver parte inferior a la escuela (aula o en la Oficina). Payable to: Roosevelt PTA • For: YEARBOOK! Student Name(s) __________________________________________________________________ Nombre del estudiante Teacher Name(s) __________________________________________________________________ Nombre del maestro Grade / Room Number ______________________________ Total $ ____________________
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