December 6th, 2015 Rev. Gilbert Exumé Pastor Deacons: Rev. Mr. Tim Kirksey Rev. Mr. Larry Welsh Rev. Mr. Dan Buckley Parish Office Hours Monday 9:00am-4:00pm Tuesday Office Closed Wednesday-Friday 9:00am-4:00pm Sunday 9:00am– 1:00pm Daily Mass Schedule Monday: 12:00PM Tuesday: 7:00PM Immaculate Conception Wednesday: 7:00PM Thursday: 9:00AM Friday: 9:00AM Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:00PM Vigil 12:00PM Our Lady Of Guadalupe 7:00PM Our Lady Of Guadalupe Sunday: 8:30AM 10:30AM 1:00PM(Spanish) Reconciliation Wednesday: 6:00PM Saturday: 4:00PM or by appointment In case of a sacramental emergency or death, call 770-862-2007. December 6th, 2015 Mass Intentions Pastor’s Corner Saturday, December 5th Dear friends as we approach the end of the year, I have noticed that we are a little behind in fulfilling our Annual Appeal Pledge. This year, we have pledged $57,505 Currently, we have paid $41,219.00 I want to thank you for your generosity and we know that the Lord blesses those who are gracious. 5:00p.m.– Neny Esguerra, Sunday, December 6th 8:30a.m.– Margie Phelps,† 10:30a.m.– Mike Gerke, 1:00p.m.– Felipe Gabuardi, Monday, December 7th 12:00p.m.– Ronald McGrath & J.R. Coombs,† Tuesday, December 8th 7:00p.m.– Jeanette Cannon,† Wednesday, December 9th 7:00p.m.– Penance Service Thursday, December 10th $41,219.00 9:00a.m.– Fran Beaupre, Friday, December 11th 9:00a.m.– Women’s Catholic Bible Study,SI Deceased- † Healing- Special Intentions- SI Birthday- Visit our parish website: saintmatthewcc.or Click on the Online Giving Logo. Complete the registration form. It’s that simple! Get the New Online Giving App Go to Coming Soon… Sunday, December 6th Wednesday, December 9th Saturday, December 12th Candle Light Vigil 7:00pm Hedges Hall Advent Penance Service 7:00pm Santuary Our Lady of Guadalupe Festivities 7:00pm Santuary Second Sunday of Advent Treasure Report Parish Information Week at a Glance We plan financially to go on vacation, we plan financially for the education of our children, we make financial plans for our retirement; do we plan financially to support God’s work in our parish community? In gratitude for the gifts we receive from God, 33% of our registered families and those visiting made a joyful return to the Lord to assist in the support of God’s work in our parish community. Let’s increase this participation to 100%. New Members: We are delighted to have you join our parish family! Registration forms are available in the narthex and in the parish office. They can be mailed, turned into the parish office, or dropped in the collection basket. Come by the church office for a Welcome Packet. Parish Activity Schedule November Offertory Goal $52,500 11/01/15………………$ 9,120.00 11/08/15………………$ 9,285.00 11/15/15………………$ 8,520.00 11/22/15………..……..$ 8,197.00 11/29/15………………$10,257.00 Online Giving………....$ 6,033.00 Offertory Total — $ 51,412.00 Includes Spanish Mass November Burn the Mortgage Fund Goal-$15,000 11/01/15…………….. $ 11/08/15…………….. $ 11/15/15……………...$ 11/22/15.……………. $ 11/29/15……………...$ 1,591.00 1,395.00 1,591.00 1,800.00 3,939.00 Online Giving………..$ 1,095.00 November BTM Total —$ 11,411.00 Mass Intentions: Please stop by the parish office to offer a Mass intention for a loved one. Baptism: Family must be registered and participate in the life of the Parish. For more information on specific requirements, baptismal preparation, class dates and available Baptism dates, contact the parish office. Matrimony: Arrangements must be made at least six months prior to the wedding date. Couples must schedule an appointment with the parish priest to secure a date on the parish calendar and begin preparation. Hospital/Homebound/Nursing Homes: Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion take communion to the homebound. Family members should call the parish office to inform us about those who are ill. Altar Flower Donations: To honor or memorialize a loved one with a gift of altar flowers, call or stop by the parish office. Arrangements are $75. Bulletin and Pulpit Announcements: Items to be published in the bulletin or announced during Mass are due in the parish office by 9:00AM on FRIDAY the week before they are to be published. A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO THIS WEEK’S SPOTLIGHT ADVERTISING SPONSOR: Please patronize the advertisers on the back. They make this bulletin possible at no cost to the parish! Monday, December 7th 6:00pm Choir Practice 7:00pm Reunion de Lideres Tuesday, December 8th 6:00pm Edge Core Team Meeting 6:00pm Christmas Play Rehearsal 7:00pm RCIC-3rd, 4th, and 5th grade Wednesday, December 9th 9:30am 5:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Bible Study Youth Choir Rehearsal Edge & Life Teen Advent Penance Service Thursday, December 10th 9:00am Tops Meeting 5:30pm Children’s Choir Rehearsal 7:00pm Eucharistic Training 7:00pm St. Vincent de Paul Friday, December 11th 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Prayer Group Our Lady of Guadalupe Festivities C.R.S.P. Mujeres Saturday, December 12th Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe 1:00am Choir Rehearsal Sunday, December 13th 9:00am 11:00am 11:45am 6:00pm Pre-K-5th Grade 1st & 2nd Grade-Spanish RCIA Men’s CRHP December 6th, 2015 In Our Prayers... Mindy Akil Ernestina Almeida Anita Armand Emmanuel Assola Matthew Bacchus & Family Binna Balinski Ray & Marie Bare Robert Barker Jr. Dillon Barrett Ronald Bauer Rita Baumgartner Betty Bennett Kelly Bowie Brantley Family Chance Browning Christy Bryant Catherine Buckner & Family Charles Byron Leticia Cadena Jack & Nancy Cannon Landen Christensen Betty Cohron Tom Conley Bob Cornett Juan and Olga Cruz Doris Dick Ed Domaleski Donald Evans Connie Flaherty Helen & David Gagnon Ed Gerety Dot Gerety Andrew Grala Kelly Green Flora & Gordon Hafer Heinz Hardt Karal Ann Hart Brooks House Catherine James Annie Johnson Maryann Jones Shaun Kielty John Kisters Cindy Laird Fran Laird Miles Lanier Terrence Long Theresa Loye Gloria Martinez Alicia McCaled Jack & Gerri McEntee Connor McMahon Sherri Nutter McMurray Kyle Miller Mariano Montemayor Cassandra Morales Carl, Erick, and Kurt Muehlmann Anna Murphy James Murphy Rolando Mustera Linda Narey Anne Needham Carol Nutter Debbie Oldiges Nora Oliver Carrie Durnell O’Neill Amy Osier Mike Ostroski Tracy Paris Elenaor Pellicci Becky Peppers Zuleyma Peña Marge Poteet Charlie Powell Hunter Puglise Manuel Rodriguez Brandi S. Rouse Melissa Russell Roman Salinas Vilma Schroeder Ray Sferra Carolyn Shephard Cindy Shepherd Roger Shimmin Eva L. Staunton Kathy Stevens Cynthia Sturchio Denis & Karen Sullins Rosario Talbo Gerri Tate Mona-Mae Uini Kristie Upton Santiago Valadez Geovanni Verastegui Allison Wages Ava McKeena Walker Sharon Walter Kelly Walters Noah Watkins Shaune Welsh Andrea White Patricia Laird Williams Arlene Wilson Barbara Wyrick Military Michael Acevedo Michael Bailey Jordan Baker Justin Baker Kendall Burdette Tyler Burdette Kelly Carter Brandon Cotter Louis Dewitt Jason Duffy Dan Gagnon Walter Garlinghouse Ian Harris Anette Ilus Travis Keever Karl Knowlton Colonel Jeff Kolb Jose Angel Maldonado Augie Marks Thomas Martin Sarah Hanson Fr. David McGuire Matthew McGuire Gary Miller Jr. Kasey Mortillaro Maria Patricia Nickerson Andy Powell Daniel Primm Karina Ruiz Justin Seeley Michael Shekey Ryan Shekey Blaine Stewart Jose Luis Trevino Bruce Tucker Casey Warren and all those listed in our prayer book of intentions. Parish News and Activities WOMEN’S RETREAT IN HEDGES HALL JANUARY 23RD, 2016 DOORS OPEN AT 8:00AM-3:00PM FOR $40- SPIRITUAL, FUN, GIFTS CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST AND LUNCH INCLUDED COFFEE, TEA, AND St. Vincent De Paul and Life Teen are instrumental in WATER. making sure the work is done to insure the Giving Tree comes together. It is the generosity of our parish that makes sure that R.S.V.P. WITH FRAN LAIRD FOR we indeed help all the families that rely on our Giving Tree. We REGISTRATION FORM AND PAYMENT truly bring joy to many families in our community. When the giving tree is placed in the narthex; please get a tag and bring unwrapped gift or gift card (attached to tag) to the office or narthex by Dec. 13. Gift cards are an excellence choice for teens. Please contact Angela Todd with any questions: 404-281-9775 or email at an ela. .todd@ COME JOIN US! Second Sunday of Advent Parish News and Activities Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Tuesday, December 8th Mass Time: 7:00pm Advent Penance Service Wednesday, December 9th 7:00pm Candle Light Vigil Service Please join us December 6th, 2015 at 7:00PM as our community remembers our deceased loved ones in a Candle Light Prayer Service at St. Matthew Catholic Church in Hedges Hall. At this holy time of year, we want to honor those who have brought us closer to the Christ Child through their love in our lives. Bring a picture to share. Please contact one of the facilitators with any questions. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24TH 4:00PM, 7:00PM (SPANISH), 10:00PM (CAROLS AT 9:30PM) FRIDAY , DECEMBER 25TH 10:00AM Carolyn Shekey 770-338-4974, Sue Nutter 770-822-1238 Ken Procter 678-963-0406, Shaune Knowlton 770-7148362 Just In Time For Christmas Gifts (Great for Individual and Corporate Gifts) From Dis and Dat to Gumbo Ya Ya is the theme of the 2016 Mardi Gras Ball. Gumbo Ya Ya means a blend of many to make one and that is how gumbo and many New Orleans foods came about. Herbs, spices, and favorite foods from many cultures united as one and came up with some awesome cuisine. Let’s make some Gumbo Ya Ya by coming together as one with the time and talents He gave us to make this Mardi Gras the biggest and best ever! Call Shelia at 770.962.0520 or Elizabeth at the parish office at 770.867.4876 for more information. Mardi Gras Tableau and Ball 2016 “From Dis and Dat to Gumbo Ya Ya” Winder Community Center, February 6, 2016 7pm to 11pm Tickets on Sale in the Narthex after Masses Weekend of December 12th & 13th and 19th and 20th Segundo Domingo de Adviento Noticias de Nuestra Parroquia La Inmaculada Concepción De La Virgen Maria martes 8 de Diciembre Misa:7:00pm SERVICIO DE PENITENCIA DE ADVIENTO MIERCOLES, 9 DE DICIEMBRE 7:00PM CELEBRACIÓN DE LA VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE Viernes, 11 de diciembre a las 7:30pm Danza Azteca e invitados. 8:00pm Exposicion de El Santisimo con el Rosario terminando a las 9:00pm. Despues son ofrendas a la Virgen y cena en el salon social. Sabado, 12 de diciembre comenzamos a las 7:00pm con la proseción danza, actores y feligreses, la Santa misa y despues danza, obra y cena. ADOPTE UN NIÑO PARA LA NAVIDAD Ofertorio Mes de Noviembre Solamente Misa de 1:00pm 11/01/15 .$ 1,656.00 11/08/15..$ 1,783.00 11/15/15..$ 1,202.00 11/22/15..$ 1,235.00 11/29/15..$ 1,348.00 Total $ 7,224.00 Reducción Hipotecaria Mes de Noviembre Solamente Misa de 1:00pm 11/01/15.$ 988.00 11/08/15.$1,199.00 11/15/15.$ 999.00 11/22/15.....$ 854.00 11/29/15.$1,104.00 Total Los adolescents de San Mateo les piden que apoyen este proyecto y que den un regalo a lo mas necesitados. Tomen una etiqueta del arbol que se va a colocar en el pasillo de la iglesia. La edad del niño esta en la etiqueta, el angel significa un regalo para niña y el hombre jengibre (gingerbread man) un regalo para niño. Compre el regalo apropiado a la edad del niño(a). Coloque el regalo sin envolver con la etiqueta pegada y coloque en la caja del pasillo de la iglesia. Diciembre 13 es el ultimo dia para entregar los regalos. NECESITAMOS VOLUNTARIOS Cada lunes por la mañana un grupo de voluntarios, miembros de la parroquia limpian la iglesia. Necesitamos un par de voluntarios para ayudar en aspirar la carpeta de la iglesia. Esto sólo requiere de una hora y media cada lunes. Si quiere ayudar, lo esperamos a las 7:00am. $5,144.00 Diciembre 6, 2015 En Nuestras Oraciones Recordemos en nuestras oraciones los siguientes feligreses quien están hospitalizados, o sufriendo de cuerpo, mente, u espíritu: Confesiones 4:00PM Sábado 6:00PM Miercoles Domin o Diciember 6 2015 1:00PM Misa—Felipe Gabuardi, Descanse en Paz- † Salud- Intension Especial- IECumpleaños- Maria Acosta Rodolfo Arango Martha Avilez Familia Bonilla Liliana Brignioni Carmen Loera Camacho Zonny de la Paz Gabino De Leon Guadalupe Diaz Evelyn Dunn Saba Duque Sara Escobedo Marcela Galvan Luis García Teresita Garcia Tomas Garcia Maria Lidia Gutiérrez Cristina E.Fernández Dulce Maria Hernandez Cecilia Rodriguez Jovanny O. Sanchez Teodoro Armando Torres Y todas las personas apuntadas en nuestro libro de intenciones. Los Sacramentos Re uisitos Para Bautizar • • • • • Tiene que estar re istrado ser miembro activo de la parroquia Presentar el certificado de nacimiento del niño/a. Los Padrinos deben ser Católicos practicantes y estar casados por la Iglesia (presentar acta de matrimonio) Si los padrinos no son miembros de nuestra iglesia tendrán que presentar carta de la iglesia a la que asisten Los Padres deberán de asistir a las clases de preparación pre-bautismal. Requisitos Para Casarse Requisitos Para XV Se requieren los siguientes documentos: • Certificado de Bautismo, Primera Comunión, y Confirmación con fecha de expedición actualizada • Licencia de Matrimonio, o si a sido casado por el civil, necesitamos el Certificado de Matrimonio. • Haga una cita previa con el sacerdote por lo menos 6 meses antes de fijar la fecha del matrimonio. Tendrán que participar en clases, charlas o seminarios. Misas se celebran los sábados a la 1 de la tarde. • • • Tienen que estar re istrados ser miembros activos antes de apartar la fecha. Hecho su Primera Comunión Registrarse al curso de Educación religiosa de jovenes. Hacer 20 horas de servicio comunitario. Grupos Grupo Propósito Hora de Reuniones Grupo de MujeresViernes a las 7pm Grupo de HombresSábado a las 7:30pm Contactos Cristo Renueva Su Parroquia Proceso espiritual de renovación diseñada para reunir miembros de nuestra parroquia a Cristo Ana Maria Juarez 470-385-7161 Beltran Velasco 678-863-1515 Vicente Soldevilla 678-725-6916 Cristo Rey Invita a las personas que han servido el retiro Mujeresde CRSP a reuniones de crecimiento Viernes 7pm-9pm espiritual HombresSábados 8pm-10pm Guillermina Curiel 678-399-0319 Humberto Salazar 678-425-8066 Grupo de Oración Ayudar a que la renovación carismática en el Jueves 7:00pm Espíritu llegue a mas católicos hispanos Francisco Avellaneda 678-232-1182 RICA Para personas mayor de 18 años que le falta completar algún Sacramento Escuela de Evangelización San Andrés Formando nuevos evangelizadores para la Cada quince días de Rosendo Diaz Nueva Evangelización del tercer milenio. 5:00pm a 7:30pm 678-878-5498 Favor de contactar al las Marilyn Gonzalez lideres 770-315-2961 Isabel Ramirez 678-267-1726 View Our Parish Supporters @ CatholicMatch Georgia © 2015 Diocesan Publications, inc.
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