Huelga de hambre por el genocidio de Ayotzinapa

27 de septiembre de 2015
Huelga de hambre por el
genocidio de Ayotzinapa
Por Roberto J. Pérez
[email protected]
Con motivo del primer aniver­
sario del secuestro y desaparición
de 41 estudiantes en la población
de Ayotzinapa, en el estado de
Guerrero (México), activistas
de organizaciones populares se
apostaron frente al Consulado
de México, en San Antonio, en
una protesta que alcanza atención
global, exigiendo al gobierno
mexicano que resuelva de una vez
por todas la masacre.
El jueves 24 de septiembre Es­
peranza Peace and Justice Center
coordinó la protesta e inició de esta
forma una huelga de hambre de 43
horas en diferentes localidades a la
que se unieron voluntarios de or­
ganizaciones laborales. Este movi­
miento ciudadano esta en conjun­
ción con protestas y manifiestos
de organizaciones de Derechos
Humanitarios en ciudades de la
Unión Americana y Europa.
El secuestro y desaparición de
los estudiantes sucedió el 26 de
septiembre del 2014 y atrajo la
atención mundial.
Por el momento se encuentran
presos los presuntos responsables,
a quienes la prensa de México los
califica como el “Matrimonio Di­
abólico”, formado por el Presiden­
te Municipal de Iguala (Gue­rrero),
José Luis Abarca Velázquez y
su esposa María de Los Ángeles
Pineda Villa, de quien se dice que
tiene nexos con el narcotráfico. La
hija de ambos se oculta para eludir
implicaciones y cerró su página en
Un mes después de los hechos
el matrimonio fue aprehendido
en la Ciudad de México cuando
planeaban huir a los Estados
Unidos, pretendiendo eludir su
complicidad en este delito en
contra de los jóvenes estudiantes
que eran alumnos de una escuela
rural para maestros en el pueblo
de Ayotzinapa.
María de Los Ángeles, contando
Chavel López, dirigente laboral, se une a la campaña de protesta
por los estudiantes sacrificados en Ayotzinapa.
con la complicidad de su esposo,
es señalada de planear el secuestro
de los estudiantes a fin de impedir
que estos fueran a protestar a su
residencia cuando daba una fiesta
íntima con amigos personales.
Existe video de la fiesta que
tenía en Iguala, mientras que en
Ayotzinapa los estudiantes eran
En el atentado murieron instan­
táneamente 6 de los estudiantes
y los demás fueron secuestrados
para ser después victimados a
balazos y sus cuerpos incinerados
y arrojados a un río.
Las primeras investigaciones
y los medios de comunicación
de México establecen que el
grupo armado de narcotraficantes
“Guerreros Unidos” y la policía
municipal perpetraron el ataque a
dos autobuses de los estudiantes
cuando iban a viajar de Ayotzi­
napa a la ciudad de Iguala. Los
Protesta frente al consulado de México pidiendo justicia por la masacre de 43 estudiantes de Ayotzinapa, estado de Guerrero asaltantes acribillaron a 6 jóvenes
quienes murieron en el acto y
(México). (Foto, Roberto J. Pérez)
secuestraron a los restantes 43
En las primeras investigacio­
nes las autoridades mexicanas
encontraron bolsas de plástico
con restos humanos de algunos
de los desaparecidos, pero se
desconoce el paradero del resto
del plantel. Solamente los restos
de dos estudiantes han sido plena­
mente identificados por científicos
de la Universidad de Innsbruck,
Como resultado de la masacre,
renunció el Gobernador de Gue­
rrero, Ángel Aguirre Rivero, y el
Jefe de la Policía de Iguala, Felipe
Flores Velázquez.
Uno de los principales sos­
pechosos del crimen se encuentra
prófugo, existiendo la posibilidad
de que se encuentre oculto en los
Estados Unidos.
La policía federal arrestó a 88
personas como responsables del
atentado, de ellos 44 eran policías
de la ciudad de Iguala.
Former Police Methodist Healthcare takes a
Chief reclaims stand to prevent falls in seniors
his title at SAPD
By Natalie Bobadilla
[email protected]
By Christina Acosta
[email protected]
Upon taking up his former post,
law enforcement veteran William
McManus returned to his calling.
Recently, City Manager Sheryl
Sculley announced that McManus
was hired as the San Antonio
Police Chief. This is a position
that McManus is very familiar
with before becoming the senior
director of Security at City Public
Services (CPS).
Although McManus retired
from the San Antonio Police
Department (SAPD) back in
December of 2014, he decided to
reach out to the City Manager and
expressed an interest to return to
his old job.
In order to regain the opening,
McManus had to go through a
regimen of interviews as well
See Police Chief on page 5-A
Falls are the leading cause preventable.
nual Falls Prevention Safety Fair
of injuries in adults 65 years of
In honor of Fall Prevention at Methodist Texsan Hospital
See Methodist Healthcare
age or older. However, statistics Awareness Day, Methodist
on page 5-A
show that many of these falls are Healthcare hosted the first an­
William McManus recently announced that he is returning to the Seniors and Methodist Texsan personnel participate in a tai chi demonstration Wednesday morning. Tai chi is known for improving
San Antonio Police Department. (Courtesy Photo)
balance and preventing falls. (Photo, Natalie Bobadilla)
Comentarios... El papa pecador
“Soy un pe­
cador. Así se
definió el papa
Francisco du­
rante una en­
trevista a La
Jorge Ramos C i v i l i t á C a t ­
tolica, una re­
vista jesuita, en el 2013. Y eso
lo acerca a todos nosotros. Por
eso, seamos creyentes o no, el
papa nos cae bien.
Francisco, contrario a otros
pontífices de la iglesia católica,
no se presenta como un ser su­
perior e inalcanzable. Presentar
al papa como una especie de
supermán, como una estrella,
es algo ofensivo para mí, dijo
en otra entrevista al diario Cor­
riere della Sera en el 2014. Si es
cierto que Dios habla a través de
él, un acto de fe para los católi­
cos del mundo, eso es algo de
lo que no presume.
Cuando Jorge Bergoglio fue
elegido papa el 13 de marzo del
2013, yo estaba en la India y vi
por televisión el histórico mo­
mento. Primer latinoamericano,
primer jesuita, primer líder de
la iglesia cuyo idioma materno
es el español. Pero cuando salió
a la plaza de San Pedro habló
poco, sus ojos todavía deno­
taban sorpresa y parecía muy
tímido. Era como si se pregun­
tara ¿qué hago yo en este lugar?
Pronto supimos que, efecti­
vamente, se trataba de un papa
distinto. No quiso vivir en el Pa­
lacio Apostólico, como la mayo­
ría de los papas desde el siglo
14, sino en la Casa Santa Marta,
austero recinto para huéspedes.
Se mueve en Roma en un Ford
Focus azul, no usa los ridículos
zapatos rojos, no lleva chaleco
antibalas en público, abraza a
los feligreses en la calle y se
toma selfies con adolescentes.
Es el primer papa que con­
cede entrevistas. La tradición
asegura que el papa es infalible.
Sin embargo, a Francisco no le
preocupa ser cuestionado. Por
lo tanto aceptó hablar con una
revista jesuita, con un diario
italiano y con los periodistas
de la televisión Henrique Cy­
merman, Valentina Alazraki y
David Muir.
Este es un papa que no teme a
equivocarse e, incluso, a debatir
la inflexible doctrina de la igle­
sia. ¿Quién soy yo para juzgar?,
dijo sobre los homosexuales
ante la prensa en su vuelo de
regreso de Brasil.
Pero, este es el problema con
el papa Francisco: su humil­
dad, su sencillez y su accesibi­
lidad no significa que vaya a
modificar a fondo la doctrina
católica para 1,200 millones de
creyentes. El papa Francisco
no es un rebelde radical. Sus
cambios son solo de estilo, no
de sustancia.
El papa Francisco apoya la
rápida y gratuita anulación de
matrimonios religiosos. Ese es
un cambio mínimo. También
ha permitido que divorciados
y mujeres que han abortado se
acerquen a la iglesia. Pero en su
viaje a Cuba y Estados Unidos,
no irá más lejos. No quiere. Y
no puede.
A pesar de presentarse como
un papa abierto al cambio,
Francisco se niega a permitir
que las mujeres ejerzan el
sacerdocio, rehúsa levantar la
prohibición del celibato a pa­
dres, rechaza contundentemente
el matrimonio gay, el aborto y
ni siquiera aprueba el uso de
anticonceptivos. Y en su lucha
contra el abuso sexual dentro
de la iglesia, es cierto que el
papa Francisco, contrario a sus
dos predecesores, Juan Pablo II
y Benedicto XVI, ha impuesto
la política de cero tolerancia
en contra de sacerdotes pedó­
filos. Pero sigue siendo muy
tibio y permisivo con obispos,
arzobispos y cardenales que en­
cubrieron esos crímenes contra
niños durante décadas. Muchos
de ellos siguen en sus puestos.
Así es la justicia divina.
A pesar de todo lo anterior,
es admirable la libertad y es­
pontaneidad con la que habla
el papa Francisco. Eso es algo
que, aparentemente, aprendió
tras su difícil y doloroso paso
como Superior Provincial de la
Compañía de Jesús en Argentina
durante la guerra sucia (19761983). Bergoglio, como muchos
otros líderes religiosos de la
época, intentó ayudar en silen­
cio y en privado a las víctimas
de la dictadura, pero no desafió
públicamente a las autoridades.
Esa experiencia lo marcó. Hoy
parece no guardarse nada. Tuve
que aprender de mis errores
porque, la verdad, he cometido
cientos de errores; errores y pe­
cados, ” dijo Bergoglio sobre su
experiencia como líder religioso
en esa época (en una entrevista
que recoge Paul Vallely en su
libro sobre el papa).
Pero el papa también está
viendo al futuro y se está pre­
parando para entregar el poder.
Tiene 78 años, lo impresionó
mucho la renuncia de Bene­
dicto XVI y ya busca quien lo
¿Quién podría ser? De los 39
cardenales que ha designado
durante su papado, 24 no son
europeos. En uno de sus pocos
actos carentes de humildad, el
papa pecador está buscando a
un sucesor muy parecido a él.
Por definición, no hay pecador
(¿Tiene algún comentario o
pregunta para Jorge Ramos?
Envíe un correo electrónico
a [email protected].
Por favor incluya su nombre,
ciudad y país).
Just a Thought: Artist Lionel Sosa
For the last
two weeks,
the local
and the en­
tire City of
San Antonio
Steve Walker h a v e b e e n
National Hispanic Heritage
Month (Sept. 15 to Oct. 15).
Fresh off the Diez Y Seis Pa­
rade on the Westside that drew
thousands of excited parade
watchers and participants, plus
the forty-first birthday party of
the Castro twins at Sunset Sta­
tion, it has been exciting.
During September through
mid-October, we recognize the
contributions and important
presence of Hispanic and La­
tino Americans in the United
States, especially in the Alamo
City. Locally, we celebrate the
rich heritage and culture that is
so prevalent here, anytime we
are given the opportunity.
As part of the national cel­
ebration, an art exhibit en­
titled “Windows to the Soul,”
featured the artwork of local
Hispanic icon Lionel Sosa at
St. Philip’s College on Sept. 17.
The portrait exhibit was
well-received by the students
in attendance for the formal
presentation. As an adjunct
instructor at St. Philip’s, I was
thrilled to bring my class of
medical assistants and also take
photos of the event. Over the
years, I have had the privilege
of covering Lionel Sosa at
community events, as well as
political events.
Before the official presenta­
tion kicked off, I spent a few
minutes visiting with Mr. Sosa
reminiscing about those times
photographing him in February
this past year at the Hispanic
Chamber Gala.
As I initially approached
him, he quickly recognized me
and grabbed my hand to shake
it. It was like earlier times. He
thanked me for those times and
said he was thrilled to know I
was going take photos of his
Various classes of college
campus students, faculty mem­
bers and staff crowded into the
exhibit hall in the Watson Fine
Arts Center, Kathy Morgan
Gallery, for a short presenta­
tion of his work. He posed for
students taking selfies, group
pictures and individual photos.
My students were no exception
as he readily posed with them
as a group and as individuals.
Truly, he is a gracious man.
Sosa is the author of “Think
and Grow Rich, A Latino
Choice,” published in 2006
by Random House, and “The
Americano Dream: How La­
tinos Can Achieve Success in
Business and in Life,” pub­
lished in 1998 by Dutton Pub­
Founder of Sosa, Bromley,
Aguilar & Associates, now,
Bromley Communications,
Sosa is an expert in Hispanic
consumer and voter behavior,
education and achievement.
Serving as a media consul­
tant for President George W.
Bush in the 2000 and 2004
campaigns, he has been a His­
panic media consultant in six
Republican presidential cam­
paigns since 1980.
Sosa was named “One of the
25 Most Influential Hispanics
in America” by Time Magazine
in July 2005 and is a member
of the Texas Business Hall of
Fame. In spring 2001, he was
named a fellow at the Institute
of Politics at Harvard Univer­
Most recently, he was award­
ed the Lifetime Achievement
Award from the National Asso­
ciation of Hispanic Journalists.
I have taken photos of him at
the San Antonio Association of
Hispanic Journalists in previ­
ous years.
According to the recent Cen­
sus, 50.5 million people or 16
percent of the population are
of Hispanic or Latino origin.
This represents a significant
increase from 2000, which reg­
istered the Hispanic population
at 35.3 million or 13 percent of
the total U.S. population.
Lionel Sosa best exemplifies
the best of the Latino commu­
nity nationally and locally in
San Antonio. I was fortunate
to be at the opening of his
exhibit at St. Philip’s College
for National Hispanic Heritage
Anyway, as always, what I
write is “Just a Thought.”
Steve Walker is a Vietnam
Veteran, former Judge and
Promoting high-paying jobs for S.A.
I joined the
San Antonio
ing Associa­
tion, Port San
Lloyd Doggett Antonio and
UTSA in cel­
ebrating the official U.S. Com­
merce Department designation
of the Alamo Manufacturing
Partnership as a “Manufactur­
ing Community.” Why is this
designation that I worked with
others to achieve so important?
Jobs. Jobs. Jobs.
This designation seeks to pro­
mote manufacturing locally in a
few cities across America that
are already helping themselves
and have the potential to expand
manufacturing even more. The
goal is to concentrate limited
federal dollars in communities
that demonstrate they are up to
the challenge--those who can
make assistance go the farthest.
The Alamo Manufacturing
Partnership has now become
the one and only in Texas to be
so recognized. Next month, I
am welcoming the partnership
to Washington for meetings to
discuss opportunities.
We have the technology, the
business leaders, and the local
universities and colleges that
are preparing our students for
the high-skilled, high-paying
jobs that manufacturing offers.
To continue expanding manu­
facturing jobs in San Antonio,
like the 200 more jobs recently
announced by Toyota, we need
to expand our skilled workforce
by ensuring strong support
for education, from Pre-K to
post-grad. Opening more doors
to students seeking post-high
school educational opportuni­
ties, whether in manufacturing
internships or college, will en­
sure we can keep opening new
opportunities in manufacturing
We need to ensure that lo­
cal businesses have the tools
they need to compete globally.
We should focus on what can
be done to expand America’s
manufacturing sector, includ­
ing promoting innovation and
research, better connections be­
tween educators and employers
and strengthening infrastructure
to move goods to market more
efficiently. This will ensure we
create jobs that allow one to
comfortably support a family.
I also recently met with Tech
Bloc. It is important that our
focus on manufacturing goes
beyond the traditional defini­
tion of manufacturing. There are
some small tech manufacturing
companies here. Rackspace
in Windcrest, with a back-up
office in Austin connected via
bus, shows that San Antonio and
Austin can grow together, draw­
ing from each other’s strengths.
High-quality jobs are the
result of planning. This des­
ignation can help bring more
federal support locally to boost
job training and encourage more
manufactures to call San Anto­
nio home.
27 de septiembre de 2015
Calendario de la comunidad
ON THE RIVERWALK - The color, music, spectacle, fes­
tivities and, of course, the beer from the world’s largest festival
can be sampled right on the beautiful banks of The River Walk.
Munich, in Bavaria, boasts the world’s largest annual festival
with over 6 million visitors every year. The festival has great
historic significance starting in 1810, when Crown Prince Ludwig
married his bride, Princess Therese of Saxony-Hildburghausen.
Since then, the event has developed into an annual & international
tradition, attracting visitors from every corner of the globe. The
Bier Garten Riverwalk launched its first Oktoberfest last year to
much acclaim. The grand festival will offer German entertain­
ment (including sing–a-longs, stein holding, alp horn blowing
contests & live German music), a ceremonial keg tapping carried
out by a local celebrity, Oktoberfest dancing, singing, partying
and good old Bavarian style fun! Sunday, Sept. 27 all day at Bier
Garten Riverwalk, 126 Loyosa St.
LUNAR ECLIPSE VIEWING AND ART EXTRAVAGANZA- Bring your family, lawn chairs and binoculars (if you have
some) and join us on the ‘lawn’ in front of the blue Cheever
Star Tower Sunday evening to view the ‘Harvest Moon’ eclipse.
Clear skies permitting, local astronomers will have telescopes for
viewing. We will also be hosting an art show celebrating space
and Hispanic Heritage Month featuring renowned local artists
and student artists inside the Scobee Education Center at San
Antonio College. Sunday, Sept. 27 at 7 p.m. at Scobee Education
Center, 1300 San Pedro Ave.
AROUND THE WORLD WITH THE NOVEL - Jim LaVillaHavelin will be there to stop off at a different country each
month, and gather for a lively conversation on LaVilla-Havelin’s
personal selection of world novels. From time travel imbued
with issues of race to muscular Norwegian prose, discover new
literary wonders at each port of call. Classes will take place on
Sept. 29 (Kindred by Octavia Butler/USA), Oct. 27 (The Palm
Wine Drunkard by Amos Tutuola/Nigeria), Nov. 17 (The Re­
mains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro/Great Britain) and Dec. 15
(Hunger by Knut Hamsun/Norway). Price: $20 - $60. ($60 for
all 4 classes or $20 for a single class) Tuesday, Sept. 29 at 6:30
p.m. at Gemini Ink, 1111 Navarro St.
UN-WINE-D YOGA HAPPY HOUR – Whether you’re new to
yoga or someone who includes it as a regular part of your fitness
routine, fall into a new state of bliss with outdoor yoga classes
and a happy hour. A one hour yoga class will be followed by
a “Wine Down” happy hour. Featured wines for the series are
still being determined. All sessions are $15 each and are open to
the public and resort guests. “UnWINEd” attendees also receive
free to access Windflower – The Hill Country Spa’s facilities
from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. on the day of each “UnWINEd” event,
giving everyone the opportunity to enjoy a spa getaway, yoga
and a happy hour to face Friday with a smile on your face. For
more information and to make reservations, visit the spa tab at or call (210)767-5577. Thursday Oct. 1 at 6
p.m. at Hyatt Country Hill Resort and Spa, 9800 Hyatt Resort Dr.
Antonio is invited to attend the grand opening of the first new
park in Hemisfair, Yanaguana Garden. Weekend celebrations
begin into the evening with music, food and fun for all ages.
The official ribbon cutting will be on Saturday, Oct. 3 at 9:30
a.m. with children friendly activities planned all day. If art and
health are more your thing, come by Sunday, Oct, 4 beginning
at 10 a.m. for art activities, yoga demonstrations, hula hooping
and more. There are so many options to choose from, we had to
make it a Hemisfair weekend. Friday, Oct. 2 from 6 p.m. to 12
a.m. at Hemisfair Park, 445 N. Main Ave.
ALMOST, MAINE - On a cold winter’s Friday, the Northern
Lights move beautifully above the midnight sky. No one would
know the difference except for the citizens of Almost, Maine.
While the colors flair above, the people of Almost find love,
loss and everything in between. John Cariani’s romantic comedy
“Almost, Maine” is a magical play that can warm the coldest of
hearts. For more information contact Chrissie Young at (210)
829-3800 or at [email protected]. The University of the Incar­
nate Word provides reasonable accommodation with adequate
notice. To request disability accommodation for this event, visit Friday Oct. 3, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
at the University of the Incarnate Word, 4301 Broadway St.
YEARS OF DANCE!- In celebration of National Hispanic
Heritage Month (Sept. 15 to Oct. 15), the San Antonio Parks
& Recreation Department and the San Antonio Public Library
(SAPL) will host 80 Years of Dance at select Library branches.
Cultural programming has been the hallmark of the San Antonio
Parks and Recreation Department for over 80 years, making
their dance program the longest running municipal program in
the country. The dance program was begun by Bertha Almaguer
in 1934. She taught dance to thousands of children during her
tenure, which ended when she retired in 1970. Almaguer will be
honored during Hispanic Heritage Month for her contribution to
San Antonio’s creative economy. 80 Years of Dance will take
place at the following dates and times: Saturday, Oct. 3 at 3 p.m.
at Forest Hills Branch Library (5245 Ingram Rd.); Monday, Oct.
5 at 6 p.m. at Igo Branch Library (13330 Kyle Seale Pkwy.);
Saturday, Oct. 10 at 2 p.m. at Carver Branch Library (3350 E.
Commerce St.) and Saturday, Oct.17 at 2 p.m. at Encino Branch
Library (2515 E. Evans Rd.)
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La Prensa de San Antonio is published two times a week by Duran Duran Industries, Inc., at
816 Camaron St. Suite 104, San Antonio, Texas 78212 (210) 242-7900. Subscription price
in the U.S.A. $125.00 per year (52 issues). The opinions expressed in the editorials of this
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by writers and guest columnists are not necessarily the opinions of the management staff or
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of which only the advertiser is responsible. All Rights Reserved. Published and printed in the
United States of America.
27 de septiembre de 2015
Free rides available
to veterans in
Alamo community
Special to La Prensa
The free ride program “Alamo
Call-A-Ride 4 Vets” is here
to support veteran and veteran
family members in the Alamo
As transportation can be a chal­
lenging barrier for many veterans,
spouses, and veteran widows
and widowers in accessing ben­
efits and services in the Alamo
region, the Alamo Area Council
of Governments (AACOG) has
partnered with the Texas Veterans
Commission to provide free rides
to veterans and their immediate
family members.
The program is available to
veterans (of any age and income)
and their spouses throughout
the 13-county AACOG region,
including Atascosa, Bandera,
Bexar, Comal, Frio, Gillespie,
Guadalupe, Karnes, Kendall,
Kerr, McMullen, Medina, and
Wilson Counties. The rides can
be used for a variety of purposes,
like grocery shopping, medical
appointments, prescription pickups, visiting government offices,
job interviews, laundry mats, or
to visit a friend or relative. A five
to seven day notice is normally
required to schedule rides after
LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO Huellas del papa Francisco
Por Humberto Caspa
Las huellas del papa Francisco
son indisolubles, inconfundibles
y propias de un hombre de bien.
A inicios de este año sus huellas
sembraron esperanza en Ecuador
y Bolivia. Los cubanos acaban de
sentir el poder de su mensaje de
paz y amistad.
Hoy, en medio de una retórica
intolerante de algunos candida­
tos a la presidencia, la humildad
del discurso del papa ya se hizo
sentir en las más altas esferas de
la política. Tanto demócratas y
republicanos están preocupados,
tal vez de miedo, por el hecho de
que el papa Francisco no tiene
problemas en señalar las cosas
por su nombre.
Esperemos que Donald Trump
no se le ocurra criticarlo o insul­
tarlo. Sería el fin de su campaña
política. Y esperemos también que
a Ben Carson, otro de los candida­
tos republicanos que discrimi­na,
no se le ocurra manifestar que
Donna Teall, a United States
Air Force Veteran and the Vet­
eran Lead Specialist for the pro­
gram states, “We also get ques­
tions about why veterans should
register if a veteran has a car and
doesn’t need rides. Veterans who
register can then donate their
unused rides to fellow vets! Also,
they may need transportation in
the future. Registering allows
riders to easily utilize the ride
program when other transporta­
tion (car breakdown, relative out
of town, etc.) is not available.
There are no forms to fill out and
the registration process is very
For more information, email
[email protected] or call:
toll-free (800) 960-5201. The
program’s goal is to provide
3,000 veterans and family mem­
bers with transportation and other
benefit assistance throughout the
AACOG 13-county region. We
are eager and available to accept
veteran applicants! This program
is supported by a grant from the
Texas Veterans Commission
“Fund for Veterans’ Assistance”.
The “Fund for Veterans’ Assis­
tance” provides grants to organi­
zations serving veterans and their
families. For more information
about AACOG, you can visit Special to La Prensa
U.S. Representative Will Hurd
(R-TX), joined Representatives
Henry Cuellar (D-TX), Lamar
Smith (R-TX), Lloyd Doggett
(D-TX), and Joaquin Castro (DTX), in introducing a bipartisan
emergency funding bill to Con­
gress for the new construction of
a critically needed federal court­
house in San Antonio, Texas.
The bill, H.R. 3612, comes in
response to years of unsuccessful
un católico no tiene derecho de
llegar a la presidencia, tal como
indicó recientemente con relación
a los islámicos. “El presidente no
debería ser islámico”, dijo.
A su llega a nuestro país, espe­
cíficamente en su discurso en la
Casa Blanca, el papa Francisco
fue muy claro en torno al fenó­
meno de la discriminación que
afecta a la comunidad latina y
otras étnicas minoritarias.
“Señor presidente, junto con
su pueblo, los católicos (la po­
blación latina) de este país están
comprometidos en crear una
sociedad que es incluyente y
tolerante para resguardar los
derechos individuales y de las
comunidades, rechazando toda
forma de discriminación injusta”.
Como dice el dicho: al que le
caiga el guante que se lo chante.
El papa Francisco nunca va a
mencionar los nombres de aque­
llas personas que se atreven a
violar los derechos de las per­
sonas, ni mucho menos los va a
señalar con el dedo. Sin embargo,
se sabe que los referidos son
Donald Trump y aquellos grupos
e individuos que han demostrado
no tener resguardos políticos
para etiquetar a los migrantes de
América Latina como violadores
y delincuentes.
El papa también habló sobre la
libertad de la religión, pero nunca
hizo alusión de que el derecho
canónico debería sobreponerse
al derecho positivo o a la cons­
titución. De acuerdo a mi punto
de vista, las creencias religiosas
nunca deberían determinar o
condicionar las leyes establecidas
por los hombres/mujeres. En tal
sentido, Kim Davis, la trabaja­
dora pública que se negó a cer­
tificar los matrimonios de gays
y lesbianas en una notaría de
Kentucky, hizo mal en interponer
sus creencias religiosas entre las
leyes del Estado.
Asimismo, el papa Francisco
hizo referencia breve sobre los
peligros del calentamiento del
aire y el riesgo que corre el medio
ambiente debido a un proceso de
desarrollo económico sin con­
troles y balances universales.
“Señor presidente, encuen­
tro fortificante que usted esté
proponiendo una iniciativa de
reducción de contaminantes en
el aire… Me parece claro que el
cambio climático es un problema
que nosotros no podemos dejar a
las próximas generaciones”.
Por supuesto que este mensaje
va especialmente hacia aquel sec­
tor empresarial y transnacional
y políticos, como Marco Ru­
bio, Rand Paul, Donald Trump,
quienes piensan que el problema
del cambio climático es una cons­
piración “sucia” de la izquierda
El papa Francisco no tiene una
agenda política. Lo que tiene más
bien es una agenda humana, de
caridad, comprensión, lealtad y
amor. Las huellas que deja en su
largo recorrido son imborrables
y tienen un efecto trascendental.
Humberto Caspa, Ph.D. es
profesor e investigador de Economics On The Move.
Texas lawmakers join fight
for new federal courthouse
requests for federal courthouse
funding through the traditional
appropriations process, which
has most recently bumped San
Antonio down to the eighth prior­
ity on the list.
“It’s outrageous that some of
the most violent drug trafficking
and organized crime cases in
Texas are being tried in a 1960s
movie theatre. The building’s
shortcomings pose a serious
physical threat to the Federal
employees that work there and
the increasing numbers of civil­
ians that visit the adjacent play­
ground,” said Rep. Hurd. “The
way I see it, the current facility
puts the health and safety of San
Antonians at risk. Moving the
U.S. Federal Court proceedings
out of this dangerous and unse­
cure location is a public safety
“The Wood Courthouse has
kept the Western District go­
ing for nearly 50 years, but it
unfortunately does not have the
capacity to support it any lon­
ger,” Congressman Cuellar said.
Congressman Cuellar contin­
ued as he expounded on the list
of needs of the current facility.
“The project to build a new
courthouse is deserving of emer­
gency appropriations because of
the building’s numerous prob­
lems: The building’s water qual­
ity, air quality, space, safety
and security issues go beyond
simple repairs, and I am calling
on Congress and the General
Services Administration (GSA)
to approve the construction of a
new courthouse immediately.”
The rides can be used for a variety of purposes, including grocery
shopping, medical appointments, visiting government offices, job
interviews or to visit a friend or relative. (Courtesy photo)
Sigue La Prensa
en Facebook
The Federal Courthouse in San Antonio is among the busiest in the state with a growing list of renovations and other needs.
(Courtesy photo)
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John Boehner
confirmó su renuncia
EFE - El presidente de la
Cámara de Representantes de
Estados Unidos, el republicano
John Boehner, confirmó que
renuncia a su cargo al frente de
la Cámara Baja del Legislativo,
así como su escaño a partir del
próximo 30 de octubre.
En un breve comunicado
emiti­do en Washington, Boehner
dijo que decidió dimitir porque
“prolongar la crisis que vive el
liderazgo haría un daño irrepa­
rable a la institución”.
Boehner ha sufrido fuertes
presiones del ala más conser­
vadora del partido y, según in­
dicó, tenía pensado renunciar el
año pasado, pero la inesperada
derrota de su “número dos”,
Eric Cantor, en las eleccio­
UnitedHealthcare hosts
health and wellness events
for Hispanic seniors in S.A.
Special to La Prensa
Hispanic seniors in San An­
tonio are invited to attend an
educational health and wellness
UnitedHealthcare is hosting
two local events, which are part
of a series called ¡Hay Más Adel­
ante!, on Friday, Oct. 2 at 5 p.m.
and Saturday, Oct. 3 at 10 a.m.
at The Studio at Pearl (At Full
Goods Building).
The ¡Hay Más Adelante! event
El presidente de la Cámara de Representantes de Estados
honors the rich traditions
Unidos, el republicano John Boehner, durante la rueda de prensa
Hispanic culture while
celebrada en el Capitolio en Washington. EFE
providing an educational oppor­
nes legislativas de noviembre decisión para dar continuidad a tunity for San Antonio seniors
pasado le hizo reconsiderar la su proyecto.
to learn about the basics of
According to the Medicare
Made Clear Index, a 2013 survey
conducted by UnitedHealthcare,
more than 1 in 5 older adults
describes Medicare as confusing,
and two-thirds of beneficiaries
Senator Uresti names to
border security committee
Special to La Prensa
Senator Carlos Uresti was
named to the Joint Interim Com­
mittee to Study Border Security
by Lt. Governor Dan Patrick.
The committee, created by
House Bill 11 during the recent
84th Legislative Session, will
monitor the Department of Pub­
lic Safety border surge, and the
newly budgeted $800 million
appropriated to further secure
the Texas-Mexico border.
“As a Senator representing
over one-third of the TexasMexico border, I am motivated
to continue my work on border
security.” said Senator Carlos
“Last year, we spent $124
million in a hurry, and I think
there are some questions sur­
rounding what exactly we got
for our money,” said Sen. Ur­
esti. “I want to closely monitor
the spending of the next $800
million, and report back to my
constituents that the money was
used wisely, and be in a position
to say exactly what we accom­
“I have great confidence in our
DPS troopers, and I think we’re
finding that if we would make
some investments in local law
enforcement while we ramp up
DPS on the border, we can not
only improve border security,
but have a strong long-term in­
frastructure in place before the
state investment runs dry. I look
forward to studying this further
as a member of the committee,”
said Sen. Uresti.
While there is not yet an an­
nounced timeline, the commit­
tee’s five Senate members, and
five House members will com­
pile their findings into a report
due to the full legislature prior
to the 85th Legislative Session,
which convenes in January 2017.
27 de septiembre de 2015
have never shopped around for
Medicare coverage or haven’t
shopped in more than three years.
Designed to promote and cel­
ebrate the vitality of the Hispanic
culture, these events feature
prominent Hispanic community
leaders who have achieved great
things by embracing and nurtur­
ing a culturally based approach
to aging brilliantly.
Featured guest speakers in­
clude: Grammy-award winner
Vikki Carr (Voice of a Genera­
tion), Michael Vela (Tech Tools
to Ease Your Life Speaker),
René Ibarra (UnitedHealthcare)
and Diana Barrios Treviño (A
Recipe for Health and Longevity
The San Antonio Hispanic
Chamber of Commerce and
Hispanic Women’s Network of
Texas - San Antonio Chapter
and LULAC Council #22074 are
some of the community support­
ers for this event.
At the events, the attendees
will have the opportunity to hear
from leaders within the health
wellness field and learn more
about planning for healthy living
by understanding the basics of
Medicare. The event will focus
on informing about the different
parts of the program, eligibil­
ity requirements and enrollment
windows, and why finding Medi­
care coverage that meets their
needs is important to achieving
optimal health and wellbeing.
The events are free and open
to the public. San Antonio-area
seniors and their caregivers are
welcome to attend. Limited
seating is available for this free
event and a ticket is required. The
Studio at Pearl is located at 200
E. Grayson, Suite 115.
To learn more about ¡Hay
Más Adelante!, visit www.hay­ To RSVP for
the events and request a ticket,
please call 1-800- 983-6998.
San Antonio College kicks
off 90th anniversary year
Special to La Prensa
On Sept. 21, 1925, San Antonio
College, one of the Alamo Col­
leges, opened its doors and became
the first public two-year college in
Nine decades later, SAC serves
22,000 students per semester and
offers some 200 academic pro­
grams, 11 of which are rated “ex­
emplary” by the Texas Higher
Education Coordinating Board
SAC will be “Celebrating 90”
throughout the 2015-16 academic
year and will host several key
events. Besides celebrating His­
panic Heritage Month (Sept. 15 to
Oct. 15), SAC will also celebrate
the 3rd Annual SACTACULAR
Block Party on Oct. 23, SAC’s 90th
Anniversary Showcase on Nov. 18,
90th Anniversary Luncheon on Feb.
19, 2016 and the Commencement
Ceremony on May 14, 2016.
“San Antonio College has a rich
history of providing quality educa­
tion to the citizens of San Antonio,”
said Dr. Robert Vela, President of
San Antonio College. He continued,
“Each day, we strive to uphold that
legacy and to continuously improve
to ensure SAC can successfully
serve students for another 90 years.”
Annually, SAC awards more
than 3,000 certificates and associ­
ates degrees and has been named
among the Top 100 Associate
Degree Producers in the nation by
Diverse Magazine.
For more information and a
full list of 90th events, please visit
Founded in 1925, San Antonio College will be “Celebrating 90” throughout 2015-16. (Courtesy photo)
The U.S., Mexico border continues to be a heated topic on the national security and international
commerce front. (Courtesy photo)
The Alamo Colleges is receiving sealed bids/proposals prior to 2:00 PM Local Time, unless otherwise indicated, on the dates shown.
RFP 16C-002
Deadline: 11/03/15
A pre-proposal meeting and site visit will be held on October 20, 2015 at the Purchasing
and Contract Administration Conference Room at 1743 N. Main Ave., Bldg. 44, Room 401,
San Antonio, TX 78212 promptly at 9:00am.
For more information, contact Asst. Director, Karen Gottfried, at 210/485-0122.
Bids/proposals to be delivered as follows:
By U.S. Mail or courier service:
Alamo Colleges
Purchasing and Contract Administration Department
1819 N. Main Ave., Box 693
San Antonio, TX 78212
By hand delivery:
Alamo Colleges
Purchasing and Contract Administration Department
1743 N. Main Ave, Bldg. 41, Room 101
San Antonio, TX 78212
Bids/proposals received will be publicly acknowledged in the Conference Room #401 at the
hand delivery address.
Specifications are available by visiting Alamo College’s website
The Edwards Aquifer Authority (“EAA”) hereby gives notice that it will conduct three public
hearings to receive comments on the Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2016. The purpose of
the public hearings is to provide interested members of the public the opportunity to appear
and provide oral or written comments to the EAA related to the proposed budget, including
the parts of the budget related to funding the Edwards Aquifer Habitat Conservation Plan
Program. The comments will be considered by the EAA prior to adoption of the Fiscal Year
2016 budget which is planned to occur no earlier than the Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Regular Board Meeting of the EAA Board of Directors.
The public hearings will be held at the following times and locations:
Date: Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Edwards Aquifer Authority Board Room
900 E. Quincy St.
San Antonio, TX 78215
Date: Friday, October 16, 2015
Time: 10:00 a.m.
San Marcos – The Old Fish Hatchery Community Building
206 N. CM Allen Pkwy
San Marcos, TX 78666
Date: Monday, October 19, 2015
Time: 2:00 p.m.
Hondo Community/Senior Center
1014 18th Street
Hondo, TX 78861
Copies of the proposed budget may be obtained by calling (210) 222-2204 or (800) 292-1047;
by visiting the offices of the EAA at 900 E. Quincy St., San Antonio, Texas 78215; or by visiting the EAA website at
Signed this 22nd of September, 2015.
Felix Marquez
Executive Director – Administration and Financial Services
Edwards Aquifer Authority
27 de septiembre de 2015
Alamo Colleges recognized with HEED Award for Diversity
Special to La Prensa
The Alamo Colleges is one of
only six higher education institu­
tions in Texas selected to receive
the 2015 Higher Education Excel­
lence in Diversity (HEED) Award
from “INSIGHT Into Diversity”
magazine, the oldest and largest
diversity-focused publication in
higher education.
As a recipient of the annual
HEED Award - a national honor
recognizing U.S. colleges and
universities that demonstrate
an outstanding commitment to
diversity and inclusion - Alamo
Colleges will be featured, along
with 91 other recipients, in the
November 2015 issue of “IN­
SIGHT Into Diversity” magazine.
“This national recognition is
an important affirmation of our
success in achieving our mis­
sion of “empowering our diverse
communities for success,” said
Alamo Colleges Chancellor Dr.
Bruce Leslie. “Our primary goal
as an organization is to provide an
environment that ensures equity
in educational achievement for
all students and professional op­
portunity for all employees and I
am proud that our commitment to
equity has been nationally recog­
nized,” he added.
Lenore Pearlstein, publisher
of “INSIGHT Into Diversity”
magazine, acknowledged that
the HEED award is a significant
accomplishment for a college or
“The HEED Award process
consists of a comprehensive and
rigorous application that includes
questions relating to the recruit­
ment and retention of students and
employees - and best practices
for both - continued leadership
support for diversity, and other
aspects of campus diversity and
inclusion. Our standards are high,
and we look for institutions where
diversity and inclusion are woven
into the work being accomplished
every day across a campus,” she
In addition to its diverse stu­
dent population - 57.9 percent
Hispanic; 29.6 percent White;
and 6.2 percent African American
- the Alamo Colleges also offers
unique programs to benefit mi­
nority and underserved students.
These include the Alamo Acad­
emies, which annually provides
access to more than 300 primarily
minority students, 71 percent,
to train for science, technology,
engineering and math careers. A
total of 60 percent of these stu­
dents graduate with a degree or
certificate within two years.
Another program, the I-BEST
initiative, provides training and
employment assistance to stu­
dents who require basic skill de­
velopment in order to succeed in
technical training. Program par­
ticipants are 85 percent Hispanic
and 13 percent African American,
with 46 percent living at or below
the poverty level. The program
has an 86 percent completion or
retention rate, with 76 percent of
graduates employed in their field
after completion.
Other initiatives help create
an environment for minority stu­
dents to be successful, including
the Student Leadership Institute
(SLI), which has recruited and
trained over 700 students to be­
come leaders on campus, in the
workplace and in the community.
The HEED award is the second
national recognition for diversity,
which the Alamo Colleges has
received. In 2013, the Alamo
Colleges was honored with the
Association of Community Col­
lege Trustees 2013 Charles Ken­
nedy Equity Award, which rec­
ognizes exemplary commitment
to achieve equity in a college’s
education programs and services.
The Alamo Colleges also re­
ceived the 2010 Diversity FIRST
award from the Texas Diversity
Council, the Owner of the Year
award from the Hispanic Contrac­
tor’s Association de San Antonio
in 2013, 2014 and 2015 and the
General Contractor of the Year
award from the same organiza­
tion in 2012.
For more information about the
2015 HEED Award, visit www.
Methodist Healthcare...
(continued from page 1-A)
Alamo Community Colleges is among the most diverse institutions of higher learning according to
the recent HEED Award. (Courtesy photo)
Police Chief...
as evaluations. After searching
for possible candidates for the
position, including Chiefs and
Assistant Chiefs of Police De­
partments in the southwest of the
United States, Sculley knew she
found the right person to fill the
“In final analysis, Chief McMa­
nus’ qualifications and experience
made him the clear choice. We
never wanted him to leave…
His track record in San Antonio
speaks for itself, and we are tre­
mendously fortunate to have him
lead our police force,” explained
Sculley on her decision.
As an experienced man in the
law enforcement, McManus’s
position can allow many improve­
ments for the SAPD as well as
the San Antonio Police Academy
Association (SAPOA). Recently,
there has been a growing rift
between the City of San Antonio
and the SAPOA.
The problem between both
unions has to do with the topic
of healthcare costs. At this point,
city employees are paying 30
percent of healthcare costs while
public safety personnel only pay
nine percent for themselves and
(continued from page 1-A)
their families. The problem then then served as the Chief of Po­
went to Mayor Ivy Taylor and lice for the Minneapolis Police
putting the issue of benefits that Department, where he, “rebuilt
include compensation, health the departmental infrastructure
insurance, and tuition reimburse­ and provided new direction and
ments on the table.
leadership to a 1,200 member
As of now, there has not been department,” according to a state­
settlement of the agreement. ment by the City of San Antonio.
However, with 40 years of experi­
McManus then served as As­
ence in law enforcement, McMa­ sistant Chief of Police for the
nus was the right candidate who Washington D.C. Metropolitan
will help tackle the issue.
Police Department from 1998 to
The knowledge that he carries 2001. McManus also served as
will not only align the SAPD to the Chief of Police in Dayton,
stand alone without merging with Ohio from 2001 to 2003.
other unions; but it will also allow
Reflecting back on all of his
Sculley to put her main focus accomplishments, McManus ex­
back as City Manger for the City plains that he only feels grateful
of San Antonio.
that he can return to the SAPD.
Based on his many years of
“I am both honored and hum­
experience in law enforcement, bled to return to what I consider
McManus’s impressive career the finest police force in the coun­
was something that helped him try… San Antonio is home to my
regain his title back as police wife Lourdes, our three children,
chief. His long career began in and myself. We want to continue
1975, when he was working at the to serve this great city,” said Mc­
Metropolitan Police Department Manus.
in Washington, D.C.
City Council will make the con­
There, he served in a full range firmation on Oct. 1. if approved,
of patrol and investigative assign­ McManus is expected to return to
ments that included internal and the office on Monday Oct. 5. The
criminal investigations, narcotics, salary of the police chief will start
and tactical positions. McManus at $212,000 a year.
Wednesday morning.
Gina Dawson, coordinator of
the event and physical therapy
supervisor at Methodist Ambu­
latory Surgery Center, said the
main goal of the event was to
increase awareness on fall pre­
“Many of the admissions to the
Methodist ER Department are
caused by preventable falls so we
identified that this was something
going on in our community and
we needed to be proactive about
it,” Dawson told La Prensa.
According to Centers for Dis­
ease and Prevention (CDC), one
out of five falls causes a serious
injury such as broken bones or a
head injury. Moreover, CDC data
shows that more than 95 percent
of hip fractures are caused by
“If we can prevent falls, we can
prevent injuries,” Chief Execu­
tive Officer of Methodist Texsan
Hospital Scott Davis told La
Prensa. “60 to 70 percent of falls
are preventable, so really if you
think about that, that’s a lot of
injuries that we could avoid from
The fair featured a tai chi
demonstration as well as a line
dancing demonstration, physical
therapists conducted free fall
risk assessments, vision exams
were given and personnel from
Home Depot demonstrated home
modifications that can lower the
risk of falls.
Additionally, Dawson dis­
cussed the six tips the National
Council on Aging recommends
to help prevent falls.
The first tip involves finding an
exercise program that builds bal­
ance, strength and flexibility. The
CDC ranks Tai Chi as the number
one fall prevention exercise.
If performing an exercise is
too much of a struggle, Dawson
recommends standing up and
sitting back down a total of three
times every time you move to a
new seat.
“I guarantee you are going to
build your legs and your thigh
muscles and that is really neces­
sary for maintaining your bal­
ance,” Dawson said.
She also advices looking into
exercise and balance classes of­
fered in the community.
“The only way you are going
to stick with it is if you enjoy that
exercise, it needs to be something
you like,” Dawson said. “Try to
take a friend with you so you can
encourage each other.”
As a second tip, the National
Council on Aging recommends
talking to your health care pro­
vider and asking for an assess­
ment of your risk of falling.
“If they don’t ask if you’ve
fallen in the last year, you need
to provide that information,”
Dawson said.
CDC data shows that one in
three older people fall each year,
but less than half tell their doc­
tor. Research shows that falling
once doubles your chances of
falling again.
“Perhaps your blood pressure
isn’t under control, maybe your
diabetes blood sugar isn’t quite
right, perhaps you’re starting
some neurological orthopedic
problems,” Dawson said. “Those
things need to be evaluated by
your physician and you need to
make sure you are on top of those
As a third rule, the National
Council on Aging recommends
regularly reviewing your medi­
cations with your doctor and
“Look at the label, if it says
anything about being drowsy, you
need to be aware that it is going
to make you drowsy,” Dawson
This could especially represent
a problem if you take the medica­
tion at night with water and have
to get up in the middle of the
night to use the bathroom.
“I recommend that you sit for a
moment, evaluate yourself, stand
for a moment and make sure
you feel okay before you start
taking those steps to go to the
bathroom,” Dawson said.
The fourth tip involves getting
your vision and hearing checked
annually. Your eyes and ears
are imperative when it comes to
keeping your balance.
“If you’re using glasses that
have bifocals built in, be aware
that those will cause falls if
you’re looking down through the
bifocal portion,” Dawson said.
Tip number five involves keep
your home safe. The National
Council on Aging recommends
removing trip hazards, increasing
lighting, making stairs safe and
installing grab bars in key areas.
“Increasing senior indepen­
dence and maintaining their dig­
nity is key because people want
to age in place,” Dawson said.
As one last tip, the council
recommends talking to your fam­
ily and enlisting their support in
taking simple steps to stay safe.
Methodist Healthcare will be
offering “A Matter of Balance”
classes, which discuss the fear of
falling with seniors and teaches
them how to prevent falls. For
more information, visit sahealth.
27 de septiembre de 2015
El alcoholismo sigue
ganando la batalla
Por José I. Franco
[email protected]
Cada día va en aumento el
consumo desmedido de bebidas
embriagantes en la región de El
Álamo. Las calles y carreteras se
siguen tiñendo de sangre porque
conductores en estado de ebriedad
causan irreparables pérdidas tras
verse involucrados en accidentes,
en los que como resultado se
pierden vidas de personas ino­
centes, o personas que resultan
gravemente heridas.
Los programas de seguridad
vial se han aplicado con severidad,
sin embargo, no ha resultado su­
ficiente para poder cuando menos
darle una tregua a la batalla para
erradicar el alcoholismo, princi­
palmente entre las personas que no
miden las consecuencias cuando
conducen en estado de ebriedad o
bajo los efectos de drogas legales
e ilegales.
En lo personal, yo fui uno de
esos individuos que gustaba con­
ducir en estado inconveniente,
poniendo en riesgo la vida de
personas inocentes, entre ellas a
mi propia familia. Lo mejor fue
que a la edad de 45 años pude
ver la luz y de una vez por todas
dejé la bebida. Me entregué a
un costoso y duro programa de
rehabilitación, lo cual en varias
ocasiones lo he remarcado en esta
sección de salud.
Con 16 años de sobriedad, en
este testimonio, indicaré sucesos
recientes que he presenciado,
visto y escuchado en los medios
informativos, todos con temas en
los que las bebidas alcohólicas y
drogas han sido el factor de riesgos
en la salud y arrestos.
El alcoholismo no respeta fuero,
profesión o distinciones sociales.
Es una adicción sin cura, pero no
imposible por contenerla siguien­
do programas de rehabilitación y
amor a nuestras familias.
En este espacio aprovecharé
para contarles, a mis tres lectores,
sobre incidentes en los que se han
visto envueltos agentes del orden.
Así como hombres y mujeres de
diferentes edades que después de
un arduo día de trabajo buscan
erró­neamente en el licor una forma
de relajarse.
El pasado fin de semana en­
contrándome en una gasolinera,
ubicada en el sector de la autopista
35 norte y la avenida O’Connor, en
los momentos de pagarle al cajero
por la gasolina que iba a servir en
mi vagoneta, tenía detrás de mí, a
corta distancia, a un joven mayor
de 21 años.
Él como que quería sacarme
plática, tras haber pagado por
una cerveza de 17 onzas, la cual
depositó dentro de una bolsa de
plástico. Sin embargo, yo no le di
tiempo a entablar plática, ya que
al verlo con la cerveza en mano,
lo primero que pensé fue que él,
en cuanto entrase a su auto, iba a
comenzar a bebérsela.
Desde la bomba de gasolina,
lo observé destapar el bote de
cerveza, a lo cual quise ir a pre­
venirlo para que no encendiera su
auto y se fuera manejando ya con
olor alcohólico, pero al notar que
la placa trasera de su mini auto no
era del estado de Texas, sino del
estado de Puebla, México, pensé
de inmediato que no valía la pena.
Me podría meter en problemas
por querer ponerlo al tanto sobre el
riesgo que estaría corriendo mane­
jando en posesión de una lata de
cerveza abierta (open container),
lo cual es un delito menor casti­
gado con seis meses de sentencia
probatoria y una multa de más de
800 dólares.
Pero como él conducía un au­
tomóvil del extranjero, en caso
de ser sorprendido por las autori­
dades, prácticamente le sería dene­
gada su estancia en suelo tejano,
siendo objeto de ser primeramente
See El alcoholismo on page 7-A
Learn about:
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Visitas al médico
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información, visite
o llame al
27 de septiembre de 2015
El alcoholismo...
juzgado por el delito menor del
open container y, posteriormente
ser deportado, perdiendo de inme­
diato su visa de turista.
En fin, me abstuve de ponerlo
al tanto y me dediqué a observar
cómo salían otras personas de la
mencionada tienda de auto ser­
vicio, todas ellas en posesión de
bebidas de contenido alcohólico.
Una chica obviamente mayor
de edad llevaba con ella cuatro
botellas pequeñas de vino y dos
amigos sonreían mientras acari­
ciaban sus respectivas botellas de
licor de malta, lo cual es un tipo de
cerveza bastante fuerte por su alto
contenido de grados de alcohol,
además de ser la preferida por
individuos que ya están arraigados
en el alcoholismo.
De ahí me fui a un restaurante
que ofrece el especial de la hora
feliz, en la que los parroquianos
(clientes de ambos sexos) gustan
de tomarse las bebidas que más
puedan en un periodo de dos
horas, en las que también tienen
que consumir comida preparada de
acuerdo a sus respectivos gustos.
Claro que ninguno de ellos
le faltó el respeto a los demás
comensales, ya que cada uno de
ellos (as) solo se dedicó a beber,
sonreír y checar continuamente su
respectivo teléfono móvil, lo cual
es la nueva onda en la tecnología
Ninguno de ellos, por razones
obvias, podría percatarse que entre
más alcohol que consumían, su
nivel de alcohol en la sangre iba en
aumento, mucho menos tener en
mente de lo que les podría deparar
cuando la “Happy Hour” conclu­
yera y tuvieran que abandonar el
lugar para irse a sus respectivas
casas, o a seguir la juerga en otro
(viene de la página 6-A)
sitio donde se expenden bebidas
alcohólicas, dejándolo todo a su
suerte y destino.
Por mi parte, hice oración para
que todos ellos retornaran con bien
a sus respectivos hogares. Oración
que hago todos los días cuando
salgo a la calle y tengo acceso a
la autopista que me conduce a mi
fuente de empleo. Los accidentes
me frustran y más cuando se
causan por conducir a exceso de
velocidad o irresponsablemente.
Por existir tolerancia cero en
la región del condado de Bexar,
cuya cabecera es la ciudad de
San Antonio, autoridades siguen
manteniendo un estrecho sistema
de vigilancia las 24 horas del día
y 7 días de la semana.
El alcoholismo no respeta auto­
ridad alguna. Mediante el noti­ciero
matutino me enteré sobre el arresto
de un agente de la oficina del sheri­
25th Annual
San Fernando
Health & Safety Fair
fato del condado de Bexar, quien
fuera de su horario de trabajo,
tuvo, la mala fortuna de echarse
unas cuantas copas y luego estrel­
lar su veloz unidad en un sector de
la autopista 35.
Con la detención del agente que
presuntamente iba en estado de
ebriedad, de acuerdo al noticiero
KABB, se dijo que en la actua­
lidad se suman cinco agentes del
sherifato que han sido detenidos
preventivamente por conducir
bajo los efectos de bebidas em­
Imaginen qué gran problema les
espera por resolver a esos cinco
individuos encargados (estando
de servicio) de cuidar el orden y
bienestar en nuestra comunidad.
Hace dos años, el departa­
mento del Sheriff del condado
de Bexar, a cargo de Susan Pa­
merleau, apoyó la iniciativa del
sindicado de agentes del sheriff
y de la empresa Yellow Cab de
San Antonio para proporcionar
educación y ayuda a los agentes y
sus familiares. Le iniciativa regaló
tarjetas pre-pagadas de los taxis
Yellow Cab para que cuando ellos
quisieran disfrutar de una fiesta y
consumir bebidas embriagantes,
pudieran conseguir los servicios
de la mencionada empresa de taxis
en lugar de tomar el volante.
El programa ha tenido éxito, de
acuerdo a directivos del sindicato,
ya que se tienen pruebas de que las
tarjetas han sido usadas y con ello
se ha cumplido con la meta de la
iniciativa apoyada por la honora­
ble Sheriff Pamerleau.
Las mismas tarjetas y progra­
mas educativos han sido distribui­
dos a los cadetes aspirantes a servir
en el Bexar County Sheriff Depart­
ment. De acuerdo a la titular, en la
agencia que ella dirige no existen
favoritismos y se trata de prevenir
acontecimientos que denigren
dicha institución policiaca.
Por otro lado me dio gusto de
enterarme que un conocido mío
que es entrenador y propietario de
un equipo de fútbol soccer, quien
tuvo problemas de alcoholismo y
drogas que lo llevaron a embron­
carse con el presidente del circuito
donde jugaba su equipo, tras haber
sido suspendido, en lugar de
parar en el consumo de bebidas
alcohólicas y consumo de drogas
ilegales, se adentró hasta que topó
con duro, encontrándose al punto
de la muerte.
Esto le llevó a ver la luz, so­
metiéndose a programa de desin­
toxicación el cual cumplió fa­
vorablemente, lo cual lo llevó
a retomar su condición física y
volver con su equipo al circuito
que lo vio convertirse en el equipo
a vencer conquistando un par de
campeonatos consecutivos en el
balompié independiente regional.
Al menos esa fue una de las me­
jores notas que logré ver la pasada
semana. Quienes tienen problemas
de alcoholismo, recuerden que
nunca es tarde para buscar ayuda,
háganlo a tiempo. Visiten a su doc­
tor de cabecera, él les dará ayuda
inicial. Hasta la próxima D.M.
25th Annual
San Fernando
Health & Safety Fair
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Saturday, October 3, 2015
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27 de septiembre de 2015
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La promoción termina el
31 de octubre del 2015.
©2015 HEB, 15-5924
27 de septiembre de 2015
Week In
By Jose Arredondo
dream lives
By Jessica Duran
[email protected]
New York City has not had
a lot to root for these past few
years, except of course the Yankees. The city that never sleeps
lost even more sleep when their
teams like the Giants, Jets,
Knicks, and Liberty all having
down seasons.
Having a rough patch is common is normal for teams and the
city, unless you’re a Chicago
Cubs fan or Cleveland Browns
fan. Just kidding, guys. Look at
what the Red Sox did 10 years
ago, you guys will get there.
But for New York City, fans
have the spirit of champions.
All of this has been true until
this past year. The Yankees are
on top of the American League
Division, of course, but the
Jets are finally looking like the
good ol’ Joe Namath 1960’s
Jets. And now, even basketball
championship dreams are alive
again in the Big Apple.
Sorry Knicks fans, I don’t
mean your team, I mean the
New York Liberty from the
The Liberty have taken the
league by storm this past summer and on their way to a
WNBA Championship. Under
the coaching of former Pistons
forward and “Bad Boys” member Bill Laimbeer. They look to
take over the league.
Playing in the Eastern Conference Championship this
week, all the need to do is get
by the Indiana Fever. Laimbeer
has won three WNBA Championships with the Detroit Shock.
WNBA veterans Tina Charles
and Swin Cash lead the young
Liberty team against Indiana.
Beating opponents every other
game by a margin of 20 points
show how dominant they are in
this league.
If the Liberty wants to make
NYC proud, they have to win
the conference on Sunday, then
face either the Phoenix Mercury
or the Minnesota Lynx from the
Western Conference to finally
give their city a championship
in this century besides a baseball World Series trophy.
Scan with phone
QR reader for
more sports news
from La Prensa.
McCown to start over Manziel
Colts have had bad Luck
Last Sunday, Johnny Manziel threw for two
touchdowns and zero interceptions, but more
importantly the victory. So that would only
mean that he would start against the Raiders, right? Wrong, Josh McCown has been
named starting quarterback. Manziel shared
his thoughts on the decision “I think I took
it all right, but it’s obviously disappointing,”
Manziel said.
The Indianapolis Colts were supposed to have
one of the most lethal offenses in the game.
T.Y. Hilton, Andre Johnson, Frank Gore and
Dwayne Allen were all led by quarterback
Andrew Luck. In their first two games, they
have scored a total of 21 points complemented
with eight turnovers. Can the Colts regroup
and make a run? Yes. Will they? That question can be answered in the following weeks.
Yankee legend remembered as one of the greats
By Kristian Jaime
[email protected]
When Hall of Famer and iconic
Yankee Yogi Berra passed away at
90 years-old, it was more than just
the baseball world that lost a giant.
The fixture at Yankees Spring
Camp became more than a familiar face. He quickly emerged as a
confidant to the likes of shortstop
Derek Jeter and manager Joe Girardi. It could even be said that he
was a reminder of the days of old
when the boys in the Bronx were
larger than baseball itself.
“I don’t think you will ever see
a player have the success that Yogi
had,” Yankees manager Joe Girardi said. “The closest that we have
seen in sports today is Michael
Jordan, is the six in eight years, but
it is not going to happen.”
Berra’s résumé is so prolific,
it seems fabricated. Yet it speaks
to the dominance New York had
for what seemed like decades. A
perennial powerhouse, they were
the class of the American League
and everyone had to agree.
For the generation that saw lineups that included Berra with Phil
Rizzuto, Joe DiMaggio, Mickey
Mantle and Don Larsen just to
name a few, the classic pinstripe
uniforms meant more than a sports
team—it defined New York City
It seems inconceivable in modern baseball times that anyone
could be a 10-time World Series
champion or a 15-time all-star for
consecutive years. For that matter, imagining a catcher that was
almost automatic at the plat as well
seems downright unfair.
His .285 batting average along
with his 358 homeruns and 1,430
RBIs is enviable in its own right.
So it was no surprise that he was
elected to the Major League Baseball Hall of Fame in 1972.
Even after his playing days were
over, he switched to the role of
manager for both the Yankees and
Mets following the 1962 season.
After tumultuous times with the
late George Steinbrenner, owner
of the Yankees, the two sides made
up and began the golden period of
mentorship Berra had with younger players and as an ambassador of
the sport across the world.
“I always thought I was talking
to my grandfather,” Girardi continued. “I just felt comfortable. I
almost felt like he was going to
pull something out of his pocket,
like a piece of licorice and all that
sort of thing. It was always a joy
to be around him.”
Even opposing players saw
the spark that Berra brought to
any club and admired his later
contributions to the Major League
Baseball. Perhaps the best compliment any professional athlete can
receive is from fellow competitors.
“I know he’s now playing catch
with my dad up there,” said Hall
of Fame Cincinnati Reds catcher
Johnny Bench.
As the baseball world reflects
Major League Hall of Fame Yankee Yogi Berra recently passed away at 90 years old after a long
and successful career in baseball as a player, manager and ambassador of the game. (Courtesy photo)
on what the World War II veteran
meant to the tradition of the game,
it becomes harder to separate the
player from the man. Often immortalized and never duplicated,
his role in retirement saw him in
the Yankees orbit again but also
at numerous events to promote the
national pastime.
“We were better because of him
and we’ll truly suffer his loss. But
we are so much better for what
he gave to the game and what he
meant to the game,” continued
Contemporaries of Berra may
have only known him on the periphery of their career, but that is
not to say he did not leave an indelible impression. Don Mattingly,
former Yankee and current manager for the Los Angeles Dodgers
aptly put into words why the ball
parks across the country are little
blue today.
“I think people had it right,”
he said. “The reason he was so
beloved, it wasn’t really about his
career even though he was a great,
great player. It was about what
a great person he was, the way
he treated people, how humble,
sincere, kind he was to people.
That’s really what defined him,
and I think it’s why he’s touched
so many peoples’ lives.”
Los Spurs abrirán campo de entrenamiento
logró quitarle de las manos a
sus rivales 148 posesiones del
esférico, y en minutos jugados
por cotejo con 31.8. Duncan se
impuso en el liderato interno
Todo está en orden para que
con promedio de 9.1 rebotes por
los Spurs, equipo pentacampeón
partido, con 51.2 de promedio en
de la NBA, comience su campo
tiros encestados, y 151 bloqueos.
de entrenamiento el martes 29 de
Parker apareció en la lista con
El campo de entrenamiento
4.9 asistencias por partido.
será abierto para que los meGreen se estableció en el
dios acreditados que cubren la
liderato de la franquicia con
fuente logren obtener interepromedio de 41.8 en tiros triples.
santes reportajes sobre el aspecto
Aldridge, quien jugó su nodeportivo y de los partidos de
vena temporada en la NBA con
pretemporada que arrancarán
los Trail Blazers de Portland, en
con tres cotejos de gira y tres en
su foja personal de juego dejó 71
el renovado AT&T Center.
partidos jugados, con la misma
Bajo la dirección del estratega
cantidad en calidad de titular,
Gregg Popovich, en la temporajugando un promedio de 35.4
da 2015-16 de la NBA, los Spurs
minutos por partido y 23.4 unitendrán una oportunidad más de
dades anotadas por encuentro.
Sus números son efectivos y
ello será su credencial para ser
tomado en cuenta en la quinteta
Para Duncan, de 39 años
de edad, y Ginóbili de 38, la
siguiente temporada volverá
a ser un reto personal, ya que
ambos se han distinguido por su
longevidad dentro del deporte
ráfaga. Ambos retornan para
seguir luciendo las playeras con
los números 21 y 20, respectivamente, las cuales han negado
colgarlas, echándose de nueva
cuenta sobre los hombros el peso
del equipo.
Duncan capitaneará a titulares
y Ginóbili, como sexto hombre,
se encargará de que los suplentes
den lo máximo sobre la duela.
Duncan en su vitrina tiene 5
argollas de la NBA. Ginóbili,
guarda celosamente cuatro,
ganadas en las temporadas del
2003, 2005, 2007 y 2014. Por lo
El capitán de los Spurs, Tim Duncan, al culminar su presentación en el pasado Media Day (2014que no les vendría mal ganarse
15) fue captado pasando frente al quinto estandarte que la NBA instaló en el gimnasio oficial de
el derecho de probarse un anillo
los Spurs. (Foto, Franco)
Por José I. Franco
[email protected]
llegar a disputar la gran final en
sus aspiraciones por darle a San
Antonio su sexto campeonato
En la convocatoria de jugadores para estar presentes en
la apertura del campo de entrenamiento sobresalen los nombres
de jugadores estelares. Entre
ellos el alero Tim Duncan, quien
estará jugando su décimo novena
temporada vistiendo el uniforme
Silver & Black con el No. 21,
el guardia francés Tony Parker,
el escolta neoyorquino Danny
Green y el alero angelino Kawhi
Leonard. A ellos se unirá el alero
tejano LaMarcus Aldridge, que
al parecer estará cubriendo la
posición de central (poste).
En la lista de suplentes aparecen el alero Kyle Anderson,
Matt Bonner, Boris Diaw, Jimmer Fredette, Manu Ginóbili,
Cady Green, Boban Marjanovic,
Ray McCallum Jr., Patty Mills,
Nikola Milutinov, Jonathon
Simmons, Reggie Williams y
David West.
En datos proporcionados por
el departamento de prensa, los
Spurs indicaron sobre los buenos números que dejaron en la
temporada 2014-15 en el libro
de récords los jugadores titulares que dieron a San Antonio
su décimo noveno pase a los
playoffs de forma consecutiva.
Leonard se impuso en cuatro
departamentos, sobresaliendo en
el liderazgo de puntos anotados
por partido con 16.6.
En tiros libres obtuvo promedio de 80.2. En robos de balón
más. Para lograrlo ambos tendrán que imponer su ley sobre la
duela ante los duros rivales de las
conferencias del oeste y del este.
Por otro lado el departamento
de prensa de los Spurs hizo llegar a la redacción de La Prensa
de San Antonio un boletín en el
que informan sobre un partido
especial que estelarizará su sucursal Spurs de Austin, afiliado
a la NBA Development League
(Liga de Desarrollo de la NBA).
Spurs de Austin tienen como
fecha el martes 29 de diciembre
para enfrentar en el renovado
AT&T Center al equipo visitante
Santa Cruz Warriors (sucursal de
los Warriors de Golden States,
actual monarca de la NBA), que
vendrán en calidad de campeón.
El partido será patrocinado por
la empresa SWBC y se jugara en
el horario será a las 7:30 p.m.
por lo que se invita a la base de
seguidores de los Spurs para que
con tiempo obtengan boletos de
admisión y reservados.
Favor de llamar a un representante marcando el número
telefónico (210) 444-5050 o
visitando el sitio
El costo de los boletos en la
planta baja tendrá precio de $10
en adelante.
“El partido Spurs de Austin en
el AT&T Center hará historia en
la NBA Development League, ya
que será la primera vez que dicha
sucursal jugará en una plaza (San
Antonio) de alto rango en el mejor baloncesto del planeta. Con
ello se le estará dando a los fans
la oportunidad de ver la calidad
de baloncesto que se juega en
la D-League”, dijo Tim Salier,
vicepresidente del departamento
de Operación de Negocios y
Franquicias de Spurs Sports &
La Prensa de San Antonio
A ‘Conversation With a Living Legend’
returns to S.A. to honor Emmitt Smith
Special to La Prensa
27 de septiembre de 2015
LaMarcus Aldridge aparecerá
en comerciales de H-E-B
Especial para La Prensa
Basso, quien es vicepresidente de
mercadotecnia y publicidad en el
H-E-B Group.
“Por diez años nuestra clientela
se ha divertido y conectado con
los Spurs mediante los emotivos
comerciales producidos para la televisión por H-E-B, en los que ellos,
dinámicamente, anuncian nuestros
productos. De antemano agradecemos el apoyo de seguidores de los
Spurs que gustan apreciar nuestros
comerciales, con los que oportunamente damos por inaugurada la tem-
porada del baloncesto profesional”,
añadió el ejecutivo Basso.
Si usted, lector, desea ver videos
de comerciales de temporadas
anteriores, lo cual son bastante
divertidos, puede visitar el portal
Ahora solo resta echar la imaginación andar para ver qué “papel”
le tocará desempeñar al nuevo Spur,
quien poco a poco se ha venido
acostumbrando a la vida de nuestra
deportiva y cada día visitada región
de El Álamo.
The University of Texas MD
Anderson Cancer Center heads to
San Antonio Oct. 13 for the sixth annual “A Conversation With a Living
Legend” honoring Pro Football Hall
of Fame member and “Dancing with
the Stars” champion Emmitt Smith.
The luncheon and program will
be held at the Marriott Rivercenter,
101 Bowie St., from 11:30 a.m. to
1:30 p.m. Sean Elliott, full-time
color commentator for the San
Antonio Spurs, will interview the
renowned football star, respected
entrepreneur and best-selling author
in what promises to be an unforgettable afternoon. The luncheon will
benefit MD Anderson’s Moon Shots
Program, a comprehensive, accelerated effort to rapidly reduce cancer
deaths and transform cancer care.
Returning chairs Sonya Medina Williams and Gene Williams
spearhead a volunteer committee
of community and business leaders
from across San Antonio. They have
secured several major sponsors at
the $25,000 level, including Lewis
Energy Group, Mays Family Foundation and McCombs Foundation.
Silver Eagle Distributors also serves
as a significant sponsor, contributing
$15,000 to the cause.
Peggy and Lowry Mays and
Charline and Red McCombs return
as the event’s honorary chairs, while
Kim and Clyde Johnson IV and
Paula and Clyde Johnson III return
to serve as founding chairs.
Smith is one of the most valuable
brands in the sports entertainment
field. He rose to prominence via an
illustrious football career, which
included three Super Bowl championships as a member of the Dallas
Cowboys and the honor of being
the only player to have won a Super
Rushing Crown in the same season.
Smith was inducted into the Pro
Football Hall of Fame as part of the
Class of 2010 and is the NFL’s alltime leading rusher, having amassed
18,355 yards during his 15 seasons.
His charm and charisma, which
made him one of the sports world’s
most popular personalities during
his playing career, quickly translated
to the entertainment world following his retirement.
In 2006, Smith’s crossover appeal
became even more apparent when
he, along with dance partner Cheryl
Burke, was crowned winner of the
hit ABC reality show “Dancing
with the Stars.” As president and
CEO of Emmitt Smith Enterprises
Inc., Smith leads a team of talented
people who oversee the company’s
many ventures, including Pat &
Emmitt Smith Charities, an organization that annually awards college
scholarships and provides enrichment opportunities to underserved
Sean Elliott played for the San
Antonio Spurs for all but one season
from 1989 to 2001 and made his
way onto several franchise records
lists, including the most threepointers made. The 6’8” forward
was drafted third overall out of The
University of Arizona, made two
All-Star teams and played in the
Spurs’ 1999 championship NBA
Elliott is widely known for the
Memorial Day Miracle, his gamewinning three-point shot in Game
2 of the 1999 Western Conference
Finals vs. Portland Trail Blazers.
Unbeknownst to his teammates,
Elliott was battling a kidney disease
at the time but waited until after the
season to have the transplant he so
desperately needed.
In 2001, he became the first
player to return to professional
sports after an organ transplant.
Elliott retired in 2001 and became
a basketball analyst for the Spurs’
local broadcast for one season. In
2002, he joined ABC Sports and
ESPN, then left that position two
years later to rejoin the Spurs as the
team’s full-time color commentator. Seating is limited. For more
information, please call (866) 2629029 and press 9 or email events@
The University of Texas MD
Anderson Cancer Center in Houston
ranks as one of the world’s most
respected centers focused on cancer
patient care, research, education and
prevention. The institution’s sole
mission is to end cancer for patients
and their families around the world.
MD Anderson is one of only
45 comprehensive cancer centers
designated by the National Cancer
Institute (NCI). MD Anderson is
ranked No. 1 for cancer care in
U.S. News & World Report’s “Best
Hospital’s” survey. It has ranked as
one of the nation’s top two hospitals
since the survey began in 1990, and
has ranked first for 11 of the past
14 years. MD Anderson receives a
cancer support grant from the NCI
of the National Institute of Health
(P30 CA016672).
For the third time in his career,
St. Mary’s University goalkeeper
Mitchell Kilmer has been named
the Heartland Conference Defensive Player of the Week.
Kilmer, a redshirt sophomore
from Frisco, Texas, maintained a
clean sheet last week, playing an
instrumental role in St. Mary’s
going 2-0 on the week with two
shutout victories.
Kilmer had two saves in a 2-0
shutout over Ouachita Baptist,
and he followed that showing
with seven saves in a 1-0 shutout
of Texas A&M International.
Kilmer is 2-2 on the season with
a 1.00 goals against average.
Liga MX live action on NBC
Universo brings you Pachuca vs.
Santos. In sports, when teams
reach a point of having nothing to
lose, that is the moment fortunes
can turn. Pachuca and Santos sit at
the bottom of the table and when
they meet this Saturday night,
expect them to hold nothing back.
Bruises, blood, new formations,
different tactics, expect everything
as these two fight to avoid the cel-
lar. Fans can check their local TV
listings or visit www.nbcuniverso.
com/encuentra. These matches
will also be available on and NBC Deportes EN
VIVO EXTRA mobile app.
Los aficionados a los deportes
de primera línea en el mundo latino
tendrán una vez más la oportunidad
de ver una variada programación
que les será presentada por el canal
deportivo y de entretenimiento
NBC Universo, que, por cable
moderno, estará dedicado a los
programas exclusivos en ambas
ramas para que sean disfrutados por
la audiencia hispanoparlante.
Con dicha programación se dio
por inicio el tributo anual de la Herencia Hispana, que incluye una extensa programación de las mejores
franquicias deportivas del mundo
y especiales de entretenimiento
exclusivos, misma que concluirá el
15 de octubre.
Los televidentes latinos disfrutarán de programas deportivos,
grandes eventos y emocionantes
segmentos especiales dedicados en
homenajear a la comunidad hispana
en los Estados Unidos.
“NBC Universo sigue honrando
su compromiso de ofrecerles a
los latinos de los Estados Unidos
lo mejor en deportes y entretenimiento”, expresó Arelys Carballo,
vicepresidenta de Programación de
NBC Universo.
“Estamos muy orgullosos de
que durante el mes de la Herencia
Hispana los televidentes podrán sintonizar nuestro canal para disfrutar
de momentos e historias cautivadoras que hacen eco en la cultura latina
de los Estados Unidos”, añadió.
A partir del martes 29 de sep- El jinete mexicano Víctor Espinoza será horado en segmento
tiembre, NBC Universo transmitirá especial de NBC Universo. (Foto, cortesía)
en medio”, dijo Hamlin. “Pero a
veces los autos que van al frente
están en desventaja porque no
tienen la visión de todo lo que
está pasando. Tuvimos un gran
reinicio y me pude mantener en
las curvas 1 y 2 para tomar la ruta
del aire limpio.”
Hamlin logró la victoria, a pesar
de haber arrancado desde el puesto
29, y recuperarse de una pérdida
de control en la segunda vuelta
y quedar a una vuelta por detrás
de los líderes hasta la vuelta 129.
“Por suerte, esa bandera amarilla
(por piezas sueltas sobre la pista
durante la vuelta 122) nos permitió
volver a la vuelta de los líderes”,
añadió Hamlin. “Tuvimos un auto
rápido y eso fue lo más importante. Nos mantuvimos hasta el
final a pesar del desgaste de las
llantas. Me siento orgulloso del
esfuerzo que todos hicimos. El
equipo de pits hizo un gran trabajo y ahora estamos listos para
la próxima ronda (del Chase)”,
agregó Hamlin.
Esta fue la primera victoria de
Hamlin en Chicagoland, su segunda de la temporada y la décimo
sexta de su carrera, lo que le asegura un puesto en el Contender
Round del Chase, antes de llegar
a New Hampshire para la segunda
carrera del Chase.
Kevin Harvick, el campeón
defensor de la Sprint Cup, no tuvo
una jornada afortunada, luego
de que hizo contacto con el auto
No. 48 de Jimmie Johnson en el
reinicio de la vuelta 135, lo que
eventualmente causó una llanta
pinchada en su Chevrolet No.
4 impactándose contra el muro
“Tuve un buen reinicio, pero,
obviamente, el No. 22 (Joe Logano) y el No. 48 estaban en algo y
yo solo traté de mantener mi línea.
Entonces el No. 48 me golpeó
por el lado y ahí terminó todo”,
explicó Harvick.
Johnson tuvo otra explicación
al respecto: “Él me presionó hacia
dentro y yo tenía que regresar a
la pista”, dijo Johnson. “No diría
que él lo hizo algo diferente que
en otras situaciones similares. Si
hubieras estado en la posición de
Kevin, uno quiere evitar que el
auto que viene desde dentro quede
en un riesgoso ángulo para poder
avanzar. Yo me sentí bien al tratar
de subir, porque tenía que volver a
la pista. Así que me puse a su lado
y chocamos puesta con puerta,
llanta con llanta”, agregó Johnson.
Harvick terminó en el puesto
42 de los 43 autos que arrancaron
tras permanecer durante más de 50
vueltas en el garaje para reparar
su auto y ahora está ubicado en
el puesto 16 de Chase, por lo que
prácticamente tiene que ganar una
carrera en las próximas dos fechas
para avanzar al Contender Round.
Por suerte para el todavía
campeón, esa es la misma situación en la que estuvo en 2014
cuando llegó a Phoenix en la
penúltima carrera del Chase, antes
de ir a Homestead para conquistar
el título.
“Podemos ganar en cualquier
parte”, dijo Harvick. “Podríamos haber ganado hoy. Solo es
Emmitt Smith, Pro Football Hall of Fame member will be honored
by The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center during
the sixth annual “A Conversation With a Living Legend” luncheon
to be held Oct. 13 at the Marriott Rivercenter. (Courtesy photo)
St. Mary’s Mitchell Kilmer named
Heartland Player of the Week
Liga MX Pachuca vs. Santos
El alero tejano LaMarcus Aldridge entró con el pie derecho a
la organización Silver & Black tras
su firma de contrato por cuatro años
con los Spurs. Además, recientemente, fue convocado por la cadena de supermercados H-E-B para
unirse al selecto elenco conformado
por el alero titular Tim Duncan, el
escolta argentino Manu Ginóbili,
el guardia francés Tony Parker y
el alero estelar californiano Kawhi
Leonard, quienes han estelarizado
populares comerciales de H-E-B
que han sido galardonados.
En boletín informativo H-E-B
indicó que es posible que otros
jugadores se unan a este grupo para
realizar una serie de comerciales
durante la temporada de los Spurs
“Así como sus compañeros de
equipo, LaMarcus traerá un toque
único y compromisos con la comunidad de San Antonio. Por lo
que nosotros en H-E-B nos complacemos de presentar a Aldridge
ante los fans de Spurs mediante los
comerciales que se estarán produciendo y transmitiendo”, afirmó Cory
LaMarcus Aldridge, captado durante entrevista en su presentación como nuevo Spur. En la temporada 2015-16 de la NBA,
Aldridge marcará su debut con el pentacampeón equipo Spurs
de San Antonio y en comerciales de H-E-B, cuyo elenco lo forman
Leonard, Duncan, Parker y Ginóbili. (Foto, Franco)
NBC Universo transmitirá deportes
en el Mes de la Herencia Hispana
Por Astrid Rivera
en exclusiva los partidos como
anfitriones de los equipos León y
Pachuca de la Liga MX.
La acción empezará con el partido entre León y América a las
8 p.m.
Los televidentes podrán disfrutar
de toda la emoción de la Liga MX
en directo desde el Estadio León y
el Estadio Hidalgo.
NBC Universo también transmitirá en exclusiva los partidos
clasificatorios de la CONCACAF
para las Olimpíadas a partir del 1
de octubre a las 5:30 p.m.
La fanaticada podrá alentar a
sus equipos favoritos que incluyen
México, Costa Rica, Honduras,
Panamá y Cuba, entre otros.
La NFL estará de vuelta en español por NBC Universo. El domingo
27 de septiembre transmitirá un
segmento especial de la Herencia
Hispana producido por NBC Deportes, seguido luego del encuentro
entre los equipos Denver Broncos y
los Detroit Lions a las 7 p.m.
Los fanáticos de la MMA podrán
disfrutar la acción de la competencia Combate Américas, organización fundada por el ejecutivo
Campbell McLaren, cofundador de
Ultimate Fighting Championship
(UFC). Esta es la primera franquicia
de artes marciales creada específicamente para los hispanos de los
Estados Unidos.
La nueva serie “Road to the
Championship” se transmitirá en
vivo y en exclusiva a las 10 p.m.
El canal también transmitirá un
segmento especial sobre el jinete
(jockey) ganador de la Triple Corona hípica estadounidense, el mexicano Víctor Espinoza, quien este
año se convirtió en el primer jinete
hispano en ganar las tres joyas de la
hípica estadounidense montando al
potro tres añero American Pharoah.
El segmento especial llevará el
título “Víctor Espinoza: Orgullo Latino”, que será transmitido el sábado
3 de octubre a las 3 p.m. y honrará
las raíces mexicanas de Espinoza.
Denny Hamlin superó problemas y ganó primera carrera del Chase en Chicagoland
Por Reid Spencer
Nascar Wire Service
El nombre del audaz piloto
Denny Hamlin comenzó a tomar
fuerza dentro del automovilismo
profesional tras revertir lo que
parecía ser una racha de mala
suerte al sufrir la ruptura de ligamento anterior cruzado de su rodilla derecha una semana antes del
inicio del Chase, con una victoria
en la carrera
400 que se corrió exitosamente
en el autódromo Chicagoland
El piloto del Toyota No. 11, del
equipo Joe Gibbs Racing, optó por
quedarse en la pista con llantas
usadas para el último reinicio de
la carrera en la vuelta 263 de 267
y logró superar a su compañero
de equipo, Carl Edwards, por solo
.963 segundos, al adelantarse en
la curva 1 del óvalo de 1.5 millas
tras ver un hueco entre los líderes.
“Fue arriesgado, pero muchas
veces me he quedado atrapado
cuestión de hacer las cosas bien un
par de días y estaremos otras vez
en el Victory Lane (callejón de la
victoria). Tal y como lo hicimos
la temporada pasada”.
Harvick no parecía estar tan
tranquilo al confrontar a Johnson
al final de la carrera, cuando estuvieron a punto de enfrentarse a
golpes, pero por fortuna miembros
de ambos equipos lo evitaron.
Otro gran piloto Kurt Busch,
quien como Hamlin se mantuvo en
la pista con llantas desgastadas en
el último reinicio, pudo cruzar la
meta en el tercer puesto, seguido
por Ryan Newman, quien logró su
primer Top 5 desde abril pasado en
el autódromo de Bristol.
Matt Kenseth finalizó quinto y
con ello pasó a ocupar el primer
puesto de la Clasificación de
Pilotos, gracias a 12 puntos de
bono por las cuatro victorias en la
temporada regular.
Notas de la carrera
La historia se repitió de cierta
forma con Denny Hamlin, quien
en 2010 ganó en Texas solo 10
días después de romperse los
ligamentos de la rodilla izquierda.
Tras los resultados en Chicagoland, Jamie McMurray, quien
finalizó en el escaño 16, Paul
Menard, 17, Clint Bowyer 19, y
Harvick quedaron en las cuatro
posiciones de eliminación del
Promedio de velocidad del ganador: 140, 117 MPH.
Duración de la carrera: 2 horas,
51 minutos, 30 segundos. Margen
de la victoria: 0.962 Segundos.
Banderas amarillas: 6 durante 28
vueltas. Cambios de líder: 17 entre
10 pilotos.
Top 16 en la Clasificación por
M. Kenseth- 2,052; D. Hamlin2,050; C. Edwards- 2,049; Kyle
Busch- 2,049; Kurt Busch – 2,048;
J. Logano – 2,048; J. Johnson –
2,045; R. Newman – 2,040; B.
Keselowski – 2,039; D. Earnhardt
Jr. – 2,038; M. Truex Jr. – 2,035;
J. Gordon – 2,031; J. McMurray –
2,028; P. Menard – 2,027; C. Bowyer – 2,025; K. Harvick – 2,009.
27 de septiembre de 2015
La Prensa de San Antonio
Deportivo Tech blanqueó 5-0 al Real Barcelona en Soccer Liga de Los Altos
Por Sendero Deportivo
Con gol tempranero en la
parte complementaria, ejecutado
por el mediocampista Ricardo
Padilla, el Real Barcelona cedió
terreno ante la pesada artillería
del Deportivo Tech, dejándose
blanquear 5 por 0 goles en lo que
fue el partido clásico dominical
en Soccer Liga de Los Altos
(S.L.D.A.), que preside su fundador, señor Juan Padilla.
En los minutos restantes el
líder de goleo del equipo Óscar
Herrera, apodado “El Bocho”,
echó la barba a remojar anotando
a su antojo par de pepinazos con
asistencias de sus compañeros
dejando la marca personal de
seis tantos por ocho dianas. Su
compañero y también delantero
Omar Rodríguez entró a la fiesta
de goles anotando un par de los
cinco que marcó la pizarra final.
El entrenador técnico y mediocampista Gilberto “Gato”
Carranza celebró en grande el
resultado dejando entrever que
con la blanqueada el Deportivo
Tech se puso en la pelea para entrar a la liguilla, que comenzará
en la siguiente semana.
“Fallamos muchos disparos a
gol en la primera mitad del partido, no andábamos acertados,
pero se logró concretar nuestro
plan de juego y ahora no queda
más que esperar lo que sucederá
en la última jornada”, expresó
En otros resultados el Deportivo Jiménez ganó 1-0 al Real Nacional, que es el actual campeón,
pero que no se ha podido nivelar
en su rotación estelar por la que
le siguen descontando puntos lo
que los obligará bajo la dirección
de Enrique Carrero a retomar el
vuelo en la hornada número 16
que se estará celebrando este
Gilberto Carranza, jugador y entrenador del Deportivo Tech, Óscar Herrera “El Bocho” de tremendo puntapié derecho despejó
felicitó al mediocampista Ricardo Padilla tras darle el 1-0 ante el balón asustando al rival del Real Barcelona, que se “cubrió”
Real Barcelona. (Fotos, Franco)
para según él no ser golpeado.
domingo 27 de septiembre en la
cancha principal de Levi Strauss
Club Deportivo San Jacinto
1-0 al Deportivo Talgua.
Deportivo Sandoria y Honduras empataron 3-3.
Deportivo Louisiana derrotó 2
a 0 al Real San Luis, que por fin
fue abatido cortándole su racha
Deportivo Laredo de Roberto
Vargas blanqueó 1-0 al Inter, y
en partido amistoso ante Leo-
nes Negros de Juan Monsivais
salieron a la par sin goles, pero
obteniendo condición física para
estar en óptima condición para
la liguilla.
En la liga nocturna Padilla
reportó los siguientes resultados
de partido jugados en la cancha
del Monterrey Park: Honduras
3-1 al Deportivo Celaya.
Real Nacional 3-2 al Deportivo Talgua. Deportivo Sandoria doblegó 2 a 1 al Deportivo
Diablos blanqueó 3-0 a Titanes y los Bravos apalearon al campeón Piratas
El club Diablos, que comandan
Jesús Ramírez Sr. y José Villalobos,
recientemente de forma invicta con
11 victorias, 0 derrotas y 2 partidos
empatados se coronó campeón de
temporada en Torneo Dominical
Potranco II en su primer partido
del playoff en serie a ganar 2 de 3
juegos. Con pitcheo del lanzador
derecho Máximo De La Cruz (8-0)
derrotaron por blanqueada de 3-0
carreras a Titanes, que se encuentra
contra al borde de su eliminación.
De acuerdo al coordinador general del torneo Juan Sánchez, el
pitcher De La Cruz resultó designado como el campeón en su
departamento registrando al final
de temporada 8 victorias por 0 derrotas, dejando en el segundo lugar
al espigado derecho Iván Vaquera
de los Bravos, que concluyó con 7
victorias por 1 derrota.
En el segundo partido del playoff el actual campeón Piratas de
Sabinas S.A., que dirige Sergio De
Luna y es coordinado por el entusiasta beisbolista Daniel Guerrero,
se quedaron cortos en la defensiva
y ofensiva, siendo superados por
holgada pizarra a favor de Bravos,
que culminó su labor anotando
14 carreras por 4 de los del ojo
Por los Piratas sufrió la derrota el
abridor derecho Moisés Montalvo,
anotándose la victoria el abridor
Iván Vaquera, quien dejó el partido
en el séptimo episodio con score
de 10-1, siendo relevado por el
derecho serpentinero René Martin.
“Lo bueno fue que desde las
primeras entradas tuve apoyo de
mis compañeros que anotaron
cuatro carreras, y, posteriormente,
esparcieron seis más en lo que duré
sobre la lomita de los disparos”, dijo
El serpentinero zurdo Fred
Rivas, lanzando nueve peleados
episodios, guió a la quinta victoria
de la temporada al club Broncos
de Reynosa S.A. derrotando con
cerrada pizarra de 3 a 2 carreras
a los Red Sox y sus lanzadores
Calixto “Cali” Moreno, quien
dejo el partido empatado 2-2 en
el noveno episodio en el que el
relevista derecho José Espinoza
concedió la carrera del triunfo
para Broncos, que fue impulsada
por imparable del campo corto
Raúl Muñoz, quien a su vez remolcó al jardinero central Bobby
Red Sox de nueva cuenta
tuvo el apoyo de su contundente
bateador y jardinero derecho José
Por José I. Franco
[email protected]
Jonathan Vaquera, lanzador y jugador de cuadro del equipo René Martin, lanzador relevista de Bravos, lanzó las últimas enDiablos, y su hermano Iván, lanzador abridor de Bravos, podrían tradas contra Piratas, que le anotaron tres carreras en el primer
llegar a enfrentarse en la final del Torneo Potranco II.
partido de su serie de playoff.
Por su parte, el manager Francisco Navarro tuvo que echarse a
fondo en la estrategia, ya que su
coach y jugador Mario Cárdenas
fue expulsado por el ampáyer en
jefe, lo cual no mermó la producción de carreras. “Ya tenemos el
primero en la bolsa y vamos a tratar
de cerrar la serie con un partido.
Todos respondieron jugando buena
defensiva y ayudando a nuestros
lanzadores, lo cual hizo la diferencia en este primer partido del
playoff”, dijo Navarro.
La segunda jornada del playoff se
jugará en los horarios de las 11 a.m.
entre los equipos Piratas vs. Bravos
y a las 3 p.m. Diablos vs. Titanes.
“En los partidos que restan del
playoff vamos a seguir adelante
en nuestra rotación estelar con los
lanzadores Máximo De La Cruz
y el zurdo Chris Pacheco. En el
bateo mi hijo Júnior se despachó
bateando par de imparables en
cuatro turnos al bate, por lo que esperamos más de él”, dijo el timonel
Ramírez Sr.
La temporada de otoño e invierno fue inaugurada con éxito
en el diamante Colt 45 Baseball
League, donde estarán participando
los equipos Bobcats, Westsiders,
Titans, Cubs y “Los Pistoleros”
de Colt 45.
El partido de apertura logró
llevar a un buen número de aficionados que aplaudieron las espectaculares acciones ejecutadas por
Bobcats, que propinaron paliza de
15-1 carreras a los Cubs, que no
sintieron lo duro sino lo tupido.
En el segundo cotejo los equipos
Westsiders y “Los Pistoleros” salieron empatados 3-3, destacándose
la estrategia del timonel Roberto
Villarreal “La Yerba” por Westsiders, quien aplaudió espectacular
doble matanza de su campo corto
Jaime Rodríguez “Cremas”, que en
el sexto capítulo los salvó poniendo
fuera a dos corredores.
Por Colt 45 el jardinero central
Óscar Montes también sobresalió
con jugada similar.
Los serpentineros Chris Pacheco
de los pistoleros y Felipe Ochoa
de los del sector oeste no tuvieron
decisión en sus respectivas fojas por
el empate de 3-3.
Rol de juegos
Domingo 27 de septiembre.
12 p.m. Titanes vs Cubs.
3 p.m. Westsiders vs. Bobcats.
El timonel Roberto Villarreal
“La Yerba” retornó al béisbol
dominical como nuevo manager
del equipo Westsiders, lo cual
tiene contentos a jugadores y al
propietario Joe Sandoval.
Fred Rivas le da triunfo a Broncos Con éxito abrió liga dominical
Martínez, quien bateó 4-4 con
una carrera producida, con lo
que continúa siendo el caballito
de batalla de los calcetones rojos
que comanda el beisbolista Pedro
Al trabuco fronterizo (Broncos
de Reynosa S.A.) le faltó en su
alineación estelar el lanzador
Gilberto Rodríguez y jardinero
Sergio Torres, quienes –con aval
de la señora Linda Garza– estuvieron ausentes prometiendo estar
presentes en el último partido
del rol regular que será ante los
“Estoy agradecida con jugadores que salieron adelante contra
Red Sox, ya que ese era un partido
que nos interesaba ganar para
asegurar puesto en los playoffs.
(Todo, for the love of the game)”,
expresó la señora Linda Garza,
gerente general de Broncos.
“Este partido fue en equipo
(teamwork). Vamos por uno
más para finalizar con éxito la
temporada”, apuntó el lanzador
Fred Rivas.
José Martínez de Red Sox bateó 4 de 4 contra Broncos de Reynosa S.A.
El plantel Colt 45 bajo la dirección del segunda base José
Montes, que es propiedad del
timonel Jaime Guerrero, con victoria de 8-0 ante Rieleros y picheo
combinado de Mike Luna y Tony
Moreno ganaron el banderín de la
temporada dedicada al don Jaime
M. Guerrero, con marca de 8 victorias por 1 derrota.
Juan Sánchez y Jaime Guerrero siguen realizando la organización del torneo internacional
a celebrarse el fin de semana por
el feriado del Día de Acción de
Gracias, en el que participarán
los equipos Monclova y Agujita.
del estado vecino de Coahuila,
Rieleros y Colt 45.
Los Cachorros de Nava sin
sudar la franela ganaron a Tuneros 9-0, victoria celebrada por su
propietario Alejandro “Rábano”
Becerra, quien puso su marca
en 2-7.
Rol de juegos
Sábado 26 de septiembre. Estadio Colt 45: 10 a.m. Broncos
vs. Rieleros.
12 p.m. Tuneros vs. Red Sox.
Fred Rivas, lanzador zurdo de Broncos, celebró victoria contra
4 p.m. Cachorros vs. Colt 45.
Red Sox.
Jaime Rodríguez “Cremas”, campo corto de Westsiders, captado al centro sonriente tras realizar
doble matanza contra el duro rival Colt 45. Rodríguez con imparable impulsó la tercera anotación
en los ganchos de su compañero Gonzalo “Chalito” Carramán.
La Prensa de San Antonio
Our Lady of Sorrows Church
celebrates centennial
Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller, MSpS, celebrates the Centennial Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows
Church with several priest concelebrants. (Courtesy photo)
By Sandy Salinas
For Today’s Catholic
In the heart of San Antonio’s
historic and charming Monte Vista
neighborhood sits what may be
one of the local Catholic community’s undiscovered gems: Our
Lady of Sorrows Church.
The small, but exquisitely beautiful 100-year-old church draws in
worshippers from varied sections
of the city and all walks of life.
This diversity was reflected in
crowd of parishioners and guests
that recently gathered for the parish’s centennial anniversary Mass
celebrated by Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller, MSpS, joined
by Our Lady of Sorrows pastor,
Father Thaddeus Tabak, SDS;
Bishop Emeritus John W. Yanta of
Amarillo; and several other priests.
Addressing the packed church
primarily in English, and a bit
of Polish and Spanish as well,
Archbishop Gustavo stated how
appropriate it was the parish’s centennial celebration occurred on the
feast of the Exaltation of the Cross
and one day before the feast of the
parish’s namesake.
“What a way to honor the
blessed mother — Our Lady of
Sorrows — by contemplating what
she suffered out of love for all of us
in Jesus giving his life for all humanity. The two feasts are woven
into a single tapestry. …We stand
tonight with our lady at the foot of
the cross of Jesus.”
One of the highlights of the Mass
was the archbishop’s blessing and
unveiling of a newly enshrined
first-class relic belonging to St.
John Paul II. Located beneath an
image of the Divine Mercy, the
custom-made repository contains a
small capsule which holds a cloth
that was immersed in the saint’s
The process of bringing this
sacred relic to Our Lady of Sorrows commenced last February
during Father Tabak’s business
“Dame entendimiento para seguir tus
preceptos, pues quiero meditar en tus
Salmo 119:27
trip to Poland. The parish website
recounts how the pastor spoke
with the superior provincial of the
Salvatorian Fathers in Krakow in
order to petition Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz (a former personal
secretary of John Paul II) for the
relic. Only a few months later, the
relic arrived at the parish accompanied by a letter in Latin attesting
to its authenticity and signed by the
cardinal himself.
Wording in the letter is identical
to that which surrounds the bloodstained cloth within the capsule:
Ex Sanguine Sancti Joannis Pauli
II Papae (from the Blood of Saint
John Paul II, the Pope). A special
bond exists between this saint and
Father Tabak. While auxiliary
bishop of Krakow and years before
he became pope, Karol Wojtyła
administered the sacrament of
confirmation to Father Tabak.
Following the Mass, mariachis
welcomed guests into the elegantly
decorated gym for a generous
potluck meal. A narrated program
was shared detailing the parish’s
rich history and heritage.
Our Lady of Sorrows began in
1905 as a catechetical center on
Valdez Street and evolved a few
years later into a mission of San
Fernando Cathedral until 1926. As
first, liturgies were held beneath a
tent, but in 1911 the current property was purchased and four years
later the church was erected. The
church’s name, Nuestra Señora
de los Dolores (Our Lady of Sorrows), was chosen at the behest of
major donor Fred Rodriguez who
suggested it be named after his
mother, Dolores Rodriguez.
It served a primarily MexicanAmerican community of about 200
families. The ensuing years saw
significant expansion with the addition of a rectory, a school (closed
in 1970), and a convent (now used
as a commercial business office).
The church became a mission of
St. Mary’s parish in the downtown
area and later of Our Lady of Grace
parish in Monte Vista. Finally, on
Dec. 8, 1977, Our Lady of Sorrows
became an independent parish.
Throughout the years, the leadership of the parish has changed,
first from the Spanish Dominican
fathers in 1926, the Oblates in
1944, and later, archdiocesan
clergy. In 1986, Our Lady of
Sorrows was entrusted with the
spiritual care of Polish immigrants.
Finally, in 2003, the Polish
Salvatorian Fathers (known as the
Society of Divine Savior) were
assigned this role and the current
pastor, Father Tabak, took the helm
of the trilingual parish. Our Lady of
Sorrows is located at 3107 N. St.
Mary’s St., at E. Mistletoe Avenue.
For more information about the
parish including a Mass schedule,
visit www.ourladyofsorrows-sa.
Infiel vía la red social
Por Carlos Rey
En este mensaje tratamos el
caso de un hombre que “descargó
su conciencia” en nuestro sitio Lo hizo de
manera anónima, como pedimos
que se haga; así que, a pesar de que
nunca se lo había contado a nadie,
nos autorizó a que lo citáramos,
como sigue:
“Por medio del Facebook conocí
a mujeres y le fui infiel a mi esposa,
y a causa de ese engaño le pasé un
virus llamado VPH. Ella me botó
y pidió de inmediato el divorcio.
Pero antes de que saliera la sentencia, se retractó, me llamó y supuestamente me perdonó. Volvimos y
pasamos casi seis meses juntos....
pero mi carne fue débil, y volví a
contactarme con esas mujeres en la
red social.... Nos separamos nuevamente y casi nos divorciamos....
¿Qué más puedo hacer?”.
Este es el consejo que le dio mi
Estimado amigo:
“La pregunta que nos hace es
muy interesante. ¿Qué más puede
usted hacer? El hacer más implica
5400 Daughty @ Evers Just
inside Loop 410, 680-0111
Raúl C. García, Pastor
8:30 A.M. Spanish Service
11:00 A.M. English Service
Sunday Evening Worship 5:00 P.M.
Wednesday Worship 7:00 P.M.
Bible Centered Preaching
Active Youth and
Children’s Programs
Spanish & English Services
que ya ha hecho algo para tratar de
resolver la situación. Pero según
lo que nos cuenta, lo único que ha
hecho es engañar y mentir repetidas veces, y contagiar a su esposa
con una enfermedad venérea.
¿Qué más puede usted hacer?
Puede llegar a ser una persona
con integridad, un esposo que no
le oculta sus secretos a su esposa,
y un hombre con dominio propio.
Hasta que sea capaz de lograr esos
objetivos, no hay razón alguna para
que su esposa confíe en usted o le
permita regresar....... Es probable
que le haya hecho promesas a su
esposa, pero tales promesas son
inútiles si no hay obras que las
acompañen. Si usted le hubiera
dado a su esposa la información
necesaria para que ella pudiera ingresar cuando quisiera a su cuenta
en la red social, y si hubiera permitido que ella revisara cada noche
los mensajes de texto que usted
había enviado mediante su teléfono
móvil ese día, con eso nada más se
habría vuelto más fuerte al instante.
¿Por qué juzgó necesario cuidar
de que ella no se enterara de los
secretos suyos?
Jesucristo enseñó que cuando
dos personas se casan, dejan de
ser dos entidades y se convierten
en una sola entidad nueva. A fin de
seguir esta enseñanza de Cristo, los
casados no deben guardar secretos
el uno del otro, sino que debe ser
accesible al cónyuge toda red
social y comunicación con otras
personas. Si se quita la capacidad
de comunicarse en privado a través
de los medios sociales y de mensajes de texto, es mucho más difícil
cultivar relaciones inapropiadas o
Dios quiere ayudarlo a ser una
persona íntegra. Quiere ayudarlo a
ser fuerte al confiar en Él y seguir
sus principios y sus leyes. El apóstol Pablo tenía una debilidad con
la que luchaba, aunque no llegó a
especificar cuál era. Pero encontró
que el poder de Dios se perfecciona
en la debilidad humana. Siempre
y cuando dependiera de Dios y
se mantuviera en una estrecha
relación con Él, podría ser fuerte
a pesar de su debilidad. Y usted
también puede lograrlo. ¡Siempre
dependa de Dios y mantenga una
relación lo más estrecha posible
con Él, y verá la diferencia que
marcará en su vida!
Dear Friends,
The first word I wish to say to
you is “Thank you”. Thank you for
welcoming me and for your efforts
to make this meeting possible.
Here I think of a person whom
I love, someone who is, and has
been, very important throughout
my life. He has been a support and
an inspiration. He is the one I go to
whenever I am “in a fix”. You make
me think of Saint Joseph. Your
faces remind me of his.
Joseph had to face some difficult
situations in his life. One of them
was the time when Mary was about
to give birth, to have Jesus. The
Bible tells us that, “while they were
[in Bethlehem], the time came for
her to deliver her child. And she
gave birth to her firstborn son and
wrapped him in bands of cloth, and
laid him in a manger, because there
was no place for them in the inn”
(Luke 2:6-7).
The Bible is very clear about this:
there was no room for them. I can
imagine Joseph, with his wife about
to have a child, with no shelter, no
home, no place to stay. The Son
of God came into this world as a
homeless person. The Son of God
knew what it was to start life without a roof over his head. We can
imagine what Joseph must have
been thinking.
How is it that the Son of God has
no home? Why are we homeless,
why don’t we have housing? These
are questions which many of you
may ask daily. Like Saint Joseph,
you may ask: Why are we homeless,
without a place to live? These are
questions which all of us might well
ask. Why do these, our brothers and
sisters, have no place to live? Why
are these brothers and sisters of ours
Joseph’s questions are timely
even today; they accompany all
those who throughout history have
been, and are, homeless.
Joseph was someone who asked
questions. But first and foremost,
he was a man of faith. Faith gave
Joseph the power to find light just
at the moment when everything
seemed dark. Faith sustained him
amid the troubles of life. Thanks
to faith, Joseph was able to press
forward when everything seemed
to be holding him back.
In the face of unjust and painful
situations, faith brings us the light
which scatters the darkness. As it
did for Joseph, faith makes us open
to the quiet presence of God at every moment of our lives, in every
person and in every situation. God
is present in every one of you, in
each one of us.
We can find no social or moral
justification, no justification whatsoever, for lack of housing. There
are many unjust situations, but we
know that God is suffering with us,
experiencing them at our side. He
does not abandon us.
Faith makes us know that God is
at our side, that God is in our midst
and his presence spurs us to charity.
Charity is born of the call of a God
who continues to knock on our door,
the door of all people, to invite us
to love, to compassion, to service of
one another.
Pope prays with homeless
people in Washington D.C.
Special to La Prensa
In a meeting with homeless men
and women in Washington D.C.,
Pope Francis said that faith can
help us all to face unjust and painful
situations. His words came during
a visit to the parish of St Patrick in
the City, the oldest Catholic parish
in Washington, founded in 1794 to
provide pastoral support for Irish laborers working on the construction
of the White House and Congress
In his words to the street people,
Pope Francis said they reminded
him of St Joseph, the figure to
whom the Pope said he turns whenever he is “in a fix”. Joseph faced
some difficult situations, he said,
especially when he found himself
homeless with Mary about to give
birth to her son, Jesus. The Bible
notes clearly there was no room for
them in the inn, the Pope said, so the
Son of God came into this world as
a homeless person.
We can find no social or moral
justification, no justification whatsoever, the Pope said, for lack of
housing but we know that God
never abandons us in our suffering.
Faith also makes us know that God
is knocking on our door and calling us “to love, to compassion, to
service of one another”.
Below please find the prepared
text of Pope Francis’ words to the
homeless in Washington D.C.
Meeting with the Homeless at
Saint Patrick in the City, Washington
27 de septiembre de 2015
508 Paseo de la Villita
(210) 226-3596
Sunday Worship
11:00 A.M.
Cleo Edmunds, Pastor
San Fernando Cathedral
Daily Masses: 6:15 am and 12:05 pm
Saturday Masses: 8:00 am Sabatina Espanol
5:30 pm Bilingual (Mariache Choir Mass)
Sunday Masses: 6:00 am (Spanish); 8:00 am (Spanish Televised);
10:00 am (English); 12:00 noon (Spanish); 2:00 pm (English);
5:00 pm (Bilingual)
Confessions: Mon-Fri 11:45am-Noon and Sat. 4pm-5pm
115 Main Plaza
Downtown • 227-1297
27 de septiembre de 2015
La Prensa de San Antonio 5-B
#My3Feet campaign launches H-E-B partners with Dole to donate
seven salad bars to Seguin ISD
to promote cycling safety
Special to La Prensa
The Safe Passing Ordinance sets a required passing distance of three feet for cars and six feet for
commercial or large trucks when passing bicyclists and pedestrians. (Courtesy photo)
Special to La Prensa
A citywide increase in bicycling means more people
of all ages are cycling on San
Antonio’s roadways, inspiring the City of San Antonio’s
San Antonio Bikes program to
launch the #My3Feet campaign
to educate motorists about the
Safe Passing Ordinance.
“Southtown is the perfect location to start this conversation,
as the area is full of bicycling
and pedestrian activity,” said
Interim Chief of Police Anthony Treviño.
Adopted by City Council in
2010, the Safe Passing Ordinance sets a required passing
distance of three feet for cars
and six feet for commercial
or large trucks when passing
bicyclists and pedestrians.
“As San Antonio undergoes
exciting transformations in our
neighborhoods and streets, the
way we think about road safety
must also evolve,” District 5
Councilwoman Shirley Gonzales said. “This is why we want
to encourage everyone who
uses our streets to consider
the most vulnerable road users, including bicyclists and
San Antonio Bikes developed
the #My3Feet campaign to help
resident motorists imagine
household items or personal
mementos that roughly add up
to three feet of space.
“Communication and wordof-mouth are key to the program’s success,” said Doug
Melnick, chief sustainability
officer. “I encourage everyone
to join the conversation and
share ideas on social media, as
well as with your friends and
In 2014, San Antonio recorded 325 bicycle-related crashes,
799 pedestrian-related crashes
and 54 pedestrian deaths according to the City’s Transportation & Capital Improvements
The #My3Feet campaign
includes outdoor advertising
on roadways with high rates
of traffic incidents involving
cyclists, pedestrians and motor
vehicles. Social media users are
encouraged to utilize the #My3Feet and #SABikes hashtags to
participate in the campaign for
a chance to win bicycle helmets
and other prizes.
San Antonio Bikes will feature the #My3Feet campaign
with an inspiration wall at major
events including Síclovía on
Sept. 27 and San Antonio Bike
Octoberfest on Oct. 10. For
more information, visit
San Antonio will be awarded $1
million for police body-worn cameras
Lunchtime at all seven elementary schools in Seguin ISD will
now feature a fresh and fun new way to eat fruits and vegetables.
(Photo, Robin Jerstad)
H-E-B and Dole were organized
in conjunction with the United
Fresh Start Foundation, a founding
partner of the national Let’s Move
Salad Bars to Schools initiative. To
date, the initiative has facilitated the
donation of salad bars to more than
4,100 schools nationwide, benefitting nearly 3 million children every
school day.
“We are pleased to partner with
H-E-B and Dole to provide salad
bars to schools in this area of the
country, ensuring students here will
have access to more fresh produce,
and healthier options at lunch,” said
Tom Stenzel, president and CEO of
the United Fresh Produce Association. “Salad bars empower students
to make healthy choices and get kids
excited to eat their fruits and veggies
at school and beyond.”
Seguin ISD and its food service
vendor, Chartwells, have pledged to
continually stock the salad bars with
fresh produce options, ensuring that
children get exposure to fruits and
vegetables on a daily basis.
New USDA nutrition standards
for school lunch require schools to
dramatically increase the amount
and variety of fruits and vegetable
served to students each day, and
salad bars are the easiest way for
schools to meet these requirements.
Research and experience in
schools across the country demonstrate that children significantly
increase their fruit and vegetable
consumption when given a variety of
choices in a school salad bar. When
offered multiple fruit and vegetable
choices, children respond by incorporating greater variety and increasing their overall consumption.
“We are all very excited about this
new salad bar, which will reinforce
nutrition education messages while
providing students the ability to
select from a variety of fruit and
vegetable options each day,” said
Stetson Roane, Seguin ISD superintendent.
Additionally, Rodriguez Elementary School is already a site for the
Sow Healthy Intergenerational
Garden initiative that gets children
out of the classroom and into the
garden. Sow Healthy brings together students and seniors in the
community to tend and harvest the
crops, side-by-side. The program
provides another opportunity to
ensure that children are exposed to
fruits and vegetables in a fun and
tangible way.
Pet of the week
Special to La Prensa
San Antonio will be awarded
a $1 million federal grant for
police body cameras as part of the
Department of Justice’s (DOJ)
FY 2015 $20 million Body-Worn
Camera (BWC) Pilot Implementation Program. The $1 million
grant is the most awarded to any
city; Chicago, Detroit, Miami and
Washington, D.C. are the other $1
million recipients.
“I am pleased that the Department of Justice has recognized our
municipal leadership in the deployment of body cameras during the
past two years though their award
of this $1 million grant to the city
of San Antonio,” said Mayor Ivy
R. Taylor.
“Recent events have shown
even more clearly that body cams
increase transparency and provide
valuable information to the community and to law enforcement,
helping us achieve our goals of
reducing incidents of force and
citizen complaints, ensuring safety
for the public and officers and
building an even stronger relationship between our outstanding
police force and our residents,”
added Mayor Taylor.
The grant application was submitted to the DOJ’s Bureau of
Justice Assistance by the city after
a successful pilot program by the
San Antonio Police Department
(SAPD) in 2014. A San Antonio
delegation, led by Mayor Taylor,
City Manager Sheryl Sculley,
members of the City Council and
business leaders traveled to Washington, D.C. in February 2015 and
met with DOJ officials to advocate
for federal funding. Councilman
Ron Nirenberg visited with DOJ
again in July 2015.
“This grant is one of the priorities in the city’s Federal Legislative Program,” said City Manager
Sheryl Sculley. “I’m pleased that
we’ve been able to demonstrate to
the DOJ that our body cam program is ready for implementation,
and we are very grateful for the
support of our representatives in
San Antonio Congressmen
Joaquin Castro, Henry Cuellar,
Committed to increasing healthier options for students, H-E-B
will donate seven salad bars to
elementary schools in Seguin Independent School District (SISD), a
district where 69 percent of students
qualify for free and reduced lunch.
The self-serve produce bars are
made possible through a partnership with Dole Food Company
(Dole) and will feature a wide array
of fresh fruits and vegetables to
boost new choices for students at
breakfast and lunch.
“H-E-B is committed to the
well-being of Texans and we have
a responsibility to take leadership
in improving the health of our
communities,” said Hugh Topper,
group vice president of Fresh for HE-B. “In particular, investing in our
children has the power to change
the way future generations see the
importance of health and wellness
in their lives.”
Representatives with H-E-B and
Dole were joined by leadership
from United Fresh Produce Association, Chartwells, Seguin ISD
and local and state officials on Sept.
24 to present Rodriguez Elementary
School in Seguin with a new salad
bar at a celebration event.
“With one-third of the nation’s
children either overweight or obese,
we need to look at new ways to
encourage healthier eating,” said
Bil Goldfield, Dole’s director of
Corporate Communications. “It’s
important to start the nutrition conversation, and offer tangible healthy
alternatives, as early in childhood
as possible. By offering permanent
salad bars stocked with fresh fruit
and vegetables, we are hopefully
establishing healthier eating habits
that will last a lifetime.”
The salad bar donations from
Popcorn is the bowl of laughs you’ve been looking for.
This 1 year old Tabby is as spunky as popping kernel corn.
He can lounge around like any other cat, but break out
the ball-o-string and he’ll be on his feet all day. Although
he’s all about his playtime, Popcorn would likely be more
comfortable without any other four-legged distractions.
After all, this golden-eyed boy doesn’t miss a thing, and
he’s sure to be ever watchful on a warm window ledge.
While he’s a young one himself, Popcorn is interested in
more grown-up company and after he’s done seeing you
as his new toy, he’ll be sure to welcome you as his new
family. So, if you’re looking for a handsome buddy to
liven up your home, Popcorn is your cob! Stop by the SA
Humane Society soon. Please remember to spay/neuter
your pets to help ensure every dog and cat born has a home
waiting for them. San Antonio Humane Society, Connecting Friends for Life.
(Courtesy photo)
Lloyd Doggett and Will Hurd also
supported the city’s request for
funding of the body-worn cameras
through a letter of support to the
Rep. Castro sponsored a successful amendment to the FY 2015 appropriations bill that increased the
total amount available nationwide
for local grants for body cameras
by $10 million. The amendment
passed the House of Representatives with bipartisan support.
“It’s crucial the SAPD has the
best equipment possible to protect
our city and inspire trust in the
community,” said Congressman
“Body-worn cameras provide
accountability and transparency
that save officer and civilian lives.
I’m glad our local law enforcement
received this significant federal
grant to support implementation
of that technology. Pursuing policies that support police and keep
our communities safe will continue to be a top priority of mine
in Congress,” added Congressman
San Antonio’s proposal requested funding to purchase body-worn
cameras for approximately 1,030
police officers, provide training
to personnel and establish a data
storage system. The federal funds
will be used to supplement the $3
million approved for body cameras
in San Antonio’s FY2016 Budget
adopted by the City Council Sept.
10, 2015.
“The Department of Justice
recognizes San Antonio as an innovative and thoughtful leader in
deploying technology in policing,”
said Councilman Ron Nirenberg,
District 8. “The San Antonio body
camera policy is viewed as a na-
tional model.”
Over the next two years, San Antonio’s body-worn camera program
will provide an estimated 2,200
body-worn cameras for police officers to more effectively protect a
growing population.
“Transparency and maintenance
of public trust are key to our continued success as an organization,”
said Interim Police Chief Anthony
Trevino. “We’re proud of our body
camera program’s progress thus far.
Our testing and evaluation processes were successful and informative,
and we’re excited that our policy
is being considered a model policy
among our peer agencies in Texas.”
Adoption fees for Cats:
Less than 4 Months - $50
Over 4 months of age - $30
*Adoption fees may vary
This adoption fee includes: spay/neuter surgery, first set of vaccinations, microchip, fiv/felv test,
de-wormer, flea prevention, collar, tag, complimentary wellness exam within the first 5 days of
adoption, 14 day complimentary follow up care at any VCA animal hospital, 30 days 24PetWatch
Pet Insurance, and a starter bag of Hill’s Science Diet pet food. For more information, visit the San
Antonio Humane Society at 4804 Fredericksburg Rd., visit, or call (210) 226-7461.
Need a baker specializing in Mexican
bread & cookies.
Good working environment. Please
call (210) 226-2979
or apply in person at
2200 W. Martin.
---------------------¿Estás cansada
de vivir cheque a
cheque? Busco personas que quieran
ganar $100.00 extra
por semana. Llamar
a Letty (210) 4781724.
---------------------Se solicita personalhombres para trabajo de limpieza con
experiencia combinado con custodian
setup. Solicitantes
llamar al (210) 8592957 y dejar mensaje. Se requiere Buen
Récord (Bilingual
---------------------¿Cansado de tu
economía? Empresa
busca 3 personas
que quieran ingresos
extra. Llame (210)
---------------------Now hiring for production presser.
Experience necessary for pressing dry
clean garments. Pay
will be discussed
on interview. (210)
---------------------Panadería y Taquería, necesitan
cajera, cocinero/a
y ayudante general. Favor de hablar
(210) 416-8985.
---------------------Solicito mecánico,
carpintero, plomero, nivelador de
México. (210) 8335738 o (210) 3620875.
HG Roofing Repair.
Google me. Missing
shingles, leak repair
350 n up, 17 years
experience (210)
We pay cash for
houses, fast, any
area and any condition, 25 years experience. Privacy
assured! Call John
(210) 414-4210.
Own and operate
your own floral
and/or gift shop in
the downtown San
Antonio area for as
little as $795 per
month, $95 equipment rental fee per
month, plus $1,600
of existing floral inventory. This shop is
located four blocks
from the newly developed River Walk
and Pearl Brewery
areas. We are leasing floral sections
and selling most of
the floral tools and
materials needed to
run and operate a
full service floral
shop. We also own
a professional floral
school so we can
train you for as little
as $800 and in one
month you will be
ready to open your
own business for
just slightly over
$2,000. If you are
interested or you
know of someone
who might be interested in owning
and operating their
own floral or gift
business, please call
(210) 229-9204 or
(210) 772-2900.
---------------------$99 Move In Special!!! 1010 N. Frio
St. (210) 222-2992.
---------------------Duplex NW Side
$500/$200. Also
Whirlpool, refrigerator excellent condition $75. (210)
---------------------Rento cuarto con
utilidades incluidas,
$380 – $450 al mes.
Ubicados por el 410
y Marbach (210)
---------------------Apartment for rent
(duplex) 1 bedroom, living room
and kitchen. Bills included. For a couple
or 1 person. (210)
ACRE with access to
Medina Lake, water
sewer and electric
(830) 328-1571.
---------------------REPO, ¼ acre with
all utilities installed,
BANDERA. (830)
---------------------Vendo lavadoras
capacidad grande
$125. Secadora capacidad grande $95.
Refrigerador de 2
puertas $125. Todo
en excelente condiciones y garantizado. Puedo entregar
a domicilio. Hablar
(210) 324-9821.
---------------------Venta para Niños
@ Kendal County
Fairgrounds Oct. 8 a
las 9 am - 6pm. Oct.
9 9 am – 5 pm. Oct.
10 505 de descuento
venta 9 am -3pm.
Juguetes, ropa, zapatos, bicicletas.
---------------------Vendo una recámara completa, bonito comedor con
4 sillas, lavadora y
secadora. (210) 9273372.
La Prensa de San Antonio
---------------------2 plots on San Fernando #3 - $1,600.
each or 2 for $3,000.
Call (210) 665-3238
o (210) 464-6895.
LLAME A (210)
---------------------Pintura, plomería,
cercas de madera,
alambre, textura,
shower reparación,
sheetrock, carpintería, pongo puertas y ventanas reparación. Habla con
Jesús Villa. Llame
a (210) 797-6677.
---------------------Reparación de lavadoras, secadoras y
refrigeradores, estimado gratis. Trabajo
rápido a domicilio,
garantizado. También los compro y
vendo. (210) 3249821.
---------------------Reparamos desde
$49 lavadoras, secadoras, refrigeradoras, estufas, A/C’s.
Todas marcas, garantizado. Llame a
(210) 605-9418 o
(210) 489-0604 o
(210) 488-0779.
para toda clase lastimaduras. (210) 9229244.
---------------------Hago trabajos de
carpintero, plomero,
pintura, electricidad, corto yardas,
mecánica de automóviles, instalación de
cercas y mosaico
cementado de entradas de casas. (210)
689-7076 o (210)
---------------------Compro madera,
lámina, plywood,
carros, trocas. Jonquiados, no título
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Miraculous Prayer
Dear Heart of jesus, in
the past I have asked
for many favours, this
time I ask for a special
one (mention favour).
Take it dear Heart
of Jesus and place it
within your own broken heart where your
Father sees it. Then
in his merciful eyes it
will become your favour not mine. Amen.
Say this prayer for
3 days and promise
publication and your
favour will be granted
no matter how imposible
Prayer to the Sacred
Heart of Jesus
O most holy heart of
Jesus, fountain of every blessing, I adore
you, I love you, and
with lively sorrow for
my sins I offer you this
poor heart of mine.
Make me humble, patient, pure and wholly
obedient to your will.
Grant, Good Jesus,
that I may live in you
and for you. Protect
me in the midst of danger. Comfort me in my
afflictions. Give me
health of body, assistance in my temporal
needs, your blessing
on all that I do, and the
grace of a holy death.
Saint Expedite
Prayer of Urgent
Needs in Thanksgiving for a Quick
Saint Expedite you lay
in rest I come to you
and ask that this wish
be granted (Request)
Saint Expedite now
what I ask of you
Saint Expedite now
what I want of you,
this very second
Don’t wait another
day, Grant me what I
ask for I know your
power I know you because of your work
I know you can help
me. Do this for me
and I will spread Your
name with love and
honor so that it will
be invoked again and
again. Expedite the
wish with speed, love,
honor and goodness.
Glory to you, Saint
tus fieles y enciende
en ellos el fuego de tu
amor. Envía, Señor,
tu Espíritu y todo será
creado. Y renuevas la
faz de la tierra.
Oremos. Oh Dios, que
ha enseñado a los corazones de los fieles con
la luz del Espíritu Santo, concédenos el don
del mismo Espíritu
seamos siempre siempre del bien y gozar.
La sombra de
El Espíritu Santo
Ven, Espíritu Santo,
llena los corazones de
tus fieles y enciende
en ellos el fuego de tu
amor. Envía, Señor,
tu Espíritu y todo será
creado. Y renuevas la
faz de la tierra.
Oremos. Oh Dios, que
ha enseñado a los corazones de los fieles con
la luz del Espíritu Santo, concédenos el don
del mismo Espíritu
seamos siempre siempre del bien y gozar de
su consuelo. Por Cristo
nuestro Señor. Amen.
Para los casos más
Ante ti vengo con la fe
de mi alma, a buscar
tu sagrado consuelo
en mi difícil situación,
no me desampares de
las puertas que se me
deben de abrir en mi
camino, sea tu Brazo
Poderoso el que las
abra para darme la
tranquilidad que ansío (tres peticiones
difíciles). Súplica que
te hace un corazón
afligido por los duros golpes del cruel
destino que lo han
vencido siempre en
la lucha humana, ya
que sin tu poder divino no intercede en
mi favor sucumbiré
por falta de ayuda.
Brazo poderoso, asísteme, ampárame y
condúceme a la gloria
celestial. Gracias dulce
Jesús (rezar quince
días empezando viernes). Publicar antes
de los ocho. Confío
en Dios Padre y en su
misericordia divina,
por eso pido a Él que
ilumine mi camino y
me otorgue la gracia
que tanto deseo. Gracias Padre por oírme.
Mande publicar y observe lo que ocurrirá el
cuarto día.
Novena Los tres
Novena Los tres ángeEl Espíritu Santo
les Protectores: San
Ven, Espíritu Santo, Gabriel, San Miguel,
llena los corazones de y San Rafael.
Prenda 3 velas blancas
en un plato con agua
y azúcar y haga su
petición. A los tres
días publique esta
oración. Aunque no
crea mire que pasa el
cuarto día.
San Miguel Arcángel,
San Miguel Arcángel, defiéndenos en
la lucha. Sé nuestro
amparo contra la perversidad y acechanzas del demonio. Que
Dios manifieste sobre
él su poder, humildemente te lo pedimos.
Y tú, oh Príncipe de la
Milicia Celestial, con
el poder que Dios te
ha conferido, arroja al
infierno a Satanás, y
a los demás espíritus
malignos que vagan
por el mundo para la
perdición de las almas.
Oración a María
Rosa Mística
Oh María, Rosa Mística, Madre de Jesús y
también Madre nuestra! Tú eres nuestra
esperanza, nuestra fortaleza y nuestro consuelo. Danos desde
el cielo tu maternal
bendición en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo
y del Espíritu Santo,
Rosa Mística, Inmaculada Virgen, Madre de
la gracia, en honor de
tu Divino Hijo, nos
postramos ante Ti,
para implorar la misericordia de Dios. No
por nuestros méritos,
sino por la bondad de
tu corazón maternal,
pedimos ayuda y gracias, con la seguridad
de ser escuchados.
(Rezar un Avemaría)
Rosa Mística, Madre
de Jesús, Reina del
Santo Rosario y Madre
de la Iglesia, Cuerpo
Místico de Jesucristo.
Te pedimos para el
mundo destrozado por
las discordias, el don
de la unión, de la paz
y de todas las gracias
que pueden convertir
los corazones de tantos hijos tuyos. (Avemaría)
Rosa Mística, Madre
de los apóstoles, haz
florecer alrededor de
los altares eucarísticos, numerosas vocaciones sacerdotales y
religiosas, que con la
santidad de su vida y
el celo ardiente por
las almas, puedan extender el Reino de tu
Hijo Jesús por todo el
mundo. Derrama, Oh
Madre sobre nosotros
tus dones celestiales.
Salve, Oh Rosa Mística, Madre de la iglesia,
Application has been made with the Texas alcoholic beverage commission for a Beer Retailer’s on Premise license by
Jorge Hernandez dba La Posta de Jalisco to be located at
403 SW MILITARY DR , Bexar , Texas.
27 de septiembre de 2015
ruega por nosotros.
San Pedro
¡Oh! Felicísimo
apóstol San Pedro.
Singularísimo príncipe de los discípulos
del redentor, primer
vicario de Jesucristo
en su Iglesia Católica,
confesor de sus dos
naturalezas, divina
y humana, sencillo
pescador a quien dio
el Salvador el distinguido título de piedra fundamental de
su templo militante;
por esas prerrogativas concedidas a tus
excelentes virtudes y,
especialmente a la de
tu Santísima Sombra,
pues con ella se libra
el que con devoción
implora tu amparo a tu
sombra se libra el caminante, con tu sombra
se auxilia al que sorprende el malhechor,
tu sombra refrigera al
afligido, al enfermo
y a cuantos te piden
¡Oh! Sombra prodigiosa por cuya intercesión obró el Señor
tantos favores y tan
admirables prodigios, permíteme, Pedro Santo, que a tu
sombra los pecadores
alcancen el perdón de
sus culpas, para que
arrepentidos se alisten
en las banderas de la
gracia y a tu sombra
no pierdan el derecho
que tienen a la gloria.
Oración a Santa
Clara de Asís
Gloriosa Santa Clara
de Asís, por aquella
fe inquebrantable que
te hizo servirte de las
cosas terrenas buscando las del cielo,
por aquella esperanza
firme con que venciste todas las dificultades que se oponían
a tu santificación, por
aquella caridad pura y
ardiente que te movió
en todo los momentos de la vida, yo te
suplico con humilde
confianza que intercedas ante Dios y me
obtengas su favor en
lo que te pido (hágase
la petición) y esperanza firme y caridad
agradeceré toda mi
vida y te honraré como
mi especial patrono.
Agradeceré a Dios todos los dones que te ha
otorgado y fomentaré
Prayer to the Infant tu culto cuanto me sea
posible. Amén.
of Atocha
You are the powerful D.M.G.
Savious of all people,
Divino Niño
protector of the invalid
and almighty doctor Niño amable de mi
of the infirm. Holy vida, consuelo de los
Infant, we honor you. cristianos, la gracia
Here you say three que necesito, pongo
Our Fathers, Hail en tus benditas manos,
Marys, and Glory be Padre Nuestro...
Tú sabes mis pesares,
to God.
To remember this day pues todo te lo conI pray to you to answer fío, dad la paz a los
my requests. Holy In- turbados y alivio al
fant of Atocha I ask corazón mío, Dios te
you with all my heart salve María...
to help me. Please be Y aunque tu amor no
with me in thought merezco, no recurriré
and spirit when I find a ti en vano, pues eres
my peace and that you el Hijo de Dios y auxwill be with me in the ilio de los cristianos,
Heavens of Bethle- Gloria al Padre…
Acuérdate ¡Oh Niño
hem. Amén
Santo! que jamás se
oyó decir que alguno
San Judas Tadeo
¡San Judas Tadeo!, te haya implorado sin
pariente de Jesucristo, tu auxilio recibir. Por
glorioso apóstol y eso con fe y confianza,
mártir reconocido por humilde y arrepentido,
tus virtudes y mila- lleno de amor y espegros. Fiel y puntual ranza este favor yo te
intercesor de todos pido.
los que te honran y Pedir la gracia que
confían en ti. Tú eres se desea y decir siete
poderoso protector y veces.
auxilio en las grandes Divino Niño Jesús,
aflicciones. Te ruego, bendícenos.
desde lo más profundo
Novena To
de mi corazón, que
St. Jude
vengas en mi ayuda
con tu poderosa inter- Most holy Apostle, St.
cesión, pues has reci- Jude, faithful servant
bido de Dios el privi- and friend of Jesus, the
legio de socorrer con Church honors and intu ayuda a aquellos vokes you universally,
que casi carecen de as the patron of diftoda esperanza. Vela ficult cases, of things
por mí. Mi vida es una almost despaired of,
vida de cruces, mis Pray for me, I am so
días son días de tribu- helpless and alone.
lación y mi corazón Intercede with God for
es un océano de ama- me that He brings visrgura. Mi alma está ible and speedy help
envuelta en las tinieb- where help is almost
las. El desasosiego, el despaired of. Come
desánimo, la descon- to my assistance in
fianza, y a veces, aún this great need that I
la falta de esperanza, may receive the conagobian mi alma. La solation and help of
Divina Providencia heaven in all my neparece perderse de mi cessities, tribulations,
vista y la fe parece and sufferings, parfallar en mi corazón. ticularly - (make your
Abrumado por estos request here) - and that
pensamientos, pido tu I may praise God with
ayuda. No me aban- you and all the saints
dones en esta triste forever. I promise, O
situación. Apresúrate Blessed St. Jude, to
en mi ayuda. Te lo be ever mindful of this
ardiente para con Dios
y el prójimo. Padre
nuestro, Avemaría y
27 de septiembre de 2015
great favor granted me
by God and to always
honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully
encourage devotion to
you. Amen.
Para los casos más
Ante ti vengo con la fe
de mi alma, a buscar
tu sagrado consuelo
en mi difícil situación, no me desampares de las puertas
que se me hacen de
abrir e mi camino, sea
tu Brazo Poderoso
el que las abra para
darme la tranquilidad
que ansío (tres peticiones difíciles). Súplica que te hace un
corazón afligido por
los duros golpes del
cruel destino que lo
han vencido siempre
en la lucha humana,
ya que sin tu poder
divino no intercede en
mi favor sucumbiré
por falta de ayuda.
Brazo poderoso, asísteme, ampárame y
condúceme a la gloria
celestial. Gracias dulce
Jesús (rezar quince
días empezando viernes). Publicar antes
de los ocho. Confío
en Dios Padre y en su
misericordia divina,
por eso pido a Él que
ilumine mi camino y
me otorgue la gracia
que tanto deseo. Gracias Padre por oírme.
Mande publicar y observe lo que ocurrirá el
cuarto día.
Prayer to the Sacred
Heart of Jesus
O most holy heart of
Jesus, fountain of every blessing, I adore
you, I love you, and
with lively sorrow for
my sins I offer you this
poor heart of mine.
Make me humble, patient, pure and wholly
obedient to your will.
Grant, Good Jesus,
that I may live in you
and for you. Protect
me in the midst of danger. Comfort me in my
afflictions. Give me
health of body, assistance in my temporal
needs, your blessing
on all that I do, and the
grace of a holy death.
Oración a la
Virgen de Juquila
Madre Querida, Virgen de Juquila, Virgen
de nuestra esperanza,
tuya es nuestra vida,
cuídanos de todo mal.
Si en este mundo de
injusti­cias, de miseria
y pecado ves que nuestra vida se turba, no
nos abandones. Madre
Querida, protege a los
peregrinos, acompañanos por todos los
caminos, vela por los
pobres sin sustento
y el pan que se les
quita retribúyeselos.
Acompáñanos en toda
nuestra vida y libéranos de todo tipo de
pecado. Amén.
San Pedro
¡Oh! Felicísimo apóstol San Pedro. Singularísimo príncipe
de los discípulos del
redentor, primer vicario de Jesucristo en
su Iglesia Católica,
confesor de sus dos
naturalezas, divina
y humana, sencillo
pescador a quien dio
el Salvador el distinguido título de piedra fundamental de
su templo militante;
por esas prerrogativas concedidas a tus
excelentes virtudes y,
especialmente a la de
tu Santísima Sombra,
pues con ella se libra
el que con devoción
implora tu amparo a tu
sombra se libra el caminante, con tu sombra
se auxilia al que sorprende el malhechor,
tu sombra refrigera al
afligido, al enfermo
y a cuantos te piden
¡Oh! Sombra prodigiosa por cuya intercesión obró el Señor
tantos favores y tan
admirables prodigios, permíteme, Pedro Santo, que a tu
sombra los pecadores
alcancen el perdón de
sus culpas, para que
arrepentidos se alisten
en las banderas de la
gracia y a tu sombra
no pierdan el derecho
que tienen a la gloria.
Oración Milagrosa
Benignísima Madre de
Misericordia, Hija de
Dios Padre, Madre de
Dios Hijo, Esposa del
Espíritu Santo, noble
descanso de toda la
Santísima Trinidad;
elegida del Padre,
preservada por el Hijo
y amada del Espíritu
Vos sois en las cosas
dudosas nuestra luz,
en las tristes das consuelo, en las angustias
alivio, y en los peligros
y tentaciones fiel socorro. Sois paraíso de
gracias y espirituales
Bienaventurados los
que de veras os aman
y sirven, y los que por
santidad de vida se hacen siervos y devotos,
a vuestra piedad, pues,
recurro, Reina y Señora mía, para que me
enseñéis, gobernéis
y defendáis en todas
las horas y momentos
de mi vida; suplicándoos, humildemente
ahora me alcancéis de
la Majestad Divina la
gracia que al presente
os pido, si conviniere
para bien de mi alma
y si no conviene, vos,
como abogada mía,
dirigid mi voluntad
solo a lo que sea honra
y gloria de Dios, y
salvación de mi alma.
Prayer to the Infant
of Atocha
You are the powerful
Savious of all people,
protector of the invalid
and almighty doctor
of the infirm. Holy
Infant, we honor you.
Here you say three
Our Fathers, Hail
Marys, and Glory be
to God.
To remember this day
I pray to you to answer
my requests. Holy Infant of Atocha I ask
you with all my heart
to help me. Please be
with me in thought
and spirit when I find
my peace and that you
will be with me in the
Heavens of Bethlehem. Amén.
Miraculous Prayer
Dear Heart of Jesus, in
the past I have asked
for favors. This time
I ask you this very
special one (mention
favor). Take it dear Jesus and place it within
your own broken heart
where your father sees
it, then in your merciful eyes it will become
your favor not mine.
Amen. Say this prayer
for 3 days, promise
å and favor will be
granted. Never known
to fail.
Divino Niño
Niño amable de mi
vida, consuelo de los
cristianos, la gracia
que necesito, pongo
en tus benditas manos,
Padre Nuestro...
Tú sabes mis pesares,
pues todo te lo confío, dad la paz a los
turbados y alivio al
corazón mío, Dios te
La Prensa de San Antonio Clasificados
salve María...
Y aunque tu amor no
merezco, no recurriré
a ti en vano, pues eres
el Hijo de Dios y auxilio de los cristianos,
Gloria al Padre…
Acuérdate ¡Oh Niño
Santo! que jamás se
oyó decir que alguno
te haya implorado sin
tu auxilio recibir. Por
eso con fe y confianza,
humilde y arrepentido,
lleno de amor y esperanza este favor yo te
Pedir la gracia que
se desea y decir siete
Divino Niño Jesús,
Novena To
St. Jude
Most holy Apostle, St.
Jude, faithful servant
and friend of Jesus, the
Church honors and invokes you universally,
as the patron of difficult cases, of things
almost despaired of,
Pray for me, I am so
helpless and alone.
Intercede with God for
me that He brings visible and speedy help
where help is almost
despaired of. Come
to my assistance in
this great need that I
may receive the consolation and help of
heaven in all my necessities, tribulations,
and sufferings, particularly - (make your
request here) - and that
I may praise God with
you and all the saints
forever. I promise, O
Blessed St. Jude, to
be ever mindful of this
great favor granted me
by God and to always
honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully
encourage devotion to
you. Amen.
Prayer to the Infant
of Atocha
You are the powerful
Savious of all people,
protector of the invalid
and almighty doctor
of the infirm. Holy
Infant, we honor you.
Here you say three
Our Fathers, Hail
Marys, and Glory be
to God.
To remember this day
I pray to you to answer
my requests. Holy Infant of Atocha I ask
you with all my heart
to help me. Please be
with me in thought
and spirit when I find
my peace and that you
will be with me in the
Heavens of Bethle-
hem. Amén.
Miraculous Prayer
Dear Heart of Jesus, in
the past I have asked
for favors. This time
I ask you this very
special one (mention
favor). Take it dear Jesus and place it within
your own broken heart
where your father sees
it, then in your merciful eyes it will become
your favor not mine.
Amen. Say this prayer
for 3 days, promise
å and favor will be
granted. Never known
to fail.
Divino Niño
Niño amable de mi
vida, consuelo de los
cristianos, la gracia
que necesito, pongo
en tus benditas manos,
Padre Nuestro...
Tú sabes mis pesares,
pues todo te lo confío, dad la paz a los
turbados y alivio al
corazón mío, Dios te
salve María...
Y aunque tu amor no
merezco, no recurriré
a ti en vano, pues eres
el Hijo de Dios y auxilio de los cristianos,
Gloria al Padre…
Acuérdate ¡Oh Niño
Santo! que jamás se
oyó decir que alguno
te haya implorado sin
tu auxilio recibir. Por
eso con fe y confianza,
humilde y arrepentido,
lleno de amor y esperanza este favor yo te
Pedir la gracia que
se desea y decir siete
Divino Niño Jesús,
Novena To
St. Jude
Most holy Apostle, St.
Jude, faithful servant
and friend of Jesus, the
Church honors and invokes you universally,
as the patron of difficult cases, of things
almost despaired of,
Pray for me, I am so
helpless and alone.
Intercede with God for
me that He brings visible and speedy help
where help is almost
despaired of. Come
to my assistance in
this great need that I
may receive the consolation and help of
heaven in all my necessities, tribulations,
and sufferings, particularly - (make your
request here) - and that
I may praise God with
you and all the saints
forever. I promise, O
Blessed St. Jude, to
be ever mindful of this
great favor granted me
by God and to always
honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully
encourage devotion to
you. Amen.
Para los casos más
Ante ti vengo con la fe
de mi alma, a buscar
tu sagrado consuelo
en mi difícil situación,
no me desampares de
las puertas que se me
hacen de abrir e mi
camino, sea tu Brazo
Poderoso el que las
abra para darme la tranquilidad que ansío (tres
peticiones difíciles).
Súplica que te hace un
corazón afligido por
los duros golpes del
cruel destino que lo han
vencido siempre en la
lucha humana, ya que
sin tu poder divino no
intercede en mi favor
sucumbiré por falta de
ayuda. Brazo poderoso,
asísteme, ampárame y
condúceme a la gloria
celestial. Gracias dulce
Jesús (rezar quince
días empezando viernes). Publicar antes
de los ocho. Confío
en Dios Padre y en su
misericordia divina,
por eso pido a Él que
ilumine mi camino y
me otorgue la gracia
que tanto deseo. Gracias Padre por oírme.
Mande publicar y observe lo que ocurrirá el
cuarto día.
Prayer to the Sacred
Heart of Jesus
O most holy heart of
Jesus, fountain of every blessing, I adore
you, I love you, and
with lively sorrow
for my sins I offer
you this poor heart
of mine. Make me
humble, patient, pure
and wholly obedient
to your will. Grant,
Good Jesus, that I
may live in you and
for you. Protect me in
the midst of danger.
Comfort me in my
afflictions. Give me
health of body, assistance in my temporal
needs, your blessing
on all that I do, and
the grace of a holy
death. Amen.
La sombra de
El Espíritu Santo
Ven, Espíritu Santo,
llena los corazones de
tus fieles y enciende
en ellos el fuego de tu
amor. Envía, Señor,
tu Espíritu y todo será
creado. Y renuevas la
faz de la tierra.
Oremos. Oh Dios,
que ha enseñado a
los corazones de los
fieles con la luz del
Espíritu Santo, concédenos el don del
mismo Espíritu seamos siempre siempre
del bien y gozar de su
consuelo. Por Cristo
nuestro Señor. Amen.
Oración a la
Virgen de Juquila
Madre Querida,
Virgen de Juquila,
Virgen de nuestra
esperanza, tuya es
nuestra vida, cuídanos de todo mal. Si en
este mundo de injusti­
cias, de miseria y pecado ves que nuestra
vida se turba, no nos
abandones. Madre
Querida, protege a los
peregrinos, acompañamos por todos los
caminos, vela por los
pobres sin sustento
y el pan que se les
quita retribúyeselos.
Acompáñanos en
toda nuestra vida y
libéranos de todo tipo
de pecado. Amén.
San Pedro
¡Oh! Felicísimo
apóstol San Pedro.
Singularísimo príncipe de los discípulos
del redentor, primer
vicario de Jesucristo
en su Iglesia Católica,
confesor de sus dos
naturalezas, divina
y humana, sencillo
pescador a quien dio
el Salvador el distinguido título de piedra fundamental de
su templo militante;
por esas prerrogativas concedidas a tus
excelentes virtudes y,
especialmente a la de
tu Santísima Sombra,
pues con ella se libra
el que con devoción
implora tu amparo a tu
sombra se libra el caminante, con tu sombra
se auxilia al que sorprende el malhechor,
tu sombra refrigera al
afligido, al enfermo y a
cuantos te piden favor.
¡Oh! Sombra prodigiosa por cuya intercesión
obró el Señor tantos favores y tan admirables
prodigios, permíteme,
Pedro Santo, que a tu
sombra los pecadores
alcancen el perdón de
sus culpas, para que
arrepentidos se alisten
en las banderas de la
gracia y a tu sombra
no pierdan el derecho
que tienen a la gloria.
The San Antonio Housing Facility Corporation (SAHFC), an
affiliate of the San Antonio Housing Authority is soliciting
offers for the sale of the following property:
A parcel of land containing approximately 5.01 acres and
improvements located at 1310 S. Brazos, San Antonio, TX
78207, being identified as Lot 16, New City Block 36A
More detailed information is contained in the bid package,
which may be obtained at the main office of the San Antonio Housing Authority (SAHA), 818 S. Flores, San Antonio
, Texas 78204, or by calling Steven Morando, Director of
Procurement at 210-477-6171. The bid package will be available beginning Friday, September 18, 2015. All interested
bidders must review the bid package, which contains instructions and a required bid form.
J3 Company, LLC
Requesting sub-bids and material
quotations for
OLD Grissom Road hike and Bike
Bid Deadline Tuesday Sept 29th, 2015
@ 2pm
We encourage all certified ABE/DIBE/
bidders to submit bids 4 hours prior to
with certifications.
Please fax or email quotes to
Fax: (830) 995-5199
[email protected]
The minimum bid price for the property and improvements
is as follows:
Offers must be received no later than 2:00 p.m. on Friday,
October 16, 2015 at SAHA’s main office, 818 S. Flores, San
Antonio, Texas 78204. Earnest money in the form of a cashier’s check or other certified funds in the amount of 5% of
the bid price must be included with the bid.
SAHFC reserves the right to reject any or all offers. Additional
terms for the Earnest Money Contract will be negotiated with
the successful bidder. Questions regarding the property
should be directed, in writing, to: Steven Morando, Director
of Procurement, email: [email protected].
¿Le gustaría empezar una amistad interesante? ¿Está cansado de buscar por donde quiera a una persona especial con quien compartir su vida y sigue sin encontrarla? La Prensa de San Antonio le ofrece una mejor alternativa. Envíenos su anuncio personal, mencione su nombre, edad, peso, estatura, sus gustos. Envíe su carta acompañada de $5. Su aviso se publicará durante dos semanas. Mande $15 si quiere que se publique durante
cuatro semanas. Conteste todas las cartas aunque no esté interesado. Una nota de “No gracias, tal vez la próxima ocasión” es muy importante para la persona que le escriba. ¿Desea contestar un anuncio? 1.- Envíe su
carta dentro de un sobre en blanco, con timbre postal de .44 cts. y con el número clave que le haya interesado (aparece abajo, a la derecha). Incluya $5. 2. No olvide incluir su número de teléfono, escriba con letra clara
es muy importante. La Prensa de San Antonio, P.O. Box 830768, San Antonio, Texas 78283
Hola, soy una señora de 63
años, chaparrita y gordita.
Soy sincera, honesta, alegre,
romántica, sensible y de buenos
sentimientos. Deseo conocer un
hombre sencillo, noble y sincero,
que sea romántico y detallista,
sin compromiso. Para entablar
una relación seria después de
conocernos bien.
----------------------------Hola. Soy un hombre cristiano en
los 50’s en busca de una buena
mujer cristiana que le guste leer
la Biblia, ir a la iglesia para ir
juntos a buscar a los perdidos,
que no les de vergüenza hablar
de Cristo, que le guste predicar
la palabra de Dios, para que sea
mi compañera ideal. Sin vicios, ni
tatuajes, que desee unir su vida a
un buen hombre. Prometo amarla
y respetarla todos los días de mi
vida. Escríbeme, te aseguro que
no te arrepentirás.
----------------------------I would like to meet someone Oct.
10, 2015 B/day for friendship,
between the age of 49 to 60 years.
60 years, medium built. I love the
----------------------------Hola, chicas, para una buena
amistad. Soy un caballero de 65
años de edad. Peso 156. Estatura
5 pies y cuantas pulgadas. No
fumo. Tomo solamente social y
muy pero muy poco. Me gusta el
baile. Quiero conocer chicas que
les gusten los bailes. De edades
de 27 hasta 70 años. Y si crees
que eres esta chica, nos vemos
en el baile.
----------------------------Hola. Soy blanca, ojos color
miel, cabello largo de color oro,
estatura regular, peso regular.
Tengo 59 años. Soy retirada de
enfermera. Busco un caballero
que tenga 75 a 80 años, que le
guste ir a la iglesia, que no tenga
vicios y que le guste viajar. Que
tenga rancho a orillas de San
Antonio. Yo soy alegre, me
gusta mucho la música clásica,
antiguas canciones. Soy viuda.
Sola. Hablo poco inglés.
----------------------------Soy una mujer divorciada. Trabajo
en escuela con estudiantes. Ando
buscando un hombre de 46 a 60
años, sincero, trabajador y que
le guste viajar. Soy una persona
luchadora. Si quieres escríbeme.
----------------------------Hola, tengo 48 años, soy blanca,
pelo y ojos cafés, pelo corto,
estatura mediana. Soy divorciada
sin compromisos. Ando buscando
un caballero de 50 a 60 años que
sea cristiano, que no tenga vicios,
trabajador, para conocernos
como amistad. Me gusta salir a
los parques, viajar, salir juntos.
Si no es cristiano, que sea una
buena persona, que sea nacido
aquí en San Antonio. Hablarme
o escribirme, por favor.
----------------------------Hello, I am single 57 year
old female that is asking for a
believing Christian gentleman to
have a friendly relationship. I am
5’2 height, 125 lbs. Salt & Pepper
hair color, shoulder length. Light
skin tone. Please, be honest when
answering back. The man I like is
to be between 5’7-5’11 tall, 180200 lbs. Salt & Pepper hair color,
nonsmoker or drinker, medium
built. I know there is someone
out there that also wants to have
a new friendship with someone.
God bless and hope to hear from
you. Please be ages 55-60.
----------------------------Hola, soy mujer de 46 años y me
gustaría conocer a un hombre
que sea detallista que crea en
Dios, que le guste vivir una vida
sana sin problemas familiares ni
económicos, que sea trabajador,
fiel, amoroso, cariñoso,
divorciado, soltero o viudo,
que quiera una relación sana y
estable. Soy ciudadana, pero
nací en México. Me gusta leer,
viajar, soy fiel, muy cariñosa,
me gusta caminar. Me gustaría
que nos entendiéramos. Yo estaré
esperando tu amor. Llámame,
escríbeme. Te espero. Manda tu
foto y número de teléfono. Te
espero con mucho amor.
----------------------------¡Hola! Me llamo H. Soy algo
alto, cuerpo normal, un poco
blanco, trabajador, sin vicios.
Me gusta divertirme sanamente,
vivo solo. Tengo dos hijos que
viven en mi país. Busco una
mujer seria, trabajadora, noble y
con deseos de amar y ser amada.
Interesada mandar su número
para empezar a conocernos sin
juegos, ni mentiras. Te espero.
----------------------------Caballero jubilado sin vicios, de
buen carácter, de mente moral
y espiritual de EUA, en busca
de una damita que sea seria, de
carácter humilde, hogareña, sin
vicios, que sea de estatura y
peso regular. Que sea cariñosa,
sin problemas familiares, que
sea honesta. Para una amistad
seria, no importa origen ni
estado migratorio. Con fines
La Prensa de San Antonio
diferente a todas...
Igual a ti
Oficina: 210-270-8914 Cabina: 210-270-7500
Anúnciate con nosotros y haz crecer tu negocio
Llegando a casi
todo el sur de texas
Austin, San Antonio, Seguin, San Marcos, Uvalde,
Laredo, Eagle Pass, Victoria, Kenedy, Del Río, Corpus Christi
27 de septiembre de 2015
27 de septiembre de 2015
Guadalupe Dance Company en La Villita
Texto y fotos por
Roberto J. Pérez
Guadalupe Dance Company
toma parte en las festividades del
mes de septiembre, coordinadas
por 16 de Septiembre Commi­
ssion. En esta ocasión en el pro­
grama musical del sábado 19 de
septiembre en el teatro Arneson
de La Villita.
Este grupo de baile es parte
de los programas educativos de
Guadalupe Cultural Art Center,
que imparte clases en música y
danza. Este centro está ubicado
en 723 Brazos St. con el teléfono
271-3151. Las inscripciones es­
tán abiertas para toda la familia.
27 de septiembre de 2015
Spurs Sports & Entertainment visitó al campeón Meade Elementary
Por José I. Franco
[email protected]
Silver & Black Give Back
(SBGB), fundación de los Spurs,
así como empleados de la em­
presa Spurs Sports & Entertain­
ment, la mascota The Coyote
y dinámicas porristas de Silver
Dancers en visita sorpresa a la es­
cuela primaria Mead Elementary
School (3803 Midhorizon Dr.).
La vice principal Belinda Flores
les dio la bienvenida y les llevó
al gimnasio donde les esperaban
personal docente y estudiantes,
entre ellos los integrantes del
equipo que en el 2014 integraron
el programa bibliotecario móvil
con el que compitieron en el pro­
grama Team Up Challenge que
pertenece a SBGB.
El equipo representativo de
Meade Elementary School resultó
entre los 20 equipos semifinalis­
tas, por lo que entonces recibió
un donativo por la cantidad de
$2,500 para comenzar a sufragar
gastos de su proyecto académico.
Con buena fortuna, el equipo de
Meade Elementary resultó electo
campeón uniéndose a otros cuatro
equipos elegidos campeones, por
lo que finalmente cada uno se
hizo merecedor de $20,000 para
destinarlos a la continuación de
sus respectivos proyectos con
los que dejaron beneficios en
sus respectivos planteles y sus
Los distinguidos visitantes
realizaron coloridas actividades,
mientras el programa era dirigido
por Andrew Monaco, reportero
y comentarista de SS&E, quien
destacó el énfasis de cada equipo
que compitió durante 2014. Mo­
naco a la vez convocó a nuevos
equipos y los ya formados a se­
guir participando en el programa
Team Up Challenge en el que
también participan estudiantes
de secundaria y preparatoria
asesorados por capitanes que
cursan estudios superiores en los
diversos colegios y universidades
de San Antonio, quienes por su
desinteresado servicio perciben
una bonificación para ayudarse a
solventar gastos académicos.
De acuerdo a Meredith Co­
llier, vocera de SBGB, el pro­
grama Team Up Challenge para
el ciclo 2015-16 tiene destinada
la cantidad de más de $350,000
para donarla y repartirla equi­
tativamente entre los equipos
participantes conformados por es­
tudiantes, personal docente y co­
legiales que tomen participación
en los proyectos y competencias.
Las áreas en las que los equipos
pueden competir son: Artes y Cul­
tura, Educación, Medio Ambiente,
Salud y el Servicio Uniformado.
“Estamos felices por la visita
del personal de SS&E, The Coyo­
te y las Silver Dancers, quienes
vinieron a felicitar a nuestro
equipo campeón. Nuestros es­
tudiantes son muy dedicados en
cada proyecto que emprenden,
por lo que no queda más que
felicitarlos y que sigan haciendo
buenos grados”, expresó la vice
principal Flores.
Cabe anotar que Meade Ele­
mentary School exhibe en su
vitrina central todo tipo de recuer­
dos de alusivos a los campeonatos
y partidos sobresalientes de los
Spurs, lo cual muestra la pasión
por la franquicia Silver & Black
que le ha dado a San Antonio un
excelente lugar en el mundo de­
portivo. Para registro de equipos
se puede obtener información en
el sitio
Los participantes tienen hasta
el 2 de octubre para someter su
El equipo ganador de Meade Elementary School posó con la vice principal Belinda Flores, capitanas Belinda Flores, vice principal de Meade Elementary, felicitó a estudiantes por su buenas calificade equipo y las chicas de la porra Silver Dancers. (Fotos, Franco)
ciones y por su participación en el programa del Team Up Challenge 2014.
Andrew Monaco felicitó a estudiantes de Meade Elementary Las chicas de Silver Dancers regalaron mini pelotas a estudiantes. The Coyote felicitó a estudiantes y personal docente.
Estudiantes sonrientes cuando un maestro se tomó una “selfie” Personal docente aplaudió el arranque del programa Team Up La vice principal Belinda Flores revisó regalos que SBGB otorgó
al equipo campeón.
con The Coyote.
Challenge 2015.
Ventura Díaz fue premiado con una placa de honor por su altruis­
mo durante la premiación del Torneo Internacional Sabinas III.
La placa le fue presentada por Javier Mata del club Indios de
Dallas y firmada por el coordinador general Daniel Guerrero
(de casaca blanca).
El cronista Felipe Mendoza, “El Capi”, de sorpresa fue llamado
para recibir una flamante placa de reconocimiento por su excelente trabajo narrando las acciones del Torneo Internacional
Sabinas III. La placa se le entregó Luis Cerda, manager del equipo
visitante Indios de Dallas.
Claudia Montes, “Coach Montes”, arribó feliz a un año más de
existencia, siendo felicitada por sus padres María y José Montes,
familiares y amistades con quienes convivió en el estadio Colt
45, donde su papá y hermanos visten la franela del triunfador
club Colt 45.
©2015 HEB, 15-5925
27 de septiembre de 2015
Danza Vida celebra Mes de la Hispanidad
turistas y visitantes locales en La
Villita el sábado 19 de septiem­
bre con un programa musical de
folclor regional, interpretado por
Celebrando el Mes de La las niñas y jóvenes inscritas en
Hispanidad la academia Danza esta academia que dirige Krystal
Vida deleitó a una audiencia de Diaz.
Texto y fotos por
Roberto J. Pérez
Concierto en el Museo
de los Bomberos de S.A.
María Rivera “Miss Photogenic” del reciente concurso Miss
Latina San Antonio.
Como este es un mes de interminables fiestas, la Banda Backdraft
de San Antonio Fire Department ofreció un concierto al aire libre
al frente del museo municipal de esta dependencia.
Fuentes refrescantes al alcance de los niños en la Plaza de La
©2015 HEB, 15-5925
27 de septiembre de 2015
A passion for coffee leads couple to open The Fairview
By Christina Acosta
[email protected]
Price Range: $
The fresh aroma of roasted cof­
fee beans floating through the air
may motivate anyone to become
a certified coffee master or, even
better, inspire them to open their
own coffee shop.
This is what happened to John
Sanchez, owner of The Fairview,
a new coffee shop in town. As
customers step inside the beauti­
ful and unique coffee shop, they
will feel as if they’ve traveled
back in time to the 1960s.
The vintage-looking coffee
shop is a possible reflection
based on where coffee started
with the Sanchez family. The
owner discussed with La Prensa
about how his journey with cof­
fee began.
“My stepfather was a roaster
for Maxwell House in Houston,
so I grew up around coffee. I
started my roasting experience
at a small shop on the Southwest
side of Houston five years ago
and have read every book on cof­
fee that I could find,” explained
For 10 years, Sanchez was a
barista and co-owner of a coffee
shop in Houston. After he mar­
ried Whitney Sanchez, who is
also the owner of The Fairview,
they decided to move to San
Antonio and create a small cof­
fee shop because they fell in love
with the city.
Once they both had their heart
set to open The Fairview, the
process to create a full balanced
menu focused on offering high
quality coffee, as well as deli­
cious pastries that would pair
well with the drink.
“Creating the menu for food
and pastry mainly came about
through a lot of experimentation.
We developed our bread starter
and recipe last year and began
brainstorming on small plate
ideas around the same time. The
coffee menu is pretty traditional
as of now, and comes from years
of experience in the specialty cof­
fee industry,” discussed Sanchez.
Once the menu was set in
stone, the Sanchez’s continued
to work on improving their menu
with pastries, such as donuts,
which allows the menu to change
seasonally. This required addi­
tional work, but also a learning
experience for Mrs. Sanchez,
who can now add baker to her
“My wife [Whitney] taught
herself to bake artisan loaves
from a sourdough starter that we
created in the Fall and she de­
veloped a country blonde recipe
that we serve in the shop. We
are developing new flavors using
seasonal produce and influences
from our community. Today,
we just put out a Mexican Hot
Chocolate doughnut,” explained
Mr. Sanchez about the fun menu.
Although the menu will pos­
sibly add a cavity to your sweet
tooth, you must take the risk in
trying the Mexican Hot Choco­
late donut. This donut adds a
combination of chocolate as well
as a tart from the lime pastry
The shop may have opened in
mid-summer; however, The Fair­
view has gotten busier overtime.
Mr. Sanchez explains that the
community has been supportive
and helpful throughout the new
“The community has respond­
ed so well to our shop and the
reviews have been so kind and
thrilling about every aspect, from
the location and space to the of­
ferings, even just the vibe of the
shop and our community feel. We
are so lucky to be able to serve
this city and couldn’t be happier
to have been welcomed to the
neighborhood so wholeheart­
edly,” explained Mr. Sanchez.
With positive feedback from
the community, the couple does
The husband and wife team behind The Fairview are proud to bring quality coffee drinks and
grub to coffee lovers in San Antonio. (Courtesy photo)
not plan to end up with just one and satisfying your sweet tooth, day of the week between 7 a.m.
coffee shop. They plan to expand stop by at The Fairview, located to 4 p.m., except on weekends
to more locations, offer a broader at 3428 N. St. Mary’s Street, any when they open at 8 a.m.
menu and even have their own
“We definitely have plans for
the future which may involve a
larger second location with a full
brunch menu, as well as beer and
wine. For this location, we have
rented the space next door which
will become our roaster,” Mr.
Sanchez explained.
“We may also create a larger
space in our [current location]
for baking prep, especially since
our baking program has been
such a hit. However, as we are
using majority seasonal and lo­
cal ingredients, the food menu
will be evolving and rotating
throughout the year so will stay
fresh,” Sanchez added.
The price range for drinks is
between $2.50-3.85; however,
if you would like a full order of
vanilla bean waffles the price can
go up to $7. If you are interested
in getting a charge in your day
27 de septiembre de 2015
LatinHeat Cinema: a streaming platform for Latino content makers
Film star Danny Trejo is one of the first a-list actors signings on to the latest venture for Latino filmmakers. (Courtesy photo)
By Hispanicize Wire
American Latino Theatre, a
nonprofit 501(c) 3 company and
Latin Heat Media, LLC, have
partnered in a joint venture to
launch LatinHeat Cinema, a
groundbreaking online streaming
service that will target Latino
movie consumers.
It will also allow them to
watch films that are Latino
themed, produced and which
star Latinos and not available
through traditional film distribution.
The idea for the LatinHeat
Cinema, targeting the Latino
audience, is the brainchild of
filmmaker and entrepreneur David Llauger-Meiselman who has
spent the past two years closely
studying monitoring, examining
and witnessing the disintegration
of traditional film distribution.
“It’s devastating for indie filmmakers, as I personally know,
because there is basically is no
way to get our films out to the
masses,” stated Llauger-Meiselman. “There really is no hope
for most filmmakers to secure
a decent distribution deal in the
traditional sense.” Adding, “No
matter how much your film cost,
how great the quality and strong
the story is, the odds are against
you to ever get your film seen by
the public, and a zilch chance to
recoup your costs.”
LatinHeat Cinema launched
in September on the occasion
of the premiere of LlaugerMeiselman film “Strike One,”
in Los Angeles. “Strike One” is
an American-Latino urban drama
and award-winning indie film
whose focus is on the effects of
the unjust and cruel
Three Strikes Law has on
Latino youth. “Strike One” stars
Danny Trejo, Johnny Ortiz,
Alma Martinez, James Russo,
Billy Gallo, French Stewart,
Jocelyn Cruz, Maria Isa, Lawrence Smilgys, and Reginald Vel
Johnson. LatinHeat Cinema will
offer online movie consumers the
opportunity to rent Strike One for
$3.99 or purchase it for $9.99.
Llauger-Meiselman teamed
with Latin Heat Media LLC, an
integrated, multi-media entertainment company and established brand servicing Latinos in
entertainment, and its CEO and
president, Bel Hernandez Castillo, CEO/president. LlaugerMeiselman and Hernandez Castillo bring years of experience in
working with Latino filmmakers
and have worked closely together
to develop this online theatre
screen with the capacity to reach
the lion’s share of Latino movie
consumers via the multiple digital platforms available: Laptops,
smart TVs, tablets and mobile
The end result is, an online
Latino streaming vehicle that:
— Service fills a void in Hollywood by providing streaming
for Latino indie films and other
— Widens the platform to allow millions of Latinos access
to films they would otherwise
never see; and
— The LatinHeat Cinema
model is built so that filmmakers gain more control over the
distribution of their projects and
the opportunity to earn back on
their investment.
LatinHeat Cinema will be
targeting the most desired audience in entertainment: Latino
moviegoers, which contribute 25
percent of domestic box-office
revenue, and they are in the
coveted age groups of 18-24-year
olds and 25-39-year olds.
“And, we will push to reach far
beyond the U.S. borders,” said
Llauger-Meiselman. “Our reach
is global. When David came to us
with the idea, he also came with
the perfect film we could test
the market with, his film, Strike
One,” said Hernandez Castillo.
“Here is an action film, with one
of the most recognizable names
in Hollywood, Danny Trejo.
We are excited that LatinHeat
Cinema will be a home to media
content by, about and starring
Hernandez Castillo also went
on to point out that LatinHeat
Cinema looks forward to providing a market channel relationship
to help filmmakers build-out.
“True,” added Llauger-Meiselman. “Basically, at LatinHeat
Cinema, filmmakers aren’t giving away their content. Unlike
other sites, at LatinHeat Cinema
they are in control of their market. They will know, through
our metrics, who their audience
is and how they are responding
to their product.”
Strike One, is part of the LatinHeat Cinema Launch and will
be offered nationwide and internationally. The long-range plans
for LatinHeat Cinema is to offer
an exclusive selection of Latino
original first-run films, original
series, made-for-LHC movies
and documentaries.
Telemundo premiers ‘Celia,’ inspired by the life of Celia Cruz
Special to La Prensa
Telemundo’s upcoming drama
series “Celia” will premiere on
Tuesday, Oct. 13 at 8 p.m./7c.
Preceding the premiere, the
network will pay homage to legendary Cuban singer, Celia Cruz,
with a musical tribute during
the first-ever “Latin American
Music Awards” live from the
Dolby Theater in Los Angeles,
on Thursday, Oct. 8.
The musical tribute will feature recording artists La India,
Maluma, Yuri, and Aymee Nuviola, who also makes her acting
debut in the series “Celia.”
Inspired by the life of the
“Queen of Salsa,” the drama
series narrates the life and musical legacy of a woman who
launched her career in the middle
of the Cuban revolution, in an era
when female singers didn’t have
a place on a stage. In a first-ever
for the network, the first three
episodes of “Celia” will be available through Video on Demand
prior to television premiere.
Featuring a stellar cast including actors Jeimy Osorio and
Modesto Lacen, who give life to
Celia Cruz and Pedro Knight during their younger years, with the
introduction of Aymee Nuviola
and Willie Denton playing the
couple in their later years, “Celia” is a Fox Telecolombia production that Telemundo brings to
its screen delivering a new and
innovative programming style
to its viewers.
Famed Cuban singer, Celia Cruz, will be the subject of an upcoming television drama produced by Telemundo. (Courtesy photo)
Victor Mallarino alongside
Liliana Bocanegra directs the
drama series, with Nelson Martinez as Executive Producer and
a script based on a screenplay
by Andres Salgado and Paul
The “Latin AMAs” tribute,
to be presented by “Celia” stars
Jeimy Osorio and Modesto La-
cen, will be produced by renowned record producer Sergio
George and feature a medley of
Celia’s greatest hits performed
by Aymee Nuviola, also known
as “La Sonera del Mundo,” salsa
and house music singer-songwriter, La India, widely known as
“The Princess of Salsa”; Colombian new sensation Maluma; and
platinum recording artist, actress
and TV host Yuri.
The “Latin American Music
Awards” will honor today’s most
influential and iconic Latin artists, as voted by the fans in the
traditional format of the “American Music Awards,” the world’s
biggest fan-voted award show.
Confirmed performers to date
include Paulina Rubio, Daddy
Yankee, Jesse & Joy, Reik,
Farruko, Fonseca, Shaggy, Lil
Jon, Yandel, Natalie La Rose,
Jencarlos Canela, Maluma, Luis
Coronel, CD9, Gloria Trevi,
Gerardo Ortiz and Il Volo.
Information about the voting
process for the “Latin American
Music Awards,” as well as ex-
clusive content about this year’s
event, can be found at - the official website
of the 2015 “Latin American
Music Awards”. For the latest
news, be sure to follow the “Latin
American Music Awards” on social media and join the conversation by using the official hashtag
El Caucus Hispano premia al chef José
Andrés y a la actriz Roselyn Sánchez
(EFEUSA) - El Instituto del
Caucus Hispano del Congreso
(CHCI) anunció la concesión
de sus premios anuales al chef
español José Andrés y a la actriz
puertorriqueña Roselyn Sánchez,
con motivo de celebrarse el Mes
de la Herencia Hispana.
La entrega del Medallón del
Presidente del CHCI a José Andrés y el premio de la Excelencia
en el Servicio a Roselyn Sánchez
tendrá lugar durante una ceremonia que se celebrará el 8 de octubre en Washington, informó la
organización en un comunicado.
La actriz puertorriqueña, conocida por su participación en
películas como “Rush Hour 2”
(2001), “Without a Trace” (2002)
o “The Game Plan” (2007), será
también la presentadora de la 38
Gala Anual de Premios del CHCI.
“José y Roselyn son dos portentos hispanos que representan
lo mejor en nuestra comunidad
y fomentan el crecimiento y la
influencia a través de su trabajo,
sus convicciones, su activismo y
sus contribuciones a la próxima
generación”, dijo en el comunicado Esther Aguilera, presidenta
y máxima directiva del CHCI.
En la gala, el chef José Andrés,
que recientemente se negó a establecer uno de sus restaurantes
en un hotel del precandidato
presidencial republicano Donald
Trump debido a sus ataques racistas contra los mexicanos, será
homenajeado por la representante
Linda T. Sánchez, presidenta de
27 de septiembre de 2015
Vme TV Premieres ‘Soy TED’
la junta de directores del CHCI.
Roselyn Sánchez, que también
rechazó en su día las afirmaciones
de Trump contra los inmigrantes,
lleva más de 20 años de carrera
como actriz y ha comenzado en
los últimos tiempos una andadura
en el mundo de la música con la
que ha sido nominada para un
premio Grammy Latino al Mejor
Video Musical por el sencillo
“Amor Amor”.
Ambas personalidades, según
destaca la CHCI, colaboran con
proyectos de carácter humani“Soy TED” will energize new thinking around innovation, science and food. (Courtesy photo)
worth spreading.” Hispanic fascinating conversations about
El CHCI es una organización
influential leaders share their TED Talks and original videos
hispana no partidista y sin fines Hispanicize Wire
own insight from personal that energize new thinking
de lucro para el desarrollo del
Vme TV proudly presented knowledge and first-hand ex- around innovation, science,
liderazgo hispano a través de la
“Soy TED” at 7 p.m. E/P. periences.
learning, food, success, and the
educación de los jóvenes.
The weekly series introduced
“Soy TED,” hosted by Vme human condition.
viewers to TED Talks featured TV Chairman Eduardo Hauser,
For more information, visit:
in Spanish with 13 hour-long will embrace TED’s spirit of that focus on “ideas curiosity and learning through ted.
Il Divo to release new studio
album “Amor & Pasion”
Special to La Prensa
El chef José Andres es premiado por el Caucus Hispano. (EFE/Archivo)
The original and still the best
classical cross over group, Il Divo
will release their eagerly anticipated
new album “Amor & Pasion” on
Nov. 13 on Syco Music.
Working with Columbian producer and multiple Latin Grammy
winner Julio Reyes Copello, Il
Divo have recorded a body of work
spanning a century of traditional
tangos, smoldering boleros and
classic mambos.
“Amor & Pasión” hails from
Spain and Cuba, from Central and
South America. The tracks that
make up the album are mostly familiar hits - such as Julio Iglesias’
iconic “A Las Mujeres Que Yo
Amé (To All the Girls I’ve Loved
Before),” and Gloria Estefan’s
resonant “Si Voy A Perderte (Don’t
Wanna Lose You),” along with
“Himno De La Alegria,” an exciting Latin treatment of Beethoven’s
Ode To Joy and one of the most
classic tangos of all time, “Por Una
Cabeza” which was written in 1935
and was used in both Schindlers
List and the Al Pacino film “Scent
Of A Woman”.
This is Il Divo’s seventh studio
album - and their most ambitious
yet. The flavors and sultry rhythms
of Spain and Cuba, Argentina and
“Amor & Pasión” will be released on Nov. 13. (Courtesy photo)
Mexico give a nod to the quartet’s
beginnings, whilst marking an exciting new chapter in their career.
“Amor & Pasión,” an album full of
love and romance.
“For me it’s amazing. After 11
years, we always find something
again that gets us genuinely excited,” said Urs. “I am so inspired
by this album. A lot of the music
was completely unknown to me
before. And it’s beautiful music.
It’s very happy, very uplifting, very
passionate - it is music full of love.”
Brought together by Simon Cowell in 2003, Urs Buhler, Sebastien
Izambard, Carlos Marin and David
Miller, spearheaded an entirely new
musical genre with their ground-
breaking debut album in 2004. The
multi-national four piece have gone
on to achieve unparalleled success
around the world with 30 millions
album sales, 50 Number 1 Records,
160 gold and platinum awards in
over 33 countries and four sold out
world tours.
Il Divo has released six albums
to date. After their platinum eponymous debut, subsequent albums
– “Ancora” (2005), “Siempre”
(2006), “The Promise” (2008)
and “Wicked Game” (2011) built
on the group’s winning combination of virtuoso and mass appeal.
Their 2013 recording, “A Musical
Affair,” was their celebration of
Broadway and West End classics.
27 de septiembre de 2015
Selena Gomez sends out message of
acceptance through ‘Hotel Transylvania 2’
13th Floor Haunted House
donates tickets to benefit vets
Special to La Prensa
Actress and singer Selena Gomez voicing Mavis, the only daughter of Dracula in the movie “Hotel
Transylvania 2”. (EFE / Sony Pictures Animation)
EFE - U.S. actor and singer
Selena Gomez, whose character
in the animated ‘Hotel Transylvania 2’ rejects discrimination,
told EFE Wednesday she aspires
to use art to send out messages
of positivity and acceptance to
the youth.
In her new film by Sony Pictures Animation, Gomez once
again lends her voice to Mavis,
the only daughter of Dracula,
voiced by Adam Sandler.
Mavis, who marries a human,
tries to get her father into accepting her son who, in all probability,
is not a vampire.
“It’s beautiful! In the second
film (Mavis) has a son who could
be human, and so the message of
acceptance is crucial. This opens
a conversation between parents
and children to understand that
all people should be accepted,”
said the former Disney star to
EFE during a promotional visit
to Miami, Fla.
The animated children’s movie
is set for a Sept. 25 release and in
which Mavis is confronted with
prejudices among humans and
monsters, going through a transition that Gomez identifies with.
“It’s strange to go from being a
child to being an adult, and I still
find it difficult to settle in, but I’m
working very hard on that,” said
the Latin American Music Award
nominee referring to her separation from Disney television with
whom she had been associated
with for more than a decade.
The young artist of Mexican
origin said she felt ‘fortunate’ for
a successful professional career
that includes five music albums
and multiple movies.
However, she “continues to
find it difficult to cope” with
negative criticism.
“It is crazy to see so many
malicious comments on social
networks, people who attack others on how they look. I try to fight
against this as I can,” said the
singer of “Kill them with Kindness”, a song on fighting bullying.
She said responding with kindness is “a strategy that has always
worked for me, although sometimes I wanted to shout at them
or respond in some other way, at
the end of the day I’m not going
to give them that satisfaction, they
don’t deserve it,” she explained.
Aware of her influence on
the younger generation, Gomez
stressed the importance of positive messages through art and emphasized ‘self-acceptance’.
The 23-year-old singer, a dedicated philanthropist, confessed
she uses music as a tool to “move
her feelings” to balance her professional and personal life.
Now through Nov. 1, America
Haunts attractions will provide
$1 million in free tickets for
admission to active duty service men and women in all five
branches of the military, honorably discharged veterans and the
families of those killed in action.
The tickets are available
through Vet Tix, a national
nonprofit organization. To receive the tickets, veterans and
members of the military and their
families can visit www.vettix.
org to create a free account and
request tickets.
America Haunts, which includes San Antonio’s 13th Floor
Haunted House, is an association of more than 30 elite
haunted attractions throughout
the United States. Individual
America Haunts members have
participated with Vet Tix in
previous years, but this is the
first year the entire association
is participating.
“We felt it was important for
us to join in with other members
to give back in some small way
to our men and women in the
Armed Services and their families for their dedication to our
country,” said Chris Stafford,
owner of 13th Floor Haunted
House. “Every one of America
Haunts’ members’ communities includes veterans and their
families. We all feel honored to
support our neighbors who have
so honorably served us.”
“Service men and women
sign on to serve their country,
often sacrificing the opportunity
to take part in beloved holiday
traditions like celebrating Halloween with their families,” said
Amber Arnett-Bequeaith, vice
president of America Haunts.
“As a group, we wanted to
come together to show our appreciation and collectively express
our thanks,” she said.
CEO Mike Focareto, a Navy
veteran, launched Vet Tix in
2008. The idea for Vet Tix was
born when Focareto was at the
Super Bowl XLII game in Glendale, Ariz.
“He learned that the members
of the Honor Guard were not ac-
Veterans and members of the military can request free tickets
to visit the 13th Floor Haunted House through
(Photo, Erick Cavazos)
tually invited to the game,” said
Vet Tix chief community officer
Brandi Shannon. “At the same
time, he sat next to an empty seat.
He thought, ‘Wouldn’t it be nice
if one of our veterans could be
sitting here enjoying the game?’”
In the past 12 months, Vet Tix
has given away approximately
500,000 tickets to events around
the country. The organization
works with venues to distribute
unused tickets to over 275,000
military members and veterans
who would like to use them.
Events include those at very
small venues all the way up to
professional sporting events and
top-selling concerts. They also
help veterans and their families
attend events they otherwise
could not with the “Hero’s Wish”
program, where veterans and
active duty personnel and their
families can post requests for
events and donors can provide
tickets or money toward the purchase of tickets to events.
With more than 30 haunted
houses and attractions across the
country, America Haunts delivers fear-based entertainment to
more than a million thrill seekers
each season. America Haunts
has been featured on the Travel
Channel and its members recognized by The Guinness Book
of World Records on multiple
occasions. The organization is
committed to providing technical
excellence, stunning set design,
Hollywood-quality make-up,
costumes and actors. Members
enjoy nothing more than delivering a good old-fashioned scare.
About Vet Tix
Veteran Tickets Foundation
is a national 501(c)3 nonprofit
foundation supporting our military
community. Vet Tix provides free
event tickets to currently serving military, veterans and family
members of KIA to sporting events,
concerts, performing arts and family
activites. Our military and vetarans
experience many difficult transitions as they reintegrate back into
their families, their communities
and eventually civilian life. Attending these events improves morale,
strengthens family bonds through
shared interests and encourages service members to stay engaged with
local communities and American
life. In gratitude for their service
and to support their reintegration
processes, Vet Tix is dedicated to
giving back to those who gave us
so much. Please visit our website
About 13th Floor Haunted
House San Antonio
This Halloween season, your
nightmares will become a reality,
when the creators of the 13th Floor
Haunted House, return with one of
the smartest, safest and most dynamic, theatrical, high-tech and bonechilling attractions in San Antonio.
Rated one of the scariest haunted
attractions of 2011, 2012, 2013 and
2014 by Hauntworld Magazine,
the 13th Floor Haunted House is
located at 1203 E. Commerce. The
2015 season opens on Sept. 25 and
features two new spine-tingling attractions: Burial Ground and Into the
Void. For more information, please
Johnny Depp’s band brings together
old treasures in Brazil’s Rock in Rio
EFE - Hollywood Vampires,
the band led by rock veteran Alice
Cooper and U.S. actor Johnny
Depp as guitarist, brought together
old treasures of music on the fourth
day of Rock in Rio, a concert in
which they performed their own
renditions of songs by John Lennon
and The Rolling Stones, among
With their own versions, a little
more heavy than the originals, the
Los Angeles based band in their
first big concert, brought back
songs of the 60s and 70s for 85,000
people who gathered at the festival
in Rio de Janeiro.
Their repertoire also included
some original songs apart from
classics from iconic bands including: The Who, Led Zeppelin, Pink
Floyd and other artists such as Jim
Morrison, Jimi Hendrix and John
Hollywood Vampires were the
opening act of the fourth day of
Rock in Rio where other hardcore
rock bands including System of
a Down and Queens of the Stone
Age also performed.
Despite this apparently secondary role, Hollywood Vampires
aroused great expectations with
fans flocking to the venue disguised as pirate Jack Sparrow,
A woman during the fourth day of Rock in Rio festival in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on Sept. 24, 2015.
(EFE / Marcelo Sayão)
made famous by Depp in the Pirates of the Caribbean movie series.
And those who were already
familiar with the legendary Cooper
could confirm that Depp was not
just a mere presence in the band
but had knowledge and good command over the guitar.
With screams of fans as he
appeared before them, the actor
seemed to be at ease among the
well-known and veteran rockers.
Although Depp on the guitar cannot be compared to Joe
Perry, Hollywood Vampires’
other guitarist and lead member
of Aerosmith, he certainly did not
disappoint the fans who know him
more as an actor than a musician.
The sixteenth edition of Rock in
Rio - fourth in Rio de Janeiro - began last Friday with Queen opening
the concert, and will bring together
around 150 bands and singers over
two weekends that end on Sunday,
delighting a little more than half a
million people.
27 de septiembre de 2015
Shakira: Education is not a Patrick Dempsey se une al
luxury, it’s a human right elenco de Bridget Jones
EFE - Global superstar Shakira called on the world’s leaders
Tuesday to boost investment in
education for the earliest years of
childhood and said that education
is not a luxury but a human right.
“If we invest in a child from its
earliest years, we’re investing in
his or her development and future
success, not only in school but
later in life,” the Colombian singer
said in an interview with EFE.
Shakira, a Unicef Goodwill
Ambassador, visited United Nations headquarters Tuesday to call
on governments and the private
sector to pay more attention to the
mental development of children
during the very first stage of their
The latest research shows that
inadequate nutrition, a lack of
stimuli and traumatic experiences
have negative repercussions on
brain development during those
first years and have undeniable
effects on adult life.
For that reason, Unicef wants
the world to change the way it
looks at early childhood development and multiply the investments
in that stage of life.
“It’s a moral subject. From a human point of view, we should give
the same chance to all children,”
Shakira said, adding that education is key for eliminating poverty,
inequality, and consequently the
violence that results from a lack
of opportunity.
“Education is not a luxury, it’s
a human right. A right to be human from the cradle that no one
can take away from us. Me must
demand it,” she said.
Shakira, who has worked for
years in Colombia in education
and in promoting early education,
acknowledged that since becoming a mother her interest in the
matter has gone through the roof.
“If I was passionate about the
subject before, I’m a lot more
so now. I have the principal of
Milan’s (her eldest son’s) school
on my WhatsApp. So every day I
ask her a question or I call her or
write her and I make suggestions,
like I give her ideas about how I
think we can do better based on
my experience,” she said.
“Really, I’m such a bore on the
subject of education, it’s just that
I’ve seen how beautiful it is to
see little ones of that age, so tiny,
how they begin to absorb everything with such amazing speed,”
she said.
The singer recalled that in the
first months of life the brain forms
hundreds of neuronal connections
every second, which means there
is “a very small window of time”
to aid a baby’s cerebral development.
“Now that I had a baby boy
seven months ago, for me this information, from the viewpoint of
neuroscience, is really revolutionary,” said Shakira, who had her
second child, Sasha, in January.
The artist will perform next Friday for the world’s heads of state
and government at the inauguration of the United Nations summit
in New York aimed at establishing
a strategy to substitute the Millennium Goals.
Shakira will sing for the occasion John Lennon’s “Imagine,”
of which she vocalized a preview
Tuesday during a press conference
at U.N. headquarters.
Global superstar Shakira called on the world’s leaders Tuesday to boost investment in education for
the earliest years of childhood and said that education is not a luxury but a human right. (EFE/File)
Por La Prensa
Patrick Dempsey, el doctor
McDreamy de Grey´s Anatomy,
se unirá al elenco de la tercera
entrega de “Bridget Jones”,
anunció la revista Vanity Fair.
Aunque no se han dado
muchos detalles de la trama,
se anunció que el personaje de
Dempsey podría ser un posible
rival de Colin Firth por Renée
Zellweger (Bridget).
El personaje de Hugh Grant,
no volverá a aparecer en la
nueva película. En ese sentido, el personaje de Bridget
necesitaba un galán atractivo
que pudiera tentarla de su más
sincero interés romántico, Mark
Darcy (Firth).
El nuevo filme se llamará
“Bridget Jones’s Baby” y estará
basado en las columnas de Helen
Fielding (autora de la novela
original) y no en su más reciente
novela “Mad about boy”, en la
cual el personaje de Firth muere.
De acuerdo a Variety, en la
nueva película Bridget llega a
los cuarenta años, hace malaba-
Patrick Dempsey publicó esta fotografía en Instagram en la cual
anunció estar feliz trabajando en Inglaterra durante los ensayos
para la tercera entrega de “Bridget Jones”. (Foto, cortesía)
res en su carrera de ejecutiva y
se embaraza.
Por su parte, Dempsey publicó esta semana una foto suya
en Instagram durante un receso
de los ensayos en Inglaterra.
“Es bonito estar trabajando en
Inglaterra, Renée y Colin son
absolutamente una delicia para
trabajar. Un buen par de días de
ensayos en Pinewoods Studios.
Realmente me gusta aquí”.