FARE INFORMATION TARIFAS Regular Fare: $1.00 Students/Youth:80¢ Senior Citizens 62 and Older with ID Card*: 50¢ Persons with Disabilities with ID Card*: 50¢ Tarifa regular: Tarifa de estudiantes: A Lextran ID or Medicare Card is required to receive this discounted fare. Medicare Cardholders with ID Card*: 50¢ Children:Free Six years old and under when accompanied by a fare paying adult (maximum five children per fare paying adult.) Transfers**:Free * A Lextran ID or Medicare Card is required to receive this discounted fare. Drivers may ask for a photo ID to verify the person presenting a Medicare card is the authorized individual. **Transfers cannot be used on the same route and are valid for 90 minutes. Please request a transfer when boarding the bus. ID CARDS Photo ID cards may be obtained at the Transit Center on Vine Street, Monday through Friday from 8:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. for a $5.00 charge. Proof of age for seniors and a valid Medicare Card for Medicare Cardholders is required. Those who wish to obtain an ID for Persons with Disabilities must have a documented physical or mental disability. Day Pass: $3.00 Youth 30-Day Unlimited Ride Pass: $20.00 Reduced Day Pass: $1.50 Class Pass: $50 per semester or $75.00 per school year 30-Day Unlimited Pass (Adults): $30.00 Seniors 62 and older/Persons with Disabilities/Medicare Card Holders 30 Day Unlimited Pass: $15.00 Must have Lextran ID or Medicare Card 20-Ride Punch Pass: $15.00 Tarifa per personas mayores: 50 centavos Personas de 62 años pueden disfrutar de esta tarifa presentando una tarjeta de identifcación identificación de Lextran. Una identifcación con foto puede obtenerse en terminal de buses en Vine Street de lunes a viernes desde las 8:30 a.m. hasta las 4:00 p.m. por solo $5.00 dólares. Se require algún tipo de identificación que pruebe la edad. Niños: Gratis Los niños menores de 5 años no pagan seimpre que vayan acompañados de un adulto que pague la tarifa (máximo de 5 niños por adulto). Transferencia: Gratis: El pase mensual de Lextran permite hacer viajes sin límite a bajos precios durante todo el mes. Para más información Ilame al 253-4636. Las paradas de los autobuses están claramente identificadas. Letreros de Destino El letrero con el destino de cada autobús esta ubicado arriba de la ventana del frente del autobús. Este tipo de letrero le indica lo siguiente: El nombre y el destinación de la ruta Antes de subirse al autobús, asegúrese de leer al letrero del destino HOLIDAY SCHEDULES PASSES Valid I.D. required $1.00 80 centavos For Next Bus Departure times*, call Para la próxima hora de salida del autobús, llame 859.244.2020 Bus stop # required La parada de autobús # requerido *Approximate times / Tiempos aproximados Text for Next! Text LX plus your stop number to TRANSIT CENTER HOURS Monday – Friday: 6:00 am to 6:00 pm Saturday & Sunday: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm 859.253.4636 Youth Day Pass is not available y su tarjeta de identificación Nicholasville Road Express Student I.D. required 30-DAY PASSES AVAILABLE AT KROGER STORES! Many Lexington Kroger stores serve as sales centers for the Lextran 30-day/$30 unlimited pass. Please visit the Kroger service desk to purchase your pass. All forms of payment are accepted. Lextran operates on a Sunday schedule for the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July (extended hours), Labor Day, and Thanksgiving Day. For additional holiday information, including Christmas Day service, please visit our website: www.lextran.com/route-maps/holiday-schedules Rules of the Bus To make bus travel comfortable and safe for everyone, please follow these rules for bus travel: •Smoking, eating, drinking, and pets in non-authorized carriers are prohibited. (other than service animals - any animal individually trained to work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability) • Talking with the driver while underway, or riding with the driver for visitation are not permitted. • Audio devices (except with headphones), vulgar language, and alcoholic beverages are prohibited. Reglas del autobús Para hacer este viaje de autobus mas cómodo siga por favor estas reglas por el recorrido del autobus. •Por favor no fumar, comer, beber o animales en compañías no autorizadas (solo animals entrenadóspara individuo con una inhabilidad) •Hablar con el conductor mientras que manaje o sentarse con el conductor no se permiten. •Radios solo con audifonos, lenguaje vulagar y bebidas alcohólicas son prohibidas. 321-123 for the next bus departure. 23 Route Effective January 3, 2016 POINTS OF INTEREST • University of Kentucky • UK Medical Center • Kentucky Clinic • Baptist Health Lexington • Walmart Nicholasville Rd.* *Park & Ride from this location! BluPass is a partnership between the University of Kentucky and Lextran allowing all UK students, faculty and staff to ride any Lextran bus route free of charge, simply by showing their Wildcard ID. For information call Para información llamar al 859-253-INFO (4636) lextran.com Clay s Mil Tates Creek Rd lasvil Nicho Dr Appian Way Mt T abo r Ea sth ills eP kw N Rd Ea gle Cr ee k Dr 1.5 Miles Woo d Dr Camelot 0.75 Walmart Nichols Park tP oo sh Aly -- 4:30P 4:35P 4:40P 5:00P ar Blvd Man O W5:35P 5:30P 5:40P 6:00P -- Transit Center (Vine Street) Walmart Nichols Park aW ay eb 8:00A -- -- D -- -- PL EA SA N T RI D GE PA RK 5:00P 5:10P 5:15P 5:30P -- -- -- -- M A PL EL EA F FO REST PA RK P Æ *This is an express route. Service at listed timepoint bus stops only. L A K ESID E GOL F COU RSE Dr ws ton Æ c NO SERVICE ON THIS ROUTE SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS ng M GA IN ESWAY PA RK ill R d pi Ap a ay nW Ce ntre Pkw y A RM STRON G M IL L PA RK WAY ire sR d Hays JA COB SON PA RK Sq u o Dr Lare d le Rd lasvil Nicho hols c Æ stro Pim TATES CREEK PA RK lico Pkw y Ath r rD lvd Arm Rd 7:45A idge y TAT E S C R E EK H I G H de M EA D OW BROOK PA RK in g for the next P lico busimdeparture. Pkw K IRK L EV IN GTON PA RK N wn 321-123 Rd Bid Wa rB M EA D OW BROOK GOL F COU RSE Do ing r 7:30A 7:40A Buckhorn Dr r ne D Lan sdo w dd M OU N T TA BOR PA RK Text LX plus your stop number to ld 0 Text for Next! Bo Nic Walmart (Nichols Park) Re son Par kD r Wil C no C W IL D W OOD PA RK SH I L L ITO PA RK Ma B Baptist Health Lexington L A N SD OW N E-M ERRI CK PA RK Letters on maps and schedules indicate time points. Each letter corresponds to a time point/location on the map. L E X I N G TO N C H R I STI A N A C A D E M Y Fayette Mall Kentucky Clinic y Rd 7:00A Ye llo Circle A lleau New Lexington Green Rd -- Rd olds 7:10A 7:30A -- 6:45A nt R y ay W eyn 7:05A vd kw rP NL ZA N D A L E PA RK WR asa Bl ze M s u oc r lD il tH Bla Rd ab tT r nd d R or TC Transit Center W EL L IN GTON PA RK 6:30A 6:40A Ple wy s dd To aD os o hm Quick Reference: on Pk oD Ric Rd ar W Ri any Kentucky Clinic Baptist Health Lexington Chi noe i Dr le Rd mn 6:30A d Alu on 7:00A Rd W OOD H IL L PA RK Dr --ige kP rty nd H EN RY C L A Y H I G H Pin e Lib Dr So u thla kw y -- nO Ma TC R nt ya Rd -- A do n Ve ID L E H OU R PA RK ni l Rd St ay rW B Br r ECTON PA RK TH E A RBORETU M A lb ire W ay d Blv Alum H IL L -N -D A L E PARK ingt per D Kentucky Clinic urn b Co Coo P Æ L IB ERTY PA RK Dr Sh Rd B n C ar nd r arde n An C St r eD Fo r tun Dr Unive rsity mo ch pu rks nt G r tD are arg M St B lvd d A bB ve Dr TC Clu Creati eR Ri L A FA Y E T TE H I G H tai n Inbound lo Fo n Coop er D r Outbound Po P Æ ta Rd Baptist Health Lexington ne D r Fort u lvd Buena Vis Transit Center (Vine Street) Red Mile Rd r B ay le Rd He Cl nry d ve dA JOH N SON H EIGH TS PA RK R rty ve EL IZ A BET H STREET PA RK Ros emo W ell New Circ e Lib gs D St Spr in in e Av K EN W I CK PA RK W OOD L A N D PA RK Elkhorn Rd Ma PR O PO SE D H I G H SC H O O L SI T E P Æ SOU T H L A N D PA RK Winches ter Rd d E h St E Hig BEL L PL A CE n dla oo W P Æ Monday–Friday Schedule Executive Dr t rR if e nn Je tS t den t or ll S t wy Pk EA STL A N D PA RK Winchester Rd ISAAC MURPHY ART GARDEN nd stla Ea Sh N ORTH EA STERN PA RK TH OROU GH B RED PA RK e xw S se E Dr t Gar hS Eastland y kw dP an tl as eS A Rd Ro Ave ry ust Ind d cli La Keit hsh e Eu Virgin ia Walle rA rro d Blv PI CA D OM E P Æ Ha V in d n Rd urg dsb TC E K BU RL EY PA RK SPRIN GS PA RK r c Æ t r S tone pe s U p im e S L S P Æ y wa oad ML GA RD EN SI D E PA RK Lane A lle t E ey R es Ma adl L im E He U N St Ma s on e Vin SB A D D ISON PA RK PA RK N W St 23 PI N E M EA D OW S PA RK ell P Æ Arena xw Ma gliana Ave Cir c Æ BERRY H IL L PA RK ar d B lv Buc khorn Dr en sB oo n es bo ro Rd Blvd
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