SP 14, Spanish Literature, Life and History before 1492 Reading List HEALTH WARNING: These pages offer an introductory bibliography of useful works. Recommended editions are listed on the Overview webpage. Detailed reading lists will be supplied in lectures. Note that most primary reading is available in the MML library, but that I recommend the UL for secondary reading. Some primary and secondary material is available on websites. For secondary material see: http://libro.uca.edu. Highly recommended reading is asterisked. GENERAL (also see Overview webpage) History and Background Linehan, Peter, History and the Historians of Medieval Spain (Oxford: Clarendon, 1993). MacKay, A., Society, Economy and Religion in Late Medieval Castile, Variorum Collected Studies, CS261 (London: Variorum, 1987). O'Callaghan, J. F., A History of Medieval Spain (Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 1975). Dodds, Jerrilyn, The Art of Medieval Spain, AD 500-1200 (New York: Abrams for the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1993). Valdeón, Julio, José Ma. Salrach & Javier Zabalo, Feudalismo y consolidación de los pueblos hispánicos (siglos XI-XV), Historia de España, IV (Barcelona: Labor, 1980). SET TEXTS ADDITIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES AVAILABLE IN LECTURES (1) Poema de Mio Cid Set text: EITHER: Cantar de mio Cid, Biblioteca Clásica, 1, ed. Alberto Montaner (Barcelona: Crítica, 1993), OR: Poema de mio Cid, ed. C.C. Smith (Madrid: Cátedra, reprints) OR: Poema de mio Cid, ed. Ian Michael, 2nd edn (Madrid: Clásicos Castalia, 1978 or reprints). Introductory reading: *Correa, Gustavo, ‘El tema de la honra en el Poema de Mio Cid', Hispanic Review, 20 (1952), 185-99. Deyermond, A. D., ed., ‘Mio Cid’ Studies (London: Tamesis, 1977). *——,& D. Hook, ‘Doors and Cloaks: Two Image Patterns in the CMC', Modern Language Notes, 79 (1979), 366-77. *——, David G. Pattison, & Eric Southworth, ed. ‘Mio Cid’ Studies: ‘Some Problems of the Diplomatic’ Fifty Years on, Papers of the Medieval Hispanic Research Seminar, 42 (London: Dept of Hispanic Studies, Queen Mary, Univ. of London, 2002): esp. Lawrance, Haywood, 2nd piece by Russell recommended.Duggan, J. J., The ‘Cantar de Mio Cid': Poetic Creation in its Economic and Social Contexts (Cambridge: UP, 1989). Fletcher, Richard, The Quest for El Cid (London: Hutchinson, 1989).Harney, Michael, Kinship and Polity in the ‘Poema de Mio Cid’, Purdue Studies in Romance Literatures, 2 (West Lafayette, IN: Purdue UP, 1993). *Lacarra, María Eugenia El ‘Poema de Mio Cid’, realidad histórica e ideología (Madrid: Porrúa Turanzas, 1980). López Estrada, Francisco, Panorama crítico sobre el ‘Poema de Mio Cid’ (Madrid: Castalia, 1982). Martín, Óscar, ed., ‘Critical Cluster: Story Weavers and Textual Critics Interpret the PMC’, La Corónica, 33.2 (2005) (order in UL, West Room; L744.c.56) Smith, C.C., The Making of the ‘Poema de mio Cid’ (Cambridge: UP, 1983). (2) Juan Ruiz, Libro de Buen Amor Set text: Juan Ruiz, Libro de buen amor, ed., G. Gybbon-Monypenny, Clásicos Castalia, 161 (Madrid: Castalia, 1988). Consult: Best student edition: Ed. Steven D. Kirby, Libro de buen amor, Cervantes & Co, Spanish Classics, 25 (Newark, Del.: European Masterpieces, 2007). Translations: Pablo Jauralde Pou, ed & trans., Colección Arbolí, 16 (Tarragona: Tarraco, 1981); Elizabeth Drayson MacDonald, ed. & trans., The Book of Good Love, by Juan Ruiz (London: Everyman, 1999): please use with the aid of one of the recommended (annotated!) editions. Introductory reading Brown, Catherine. Contrary Things: Exegesis, Dialectic, and the Poetics of Didacticism (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1998): esp. intro. & chap. 5. Burke, James F. Burke, Desire Against the Law: The Juxtaposition of Contraries in Early Medieval Spanish Literature (Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 1998): esp. chaps 1, & 9-10. Dagenais, John, The Ethics of Reading in Manuscript Culture: Glossing the’ LBA’ (Princeton: UP, 1994) *Gybbon-Monypenny, G.B., ed. ‘Libro de buen amor’ Studies, Támesis A.12 (London: Tamesis, 1970) Lapesa, R., 'El tema de la muerte en el LBA', in De la Edad Media a nuestros días, 1967, pp. 53-75. Lawrance, Jeremy N.H., ‘The Audience of the LBA’, Comparative Literature, 36 (1984), 220-37. Haywood, Louise M., Sex, Scandal and Sermon in Fourteenth-century Spain: Juan Ruiz’s Libro de Buen Amor (New York: Palrgave MacMillan, 2008). *—— & Louise O. Vasvári, A Companion to the ‘Libro de Buen Amor’, Támesis, A209 (Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer, 2004). Heusch, Carlos. Ed. El ‘Libro de buen amor’ de Juan Ruiz, Archiprêtre de Hita (Paris: Ellipses, 2005) esp. Articles by Heusch & Bayo. Pérez López, José Luis. Temas del ‘Libro de buen amor’: El entorno catedralicio toledano (Toledo: D.B. Ediciones, 2007). Zahareas, Anthony. ‘Structure and Ideology in the Libro de buen amor’, La corónica, 7 (1979), 92-104. *——, The Art of Juan Ruiz, Archpriest of Hita (Madrid: Estudios de literatura española, 1965). (3) Juan Manuel, El conde Lucanor Set text: Don Juan Manuel, El Conde Lucanor, ed. Guillermo Serés & intro. Germán Orduña, Biblioteca Clásica, 6 (Barcelona: Crítica, 1994). Introductory reading: Alvar, Carlos, ‘Prosa didáctica’, in La prosa y el teatro en la Edad Media, Carlos Alvar, Ángel Gómez Moreno & Fernando Gómez Redondo (Madrid: Taurus, 1991), pp. 87-129. 743:12.c.95.115 Bloch, R. Howard, The Scandal of the Fabliaux (London: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1986). Biglieri, A., Hacia una poética del relato didáctico: ocho estudios sobre ‘El Conde Lucanor’ (Chapel Hill, 1989). Burgoyne, Jonathan, Reading the ‘Exemplum’ Right: Fixing the Meaning of ‘El Conde Lucanor’, North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures, 289 (Chapel Hill, NC: U.N.C. Department of Romance Languages, 2007). *Deyermond, Alan, ‘Cuentística y política en Juan Manuel: Conde Lucanor’, in Studia in honorem Germán Orduna, ed., Leonardo Funes & José Luis Moure, Ensayos y documentos, 39 (Alcalá de Henares: Univ. de Henares, 2001), pp. 225-39. 743:12.c.200.21 Diz, Marta Ana, 1984. Patronio y Lucanor: la lectura inteligente ‘en el tiempo que es turbio’, Scripta Humanistica, 2 (Potomac: Scripta Humanistica). Macpherson, Ian, ‘Dios y el mundo – the Didacticism of El Conde Lucanor’, Romance Philology, 24.1 (1970): 26-38. *——, ed., Juan Manuel Studies, Tamesis, A60 (London: Tamesis, 1977). 15 (London: Garland, 1995), pp. 469-95. 743:13.c.95.211 Sturcken, H. Tracy, Don Juan Manuel, TWAS, 303 (New York: Twayne, 1974). (4) Diego de San Pedro, Cárcel de Amor Set texts: Diego de San Pedro, Diego de, Obras completas: I, ‘Tractado de Amores de Arnalte y Lucenda’ y ‘Sermón’, ed. Keith Whinnom, Clásicos Castalia, 54 (Madrid: Castalia, 1973) & III, Poesías, ed. Dorothy S. Severin & Keith Whinnom, Clásicos Castalia, 98 (Madrid: Castalia, 1979); AND EITHER: Obras completas, II: Cárcel de Amor, ed. Keith Whinnom, Clásicos Castalia, 54 (Madrid: Castalia, 1979) OR: Cárcel de Amor, ed. Carmen Parrilla, Biblioteca Clásica, 17 (Barcelona: Crítica, 1995). Introductory reading: Cortijo Ocaña, Antonio, 2001. La evolución genérica de la ficción sentimental de los siglos XV y XVI, Támesis, A184 (Woodbridge: Tamesis). Folger, Robert. Escape From the Prison of Love: Caloric Identities and Writing Subjects in Fifteenth-Century Spain, North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures, 292 (Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 2009). —, Images in Mind: Lovesickness, Spanish Sentimental Fiction and 'Don Quijote', North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures, 274 (Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 2002). Severin, Dorothy Sherman, ‘Structure and Thematic Repetitions in DSP's CA and Arnalte y Lucenda', Hispanic Review 45 (1977), 165-69. Smith, Paul Julian. Representing the Other: ‘Race’, Text, and Gender in Spanish and Spanish American Narrative (Oxford: Clarendon, 1992), pp. 27-58. Weissberger, Barbara F. ‘The Gendered Taxonomy of Spanish Romance’, La corónica 29.1 (Fall 2000): 205-29 *Whinnom, Keith, Diego de San Pedro¸ TWAS, 10 (New York: Twayne, 1974). —, ed., ‘Introducción’, Diego de San Pedro, Obras completas: II, ‘Cárcel de Amor’, Clásicos Castalia, 39, 3rd edn. (Madrid: Castalia, 1985); III, Poesías, ed. Dorothy S. Severin & Keith Whinnom, Clásicos Castalia, 98 (Madrid: Castalia, 1979): introductions to vols 1 & 2 highly recommended reading. Whinnom, Keith. ‘Diego de San Pedro's Stylistic Reform', Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 37 (1960), 1-15. (5) Spectacle and the origins of drama Set texts: Pérez Priego, Miguel Ángel, ed., Teatro medieval, ii: Castilla, Páginas de la Biblioteca Clásica (Barcelona: Crítica, 1997) AND EITHER: Álvarez Pellitero, Ana María, Teatro medieval, Colección Austral, 157 (Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1990). OR: Surtz, Ronald, Teatro castellano de la Edad Media, Clásicos Taurus, 13 (Madrid: Santillana, 1992). Introductory reading: Axton, Richard, European Drama of the Early Middle Ages (London, 1974). Castro, Eva, ed., Teatro medieval, I: El drama litúrgico, Páginas de la Biblioteca Clásica (Barcelona: Crítica, 1997). Gómez Moreno, Ángel, El teatro medieval castellano en su marco románico, Persiles, 203 (Madrid: Taurus, 1991). Shergold, N. D., A History of the Spanish Stage from Medieval Times until the End of the Seventeenth Century (Oxford: Clarendon). *Stern, Charlotte, The Medieval Theater in Castile, Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies, 156 (Binghamton: Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies, 1996). *Tydeman, William, ed., The Medieval European Stage, 500-1550 (Cambridge: UP, 2001); esp. Introduction, sections A-C, and I. (6) Court Song Set text: Poesía de cancionero, ed., Alvaro Alonso, Letras Hispánicas, 247 (Madrid: Cátedra, 1991). Consult: *Boase, Roger, The Origin and Meaning of Courtly Love (Manchester: UP, 1977). Casas Rigall, Juan, Agudeza y retórica en la poesía amorosa de cancionero, Monografías da Universidade de Santiago de Compestela, 185 (Santiago de Compostela: Univ., 1995). *Gerli, E. Michael, & Julian Weiss, ed., Poetry at the Court in Trastamaran Spain: from the ‘Cancionero de Baena’ to the ‘Cancionero general’, Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies 181 (Tempe: Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies, 1998). Lacan, Jacques, ‘Courtly Love as Anamorphosis', Seminar of Jacques Lacan: VII, The Ethics of Psychoanalysis, 1959-60, ed. Jacques-Alain Miller, trans. Dennis Porter (London: Routledge, 1993), pp. 139-54. *Salvador Miguel, Nicasio, La poesía cancioneril: ‘El cancionero de Estúñiga’ (Madrid: Alhambra, 1977): study of Estúñiga poets. Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky, Between Men and Male Homosocial Desire, Gender & Culture (NY: Columbia UP, 1985). Severin, Dorothy S., ‘Cancionero: un género mal-nombrado’, Cultura Neolatina, 54 (1994), 95-105. *Whinnom, Keith, La poesía amatoria cancioneril en la época de los reyes católicos, Durham Modern Languages Series, 2 (Durham: Univ. 1981). Zizek, Slavoj, ‘Courtly Love, or, Woman as Thing’, in The Metastases of Enjoyment. Sex Essays on Woman and Enjoyment (London: Verso, 1994), pp. 89-112. Reprinted with an explanatory introduction in Elizabeth Wright & Edmund Wright, ed., The ðiñek Reader (Oxford: Blackwell, 1999), pp. 148-73. TOPICS (1) Female Voice and the Representation of Women Primary texts: Lyric: Lírica española de tipo tradicional, ed. Margit Frenk, Letras Hispánicas, 60 (Madrid: Cátedra, 1990) Poesía femenina en los cancioneros, ed., Miguel Ángel Pérez Priego, Biblioteca de Escritoras, 14 (Madrid: Castalia, 1989) Spanish Ballads, ed. Colin Smith, 2nd edn (Bristol: Classical Press, 1996). Exemplary literature: Calila e Dimna, 1984. Ed. María Jesús Lacarra and José Manuel Cacho Blecua (Madrid: Castalia). Don Juan Manuel, El conde Lucanor, ed. Guillermo Serés, Biblioteca Clásica, 6 (Barcelona: Crítica, 1994) Martínez de Toledo, Alfonso, 1970. Arcipreste de Talavera o Corbacho, ed. J. González Muela (Madrid: Castalia). Sendebar, ed. María Jesús Lacarra (Madrid: Cátedra, 1989; repr. 2005). Women writers: Teresa de Cartagena, ‘Arboleda de los enfermos’; ‘Admiraçión operum Dey’, ed. Lewis Joseph Hutton, Anejos del Boletín de la Real Academia Española, 16 (Madrid: Aguirre, 1967). AND EITHER: Leonor López de Córdoba, Memorie, ed. Lia Vozzo Mendia (Parma: Pratiche, 1992). OR ed. Reinaldo Ayerbe-Chaux, Journal of Hispanic Philology, 2 (1977), 11-33. Introductory reading: Archer, Robert, The Problem of Woman in Late-Medieval Hispanic Literature (London: Tamesis, 2005). Blay Manzanera, Vicenta, ‘El varón que finge voz de mujer en las composiciones de cancionero’, in Cultural Contexts/ Female Voices, ed., Louise M. Haywood, Publications of the Medieval Hispanic Research Seminar, 27 (London: Dept of Hispanic Studies, Queen Mary & Westfield College), pp. 9-26. Bloch, Richard Howard, Medieval Misogyny and the Invention of Western Romantic Love (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991). Butler, Judith, Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity (London: Routledge, 1999). *Cadden, Joan, Meanings of Sex Difference in the Middle Ages: Medicine, Science, and Culture, Cambridge History of Medicine (Cambridge: UP, 1993). *Catarella, T., ‘Feminine Historicizing in the romanero novelesco’, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 67 (1990), 331-43. Culler, Jonathan, ‘On Reading as a Woman’, On Deconstruction: Theory and Criticism after Structuralism (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1983), pp. 43-64. *Deyermond, Alan, ‘Spain’s First Women Writers’, in Beth Miller, ed., Women in Hispanic Literature: Icons and Fallen Idols (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1983), pp. 27-52. Dronke, Peter, Medieval Latin and the Rise of the European Love-Lyric, I: Problems and Interpretations (Oxford: Clarendon, 1965). *Fulks, Barbara, ‘The Poet Named Florencia Pinar’, C, 18.1. (1989): 33-44. Mirrer, Louise, 1996. Women, Jews, and Muslims in the Texts of Reconquest Castile (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press). Laqueur, Thomas, Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud (Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1990). Sanmartín Bastida, Rebeca, 2003a. Teatralidad y textualidad en el ‘Arcipreste de Talavera’, Papers of the Medieval Hispanic Research Seminar, 44 (London: Department of Hispanic Studies, Queen Mary, University of London). Sponsler, L. A., Women in Medieval Spanish Epic and Lyric Traditions (Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 1975). Solomon, Michael, The Literature of Misogyny in Medieval Spain. The ‘Arcipreste de Talavera’ and the ‘Spill’ (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997). Whetnall, Jane, ‘Lírica femenina in the Early Manuscript Cancioneros’, in What’s Past Is Prologue: A Collection of Essays in Honour of L. J. Woodward, ed., Salvador Bacarisee et al (Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1984), pp. 138-50. (2) Living Well, Dying Well (a) Sin and sanctity Primary texts: Gonzalo de Berceo, Milagros de Nuestra Señora, ed., Isabel Uría, Biblioteca Clásica, 3 (Barcelona: Crítica, 1997). Vida de Santa Oria, ed. Berceo’s ‘Vida de Santa Oria’: Text, Translation and Commentary, Anthony Lappin (Oxford: Legenda, 2000). Vida de Santa Domingo de Silos, ed. Teresa Labarta de Ghaves, Clásicos Castalia, 49 (Madrid: Castalia, 1979) OR in Obras completas, ed. Brian Dutton, Támesis, A4, A15, A18. A74 & A80 (Woodbridge: Tamesis, 1967-81; also other imprints). La vida de santa María Egipciaca, ed. Manuel Alvar, in his Antigua poesía española lírica y narrativa, Sepan Cuántos..., 151 (Buenos Aires: Porrúa, 1981). Libro de la infancia y la muerte de Jesús, ed. Manuel Alvar, in his Antigua poesía española lírica y narrativa, Sepan Cuántos..., 151 (Buenos Aires: Porrúa, 1981). For more editions of Berceo’s texts see: http://www.vallenajerilla.com/berceo/espasacalpe/principal.htm And for additional bibliography to 2007: http://www.cervantesvirtual.com/obra-visor/bibliografia-de-gonzalo-deberceo--0/html/01d55dba-82b2-11df-acc7-002185ce6064_3.html Introductory reading: Bloomfield, M. W., Seven Deadly Sin: An Introduction ([East Lansing: Michigan State College Press, 1952). Diz, Marta Ana, Historias de certidumbre: los ‘Milagros’ de Berceo (Newark, Del: Juan de la Cuesta, 1995). Kristeva, Julia, The Powers of Horror: An Essay in Abjection (New York: Columbia UP, 1982). *Lappin, Anthony, Gonzalo de Berceo: The Poet and His Verses, Támesis, A268 (Woodbridge: Tamesis, 2008). Oyola, Eliezer, 1979. Los pecados capitales en la literatura medieval española, Biblioteca Universal Puvill,; Ensayos, 3 (Barcelona: Puvill); rev. Zeitschrift zur Romanische Philologie, 95 (1979): 533-35; Celestinesca, 4.2 (1980). *Ward, Benedicta, Miracles and the Medieval Mind: Theory, Record and Event, 1000-1215 (London: Scolar, 1982). (b) Death and Dying: See Learning Resource Webpage Primary texts: Gonzalo de Berceo, Milagros de Nuestra Señora, ed., Isabel Uría, Biblioteca Clásica, 3 (Barcelona: Crítica, 1997). Jorge Manrique, Jorge, ‘Coplas por la muerte de su padre’ (in all eds. of JMs work; see Jorge Manrique, Poesía, Letras Hispánicas, 38 (Madrid: Cátedra, 1990), pp. 148-75. Dança general de la muerte (several editions; see especially ed. Ana María Álvarez Pellitero, Teatro medieval, Colección Austral, 157 (Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1990), pp. 279-319). Don Juan Manuel, El conde Lucanor, Biblioteca Clásica, 6 (Barcelona: Crítica, 1994) (exempla 4, 14, 40, 44, 45, 47 & 49). Account of Fernando de Antequera's coronation disguising (Miguel Ángel Pérez Priego, Teatro medieval: II, Castilla, Páginas de la Biblioteca Clásica (Barcelona: Crítica, 1997), pp. 240-46). Introductory reading: Infantes, Víctor, Las danzas de la muerte: génesis y desarrollo de un género medieval (siglos XIII-XVII), Acta Salmanticensia; Estudios Filológicos , 267 (Salamanca Ediciones Universidad, 1997). *Binski, Paul, Medieval Death: Ritual and Representation (London: British Museum, 1996) Boase, T. R., Death in the Middle Ages: Mortality, Judgment and remembrance (London: Thames & Hudson, 1972) (Haddon Library, Arch & Anth.) *Guiance, Ariel, Los discursos sobre la muerte en la Castilla medieval: siglos VII-XV, Estudios de Historia (Valladolid: Junta de Castilla y León, Consejería de Educación y Cultura, 1998). Murray, Alexander, 1998. Suicide in the Middle Ages, I: The Violent against Themselves (Oxford: UP, 1998); II: The Curse on Self-Murder (Oxford: UP, 2000). O’Connor, Mary Catharine, The Art of Dying Well: The Development of the ‘Ars moriendi’ (New York: AMS, 1966). (First publ. New York: Columbia UP, 1942). Lawrance, Jeremy, ‘La muerte y el morir en las letras ibéricas al fin de la Edad Media’, in Actas del XII Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas: 21-26 de agosto de 1995, Birmingham, ed. Aengus M. Ward, I, Medieval y Lingüística, (Birmingham: Department of Hispanic Studies, Univ., 1998), pp. 1-26. Núñez, M., & E. Portela, ed., La idea y el sentimiento de la muerte en la historia y en el arte de la Edad Media: Ciclo de conferencias celebrado del 1 al 5 de diciembre de 1986, ed. M., Colección Aula Aberta (Santiago de Compostela: Servicio de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 1988). Vivanco, Laura, Death in Fifteenth-Century Castile: Ideologies of the Elites, Colección Tamesis, A 205 (Woodbridge: Tamesis, 2004). (3) Convivencia Primary texts: Alfonso X, Las siete partidas, (trans.) Samuel Parsons Scott & Robert I. Burns (Ann Arbor, 1991): in law library. —— , Estoria de España, ed. Ramón Menéndez Pidal as Primera crónica general, 2nd end (Madrid: Seminario Menéndez Pidal de la Univ. de Madrid & Gredos, 1955): esp. chapters 549-602. Calila e Dimna, 1984. Ed. María Jesús Lacarra and José Manuel Cacho Blecua (Madrid: Castalia). Melville, Charles, & Ahmed Ubaydli, ed., Christians & Moors in Spain: III, Arabic Sources, 711-1501 (Warminster, 1992). Petrus Alfonsi, Disciplina clericalis, 1969. Trans. Joseph Ramon Jones, & John Esten Keller, The Scholar’s Guide. A Translation of the TwelfthCentury ‘Disciplina Clericalis’ of Pedro Alfonso (Toronto: The Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies). Sage, Carleton, Paul Albar of Córdoba: Studies on His Life and Writings (Washington, 1943); biography (Eng. trans. PA’s Life of Eulogius; extract in Constable C11). Sendebar, ed. María Jesús Lacarra (Madrid: Cátedra, 1989; repr. 2005). Smith, Colin, ed., Christians and Moors in Spain: I, 711-1150 & II, 1195-1614 (Warminster, 1989) Introductory reading: Armistead, Samuel, ‘A Brief History of Kharja Scholarship’, Hispania, 70 (1987), 8-15. —— , ‘Kharjas and Villancicos’, Journal of Arabic Literature, 24 (2003), pp. 319 (within the @cam domain: http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/brill/jal/2003/00000034/F0020001 /art00002). Coates, Geraldine, ‘“E si desto menguas”: decadencia imperial de la Estoria de España’, in El relato historiográfico: textos y tradiciones en la España medieval, ed. Francisco Bautista, Papers of the Medieval Hispanic Research Seminar, 48 (London: Dept of Hispanic Studies, Queen Mary and Westfield College, 2000), pp. 103-21. Collins, Roger, The Arab Conquest of Spain, 710-97 (Oxford, 1989; repnts). * Glick, Thomas F., ‘Introduction’, Islamic and Christian Spain in the Early Middle Ages (Princeton, 1979), pp. 3-15; available as an e-book: http://libro.uca.edu/ics/intro.htm. *—, & O. Pi-Sunyer, ‘Acculturation as an Explanatory Concept in Spanish History’, Comparative Studies in Society and History, 11 (1969), 13654. Jayyusi, Salma Khadra, ed., The Legacy of Muslim Spain (Leiden, 1994). *Jones, Alan, Romance ‘Kharjas’ in Andalusian Arabic ‘Muwaššah’ Poetry: A Paleographical Analysis (London, 1988). MacKay, A., Spain in the Middle Ages: From Frontier to Empire, 1000-1500 (London: Macmillan, 1977). Medieval Encounters, 15.2-4 (2009) (available on-line: http://libsta28.lib.cam.ac.uk:2572/content/journals/15700674/15/2). Menocal, María Rosa, Raymond P. Scheindlin and Michael Sells (eds), The Cambridge History of Arabic Literature: The Literature of al-Andalus (Cambridge, 2000). Lacarra, María Jesús, 1979. Cuentística medieval en España: los orígenes (Zaragoza: Universidad de Zaragoza, 1979). Solomon, Michael, The Literature of Misogyny in Medieval Spain. The ‘Arcipreste de Talavera’ and the ‘Spill’ (Cambridge: University Press, 1997). Tolan, John V., Petrus Alfonsi and His Medieval Readers (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1993). —, Saracens: Islam in the Medieval European Imagination (New York, 2002). *Wacks, David A., 2007. Framing Iberia: Maqāmāt and Frametale Narratives in Medieval Spain, The Medieval and Early Modern Iberian World, 33 (Leiden: Brill). * Wolf, Kenneth Baxter, ‘Convivencia in Medieval Spain: A Brief History of an Idea’, Religion Compass, 3 (2009), 1-14. * —, The Christian Martyrs of Cordoba (Cambridge, 1988); on-line version: http://libro.uca.edu/martyrs/martyrs.htm. (4) Treachery and Taboo in Medieval Epic and Epic Legend Primary texts: Épica medieval española, ed., Carlos Alvar & Manuel Alvar, Letras Hispánicas, 330 (Madrid: Cátedra, 1991). Mocedades de Rodrigo, ed. Juan Victorio, Clásicos Castalia, 226 (Madrid: Castalia, 1982) Libro de Apolonio, ed. Dolores Corbella Díaz, Letras Hispánicas, 348 (Madrid: Cátedra, 1992). Poema de Fernán González, ed. Juan Victorio, Letras Hispánicas, 151 (Madrid: Cátedra, 1984). Clásica, 3 (Barcelona: Crítica, 1997). AND EITHER Libro de Alexandre, ed. Jesús Cañas, Letras Hispánicas, 280 (Madrid: Cátedra, 1988) OR: ‘Libro de Alexandre’: Texts of the Paris and the Madrid Manuscripts, ed. Raymond S. Willis, Elliott Monographs in the Romance Languages & Literatures, 488 (Princeton: UP, 1943) Introductory reading: Bluestine, Carolyn, ‘The Power of Blood in the Siete Infantes de Lara’, Hispanic Review, 50 (1982), 201-17. ——, ‘Foreshadows of the Doppelgänger in the Siete Infantes de Lara and the Romanz del Infant García’, Romance Philology, 38 (1984-85), 463-74. *——, ‘Traitors, Vows, and Temptresses in the Medieval Spanish Epic’, Romance Quarterly, 33 (1986): 53-61. Coates, Geraldine, ‘“E si desto menguas”: decadencia imperial de la Estoria de España’, in El relato historiográfico: textos y tradiciones en la España medieval, ed. Francisco Bautista, Papers of the Medieval Hispanic Research Seminar, 48 (London: Dept of Hispanic Studies, Queen Mary and Westfield College, 2000), pp. 103-21. —, Treacherous Foundations: Betrayal and Collective Identity in Early Spanish Epic, Chronicle and Drama (Woodbridge, 2009); esp. C3. Deyermond, Alan, 1976. ‘Medieval Spanish Epic Cycles: Observations on their Formation and Development’, Kentucky Romance Quarterly, 23: 282-303. *——, 1988. ‘La sexualidad en la épica medieval española’, Nueva Revista de Filología Española, 36: 767-86. Freud, Sigmund, Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974): see 'The development of the Libido and Sexual Organisations'. ——, Totem and Taboo (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1950): see 'The Horror of Incest'. *Montgomery, Thomas, Medieval Spanish Epic: Mythic Roots and Ritual Language, Penn State Studies in Romance Literatures (Pennsylvania: Pennsylvannia State Univ. Press, 1998). Pattison, D. GH., 1983. From Legend to Chronicle: The Treatment of Epic Material in Alphonsine Historiography, Medium Aevum Monographs, ns 13 (Oxford: Society for the Study of Mediaeval Languages & Literature). Segal, Robert, Hero Myths (Oxford: Blackwell, 2000). Vaquero, Mercedes, Tradiciones orales en la historiografía de fines de la Edad Media (Madison: HSMS, 1990). Zaderenko, Irene, ‘El tema de la traición en Los siete infantes de Lara y su tradición en la épica románica’, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (Glasgow), 78 (2001), 177-90. 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