CARTA DE LA PRESIDENTA Y EL DIRECTOR Junio de 2015 A: Padres/Tutores y Estudiantes de Mater Dei De: Hermana Lilia M. Barba, Presidente y George Milke, Director RE: Orientación y Paquete de Información del Año Escolar 2015-2016 Esperamos que estén disfrutando plenamente de sus vacaciones de verano y que esperen con ansiedad el comienzo del Año Escolar 2015-2016 de Mater Dei Catholic High School. Cada año se presenta con la oportunidad de alcanzar nuevas metas y nos reta a hacer buen uso de los dones que nos ha dado Dios Nuestro Señor. A los estudiantes les pedimos que consideren diferentes maneras para mejorar su rendimiento anterior y que siempre se esfuercen en hacer buen uso de sus talentos y habilidades. Este paquete de orientación contiene toda la información que usted necesita para comenzar el año escolar. A lo largo del año escolar se le pide que vaya en línea a diario donde encontrará las últimas noticias de la escuela, anuncios importantes y el calendario escolar más actualizado. Nuestro sitio web podrá contestar la mayoría de las preguntas que tenga acerca de nuestros programas y servicios. Favor de seleccionar la sección “Parents” o “Students” en nuestra página de internet para obtener la información importante y pertinente para usted. Así mismo, la sección “Parent/Guardian Student Handbook” le permitirá ver y bajar de internet el manual completo para estudiantes, el cual deberá ser leído por cada estudiante y padre de familia. Se les pide que ambos revisen el Manual 2015-2016 juntos para así entender la misión/visón, las metas y las reglas de Mater Dei. FAVOR DE LLENAR Y ENTREGAR Formato de Padre de Familia Voluntario SÓLO PARA SU INFORMACIÓN: Carta de los Decanos para Estudiantes Información General de Contactos Horario de la Campana Lista de Documentos de la Salud Lista de Lectura para el Verano Invitación para la Cena de Inauguración ASB MD Venta de Uniformes 2015 El Horario de Orientación es el siguiente: 12° Grado (Seniors), lunes 10 de agosto, 2015, 12:30 p.m. 11° Grado (Juniors), viernes 7 de agosto, 2015, 8:00 a 11:00 a.m. 10° Grado (Sophomores), viernes 7 de agosto, 2015, 12:00 a 3:00 p.m. 9° Grado (Freshmen), lunes 10 de agosto, 2015, 8:00 a.m. a 12:00 p.m. Durante la orientación los estudiantes recibirán su horario de clases, su salón de base asignado (homeroom), libros de texto, lockers y se les tomarán las fotos (los estudiantes deberán usar el uniforme apropiado). Los estudiantes se reportarán al teatro en el día y la hora asignada a su grado. Si el/la estudiante falta el día de orientación dicha falta no es justificada y no se les permitirá asistir a clases el primer día de clases, ya que los estudiantes que falten o que lleguen tarde no recibirán sus libros y horario sino hasta el jueves 13 de agosto. Finalmente, invitamos atentamente a nuestros padres de familia a acompañarnos la tarde del viernes 4 de septiembre a las 5:00 p.m. a nuestra Cena Anual de Inauguración de Año “Blast Off” aquí en nuestra escuela. Ahí tendrán la oportunidad de reanudar y entablar nuevas amistades. Este evento es en su honor siendo la escuela su anfitriona. ¡Los esperamos a todos! Por favor recuerde que esta cena es para adultos únicamente. No se permitirá la entrada a estudiantes ni menores de edad. FECHA: PARA: DE PARTE DE: Junio del 2015 Padres de Familia y Alumnos Sr. Joseph Brunner, Decano de Alumnos Sra. Cresencia Angeles, Decana de Alumnas REFERENTE A: Información Sobre el Reglamento de Uniformes para el Año Escolar 2015-2016 El reglamento de Uniformes para el año escolar 2015-2016 se implementará estrictamente. El Manual de Estudiante y Padres de Familia/Tutores dice “La administración tiene el derecho de determinar lo que se considere apropiado con respecto al código de vestir.” Todos los artículos de uniforme se pueden comprar en EDUCATIONAL OUTFITTERS. Las órdenes se pueden hacer en persona, por internet o por teléfono: 8160 La Mesa Blvd. La Mesa, CA 91942 (619) 466 – KIDS (5437) Reglamento de Vestir para Alumnos y Alumnas: UNIFORME CASUAL * Pantalón o shorts beige o azul marino de la medida correcta. * Las faldas no excesivamente cortas – (azul, marino, khaki y cuadrada). No mas de 2 pulgadas arriba de la rodilla. * Las camisas Polo deberán de ser de uno de los siguientes colores: blanco, azul marino, gris, o amarillo y deberán tener el logotipo de MDCHS. * Los zapatos deberán ser de los siguientes colores: negro, café, gris o blanco. No se permiten botas/Uggs, ni zapatos de tacón * Los (as) calcetines/calcetas tienen que ser visibles y de color azul marino, negro o blanco. No se permiten tobilleras cortas (footies). Reglamento de Vestir para Alumnos y Alumnas: UNIFORME FORMAL * ALUMNOS: Pantalón azul marino, camisa de vestir blanca (fajada), cinto negro, corbata de la escuela, suéter escolar con el logotipo de MDCHS y calzado escolar completamente negro. * ALUMNAS: Falda cuadrada formal, blusa escolar blanca (fajada), pantimedia negra obscura, suéter escolar con el logotipo de MDCHS y calzado escolar completamente negro. NOTA: ASB Venta de Uniformes- favor de checar el volante en este paquete y si va a pagar con cheque, favor de escribirlo a nombre de Lifetouch. AVISO MUY IMPORTANTE Se requiere el uniforme formal el día de orientación para las fotografías escolares. También deberá traer pago para las fotografías (cheque o en efectivo) Revise el sitio web MDCHS para información detallada sobre los precios de imagen y opciones. FAVOR DE COMUNICARSE CON EL SR. BRUNNER (EXT. 103) O CON LA SRA. ANGELES (EXT. 201) AL (619) 423-2121 SI TIENE PREGUNTAS ACERCA DEL REGLAMENTO DE UNIFORMES. Mater Dei Catholic High School General Information 2015-2016 The school office is open from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and is closed on school holidays. Phone calls should be made during these hours. Please refer to the school calendar posted on our website for the most accurate information. Student absences should be reported by 9:00 a.m. WHOM TO CALL President (School Vision/Catholicity, School Advancement) ............................................ Sr. Lilia M. Barba SJS, x101 Vice President, Chief Financial Officer .................................................................. Mrs. Rocio Hodges ‘81, x104 Director of Advancement/Development .............................................. Mrs. Victoria L. Lorent-Whitmire x 124 Director of Admissions ................................................................................................... Mr. Roy Vasquez, x106 (Information Packets, Open House, 7th & 8th Grade Visitations) Director of Alumni Services (Class Reunions, Alumni Activities) .......................... Mrs. Erin (Day) Link ‘01, x222 Community Outreach and Marketing Coordinator ..................................................... Mrs. Laura Bookser x120 Facilities Manager ................................................................................................................ Mr. John Rey, x105 Principal (Academic Programs, Co-Curricular Activities) ................................................ .Mr. George Milke ‘72, x102 Assistant Principal for Curriculum and Instruction ........................................................ Mr. Frank Stingo, x235 Assistant Principal for Student Services/Dean of Boys ............................................. Mr. Joseph Brunner, x103 Assistant Principal for Student Services/Dean of Girls......................................... Mrs. Cresencia Angeles, x201 Athletic Director ........................................................................................................ Mr. Kenneth Caesar, x117 President’s Executive Assistant/School Advancement ................................................ Ms. Alejandra Saavedra, x116 (Appointments with President, Verbum Dei Awards, Grandparents Day, Crusader Award Ceremony) Principal’s Executive Assistant .......................................................................................... Ms. Zurisaddi Galvez, x127 (Appointments with Principal, Student Bulletins, Human Resources, Faculty Attendance) Counseling Office .....................................................................................Mrs. Marissa Meda, Head Counselor, x123 ........................................................................ Ms. Andrea Puschendorf, College Counselor, x125 ..................................................................................... Mrs. Diana Luna, General Counselor, x188 (Academic Programs, Grades, Graduation Requirements, College Applications, Scholarships, Schedule Changes, Report Cards, Transcripts, Progress Reports, Academic Review Board, Foreign Exchange Student Program) School Chaplain .......................................................................................................... .Rev. Richard Castro, MC, x187 ................................................................................................. Rev. Stephen Sanguinetti, MC, x187 Registrar (Registration, Schedules and Transcripts) ..................................................... Ms. Margie Hernandez, x128 Associated Student Body (ASB) ......................................... Mrs. Cresencia Angeles, x201, Mr. Joseph Brunner, x103 Attendance Office (Absences, Tardies) ........................................................................ Mrs. Christine Alvarado, x115 Director of Campus Ministry (Retreats, Counseling) ..........................................................Mr. Chris Schnitzius, x262 Student Christian Service Coordinator......................................................................... Mrs. Anamaria Anthony, x202 Director of Integrated Technology.................................................................................. Mr. Bradford Bookser, x110 Web/IT/Publications ..............................................................................................Mrs. Lillian Escobar-Haskins, x171 Ambassador for Christ Corps Director .................................................................................... Mr. Roy Vasquez, x106 Spiritual Director, Ambassador for Christ Corps .................................................................Mr. Chris Schnitzius, x262 Library and Media Center Director ............................................................................................. Mrs. Terri Day, x156 Work Study/Volunteers /Crusader Digital Lounge (SEVIS/INS, Special Activities) ........Ms. Monica Alvarez ‘83, x107 Receptionist .............................................................................................................................. Ms. Denise Rodriguez (General Information, messages for teachers, social calendar, athletic information) BELL SCHEDULE 2015-2016 School Year 1-4 (Blue) 1-7 Day Block 1 8:00 - 9:30 (90) Break 9:30 - 9:45 (15) Block 2 9:50 - 11:18 (88) Block 3 11:25 - 12:55 (90) Lunch 12:55 - 1:25 (30) Block 4 1:30 - 3:00 (90) 5-7 Day (Gold) & Rally Schedules Block 1 8:00 - 8:40 (40) Block 2 8:45 - 9:30 (45) Break 9:30 - 9:45 (15) Block 3 9:50 - 10:30 (40) Block 4 10:35 - 11:15 (40) Block 5 11:20 - 12:00 (40) Lunch 12:00 - 12:30 (30) Block 6 12:35 - 1:15 (40) Block 7 1:20 - 2:00 (40) Block 5 8:00 - 9:30 (90) Break Block 6 9:30 - 9:45 9:50 - 11:20 (15) (90) Liturgy Day Block 5 8:00 - 9:30 (90) Lunch 11:20 - 11:55 (35) Liturgy 9:35 - 10:35 (60) Block 7 12:00 - 1:30 (90) Break 10:35 - 10:45 (10) Block 6 10:50 - 12:25 (95) Rally 1:35 - 2:00 (25) Lunch 12:25 - 12:55 (30) Rally 1:35 - 2:30 (55) Block 7 1:00 - 2:30 (90) Dear Parents/Guardians: All New Incoming Students attending Mater Dei Catholic High must have on file a copy of their current Immunization (Shot) Record and a Physical Exam form. All Returning Students planning on participating in athletics are required to have a Physical Exam every 12 months. These two documents must be turned into the Attendance Office no later than July 1, 2015. All athletes are required to have on file in the Attendance Office an updated Physical Exam Form in order to practice and compete with their respective team. Students not participating on a sports team are required to have a new physical every two years. __ Physical Exam (Required for all incoming freshmen, transfer students, and students involved in interscholastic sports; otherwise a new physical is required every two years). Form is available on the website under Athletics – Sports Required Forms. __ Copy of Current Immunization Card (Required for all incoming 9th Graders and new Students to MDCHS) Note: Students attending school for the first time in the state of California with prior education from another country or state are required by law to show proof of receiving the Whooping Cough Booster Shot, called Tdap. Any student coming from another country or state who does not have proof of getting a Tdap booster shot will not be allowed to start school until proof of immunization is given to the school. Thank you, Mrs. Alvarado, Attendance Coordinator SEC0N1C ATTN: (Mater Dei Catholic High School) YOUR PICTURE DAY WILL BE DURING YOUR ORIENTATION SO BE SURE TO DRESS YOUR BEST! TO ORDER ONLINE: GO TO WWW.MYLIFETOUCH.COM (BEGINNING 72 HOURS PRIOR TO PICTURE DAY) AND ENTER YOUR PICTURE DAY ID#: CK935195Y0 OR PLEASE GIVE PAYMENT DIRECTLY TO THE PHOTOGRAPHER USING THE FLYERS/ENVELOPES THAT WILL BE PROVIDED ON SITE THAT DAY. PKG. A $35 1- 8x10 Portrait 2- 5x7 Portraits 4- 3x5 Desk Sizes 8- 2x3 Wallets PLUS 8- Variety Wallets PKG. B $47 2- 8x10 Portrait 4- 5x7 Portraits 4- 3x5 Desk Sizes 12- 2x3 Wallets 1- Digital CD PLUS 4- Variety 3 x 5’s 16- Variety Wallets PKG. C $ 29 2- 5x7 Portraits 4- 3x5 Desk Sizes 8- 2x3 Wallets PKG. D 3- 8x10 Portraits 4- 5x7 Portraits 4- 3x5 Desk Sizes 16- 2x3 Wallets 1- Digital CD PLUS 4- Variety 3 x 5’s 16- Variety Wallets PKG. E $41 PKG. F $22 PKG. G $15 1- 8x10 Portrait 3- 5x7 Portraits 4- 3x5 Desk Sizes 12- 2x3 Wallets 1- Digital CD PLUS 4- Variety 3 x 5’s 8- Variety Wallets 4- 3x5 Desk Sizes 8- 2x3 Wallets 2- 3x5 Desk Sizes 4- 2x3 Wallets OPTIONS Option H Option I Option J Option K Option L Option M Option N Option O Option P NOGO All, Basic Retouching NOGO All, Variety 2 x 3 8- 2x3 Wallets 2- 5x7 Portraits 1- 8x10 Portrait 4- 3x5 Desk Sizes 1- Digital CD (4) Variety 3 x 5 - Combo (8) Variety 2 x 3 – Combo ADD ON Name & Grade-On (NOGO) - ALL Portraits Name & Grade-On (NOGO) - Wallets Only Basic Retouching Premium Retouching $53 $11.00 $16.00 $14.00 $14.00 $14.00 $14.00 $15.00 $14.00 $14.00 $8.00 $5.00 $6.00 $12.00 *ALL PACKAGES INCLUDE APPROPRIATE SALES TAX. VISA, MC, OR DISCOVER ACCEPTED (ONLINE ORDERING ONLY) IF PAYING WITH CASH, PLEASE BRING EXACT AMOUNT AS PHOTOGRAPHERS MAY NOT MAKE CHANGE ON SITE QUESTIONS? CONTACT YOUR LOCAL LIFETOUCH AT [email protected] OR AT 858-693-9197. ASB SPECIAL MATER DEI UNIFORM SALE 2015 (ASB Room – in front of School Cafeteria) THURSDAYS 9:00 -11:00 am ONLY June 18 and June 25 July 2, July 9 and July 16 August 5 – 11 by appointment only Contact Mrs. Angeles by email or phone for appointment and availability of items [email protected] 619-423-2121 ext: 201 ITEMS AVAILABLE for SPECIAL SALE: Good as “new” (never used) POLO SHIRTS – available in white, navy blue, yellow and gray (while supplies last) Used Uniforms at discounted prices (limited items available) CASH ONLY PLEASE. No returns accepted without original receipts CRUSADER BLAST-OFF DINNER FOR PARENTS The Mater Dei Catholic High School Administration, Faculty and Staff, sharing in the spirit of MDCHS and its family, cordially invite you to attend The Ninth Annual Crusader Blast-Off Dinner MDCHS Campus at the Fatima Court Friday, September 4th, 2015 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Come in your casual attire and join us! Stay afterwards to watch our football team as they play El Capitan HS at 7:00 pm “Crusader Stadium” MDCHS PARENT ASSOCIATION VOLUNTEER INFORMATION SHEET 2015-2016 School Year Please PRINT CLEARLY and return this form with your student on Orientation Day. Student Information: Grade_____ Child name #1 __________________________________________________________________ Grade _____ Child name #2 _________________________________________________________________ Grade _____ Child name #3 _________________________________________________________________ Grade _____ Child name #4 _________________________________________________________________ Parent Information: Father’s Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________________________ Zip Code: ________________ Phone: (home) ______________________________ (cell) _________________________________ Email Address: ____________________________________________________________ Mother’s Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________________________ Zip Code: ________________ Phone: (home) _______________________________ (cell) ________________________________ Email Address: ____________________________________________________________ Please check the event(s) below you would be interested in volunteering. □ Back to School Night - Aug. 27, 2015 (set up, prepare/serve refreshments, clean up) □ 8th Graders Open House - Sep. 24, Oct. 13, Nov. 5, 2015 (set up, prepare/serve drinks, clean up) □ Annual Golf Tournament - Oct. 11, 2015 (assist in organizing and running the tournament) □ Verbum Dei Luncheon - Nov. 3, 2015 (Decorations for tables/luncheon is catered) □ Walkathon - Nov. 13, 2015 (set up, serve food to students, clean up) □ Fashion Show - Mar. 19, 2016 (set up, serve, clean up). □ National Honor Society (NHS) - Apr. 14, 2016 (set up, prepare/serve drinks, clean up) □ Grandparents Day/May Crowning - May 4, 2016 (set up, serve food & catered, clean up) □ Crusader Award Ceremony - May 12, 2016 (Prepare and serve refreshments – clean up) Other Volunteer Activities □ Booster Club (support all sports at MDCHS). □ Crusader Concession Stand (prepare/serve food at home sporting events.) □ Alumni Affairs (assist with planning of special events, work on mailings, etc.) □ Foreign Exchange (Host Family House an exchange student for a school year.) □ School mailings (Assist with various school mailings throughout the school year) PARENT VOLUNTEER HOURS: Parents are responsible for maintaining and tracking their own volunteer hours. Parent signup sheets for each event will be provided to MDCHS staff. Mater Dei Catholic High School Summer Reading Assignment Assignment description Choose ONE book from the reading list for your grade level (your grade level is the grade you will be enrolled in the fall when school starts). Then, read the book and as you read create a dialectical journal using 15 quotes from the book (see the example below for clarification). You must include quotes from the entire novel (beginning, middle, and end). In essence, you must also choose a variety of quotes which demonstrate that you have read the entire book and understand its major themes and literary techniques. Due Date The journal must be typed and is due on the FIRST DAY OF CLASS. All dialectical journals MUST BE TYPED or they will not be accepted. Save your work! You will need to upload it to during the first week of school. Your teacher will explain this on the first day of class. Grading Summer Reading is no longer pass/fail. Summer Reading will be graded on an A-F grading scale and will count as a 50 point test/paper for the first grading period. Dialectical journal A dialectical journal gives you the opportunity to respond to a book and discuss not only what you think it means, but what it says to you. Here is what you need to do for each of the books: A. B. C. D. On the top of the page, type your name. Below your name, type the title and author of the book you chose. Create a two column chart with 15 rows. In the left column, type the quote that you chose and include the page number in proper MLA format. In the right column, respond to each quote by answering the following 4 questions in complete sentences: 1. Plot Summary/Lead - Identify the quote. Provide a “lead” and answer the 5w’s (who, what, when, where, and why). - Who is speaking to whom? What are they discussing? Where are they? Why are they speaking? 2. Interpret - Translate the words in the quote using synonyms (or like words). What do the words in the quote mean? 3. Analyze - What is the author’s purpose? What impact does the quote have regarding the book’s message? Why is the quote significant/important? 4. Connect - How does the quote connect to your life? What impact does it have on you? Do you have any stories to share? - What does it mean in your life? If the quote doesn’t mean anything to you, then choose a different quote. Your Name The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini EXAMPLE 1. “I became what I am today at the age of twelve, on a frigid overcast day in the winter of 1975” (Hosseini 1). 2. 3. 4. The passage is from the opening sentence of the book. The narrator, who is also the main character Amir, tells his reader how he became the person he is today. The narrator says that in the winter of 1975, when he was 12, he had an experience on a freezing cloudy day that impacted his life forever. The author, Hosseini includes this passage in an effort to capture the audience’s immediate attention. The passage is significant because it hooks the reader’s interest around the main character Amir. The passage makes me want to review the turning points in my own life and consider how I might be someone different if my fate had shifted or if I made different decisions. Incoming Freshmen Title A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Farewell to Manzanar Monster Night The Bean Trees The Red Badge of Courage Moon Over Manifest Author Betty Smith Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston Walter Dean Myers Eli Weisel Barbara Kingsolver Stephan Crane Clare Vanderpool Incoming Sophomores Title Angela’s Ashes Animal Farm Bless me, Ultima Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents The Book Thief Author Frank McCourt George Orwell Rudolfo Anaya Robert Lewis Julia Alvarez Markus Zusak Incoming Juniors Title Catcher in the Rye I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings On the Road Slaughterhouse-Five The Grapes of Wrath Author J.D. Salinger Maya Angelou Jack Kerouac Kurt Vonnegut John Steinbeck Incoming Seniors Title A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court A Thousand Splendid Suns ** A Year in Provence Reading Lolita in Tehran Trinity The Professor and the Madman ** World Fiction Class Only Author Mark Twain Khaled Hosseini Peter Mayle Aza Nafisi Leon Uris Simon Winchester Summer Reading Journal Rubric The Summer Reading assignment will count as a 50 point paper. The letter grade will be entered as an A-F letter grade. CATEGORY Project Quality & Completion 4 Project is complete with 15 quotes from book that show that the student has read the whole book. All questions answered for each quote. 3 Project is missing 1 quote or other piece. A few too many quotes from one part of the book. 2 Project is missing 2 quotes or other pieces. Many quotes from one part of the book. 1 Project is missing 3 or more pieces. Most quotes from one part of the book. Writing Quality Every part is well written with very few grammatical/ mechanical problems. Most parts are well written with some grammatical/ mechanical problems. Some parts may be well written, but many contain grammatical/ mechanical problems. Most parts contain grammatical/ mechanical problems. Choice of Quotes to Analyze Solid quotes analyzed. There are a variety of quotes from different parts of the book that demonstrate the student has read the book. Some good quotes to look at. Choices demonstrate that student probably read the book. Weak choice of quotes. Mostly from the same parts in the book. Questionable whether or not the student read Poor choice of quotes. All from the same part(s) of the book. Does not demonstrate that the student read the book. Most questions answered thoughtfully for most quotes. Some good connections/ideas. Some thoughtful answers, but mostly weak & mechanical. Some questions were skipped. Very few connections. Mostly weak, mechanical answers. Too many skipped questions. Mostly weak or no connections. Well put together. May not be perfectly organized or proofread. Book probably read. Could be better put together. Not well organized or proofread. Book probably not read. Needs to be better put together. Not looked over or proofread. Obvious that book was not read. Answers to Questions All questions answered thoughtfully for all quotes. Good connections and ideas. Overall Quality A B C D F Well put together. Neat, organized, and obviously revised & proofread. Book obviously read. 20-18 Points 17-16 Points 15-14 Points 13-12 Points 11 or Below; No
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