DAVID SCOTT PALMER Pardee School of Global Studies Boston University 152 Bay State Road Boston MA 02215-1508 Tel: 617-353-9388, Fax: -9290 [email protected] blogs.bu.edu/dspalmer December 2014 Professional Background Boston University, 1988Emeritus Professor of International Relations and Political Science, 2012Professor of International Relations and Political Science, 1988-2012 Chair, Department of Political Science, 1998-2001 Director, Latin American Studies Program, 1991-94, 2004, 2009-10 Co-Director, Peru Summer Program, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008 Foreign Service Institute, U.S. Department of State, 1976-88 Chair, Latin American and Caribbean Studies Coordinator, Advanced Area Studies, 1980-88 Associate Dean for Programs, School of Area Studies, 1984-88 Bowdoin College, 1972-76 Instructor, 1972 Assistant Professor, 1973-76 Dartmouth College, 1964-68 Assistant Dean of Freshmen Assistant to the Director of Admissions U.S. Peace Corps in Peru, 1962-64 Volunteer Leader Visiting or Temporary Appointments Federico Gil Chair in Politics, University of Salamanca, Spain, 2011 Professor, FLACSO Ecuador, 2006, 2008, 2012 Scholar, Inter-American Dialogue, Washington DC, 2001-02 Fulbright Senior Lecturer, University of Huamanga, Ayacucho Peru, 1998 Professor, University of Salamanca, Spain, 1997Professorial Lecturer, S.A.I.S. Johns Hopkins, 1977-88 Professor or Lecturer, Georgetown (1979-82, 1985-86), George Washington (1982-83, 1987-88), George Mason (1983), American (1982), Princeton (197879), Catholic University of Peru (1971-72), University of Huamanga (1962-63) Boston University Courses (Current) Conflict & Conflict Resolution in Latin America (IR411/PO566) Contemporary Issues in Latin America (IR766/PO768) 1 Education Ph.D. M.A. B.A. Cornell University, 1973 (Government) Stanford University, 1962 (Latin American Studies) School of Political and Administrative Sciences, University of Chile, 1960 School of Social Sciences, University of Uruguay, 1960 Dartmouth College, 1959 (International Relations) cum laude Honors (Since 2000) Federico Gil Distinguished Chair, University of Salamanca, Spain, 2011 Who’s Who in American Politics, 2010 Who’s Who in American Education, 2006 Directory of American Scholars, 2001 Who’s Who in the World, 2001Who’s Who in America, 2000Honors Program Teaching Award, Boston University, 2007 Faculty of the Year Nominee, National Society of Collegiate Scholars, 2006 Board of Visitors, Tucker Foundation, Dartmouth College, 2005-11 Vice-presidential nominee, Latin American Studies Association (LASA), 2004 Scholar of the Year, International Biographical Institute, Cambridge, England, 2003 Bankhead Lecture, University of Alabama, 2003. Outstanding Service Award, New England Council of Latin American Studies, 2000 Selected Professional Activities (Since 2000) Panelist, Rand Corporation, “Insurgent and Terrorist Groups,” 2014 Visiting Lectures, University of Mendoza, Argentina, 2014 Visiting Lectures, University of Monterrey, Mexico, 2013 External Reviewer, Doctoral Program in International Studies, FLACSO Ecuador, 2012 Member, Executive Council, Asociación Latinoamericana de Ciencia Política, 2011Study Director, Smithsonian Journeys, “Legendary Peru,” continuing since 2011 Lecturer, Massachusetts National Guard Partnership Program in Paraguay, 2010 Lecturer, Public Diplomacy Program, U.S. Department of State: Paraguay, Chile, Argentina, 2006; Paraguay, Uruguay, 2008; Chile 2014 Presenter, Foreign Affairs Committee, U.S. House of Representatives, 2013 Fulbright National Screening Committee for South America, 2005-09 Chair, External Review Committee, Latin American Studies, Dartmouth College, 2004 Terrorism Working Group, U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP), 2003-04 Conflict Mitigation and Prevention Specialist, USAID, Nepal, 2002-03 Global Expertise Academic Reserve, National Intelligence Council (NIC), 2002-14 (Working groups on Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia) Lecturer, State Department Foreign Service Institute, continuing Ambassador briefings, State Department Bureau of Intelligence and Research, 2002-13 2 Advisory Board, Handbook of Latin American Studies, Library of Congress, continuing (Contributing Editor, Peru politics section, through 2000) Latin American Studies Association (LASA), Life Member (Fundraising Committee, continuing; Panel Presenter, Discussant, or Chair, continuing) New England Council of Latin American Studies (NECLAS) Executive Committee (continuing); Panelist or Chair (continuing) Invited lecturer, Defense Department USAF Special Operations School, continuing USN War College, 2000, 2001, 2005, 2011 National Defense University (NDU) 2001, 2002, 2013 Member Board of Directors, World Affairs Council of Boston, through 2001 Selected Publications Books Power, Institutions, and Leadership in War and Peace: Lessons from Peru and Ecuador, 1995-1998, with David Mares. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2012 (paperback edition, 2013) Translation as Poder, instituciones y liderazgo en la paz y la guerra: Aprendizajes de Perú y Ecuador (1995-1998). Serie Atrio. Quito: FLACSO Sede Ecuador, 2012 U.S. Relations with Latin American during the Clinton Years: Opportunities Lost or Opportunities Squandered? Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2006 Shining Path of Peru. Editor and Contributor, New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1992. 2nd edition revised and updated 1994 The Latin American Military Institution. Co-author with Robert Wesson and others, New York: Praeger, 1986 Peru: The Authoritarian Tradition. New York: Praeger, 1980 Military Government and Political Development: Lessons From Peru, with Kevin Middlebrook. Professional Papers in Comparative Politics, #01-054, Beverly Hills: Sage, 1975 “Revolution From Above”: Military Government and Popular Participation in Peru, 1968-1972. Latin American Studies Program #47, Ithaca: Cornell University, 1973 Articles in Academic Journals “A Road Less Traveled By: Peru’s Difficult Post-Conflict Reconciliation Process,” Revista: Harvard Review of Latin America 14:1, Fall 2014 3 “Peru in the Twenty-First Century: Confronting the Past, Charting the Future,” with Julio Carrion, in Howard J. Wiarda and Harvey F. Kline, eds., Latin American Politics and Development, 8th ed., 2014. “Debate sobre ALBA y la Alianza del Pacífico,” Realidad y Perspectivas, 23 (Santiago: Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Chile, agosto 2013) “Perú elecciones 2011: Una polarización inesperada,” con Carmen Rosa Balbi Cuadernos Americanos 138, octubre-diciembre 2011 “Obama no se puede,” América Económica, 1 de septiembre de 2009, www.americaeconomica.com “América Latina: estratégias para enfrentar los retos de la globalización,” Nueva Sociedad 214 (marzo-abril 2008) “’Terror in the Name of Mao:’ Revolution and Response in Peru,” Perspectivas Latinoamericanas, (Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos, Universidad Nanzan, Nagoya, Japan) 2, 2005 “Radical Maoist Insurgents and Terrorist Tactics: Comparing Peru and Nepal,” with Thomas A. Marks, Low Intensity Conflict & Law Enforcement, 13: 2, Autumn 2005. “Boundary Disputes in Latin America,” with Jorge Dominguez, David Mares, Francisco Rojas, and Andrés Serbin, Peaceworks #50, USIP (Washington D.C.: USIP Press, September 2003). Translated and published as “Disputas fronterizas en América Latina,” in Foro Internacional (Mexico), 44:3, 177, julio-septiembre de 2004. “Democracy and the Military: Redefining Missions amidst Multiple Challenges,” Revista: Harvard Review of Latin America, 2:1, Fall 2002. “Overcoming the Weight of History: ‘Getting to Yes’ in the Peru-Ecuador Border Dispute,” Diplomacy & Statecraft, 12:2, June 2001. “Political Earthquake: The 70 Days that Shook Peru,” with Carmen Rosa Balbi, LASA (Latin American Studies Association) Forum, 31:4, Winter 2001. “Democracy and Its Discontents in Fujimori’s Peru,” Current History 99:634, February 2000. Other articles on Peru are in the February 1996 and January 1990 issues. “Relaciones entre los EE.UU. Y el Perú en la década de los 90: Dinámicas, antecedentes, y proyecciones,” Política Internacional (Perú), Revista de la Academia Diplomática del Perú, August 1998. 4 “Peru-Ecuador Border Conflict: Missed Opportunities, Misplaced Nationalism, and Multilateral Peacekeeping,” Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, 39:3, Fall 1997. “Latin America in the 1990s: New Opportunities and New Challenges,” Small Wars and Insurgencies, 7:1, Spring 1996. “Peru’s 1995 Elections: A Second Look,” LASA Forum (Latin American Studies Association), 26:2, Summer 1995. “Peru, the Drug Business, and Shining Path: Between Scylla and Charybdis?”. Journal of Inter-American Studies and World Affairs, 34:3, Fall 1992. “Rebellion in Rural Peru: The Origins and Evolution of Sendero Luminoso,” Comparative Politics, 18:2, January 1986. “The Changing Political Economy of Peru Under Military and Civilian Rule,” InterAmerican Economic Affairs, 37:4, Spring 1984. “Military Governments and U.S. Policy: General Concerns and Central American Cases,” Foreign Policy and Defense Review, June 1982. “Political Participation Under Military Rule: Africa and Latin America Compared,” with Christian P. Potholm II. Cultures et development, 10:3, Fall 1978 (reprinted in Africa Quarterly, 17:4, 1978; and Plural Societies, 9:1, 1978). “The Peruvian Military Government: The Problems of Popular Participation,” with Jorge Rodríguez Beruff, Bulletin of the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, 4:4, 1972. Chapters in Books “The Influence of Maoism in Peru,” in Alexander Cook, ed. Mao’s Little Red Book (Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press, 2014) “Actores relevantes en la política exterior hemisférica: espacio y rol de los Estados Unidos,” in Francisco Rojas Aravena, ed. América Latina y el Caribe: Relaciones Internacionales en el siglo XXI – Diplomacia de Cumbres y espacios de concertación regional y global. FLACSO Secretaría General. Buenos Aires: Editorial Teseo, 2012. “Overcoming Terrorism in Peru without Negotiation or Reconciliation,” in Judith Renner and Alexander Spencer, eds. Reconciliation after Terrorism: Strategy, Possibility, or Absurdity? New York: Routledge, 2011. “Peru: Authoritarian Traditions, Incomplete Democracy,” in Howard J. Wiarda and Harvey F. Kline, eds. Latin American Politics and Development. 7th edition. Boulder: 5 Westview Books, 2011. Contribution on Peru to the 1st – 6th editions with the same editors, published in 1979, 1985, 1989, 1996, 2000, and 2006. “El tratado de paz entre Ecuador y Perú de octubre de 1998: percepciones recíprocas diez años después,” in Ecuador-Perú: Evaluación de una década de paz y desarrollo. Claudia Donoso, compilador. Quito: FLACSO Ecuador, 2009. “Terror in the Name of Mao: Revolution and Response in Peru,” in Robert Art and Louise Richardson, eds., Democracy and Counterterrorism: Lessons from the Past, Washington DC: U.S. Institute of Peace Press, 2007. “Countering Terrorism in Latin America: The Case of Shining Path in Peru,” in James Forest, ed., Countering Terrorism in the 21st Century: International Perspectives, Volume 3: Lessons from the Fight against Terrorism. Westport CT: Praeger Security International, 2006. “Terror en el nombre de Mao: revolución y respuesta en el Perú,” in Luis Millones y Takahiro Kato, eds., Desde el exterior: El Perú y sus estudiosos. Lima, Peru: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Fondo Editorial de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, 2006. “The Often Surprising Outcomes of Asymmetry in International Affairs: United StatesPeru Relations in the 1990s,” in Julio Carrión, ed., The Fujimori Legacy. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2006. “Estados Unidos: El gran hermano?” Los Estados Unidos de América y Chile: Una nueva relación? Santiago, Chile: Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile, 2005. “The Persistence of Authoritarianism and Corporatism in the Andes: The Case of Peru,” in Howard J. Wiarda, ed. Corporatism and Authoritarianism in Latin America – Revisited. Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 2004. “Citizen Responses to Conflict and Political Crisis in Peru: Informal Politics in Ayacucho,” in Susan Eckstein and Timothy Wickham-Crowley, eds. What Justice? Whose Justice? Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003. “FONCODES y su impacto en la pacificación del Perú: Observaciones generales y el caso de Ayacucho,” in FONCODES, Concertando para el desarrollo: Lecciones aprendidas del FONCODES y sus estratégias de intervención. Lima: Ministerio de la Presidencia, 2001. “Violencia polìtica en el Perú: Sendero Luminoso en su perspectiva histórica,” in Luis Millones and José Villa Rodríguez, eds. Perú: El llegado de la historia. Sevilla: Collección América, Universidad de Sevilla, 2001. 6 “Continuing Challenges to Multilateral Peacekeeping Efforts in the Peru-Ecuador Border Conflict,” in T.S. Montgomery, ed. Peacekeeping and Democratization in the Western Hemisphere: Multilateral Missions. Miami: North-South Center Press, 2000. “The Search for Conflict Resolution: The Guarantors and the Peace Process in the Ecuador- Peru Dispute,” in Gabriel Marcella and Richard Downes, eds. Security Cooperation in the Western Hemisphere: Resolving the Ecuador-Peru Conflict. Miami: North South Center Press, 1999. “The Latin American Military,” in Jack Hopkins, ed. Latin America: Perspectives on a Region, Second Edition. New York: Holmes and Meier, 1998. Contribution in the 1st edition with the same editor, 1987. “Las relaciones entre Estados Unidos y Perú durante los gobiernos del Presidente Clinton,” in Andrés Franco, ed. Estados Unidos y los países andinos, 1993-1997: Poder y desintegración. Santa Fé de Bogotá: Centro Editorial Javeriano, 1998. “Democracy in Peru?” in Phil Kelly, ed. Assessing Democracy in Latin America. Boulder: Westview Press, 1998. “Peru: Collectively Defending Democracy in the Western Hemisphere,” in Tom Farer, ed., Beyond Sovereignty, an Inter-American Dialogue book. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996. “The Revolutionary Terrorism of Peru’s Shining Path,” in Martha Crenshaw, ed. Terrorism in Context. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995. “National Security,” in Rex A. Hudson, ed. Peru: A Country Study. Washington, DC: Federal Research Division, Library of Congress, 1993. “Terrorism as a Revolutionary Strategy: Peru’s Sendero Luminoso, in Barry Rubin, ed. The Politics of Terrorism. Washington: Foreign Policy Institute, The John Hopkins University, 1989. “Autoritarismo y la tradición centralista en la sociedad hispano-americana,” in Saúl Sosnowski, ed. La producción cultural americana ante la historia, Buenos Aires: Folios, 1985. “U.S. Policy Issues in the Caribbean in the 1980s: Economic, Social, and Political Aspects,” in James R. Greene and Brent Snowcroft, eds. Western Interests and U.S. Policy Options in the Caribbean Basin. Boston: Oelgeschlager, Gunn and Hain, 1984. “Reformist Military Rule and Its Implications for Latin America,” in Robert Wesson, ed. The New Military Politics in Latin America. Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1982. 7 “The Post-Revolutionary Political Economy of Peru,” in Stephen M. Gorman, ed. PostRevolutionary Peru: The Politics of Transformation. Boulder: Westview Press, 1981. “Citizen Participation Under Military Rule,” with Henry Dietz, in John Booth and Mitchell Seligson, eds. Political Participation in Latin America, New York: Holmes and Meier, 1978. “The Politics of Authoritarian Political Development in Spanish America,” in James Malloy, ed. Authoritarianism and Corporatism in Latin America. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1977. “Transforming the Rural Sector: Government Policy and Peasant Response,” with Susan Bourque, in Abraham Lowenthal, ed. The Peruvian Experiment: Continuity and Change Under Military Rule. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1975. “The Peace Corps and the Peruvian University,” in Robert Textor, ed. Cultural Frontiers of the Peace Corps. Cambridge, M.I.T. Press, 1966. Articles in Reference Works “Sendero Luminoso and Anti-Imperialism,” in Immanuel Ness and Saer Maty Ba, eds. The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2014 “Guerrilla Insurgencies in Latin America,” Annotated bibliography, with Thomas A. Marks, in Oxford Bibliographies Online, November 2011. www.obo.com Multiple entries on Peru in Joseph S. Tulchin, ed., Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture, 2nd ed., Farmington Hills MI: Macmillan Reference, 2007. “Peru,”in Joel Kreiger, ed. The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World, 2nd edition, New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. Contribution on Peru is in the 1st edition with the same editor, 1993. Various entries on Peru in Barbara A. Tenenbaum, ed. Encyclopedia of Latin American History, New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1996. “Latin American Insurgencies,” with Bruce Michael Bagley, in Abraham Lowenthal, ed. Latin America and Caribbean Contemporary Record 1986-1987, Vol. 6. New York: Holmes and Meier, 1989. Op-Eds and Other 8 “Perú revisitado: La segunda vuelta de las elecciones,” with Victorhugo Montoya Chávez, Fundación Alternativas, España, May 30, 2011. www.falternativas.org/opex “The Boston University Summer Program in Peru in Historical Perspective,” Boston University Worldwide, International Programs Office, Boston University, October 2007. “El pensamiento político de David Scott Palmer,” Sólo Democracia (Lima), 1:2, 2007. Comments on current issues in Peru in Latin America Advisor, on-line publication of the Inter-American Dialogue, February 13, 2002; November 19, 2002; June 2, 2004; May 12, 2008, March 31, 2009, July 11, 2011 “Fujimori’s World: Perennial President the Strongest Arm in Peru,” Boston Sunday Globe, August 6, 2000. “End of an Era for the Panama Canal,” Boston Globe, November 8, 1999. “Llegando a ‘Sí’ en la disputa Perú-Ecuador,” La República (Lima), June 7, 1998. “The Forgotten War: The Peru-Ecuador Border Dispute,” Miami Herald, March 10, 1998. “Peru’s Caudillo-Style Leader,” Christian Science Monitor, August 20, 1997. “Emperor Fujimori’s New Clothes,” Miami Herald, April 27, 1997. “Behind the Wild Headlines: Peru and Ecuador Juggle Democracy and Free Market Reforms,” Christian Science Monitor, March 4, 1997 . “U.S. Drug War: The Facts, Please,” Christian Science Monitor, September 10, 1996. “De por qué Alberto Fujimori toma posesión otra vez,” El Nuevo Herald (Miami), July 28, 1995. “Peru’s Stacked Elections,” Christian Science Monitor, April 7, 1995. “South America’s Invisible War,” Miami Herald, April 2, 1995. “Too Late, Again, in the Caribbean,” Christian Science Monitor, September 16, 1994. “El Peru visto desde afuera: Sendero y su futuro,” El Mundo (Lima), April 29, 1994. “Kennedy: Tres perspectivas de un recuerdo --Todo un héroe,” El Nuevo Herald (Miami), November 22, 1993. “The Fall of a Cult in Peru,” Boston Globe, September 21, 1992. 9 “The Emerging New Dynamic of Central American-United States Relations,” and Fujimori’s Gamble: Suspending Peru’s Democracy to Save It,” Hemisfile, Institute of the Americas, May 1992. “Peru’s Fujimori after 100 days,” The Miami Herald, Sunday, November 18, 1990. Unpublished Reports “Nepal’s Multiple Challenges in Comparative Perspective,” Internal Report for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Mission to Nepal, October 3, 2003. “Nepal Report: Government Responses as a Threat to Democracy,” with Tom Marks. Internal Report for USAID Nepal, June 22, 2002. “Nepal Report: Peru’s Shining Path and Nepal’s Maoist Insurgents Compared,” Internal Report for USAID Nepal, January 15, 2002. “Support for Latin American Foreign Services, Regional Project RLA/86/002,” Joint Evaluation Mission Report for the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), with Antonio Cançado Trindade, January 1989. Book Reviews for Academic Journals: The American Political Science Review, The Américas, Armed Forces and Society, Comparative Political Studies, Conflict Quarterly, Handbook of Latin American Studies, Hispanic American Historical Review, Inter-American Review of Bibliography, International Journal of Comparative Sociology, Peace and Change: A Journal for Peace Research, Perspectives, Perspectives on Political Science, Revista Occidental, Rural Development Participation Review, Studies in Comparative International Development, Terrorism and Political Violence, Latin American Politics & Society, International Third World Studies Journal & Review, Small Wars and Insurgencies, European Review of Latin American & Caribbean Studies. 10 11
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