David Cano González Generado desde: Editor CVN de FECYT Date of document: 28/01/2015 v 1.3.0 bb88f2428eb24596a2233cdbbb213991 Este fichero electrónico (PDF) contiene incrustada la tecnología CVN (CVN-XML). La tecnología CVN de este fichero permite exportar e importar los datos curriculares desde y hacia cualquier base de datos compatible. Listado de Bases de Datos adaptadas disponible en http://cvn.fecyt.es/ bb88f2428eb24596a2233cdbbb213991 David Cano González Surname(s): Name: DNI: Date of birth: Gender: Land line phone: Fax: Email: Cano González David 28594563C 01/01/1971 Male (34) 955923051 (34) 955923101 [email protected] Current professional situation Name of institution: INSTITUTO DE Type of institution: State agency BIOMEDICINA DE SEVILLA Category/position or post: Investigador contratado programa "Nicolas Monardes" Start date: 21/06/2014 Type of contract: Temporary employment Type of dedication: Full time contract Primary (UNESCO code): 240991 - Genetic Development Secondary (UNESCO code): 241104 - Endocrina physiology Tertiary (UNESCO code): 240105 - Animal development Current professional activity: Pituitary tumors, Neuroendocrinology, Pancreas development, Beta-cell regeneration Activity keywords: Molecular mechanism of disease; Laboratoy animals; Cell culture Previous posts and activities 1 2 3 4 5 Name of institution INSTITUTO DE BIOMEDICINA DE SEVILLA INSTITUTO DE BIOMEDICINA DE SEVILLA Universidad de California San Francisco Universidad de Sevilla Universidad de Sevilla Category/position or post Investigador contratado FISEVI Start date 14/12/2012 Investigador programa "Ramon y Cajal" 14/12/2007 Investigador Postdoctoral Investigador postdoctoral Investigador predoctoral 2002 2001 1994 1 Name of institution: INSTITUTO DE Type of institution: State agency BIOMEDICINA DE SEVILLA Category/position or post: Investigador contratado FISEVI Start-End date: 14/12/2012 - 20/06/2014 2 Name of institution: INSTITUTO DE Type of institution: State agency BIOMEDICINA DE SEVILLA Category/position or post: Investigador programa "Ramon y Cajal" 2 bb88f2428eb24596a2233cdbbb213991 Start-End date: 14/12/2007 - 14/12/2012 Duration: 5 years 3 Name of institution: Universidad de California Type of institution: University San Francisco Category/position or post: Investigador Postdoctoral Start-End date: 2002 - 2007 Duration: 6 years 4 Name of institution: Universidad de Sevilla Type of institution: University Category/position or post: Investigador postdoctoral Start-End date: 2001 - 2002 Duration: 6 months 5 Name of institution: Universidad de Sevilla Type of institution: University Category/position or post: Investigador predoctoral Start-End date: 1994 - 2001 Duration: 7 years 3 bb88f2428eb24596a2233cdbbb213991 Official training received University education University degrees, engineering degrees or master's degrees Official qualification: Higher degree Name of qualification: Licenciado en Biología institution issuing the qualification: Universidad de Type of institution: University Sevilla Date of qualification: 1994 Doctorates Doctorate programme: DOCTOR EN CIENCIAS BIOLÓGICAS University issuing the qualification: Type of institution: University UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA. GENÉTICA Date of qualification: 2001 Thesis title: GENÉTICA DE LA PROLIFERACIÓN DE SALMONELLA ENTERICA EN CÉLULAS EUCARIÓTICAS NO FAGOCÍTICAS Thesis director: Josep Casadesús Pursals Thesis co-director: Francisco García del Portillo Mark: SOBRESALIENTE CUM LAUDE Specialised, lifelong, technical, professional and refresher training (other than formal academic and healthcare training) 1 Training title: Curso de Experimentación Animal Categoría C institution issuing the qualification: Centro de Type of institution: Business Estudios Biosanitarios Training end date: 21/02/2014 Duration in hours: 80 hours 2 Training title: Certificado de competencia de bienestar animal en animales utilizados para experimentación y otros fines cientiíicos (categoría B) institution issuing the qualification: Consejería de Type of institution: State agency Agricultura, Pesca y Medio Ambiente Training end date: 11/12/2012 4 bb88f2428eb24596a2233cdbbb213991 Language skills Language English,Middle (ca.1100-1500) Speaking Advanced Reading Advanced Writing Advanced Teaching activity Subjects given 1 Type of teaching: Official teaching Name of subject/course: Endocrinología Professional category: Profesor externo Type of programme: Master’s degree Type of teaching: In person theory Type of subject: Optional Qualification: Máster en Investigación Biomédica Course given: 2009/2010, 2010/2011, 2011/2012, 2012-2013 Start date: 2009 End date: 2014 Date of the last time: 20/11/2013 Type of hours/credits: Credits Number of hours/credits: 3 institution: Universidad de Sevilla Type of institution: University City: Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain 2 Name of subject/course: Prácticas Curriculares Qualification: Grado de Biotecnología End date: 2013 Date of the last time: 2013 Number of hours/credits: 120 institution: Universidad Pablo de Olavide Type of hours/credits: Credits Type of institution: University 3 Type of teaching: Official teaching Name of subject/course: Endocrinología Professional category: Profesor externo Type of programme: Master’s degree Type of teaching: In person theory Type of subject: Optional Qualification: Máster en Investigación Biomédica Traslacional Course given: 2009/2010, 2010/2011, 2011/2012 Start date: 2009 End date: 2012 Date of the last time: 04/2012 Type of hours/credits: Credits Number of hours/credits: 3 institution: Universidad de Córdoba Type of institution: University City: Córdoba, Andalusia, Spain 4 Name of subject/course: Prácticas Curriculares Qualification: Diplomatura en Nutricion Humana y Dietetica End date: 2011 5 bb88f2428eb24596a2233cdbbb213991 Date of the last time: 2011 Number of hours/credits: 120 institution: Universidad Pablo de Olavide 5 Type of hours/credits: Credits Type of institution: University Type of teaching: Official teaching Name of subject/course: Terapias celulares Type of programme: Bachelor’s degree Type of subject: Core Qualification: Grado en Biomedicina Start date: 2014 Date of the last time: 2014 Number of hours/credits: 1 institution: Universidad de Sevilla Faculty, institute or centre: Facultad de Medicina City: Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain Type of teaching: In person theory Type of hours/credits: Credits Type of institution: University 6 Type of teaching: Official teaching Name of subject/course: Anatomi#a e Histologi#a de O#rganos Type of programme: Bachelor’s degree Type of teaching: In person theory Type of subject: Core Qualification: Grado en Biomedicina Course given: 2013/13 2014/2015 Start date: 2013 Date of the last time: 05/12/2014 Type of hours/credits: Credits Number of hours/credits: 0,7 institution: Universidad de Sevilla Type of institution: University Faculty, institute or centre: Facultad de Medicina Department: Citologi#a e Histologi#a Normal y Patolo#gica City: Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain 7 Type of teaching: Official teaching Name of subject/course: ORGANISMOS MODELO EN EXPERIMENTACIÓN BIOMÉDICA Type of programme: Bachelor’s degree Type of teaching: In person theory Type of subject: Core Qualification: Grado en Biomedicina Course given: 2013/14, 2014/15 Start date: 2013 Date of the last time: 05/11/2014 institution: Universidad de Sevilla Type of institution: University Faculty, institute or centre: Facultad de Medicina City: Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain 6 bb88f2428eb24596a2233cdbbb213991 Participation in healthcare R&D training programme and/or specialised healthcare posttraining 1 Degree of specialisation: Sesiones-Actualización Clínica en Endocrinología y Nutrición I City: Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain Unit: Endocrinologia y Nutrición, Institution issuing the qualification: Unidad Integrada de Formación Hospital Virgen del Rocio Start-End date: 2010 - 2010 Duration: 1 day 2 Degree of specialisation: Sesiones-Actualización Clínica en Endocrinología y Nutrición III City: Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain Unit: Endocrinologia y Nutrición, Institution issuing the qualification: Unidad Integrada Type of institution: Healthcare Institutions de Formación Hospital Virgen del Rocio Start-End date: 2010 - 2010 Duration: 1 day Supervision of dissertations and/or final projects 1 Project title: Determinación de la expresión del transportador Na+/I- (NIS) en tumores hipofisarios de rata Type of project: Trabajo Fin de Máster Co-director of thesis: Ricardo Pardal Redondo University issuing the qualification: Universidad de Type of institution: University Sevilla Doctorate student: Sara Guasch Vidal Date of reading: 25/09/2014 2 Project title: Factores inducibles de hipoxia y la respuesta a hipoxia en islotes endocrinos Type of project: Doctoral thesis University issuing the qualification: Universidad de Type of institution: University Sevilla Doctorate student: Alejandro García Núñez Date of reading: 24/02/2014 3 Project title: Función del Glial Derived Neurotrophic Factor en la formación y función del páncreas Type of project: Doctoral thesis University issuing the qualification: Universidad de Type of institution: University Sevilla Doctorate student: Jose Luis Muñoz Bravo Date of reading: 2014 4 Project title: Efecto de la sobreactivación de la ruta de señalización de la PI3 quinasa en la formación de islotes pancreáticas Type of project: Trabajo Fin de Máster Co-director of thesis: Antonio Carrillo Vico University issuing the qualification: Universidad de Type of institution: University Sevilla Doctorate student: Isabel Carranza Garcia Date of reading: 2014 7 bb88f2428eb24596a2233cdbbb213991 5 Project title: Patrones de expresión de GDNF en hipófisis de ratón durante el desarrollo adulto y embrionario Type of project: Trabajo Fin de Máster Co-director of thesis: Alfonso Leal Cerro University issuing the qualification: Universidad de Type of institution: University Sevilla Doctorate student: Antonio Ortiz López Date of reading: 2013 6 Project title: Análisis morfométrico e histológico del páncreas endocrino en un modelo experimental de Acromegalia Type of project: Trabajo Fin de Máster University issuing the qualification: Universidad de Type of institution: University Sevilla Doctorate student: Antonio jesús Martínez Ortega Date of reading: 2012 7 Project title: Papel del Glial Derived Neurotrophic Factor en el desarrollo y la regeneración pancreática Type of project: Trabajo Fin de Máster Co-director of thesis: Alfonso Leal Cerro University issuing the qualification: Universidad de Type of institution: University Sevilla Doctorate student: Jose Luis Muñoz Bravo Date of reading: 2010 8 Project title: Papel del mesodermo en el desarrollo del endodermo hepático y pancreático mediado por el factor transcripcional GATA4 Type of project: Trabajo Fin de Máster University issuing the qualification: Universidad de Type of institution: University Sevilla Doctorate student: Irene Delgado Sainz Date of reading: 2010 Academic tuition of students 1 Programme: Mobility programme institution: INSTITUTO DE BIOMEDICINA DE SEVILLA Type of institution: State agency Number of tutored students: 2 2 Programme: Formación en I+D a estudiantes MIR institution: INSTITUTO DE BIOMEDICINA DE SEVILLA Type of institution: State agency City: Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain Number of tutored students: 9 8 bb88f2428eb24596a2233cdbbb213991 Other activities/achievements not included above 1 Description of the activity: Miembro de Comisión evaluadora Trabajos fin de Máster Organising institution: Universidad de Sevilla Type of institution: University Activity end date: 25/09/2014 2 Description of the activity: Miembro de Comisión evaluadora Trabajos fin de Máster Organising institution: Universidad de Sevilla Type of institution: University Activity end date: 12/12/2013 3 Description of the activity: Miembro de tribunal de Tesis doctoral Organising institution: Universidad de Valladolid Activity end date: 2013 4 Description of the activity: Miembro de tribunal de Tesis doctoral Organising institution: Universidad de Córdoba Type of institution: University Activity end date: 2013 5 Description of the activity: Acreditado como Profesor Ayudante Doctor Organising institution: Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento. Consejería de Econonomía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo. Junta de Andalucía Activity end date: 11/07/2012 6 Description of the activity: Miembro de tribunal de Tesis doctoral Organising institution: Universitat de Barcelona Activity end date: 2012 7 Description of the activity: Miembro de tribunal de Tesis doctoral Organising institution: Universidad de Cádiz Type of institution: University Activity end date: 2012 8 Description of the activity: Miembro de Comisión evaluadora Trabajos fin de Máster Organising institution: Universidad de Sevilla Type of institution: University Activity end date: 12/12/2011 9 Description of the activity: Miembro de tribunal de Tesis doctoral Organising institution: Universidad de Cádiz Type of institution: University Activity end date: 2011 10 Description of the activity: Miembro de tribunal de Tesis doctoral Organising institution: Universidad de Cádiz Type of institution: University Activity end date: 2009 9 bb88f2428eb24596a2233cdbbb213991 Experience in science and technology Participation in research, development or innovation groups/teams Name of the group: Endocrinología, Metabolismo y Nutrición clínica, Plan Andaluz de Invesitgación Standardised code: CTS-444 Type of collaboration: Co-authorship of projects and their development Institution the group belongs to: Consejería de Type of institution: State agency Economía, Innovación y Ciencia, Juanta de Andalucía Start date: 29/10/2007 Scientific or technological activity Participation in R&D&I projects funded in competitive calls by public or private bodies 1 Name of the project: Función del factor de transcripción inducible por hipoxia (HIF) en la formación de tumores de páncreas Project type: Basic research (including Project area: Regional archaeological digs, etc) Role: Scientific coordinator Institution where project took place: INSTITUTO Type of institution: State agency DE BIOMEDICINA DE SEVILLA City: Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain Head(s) researcher(s): DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ Number of researchers: 4 Funding institution or bodies: Consejería de Innovación de la Junta de Andalucía Type of institution: Consejería de Innovación de la Junta de Andalucía Type of participation: Coordinator Name of the programme: Proyectos de Promoción General del Conocimiento Code acc. to the funding institution: CTS-7478 Start-End date: 01/01/2012 - 31/12/2014 Duration of the project: 3 years Total amount: 117,45 Dedication: Full time 2 Name of the project: Efecto de la hipersecrecion de la hormona de crecimiento (GH) e IGF-I sobre las funciones neurofisiologicas en ratas adultas con tumor inducido (GC) secretor de GH: un modelo de acromegalia Institution where project took place: Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla City: Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain Head(s) researcher(s): Rocio Leal Campanario Number of researchers: 8 Funding institution or bodies: Consejeria de Salud Type of institution: State agency City: Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain Start-End date: 2013 - 2014 Duration of the project: 3 years 10 bb88f2428eb24596a2233cdbbb213991 Total amount: 29.188,83 Dedication: Part time 3 Name of the project: REGENERACION DE CELULAS BETA PRODUCTORES DE INSULINA Project type: Basic research (including Project area: Regional archaeological digs, etc) Role: Scientific coordinator Institution where project took place: INSTITUTO Type of institution: State agency DE BIOMEDICINA DE SEVILLA Head(s) researcher(s): DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ Number of researchers: 3 Funding institution or bodies: Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía Type of institution: Healthcare Institutions City: Andalusia, Spain Type of participation: Coordinator Name of the programme: Proyectos de Investigación en Salud Code acc. to the funding institution: PI0250 Start-End date: 01/01/2009 - 31/12/2011 Duration of the project: 3 years Total amount: 84.400 Dedication: Full time 4 Name of the project: Generación de células beta productoras de insulina Institution where project took place: INSTITUTO Type of institution: State agency DE BIOMEDICINA DE SEVILLA Head(s) researcher(s): David Cano González Number of researchers: 1 Funding institution or bodies: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Start-End date: 2007 - 2009 Total amount: 15.000 5 Name of the project: Identification of small chemical compounds that promote expansion of functional human beta cells Institution where project took place: University of California San Francisco City: United States of America Number of researchers: 6 Funding institution or bodies: Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation City: United States of America Start-End date: 2005 - 2007 6 Name of the project: Análisis del factor de transcripción inducible por hipoxia (HIF) en la función, formación y regeneración del páncreas endocrino Project type: Basic research (including Project area: National archaeological digs, etc) Role: Scientific coordinator Institution where project took place: INSTITUTO Type of institution: State agency DE BIOMEDICINA DE SEVILLA Head(s) researcher(s): DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ Number of researchers: 3 11 bb88f2428eb24596a2233cdbbb213991 Funding institution or bodies: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Investigación Type of institution: SUBDIRECCIÓN GENERAL de PROYECTOS de INVESTIGACIÓN City: Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain Type of participation: Coordinator Name of the programme: Subprograma de Proyectos de Investigación Fundamental,PLAN NACIONAL I+D, MINISTERIO DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA Code acc. to the funding institution: SAF2011-26805 Start date: 01/01/2012 Duration of the project: 3 years Total amount: 50.000 Dedication: Full time 7 Name of the project: REGENERACION DE CELULAS BETA PRODUCTORAS DE INSULINA Project type: Basic research (including Project area: National archaeological digs, etc) Role: Scientific coordinator Institution where project took place: INSTITUTO Type of institution: State agency DE BIOMEDICINA DE SEVILLA Head(s) researcher(s): DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ Number of researchers: 1 Funding institution or bodies: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Investigación Type of institution: SUBDIRECCIÓN GENERAL de PROYECTOS de INVESTIGACIÓN City: Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain Type of participation: Coordinator Name of the programme: PLAN NACIONAL I+D, MINISTERIO DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA Code acc. to the funding institution: SAF200802469 Start date: 01/01/2009 Duration of the project: 1094 days Total amount: 121.000 Dedication: Full time 8 Name of the project: MULTI-COMPONENT SALMONELLA LIVE VACCINES: OPTIMISING MOLECULAR, CELLULAR AND IMMUNOLOGICAL PARAMETERS TO ENHANCE VACCINE SAFETY AND IMMUNOGENICITY (SALVAC) Project area: European Union Role: Researcher Head(s) researcher(s): JOSEP CASADESUS PURSALS Number of researchers: 4 Name of the programme: OTROS PROGRAMAS, ORGANIMOS PÚBLICOS EUROPEOS Code acc. to the funding institution: QLK2-CT-1999-00310 Start date: 01/02/2000 Duration of the project: 1276 days - 23 hours Total amount: 118.954 9 Name of the project: IDENTIFICACION Y ANALISIS DE GENES DE SALMONELLA TYPHIMURIUM IMPLICADOS EN LA TRANSMISION DE SEÑALES PATOGENO-HUESPED EN EL AMBIENTE INTRACELULAR Project area: National Role: Researcher Head(s) researcher(s): JOSEP CASADESUS PURSALS Number of researchers: 4 Name of the programme: OTROS PROGRAMAS, MINISTERIO DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA 12 bb88f2428eb24596a2233cdbbb213991 Code acc. to the funding institution: PM97-148-CO2.02 Start date: 01/01/1998 Duration of the project: 1096 days Total amount: 128.000 Participation in R&D&I non-competitive projects, contracts or agreements with administrations or public or private bodies 1 Name of the project: Effects of Growth Hormone and IGF-I hypersecretion on brain and neurocognitive functions in adults rats with induced GH-secreting tumor Role: Scientific coordinator Head researcher: David Cano González; Alfonso Leal Cerro Number of researchers: 6 Funding institution or bodies: Pfizer S.L.U. Start date: 2013 Total amount: 10.660 2 Duration of project: 12 months Name of the project: Investigating the role of c-myc in pancreatic beta cell replication Project type: Basic research (including Project area: Non EU International archaeological digs, etc) Role: Scientific coordinator Head researcher: David Cano González Participating bodies: INSTITUTO DE BIOMEDICINA DE SEVILLA; University of California San Francisco Funding institution or bodies: the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust Type of institution: Foundation City: United States of America Type of project: Cooperation Start date: 2013 Total amount: 24.970 Duration of project: 1 year Results Intellectual and industrial property. Know-how and industrial secrets Name: Método de obtención de datos útiles para el diagnóstico diferencial de la fibrosis hepática Inventors/authors/obtainers: Anabel Rojas González; David Cano González; Irene Delgado Sainz; Bernat Soria Escoms; Francisco Martín Bermudo Holding institution: Fundación Pública Andaluza Progreso y Salud Application number: P201330636 Priority country: Spain Date: 30/04/2013 13 bb88f2428eb24596a2233cdbbb213991 Scientific and technological activities Scientific production H index: 17 Date: 28/01/2015 Publications, scientific and technical documents 1 David Cano González; Alfonso Soto Moreno; Alfonso Leal Cerro. Utilidad cli#nica de los estudios moleculares en los adenomas hipofisarios. Actualizacion en Neuroendocrinología. Elsevier, 01/01/2015. ISBN 978-84-9022-538-7 Type of production: Chapters of books Format: Book 2 David Cano; Alfonso Soto-Moreno; Alfonso Leal-cerro. Genetically engineered mouse models of pituitary tumors. Frontiers in Oncology. 4 - 203, Frontiers, 09/2014. ISSN 2234-943X Type of production: Article Format: Journal Impact source: ISI 3 David A Cano; Bernat Soria; Francisco Martín; Anabel Rojas. Transcriptional control of mammalian pancreas organogenesis.Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS. 71 - 13, pp. 2383 - 2785. (Switzerland): 07/2014. ISSN 1420-9071 Type of production: Article Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index: 5.8 Position: 39 4 Category: BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Journal in the top 25%: Yes No. of journals in the cat.: 291 Irene Delgado; Manuel Carrasco; Elena Cano; Rita Carmona; Rocío García Carbonero; Luis M Marín Gómez; Bernat Soria; Francisco Martín; David A Cano; Ramón Muñoz Chápuli; Anabel Rojas. GATA4 loss in the septum transversum mesenchyme promotes liver fibrosis in mice.Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.). 59 - 6, pp. 2358 - 2428. 06/2014. ISSN 1527-3350 Type of production: Article Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index: 11.19 Position: 3 5 Category: GASTROENTEROLOGY & HEPATOLOGY Journal in the top 25%: Yes No. of journals in the cat.: 74 J F Martín Rodríguez; A Cervera Barajas; A Madrazo Atutxa; P P García Luna; J L Pereira; J Castro Luque; A León Justel; S Morales Conde; J R Castillo; A Leal Cerro; D A Cano. Effect of bariatric surgery on microvascular dysfunction associated to metabolic syndrome: a 12-month prospective study.International journal of obesity. 28/01/2014. ISSN 1476-5497 Type of production: Article Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index: 5.4 Position: 6 Category: NUTRITION & DIETETICS No. of journals in the cat.: 78 14 bb88f2428eb24596a2233cdbbb213991 6 David Cano González. Obtención de células productoras de insulina mediante clonación. Diabetes, publicación de la Sociedad Española de Diabetes. 28, ICM, 2014. ISSN 0417-3988 Legal deposit: M-6420-1958 Type of production: General interest journals Format: Journal 7 David Cano González. ¿Genes en lugar de fármacos?. Diabetes, publicación de la Sociedad Española de Diabetes. 27, ICM, 2014. ISSN 0417-3988 Legal deposit: M-6420-1958 Type of production: General interest journals Format: Journal 8 Raul Luque; Alejandro Ibañez-Costa; LM Lopez-Sanchez; Luis Jimenez-Reina; Eva Venegas; Maria Angeles Galvez; Ainara Atutxa; Miguel Angel Japon; Andres de la Riva; David Cano González; Pedro Benito-Lopez; Alfonso Soto-Moreno; Manuel Gahete; Alfonso Leal-cerro; Justo Castaño. A cellular and molecular basis for the selective desmopressin-induced ACTH release in Cushing's disease patients: key role of AVPR1b receptor and potential therapeutic implications. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM. 98 - 10, pp. 4160 - 4169. ENDOCRINE SOCIETY, 2013. ISSN 1575-0922 Type of production: Article Format: Journal Impact source: ISI 9 Célula Beta, diabetes y la ruta de Hypoxia inducible factor. Avances en Diabetología. 29 - 2, pp. 44 - 49. Elsevier Doyma, 2013. Available online at: <http://ees.elsevier.com/avdiabetol/>. ISSN 1134-3230 Legal deposit: M-17915-1988 Type of production: Article Format: Journal 10 Alfonso Leal-cerro; Juan Martin-Rodriguez; Alejandro Ibañez-Costa; Ainara Madrazo-Atutxa; Eva Venegas_moreno; Antonio Leon-Justel; Natividad Garcia-Hernandez; Raul Luque; Justo Castaño; David Cano; Alfonso Soto-Moreno. Desmopressin test in the diagnosis and follow-up of cyclical Cushing's disease. Endocrinologia y Nutricion. 61 - 2, pp. 69 - 76. Elsevier, 2013. ISSN 0021-972X Type of production: Article Format: Journal 11 Sapna Puri; Alejandro García Núñez; Matthias Hebrok; David Cano González. Elimination of von Hippel-Lindau function perturbs pancreas endocrine homeostasis in mice. PLos One. 8 - 8, pp. e72213. Public Library of Science, 2013. ISSN 1932-6203 Type of production: Article Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index: 3.7 Position: 7 12 Category: MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES Journal in the top 25%: Yes No. of journals in the cat.: 56 Jose Luis Muñoz Bravo; Maria Hidalgo Figueroa; Alberto Pascual Bravo; José López Barneo; Alfonso Leal Cerro; David Cano González. Glial Cell line-derived Neurotrophic Factor is required for neural colonization of the pancreas. Development. 140 - 17, pp. 3669 - 3679. The Company of Biologists Ltd, 2013. ISSN 1477-9129 Type of production: Article Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index: 6.2 Position: 5 13 Category: DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY Journal in the top 25%: Yes No. of journals in the cat.: 41 Juan Francisco Martín Rodríguez; Ainara Madrazo Atutxa; Eva Venegas Moreno; Pedro Benito López; María Ángeles Gálvez; David A Cano; Francisco J Tinahones; Elena Torres Vela; Alfonso Soto Moreno; Alfonso Leal Cerro. Neurocognitive function in acromegaly after surgical resection of GH-secreting adenoma versus naïve acromegaly.PloS one. 8 - 4, pp. e60041. 2013. ISSN 1932-6203 Type of production: Article Format: Journal 15 bb88f2428eb24596a2233cdbbb213991 Impact source: ISI Impact index: 3,7 Position: 7 Category: MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES Journal in the top 25%: Yes No. of journals in the cat.: 56 14 David Cano González. Terapia Celular de la Diabetes. Diabetes, publicación de la Sociedad Española de Diabetes. 16, pp. 32 - 35. ICM, 05/2012. ISSN 0417-3988 Legal deposit: M-6420-1958 Type of production: General interest journals Format: Journal 15 Morris Iv-,John P; DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ; Sekine-,Shigeki; Wang-,Sam C.; Hebrok-,M. Beta-CATENIN BLOCKS KRAS-DEPENDENT REPROGRAMMING OF ACINI INTO PANCREATIC CANCER PRECURSOR LESIONS IN MICE. The Journal of clinical investigation. 120 - 2, pp. 508 - 520. American Society for Clinical Investigation, 2010. ISSN 0021-9738 Type of production: Article Format: Journal 16 Impact source: ISI Impact index: 12.8 Position: 4 Category: MEDICINE, RESEARCH & EXPERIMENTAL Journal in the top 25%: Yes No. of journals in the cat.: 121 Source of quotes: WOS Quotes: 60 Cervantes-,Sara*; Lau-,Janet*; DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ; Borromeo-Austin,Cecilia; Hebrok-,M. PRIMARY CILIA REGULATE GLI/HEDGEHOG ACTIVATION IN PANCREAS. PROCEEDINGS NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF USA (PNAS). 107 - 22, pp. 10109 - 10114. 2010. ISSN 1091-6490 Type of production: Article Impact source: ISI Impact index: 9.7 Position: 4 Category: MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES Journal in the top 25%: Yes No. of journals in the cat.: 56 Source of quotes: WOS Quotes: 11 Relevant results: *primer autor compartido 17 Puri-,Sapna*; DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ; Matthias Hebrok. A ROLE FOR VON HIPPEL-LINDAU PROTEIN IN PANCREATIC B-CELL FUNCTION. Diabetes (New York, N.Y.). 58, pp. 433 - 441. American Diabetes Association, 2009. ISSN 0012-1797 Type of production: Article Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index: 7.9 Position: 6 Category: ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM Journal in the top 25%: Yes No. of journals in the cat.: 121 Source of quotes: SCOPUS Quotes: 29 Relevant results: * Primer autor compartido 18 DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ; Matthias Hebrok. HEDGEHOG SPIKES PANCREAS REGENERATION. Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943). 135 - 2, pp. 347 - 351. Elsevier Health, 2008. Available online at: <HTTP://DX.DOI.ORG/10.1053/j.gastro.2008.06.063>. ISSN 0016-5085 Type of production: Article Format: Journal Ranking: 1 Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with external admissions assessment committee Impact source: ISI Impact index: 12.8 Position: 1 Category: GASTROENTEROLOGY & HEPATOLOGY Journal in the top 25%: Yes No. of journals in the cat.: 74 16 bb88f2428eb24596a2233cdbbb213991 Source of quotes: WOS 19 Quotes: 5 DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ; Rulifson-,Ingrid*; Heiser-,Patrick W*; Swigart-,Lamorna; Pelengaris-,Stella; German-,Mike; Evan-,Gerard I; Bluestone-,Jeffrey; Hebrok-,M. REGULATED BETA-CELL REGENERATION IN THE ADULT MOUSE PANCREAS. Diabetes (New York, N.Y.). 57 - 4, pp. 958 - 966. American Diabetes Association, 2008. Available online at: <http://dx.doi.org/10.2337/db07-0913>. ISSN 0012-1797 Type of production: Article Format: Journal Ranking: 1 Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with external admissions assessment committee Impact source: ISI Impact index: 7.9 Source of quotes: WOS Quotes: 46 Relevant results: * Primer autor compartido 20 Heiser-,Patrick W; DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ; Limor Landsman; Grace Kim; James G Kench; David S Klimstra; Maketo M Taketo; Andrew V Biankin; Matthias Hebrok. STABILIZATION OF B-CATENIN INDUCES PANCREAS TUMOR FORMATION. Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943). 135, pp. 1288 - 1300. Elsevier Health, 2008. ISSN 0016-5085 Type of production: Article Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index: 12.8 Position: 1 Category: GASTROENTEROLOGY & HEPATOLOGY Journal in the top 25%: Yes No. of journals in the cat.: 74 Quotes: 51 21 22 23 Pasca De Magliano-,Marina; Biankin-,Andrew; Patrick-,Heiser; DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ; Gutierrez-, Pedro J; Daramaudt-,Therese; Segara-,Davendra; Dawson-,Amanda; Kench-,James G; Henshall-,Susan M; Sutherland-,Robert L; Dlugosz-,Andrzej; Rustgi-,Anil; Hebrok-,M. COMMON ACTIVATION OF CANONICAL WNT SIGNALING IN PANCREATIC ADENOCARCINOMA.PloS one. pp. E1155 - E1155. 2007. Type of production: Article Impact source: ISI Impact index: 3,7 Position: 7 Category: MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES Journal in the top 25%: Yes No. of journals in the cat.: 56 Source of quotes: WOS Quotes: 61 DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ; Hebrok-,M; Zenker-,M. PANCREATIC DEVELOPMENT AND DISEASE. Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943). pp. 745 - 762. Elsevier Health, 2007. ISSN 0016-5085 Type of production: Article Format: Journal Ranking: 1 Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with external admissions assessment committee Impact source: ISI Impact index: 12.8 Position: 1 Category: GASTROENTEROLOGY & HEPATOLOGY Journal in the top 25%: Yes No. of journals in the cat.: 74 Source of quotes: WOS Quotes: 31 Regard-,Jean B; Kataoka-,Hiroshi; DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ; Camerer-,Eric; Yin-,Liya; Zheng-,Yao-Wu; Scanlan-,Thomas; Hebrok-,M; Coughlin-,Shaun R. PROBING CELL TYPE-SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS OF G(I) IN VIVO IDENTIFIES GPCR REGULATORS OF INSULIN SECRETION.The Journal of clinical investigation. 117, pp. 4034 - 4043. 2007. 17 bb88f2428eb24596a2233cdbbb213991 Type of production: Article 24 25 Impact source: ISI Impact index: 12.8 Position: 4 Category: MEDICINE, RESEARCH & EXPERIMENTAL Journal in the top 25%: Yes No. of journals in the cat.: 121 Source of quotes: WOS Quotes: 73 DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ; Sekine-,S; Hebrok-,M. Primary Cilia Deletion in Pancreatic Epithelial Cells Results in Cyst Formation and Pancreatitis. Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943). 131 - 6, pp. 1856 - 1869. 2006. ISSN 0016-5085 Type of production: Article Impact source: ISI Impact index: 12.8 Position: 1 Category: GASTROENTEROLOGY & HEPATOLOGY Journal in the top 25%: Yes No. of journals in the cat.: 74 Source of quotes: WOS Quotes: 41 DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ; Pérez-,S; Dao-Pick,T; Rougier-,Jp; Werb-,Z; Hebrok-,M. MMP2 AND MMP9 ARE DISPENSABLE FOR PANCREATIC ISLET FORMATION AND FUNCTION IN VIVO. Diabetes (New York, N.Y.). pp. 694 - 701. 2005. Type of production: Article Impact source: ISI Impact index: 8.028 26 DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ; Murcia-,Noel; Pazour-,Gregory; Hebrok-,M. ORPK MOUSE MODEL OF POLYCYSTIC KIDNEY DISEASE REVEALS ESSENTIAL ROLE OF PRIMARY CILIA IN PANCREATIC TISSUE ORGANIZATION. Development (Cambridge). 131, pp. 3457 - 3467. 2004. Type of production: Article Impact source: ISI Impact index: 7.149 27 Dominguez-Bernal,Gustavo; MARIA GRACIELA PUCCIARELLI MORRONE; FRANCISCO RAMOS MORALES; MERITXELL DE JESÚS GARCÍA QUINTANILLA; DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ; JOSEP CASADESUS PURSALS; FRANCISCO GARCIA DEL PORTILLO. REPRESSION OF THE RCSC-YOJN-RCSB PHOSPHORELAY BY THE IGAA PROTEIN IS A REQUISITE FOR SALMONELLA VIRULENCE. Molecular microbiology (Print). 53 - 5, pp. 1437 - 1449. 2004. Available online at: <http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2958.2004.04213.x>. Type of production: Article Impact source: ISI Impact index: 5.959 28 DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ; Cano-,D.; MARIA GRACIELA PUCCIARELLI MORRONE; JOSEP CASADESUS PURSALS; FRANCISCO GARCIA DEL PORTILLO. SELECTION OF SMALL-COLONY VARIANTS OF SALMONELLA ENTERICA SEROVAR TYPHIMURIUM IN NONPHAGOCYTIC EUCARYOTIC CELLS. Infection and immunity (Print). 71 - 7, pp. 3690 - 3698. 2003. Available online at: <http://dx.doi.org/10.1128/iai.71.7.3690-3698.2003>. Type of production: Article Impact source: ISI Impact index: 3.875 18 bb88f2428eb24596a2233cdbbb213991 29 DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ; Dominguez-Bernal,Gustavo; Tierrez-,Alberto; FRANCISCO GARCIA DEL PORTILLO; JOSEP CASADESUS PURSALS. REGULATION OF CAPSULE SYNTHESIS AND CELL MOTILITY IN SALMONELLA ENTERICA BY THE ESSENTIAL GENE IGAA. Genetics (Austin, Tex.). 162 - 4, pp. 1513 1523. 2002. Type of production: Article Impact source: ISI Impact index: 4.483 30 DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ; MARIA GRACIELA PUCCIARELLI MORRONE; FRANCISCO GARCIA DEL PORTILLO; JOSEP CASADESUS PURSALS. ROLE OF THE RECBCD RECOMBINATION PATHWAY IN SALMONELLA VIRULENCE. Journal of bacteriology (Print). 184 - 2, pp. 592 - 595. 2002. Available online at: <www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/b6wvb-45h2hsb-47h/1/1d4fabf31134f49f279d98923d08bc60>. Type of production: Article Impact source: ISI Impact index: 3.959 31 DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ; Martinez-Moya,Marina; MARIA GRACIELA PUCCIARELLI MORRONE; Groisman-,Eduardo; JOSEP CASADESUS PURSALS; FRANCISCO GARCIA DEL PORTILLO. SALMONELLA ENTERICA SEROVAR TYPHIMURIUM RESPONSE INVOLVED IN ATTENUATION OF PATHOGEN INTRACELLULAR PROLIFERATION. Infection and immunity (Print). 69 - 10, pp. 6463 - 6474. 2001. Type of production: Article Impact source: ISI Impact index: 4.212 32 Mouslim-, Chakib; DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ; AMANDO FLORES DIAZ; JESUS CANO PEREZ; JOSEP CASADESUS PURSALS. REGULATION OF SEPTATION: A NOVEL ROLE FOR SERC/PDXF IN SALMONELLA?. MGG. Molecular & general genetics (Print). 264 - 1-2, pp. 184 - 192. 2000. Type of production: Article Impact source: ISI Impact index: 2.462 33 DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ; JOSEP CASADESUS PURSALS. CELL DIVISION INHIBITION IN SALMONELLA TYPHIMURIUM HISTIDINE- CONSTITUTIVE STRAINS: AN FTSI-LIKE DEFECT IN THE PRESENCE OF WILD-TYPE PENICILLIN-BINDING PROTEIN 3 LEVELS. Journal of bacteriology (Print). 180 - 19, pp. 5231 - 5234. 1998. Type of production: Article Impact source: ISI Impact index: 3.805 34 ANDRES GARZON VILLAR; DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ; JOSEP CASADESUS PURSALS. THE P22 ERF PROTEIN AND HOST RECA PROVIDE ALTERNATIVE FUNCTIONS FOR TRANSDUCTIONAL SEGREGATION OF PLASMID-BORNE DUPLICATIONS. MGG. Molecular & general genetics (Print). 259 - 1, pp. 39 - 45. 1998. Type of production: Article Impact source: ISI Impact index: 2.766 19 bb88f2428eb24596a2233cdbbb213991 35 DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ; JOSEP CASADESUS PURSALS. THE SFIX, RFE AND METN GENES OF SALMONELLA TYPHIMURIUM AND THEIR INVOLVEMENT IN THE HIS(C) PLEIOTROPIC RESPONSE. MGG. Molecular & general genetics (Print). 259 - 1, pp. 46 - 53. 1998. Type of production: Article Impact source: ISI Impact index: 2.766 36 ANDRES GARZON VILLAR; DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ; JOSEP CASADESUS PURSALS. ROLE OF ERF RECOMBINASE IN P22-MEDIATED PLASMID TRANSDUCTION. Genetics (Austin, Tex.). 140 - 2, pp. 427 434. 1995. Type of production: Article 37 Jose M Garcia-Heredia; Blanca Felipe-Abrio; David A Cano; Amancio Carnero. Genetic modification of hypoxia signaling in animal models and its effect on cancer. CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL ONCOLOGY. En prensa, Springer, 10/2014. ISSN 1699-048X Type of production: Article Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index: 1,6 Position: 159 Category: Oncology Journal in the top 25%: No No. of journals in the cat.: 202 Relevant publication: No Work presented in conferences at the national or international level 1 Title: Molecular characterization of tumors in the GC rat model of acromegaly Name of the conference: 16th Meeting of the European Neuroendocrine Association Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Speaker City: Sofia, Bulgaria Date: 10/09/2014 End date: 13/09/2014 Organising institution: European Neuroendocrine Association David A Cano; Juan Francisco Martin-Rodriguez; Eva Venegas-Moreno; Marcin Balcerzyk; Manuel Gahete; Justo Castaño; Raul Luque; Alfonso Soto-Moreno; Alfonso Leal-Cerro. 2 Title: La activación de la ruta de hipoxia/HIF en páncreas endocrino resulta en defectos en formación y función del islote en ratones Name of the conference: XXIV Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Diabetes Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Speaker City: Sevilla, Spain Date: 04/04/2013 ALEJANDRO GARCIA NUÑEZ; ALFONSO LEAL CERRO; DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ. 3 Title: Establecimiento de la inervación pancreática y efecto en el desarrollo y función del páncreas endocrino Name of the conference: XXIV Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Diabetes Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Poster City: Sevilla, Spain Date: 2013 20 bb88f2428eb24596a2233cdbbb213991 Jose Luis Muñoz-Bravo; Alfonso Leal-cerro; maria Hidalgo-Figueroa; Jose Lopez-Barneo; Alberto Pascual; DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ. 4 Title: Función de la ruta de hipoxia HIF en el páncreas endocrino Name of the conference: 36º CONGRESO DE LA SOCIEDAD ANDALUZA DE ENDOCRINOLOGÍA Y NUTRICION (SAEN) Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Invited speaker Date: 2012 ALEJANDRO GARCIA NUÑEZ; ALFONSO LEAL CERRO; DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ. 5 Title: colonization of embryonic pancreas by Role of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor in embryonic pancreas colonization by neural precursors.neural precursors: Role of Glial Cell line derived neurotropic factor Name of the conference: Advances in Islet Biology. Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Speaker City: Monterey, United States of America Date: 2012 Jose Luis Muñoz-Bravo; Alfonso Leal-cerro; maria Hidalgo-Figueroa; Jose Lopez-Barneo; Alberto Pascual; DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ. 6 Title: colonization of embryonic pancreas by Role of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor in embryonic pancreas colonization by neural precursors.neural precursors: Role of Glial Cell line derived neurotropic factor Name of the conference: 22º International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB) and 37º Federation of the Societies of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (FEBS) Congress Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Poster City: Sevilla, Spain Date: 2012 Jose Luis Muñoz-Bravo; Alfonso Leal-cerro; maria Hidalgo-Figueroa; Jose Lopez-Barneo; Alberto Pascual; DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ. 7 Title: colonization of embryonic pancreas by Role of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor in embryonic pancreas colonization by neural precursors.neural precursors: Role of Glial Cell line derived neurotropic factor Name of the conference: Joint Meeting of the Portuguese and Spanish Developmental Biology Societies Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Poster City: Sevilla, Spain Date: 2012 City: Granada, Spain Jose Luis Muñoz-Bravo; Alfonso Leal-cerro; maria Hidalgo-Figueroa; Jose Lopez-Barneo; Alberto Pascual; DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ. 8 Title: LA ACTIVACION DE LA RUTA DE HIPOXIA/HIF EN PANCREAS ENDOCRINO RESULTA EN HIPOGLUCEMIA Y LETALIDAD EN RATONES Name of the conference: 36º CONGRESO DE LA SOCIEDAD ANDALUZA DE ENDOCRINOLOGÍA Y NUTRICION (SAEN) Type of event: Conference Date: 2011 21 bb88f2428eb24596a2233cdbbb213991 ALEJANDRO GARCIA NUÑEZ; ALFONSO LEAL CERRO; DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ. 9 Title: Role of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor in endocrine pancreas formation Name of the conference: 47th European Association for the Study of Diabetes Annual Meeting Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Poster City: Lisbon, Portugal Date: 2011 Jose Luis Muñoz-Bravo; Alfonso Leal-cerro; DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ. 10 Title: colonization of embryonic pancreas by neural precursors: Role of Glial Cell line derived neurotropic factor Name of the conference: Liver and pancreas: from development and to disease Type of event: Conference City: BAEZA - JAÉN - ESPAÑA, Date: 2011 DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ. 11 Title: DISSECTING THE ROLE OF WNT/CATENIN SIGNALING IN EMBRYONIC PANCREAS DEVELOPMENT Name of the conference: JOINT MEETING OF THE PORTUGUESE AND SPANISH DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY SOCIETIES () (.2010.BADAJOZ) Type of event: Conference Field of the conference: Non EU International City: BADAJOZ, Date: 2010 GRISELDA HERRERO MARTIN; DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ; ALFONSO LEAL CERRO. "DISSECTING THE ROLE OF WNT/CATENIN SIGNALING IN EMBRYONIC PANCREAS DEVELOPMENT". En: JOINT MEETING OF THE PORTUGUESE AND SPANISH DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY SOCIETIES. pp. NS/NS - NS/NC. 12 Title: LA RUTA DE SEÑALIZACIÓN WNT EN LA DETERMINACIÓN DE PROGENITORES PANCREÁTICOS Name of the conference: IX JORNADAS ANDALUZAS SALUD INVESTIGA Type of event: Conference Field of the conference: Regional City: CADIZ, ESPAÑA, Date: 2010 GRISELDA HERRERO MARTIN; DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ. "LA RUTA DE SEÑALIZACIÓN WNT EN LA DETERMINACIÓN DE PROGENITORES PANCREÁTICOS". En: IX JORNADAS ANDALUZAS SALUD INESTIGA. pp. NS/NC - NS/NC. 13 Title: REGENERACIÓN DE CÉLULAS BETA PRODUCTORAS DE INSULINA Name of the conference: VI FORO DE INVESTIGADORES HOSPITAL UNIVERSITARIO VIRGEN DEL ROCÍO. IER CLAUSTRO DEL INSTITUTO DE BIOMEDICINA DE SEVILLA (6) (6.2008.SEVILLA) Type of event: Conference Field of the conference: Regional City: SEVILLA, Date: 2008 DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ; MARIA ASUNCION MARTINEZ BROCCA; FEDERICO RELIMPIO ASTOLFI; ALFONSO LEAL CERRO. "REGENERACIÓN DE CÉLULAS BETA PRODUCTORAS DE INSULINA". En: VI FORO DE INVESTIGADORES HOSPITAL UNIVERSITARIO VIRGEN DEL ROCÍO. IER CLAUSTRO DEL INSTITUTO DE BIOMEDICINA DE SEVILLA. pp. 0 - 0. 22 bb88f2428eb24596a2233cdbbb213991 14 Title: GENERATION OF EMBRYONIC STEM CELL-DERIVED ENDODERMAL CELLS Name of the conference: CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF REGENERATIVE MEDICINE SCHOLARS MEETING (1) (1.2007.SAN FRANCISCO, EEUU) Type of event: Conference Field of the conference: Non EU International City: SAN FRANCISCO, EEUU, Date: 2007 DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ; Puri-,Sapna; Hebrok-,M. "GENERATION OF EMBRYONIC STEM CELL-DERIVED ENDODERMAL CELLS". En: CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF REGENERATIVE MEDICINE SCHOLARS MEETING. pp. N031 - N031. 15 Title: FINDING ADULT PANCREATIC PROGENITOR CELLS IN A MODEL OF BETA-CELL REGENERATION Name of the conference: 48º CONGRESO DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENDOCRINOLOGÍA Y NUTRICIÓN (48) (48.2006.SEVILLA, ESPAÑA) Type of event: Conference Field of the conference: National City: SEVILLA, ESPAÑA, Date: 2006 DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ. "FINDING ADULT PANCREATIC PROGENITOR CELLS IN A MODEL OF BETA-CELL REGENERATION". En: ACTAS DEL 48º CONGRESO DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENDOCRINOLOGÍA Y NUTRICIÓN. pp. 16 - 16. 16 Title: ROLE OF PRIMARY CILIA IN PANCREATIC CELLS Name of the conference: JUVENILE DIABETES RESEARCH FOUNDATION FELLOWS FORUM (1) (1.2005.CHANTILLY, VIRGINIA (EEUU)) Type of event: Conference Field of the conference: Non EU International City: CHANTILLY, VIRGINIA (EEUU), Date: 2005 DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ; Hebrok-,M. "ROLE OF PRIMARY CILIA IN PANCREATIC CELLS". En: JUVENILE DIABETES RESEARCH FOUNDATION FELLOWS FORUM. pp. 15 - 15. 17 Title: CHARACTERIZATION OF THE PANCREATIC PHENOTYPE IN ORPK (OAK RIDGE POLYCYSTIC KIDNEY) MICE Name of the conference: WESTERN REGION ISLET STUDY GROUP CONFERENC () (.2002.VICTORIA ISLAND (CANADA)) Type of event: Conference Field of the conference: Non EU International City: VICTORIA ISLAND (CANADA), Date: 2002 DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ; Murcia-,Noel; Hebrok-,M. "CHARACTERIZATION OF THE PANCREATIC PHENOTYPE IN ORPK (OAK RIDGE POLYCYSTIC KIDNEY) MICE". En: WESTERN REGION ISLET STUDY GROUP CONFERENCE. pp. 12 - 12. 18 Title: III REUNIÓN DEL GRUPO DE MICROBIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR Name of the conference: TERCERA REUNIÓN CIENTÍFICA DEL GRUPO DE MICROBIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR (.2000.MADRID) Type of event: Conference Field of the conference: National Date: 2000 ANA ISABEL PRIETO MARQUEZ; DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ; JOSEP CASADESUS PURSALS; PATRICIA BIZON; EVA MARÍA CAMACHO FERNÁNDEZ. "III REUNIÓN DEL GRUPO DE MICROBIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR". En: III REUNIÓN DEL GRUPO DE MICROBIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR. 1, pp. 50 - 50. 23 bb88f2428eb24596a2233cdbbb213991 19 Title: III REUNIÓN DEL GRUPO DE MICROBIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR Name of the conference: TERCERA REUNIÓN CIENTÍFICA DEL GRUPO DE MICROBIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR (.2000.MADRID) Type of event: Conference Field of the conference: National Date: 2000 ANA ISABEL PRIETO MARQUEZ; Martín-Berenjeno,Inma; EVA MARÍA CAMACHO FERNÁNDEZ; DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ; JOSEP CASADESUS PURSALS. "III REUNIÓN DEL GRUPO DE MICROBIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR". En: III REUNIÓN DEL GRUPO DE MICROBIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR. 1, pp. 38 - 38. 20 Title: ANÁLISIS GENÉTICO DE LA FUNCIÓN IGAA DE SALMONELLA ENTERICA Name of the conference: CONGRESO DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE GENÉTICA (.2001.SEVILLA, ESPAÑA) Type of event: Conference Field of the conference: National City: SEVILLA, ESPAÑA, DAVID ANTONIO CANO GONZALEZ; MARIA GRACIELA PUCCIARELLI MORRONE; FRANCISCO GARCIA DEL PORTILLO; JOSEP CASADESUS PURSALS. "ANÁLISIS GENÉTICO DE LA FUNCIÓN IGAA DE SALMONELLA ENTERICA". En: CONGRESO DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE GENÉTICA. 1, pp. 57 - 57. ISBN 84-8474-031-5 Other publishing activities 1 Title or object: Investigación en Diabetes Name of the event: XII Feria de la Ciencia Type of event: Fairs and exhibitions City: Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain Date: 05/2014 Organising institution: Sociedad Andaluza para la Divulgación de la Ciencia City: Andalusia, Spain 2 Title or object: Investigación en Diabetes Name of the event: XI Feria de la Ciencia Type of event: Fairs and exhibitions City: Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain Date: 05/2013 Organising institution: Sociedad Andaluza para la Divulgación de la Ciencia City: Andalusia, Spain 3 Title or object: Investigación en Diabetes Name of the event: X Feria de la Ciencia Type of event: Fairs and exhibitions City: Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain Date: 05/2012 Organising institution: Sociedad Andaluza para la Divulgación de la Ciencia City: Andalusia, Spain 4 Title or object: Ultimos avances en la investigación en diabetes Type of event: Media interviews Date: 13/01/2009 Organising institution: Diario Médico Type of institution: Business 24 bb88f2428eb24596a2233cdbbb213991 5 Title or object: Investigación en diabetes Type of event: Media interviews Date: 23/01/2008 Organising institution: Punto Radio Sevilla 6 Title or object: regeneración de células beta pancreáticas Type of event: Media interviews City: Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain Date: 22/01/2008 Organising institution: Diario ABC, S.L. Type of institution: Business 7 Title or object: regeneración de células beta para el tratamiento de la diabetes Type of event: Media interviews Date: 22/05/2006 Organising institution: Diario Médico Type of institution: Business Experience in R&D&I management and participation in scientific committees Experience organising R&D&I activities 1 Title: XXIV Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Diabetes Type of activity: Congreso Nacional Area of the activity: National City: Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain Convening institution: Sociedad Española de Type of institution: Associations and Groups Diabetes City: Andalusia, Spain Type of participation: Comité científico y organizador Start-End date: 11/04/2013 - 13/07/2013 2 Title: XXXVII Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Andaluza de Endocrinología y Nutrición Type of activity: Congreso Autonómico Area of the activity: National City: Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain Convening institution: Sociedad Andaluza de Endocrinología y Nutrición City: Andalusia, Spain Type of participation: Moderador Start-End date: 17/11/2012 - 19/11/2012 3 Title: XXXVII Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Andaluza de Endocrinología y Nutrición Type of activity: Congreso Autonómico Area of the activity: National City: Huelva, Andalusia, Spain Convening institution: Sociedad Andaluza de Endocrinología y Nutrición City: Andalusia, Spain Type of participation: Moderador Start-End date: 15/11/2012 - 17/11/2012 4 Title: Liver and Pancreas: From development to disease Type of activity: Workshop Area of the activity: National City: Baesa, Andalusia, Spain Type of institution: University 25 bb88f2428eb24596a2233cdbbb213991 Convening institution: Universidad Internacional de Andalucía City: Andalusia, Spain Type of participation: Organiser Start-End date: 14/11/2011 - 16/11/2011 R&D&I management experience Title/name of the activity: Grupo de trabajo de islotes pancreáticos de la Sociedad Española de DIabetes Type of management: Gestión de grupo de trabajo Responsibility held: Secretario institution: SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE DIABETES Start date: 2010 Experience in assessment and review of R&D&I projects and articles 1 Responsibility held: Miembro de editorial board como Review editor Organising institution: Frontiers in Endocrinology: Systems and Translational Endocrinology Start date: 12/02/2014 2 Name of the activity: Revisor para revista Responsibility held: Revisor de artículos Organising institution: Development City: United Kingdom Start date: 2014 3 Name of the activity: Revisor para revista Journal of Molecular Endocrinology Responsibility held: Revisor de artículos Organising institution: Journal of Molecular Endocrinology City: United Kingdom Start date: 2013 4 Name of the activity: Subvenciones para la financiación de la Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Biomédica y en Ciencias de la Salud en Andalucía Responsibility held: Revisor de proyectos de investigación Organising institution: Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social, Junta de Andalucía Type of activity: Revisor de proyectos de investigación Area: Regional Start date: 2012 5 Name of the activity: Proyectos de Investigación Plan Nacional. i+d Responsibility held: Revisor de proyectos de investigación Organising institution: Agencia Nacional de Type of institution: Agencia estatal Evaluación y Prospectiva Type of activity: Revisor de proyectos de investigación Area: National Start date: 2011 26 bb88f2428eb24596a2233cdbbb213991 6 Name of the activity: Proyectos de Investigación en Salud, FIS Responsibility held: Revisor de proyectos de investigación Organising institution: Agencia Nacional de Type of institution: Agencia estatal Evaluación y Prospectiva Type of activity: Revisor de proyectos de investigación Area: National Start date: 2011 7 Name of the activity: Revisor para revista BMC Cancer Responsibility held: Revisor de artículos Organising institution: Revista BMC Cancer City: United Kingdom Start date: 2010 8 Name of the activity: Revisor para revista Plos One Responsibility held: Revisor de artículos Organising institution: Revista Plos One City: United States of America Start date: 2010 9 Name of the activity: Revisor para revista Diabetes Responsibility held: Revisor de artículos Organising institution: Revista Diabetes City: United States of America Start date: 2008 Other achievements Stays in public or private R&D&I centres 1 institution: UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO City: SAN FRANCISCO; ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA, Start-End date: 05/01/2001 - 13/12/2007 Duration: 2550 days Aims of the stay: Post-doctoral Provable tasks: Estancia en UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO - Posdoctoral Acquired skills developed: MECANISMOS MOLECULARES DE LA FORMACIÓN EMBRIONARIA DEL PÁNCREAS Y ENFERMEDADES ASOCIADAS A ESTE ÓRGANO 2 institution: PURDUE UNIVERSITY City: INDIANA; ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA, Start-End date: 01/10/1998 - 01/12/1998 Duration: 61 days Aims of the stay: Doctorate Provable tasks: Estancia en PURDUE UNIVERSITY - Doctorando Acquired skills developed: RELACIÓN ENTRE OSMOTOLERANCIA Y SUPERPRODUCCIÓN DE LAS PROTEÍNAS HISH E HISF EN SALMONELLA 27 bb88f2428eb24596a2233cdbbb213991 Grants and scholarships obtained 1 Name of the grant: Postdoctoral fellowship from the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine Aims: Post-doctoral Conferring institution: California Institute of Type of institution: Public Research Body Regenerative Medicine Conferral date: 2007 Duration of the grant: 1 year End date: 2007 Name of institution: University of California San Francisco Faculty, institute or centre: Diabetes Center 2 Name of the grant: Postdoctoral fellowship from the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Aims: Post-doctoral Conferring institution: Juvenile Diabetes Research Type of institution: Foundation Foundation Conferral date: 2004 Duration of the grant: 2 years End date: 2006 Name of institution: University of California San Francisco Faculty, institute or centre: Diabetes Center 3 Name of the grant: Beca postdoctoral del programa de becas postdoctorales en España y en el extranjero Aims: Post-doctoral Conferring institution: Ministerio de Educación, Type of institution: State agency Cultura y Deporte Conferral date: 2002 Duration of the grant: 2 years End date: 2004 Name of institution: University of California San Francisco Faculty, institute or centre: Diabetes Center 4 Name of the grant: Beca predoctoral del programa de formación del personal investigador. Aims: Pre-doctoral Conferring institution: Ministerio de Educación y Type of institution: State agency Ciencia Conferral date: 17/01/1995 Duration of the grant: 4 years End date: 31/12/1998 Name of institution: Departamento de Genetica, Universidad de Sevilla Faculty, institute or centre: Facultad de Biología 5 Name of the grant: Programa de ayudas de estancias breves en el extranjero para becarios de formación de personal investigador del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deportes Aims: Pre-doctoral Conferring institution: Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte Conferral date: 1997 Duration of the grant: 3 months 28 bb88f2428eb24596a2233cdbbb213991 Membership of scientific societies and professional associations 1 Name: European Association for the Study of Diabetes City: Düsseldorf, Germany Start date: 2013 2 Name: Sociedad Española de Endocrinología y Nutricion City: Spain Start date: 2013 3 Name: Sociedad Andaluza de Endocrinología y Nutricion City: Andalusia, Spain Start date: 2010 4 Name: Sociedad Española de Diabetes City: Spain Start date: 2008 Recognitions, distinctions and awards received throughout the career Description: Premio José Antonio Hedo de Investigación Básica Junior 2012 City: Sociedad Española de Diabetes, Spain Conferral date: 04/2012 Recognition/accreditation for teaching work and compensation received 1 Description: Acreditación Profesor Ayudante Doctor Conferring institution: Agencia Andaluza del Type of institution: State agency Conocimiento. Consejería de Econonomía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo. Junta de Andalucía City: Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain Date of recognition: 11/07/2012 2 Description: Acreditación Programa Incentivación de la Incorporación e Intensificación de la Actividad Investigadora (Programa I3) Conferring institution: Ministerio de Ciencia e Type of institution: State agency Innovación City: Spain Date of recognition: 19/12/2011 29
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