South Salem High School I nside th is Issu e Oct/Nov/Dec 2014-15 • Vol. 20/Issue 2 Principal Letter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Attendance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Music News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Parent Conference Schedule. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 National Merit Students. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Crystal Apple Awards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Leadership Activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Immunization Requirements 2014-15. . . . . . . 10 Math News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13 2014-15 District Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Foul Weather. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 I m po r ta n t D at e s October 1-30. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Halloween Candy Drive 10. . . . . . . Statewide Inservice Day, No School 13. . . . Grading/Staff Development , No School 14-17. . . . . . . . . . . . Spirit / Homecoming Week 15. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PSAT Testing 17. . . . . . . . Homecoming Assembly and Game 18. . . . . . . . Homecoming Dance 8:00-10:00pm 21. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Picture Retakes 31. . . . . Halloween Neighborhood Trick or Treat November 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Veteran’s Day, No School 24. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grading Day, No School Evening Conferences 25. . . . . . . . . All-day Conferences, No School 26-28. . . . . . . Thanksgiving Holiday, No School December-January Dec 22-Jan 2. . . . . . . Winter Break, No School Jan 19 . . . . . Martin Luther King Day, No School Jan 21-23. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Semester 1 Finals Jan 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grading Day, No School South Salem High School Lara TIffin, Principal 1910 Church St. SE Salem, OR 97302 503-399-3252 sa x on A Tradition of Excellence • Preparing for a Changing World PSAT Day is October 15th! On Wednesday, October 15th, all sophomores, along with freshmen and juniors who have registered, will be taking the PSAT from 8:00am – Noon. During this time, many seniors will be taking the Work Keys assessment. At 7:30am, all students will report to 1st period, where they will receive a modified schedule for the day. For students who will not be taking an assessment, we have several activities, speakers, and presentations planned which will focus on college and career readiness. All students will finish the day in their 6th and 7th period classes. If you are the parent of a freshman or junior and still wanting to sign up for the PSAT, please contact our Bookkeeper at 503-399-3252. State Testing This year the state of Oregon is transitioning to the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBAC) for our state testing. All juniors will take the SBAC in both English Language Arts and Mathematics sometime between April 21st, 2015 and June 12th, 2015. These tests are one way for students to meet their Essential Skills requirements for graduation. In addition, these tests are used to report the academic achievement of our school as a whole, so it is important for students to do their best on them. Seniors who have not met their Essential Skills requirements will have the opportunity this year to take the OAKS test beginning in January. Seniors will also be given opportunities to pass their Essential Skills through the year through work samples. Salem-Keizer Public Schools is an affirmative action/equal opportunity institution. Saxons, Message From the Principal Thank you to all of you who contributed to our successful start to the 2014-2015 school year. Our teachers are hired, our 1916 students are scheduled and our parents made a great showing at Back To School Night. On the first Friday of the school year, we celebrated Saxon Day which was the result of our very own students working with the Oregon Legislature to adopt a resolution recognizing South Salem High School for our numerous accomplishments since our opening in 1954. I want to personally thank our sponsors, MAPS Credit Union and Les Schwab, for making this day extra special for our students. Our celebration included a morning assembly at which Senate President Peter Courtney, Senator Jackie Winters, Representative Brian Clem and Representative Vicki Berger all spoke. Senator Courtney even received a standing ovation by our student body. The assembly can be viewed at . Once the speeches were completed, a representative from the Oregon Schools Activities Association presented us with the Oregonian Cup, an award given to the best overall high school in Oregon based on athletics, activities, academics and sportsmanship. The celebration continued with victories in boys’ soccer that afternoon and football that evening. South students were treated to free hot dogs and a t-shirt commemorating our 60 years of accomplishments. Thank you to our Saxon community for making South Salem High School deserving of all of our recent recognition. I also want to thank all of you who have already volunteered countless hours to our school, whether it has been in the classroom, at sporting events, or in the community for Band Day. I am amazed at the dedication of our parents who keep our concession stands cooking, our Saxon attire flying off the shelves and our marching band fed and organized, to name just a few. We are truly fortunate to have so many parents who understand that our students’ positive experiences are dependent on the commitment of all of us. Here’s to a fantastic rest of the year! Go Saxons! Lara Tiffin, Principal How to Reach Us Student Center Office: 503-399-5526 Office hours: 7:00-3:30 Guidance/Registrar Office 503-399-2644 Office hours: 7:00-3:30 Main Office: 503-399-3252 Office hours: 7:00-4:00 Attendance Office 503-399-3250 Office hrs: 7:15-2:45 Automated Attendance Reporting Line: 503-399-3472 You can e-mail any staff member using the following format: last name_first [email protected] School District website - Christy Perry, Superintendent 2 South Salem website - Lara Tiffin, Principal SOUTH SALEM HIGH • Home of the Sa xons A tt e n da n c e Student Appointments If you know your student will be leaving school for an appointment, please send a note rather than calling. This will help to limit classroom interruptions. If you have not sent a note with your student, you will need to come in to the building to check them out for security reasons. NO STUDENT CHECK OUT AFTER 2:00 PM Please remember that we do not check students out after 2:00 unless a note has been sent with your student earlier in the day. Regular school attendance is important to student success. Here are some myths about school absences and attendance that parents may find interesting: MYTH 1: Only unexcused absences create attendance problems - All types of absences, including excused and in-school suspensions make a difference. Time out of the classroom equals time away from instruction and learning. MYTH 2: Absences are only a problem if they’re consecutive – Studies show that only two or three nonconsecutive absences per month can seriously impact a student’s ability to succeed in school. It’s the cumulative effect of lost instruction time that makes the difference. MYTH 3: Attendance only matters in high school – Attendance in early grades matters too. For example, research shows that too many absences in early grades (first grade and kindergarten) can result in an inability to read at grade-level by third grade. MYTH 4: Parents aren’t responsible for their student’s attendance – Oregon law requires children to regularly attend school, and requires parents to make sure students maintain regular attendance. Families can make a difference in student attendance. Families can make a difference in student attendance. Here are some suggestions: XX Set a family expectation that absences won’t be allowed unless the student is truly sick. XX Make school attendance a family value. XX Establish a habit of good attendance in early grades. XX Ask your school counselor about referrals to services concerning transportation, health care or other barriers to school attendance. La Asistencia Regular A La Escuela Es Importante Para El Éxito Del Estudiante. A continuación hay algunos de los mitos sobre las ausencias escolares y la asistencia que los padres puedan encontrar interesante: MITO Nº1: Sólo ausencias injustificadas crean problemas de asistencia – Todos los tipos de faltas, incluyendo las justificadas y suspensiones dentro de la escuela pueden afectar negativamente al estudiante. El tiempo fuera del aula equivale al tiempo de ausencia de la instrucción y aprendizaje. MITO Nº 2: Las ausencias son sólo un problema si son consecutivas – Los estudios muestran que sólo dos o tres ausencias inconsecuentes por mes pueden afectar seriamente la capacidad del estudiante para tener éxito en la escuela. Es el efecto acumulativo del tiempo perdido de instrucción lo que tiene un efecto negativo. MITO Nº 3: La asistencia sólo importa en la escuela superior – La asistencia en los primeros grados también es importante. Por ejemplo, la investigación muestra que muchas ausencias en los primeros grados (primer grado y kindergarten) pueden dar lugar a una incompetencia para leer al nivel de grado para el tercer grado. MITO Nº 4: Los padres no son responsables de la asistencia de sus estudiantes – La ley de Oregon requiere que los niños asistan a la escuela regularmente, y requiere a los padres garantizar que los estudiantes mantengan una asistencia regular. Source: and Las familias pueden determinar la asistencia de los estudiantes. He aquí algunas sugerencias: XX Establezca una expectativa familiar que las ausencias no serán permitidas a menos que el estudiante se encuentre verdaderamente enfermo. XX Asegúrese de hacer que la asistencia a la escuela sea un valor familiar. XX Establezca un hábito de buena asistencia en los primeros grados. XX Pídale a su escuela en cuanto a los referidos referente a los servicios de transporte, XX Atención de la salud y otros aspectos que obstaculizan la asistencia a la escuela. SOUTH SALEM HIGH • Home of the Sa xons 3 Music Gold Pass Sponsorship is a way of supporting the Music program at South. Contributions at the Gold Pass level qualify for free admission to all regularly scheduled South High Concerts in the Rose Auditorium and recognition in the concert program. Choir: Fall Concert: Wednesday, October 22, 7:30 pm South Area Choir Concert: Monday, October 27, 7:00 pm All-City Choir Auditions: Tuesday, November 18, 4:30-7:30 pm State Capitol Rotunda: Monday, December 15, 12:00-1:00 pm Southernaires Jazz Solo Night at the Ike Box Café: Monday, December 15, 7:00 pm The Faure Requiem: featuring Symphonic Choir, Symphony Orchestra, and student soloists: Tuesday December 16, 7:30 pm Winter Concert: Wednesday, December 17, 7:30 Orchestra: Fall Concert: Thursday, November 13 Sponsorship choices: $50 Family Gold Pass: Free Admission to 2014-2015 concerts; family name listed in concert program. Parents and children in single dwelling. $25 Individual Gold Pass: Free admission to 2014-2015 concerts. Individual name listed in concert program. Pass member only. $100 Business Sponsorship: Business name recognized in ALL 2014-2015 Concert Programs. Be a Gold Pass contributor! For more information: Drop off checks with application form in the Red Box in your student’s music room Band: Mail checks with application form to: The Faure Requiem: Tuesday December 16, 7:30 Veteran’s Day Concert: Wednesday, November 12, 7:30 Festival of Lights Parade: Saturday, December 13, 3:00-10:00 Winter Concert: Thursday, December 18, 7:30 OR SS Music Booster PO Box 4022 Salem, OR 97302-4022 Questions? Contact Megan Cogswell [email protected] Saxon Foundation The Saxon Foundation is a non-profit organization whose mission is to support academic engagement and achievement in the classroom and extracurricular programs. The Foundation enriches the academic environment at South through advocacy and the raising and distribution of funds. Last year, the Foundation distributed over $13,000 to fulfill teacher requests. We purchased books and curriculum, paid for college tours, funded guest speakers, bought lab equipment and much more. The Foundation is parent run and hosts an annual fundraising event in November. At the event, teacher wish lists are displayed and attendees are able to select projects to support. Teachers then receive the funds for their specific projects. Saxon Catering and music performed by students are traditionally part of the event. This year, Foundation volunteers are helping secure items for teachers when feasible. This summer, volunteers donated gently used books for classroom libraries to foster reading. There is a planning meeting on October 7 at 5:30 in the Library. The fundraising event date is still being determined. If you are interested in helping to determine how funds are spent, attending the event, making a donation and/or being on the Foundation e-mail list, please contact Megan Cogswell at [email protected] 4 SOUTH SALEM HIGH • Home of the Sa xons Parent Conference Schedule Monday, November 24 – NO SCHOOL 4:30 -7:30 pm Evening Parent Conferences Tuesday, November 25 – NO SCHOOL 8:00 – 11:00 am Parent Conferences 12:00 – 3:30 pm Parent Conferences 5:00 – 8:00 pm Parent Conferences Parent conferencing will take place in the Upper and Lower Commons, Cafeterias, and the Library. Conferencing is done in an open format and no pre-scheduling is needed. Please print your student’s schedule at home through the Intouch program, or stop into the main office and have us print a schedule. November 26-28th - NO SCHOOL- Thanksgiving Holiday, Building closed Senior Photo and Quote Deadline 2014-15: October 16, 2014 South Salem High School is producing the 2014-2015 Yearbook and is offering an option for seniors to submit their own yearbook pictures and senior quotes. Standard Dorian school pictures taken during Saxon Start-Up Day or on picture make-up day will be used in place of any senior photo which is not submitted by the deadline. Please provide us with a 2×3 photo or electronic copy by October 16, 2014. How and where do I submit my photo? • E-mail the senior picture and quote to [email protected] with the senior’s first and last name in the subject line. ~OR~ • Send a hard copy or picture CD of the photo and quote, to the following address, with the senior’s name located on the back of the picture / CD: South Salem High School ATTN: Yearbook 1910 Church St. SE Salem, OR 97302 Seniors may also drop their photos off in the main office, in Mrs. Sandusky's box. If you send a hard copy and would like it back, please include a self-addressed, self-stamped envelope. The photo must meet the following guidelines: 1. 2x3 glossy or semi matte (no texture) picture in color with name on the back 2. No border 3. Head size 1-¼ to 1-½ from top to bottom of chin 4. Proper color balance (no black and white) 5. Picture is due in the yearbook office no later than OCTOBER 17, 2014 or it will not appear in the yearbook. 6. Head and Shoulder format only (No projected background, full length, hats, mist, plants, pets, double exposure or hands included). The senior quote must meet the following guidelines: 1. No obscene language 2. If the quote comes from a different source (a singer, movie, actor, etc.), that source must be credited. 3. The quote must be 1-2 sentences. If it exceeds this length, it may be edited to fit on the page. 4. Any senior not submitting a quote will have a blank space next to their photo. Check back in October for more information on the viewing of senior photos and quotes. Yearbook has a one-week viewing of all photos and quotes to make sure everything is correct. E-mail Mrs. Sandusky with any questions at yearbook@ . SOUTH SALEM HIGH • Home of the Sa xons 5 2015 National Merit Commended Students 2015 National Merit Semi-Finalist Students South is honored by the achievement of our three National Merit SemiFinalists. These students are among 16,000 semifinalists nationwide, representing less than 1 percent of U.S. high school seniors. Earning this award is a tribute to each student’s family and to the Salem schools they have attended. South celebrates their success along with the Salem Keizer School District Leadership, Christy Perry and the SK School Board. This is a testimony to the hard work and importance that our community places on a quality education. Great teaching and talented students equal National Merit Semi-Finalists. South Congratulates our Three National Merit Semi-finalists: About 34,000 Commended Students throughout the nation are being recognized for their exceptional academic promise. Although they will not continue in the 2015 competition for National Merit Scholarship awards, Commended Students placed among the top five percent of more than 1.5 million students who entered the 2015 competition. In addition to this honor, Katherine Hill received recognition as a 2014-15 National Hispanic Scholar. Congratulations, Scholars. We are very proud of you! Emma Bidwell Micah Lorenz Alexandra Roseborough Andrew Colburn Semi-finalist Semi-finalist Semi-finalist Commended Katherine Hill Commended, National Hispanic Scholar We thought you might be interested in some of the History on National Merit Scholars at South 6 2008-2009 1 – Commended Student 4 – Finalists 2 – Scholarship Winners 2009-2010 6 – Commended Students 1 – Finalist 1 – Scholarship Winner 2010-2011 7 – Commended Students 3 – Finalists 1 – Scholarship Winner 2011-2012 3 – Commended Students 3 – Finalists 1 – Scholarship Winner 2012-2013 4 – Commended Students 5 – Finalists 1 – Scholarship Winner 2013-2014 3 – Commended Students 5 – Finalists 5 – Scholarship Winners 2014-2015 2 – Commended Students 3 – Semi-finalists TBD SOUTH SALEM HIGH • Home of the Sa xons Library Picture Re-take Day: The library is open every day from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm. Students are welcome to browse our collection of thousands of fiction and non-fiction books and use the large computer lab for school work. Students can access numerous online databases for research, they can also download ebooks and audio books onto their phone or other devices. October 21st, 7:30-11 am Students who purchased school pictures but would like to have them re-taken need to return the original packet of pictures to the photographer at the time of re-takes. Students may also have their pictures taken if they did not do so during registration or on the first day of school. Crystal Apple Awards Submit nomination online at THE CRYSTAL APPLE AWARDS are designed to recognize excellence in education. All community members, students and parents are welcome to nominate any full or part-time employee of Salem-Keizer Public Schools, or Salem or Keizer private schools. Find nomination forms at our office, or download the forms at or mail to: Mary Paulson Salem-Keizer Public Schools 2450 Lancaster Drive NE, Suite 202 Salem, Oregon 97305 Crystal ence l l e c x E g in Recogniz n | 2014 io in Educat (Please Ty pe or Print Cl Category (Specify on & Form CTIoNS INSTru ation N Io T A tion Found NomIN zer Educa Salem Area ei -K em by the Sal zer Public Schools, and -Kei Presented Apple A ward ® N early) Section e: Teache r, Support Staff, or Ad Teacher ministrato Name of r) Nominee Support staff m Job Title ominatio n Form 2 m m Administrato r School / Departm ent of No minee lem Sa . ith Ad 14 w dress of Sc ation 13, 20 erce r er m be m op ho co Co em ol in of Departm on Nov ent Chambers Theatre & Keizer Elsinore Historic City ld at the ® will be he Phone # ds Awar tal Apple The Crys y Saleman e e at Ha in ye s the nom State mplo r can nom who meets the inee work co-worke ee ing an E ed for the Zip , parent, or te school employ district or Nominat r, student iva private sc Has the no ity membe a Salem-Keizer pr un ho m m ol m in fo co ee r more th been nom Any hools or Sc an ic 3 in bl ye ated for a ars? 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Annual Community Halloween Party The party will begin in the Main Lobby at 5:00 and run through 6:30 pm on October 31st. Homecoming 2014 The Homecoming Assembly is on Friday, October 17 at 9:04 in the gym. The Homecoming Dance is Saturday, October 18 from 8-10 pm in the gym. Cost is $5.00 with ASB and $8.00 without. All tickets at the door will be $10.00. Tickets go on sale October 6th during both lunches in the Upper Commons. Guest passes are available in the Student Center. Completed guest pass requests are due Wednesday, October 15th to Mr. Mendez. Tree of Giving Leadership will be sponsoring the Tree of Giving again this year. Pick up a tag in the Leadership Office beginning December 1st and help make a difference in someone’s life with a gift card to their favorite store. This is a great way to show someone less fortunate they are being thought of during the holidays. Saxon Closet Saxon families in need can receive clothing from the Saxon Closet. All donations can be delivered to the Leadership Office or the Main Office. Please mark clearly, “Saxon Closet”. Annual Thanksgiving Basket/ Canned Food Drive During the months of October and November we will be collecting canned goods to use in our Thanksgiving Basket Program which serves South families. Please drop off donations in the barrels in Center Hall. We hope to serve 50+ families this year and need your support. 8 SOUTH SALEM HIGH • Home of the Sa xons ASPIRE Center Encouraging higher education, The ASPIRE Center is a volunteer-run mentorship program open to all grades to assist students and their families in the process of post secondary planning. Volunteer mentors can help with the research and applications for financial aid, scholarships, and colleges. ASPIRE is grant funded and relies on Saxon parents to keep this program running. If you are interested in volunteering your time or becoming a benefactor to support and retain ASPIRE, we would love to hear from you. Training is given, hours are few, benefits too numerous to count. Share the joy in mentoring and supporting students at South High. For more information, go to: and click on ASPIRE, or visit [email protected] Student email accounts This information is for student email accounts ([email protected]), NOT for logging into the computers. Due to a change with Google this year, all existing passwords for grades 10, 11 and 12, have been reset to the student’s ID number and 2 periods. Example: 123456.. Freshmen were not reset. If your student has not accessed his or her account yet, his or her password will already be the student number and 2 dots. Example: 123456.. Change in Credit Recovery Program (Packets) Salem-Keizer Public Schools talented and gifted TAG News Due to a need for all credit-bearing courses to align with the Common Core State Standards and to be taught at a similar level of rigor, our packet program has been discontinued. Our counselors will meet with any of our students who were planning to complete packets this year in order to find alternative placements for their credit recovery. If your student was hoping to complete a packet, please have him or her contact his or her counselor as soon as possible. South Salem High School is working to meet the needs of your intellectually gifted or academically talented child. Helping our students reach their potential is a mutual effort between school, home and community. In September, teachers will have written TAG course plans that list the assessment tools used to determine students’ rate and level of learning. Copies of TAG plans are available upon request. FAFSA/Financial Aid Workshop 2014-15 Immunization Requirements: Seniors and parents, you are invited to attend the Financial Aid Workshop December 9, at 6:30 pm in the Library. During this session you will learn about different types of student aid and receive step-by-step directions for filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA ). The FAFSA is a required initial document for almost all student aid. Spring Break 2015 Travel Opportunity Education First presents: Six days in Washington D.C. & New York City Group Leaders: Dr. Greg Berry and Ms. Cara Fortey Approximate dates: March 21-26 Approximate Cost: $2,027 Students can enroll online using Tour ID 1592794RY at: OREGON LAW requires schools to keep a current Certificate of Immunization (CIS) form on file for each student. Each student must have up-to-date shots unless he/she has a medical or religious exemption. It is the responsibility of each family to provide this information to the school and to notify the school in writing when their child receives any additional shots. (See the next page for district’s official flyer.) Please contact your child’s doctor or the Marion County Health Department and make an appointment for immunizations your child may need now. Consider the two weeks during the holiday break for these appointments so that your student does not need to miss classes. Do not wait and risk your child being excluded from school. For more information, please e-mail: [email protected] SOUTH SALEM HIGH • Home of the Sa xons 9 IMMUNIZATION REQUIREMENTS REQUISITOS DE INMUNIZACIÓNS Salem-Keizer School District 24J is required by state law to keep a record of each student’s immunizations. Parents who are enrolling a student in school must complete a Certificate of Immunization Status form with their child's record of immunizations. Please have the dates of your student's immunizations with you at registration time. La ley requiere que el Distrito Escolar 24J de Salem-Keizer mantenga un expediente de las inmunizaciones de cada estudiante. Los padres que están matriculando a un estudiante en la escuela deben completar el formulario del certificado del estado de inmunización con el registro de inmunizaciones de sus hijos. Por favor traigan las fechas de las inmunizaciones de sus hijos cuando vengan a matricularlos. • Kindergarten students are not allowed to attend school until they have a minimum of one dose each of required vaccines. • No se permite a los estudiantes del Kindergarten que asistan a la escuela hasta que tengan por lo menos una dosis de cada una de las vacunas requeridas. Students may be exempted from receiving certain immunizations for medical conditions or non-medical reasons. Los estudiantes pueden ser exentos de recibir ciertas vacunas por condiciones médicas o por motivos no relacionados con condiciones medicas. A new process for claiming a non-medical exemption (formerly called religious exemption) will start March 1, 2014. After this date, parents choosing a non-medical exemption to immunization requirements will be required to submit to the school or childcare a document showing either: Un nuevo proceso para declarar una exención por motivos no relacionados con condiciones médicas (anteriormente una exención religiosa) comenzará el 1 de marzo, 2014. Después de esta fecha, los padres de familia que elijan una exención por motivos no relacionados con condiciones médicas para los requisitos de inmunizaciones, deben entregar a la escuela o al centro de cuidado infantil un documento demostrando lo siguiente: 2014-2015 OR 1. a signature from a health care practitioner verifying discussion of the risks and benefits of immunization. 2. a certificate of completion of an interactive online educational video about the risks and benefits of immunization. 2014-2015 1. La firma de un profesional médico como comprobante de que han sido informados de los riesgos y beneficios de las inmunizaciones. O 2. Un certificado por haber completado un video educativo interactivo por internet sobre los riesgos y beneficios de las inmunizaciones. IMMUNIZATION REQUIREMENTS BY GRADE LEVEL VACUNAS REQUERIDAS POR NIVEL DE GRADO ** Students must be “IN COMPLIANCE” by Exclusion Day, February 18, 2015. ** STUDENT ENTERING GRADE alumnos que entran a Additional Requirements Requisitos adicionales *HEP A Series **TDAB (1 Dose) DT Series POLIO Series MMR Series VARICELLA Series HEP B Series HBOC B Series x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Pre-K K 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th HEP A MMR VARICELLA VARICELLA HBOC ** Estudiantes tienen que estar “EN CUMPLIMIENTO” para el Día de Exclusión, 18 de febrero del 2015 ** Dose 1 must be received at/after 12 months of age. Doses received before 12 months of age are considered invalid. La primera dosis debe recibirse a/los 12 meses de edad o después. Las dosis recibidas antes de los 12 meses de edad se consideran inválidas. OR history of chickenpox disease. Students 13 years of age will require 2 doses of Varicella IF dose 1 is received at/after age 13. O historial de la enfermedad de varicela. Los estudiantes de 13 años pueden necesitar 2 dosis de varicela. Is required for children up to age 5 years (2 – 59 months). Se requiere para niños menores de 5 años.. ASK YOUR HEALTH CARE PROVIDER ABOUT THESE SHOTS TODAY. 10 PREGUNTE HOY A SU PROVEEDOR DE LA SALUD EN CUANTO A ESTAS INMUNIZACIONES. SOUTH SALEM HIGH • Home of the Sa xons STS-W022 Rev 08/14 IB Exams For those Juniors and/or Seniors sitting for IB exams in May, fees and registration forms are due Thursday, October 9. The May 2015 Exam Schedule and May 2015 Exam Registration forms can be found on the school website. Click on the "IB" link at the top of the website. Oregon College Mentors We’d like to introduce Natalie Dunn, our new Tutor/Mentor Coordinator. Natalie will be on campus Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Athletic Study Hall: In room 21 every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday during lunches. After-school Program: Projected start date is October 14th, Monday through Thursday from 2:30 until 4:00. Saturday Academy: Projected start date TBD. Dates will be decided in mid-October. For questions, email Natalie Dunn: [email protected] Math League 2014-2015 Join us on the following Tuesdays from 2:30-3:00 pm in rooms 108, 109, and 116 to test your brain in the exciting arena of mathematics! October 14 November 18 December 9 January 13 February 10 March 17 Need help in Math? Help is available Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Look for your subject area and see any of the teachers listed below: Algebra One* Geometry Algebra II Sarni – room 239 Sequeira, P. – room 110 Miller, B – room 134 Edwards – room 107 *Smith – Financial Alg – room 251 August – Leadership Office Sequeira, K – room 252 Sequeira, P – room 110 Miller, B – room 134 Ligocki – room 106 Enfield – room 133 Takara – room 132 Trotter – room 116 Enfield – room 133 Ligocki – room 106 Honors Algebra II IB Math/College Algebra/OAKS math Sequeira, K – room 252 Knowles – room 108 Lorenz – room 109 Takara – room 132 Knowles – room 108 Trotter – room 116 IB Math Studies I/II IB Math Studies I, OAKS math IB math Standard Level I/II College Algebra, IB Math HL I/II SOUTH SALEM HIGH • Home of the Sa xons 11 S P O R T S P O R T S 12 S po r ts Winter sports include basketball, swimming and wrestling. Practice begins November 17, 2014 and continues through February. Blue cards can be obtained from Mrs. Bosco in the Main Office for winter sports beginning Monday, November 3rd. Last day for blue cards is November 21, 2014. Attention Athletes In order to try out for a sport at South Salem High School you must bring the following items to the Athletic Office prior to practice to receive your blue card: • Completed Athletic Packet signed by both parent and student • Cash or check for athletic fee ($175/sport - $350 cap/student - $700 cap/ family) OR • Completed waiver form and approval letter if on S/K Lunch Program and fee payment ($35 if qualify for free lunch / $70 if qualify for reduced lunch) • Current physical on file (good for two years from exam on the OSAA form) These forms only need to be completed once per year. When going out for your second sport, go to the Athletic Office to transfer your paperwork and pay your fee. And remember, your third sport is free if you’ve met the dollar cap! Coaches will not allow athletes to participate without a Blue card. To be academically eligible you must have passed a minimum of 5 classes from the previous semester and be on track to graduate. If you have further questions, please call the school at (503) 399-3252 and ask for Athletics. Return your uniforms! Uniforms not returned at the end of the season will be billed to your student account. The cost can range from $75 to $200 so be sure to return your uniform. Sports Physicals State law requires students in grades 7-12, who participate in school athletics to have a physical every two years. Students will not be able to attend tryouts without a current physical. Physical information MUST be on the OSAA form. These forms can be picked up in the Main Office of any Salem-Keizer high school or online at: Baseball Fundraisers The Saxon Baseball team is working hard on its fundraising efforts this fall and winter. We will be selling Sunkist Oranges and Grapefruits later this fall. Delivery of the fruit will occur in the first week of December and is great to have around the holidays. We also sell BBQ pellets year round at $10 a bag and offer multiple flavors. If you are interested in either product email Coach Riley at [email protected]. Go Saxons! SOUTH SALEM HIGH • Home of the Sa xons Access or and click on the “Master Calendar”, “Calendar and Events” link. Greater Valley Conference Event Admission Varsity Contests JV/FR Football* Conference Tournaments/Meets Adults $6.00 $3.00 $6.00 GVC Students with ASB Card and team is playing Free Free $3.00 High School Students w/o ASB card or from a school $4.00 NOT playing $2.00 $5.00 K-8 Students $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 Seniors (60+ with ID or GVC Pass) Free Free Free • Passes accepted OSAS, Coaches Gold Card, and GVC • S P O R T S P O R T S Winter Sports Schedules Saxon Day! Lara Tiffin accepting the Oregonian Cup on Saxon Day SOUTH SALEM HIGH • Home of the Sa xons 13 AmENDED 2014-2015 AmENDED OCtObER NOvEmbER SCHOOL CALENDAR AuguSt/SEptEmbER NT1/2 I 25 H KDRA ESD1 I 26 KDRA I 27 KDRA 28 KDRA 29 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 29 30 1 2 SID 3 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 SG½ SSD½ EG 3 H 10 SG½ SSD½ K-12 C 17 24 K-12 C 4 5 11 12 18 NS 25 19 7 6 K H 26 13 20 K H 14 21 27 28 Sept . 2 – First Day for Grades 6 & 9 Sept . 3 – First Day for Grades 1-5, 7-8 & 10-12 Sept . 9 – First Day for Kindergarten DECEmbER JANuARy 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 31 DH 17 H H DSSH ESD1 SG1 9 10 16 17 18 23 24 25 30 31 K-12 EC 11 K-12 C EG SG½ SSD½ M 1 8 15 HSF M 2 9 16 HSF EG MSE 3 10 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 16 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 8 9 12 13 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 HSF 14 HSF 15 HSF SH mAy 1 2 3 1 13 6 7 8 9 10 4 5 6 7 8 19 20 13 14 15 16 17 11 12 13 14 15 26 27 20 21 22 23 24 18 19 20 21 22 27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 12 NS SG½ SSD½ ESD1 H legenD SG1 EG½ ESD½ 17 4 M 5 11 12 18 19 Elementary Last Day – June 9 Secondary Last Day – June 10 Appropriate Activities Required by Statute: Constitution Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .September 17 Columbus Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .October 13 Martin Luther King, Jr . Day . . . . . . . . . . . . January 19 Lincoln’s Birthday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .February 12 Admission of Oregon into the Union . .February 14 Washington’s Birthday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .February 22 Women in History Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . .March 9-13 Arbor Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 6-10 School DiStRict 24J SAlem, oRegon School Calendar Based on Traditional Schedule 14 4 6 6 JuNE HSF 3 2 ApRiL 5 4 3 2 1 5 mARCH 2 7 FEbRuARy NT 1/2 – New Teacher Half-day Inservice I – All Staff Inservice Day (No Students) – First Day of School for Grades 6, and 9 – First Day of School for Grades 1-5, 7, 8, 10-12 – First Day of School for Kindergarten H – Holiday NS – No Students DH – District Holiday HSF – High School Finals - Early Release MSE – Middle School Early Release SID – Statewide Inservice Day EG – Elementary Grading Day SG 1/2 – Secondary Grading Half-day SG1 – Secondary Grading Day ESD1 – Elementary Staff Development Full Day SSD 1/2 – Secondary Staff Development Half-day K – Kindergarten Conferences (No Kindergarten) K-12 EC – Kindergarten to 12th Grade Evening Conferences (No Kindergarten/Reg. school day grades 1 - 12/Staff Extended Schedule) K-12 C – Kindergarten to 12th Grade Conferences (No Students/Staff Extended Schedule) KDRA – Kindergarten Developmental Reading Assessments & Parent Conferences DSSH – Designated State School Holiday (Non-paid for less than 12-mo. employees) SH – School Holiday (Non-paid for less than 12-mo. employees) – Winter/Spring Breaks – Commencement M – Make up for emergency closure days if called by Superintendent . Staff are advised not to make plans for these days until it is known whether the make up days will be needed . ADoPteD BY SAlem-KeiZeR School DiStRict June, 2013 Revised April 2014 SOUTH SALEM HIGH • Home of the Sa xons Foul Weather? Tune in for school news; please do not call the school! As the threat of snowy and icy weather approaches, parents and students should listen to local radio and television stations to learn of school closures due to inclement weather. By 5:15 am, district officials make the decision to close or delay the start of all or selected schools. The school district will provide school closure and delay information to the following news media for broadcasting starting at 6 am: The media will mention the district only if there is a delay or closure. If you do not hear any information, it is safe to assume district schools are open or have resumed their regular schedule. ¿Mal tiempo? Sintonice las estaciones locales para que se entere de noticias de la escuela; por favor, no telefonee a la escuela A medida que se aproxima el tiempo invernal con la nieve y las heladas características de la estación, los padres y estudiantes deben sintonizar las estaciones de radio y televisión locales para enterarse de los cierres de escuela debido al mal tiempo. A las 5:15 am a más tardar, la directiva del distrito toma la decisión de cerrar las escuelas, que pueden ser todas o algunas, o de retrasar el comienzo de las clases. El distrito escolar dará la información correspondiente a los siguientes medios de comunicación para que la transmitan a partir de las 6 a.m: Los medios de comunicación mencionarán el distrito únicamente si hay cierres o retrasos en las clases. En caso de que no oiga ninguna información, puede dar por sentado que las escuelas del distrito estarán abiertas o que volverán a abrir según el horario habitual. WEB R ADIO AM KXL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750 AM KWIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Español) 880 AM KWBY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Español) 940 AM KEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1190 AM KPJC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1220 AM KMUZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Español) 1230 AM KYKN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1430 AM KBZY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1490 AM FM KOPB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91.5 FM KSND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Español) 95.1 FM KYCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97.1 FM KKRZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.3 FM KRSK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105.1 FM TELEVISION KATU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ch. 2 KOIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ch. 6 KGW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ch. 8 KPTV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ch. 12 Where is the Emergency Closure & Delay Information? A link to Emergency Closures and Delays information at the top of each page, under the words Salem-Keizer Public Schools. ¿Dónde aparece la información sobre los cierres o retrasos por situaciones de urgencia? El enlace a dicha información aparece en la parte superior bajo las palabras Salem-Keizer Public Schools. SOUTH SALEM HIGH • Home of the Sa xons 15 Salem-Keizer Public Schools South Salem High School PO Box 12024 Salem, OR 97309-0024 Getting Your Driver’s Permit over Winter Break? South offices are closed winter break. If your student plans to get his or her driver’s permit during winter break, please go to the Main Office ahead of time to get a Statement of Enrollment for the DMV. Parking and Offenses Please Watch! We ask that you be extra diligent watching for students as you drop off and pick up your own. Please acknowledge the “No Idling” sign posted in front of school and be mindful of the 20 mph speed limit. Help keep South students safe! The student parking lot is only for those students who purchased a semester parking pass. Security will patrol the lot on a regular basis and will take the following course of action for parking offenses: • A $15.00 ticket for parking without a permit, improperly parked, or impeding traffic. • Adhesive notification on driver’s side window and a $15.00 ticket for parking without a permit, improperly parked, or impeding traffic. • Towing at owner’s expense for parking without a permit, improperly parked, or impeding traffic. Any person receiving a parking ticket will need to pay their fine at the Bookkeeper’s window and register their vehicle plates at that time. Those choosing not to pay or to ignore the citation may be towed at owner’s expense.
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