HUMAN MULTISERA NORMAL - ABNORMAL PRESENTACION REF 1985005 HUMAN MULTISERA Abnormal 5 x 5 mL HUMAN MULTISERA ABNORMAL Sólo para uso diagnóstico in vitro FUNDAMENTO PREPARACION LINEAR Human Multisera Control es un suero estabilizado y liofilizado de origen humano y para uso en diagnóstico in vitro. Este control es producido a partir de sangre de donantes voluntarios de diferentes Bancos de Sangre. Los datos analíticos del LINEAR Human Multisera Control se han elaborado en colaboración entre laboratorios de reconocido prestigio, utilizando métodos de referencia. Abrir el tapón del vial, tirar cuidadosamente del obturador sin sacarlo completamente, y dejar que el aire entre por las ranuras situadas en la parte inferior del obturador. Evitar pérdidas del material liofilizado. Entonces retirar completamente el obturador y adicionar el volumen exacto de agua destilada que viene indicado en la etiqueta del vial (5 mL). Cerrar el vial y dejarlo reposar durante 30 minutos en la oscuridad. Disolver el contenido por agitación suave, evitando la formación de espuma. No sacudir. A partir de este momento, el contenido del vial se utilizará como si fuera una muestra de suero. COMPOSICION DE LOS REACTIVOS Este suero control no contiene conservantes. Contiene oligoelementos y polipéptidos, que aseguran que el control y las muestras se analizan bajo las mismas condiciones. El control, después de su reconstitución, tiene un aspecto claro (absorbancia a 700 nm: <0.278). LINEAR Human Multisera Control se presenta con dos niveles de concentración: Normal and Abnormal. ESTABILIDAD DEL PRODUCTO LINEAR Human Multisera control es estable conservado en la oscuridad: - En forma liofilizada, al menos 4 años desde la fecha de fabricación a 2-8 ºC. - Después de su reconstitución y salvo que se den otras especificaciones: 1 mes a –20 ºC, 7 días a 2-8 ºC o 8 horas a 15-25 ºC. - Características diferentes de estabilidad se aplicarán a: - Fosfatasa Acida, Bilirrubina, CK y LDH, 1-2% de pérdida por semana a –20 ºC. - Fosfatasa Alcalina, 1-2% pérdida por día a 2-8 ºC. - Fosfatasa Acida y LDH, 1-2% incremento por día a 2-8 ºC. - Fósforo y Triglicéridos, 0.5% incremento por día a 2-8 ºC. - Fosfatasa Acida, 1% incremento por hora a 15-25 ºC. - Fosfatasa Alcalina, 1% incremento por hora a 15-25 ºC. Bilirrubina and CK son sensibles a la luz. PRECAUCIONES Este suero control ha sido analizado frente a anticuerpos anti-HIV, anticuerpos anti-HCV y HBsAg, obteniéndose resultados negativos. Sin embargo, se recomienda tomar precauciones durante su uso como si fuera material potencialmente infeccioso. La contaminación bacteriana del suero control reconstituido, puede provocar reducciones en la estabilidad de los diferentes componentes del control. HUMAN MULTISERA NORMAL - ABNORMAL PRESENTATION REF 1980005 HUMAN MULTISERA Abnormal 5 x 5 mL HUMAN MULTISERA ABNORMAL For in vitro diagnostic use only PRINCIPLE PREPARATION LINEAR Human Multisera Control is a stable and lyophilized serum of human origin for in vitro diagnostic use. This control is produced from blood collected from thoroughly controlled voluntary blood donors of Blood Banks. The analytical data of LINEAR Human Multisera Control are eleborated in collaboration between expert laboratories in part using accepted reference methods. Open the screw cap and carefully lift the rubber stopper without removing it completely and let the air enter the vial through the groove of the lower part of the stopper. Avoid loss of dried material. Then remove the rubber stopper and add exactly the stated volume of pure water, as indicated on the vial label (5 mL). Close the vial carefully and let it stand for 30 minutes in the dark. Dissolve the content completely by swirling gently, avoiding formation of foam. Do not shake. From now on the vial contents should be handled as an ordinary serum. REAGENT COMPOSITION This control serum contains no preservatives. Contains trace elements and polypeptides, which ensure that control and test samples are analyzed under the same conditions. The control is clear after reconstitution (absorbance at 700 nm: <0.278). LINEAR Human Multisera Control offers two different levels of concentration: Normal and Abnormal. STABILITY LINEAR Human Multisera control kept in the dark is stable: - In lyophilized form at least 4 years from date of production at 2-8 ºC. - After reconstitution, unless otherwise specified:1 month at –20 ºC, 7 days at 2-8 ºC or 8 hours at 15-25 ºC. - Shorter stability characteristics apply to: - Acid Phospatase, Bilirubin, CK and LDH, 1- 2% decrease per week at –20 ºC. - Phosphatase Alkaline, 1-2% increase per day at 2-8ºC. - Acid Phosphatase and LDH, 1-2% increase per day at 2-8 ºC. - Phosphate and Triglycerides, 0.5% increase per day at 2-8 ºC. - Acid Phosphatase, 1% decrease per hour at 15-25 ºC. - Phosphatase Alkaline, 1% increase per hour at 15-25 ºC. Bilirubin and CK are sensitive to light. PRECAUTIONS The control serum is controlled and found non reactive for HBs antigen, HCV antibodies and HIV 1/2 antibodies. Nevertheless, the control should be handled with the same precautions as patient samples. The bacterial contamination of the reconstituted control serum, will cause reductions in the stability of many components. MULTISERA CONTROL ABNORMAL REF 1985005 COMPONENTE COMPONENT LOT Nº 19073 EXP 2008-11 VALOR VALUE RANGO RANGE UNIDAD UNIT METODO METHOD 47.0-75.2 46.0-73.6 46.4-74.0 46.7-74.5 18.2-27.8 4-12 56.2-95.6 59.2-100.8 57.3-97.5 57.8-98.4 -2.67-3.3 2.60-3.24 2.56-3.20 2.69-3.35 118-142 120-144 120-144 123-147 6.24-8.28 242-320 g/L g/L g/L g/L µmol/L µmol/L µmol/L µmol/L µmol/L µmol/L mmol/L mmol/L mmol/L mmol/L mmol/L mmol/L mmol/L mmol/L mmol/L mmol/L mg/dL Colorimetry, Bromocresol Green, citrate Colorimetry, Bromocresol Green, succinate Colorimetry, Bromocresol Purple Dry Chemistry Jendrassik & Grof Dry Chemistry Colorimetric (DPD) Colorimetric Diazo/caffeine benzoat Ferricyanide oxidation Dry Chemistry Flame Atomic Absorption Colorimetric, (OCC) Colorimetric , Arsenazo III Indirect determination with ISE Dry Chemistry Flame Atomic Absorption + Colorimetric titration with Ag ISE Direct Dry Chemistry Colesterol total Total Cholesterol 61.1 59.8 60.2 60.6 23.0 8 75.9 80.0 77.4 78.1 3.04 3.00 2.92 2.88 3.02 130 132 132 135 7.26 281 HDL-Colesterol HDL-Cholesterol 1.6 62 1.2-2.0 47-77 mmol/L mg/dL Direct enzymatic colorimetric LDL-Colesterol LDL-Cholesterol 5.1 197 4.1-6.1 158-236 mmol/L mg/dL Direct enzymatic colorimetric Cobre Copper 35.4 225 251 2.84 251 2.84 10.5 189 10.7 193 31.8 178 30.7 172 6.36 57.3 2.06 2.06 2.07 Albúmina Albumin Bilirrubina Directa Direct Bilirubin Bilirrubina Total Total Bilirubin Calcio Calcium Cloruros Chloride Creatinina Creatinin Glucosa Glucose Hierro Iron Lactato Lactate Litio Lithium 1) 196-306 2.22-3.46 196-306 2.22-3.46 8.8-12.2 158-220 9.0-12.4 162-224 27.3-36.3 153-203 26.4-35.0 148-196 5.02-7.70 45.2-69.4 1.77-2.35 1.77-2.35 1.78-2.36 µmol/L µg/dL µmol/L mg/dL µmol/L mg/dL mmol/L mg/dL mmol/L mg/dL µmol/L µg/dL µmol/L µg/dL mmol/L mg/dL mmol/L mmol/L mmol/L CHOD-PAP, enzymatic colorimetric Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry Jaffe´s reaction Ferricyanide oxidation (O´Leary) Hexokinase/ G6PD Glucose Oxidase/ Dehydrogenase Ferrozine/TPTZ Dry Chemistry, Ortho Vitros LOD/POD Enzymatic Colorimetric Flame Photometry Indirect determination with ISE Direct ISE REF 1985005 COMPONENTE COMPONENT Magnesio Magnesium Fósforo inorgánico Inorganic Phosphorus Potasio Potassium Sodio Sodium Proteínas Totales Total Protein Triglicéridos Triglycerides Urea Urea Acido urico Uric acid Zinc Zinc FAL ALP ALT/GPT Amilasa Amylase AST/GOT LOT Nº 19073 VALOR VALUE RANGO RANGE UNIDAD UNIT 1.76 1.96 1.86 1.77 2.95 9.13 3.25 10.1 5.80 5.97 164 172 174 99.3 98.9 96.7 106.1 4.48 396 13.4 80.7 12.9 77.7 10.8 65.1 700 11.8 686 11.5 20.4 133 297 573 236 137 130 134 384 394 221 201 173 183 1.48-2.04 1.65-2.27 1.56-2.16 1.49-2.05 2.42-3.48 7.49-10.8 2.66-3.84 8.27-11.9 5.28-6.32 5.43-6.51 154-174 162-182 163-185 88.4-110 88.0-110 86.1-107 94.4-118 3.67-5.29 324-468 10.5-16.3 63.2-98.2 10.1-15.7 60.8-94.6 8.4-13.2 50.6-79.6 602-798 10.2-13.4 590-782 9.9-13.1 mmol/L mmol/L mmol/L mmol/L mmol/L mg/dL mmol/L mg/dL mmol/L mmol/L mmol/L mmol/L mmol/L g/L g/L g/L g/L mmol/L mg/dL mmol/L mg/dL mmol/L mg/dL mmol/L mg/dL µmol/L mg/dL µmol/L mg/dL µmol/L µg/dL U/L U/L U/L U/L U/L U/L U/L U/L U/L U/L U/L U/L 1) 223-371 430-716 177-295 105-169 100-160 103-165 328-440 266-522 179-263 155-247 133-213 141-225 EXP 2008-11 METODO METHOD Colorimetry. Xylidyl Blue Colorimetry. Arsenazo III Colorimetry. Calmagite Colorimetry. Chlorophosphonazo III Phosphomolybdate Dry Chemistry, Ortho Vitros Indirect determination with ISE Direct determination with ISE Indirect determination with ISE Direct determination with ISE Dry Chemistry, Ortho Vitros Colorimetry, blanked Biuret Colorimetry, unblanked Biuret Colorimetry, polycromatic Biuret Dry Chemistry, Ortho Vitros Enzymatic endpoint Kinetic (Urease-GLDH) Kinetic conductimetry Dry chemistry, Ortho Vitros Enzymatic Colorimetric (Uricase/POD) Enzymatic Colorimetric (Uricase/Endpoint) Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric p-NPP/AMP, 37ºC (IFCC/AACC) DEA, 37ºC (DGKC/SCE) Dry chemistry, Ortho Vitros IFCC/SEQC/SFBC (37ºC) SCE, 37ºC Dry chemistry Enzymatic colorimetric, EPS IFCC 37ºC Enzymatic colorimetric, CNPG3 37ºC Enzymatic colorimetric, UV 37ºC IFCC/SEQC/SFBC, 37ºC SCE, 37ºC Dry chemistry REF 1985005 LOT Nº 19073 EXP 2008-11 COMPONENTE COMPONENT VALOR VALUE RANGO RANGE UNIDAD UNIT METODO METHOD Colinesterasa Cholinesterase 10600 8700-12500 U/L Colorimetric Butyrylthiocholine 37ºC CK CK 295 334 236-354 267-401 U/L U/L NAC optimised SCE/DGKC/IFCC 37ºC Dry chemistry, Ortho Vitros CK-MB CK-MB 66 38-94 U/L Immunological UV 37ºC GGT GGT 153 129 119-187 101-157 U/L U/L Carboxynitroanilide IFCC, 37ºC Nitroanilide, 37ºC GLDH GLDH 10.8 4.2-17.4 U/L DGKC, 37ºC LDH LDH 417 757 846 746 1173 342-492 621-893 694-998 612-880 962-1384 U/L U/L U/L U/L U/L IFCC (37ºC) Lactate to pyruvate DGKC (37ºC) Pyruvate to lactate phosphate SCE (37º) Pyruvate to lactate Tris SFBC (37º) Pyruvate to lactate Dry chemistry Lipasa Lipase 122 84-160 U/L Enzymatic colorimetric 37ºC ELECTROPHORESIS VALUES Componente Component Albumin Alpha 1 Alpha 2 Beta 1 Beta 2 Gamma Valor (g/L) Value (g/L) 64 2 10 8 4 11 Rango (g/L) Range (g/L) 40-52 1-3 4-9 4-7 1-4 6-13 % de Proteina total % of Total protein 65.1 2.3 9.7 8.4 3.6 10.9 The value table is applicable to this lot and sequential sublots, alphabetical letter following the lot number, indicate in the label. La tabla de valores es aplicable a este lote y sublotes, letras alfabéticas que siguen al nº de lote, indicado en las etiquetas. 1) Linear no recomienda ningun rango acceptable. 1) Linear will not recommended any aceptable range. B1985-1/0406 R1
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