VOL 18 No. 47 PRSRT STD U.S POSTAGE PAID KCMO PERMIT NO. 990 6 de Agosto, 2015 * Periódico Bilingüe Kansas City Your latino connection since 1996 www.kchispanicnews.com Tú conexión latina desde 1996 Mayor Sly James BNSF— “There is no truth Recaps, Looks Ahead to air quality report” El Alcalde Sly James hace un recuento, espera la posesión BNSF - “No hay nada de cierto en el reporte de calidad del aire” Eric Kirkendall (far right) guides members of the bus tour towards the train tracks where he says his monitor testing last year indicated high levels of elemental carbon. Holding a hand held particle counter, he takes a reading of the air. Kansas City Mayor Sly James takes the oath of office for his second term, administered by City Clerk Marilyn Sanders, on Aug. 1 at the Gem Theater. El alcalde de Kansas City, Sly James, tomo el juramento del cargo para su segundo mandato, administrado por la Secretaria Municipal Marilyn Sanders, el 1 de agosto en el Teatro de la Gema. by Jerry LaMartina Eric Kirkendall (lado derecho) guía a los participantes de la excursión en autobús hacia las vías del tren, donde él dice que su monitor de la prueba del año pasado indica altos niveles de carbono elemental. Sosteniendo un contador de mano de partículas, toma la lectura del aire. traduce Gemma Tornero T he new Kansas City Council is officially in office, with three incumbents and nine new members, along with Mayor Sly James in his second term. “I really can’t believe how fast the last four years have come and gone,” James said to a crowd of about 500 people at the inauguration of the mayor and council on Aug. 1 at the Gem Theater. “It’s kind of a reminder to me that times can pass us by if we’re too idle, but opportunities can be missed if we’re too slow. E l nuevo Consejo de Kansas City está oficialmente en el cargo en su segundo mandato, con tres titulares, nueve nuevos integrantes, y junto con el Alcalde Sly James. “Realmente no puedo creer lo rápido que los últimos cuatro años han ido y venido”, dijo James a un auditorio de unas 500 personas en la toma de posesión del alcalde y el consejo, el 1 de agosto, en el Teatro Gem. “Es una especie de recordatorio para mí, que INAUGURATION MARKS ... / PAGE 8 LA INVESTIDURA ... / PÁGINA 8 Mayor James Announces 2015-19 Council Committees by Debra DeCoster Traduce Gemma Tornero T E he railroad has co-existed with the Argentine community in Kansas City, Kansas for 160 years. BNSF’s roots run deep with large numbers of their workers living in the community, sending their children to nearby schools, or serving on community boards and shopping in the local stores. BNSF have invested in the library and new grocery stores. Recently, BNSF Railroad has come under attack by a small group of citizens alleging that the railroad’s diesel fuel emissions is compromising the air quality in l ferrocarril ha coexistido con la comunidad de Argentine, en Kansas City, Kansas durante 160 años. Las raíces de BNSF son profundas, con un gran número de sus trabajadores que viven en la comunidad, envían a sus hijos a las escuelas cercanas, o sirven en las juntas de la comunidad y realizan compras en las tiendas locales. BSFN han invertido en la biblioteca y en las nuevas tiendas de comestibles. Recientemente, la compañía ferroviaria BNSF Railroad ha sido atacada por un pequeño grupo de “WE WOULD NEVER ... / PAGE 2 “NOSOTROS NUNCA ... / PÁGINA 2 El alcalde James Anuncia los Comités de Consejo para 2015-19 COMBAT Takes Message M ayor Sly James appointed leaders and members to 10 City Council committees for the 2015-19 term. James also named First District (atlarge) Councilman Scott Wagner as Mayor Pro Tem. Wagner will serve as mayor when the mayor is absent and will represent the city at various civic and community events. “Councilman Wagner worked very hard last term and shares my commitment to making Kansas City the best. I know he will be an outstanding Mayor Pro Tem,” James said. “The position of Mayor Pro Tem requires additional commitment and extra effort, I’m grateful for his willingness to take that on.” “The committees I am announcing today not only will handle the dayto-day and week-to-week policy and governance requirements of the city, but also address long-term opportunities for Kansas City,” James said. “I expect -- and I believe all Kansas Citians expect -- that the City Council focus on ensuring our community is the best in the region and the nation today and in decades to come.” Committees for the 2015-19 term include Neighborhoods and Public Safety, Planning, Zoning and Economic Development; Transportation and Infrastructure; Finance and Governance; Legislative; Housing; Airport; Ethics and Legal Review; Small Business, Entrepreneurship and Jobs, and Youth Development. The Youth Development Committees is new this term and will address priorities important to the fabric of the city. JAMES ... / PAGE 8 NEWSROOM: (816)472.5246 | E l alcalde Sly James designo líderes y miembros a los 10 comités de consejos para el plazo 2015-19. James también nombro al Primero del Distrito (en general) al concejal Scott Wagner como Alcalde Pro Témpore. Wagner servirá como alcalde cuando el alcalde este ausente y representara a la cuidad en varios eventos cívicos y de la comunidad. “El concejal Wagner trabajó muy duro la pasada temporada y comparte mi compromiso por hacer de Kansas City la mejor. Yo sé que él va a ser un increíble alcalde interino“, dijo James. “La posición del alcalde interino requiere compromiso adicional y esfuerzo, estoy agradecido por su voluntad para asumirlo.” “Los comités que estoy anunciado hoy no solo se encargaran del día a día y semana a semana de las necesidades políticas y gobiernanza de la ciudad, sino también abordar las oportunidades a largo plazo para Kansas City”, dijo James. “Espero – y creo que todos los residentes de Kansas City también esperan – que los comités de consejo se enfoquen en asegurar a nuestra comunidad como la mejor región y la nación de hoy y para las próximas décadas.” Los comités para el 2015-19 plazo incluyen Barrios y Seguridad Publica, Planificación, Zonificación y Desarrollo Económico; Transporte e Infraestructura; Finanza y de Gobierno; Legislativo; Vivienda; Aeropuerto; Ética y revisión legal; Pequeños Negocias, Emprendimiento y el Empleo y Desarrollo de la Juventud. Los Comités de Desarrollo de la Juventud son nuevos en este periodo y To The Street COMBAT Lleva el Mensaje a la Calle by Joe Arce and Stephanie Valle I n late-July, Jackson County’s Community Backed Anti-Drug Tax (COMBAT) held an antidrug, anti-violence canvassing event and their Step Up, Speak Up program along Independence Avenue and Jackson Avenue to raise neighborhood awareness. For the past few months, the Northeast neighborhood in Jackson County, Missouri has seen an increase in crime related activities. “Right now, what we are concentrated on [is] this location “YOU CAN’T ... / PAGE 7 traduce Gemma Tornero A A little over 50 people gathered at the intersection of Independence Avenue and Jackson Avenue in Old Northeast to distribute leaflets door to door to area residents. They want residents to “Step up, speak up and don’t look the other way.” Un poco más de 50 personas se reunieron en la intersección de la Avenida Independence y la Avenida Jackson, en el Viejo Noreste, para distribuir folletos de puerta en puerta a los residentes del área. Quieren que los residentes “Aceleren el ritmo, hablen y no miren para otro lado”. finales de julio, la Comunidad de Respaldo Antidrogas de Impuestos del Condado de Jackson (COMBAT, por sus siglas en inglés) celebró una campaña contra la violencia, contra las drogas, y llevó su programa “El silencio nos está matando, Hablen alto” a lo largo de la Avenida Independence y la Avenida Jackson para crear conciencia en el barrio. En los últimos meses, el barrio Noreste, del Condado de Jackson, NOMBRAMIENTOS ... / PÁGINA 8 FAX: (816) 931.6397 | KCHISPANICNEWS.com | E-MAIL: [email protected] | 2918 Southwest Blvd. “NO SE PUEDE ... / PÁGINA 7 Kansas City, MO 64108 AGOSTO 6 DEL 2015 I KCHispanicNews.com “We Would Never Put The Community Or Our Workers At Risk” CONT./PÁGINA 1 the Argentine neighborhood. John Lovenburg, vice president environmental for BNSF, challenged the allegations and said the air quality in the Argentine neighborhood is safe. Leticia DeCaigny, community organizer for KC Diesel Health Project and Eric Kirkendall, KC Diesel health project director, take a different stance on the air surrounding the community. “The air contains fine particulate matter, which consists of solid elemental carbon (EC) which can be detrimental to our health. These particles can enter our lungs and get into our blood stream,” said DeCaigny. Michael Trevino, BNSF assistant vice president External Communications and Lovenburg traveled from their corporate headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas to sit down with Hispanic News to talk about the air quality report released by the Global Community Monitor for the Diesel Health Project and Good Neighbor Committee. “It is bothersome to us that we have a group making these kind of accusations in a place that is important to us. We do our level best to do right by the people who work for us and the communities we operate in. Safety is our primary importance,” said Trevino. BNSF has worked with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) to test the quality of air and diesel fuel emissions around the railroad and they have fallen within the EPA guidelines for particle matter (PM) in the air. Global Community Monitor helped the KC Diesel Health Project, the Kansas Sierra Club, the Argentine/Turner Good Neighbor Committee, and community organizer Richard Mabion conduct a community air-monitoring project to measure the amount of diesel exhaust pollution in neighborhoods bordering the BNSF Argentine Rail Yard. Their study collected 47 samples that were analyzed for Elemental Carbon (EC), a marker for diesel exhaust pollution. The EPA studies particulate matter when they measure air quality. The study done in Argentine measured elemental carbon, which according to Lovenburg, the EPA has no standards for EC. “There is an occupational emission guideline for elemental carbon available from a leading non-profit scientific association, the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH). The average concentration of elemental carbon measured in the study is less than one twentieth of that exposure guideline and the highest concentration is less than one tenth of the guideline,” said Kevin Maggay, environmental manager specializing in air, hired by BNSF. DeCaigny and Kirkendall disagree and say they have measured for Elemental Carbon and want to educate the public of the risks they are taking when they live close to the rail yard. “In 21 of the 47 daily measurements, the EC levels exceeded 0.838 ug/m. On these dates, persons spending time outdoors at this location would be subject to an elevated risk of cardiovascular and respiratory hospitalizations on the day of exposures,” said DeCaigny. Railroad officials allege that Global Community Monitor goes into communities and tells them the air around them is putting their health at risk. “On the Global Community Monitor website they are against rail transport. They are opposed to goods being moved by railroads,” said BNSF spokesperson Andy Williams. Kirkendall organized a bus tour last week for citizens interested in learning about where the diesel fuel emissions are coming from. Traveling on the bus were reporters from Hispanic News and KCUR and college students involved in the research project. The bus stopped at each location where DeCaigny had set up the Airmetrics MiniVol Portable Air Sampler. The equipment pulled air into a filter over a 24-hour span and then the filter was removed and sent to a laboratory for readings. Maggay told Hispanic News that when testing is done on air quality, it is done over time with a monitor. “It is not moved from place to place every 24 hours. It is set up in the same location for the duration of the testing, which typically is over a period of time at least six months to a year,” he said. Kirkendall demonstrated with a hand held Airborne Particle Counter how to sample the air during one of the stops close to the railroad tracks. He suggested that to get a true reading, one must take three air samples with the hand held device in the area. Unfortunately during the bus tour demonstration, the device took one reading and gave a low battery signal and further tests were not attainable. DeCaigny, did address health issues that residents in Argentine are susceptible to by being outside in the environment. “We want to … let them know that being exposed to diesel exhaust can result in Asthma, lung cancer and cardiovascular disease. Particulate matter from the diesel exhaust can go into your lungs and into your blood stream and can cause death,” said DeCaigny. Railroad officials feel that the group, which only has one resident from the Argentine/ Turner community, is pushing an agenda against goods movement and are using its own “biased, non-scientific study to scare residents into believing that the air in Argentine possess imminent health threats,” Williams said. Resident Tom Valverde is very concerned about his health and his neighbors’ since hearing the Argentine/ Turner Good Neighbor Committee air monitoring report at a town hall meeting two months ago. “I don’t feel it is safe to be outside,” he said, “because their tests came back stating my neighborhood had one of the highest readings.” Having some time to digest the results of the air samples, it has caused Valverde to wonder if diesel fuel emissions were the reason behind his mother and aunt’s deaths. “My mom loved to work outside in her garden. When she died, the doctor listed her death under unknown cause. My aunt lived here and she would come outside and sweep the sidewalk. She died here and it was ruled as a heart attack but she never had heart issues. I now wonder if being close to the railroad didn’t have Trains roll by on the steel rails as the bus tour stops in the Argentine neighborhood. Los trenes pasan rodando sobre los carriles de acero mientras el recorrido en autobús se detiene en el barrio Argentine. something to do with losing them. I don’t know,” Valverde said. BNSF could not comment on Valverde’s comments since there are many factors that must be considered in a death and they do not have the facts and the health records on each person in front of them. BNSF insists that the group’s report is untrue. Trevino and Lovenburg said they are good neighbors in the community and the air quality is good. They are upset that they have to prove their innocence in allegations from a group that is using air quality as a diversion to their real issue— stopping rail movement completely. Although the Good Neighbor Committee did not release the report to BNSF, the railroad did obtain a copy of the report through a third party. Maggay has reviewed the group’s report and has asked to meet with DeCaigny and Kirkendall to discuss their results, but his offer has been declined. “I couldn’t see where they came up with the cardiovascular mortality. They state that after two or three days of exposure, you were risking mortality, if that was true then we would cease operations completely,” he said. BNSF has partnered with environmental agencies on air studies and made significant investments in clean technologies to reduce emissions in Argentine. The railroad has worked with the state of Kansas to create a 2010 regional railroad emissions inventory and is collaborating with the state of Kansas and EPA to update the inventory. “We are regulated by the EPA on air quality. They are in charge of setting and implementing locomotive standards,” said Maggay. Maggay questions the numbers the committee has released. “Our primary concern is the document is strongly biased. It makes incorrect conclusions and some of those conclusions are being reported as fact. They have not allowed others to get involved with them on this study,” said Maggay. Members of the Diesel Health Project claimed that they have reached out to the railroad for a meeting after they released their report. “We had a meeting with the railroad in November (2014) and then in May of this year, but since we released our report, we have not met or talked with BNSF,” said DeCaigny. Hispanic News did reach out to the Region 7 EPA office to verify the guidelines and regulations, but as of press time they had not returned our calls. In Part 2 of our series, we will look at the federal guidelines that dictate diesel emissions into our air, the improvements that BNSF has made in the Argentine rail yard that has reduced emissions and consider the changes that the Diesel Health Project is asking BNSF to do. “Nosotros nunca pondríamos a la comunidad o a nuestros trabajadores en situación de riesgo” CONT./PAGE 1 ciudadanos, alegando que las emisiones de combustible diesel del ferrocarril están comprometiendo la calidad del aire en el barrio de Argentine. John Lovenburg, vicepresidente ambiental para BNSF, desafió las acusaciones y dijo que la calidad del aire en la zona de Argentine es segura. Leticia Decaigny, organizadora comunitaria para el Proyecto de Salud KC Diesel y Eric Kirkendall, director de Proyecto de Salud KC Diesel, toman una postura diferente respecto al aire que rodea a la comunidad. “El aire contiene partículas finas, que consisten en carbono elemental sólido (CE), el cual puede ser perjudicial para nuestra salud. Estas partículas pueden entrar en nuestros pulmones y entrar en nuestro torrente sanguíneo”, dijo Decaigny. Michael Treviño, vicepresidente adjunto de Comunicación Externa de BSFN, y Lovenburg, viajaron desde sus oficinas centrales en Fort Worth, Texas, para sentarse con Hispanic News y, hablar sobre el reporte de la calidad del aire publicado por el Global Community Monitor para el Proyecto de Salud Diesel y el Comité del Buen Vecino. “Es molesto para nosotros el tener a un grupo haciendo este tipo de acusaciones en un lugar que es importante para nosotros. Hacemos nuestro mejor esfuerzo en hacer lo correcto para la gente que trabaja para nosotros y para las comunidades en las que operamos. La seguridad es nuestro primer objetivo”, dijo Treviño. BNSF ha trabajado con la Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA, por sus siglas en inglés) y el Departamento de Salud y Medio Ambiente de Kansas (KDHE, por sus siglas en inglés) para examinar la calidad de las emisiones de combustible diesel de aire, TU CONEXIÓN LATINA DESDE 1996 y de todo el ferrocarril, y que han caído dentro de los lineamientos de la EPA para material particulado (PM) en el aire. Global Community Monitor ayudó al Proyecto de Salud KC Diesel, al Sierra Club de Kansas, al Comité del Buen Vecino Argentine/Turner, y al organizador comunitario Richard Mabion a realizar un proyecto comunitario de monitoreo del aire, para medir la cantidad de contaminación por emisiones de diesel en los barrios que bordean el Patio de Maniobras Argentine del Ferrocarril BNSF. Su estudio recogió 47 muestras, que fueron analizadas para Carbono Elemental (CE), un marcador de contaminación de escape de diesel. La EPA estudia material particulado cuando miden la calidad del aire. El estudio realizado en Argentine mide carbono elemental, que según Lovenburg, la EPA no tiene normas para el CE. “Hay una norma de riesgo laboral en la emisión de carbono elemental disponible de parte de una asociación científica sin ánimo de lucro, la Conferencia Americana de Higienistas Industriales Gubernamentales (ACGIH, por sus siglas en inglés). La concentración media de carbono elemental medida en el estudio es menos de una vigésima parte de ese límite de exposición y la concentración más alta es menos de una décima parte de la norma”, dijo Kevin Maggay, gerente ambiental especializado en aire, contratado por BSFN. Decaigny y Kirkendall no están de acuerdo y dicen que han tomado medidas de Carbono Elemental y quieren educar al público sobre los riesgos que están teniendo cuando viven cerca del patio de maniobras del ferrocarril. “En 21 de las 47 mediciones diarias, los niveles de CE superaron el 0,838 ug/m. En estas fechas, las personas que pasan tiempo al aire libre en este lugar, estarían sujetos a un riesgo elevado de hospitalizaciones cardiovasculares y respiratorias durante el día de la exposición”, dijo Decaigny. Funcionarios del ferrocarril alegan que Global Community Monitor entra en las comunidades y les dice que el aire alrededor de ellos está poniendo en riesgo su salud. “En el sitio electrónico de Global Community Monitor, están en contra del transporte ferroviario. Se oponen a que las mercancías se transporten por los ferrocarriles”, dijo el portavoz de BNSF, Andy Williams. Kirkendall organizó un recorrido en autobús, la semana pasada, para los ciudadanos interesados en conocer de donde están viniendo las emisiones de combustible diesel. En el viaje en autobús estuvieron presentes reporteros de Hispanic News, KCUR y estudiantes universitarios que participan en el proyecto de investigación. El autobús se detuvo en cada lugar donde Decaigny había establecido el muestreador de aire portátil Airmetrics Minivol. El equipo jaló aire en un filtro durante un lapso de 24 horas, después el filtro se retiró y se envío a un laboratorio para su lectura. Maggay dijo a Hispanic News, que cuando la prueba en la calidad del aire se realiza, se hace con tiempo en un monitor. “No se mueve de un lugar a otro cada 24 horas. Se mantiene en el mismo lugar durante la duración de la prueba, que normalmente es en un período de tiempo de al menos seis meses a un año”, dijo. Kirkendall demostró con un contador de mano de partículas aerotransportada, cómo tomar muestras del aire durante una de las paradas cercanas a las vías del ferrocarril. Sugirió que para obtener una lectura real, se debe tomar tres muestras de aire en el área con el dispositivo de mano. Por desgracia, durante el recorrido de demostración, el dispositivo tomó una lectura y dio una señal de batería baja y no se pudieron obtener más pruebas. Decaigny, habló de los problemas de salud a los que los residentes de Argentine son susceptibles al estar CONT./PÁGINA 3 YOUR LATINO CONNECTION SINCE 1996 KCHispanicNews.com I AGOSTO 6 DEL 2015 BNSF CONT./PAGE 2 al aire libre, en el medio ambiente. “Queremos hacerles saber que el estar expuestos a las emisiones de diesel puede provocar asma, cáncer de pulmón y enfermedades cardiovasculares. El material particulado de los gases de escape diesel puede entrar en los pulmones, y en el torrente sanguíneo, y puede causar la muerte”, dijo Decaigny. Funcionarios del ferrocarril sienten que el grupo, que sólo tiene un residente de la comunidad Argentine/Turner, está impulsando una agenda contra el transporte de mercancías y están utilizando su propio “estudio sesgado, no científico, para asustar a los residentes con la creencia de que el aire en Argentine posee inminentes amenazas para la salud”, dijo Williams. El residente Tom Valverde, está muy preocupado por su salud y la de sus vecinos desde que escucho al Comité del Buen Vecino de Argentine/Turner hablar del informe de monitoreo del aire, en una reunión de cabildo hace dos meses. “No siento que sea seguro estar afuera”, dijo, “porque sus pruebas regresaron afirmando que mi barrio tenía una de las lecturas más altas”. El tener un poco de tiempo para digerir los resultados de las muestras de aire, ha causado que Valverde se pregunte si las emisiones de combustible diesel fueron la razón detrás de la muerte de su madre y sus tías. “A mi madre le encantaba trabajar afuera en su jardín. Cuando murió, el médico dijo que su muerte fue de causa desconocida. Mi tía vivía aquí, salía afuera y barría la acera. Ella murió aquí y se dijo que fue un ataque al corazón, pero ella nunca tuvo problemas de corazón. Ahora me pregunto si estar cerca de la vía férrea no tuvo algo que ver con la pérdida de ellas. No lo sé”, dijo Valverde. BNSF no pudo comentar sobre los comentarios de Valverde, ya que hay muchos factores que deben ser considerados en una muerte y no tienen frente a ellos los datos y los registros de salud de cada persona. BNSF insiste, en que el informe del grupo no es cierto. Treviño y Lovenburg dijeron que son buenos vecinos de la comunidad y que la calidad del aire es buena. Ellos están molestos de que tienen que demostrar su inocencia en las acusaciones de un grupo que está usando la calidad del aire como una distracción para el tema de su movimiento, el detener el transporte ferroviario por completo. Aunque el Comité del Buen Vecino no dio a conocer el informe a BNSF, el ferrocarril obtuvo una copia del reporte a través de un tercero. Maggay ha revisado el informe del grupo y ha pedido reunirse con Decaigny y Kirkendall para discutir sus resultados, pero su oferta ha sido rechazada. “Yo no pude ver de dónde sacaron lo de mortalidad cardiovascular. Afirman que después de dos o tres días de exposición estaban en riesgo de morir, si eso fuera cierto, entonces tendríamos que cesar operaciones por completo”, dijo. BNSF se ha asociado con agencias ambientales en estudios del aire y ha realizado importantes inversiones en tecnologías limpias para reducir las emisiones en Argentine. El ferrocarril ha trabajado con el Estado de Kansas para crear un inventario de emisiones del ferrocarril regional 2010, y está colaborando con el Estado de Kansas y la EPA para actualizar el inventario. “Estamos regulados por la EPA en lo que respecta a la calidad del aire. Ellos son los encargados de establecer y aplicar las normas de locomoción”, dijo Maggay. Maggay cuestiona los números que el comité ha dado a conocer. “Nuestra principal preocupación es que el documento está fuertemente sesgado. Hace conclusiones incorrectas y algunas de esas conclusiones se reportan como un hecho. No han permitido que otros se involucren con ellos en este estudio”, dijo Maggay. Integrantes del Proyecto de Salud Diesel, afirmaron, que ellos se ha acercado al ferrocarril para una reunión después de que dieron a conocer su reporte. “Tuvimos una reunión con el ferrocarril en noviembre (2014), y luego en mayo de este año, pero desde que dimos a conocer nuestro reporte, no nos hemos reunido o hablado con BNSF”, dijo Decaigny. Hispanic News se puso en contacto con la oficina de la Región 7 de la EPA para verificar las normas y reglamentos, pero al cierre de esta edición no había regresado nuestras llamadas. En la Parte 2 de nuestra serie, vamos a ver las pautas federales que dictan las emisiones de diesel en el aire, las mejoras que BNSF ha hecho en el patio de maniobras de ferrocarril en Argentine que ha reducido las emisiones y ha tenido en cuenta los cambios que el Proyecto de Salud Diesel está pidiendo que BNSF haga. Picking on college bound immigrant students I write to share my displeasure at finding out that our Missouri legislature is now picking on immigrant youth. I am, of course, referring to House Bill 3 which bars instate tuition and scholarship funds to students that were brought to the U.S. illegally as young children. It doesn’t matter, in the legislature’s mind, that a large number of these students have regularized their status via the federal DACA program, or that these students want to contribute to their communities. Let their tuition rates increase by numbers that will effectively force them to drop out. Who cares? I cannot think of any other institution that punishes children for their parents’ actions. In the end, what the Missouri legislature is creating is a self-fulfilling prophecy – make it harder and harder for immigrant youth to succeed only so that we can point our finger at them later and say “Ha! I told you they wouldn’t make it!” Just as disheartening is the lack of reaction by major Latino and immigrantserving organizations in the KC area – so much for serving your community. As a Latino, I feel personally attacked by the legislature’s actions. Arizona, anyone? TU CONEXIÓN LATINA DESDE 1996 F or more than 160 years BNSF Railway has linked local businesses to markets across the nation and around the world. In doing so, BNSF provides the cleanest, most efficient ground transportation available for freight and created a culture where the health and safety of our employees and the communities we serve are paramount. Kansas City is no exception. Its strategic location has long made it an important spoke in the nation’s transportation network and is among the reasons why, in 1875, our predecessors built a yard in Argentine, Kan. Since then, BNSF has been a proud part of the Argentine and Turner communities where generations of railroaders and their families have thrived. Today about 2,000 people work at the Argentine yard. Recently a group, mostly individuals and organizations from outside the community, leveled claims that the air in the community is not safe. They support their claims by using their own biased, non-scientific study to scare residents into believing that the air in Argentine possesses imminent health threats. The air in Argentine is safe to breathe as demonstrated by particulate matter levels in the air basin that meet Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)regulated air quality standards. In fact, both a long “BNSF provides the cleanest, most efficient ground transportation available” standing monitor in Kansas City, Kan., and an air monitor recently placed in Argentine by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) and EPA indicate that air quality in Turner and Argentine is good. BNSF has a long history of working with the EPA and KDHE. In 2010 BNSF voluntarily partnered with KDHE to create a 2010 regional railroad emissions inventory and is collaborating with KDHE and EPA to update the report. We are confident that the update will demonstrate a significant reduction in emissions at the yard due to operational changes and local investments in cleaner technology that include the installation of idle-control technology on locomotives and solar-powered track switches; the elimination of five diesel-powered cranes and a refueling station; and relocation of intermodal operations and associated truck traffic from Argentine to a new state-of-the-art intermodal yard in Edgerton that has wide-span electric cranes and automated gate systems. Additionally, BNSF has partnered with the state of Kansas to repower with cleaner technology three locomotives dedicated to the Argentine Yard; each repowered locomotive reduces emissions by 111 tons of carbon dioxide, 21 tons of nitrogen oxides, and 1,500 pounds of particulate matter per year and uses 10,000 gallons less fuel for the same operations. We are confident an updated emissions inventory will demonstrate a significant reduction in emissions at the yard. Armed with a severely flawed study that draws incorrect conclusions, activists largely from outside Kansas have staged public meetings intended to convince local residents that the rail facility creates unacceptable health risks. The study monitors a type of emissions not used by EPA to monitor air quality, and it uses biased data. Regional weather monitoring stations data indicate prevailing winds are from the south to the north away from residential areas 11 months of the year, but the study only reported data for the narrow period of time when winds are from the north to the south. EPA uses particulate matter to measure air quality, but instead the study measured elemental carbon for which EPA has no standards. There is an occupational emission guideline for elemental carbon available from a leading non-profit scientific association, the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH). The average concentration of elemental carbon measured in the study is less than one twentieth of that exposure guideline, and the highest concentration is less than one tenth of the guideline. Railroads have long been recognized as part of the solution to reducing carbon emissions. Trains can move one ton of freight almost 500 miles on one gallon of fuel, which is more than three times more efficient than trucks. This efficiency reduces carbon emissions by over twothirds when compared with trucks on a ton-mile basis. And it means that rail, which carries more than 40 percent of our nation’s freight by volume, only accounts for 2.3 percent of all transportationrelated greenhouse gas emissions, according to the EPA. BNSF’s roots run deep in Kansas and Missouri, and we take great pride in knowing that our railroaders helped create a tapestry of unique neighborhoods that reflect the rich diversity of its workers. We’ve sent our children to local schools, served on community boards, shopped in local stores and have called those neighborhoods home. We live here, work here and care about the quality of life and the environment in the communities we serve. Argentine and Turner are no exceptions. Sincerely, John Lovenburg Vice President Environmental BNSF Railway “BNSF ofrece máxima limpia, el más eficiente transporte terrestre disponible” P or más de 160 años, la compañía ferroviaria BNSF Railway ha vinculado a empresas locales con los mercados de todo el país y de alrededor del mundo. Al hacerlo, BNSF ofrece el transporte terrestre disponible más limpio y eficiente para carga, y ha creado una cultura en donde la salud y la seguridad de nuestros empleados y las comunidades a las que servimos son de suma importancia. Kansas City no es la excepción. Su ubicación estratégica ha logrado que sea con el tiempo un importante ejemplo en la red de transporte de la nación, y esta es una de las razones por las que, en 1875, nuestros antecesores construyeron un patio de maniobras en Argentine, Kansas. Desde entonces, BNSF ha sido parte del orgullo de las comunidades de Argentine y Turner, donde generaciones de ferroviarios y sus familias han prosperado. Hoy en día, cerca de 2 mil personas trabajan en el patio de Argentine. Recientemente, un grupo, en su mayoría personas y organizaciones de fuera de la comunidad, afirmaron que el aire en la comunidad no es seguro. Basan sus afirmaciones en el uso de su propio estudio sesgado, no científico, para asustar a los residentes con la creencia de que el aire en Argentine cuenta con amenazas sanitarias inminentes. El aire en Argentine es seguro para respirar, como lo demuestran los niveles de partículas en la cuenca atmosférica, que cumplen con la Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA, por sus Meterse con los estudiantes inmigrantes que se dirigían a la universidad L es escribo para demostrar mi frustracion con la legislatura de Missouri que ahora esta molestando a estudiantes inmigrantes. Estoy hablando de HB3, la ley que prohibe que universidades publicas siglas en inglés) -normas de calidad del aire reguladas. De hecho, tanto en un monitor de larga data en Kansas City, Kansas y un monitor de aire recientemente colocado en Argentine por el Departamento de Salud y Medio Ambiente de Kansas (KDHE, por sus siglas en inglés) y EPA, indican que la calidad del aire en Turner y Argentine es bueno. BNSF tiene una larga historia de trabajo con EPA y KDHE. En 2010 BNSF se asoció voluntariamente con KDHE para crear, en 2010, un inventario de emisiones del ferrocarril regional y está colaborando con KDHE y EPA para actualizar el informe. Estamos seguros de que la actualización demostrará una reducción significativa de las emisiones en el patio, debido a los cambios operativos y las inversiones locales en tecnologías más limpias, que incluyen la instalación de tecnología de control de inactividad en las locomotoras y los aparatos de vía con energía solar; la eliminación de las cinco grúas diesel y una estación de servicio; y la reubicación de las operaciones intermodales y el tráfico de camiones asociado de Argentine a un nuevo patio de maniobras de alta tecnología intermodal en Edgerton, que tiene un amplio número de grúas eléctricas y un sistemas de puertas automáticas. Además, BNSF se ha asociado con el Estado de Kansas para realimentar con tecnología más limpia a tres locomotoras del patio de Argentine; cada locomotora realimentada reduce las emisiones en 111 toneladas de dióxido de carbono, 21 toneladas de óxidos de en el estado de Missouri den becas y tambien suban la tasa de matricula para estudiantes que llegaron a este pais siendo menores y sin documentos. No le importa a la legislatura que muchos de estos estudiantes ya arreglaron su situacion con el programa DACA, o que estos estudiantes quieren contribuir a sus comunidades. Dejemos nitrógeno, y 1.500 libras de material particulado al año, y utiliza 10 mil galones menos de combustible para las mismas operaciones. Estamos seguros de que un inventario de emisiones actualizado demostrará una reducción significativa de las emisiones en el patio de maniobras. Armados con un estudio gravemente viciado que saca conclusiones incorrectas, los activistas, en gran parte de fuera de Kansas, han organizado reuniones públicas destinadas a convencer a los residentes locales de que las instalaciones del ferrocarril crean riesgos inaceptables para la salud. El estudio analiza un tipo de emisiones no utilizados por la EPA para monitorear la calidad del aire, y utiliza datos sesgados. Las estaciones de datos del clima regional monitoreado, indican que los vientos dominantes son del sur hacia el norte, lejos de las zonas residenciales 11 meses del año, pero el estudio sólo informó de los datos correspondientes a un período limitado de tiempo, cuando los vientos son del norte al sur. EPA utiliza partículas para medir la calidad del aire, pero el estudio midió el carbono elemental para lo que EPA no tiene normas. Existe una pauta de emisión ocupacional, para el carbono elemental disponible, de parte de una asociación científica sin ánimo de lucro, la Conferencia Americana de Higienistas Industriales Gubernamentales (ACGIH, por sus siglas en inglés). La concentración media de carbono elemental medido en el estudio, es de menos de una vigésima parte de ese límite de exposición, y la que la tasa de matricula suba tanto que se tengan que salir de la Universidad. A quien le importa? No puedo pensar en ninguna otra situacion en la cual se le castiga a los hijos por las acciones de sus padres. Al final, lo que la legislatura quiere hacer es hacerle la vida dificil para estos jovenes para que despues puedan decir “Te dije mayor concentración está a menos de una décima parte de la directriz. Los ferrocarriles han sido reconocidos como parte de la solución para reducir las emisiones de carbono. Los trenes pueden mover una tonelada de carga por casi 500 millas con un galón de combustible, siendo tres veces más eficiente que los camiones. Esta eficiencia reduce las emisiones de carbono en más de dos tercios en comparación con los camiones en base a tonelada-milla. Y eso significa que el ferrocarril, que lleva más de 40% de la carga de nuestra nación en volumen, sólo se representa el 2.3% de todas las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero relacionadas con el transporte, según la EPA. Las raíces de BNSF son profundas en Kansas y Missouri, y nos sentimos muy orgullosos de saber que nuestros ferroviarios ayudaron a crear un tapiz de barrios únicos que reflejan la rica diversidad de sus trabajadores. Hemos enviado a nuestros hijos a las escuelas locales, servido en las juntas de la comunidad, comprado en las tiendas locales y hemos llamado a esos barrios nuestra casa. Vivimos aquí, trabajamos aquí y nos preocupamos por la calidad de vida y el medio ambiente en las comunidades que servimos. Argentine y Turner no son la excepción. Sinceramente, John Lovenburg Vicepresidente del Medio Ambiente BNSF Railway traduce Gemma Tornero que no lo lograrian!” Tambien es triste ver la falta de voz de parte de las organizaciones locales que sirven a los inmigrantes y Latinos – que no tienen que ayudar a su comunidad? Como Latino, yo me siento personalmente atacado por las acciones de la legislatura de Missouri. Somos Arizona, o que? by Tadeo Melean YOUR LATINO CONNECTION SINCE 1996 AGOSTO 6 DEL 2015 I KCHispanicNews.com CLASSIFIEDS & PUBLIC NOTICES | Clasificados & Anuncios Publicos REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (SUPPLEMENTAL) THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, THE LAND CLEARANCE FOR REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING COMMISSION OF KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI for APPRAISER BLIGHT STUDY AND ANALYSIS BOND COUNSEL UNDERWRITER COST CERTIFICATION SURVEYOR July 29, 2015 Request for Qualifications requirements and instructions are available online at http:// edckc.com/business-solutions/development-and-revitalization/bid-listings/tif-rfq/ or available to be picked up at the office of the Economic Development Corporation, 1100 Walnut, Suite 1700, Kansas City, MO 64106. Submissions for all qualification statements are due at the above address by 3:00 p.m., Friday, August 21, 2015. Submissions received after 3:00 p.m. on that date will not be considered. The Economic Development Corporation or the respective agency reserves the right to accept or reject any or all submissions. Heather A. Brown Executive Director Tax Increment Financing Commission of Kansas City, Missouri 1100 Walnut, Suite 1700 Kansas City, Missouri 64106 816-221-0636 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING THE REVISED THIRD AMENDMENT TO THE DOWNTOWN LIBRARY TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN Pursuant to RSMo 99.825, and in accordance with RSMo 99.830, notice is hereby given by way of certified mail to inform you about a public hearing that will be held by the Tax Increment Financing Commission of Kansas City, Missouri (the “Commission”), commencing at 11:00 a.m., Wednesday, August 12, 2015, and located at 1100 Walnut, Fourth Floor, Kansas City, Missouri, regarding the Revised Third Amendment (the “Revised Amendment”) to the Downtown Library Tax Increment Financing Plan (the “Plan”). The proposed Revised Third Amendment provides for a number of modifications to the Plan, including without limitation (1) modifications to the description of the public improvements within the Redevelopment Area, as described by the Plan (the “Public Improvements”), (2) modifications to the development schedule of the public improvements contemplated by the Plan, (3) modifications to the Sources and Uses described by the Plan, (4) modifications to the Budget of Redevelopment Project Costs identified by the Plan, and (5) a declaration of the City’s intent to terminate the Plan upon the reimbursement of all Redevelopment Project Costs. The Redevelopment Area is generally bounded by W. 9th Street on the north, Main Street on the east, E. 12th Street on the south, and Wyandotte Street on the west in Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri The Plan, as proposed, may be reviewed by any interested party on or after August 5, 2015 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. at the Commission Offices. Pursuant to RSMo Section 99.830.2(3), all interested parties will be given an opportunity to be heard at the public hearing. Heather Brown, Executive Director Tax Increment Financing Commission of Kansas City, Missouri 1100 Walnut, Suite 1700 Kansas City, Missouri 64106 Progress Rail Services Rail Welding-In Track Mobile Equipment Operator Look for our Facebook Page Today! Search Kansas City Hispanic News ¡Busque nuestra página en Facebook! PUBLISHER/PRESIDENT (Editor/Presidente) Jose “Joe” Arce VICE PRESIDENT (Vicepresidente) Ramona Arce EDITOR (Editor) Jose Faus REPORTERS/WRITERS (Reporteros/Periodistas) Debra DeCoster, Jose Faus, Jerry LaMartina DESIGN/LAYOUT (Diseño Editorial/Diagramación) Janneth-B Rodríguez Gemma Tornero SPANISH TRANSLATION (Traducción a español) Gemma Tornero STUDENT INTERN (Becario) Jose Muñiz Armando Noel Baquedano Stephanie Valle TU CONEXIÓN LATINA DESDE 1996 KCHN is a weekly publication of Arce Communications Inc. who bears no responsibility for accuracy or content advertisements. All rights reserverd. Arce Communications Inc does not guarantee the absence of error and every attempt will be made to remedy in KCHN at our next edition. KCHN es una publicacion semanal de Arce Communications Inc. quienes no se hacen responsables por la presición o contenido de los anuncios. Todos los derechos reservados. Arce Communications Inc. no garantiza la ausencia de errores en KCHN los cuales seran corregidos en nuestra siguiente edición. 2918 Southwest Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64108-1911 PHONE: (816)472.KCHN FAX: (816)931.NEWS E-MAIL: [email protected] www.kchispanicnews.com Busque Kansas City Hispanic News Location: Kansas City, MO Exempt/Non-Exempt:Non-Exempt Employment Type: Full Time Facility: MO, Kansas City Railwelding;26-099 Description: Progress Rail Services Corporation, a Caterpillar Company and a leading provider of services to the Rail road Industry In the US, Canada, Mexico, and Brazil, seeks an In-Track Mobile Equipment Operator for Its Chemetron Rail Welding division located in Kansas City, MO. Progress Rail offers an excellent total compensation package including competitive salary, 401(K) with company match, medical/dental/life/disability insurance coverage, and paid vacation and holidays. Duties: • The successful candidate will work primarily over the road and assist with daily in-track welding functions; • Capable of performing job duties in a safe and professional manner; • No prior welding experience required; • Must have the ability to read precision instruments and gauges with a background in heavy mechanical/electrical machines and equipment; • Perform QA inspections as required; • Candidate must be able to lift 50 lbs; • Candidate will assist in making welds, move jack stands into place prior to making welds, clean and remove ballast rocks in work area, assist in vehicle maintenance and cleaning, assist in truck movement while on track from work site to work site, grind welds as needed; • Must be able to work all weather conditions. Qualifications: • Ability to obtain a valid class A-CDL Drivers license; • Valid passport preferred; • Clean driving record; • Ability to travel 95% over the road throughout the US, Canada, and Mexico working with a mobile welding crew; • Meals and lodging furnished while working over the road; • High School Diploma/GED Required; • Basic computer skills; • Good verbal and written communications skills; • Ability to communicate with all levels of employees and customers; • Fill out and organize work reports; • Must be able to travel 95% of time; • Class A-CDL drivers license preferred; • Valid Passport Preferred; • Must be at least 21 years of age; • Pre-employment drug screen and criminal record check along with ongoing random drug screen is a condition of employment. EOE Minorities/Females/ProtectedVets/Disabled Drug Free Workplace https://xjobs.brassring.com/TGWebHost/home.aspx?partnerid=26144&siteid=5496 YOUR AD COULD BE HERE 816 - 4 7 2 - 5 2 4 6 YOUR LATINO CONNECTION SINCE 1996 I AGOSTO 6 DEL 2015 CLASSIFIEDS & PUBLIC NOTICES | ClasificadosKCHispanicNews.com & Anuncios Publicos OPENING FOR SALES PERSON KC Hispanic News Newspaper is seeking a Sales Person to join our sales team. This person must have advertising experience in the metro and within the Latino market. Bi-lingual is a major Plus * Commission Driven Possible to work from home if you are the right person Contact Joe Arce @ 816-506-1421 Email resume to joearce@ kchispanicnews.com EOE HOTEL JOBS OPENINGS We are currently seeking experienced: • HOUSEKEEPERS • COOKS • RESTAURANT SERVERS To join our team! We offer competitive wages and benefits in a fun, fast paced environment. To see a complete listing of all our positions and to apply, visit www.starwoodcareers.com, then search for Kansas City. We will be hosting a Hiring Fair on Thursday, August 13, 2015 from 10am to 2pm at the Westin Kansas City Hotel at Crown Center, located at 1 East Pershing Road, Kansas City, MO 64108 DRIVERS WELDER WITH ALUMINUM EXPERIENCE (Bates City, Oak Grove, Grain Valley) (Bates City) Compensation: Compensation will be commensurate with experience Great opportunity with an established manufacturing company for an individual experienced in aluminum welding or robotic welding in a manufacturing/ production environment. Candidate must pass a welding test, background check, drug screen and physical. Welder work hours will typically be 6:00am to 2:30pm M-F with occasional overtime and Saturdays. We are currently working 10 hours days through the week and 8 hours on occasional Saturdays. We offer a competitive compensation package including top wages (with incentive pay for night shift opportunities) and very good benefits. EOE Please reply by emailing resume or work history, or fax to 816-625-3078 WA N T E D Owner Operators: Home nights & weekends! $2,000 Sign-On Bonus. No touch freight, No Forced Dispatch. Competitive Pay. Class A, 1 year exp. Nick: 586-834-4058 PUBLIC NOTICE The Full Employment Council, Inc. (FEC)/American Job Center (AJC) will receive Proposals for the following: Transportation Services Copies of the RFP may be obtained at: the Full Employment Council/ American Job Center, 1740 Paseo Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64108; by contacting Terresa Ford, Manager of Planning, at 816-471-2330, ext. 1427; or can be downloaded at www.feckc.org. To be considered, one (1) original and four (4) copies (4 CD copies acceptable) of a proposal must be received and stamped by FEC no later than 5:00 p.m., Monday August 10, 2015 to the Attention: Terresa Ford, Manager of Planning, Full Employment Council, Inc., 1740 Paseo Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64108. The Full Employment Council/American Job Center reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to take any or all proposals under advisement, or to accept any proposals as may be deemed in its interest as meeting the standards of best and lowest proposal. A pre-bid conference will be held at 1740 Paseo, in the conference room, on Monday, August 3, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. All interested parties are encouraged to attend. Drivers: Home Daily! $2000.00 Sign On Bonus for 2008 and newer. Lease Purchase options with financial assistance Average truck last week $3200 including fuel surcharge Owner Operators, this is one of the best stable companies you can contact. Call: 888-992-5609 PUBLIC NOTICE The Full Employment Council, Inc. (FEC)/American Job Center (AJC) will receive Proposals for the following: Janitorial Services Copies of the RFP may be obtained at: the Full Employment Council/ American Job Center, 1740 Paseo Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64108; by contacting Terresa Ford, Manager of Planning, at 816-471-2330, ext. 1427; or can be downloaded at www.feckc.org. To be considered, one (1) original and four (4) copies (4 CD copies acceptable) of a proposal must be received and stamped by FEC no later than 5:00 p.m., Monday August 10, 2015 to the Attention: Terresa Ford, Manager of Planning, Full Employment Council, Inc., 1740 Paseo Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64108. The Full Employment Council/American Job Center reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to take any or all proposals under advisement, or to accept any proposals as may be deemed in its interest as meeting the standards of best and lowest proposal. A pre-bid conference will be held at 1740 Paseo, in the conference room, on Monday, August 3, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. All interested parties are encouraged to attend. PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE The Full Employment Council, Inc. (FEC)/American Job Center (AJC) will receive Proposals for the following: The Full Employment Council, Inc. (FEC)/American Job Center (AJC) will receive Proposals for the following: Copies of the RFP may be obtained at: the Full Employment Council/ American Job Center, 1740 Paseo Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64108; by contacting Terresa Ford, Manager of Planning, at 816-471-2330, ext. 1427; or can be downloaded at www.feckc.org. To be considered, one (1) original and four (4) copies (4 CD copies acceptable) of a proposal must be received and stamped by FEC no later than 5:00 p.m., Monday August 10, 2015 to the Attention: Terresa Ford, Manager of Planning, Full Employment Council, Inc., 1740 Paseo Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64108. Copies of the RFP may be obtained at: the Full Employment Council/ American Job Center, 1740 Paseo Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64108; by contacting Terresa Ford, Manager of Planning, at 816-471-2330, ext. 1427; or can be downloaded at www.feckc.org. To be considered, one (1) original and four (4) copies (4 CD copies acceptable) of a proposal must be received and stamped by FEC no later than 5:00 p.m., Monday August 10, 2015 to the Attention: Terresa Ford, Manager of Planning, Full Employment Council, Inc., 1740 Paseo Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64108. The Full Employment Council/American Job Center reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to take any or all proposals under advisement, or to accept any proposals as may be deemed in its interest as meeting the standards of best and lowest proposal. A pre-bid conference will be held at 1740 Paseo, in the conference room, on Monday, August 3, 2015 at 11:00 p.m. All interested parties are encouraged to attend. The Full Employment Council/American Job Center reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to take any or all proposals under advisement, or to accept any proposals as may be deemed in its interest as meeting the standards of best and lowest proposal. A pre-bid conference will be held at 1740 Paseo, in the conference room, on Monday, August 3, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. All interested parties are encouraged to attend. PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE The Full Employment Council, Inc. (FEC)/American Job Center (AJC) will receive Proposals for the following: The Full Employment Council, Inc. (FEC)/American Job Center (AJC) will receive Proposals for the following: Copies of the RFP may be obtained at: the Full Employment Council/ American Job Center, 1740 Paseo Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64108; by contacting Terresa Ford, Manager of Planning, at 816-471-2330, ext. 1427; or can be downloaded at www.feckc.org. To be considered, one (1) original and four (4) copies (4 CD copies acceptable) of a proposal must be received and stamped by FEC no later than 5:00 p.m., Monday August 10, 2015 to the Attention: Terresa Ford, Manager of Planning, Full Employment Council, Inc., 1740 Paseo Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64108. Copies of the RFP may be obtained at: the Full Employment Council/ American Job Center, 1740 Paseo Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64108; by contacting Terresa Ford, Manager of Planning, at 816-471-2330, ext. 1427; or can be downloaded at www.feckc.org. To be considered, one (1) original and four (4) copies (4 CD copies acceptable) of a proposal must be received and stamped by FEC no later than 5:00 p.m., Monday August 10, 2015 to the Attention: Terresa Ford, Manager of Planning, Full Employment Council, Inc., 1740 Paseo Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64108. The Full Employment Council/American Job Center reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to take any or all proposals under advisement, or to accept any proposals as may be deemed in its interest as meeting the standards of best and lowest proposal. A pre-bid conference will be held at 1740 Paseo, in the conference room, on Monday, August 3, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. All interested parties are encouraged to attend. The Full Employment Council/American Job Center reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to take any or all proposals under advisement, or to accept any proposals as may be deemed in its interest as meeting the standards of best and lowest proposal. A pre-bid conference will be held at 1740 Paseo, in the conference room, on Monday, August 3, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. All interested parties are encouraged to attend. Legal Services OFFICE SUPPLY SERVICES TU CONEXIÓN LATINA DESDE 1996 Printing Services Website Design and Website Hosting YOUR LATINO CONNECTION SINCE 1996 AGOSTO 6 DEL 2015 I KCHispanicNews.com CLASSIFIEDS & PUBLIC NOTICES | Clasificados & Anuncios Publicos Long Term Disability Insurance For St. Joseph Transit Request for Proposal Bid # RFP2016-03 Northwest Missouri State University POSITION: Admissions Recruitment DEPARTMENT:Admissions Representative for Hispanic/Latino PRIMARY DUTY: The Assistant Director of Admissions is responsible for representing and promoting Northwest Missouri State University accurately and persuasively to prospective students, parents, guidance counselors, educators and other publics. Additionally, the assistant director of admissions for recruitment assists the Campus Visit Coordinator with the administration of all campus recruitment activities. In addition, works closely with the minority strategic initiative to assist in coordinating the activities involved in the admissions minority recruitment action plans. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Education: Bachelor’s degree Certification/License: Driver’s license Experience: 1-2 years of experience in the field or in a related area Skills: Bilingual in Spanish with extensive knowledge of colleges and universities; ability to communicate effectively with people from diverse backgrounds as well as cultivate awareness of cultural diversity; strong organizational skills; strong public speaking skills; ability to load, unload, and set up exhibits APPLICATION DEADLINE: August 14, 2015 DATE AVAILABLE: August 17, 2015 TO APPLY: Please fill out a Northwest application online by clicking http://agency.governmentjobs.com/nwmissouri/default.cfm to reach our employment opportunities listing. You will also need to submit a letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references in order for your application materials to be complete. Please contact the Office of Human Resources at 660-562-1127 or email [email protected] for more information. EOE Sealed proposals, addressed to: Purchasing Agent City of St. Joseph, Missouri 1100 Frederick Ave., Room 201 St. Joseph, MO 64501 Telephone: (816) 271-5330 The City of St. Joseph is soliciting proposals from qualified vendors for Group Health Insurance for St. Joseph Transit. Sealed proposals will be received by the City until 4:00 P.M. on August 28, 2015 at the office of the Purchasing Agent. Special Needs: If you have special needs addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act, please notify the Purchasing Agent at (816) 271-5330 at least five (5) working days prior to the bid due date. The City hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation. In addition, interested bidders will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, ancestry, or national origin in consideration for an award. The City has a DBE Goal of 2.35% and certified firms are encouraged to bid. Information relative to this procurement may be obtained from the Purchasing Department office at the above referenced address. Complete instructions to bidders and proposal blanks may be obtained at the same address and location, and are a part of the preceding document. Proposals must include all forms provided that requires signature from the information packet, on the original forms themselves. The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. Short Term Disability Insurance For St. Joseph Transit Request for Proposal Bid # RFP2016-04 Sealed proposals, addressed to: Purchasing Agent City of St. Joseph, Missouri 1100 Frederick Ave., Room 201 St. Joseph, MO 64501 Telephone: (816) 271-5330 The City of St. Joseph is soliciting proposals from qualified vendors for Group Health Insurance for St. Joseph Transit. Sealed proposals will be received by the City until 4:00 P.M. on August 28, 2015 at the office of the Purchasing Agent. Special Needs: If you have special needs addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act, please notify the Purchasing Agent at (816) 271-5330 at least five (5) working days prior to the bid due date. The City hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation. In addition, interested bidders will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, ancestry, or national origin in consideration for an award. The City has a DBE Goal of 2.35% and certified firms are encouraged to bid. Information relative to this procurement may be obtained from the Purchasing Department office at the above referenced address. Complete instructions to bidders and proposal blanks may be obtained at the same address and location, and are a part of the preceding document. Proposals must include all forms provided that requires signature from the information packet, on the original forms themselves. The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. In the Heart of Kansas City’s Westside & On the Blvd Looking for Office Space and Furnished? We have space for you @ La Galeria’s home to KC Hispanic News Small businesses welcome If you are an Insurance agency, attorney or another type of business don’t look any further Call Today 816-506-1421 Contact Joe Arce - Reasonable rates 2918 Southwest Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64108 TU CONEXIÓN LATINA DESDE 1996 YOUR LATINO CONNECTION SINCE 1996 KCHispanicNews.com I AGOSTO 6 DEL 2015 “You can’t ask for anything better” CONT./PAGE 1 because of the violent crime. So when we are talking about violent crime we’re talking about crimes against persons, rapes, robbers, homicides and aggravated assaults,” said Vince Ortega, deputy director of COMBAT. He added, “What we are seeing is a lot of gang violence. We are working with a lot of youth prevention programs and tying that into the schools and faithbased communities. ... The police and prosecutors can’t do it without them [local residents]. We are just out there, the support system to help them do that and it’s really working. When you see the community involved, you can’t ask for anything better.” The event brought together local police officers, officers form the Jackson County Sheriffs office, local residents and volunteers as they walked through the neighborhood leaving informational door hangers in both English and Spanish about COMBAT with the printed crime hotline number. Captain Derek McCollum of the East patrol division and watch street commander said, “For the past nearly three decades of Combat’s existence, we’ve been right there working with them in partnership and over those years shut down many drug houses, returned neighborhoods back to their communities, and that’s really what it’s all about. It wouldn’t be possible if we didn’t have that working relationship with the Kansas City Missouri police department, the Jackson County Sheriff’s office and COMBAT. We would like to say thank you to all the officers out here, the Jackson County Sheriff’s deputy for being here and you the volunteers.” One of the volunteers, Mercedes Mora, a homeowner in Jackson County, enjoys living in the Northeast neighborhood but fears for its safety. “We want this to be a safe place where our kids feel free to be outside without worrying. Where neighbors respect one another and don’t hesitate to call the crime hotline number if they do see something that concerns them,” said Mora. Mora, who also works with Guadalupe Center, added, “We [Guadalupe Center] do see a lot more cases of referrals to treatment and to our outpatient services during the summer and it’s probably because of that. And it’s probably because of the weather that gets people out and about, sometimes not making good decisions.” Days after the canvassing event, there was a shooting at Thompson and Colorado. Once police arrived at the scene, they determined that five people had been shot. One victim was confirmed dead at the scene, another died a few days later. The two victims have been identified as Antonio Hernandez, Hispanic male and Omero Garcia, Hispanic male. The public is encouraged to provide any information in regard to these homicides. Anyone with information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers Greater Kansas City TIPS Hotline at 816-474-TIPS (8477), TIPS may also be submitted electronically at www.KCcrimestoppers.com, or by texting TIP452 and your information to 274637 (CRIMES). Information leading to an arrest in the case could be eligible for up to $2,500.00 in reward money. ALL INFORMATION IS ANONYMOUS. Residents are also urged to contact the crime hotline at (816) 881-3362. “I live in this neighborhood, Northeast, and I like it a lot. I think it is important that our neighbors here in this area, and throughout Kansas City, be aware that if they speak up their calls are going to be anonymous, if they see anything that concerns them they should speak up,” said Mora. Vince Ortega, deputy director of COMBAT, right, and Mercedes Mora, teamed up to distribute bilingual leaflets. The COMBAT message is “Silence is Killing Us, Speak Up.” Vince Ortega, subdirector de COMBAT, a la derecha, y Mercedes Mora, se unieron para distribuir folletos bilingües. El mensaje de COMBAT es, “El silencio nos está matando, Hablen alto”. “No se puede pedir nada mejor” CONT./PÁGINA 1 Missouri, ha visto un aumento en las actividades relacionadas con la delincuencia. “En este momento, en lo que estamos concentrados es en este lugar debido al crimen violento. Cuando estamos hablando de crímenes violentos, estamos hablando de crímenes contra las personas, violaciones, ladrones, homicidios y asaltos agravados”, dijo Vince Ortega, subdirector de COMBAT. Y añadió, “Lo que estamos viendo es una gran cantidad de violencia de las pandillas. Estamos trabajando con una gran cantidad de programas de prevención con la juventud y vinculando eso en las escuelas y las comunidades de base religiosa. La policía y los fiscales no pueden lograrlo sin los vecinos. Estamos justo ahí con un sistema de apoyo para ayudarles a hacer eso, y está realmente funcionando. Cuando ves a la comunidad involucrada, no se puede pedir nada mejor”. El evento reunió a oficiales de la policía local, agentes de la oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Jackson, residentes y voluntarios locales, quienes caminaron por el barrio colgando en las puertas información en inglés y español sobre COMBAT, con el número de la línea telefónica de emergencia impresa. hijos se sientan libres para estar afuera sin preocuparse. Donde los vecinos se respetan entre sí y no duden en llamar a la línea directa del delito si ven algo que les preocupa”, dijo Mora. Mora, quien también trabaja con Guadalupe Center, añadió, “Nosotros [Guadalupe Center] vemos muchos más casos de remisiones a tratamiento y a nuestros servicios ambulatorios durante el verano, y es probablemente por eso. Y es probablemente debido al clima, que hace que la gente este fuera de casa, y a veces no toma buenas decisiones”. Días después de la campaña, hubo un tiroteo en las calles de Thompson y Colorado. Una vez que llegó la policía al lugar, determinaron que se había disparado a cinco personas. Una de las víctimas fue confirmado muerto en el lugar, otro murió a los pocos días. Las dos víctimas han sido identificadas como Antonio Hernández, y Omero García, ambos hombres hispanos. con estos homicidios. Se insta a cualquier persona con información a ponerse en contacto con Crime Stoppers Kansas City TIPS Hotline al 816474-TIPS (8477), los T I P S ( P I S TA S ) t a m b i é n pueden presentarse electrónicamente en www.KCcrimestoppers.com, o por mensajes de texto a TIP452 y su información al 274637 (CRIMES). La información que conduzca a un arresto en el caso, podría ser elegible para un máximo de $2,500 dólares en recompensa. TODA LA INFORMACIÓN ES ANÓNIMA. También se insta a los residentes a ponerse en contacto con la línea directa del crimen al (816) 881-3362. “Yo vivo en este barrio, el Noreste, y me gusta mucho. Creo que es importante que nuestros vecinos aquí, en esta área, y a lo largo y ancho de Kansas City, tenga en cuenta que si hablan sus llamadas van a ser anónimas, si ven algo que les concierne, deberían hablar”, dijo Mora. Breakfast - Lunch Desayuno - Almuerzo Kitchen Hours Horario de Cocina 6 am to 3 pm Tuesday - Sunday * Martes a Domingo Se invita al público a facilitar cualquier información en relación El Capitán Derek McCollum, de la división Oriente de patrullaje y comandante de vigilancia de calle dijo, “Porque las pasadas casi tres décadas de existencia de COMBAT, hemos estado allí trabajando con ellos, en asociación, y durante esos años se cerraron muchas casas de drogas, se recuperaron los barrios en sus comunidades, y realmente de eso se trata todo. No sería posible si no tuviéramos esa relación de trabajo con el departamento de policía de Kansas City, Missouri, la oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Jackson y COMBAT. Nos gustaría dar las gracias a todos los oficiales aquí, al ayudante del Sheriff del Condado de Jackson por estar aquí y a ustedes, los voluntarios”. Una de las voluntarias, Mercedes Mora, propietaria de una casa en el Condado de Jackson, disfruta de vivir en el barrio Noreste, pero teme por su seguridad. “Queremos que este sea un lugar seguro, donde nuestros TU CONEXIÓN LATINA DESDE 1996 YOUR LATINO CONNECTION SINCE 1996 AGOSTO 6 DEL 2015 I KCHispanicNews.com Inauguration Marks New Term For Kansas City Mayor, Council CONT./PAGE 1 The key is to keep moving forward with conviction and to not waiver when things get tough and times appear to be working against you.” Among those sworn in were first-time Councilwoman Jolie Justus, 4th District; former Councilwoman and former Jackson County Executive Katheryn Shields, 4th District At Large; incumbent Councilman Jermaine Reed, 3rd District; and first-time Councilman Quinton Lucas, 3rd District At Large. Lucas ran on a platform that included creation of new private sector jobs and job training programs; improvement of basic services, especially public transportation; balancing more progressive, expensive projects with basic improvements; adherence to fiscal responsibility and accountability; and developing a positive working environment in city government. Reed has said he saw issues that faced the Hispanic community as “very much similar (to) needs that impact all citizens in our city.” He has pledged to continue his emphasis on increasing economic development, eliminating dangerous buildings and blight, improving public transportation – especially the Prospect Avenue MAX bus line – increasing jobs, and raising the minimum wage, which has proved to be a hotbutton issue. In March, Reed introduced an ordinance that sought to increase the city’s minimum wage from the current $7.65 an hour to $10 an hour on Sept. 1, and to implement incremental increases to $15 by September 2020. On July 16, the council passed an ordinance requiring that the city’s minimum wage will become $8.50 an hour starting Aug. 24, 2015, which is 85 cents higher than Missouri’s minimum of $7.65, and that it will increase incrementally to $13 on Jan. 1, 2020. The minimum wage in Kansas is $7.25, as is the federal minimum. Some public officials and others have speculated that the measure could face legal challenges, and that the Missouri Legislature could seek to overturn the ordinance in its next session. A group of restaurant, hotel and other business owners called Missourians for Fair Wages is gathering petition signatures in an effort to bring the issue before voters to overturn the measure. Justus has cited her top priorities as infrastructure and basic city services; a sustainable approach to economic development, with an emphasis on neighborhood development; improving the city’s efficiency in responding to community requests; getting “smart on crime”; and expanding the city’s public transportation, including buses, roads and bridges, the streetcar system and walking and bicycling. Shields campaigned on the need to scrutinize tax incentives for developers “to make sure it’s good for the whole city and not just the developers,” wise spending to maintain basic infrastructure, and historic preservation so the city “can have meaningful development in the city without tearing everything down,” a priority she said had grown in importance for her when she ran the Westside Housing Organization from roughly 2008 through 2011. Michelle and Leonard Searcy, who live in Shawnee and work in Kansas City, Mo., attended the inauguration for the first time. “I’m excited because I have three friends on the city council – Alissia Canady, Jolie Justus and Quinton Lucas,” Leonard Searcy told Kansas City Hispanic News. “And I also know the mayor because we’re both lawyers.” Michelle Searcy said she thought the city council that had just finished its term had done a better job than the immediately prior one. “The council was less antagonizing,” she said. “They seemed to be getting more done.” Marlene Toms of Kansas City said she attended the inauguration because “we were strong supporters of Quinton Lucas, and we wanted to show our support.” “And Sly James – I went to school with Sly,” Toms told Hispanic News. “He’s very direct and personable, and he communicates well with the city. I like that he said the city is upbeat, very forward moving and one city.” James spoke of that vision of a unified Kansas City and of other city priorities in his inaugural address. “Let’s continue to create a city where high expectations are the norm, and for starters let’s continue to create a culture of improving educational opportunities for our children,” he said. “Everyone knows that this city has no direct control over the 15 school districts or the dozens of charter and private schools that educate our children, but that fact alone does not relieve us of our civic and our governmental responsibility to do all that we can to provide for the welfare of our children.” James reiterated the need to continue making neighborhoods safer, investing in projects like the Downtown streetcar system and deciding whether to renovate the existing Kansas City International Airport or raze it and build a new, single-terminal airport. “Despite all the feel-good moments, the gains and investments over the last four years, we still have much work to do, and we’re not done yet if we want a city that has safe neighborhoods, world-class schools, abundant cultural opportunities and a high quality of life,” he said. “Four years ago, I told you that we want every neighborhood, every part of town, every business, every community group, every person to remember that we are one city. I said we would think about Kansas City as a community that gives no favor and tolerates no disfavor based on whether you are white, black, brown, young, old, rich, poor, gay, straight, Northlander, Mid-towner or South-sider. We cannot and will not discount any Kansas Citian or any group in this city or any part of this city without diminishing the greatness of the whole.” La investidura marca un nuevo mandato para el alcalde de Kansas City y para el consejo CONT./PÁGINA 1 los tiempos pueden pasar rápido si estamos demasiado desocupados, pero las oportunidades se pueden perder si estamos demasiado lentos. La clave está en seguir adelante con convicción, y no renunciar cuando las cosas se ponen difíciles y los tiempos parecen estar trabajando en nuestra contra”. Entre los que tomaron juramento estuvieron por primera vez la concejal Jolie Justus, del 4to. Distrito; la ex concejal y ex Ejecutiva del Condado de Jackson, Katheryn Shields, del 4to. Distrito General; el concejal titular Jermaine Reed, del 3er Distrito; y por primera vez el concejal Quinton Lucas, del 3er Distrito General. Lucas participó en una plataforma que incluía la creación de nuevos empleos en el sector privado y programas de capacitación laboral; mejora de los servicios básicos, transporte, especialmente del público; un balance más progresivo en proyectos costosos con mejoras básicas; la adhesión a la responsabilidad fiscal y rendición de cuentas; y el desarrollo de un ambiente de trabajo positivo en el gobierno de la ciudad. Reed ha dicho que ve a los problemas que enfrenta la comunidad hispana como “muy similares a las necesidades que afectan a todos los ciudadanos de nuestra ciudad”. Él se ha comprometido a continuar con su énfasis en aumentar el desarrollo económico, la eliminación de los edificios peligrosos y el deterioro urbano, mejorar el transporte público - especialmente la línea de autobús Prospect Avenue MAX - el aumento de puestos de trabajo y el aumento del salario mínimo, lo que ha demostrado ser un tema candente. En marzo, Reed presentó una ordenanza que buscaba aumentar el salario mínimo de la ciudad del actual $7.65 dólares por hora, a $10 dólares por hora al 1 de septiembre, e implementar aumentos incrementales hasta llegar a $15 dólares en septiembre de 2020. El 16 de julio, el Consejo aprobó una ordenanza pidiendo que el salario mínimo de la ciudad sea de $8.50 dólares por hora a partir del 24 de agosto de 2015, lo cual es 85 centavos más que el mínimo de Missouri de $7.65 dólares por hora, y que se incrementará progresivamente a $13 dólares por hora para el 1 de enero de 2020. El salario mínimo en Kansas es $7,25 dólares por hora, así como es el mínimo federal. Algunos funcionarios públicos y otros, han especulado que la medida podría enfrentar desafíos legales, y que la Legislatura de Missouri podría tratar de revocar la ordenanza en su próximo período de sesiones. Un grupo de restauranteros, hoteleros y otros propietarios de negocios conocidos como Nativos de Missouri por Salarios Justos están reuniendo firmas de petición en un esfuerzo por llevar el tema ante los votantes para revocar la medida. Justus ha citado sus principales prioridades, como la infraestructura y los servicios básicos de la ciudad; un enfoque sostenible para el desarrollo económico, con énfasis en el desarrollo de los barrios; mejorar la eficiencia de la ciudad en respuesta a las solicitudes de la comunidad; ser más “inteligentes respecto al crimen”; y ampliar el transporte público de la ciudad, incluyendo autobuses, carreteras y puentes, el sistema de tranvía y los senderos de caminata y ciclo vías. Shields hizo campaña sobre la necesidad de examinar los incentivos fiscales para los desarrolladores “para asegurarse de que es bueno para toda la ciudad y no sólo TU CONEXIÓN LATINA DESDE 1996 para los desarrolladores”, un gasto prudente para mantener la infraestructura básica, y la preservación histórica para que la ciudad “pueda tener un desarrollo significativo en la ciudad sin echar todo abajo”, una prioridad, dijo, que había crecido en importancia para ella cuando participó en la Organización de Vivienda del Westside, más o menos de 2008 hasta el 2011. Michelle y Leonard Searcy, quienes viven en Shawnee y trabajan en Kansas City, Mo., asistieron a la inauguración por primera vez. “Estoy emocionado porque tengo a tres amigos en el ayuntamiento - Alissia Canady, Jolie Justus y Quinton Lucas”, dijo Leonard Searcy a Kansas City Hispanic News. “Y también conozco al alcalde porque los dos somos abogados”. Michelle Searcy dijo que pensaba que el consejo de la ciudad que acababa de terminar su mandato había hecho un mejor trabajo que el anterior. “El consejo fue menos antagonista”, dijo. “Parecía que hacían más cosas”. Marlene Toms, de Kansas City, dijo que asistió a la inauguración porque “fuimos grandes partidarios de Quinton Lucas, y queríamos mostrar nuestro apoyo”. “Y con Sly James - fui a la escuela con Sly”, Toms dijo a Hispanic News. “Él es muy directo y agradable, y se comunica bien con la ciudad. Me gusta que haya dicho que la ciudad es optimista, que se va moviendo mucho hacia adelante y que es una ciudad”. James habló, en su discurso inaugural, de la visión de una Kansas City unificada y de otras prioridades de la ciudad. “Vamos a continuar, para crear una ciudad donde las altas expectativas sean la norma, y para empezar, vamos a crear una cultura en la mejora de las oportunidades educativas para nuestros hijos”, dijo. “Todo el mundo sabe que esta ciudad no tiene control directo sobre los 15 distritos escolares o las docenas de escuelas chárter y privadas que educan a nuestros hijos, pero ese solo hecho no nos libera de nuestra responsabilidad cívica y gubernamental, de hacer todo lo que podamos para velar por el bienestar de nuestros hijos”. James reiteró la necesidad de seguir haciendo que los barrios sean más seguros, la inversión en proyectos como el sistema de tranvías del centro, y decidir si renovar el existente Aeropuerto Internacional de Kansas City, o demolerlo y construir un nuevo aeropuerto, de una sola terminal. “A pesar de todos los buenos momentos, las ganancias y las inversiones en los últimos cuatro años, todavía tenemos mucho trabajo por hacer, y todavía no hemos terminado si queremos una ciudad que tenga vecindarios seguros, escuelas de clase mundial, abundantes oportunidades culturales y una alta calidad de vida”, dijo. “Hace cuatro años, dije que queríamos que cada barrio, cada parte de la ciudad, cada negocio, cada grupo de la comunidad, cada persona recordara que somos una ciudad. Dije que podríamos pensar en Kansas City como una comunidad que no otorga ningún favor y no tolera la desaprobación en función de si usted es blanco, negro, marrón, joven, viejo, rico, pobre, homosexual, heterosexual, del lado Norte, del Centro o del Sur. No podemos y no vamos a descontar a ninguna persona de Kansas City, o cualquier grupo en esta ciudad, o en cualquier parte de esta ciudad sin decrecer la grandeza de todos en conjunto”. JAMES APPOINTMENTS CONT./PAGE 1 “Kansas City has so much going for it, especially in entrepreneurship and youth development, but we must not rest on our laurels,” James said. “I will be working closely with all council members to develop a vision, goals and objectives for these and all the committees to ensure the city continues on an upward path.” Also added since last term are separate Housing and Airport committees. The Housing committee acknowledges the 2013 exit of the Housing Authority of Greater Kansas City from federal receivership. The Airport Committee was reformulated in anticipation of a recommendation regarding terminal facilities at Kansas City International Airport by or before May 2016. James added that council members, who will take the oath of office on Aug. 1, bring to the city a strong combination of experience, talent and commitment to service. “We welcome both political newcomers and previous officeholders, all of whom have served the community in varied ways,” James said. “I look forward to watching each council member unique contribution be strengthened by our shared deep commitment to making Kansas City great.” The KCMO city council and Mayor were formally inaugurated on Saturday, Aug. 1, at the Gem Theater, in the 18th and Vine Jazz District. NOMBRAMIENTOS DE JAMES CONT./PÁGINA 1 se ocupara de las prioridades importante para el tejido de la cuidad. “Kansas City tiene mucho en su favor, especialmente en empresarial y desarrollo de la juventud, pero no debemos dormirnos en los laureles”, dijo James. “Voy a estar trabajando en estrecha colaboración con todos los miembros del consejo para desarrollar una visión, metas y objetivos para estos y todos los comités asegurando que la ciudad siga en un camino ascendente.” También se añadió desde la pasada temporada, los comités de Vivienda y Aeropuerto por separado. El comité de Vivienda reconoce la salida desde el 2013 de la Autoridad de Vivienda de Kansas City de la sindicatura federal. El Comité aeropuerto fue reformulado en previsión de una recomendación con respecto a instalaciones de la terminal en el Aeropuerto Internacional de Kansas City por o antes de mayo 2016. James añadió que los miembros del consejo, que tomaron posesión de sus cargos el 1o. de agosto, traeran a la cuidad una fuerte combinación de experiencia, talento y compromiso con el servicio. “Damos la bienvenida a los recién llegados políticos y cargos públicos anteriores, todos los cuales han servido a la comunidad de diversas maneras”, dijo James. “Estoy ansioso de ver la contribución única de cada miembro del consejo fortaleciendo nuestro profundo compromiso compartido por hacer a Kansas City grande.” El comité de consejo de KCMO y el alcalde se inauguraron formalmente el sábado, 1o. de agosto, en el Teatro Gema, de la calle 18 y Vine Jazz District. Committees and assignments/Comités y asignaciones: Mayor Pro Tem First District (At-Large) Councilman Scott Wagner Neighborhoods and Public Safety Committee Chair: Fifth District (In-District) Councilwoman-Elect Alissia Canady Vice Chair: Fourth District (At-Large) Councilwoman-Elect Katheryn Shields Members: Third District (At-Large) Councilman-Elect Quinton Lucas First District (In-District) Councilwoman-Elect Heather Hall Planning, Zoning and Economic Development Committee Chair: Sixth District (At-Large) Councilman Scott Taylor Vice Chair: Fifth District (At-Large) Councilman-Elect Lee Barnes Members: First District (In-District) Councilwoman-Elect Heather Hall Third District (At-Large) Councilman-Elect Quinton Lucas Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chair: Third District (In-District) Councilman Jermaine Reed Vice Chair: Sixth District (In-District) Councilman-Elect Kevin McManus Members: Third District (At-Large) Councilman-Elect Quinton Lucas Fourth District (In-District) Councilwoman-Elect Jolie Justus Second District (In-District) Councilman-Elect Dan Fowler Finance and Governance Committee Chair: Mayor Pro Tem and First District (At-Large) Councilman Scott Wagner Vice Chair: Fourth District (In-District) Councilwoman-Elect Jolie Justus Members: Fifth District (At-Large) Councilman-Elect Lee Barnes Sixth District (In-District) Councilman-Elect Kevin McManus Ethics and Legal Review Committee Chair: Second District (In-District) Councilman-Elect Dan Fowler Vice Chair: Fifth District (In-District) Councilwoman-Elect Alissia Canady Members: Sixth District (In-District) Councilman-Elect Kevin McManus Mayor Sly James Legislative Committee Co-Chair: Fourth District (In-District) Councilwoman-Elect Jolie Justus Co-Chair: Sixth District (In-District) Councilman-Elect Kevin McManus Members: Fourth District (At-Large) Councilwoman-Elect Katheryn Shields Mayor Sly James Second District (At-Large) Councilwoman-Elect Teresa Loar Housing Committee Chair: Third District (At-Large) Councilman-Elect Quinton Lucas Vice Chair: Second District (In-District) Councilman-Elect Dan Fowler Members: Mayor Pro Tem and First District ((At-Large) Councilman Scott Wagner Fifth District (In-District) Councilwoman-Elect Alissia Canady Second District (At-Large) Councilwoman-Elect Teresa Loar Small Business, Entrepreneurship and Jobs Committee Chair: Second District (At-Large) Councilwoman-Elect Teresa Loar Vice Chair: First District (In-District) Councilwoman-Elect Heather Hall Fifth District (In-District) Councilwoman-Elect Alissia Canady Sixth District (At-Large) Councilman Scott Taylor Third District (In-District) Councilman Jermaine Reed Airport Committee Chair: Fourth District (In-District) Councilwoman-Elect Jolie Justus Vice Chair: Second District (In-District) Councilman-Elect Dan Fowler Members: Second District (At-Large) Councilwoman-Elect Teresa Loar Third District (At-Large) Councilman-Elect Quinton Lucas Youth Development Committee Chair: Mayor Sly James Vice Chair: Fourth District (At-Large) Councilwoman-Elect Katheryn Shields Members: First District (In-District) Councilwoman-Elect Heather Hall Fifth District (At-Large) Councilman-Elect Lee Barnes YOUR LATINO CONNECTION SINCE 1996 KCHispanicNews.com I AGOSTO 6 DEL 2015 www.KCHispanicNews.com Always ONLINE TU CONEXIÓN LATINA DESDE 1996 Siempre EN LINEA YOUR LATINO CONNECTION SINCE 1996 AGOSTO 6 DEL 2015 I KCHispanicNews.com TU CONEXIÓN LATINA DESDE 1996 YOUR LATINO CONNECTION SINCE 1996
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