Parish of Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish of Saint Joseph 68 Wanser Avenue Inwood, New York 11096 Phone: 516-239-0953 Fax: 516-239-0386 1346 Broadway Hewlett, New York 11557 Phone: 516-374-0290 Fax: 516-374-2598 Web Site: RECTORY OFFICE HOURS RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday through Friday 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM Monday through Thursday 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM Saturday - 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM Sunday - 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM Monday through Friday 9:00 AM - Noon 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM Saturday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM Sunday 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM MASS SCHEDULE Monday through Thursday - 8:00 AM Friday - 8:30 AM Mass celebrated in Saint Joachim's Segundo Miércoles de cada mes, a las 7:45 PM Saturday Evening - 5:00 PM (Vigil for Sunday) Sunday - 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM Spanish, 11:00 AM CONFESSIONS Saturday 4:00 PM HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION Announced in Bulletin or Call 516-239-0953 WEDNESDAY PRAYER SERVICE MASS SCHEDULE Monday through Thursday - 8:30 AM Friday - 8:30 Mass celebrated in Saint Joachim's Saturday 8:30AM - 5:00 PM (Vigil for Sunday) Sunday - 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:00 Noon CONFESSIONS Saturday 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION Announced in Bulletin or Call 516-374-0290 ex 115 Wednesday - 6:15 PM Miraculous Medal Novena Immediately Following MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA FATIMA DEVOTIONS EUCHARISTIC ADORATION First Saturday 8:30 AM Wednesday 9:00 AM through Thursday 9:00 AM Saturday following 8:30 AM Mass PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Thomas M. Moriarty, Jr. Pastor - Parish of Saint Joseph - Hewlett Pastor - Parish of Our Lady of Good Counsel - Inwood Office Phone: 516-374-0290 Ext. 111 Rev. Eric R. Fasano Resident Associate - Parish of Our Lady of Good Counsel - Inwood Office Phone: 516-239-0953 Ext. 120 Rev. Fernando Echeverri Associate for Spanish - Parish of Our Lady of Good Counsel - Inwood Office Phone: 516-239-0953 Rev. Peter Handiavar Visiting Priest - Parish of Saint Joseph - Hewlett Office Phone: 516-374-0290 Rev. Mr. Thomas Costello Deacon - Parish of Saint Joseph - Hewlett Office Phone: 516-374-0290 Ext. 119 Rev. Mr. Daniel Otton Deacon - Parish of Saint Joseph - Hewlett Office Phone: 516-374-0290 Ext. 120 Rev. Mr. George Bruck Retired Deacon - Parish of Our Lady of Good Counsel NEW PARISHIONERS Please register at the appropriate Rectory. If you are moving within or outside the Parish Please inform the appropriate Parish office. NUEVOS PARROQUIANOS Los parroquianos, registran por favor en la parroquia que asiste. Si mueve a o lejos de su parroquia, llama por favor la oficina de su parroquia a decirlos. Muchas Gracias. BAPTISMS - BAUTISMO Parents are advised to call the appropriate Rectory for a preliminary interview. Saint Joseph Parishioners must attend a preparation class on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 7:45 PM prior to the Baptism. Baptisms are held on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at 1:30 PM. Our Lady of Good Counsel Parishioners are required to attend a preparation class. To arrange a date call Lena Artusa. Baptisms are celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 12:30 PM. Los padres necesitan llamar Padre Fernando por una fecha y por una clase. WEDDINGS - MATRIMONIO Saint Joseph Parish Staff Phone: 516-374-0290 Grace Coyne - Parish Secretary - Ex. 110 Jean Brophy - Director of Music - Ex. 112 Elizabeth McCaffrey - Director of Rel. Ed. Phone: 569-6080 Fax: 374-3664 Rae DeMarsico - Assistant to Religious Ed. Programs Saint Joseph's and OLGC Ryan Murphy Bookkeeper - St. Joseph and OLGC - Ex. 113 Ann Taranto - St. Vincent DePaul Society - 516-569-0834 OLGC Parish Staff Phone: 516-239-0953 Eleanor Levy - Parish Secretary - Ex. 110 Mr. Timothy Remsen - Director of Music Maureen O’Loughlin Director of Rel. Ed. 516-239-0662 Lena Artusa - Pastoral Assistant / Outreach - 516-239-7025 The Sacrament of Marriage celebrates the union of a man and a woman within the Church Community. We encourage those planning a marriage to contact the appropriate Parish before booking the Reception Hall. All plans with the Parish should be made at least 6 months prior to anticipated date so proper preparations, including Pre-Cana and FOCCUS can be made. The bride or groom must be members of Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish or St. Joseph’s Parish. Por favor, llama la oficina siete meses antes de hacer una fecha. Necesita tomar clases de “Pre-Cana.” y “FOCCUS”. Sunday—October 5 8:30-Irene Butler 10:30-Dolly Bohdan, Anna Acquasanta, James Burvenich, Vincenza Romano Greco, Robert Schoelmer. 12:00-Adele Blumatte Monday-October 6 8:30-Robert DelGenovese (living) Tuesday– October 7 8:30-Margaret Carney Wednesday– October 8 8:30 - Intentions of the Holy Father, Pope Francis Thursday-October 9 8:30-Dolly Bohdan Friday-October 10 8:30-Mass celebrated at St. Joachim’s Saturday—October 11 8:30-Sara & John Di Iorio 5:00-Sebastiana Strada Sunday –October 12 8:30-The Dunzitz, Carr & Fogarty Families 10:30-Alberto & Laura Aguilar, Judianne Legrow Parkinson, Domenica Romonini 12:00-Saint Joseph & Saint Lucy MONDAY - October 6th 8:00AM - Pasquale (Pat) Fiore TUESDAY - October 7th 8:00AM WEDNESDAY - October 8th 8:00AM THURSDAY - October 9th 8:00AM - Vincent Arena FRIDAY - MASS AT ST. JOACHIM SATURDAY - October 11th 5:00PM - Eleanor, William, and John Cruse SUNDAY - September 12th 8:00AM - People of the Parishes of Our Lady of Good Counsel and St. Joseph’s 9:30AM - Marciano Flammia 11:00AM - Deceased member of the Rosary Society / Rosaria & Pasquale Mingola PRAY FOR THE SICK Altar Bread and Wine In memory of: Antonia & Vito Sabatelli Requested by: Steve & Lynn Sabatelli Sanctuary Candles In memory of: Requested by: Altar Flowers In Memory of: Bart McMahon Requested by: Marika McMahon Altar Flowers In memory of: The deceased members of the Rosary Society Donated by: The Rosary Society Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. — Philippians 4:6 Donna Marrow ST JOSEPH’S Loretta Stanisz Anthony Sourras James A Schmidt Theresa Cunningham Josephine Conte James Giordano Rowena Acquino Elena Alvarado Vincent Moraglia Bunni Davi Maryann Giuliano Warren Coburn-Sr. Martin Stamile-Sr William Quigley Nancy Smith Anthony Zito Johnny Jackson Edward Rizzo Bernice Namorato Kevin Ledwith Emily Singh Mary Lou Kavanagh Loretta Semmler Ray Enright Joann Hewlett Frank Zydor Lenore Jack Sheila Carlo Dolores Wescott Nick Calandrella Helen Curran Geraldine Connelly Erika Steinberg OLGC Marie Super Marie Artusa Dina Pugliese Alice DeLuca Mattie Morra Rosemarie Gluck Jeffrey Contreras Helen Torres Jessica Cruz Tom Leonetti Theresa Olivieri No se inquieten por nada; más bien presenten en toda ocasión sus peticiones a Dios en la oración y la súplica, llenos de gratitud. — Filipenses 4:6 Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Vigésimo Séptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario The sacrament of penance has a long and difficult history. The Church sometimes struggles with how best to be faithful to the image of an all-forgiving God. Once a very public rite with publicly visible participation on the part of the penitent, it became in time a very private matter. By the fourteenth century, when a prayer of absolution and a laying on of hands was still required in sacramental confession, theologians were saying that even that was too much liturgy. All that was required was confession itself, and the sacramental words Ego te absolvo, or “I absolve you.” In 1614 the Council of Florence tried to flesh out this bare skeleton, requiring that if possible the priest should wear a stole, that the confession should be in church, and that there be questions about the person’s state in life, occupation, and last confession. This is the first time the Church recommended that the penitent and priest be separated by a grill, thereby eliminating the ritual laying on of hands once so central to the sacrament, substituting the priest’s raised right hand in blessing. This is the rite that remained in force until the sacrament became the subject of very stormy debates at the Second Vatican Council, leading to a major reform in 1974 that is still only partially received. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. La práctica de usar nudos en una cuerda para contar oraciones tiene una larga trayectoria en la fe cristiana. Originalmente un cordón con 150 nudos o piedritas se usaba para contar la recitación de los 150 salmos encontrados en la Sagrada Escritura. Con el tiempo, visto que mucha gente no podía leer o recitar de memoria los salmos, se sustituyeron por el uso de 150 Padrenuestros. A finales de la Edad Media muchos sustituyeron los Padrenuestros con el saludo del ángel Gabriel a María. En el siglo XVI se formuló lo que hoy reconocemos como el Avemaría, y en el año 1569, el Papa Pío V estableció el Rosario en su forma y uso actual. En 1592 un fraile dominico mandó hacer una imagen de la Virgen del Rosario para su convento en Guatemala. Según la leyenda, María viajaba por América con su Hijito y éste se quedó dormido en Guatemala, por lo cual se quedaron allí. En 1821 los independistas guatemaltecos tomaron a la Virgen del Rosario como protectora y en 1833 fue nombrada patrona oficial de Guatemala. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, © J. S. Paluch Co. Sunday-October 5 Pre Cana 1-4PM-AH Monday-October 6 RCIA 3:45-5; 7-8PM - CYO-GYM Tuesday-October 7 AA 12-1PM-CB - Yoga 9-11AM-CB CYO-GYM Children Choir 5-6PM-YC CCD Parent Meeting @1:15 & 7:30PM Wednesday-October 8 AA 7:30PM-CAFÉ Yarn Group 1-3PM-MTG. ROOM SVDP 9-11AM; 7-8:30PM-AH CYO-GYM - AOH 8PM-CB Thursday-October 9 AA 12-1PM-CB Yoga 7:30PM-CAFÉ - CYO-GYM Friday-October 10 AA 7:30PM-CAFÉ Yoga 9-11AM-CB CYO-GYM Saturday-October 11 Sunday-October 12 SCHEDULING USE OF OLGC FACILITIES IMPORTANT!!! ANY SCHEDULING FOR USE OF PARISH FACILITIES MUST GO THROUGH ELEANOR LEVY. YOU CAN SEE HER IN THE RECTORY DURING REGULAR DAYTIME OFFICE HOURS. YOU CAN ALSO CALL HER AT 516-239-0953. NOTHING WILL BE CONFIRMED UNLESS IT GOES THROUGH ELEANOR. THANK YOU FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING. Please help our money counters by clearly prin ng your dona on amount on the front of the envelope. Thank you for your coopera on. Monday October 6th Legion of Mary 7:30 in the Church Hall Spanish RCIA 7:30 - 8:30PM Rel. Ed. Office Tuesday October 7th English as a second Language 7 - 8:15 Rel. Ed. L. 1,3,& 4 3:45 - 5PM Rel. Ed. L 1,3,4,5,6,7,8, & RCIA 7 - 8:15PM Wednesday October 8th St. Vincent de Paul Bagging Prayer Service 6:15PM Spanish Mass 7:30PM Thursday October 9th St. Vincent de Paul Food Distribution Charismatic Group 7 PM Church Hall Friday October 10th Charismatic Committee 7-9:30PM Church Hall Sunday October 12th Rosary Society Meeting 9:45AM Religious Education at Our Lady of Good Counsel Religious Ed. Classes have begun. Monday 3:45 to 5:00, Tuesday 3:45 to 5:00 and Tuesday Evening 7:15 to 8:30. These classes are for registered students only. Students will not be admitted to classes if they are not registered for the 2014-2015 year. THE LAST DAY TO REGISTER FOR THE 2014-2015 YEAR WILL BE SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12th. NO STUDENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THAT DATE. Thank you COLUMBUS DAY THE RECTORY OFFICES OF OLGC AND SAINT JOSEPH'S WILL BE CLOSED SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11TH THRU MONDAY, OCTOBER 13TH IN OBSERVANCE OF COLUMBUS DAY. BOTH OFFICES WILL REOPEN TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14TH. MILITARY PRAYER LIST Please pray for the following members of the United States Military serving throughout the world. Ch. Col. Mark P. Rowan, Chaplain USAF, Ellen Gorman Porter, Air Nat’l Guard; PFC Peter Jon Sormilic Jennifer Gorman, USAF; Jeremy Cohen, US Army, Major Susan A. Romano, USAF, Airnan Brian N. Legrow USAF Lt. Christopher Healy,USMC; Frank Sabella, Jr. USAF; Sgt. Joseph Meyer, US Army; Alex Park, USMC Sgt 1st Class Jean E. Michaud, US Army; Trevor Nordin, USAF; Kevin Sanchez, USAF; Lcpl. Ryan Carriddi USMC, Cpl. William Andrejack, USMC; Michael Lembo; Cpl. Keith M Flick, USMC; Lcpl. Edward J. Vinogroski, USMC; John Burns: Christopher Vardaro, US Army; PFC Joshua Hernandez; Thomas Curran USMC; Adam J. Moreau, US Army SPL Ernie Mari, US Army; PO Robert McNeill, USN; Sgt. Jennifer Riddle, US Army; Bryan A. DiPrima USN; Gerald Acosto, US Army; Matthew Redden; William Kearney, USMC; PO Andrew L. DeMarsico, USN 2Lt. Paul S. Conrad, US Army; Lt. Matthew Lipsky, USN James Yeager, USMC Rct. ; Lcpl Anthony J. Martin, USMC; Sgt. Gerard Sweet, US Army; Lcpl Andrew Michels, USMC, Cpl. Francis J. LaBarbera US Army, Patrick Kelly, USMC PVT Richard Andersen US ARMY; 1st Lt. Daniel Vacchio USMC, 1st Lt. Josef Kaplan US Army,Anthony D. Boe, USAF Pvt, Michael J. Agunzo, US Army; PFC Ryan Burkett, USMC Shaun Cullen, USAF, SFC Frederick M. Haslett, US Army, Mark A. Geraldi LTC.-US Army; Airman John Daniel US Navy 1st Lt. Anthony Runco, Jr., USAF; 2nd Lt. John Runco, USAF If you, or a loved one, would like to be included on this list, please E-mail Father Tom Moriarty at [email protected]. Annual Fall Youth Dance All 5th 6th 7th & 8th Graders are invited to a night of music, dancing and fun. Friday, October 24th 7:30 – 10:30 Saint Joseph’s Church Pope John Paul II Family Youth Center (Located in the church basement) Food and refreshments will be provided ++++++++++ Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus SAINT JOSEPH’S MEMORIAL BRICK UPDATE The Memorial Bricks have arrived and have been installed in the Lourdes Memorial Garden. Please stop by the Memorial Garden to see how your loved one has been memorialized. To be included in the Spring installation of Memorial Bricks, please stop by Saint Joseph's Rectory for an application. How do I become a Catholic? Are you or someone you know interested in becoming a Catholic? The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is the process by which an unbaptized person or a person of another Christian faith learns about the Catholic faith. Classes in Saint Joseph’s meet on Monday evenings from 7:00 to 8:00 PM. and will be starting in late September or early October. Saint Joseph’s parishioners please call Grace at the Rectory at 516-374-0290. OLGC parishioners call the Religious Education Office at 516-239-0662 for more information. Have you received the sacraments of Eucharist or Confirmation? If not, and you are a teen or adult, Saint Joseph parishioners please call Grace at the rectory at 516-374-0290, Classes are held on Monday evenings from 7:00 to 8:00 PM OLGC parishioners please call the Religious Education office at 516-239-0662 for more information. ¿Le gustaría aprender el inglés? Las clases de inglés han sido muy exitosas y van a continuar. CUANDO: los martes 30 de septiembre - 16 de diciembre CYO BASKETBALL VOLUNTEERS WANTED The CYO Program is looking for volunteer coaches/assistant coaches, time/score keepers, hall monitors to help make it a success. Anyone interested please call Mike Doyle at 457-0267. HORA: 7:00- 8:15 p.m. LUGAR: el sótano de la iglesia Our Lady of Good Counsel, Inwood ¡Venga y aprenda el idioma! Eucharistic Ministers Needed Mercy Medical Center is in need of Eucharistic Ministers to volunteer on a permanent and substitute basis. The Diocese of Rockville Center Training Program - Session "A" will take place on Sept. 27th and Session "B" on Nov. 1st, 9am – 1pm at Kellenberg Memorial H.S. Evenings sessions are available at St. Elizabeth’s in Mellville, Session A October 15th and Session B October 29th 7pm-10pm. You can find all the details and download a flyer on the Diocesan Web-site at: In addition to this training, volunteering at a hospital requires an annual Doctor's Health Assessment/ Physical, Hospital Application, Orientation and I.D. Badge. If you are a trained Eucharistic Minister at your church and would like to volunteer at Mercy, only Session "B" is necessary which we can schedule. Please contact Jamila Shivers at Mercy Medical Center at 516 705-1414 or email [email protected] with any questions and for further information. Women of Beauty Catholic Women’s Conference Saturday, November 8, 2014, 9 am-4 pm St. Joseph Parish, 39 N. Carll Ave, Babylon, NY Keynote Speaker: Pat Gohn Author of “Blessed, Beautiful and Bodacious-Celebrating the Gift of Catholic Womanhood” Testimonies by Long Islanders – Peggy Clores, Angela Rizzo and Bridget McCormack To purchase tickets on line new_evangelization Questions or for more information contact Marianne Sheridan (516) 678-5800 x615 or [email protected] Our Annual Christmas Dream Pancake Breakfast: Sponsored by Peninsula Kiwanis THIS SUNDAY, October 5th 2014 8:00 to 11:00 AM Our Lady of Good Counsel Church Hall 68 Wanser Ave, Inwood, NY 11096 Admission: $5.00 for adults Children under 12 FREE Raffles and 50/50 raffle will be drawn at the end of the breakfast. Additional Raffles are available for sale as well. Come and help support the Christmas Dream. Mothers’ Club Upcoming Events: Saturday, October 25 in cafeteria Halloween Party Friday, November 21, 2014: Chinese Auction Sunday, December 7, 2014: Christmas Boutique VENDORS NEEDED For Mothers’ Club Christmas Boutique Sun. December 7, 2014 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. $30.00/table we are limited to 30 tables Call Missy 506-5949 or Lena 569-2510 for info. I Charles Williams (Christ the King, Commack) and Danielle Kappel (St. Joseph, Hewlett) I Howard Prins and Joy Reisman (St. Joseph, Hewlett) REST IN PEACE: Sister Elizabeth Marie Lynch, CSJ VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO VISIT LOCAL NURSING HOME Volunteers are needed on Tuesdays @ 10:30am to visit the Woodmere Nursing Home & Rehabilitation Center. If you can help please call the Rectory at 516-374-0290. Thank you. “Every child who, rather than being born, is condemned unjustly to being aborted, bears the face of Jesus Christ, bears the face of the Lord, who even before he was born, and then just after birth, experienced the world’s rejection. And every elderly person...even if he is ill or at the end of his days, bears the face of Christ. They cannot be discarded, as the ‘culture of waste’ suggests! They cannot be thrown away!” + Pope Francis, Address to Participants in the Meeting Organized by the International Federation of Catholic Medical Associations, Sept. 20, 2013 OCTOBER IS RESPECT LIFE MONTH!! 17th Annual STAND UP FOR LIFE Sponsored by Long Island Coalition for Life Sunday, October 5 2:00-3:30 PM (rain or shine) Along Route 110 and Route 25, Huntington, LI AND SUFL, East - LIE, Exit 70S, County Rd. 111, Manorville We are two of over 1900 sites throughout the US and Canada on this day! Signs are provided at each site- no graphic signs permitted. We stand united along these busy roads in a peaceful, prayerful witness to the sanctity of life! Bring your family, friends, coworkers, neighbors and join us for the largest annual pro-life event on Long Island! 2014 PUBLIC SQUARE ROSARY CRUSADE WHAT: The Holy Rosary WHERE: Hempstead Planned Parenthood, 540 Fulton Ave. WHEN: OCTOBER 11th 12 Noon – 1 PM America is at a historic crossroad. Secularists are trying to push God from the public square. They reject His beneficial action upon society. But without God, where will our leaders get the wisdom to solve the great problems we face? We must stop the secularist advance and pray to God for help. He will hear us, if we pray through the intercession of his Blessed Mother. That’s why we’re launching the 2014 Public Square Roasary Crusade. In The Secret of the Rosary, Saint Louis de Montfort said: “Public prayer is far more powerful than private prayer to appease the anger of God and call down His mercy, and Holy Mother Church, guided by the Holy Spirit, has always advocated public prayer in times of public tragedy and suffering.” For more information, contact: Annabelle @ 516-374-2895 40 DAYS FOR LIFE September 24-November 2 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM 540 FULTON AVE., HEMPSTEAD ( outside Planned Parenthood abortion facility) 40 Days for Life is a national prayer campaign to end to abortion. For the 8th year in a row, our communities will unite with pro-lifers across America for 40 days of Prayer and Fasting, a Peaceful Vigil, and Community Outreach. Contact Celeste, 40DFL-Long Island coordinator, at [email protected]. Sign up for a vigil hour at: VISIBILITY MATTERS! "Cada niño que, en lugar de haber nacido, es condenado injustamente a ser abortado, lleva el rostro de Jesucristo, lleva el rostro del Señor, que incluso antes de nacer y justo después del nacimiento, experimentado rechazo de todo el mundo. Y cada persona anciana... incluso si él está enfermo o al final de sus días, lleva el rostro de Cristo. No puede ser desechados, como sugiere la 'cultura de residuos'! Ellos nopueden ser echados!" + Papa Francis, discurso a los participantes en el encuentro organizado por la Federación Internacional de asociaciones médicas católicas, 20 de septiembre de 2013 17th annual de pie para toda la vida Patrocinado por la coalición de Long Island para toda la vida Domingo, 5 de octubre 2:00-15:30 (de lluvia o brillo) A lo largo de la ruta 110 y ruta 25, Huntington, LI y SUFL, East - mienten, salida 70, County Rd. 111, Manorville Somos dos de 1900 sobre sitios a lo largo de los Estados Unidos y Canadá en este día! Los signos son siempre y en cada sitio - no hay signos gráficos permitieron. Estamos Unidos a lo largo de estos caminos ocupados en forma pacífica, oración testimonio de la santidad de la vida! Traer a su familia, amigos, compañeros de trabajo, vecinos y únase a nosotros para el evento anual más grande de pro-vida en Long Island. LA PLAZA PÚBLICA 2014 CRUZADA DEL ROSARIO Qué: El Santo Rosario Dónde: Hempstead Planificasion, 540 Fulton Ave. Cuándo: 11 de octubre 12 – 13 América está en una encrucijada histórica. Los laicos están tratando de empujar Dios desde la plaza pública. Rechazan su acción beneficiosa a la sociedad. ¿Pero sin Dios, donde nuestros líderes se pondrá la sabiduría para resolver los grandes problemas que enfrentamos? Debemos parar el avance laicista y rogar a Dios por ayuda. Él nos escuchará si oramos por la intercesión de su Santísima madre. Por eso estamos lanzando la cruzada de Roasary plaza pública de 2014. En el secreto del Rosario, San Louis de Montfort dijo: "la oración pública es mucho más poderosa que la oración privada para apaciguar la ira de Dios y pide su misericordia y Santa madre iglesia, guiada por el Espíritu Santo, siempre ha defendido la oración pública en tiempos de tragedia pública y sufrimiento". Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con: Annabelle @ 516-374-2895 40 DÍAS POR LA VIDA 24 de septiembre-2 de noviembre 7:00 a 19:00 540 FULTON AVE., HEMPSTEAD (facilidad de aborto Planned Parenthood exterior) 40 días por la vida es una campaña de oración nacional para poner fin al aborto. Por el octavo año consecutivo, nuestras comunidades se unirán con pro-vida en toda América durante 40 días de oración y ayuno, una vigilia pacífica y alcance comunitario. Contacta con Celeste, Coordinador de isla 40DFL de largo, en [email protected]. Inscríbete en una hora de vigilia en: local-campañas/long-island/calendario VISIBILIDAD ES IMPORTANTE! St. Joseph Church Conference Angela’s House 569-0834 Our Lady of Good Counsel Church Parish Outreach 516-239-0953 Hours Monday - Thursday 9:30 -11:30 Hours: Wed 9:15-11:00 a.m. Wed 7:00-8:30 p.m. [email protected] Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time The good news of this Gospel is that all we need to do is let God tend us and bring us to produce good fruit. All we need do is be faithful; God will take care of the rest. Please help the Society of St. Vincent de Paul to bring the love and mercy of Jesus to those who feel left out and abandoned. Food Pantry Wish List Week of Oct 5th Cereal canned corn rice Mac/cheese peanut butter jelly Soup pasta/sauce beans supermarket gift card GENTLE REMINDER We cannot accept Clothing, Toys or Household items at Angela House. Please DO NOT leave donations by the garage but place them in the St. Vincent de Paul Bins in the driveway by St. Joseph’s Gym. Key Food Save a Tape Program Continues in 2014 Your stamped Key Food register tapes add up very quickly and we receive a 1% rebate every time we submit $1000 in receipts. Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish St. Vincent - DePaul Society The St. Vincent De Paul Society of Our Lady of Good Counsel would like to give a special thank you to the Inwood Country Club Charities for their generous donation. The charity event is held annually for a way to give back to the community. This year Our Lady of Good Counsel was added to their list and received a portion of the proceeds from that day. Those who walk with integrity proclaim the steadfast love of our God. In trust, we pray, walk with us, Lord. Teach us to do what is right, and to speak the truth with courage. Teach us to serve the poor, and to recognize the face of Christ. Amen God Bless Our Lady of Good Counsel’s St. Vincent De Paul Society & Outreach FOOD PANTRY NEEDS: Mac & Cheese, Pasta Sauce, Cereal, Soup, Canned Vegetables, Canned Fruit, Rice, Tuna, Grape Jelly READINGS FOR THE WEEK LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Monday: Lunes: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Gal 1:6-12; Ps 111:1b-2, 7-9, 10c; Lk 10:25-37 Gal 1:13-24; Ps 139:1b-3, 13-15; Lk 10:38-42 Gal 2:1-2, 7-14; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Lk 11:1-4 Gal 3:1-5; Lk 1:69-75; Lk 11:5-13 Gal 3:7-14; Ps 111:1b-6; Lk 11:15-26 Gal 3:22-29; Ps 105:2-7; Lk 11:27-28 Is 25:6-10a; Ps 23:1-6; Phil 4:12-14, 19-20; Mt 22:1-14 [1-10] Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Domingo: Gál 1:6-12; Sal 111 (110):1b-2, 7-9, 10c; Lc 10:25-37 Gál 1:13-24; Sal 139 (138):1b-3, 13-15; Lc 10:38-42 Gál 2:1-2, 7-14; Sal 117 (116):1bc, 2; Lc 11:1-4 Gál 3:1-5; Lc 1:69-75; Lc 11:5-13 Gál 3:7-14; Sal 111 (110):1b-6; Lc 11:15-26 Gál 3:22-29; Sal 105 (104):2-7; Lc 11:27-28 Is 25:6-10a; Sal 23 (22):1-6; Fil 4:12-14, 19-20; Mt 22:1-14 BINGO FIVE TOWNS COMMUNITY CENTER October 6 November 10 December 8 Doors open at 6:00PM Games begin at 7:00 PM Jesus understands our weaknesses and sins; and he forgives us if we allow ourselves to be forgiven. Pope Francis Twitter- September 25, 2014 2015 DAILY MASS BOOK FOR ST. JOSEPH Will be available on Wednesday, October 8, 2014 for anyone wishing to make mass arrangements for their loved ones. NO INTENTIONS WILL BE TAKEN BEFORE THIS DATE. Please come to the Rectory DURING OFFICE HOURS ONLY. There will be a limit of five (5) masses per family. Please remember there are NO MASSES ON FRIDAYS. The offering for announced masses remain at $20 and unannounced masses are still $10. Sunday, September 28, 2014 Saint Joseph +++ 5:00 PM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 PM Total 147 145 216 162 670 OLGC +++ 5:00 PM 70 8:00 AM 54 9:30 AM 410 11:00 AM 90 Total 624 Saint Joseph - October 11 - 12 EM’s / LECTORS SAT 5:00 PM SUN 8:30 AM SUN 10:30 AM SUN 12:00 NOON Lector L.S. R. Breen EM Cup Cup Cup Cup Deacon C. Quaranto M. Breen B. Kaufmann J. Gutierrez C. Guttierrez Lector L.S. EM Cup Cup Cup Cup Deacon F. Quinn H.R./N.H. Teams 2 Lector L.S. EM Cup Cup Cup Cup Deacon K. Early Lector L.S. EM Cup Cup Cup Cup Deacon R. Doud C. Reyes M. Renna P. Roche A. Hugues P. Tinghitella C. Reyes J. Reyes F. Ruta M. Ruta M. Casavecchia Good Counsel - October 11 - 12 EM’s / LECTORS SERVERS J. Caputo J. DeMarsico SAT 5:00 PM SERVERS LECTOR R. Nahman MINISTER T. Perone Ashley Cifuentes Sydney Cifuentes Perry Vacchio F. Castro MINISTER D,Carroll Shannon Ehlers Marisol Garcia Brianna Vargas A. Tullao SUN 8:00 AM A. Graziosa S. Torbati R. Torbati SUN 9:30 AM SUN 11:00 AM P. Iannico M. Iannico J. Brocavich LECTOR Max Bardales Miguel Hernandez Valen na Jaco LECTOR I Meyer MINISTER C.Wankmiller Jece Abuan Jacqueline Por llo Stacy Por llo Mass Schedule for October 11 - 12 Saint Joseph - Hewlett Saturday-5:00 PM-Fr. Peter Handiavar Sunday - 8:30 AM-Fr. Peter Handiavar Sunday -10:30AM-Fr. Eric Fasano Sunday -12:00PM–Fr. Eric Fasano Our Lady of Good Counsel - Inwood Saturday-5:00 PM-Fr. Mike Carroll Sunday - 8:00 AM - Fr. Tom Moriarty Sunday 9:30 AM - Fr. F. Echeverri 9:30 AM Mass celebrated in Spanish C. Simmons T. Costello P. Vadaro J. Zaptin A. Zafonte T. Costello B. Yenna F. Yenna G. Yenna Sunday -11:00AM-Fr. Tom Moriarty Schedule may change without notice. Collection Sunday, Sept 28, 2014 Last Year This Year Attending $5,639. $5,060. 670 1st $3262.00 2nd $476.00 Attendance 624 $4000 $8000 $3500 $7500 3710 3505 $3000 $7000 3058 3262 09/21 09/28 $2500 $6500 $2000 6452 $6000 $5500 Weekend Collection for Sept 28, 2014 $1500 5576 $1000 $5000 5005 5060 09/21 09/28 $4500 09/07 $500 09/07 09/14 Payroll North Shore Monument Faith Catholic Verizon Verizon Martino Altar Wines North Shore Answering DM Accounting Total Bills for the Week 5,781.06 1,313.00 95.00 139.73 171.06 680.35 107.02 1,000.00 9827.22 09/14 FJ Remey Newsday DM Accounting Amex Verizon Wireless OCP Liturgical Music WB Mason Total Bills for the Week 338.44 19.92 450.00 454.36 46.66 585.00 381.16 2275.54 TODAY’S READINGS - LECTURAS DE HOY IN THE VINEYARD As usual, today’s first and third scripture readings are obviously related, with the second continuing one of Paul’s Letters—these days, the Letter to the Philippians. The vineyard stories from Isaiah and Matthew both talk about evildoers coming to a bad end. In Isaiah, it’s the vineyard itself that produces “wild grapes” instead of the crop the owner dreamed of and worked for. So it will be “trampled” and “overgrown with thorns.” In Matthew, those to whom the owner leased the vineyard destroy the dream. So the owner “will put those wretched men to a wretched death and lease his vineyard to other tenants” (Matthew 21:41). Yes, if we reject divine love we come to a bad end. And with all this talk of the unfaithful being trampled and thrown out, it’s consoling to hear Paul’s message to the Philippians, who were by no means perfect. “Have no anxiety at all,” Paul said. “Then the God of peace will be with you” (Philippians 4:6, 9). Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. EN LA VIÑA Como de costumbre, la primera y tercera lecturas de las Escrituras del día de hoy están evidentemente relacionadas, mientras que la segunda lectura continúa una de las cartas de Pablo, que en estos días es la conocida carta a los filipenses. Las historias de la viña, de Isaías y Mateo, hablan de malhechores que van a “acabar mal”. En Isaías, es la propia viña la que produce “uvas amargas” en vez de la cosecha que el dueño soñaba con tener y por la que trabajó. Por lo tanto, la viña será “pisoteada” y “cubierta con espinos”. En Mateo, son aquellos a los que el dueño arrendó la viña los que destruyeron el sueño. Por consiguiente el dueño “hará morir sin compasión a esa gente tan mala y arrendará la viña a otros” (Mateo 21:41). Efectivamente, si rechazamos el amor divino vamos a acabar mal. Además con todo este hablar sobre los infieles que son pisoteados y expulsados, es un consuelo oír el mensaje de Pablo a los Filipenses quienes, bajo ningún concepto, eran perfectos. “No se inquieten por nada”, dice Pablo (Filipenses 4:6). “Y el Dios de la paz estará con ustedes” (Filipenses 4:9). Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
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