Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart 89 Ridge Street • Newark, New Jersey 07104 Tel (973) 484-4600 • Fax (973) 483-8253 • The Most Reverend John Joseph Myers Archbishop of Newark Most Reverend Manuel A. Cruz Rector Reverend Monsignor Michael A. Andreano Vicar General & Chancellor Reverend Guillermo L. Mora Parochial Vicar Reverend Carmine Rizzi Parochial Vicar Reverend Monsignor John E. Doran Weekend Assistant Reverend Monsignor Francis R. Seymour Weekend Assistant Reverend Monsignor Richard F. Groncki Rector Emeritus Dr. Thomas DeBenedictis Mr. Michael J. Keary Mr. Guy W. Mier Mr. Eduardo Pons Mr. Craig Stewart Deacons John J. Miller Director of Music Ministries Kristin A. Dabaghian Associate Organist Olfary Gutiérrez Coordinator of Hispanic Music Ministry HOLY MASS Saturday Evening 6:00PM (Mass of Anticipation) Sunday 8:45AM, 10:00AM en Español, and 12 NOON Weekdays Monday thru Friday at 7:30AM and 5:30PM Wednesdays & First Fridays at 7:00PM en Español Saturdays at 9:00AM en Español In July and August, only one Mass is offered on weekdays at 7:30AM Holy Days & Civic Holidays consult bulletin for Mass times EXPOSITION OF THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT Wednesdays & First Fridays from 6:00PM to 7:00PM There is no Exposition during the months of July nor August SACRAMENT OF CONFESSION Wednesdays & First Fridays at 6:15PM Saturdays at 11:30AM There is no Confession on Wednesdays and First Fridays in July nor August. Confession is available by appointment at any time ADULT CATECHUMENATE (R.C.I.A.) Instruction in the Catholic Faith in preparation for the reception of the sacraments of initiation. Contact the cathedral office for more information. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Celebrated on designated Sundays at 1:15PM Sister Joséfa Gonzalez, H.M.C.J. Director of Religious Education Sister Ana Julia Frias, H.M.C.J. Head Sacristan second Sunday of the month in Spanish and last Sunday of the month in English SACRAMENT OF HOLY MATRIMONY Arrangements are to be made one year in advance. Debra M. Loprete Weddings Administrator Camillus L. Mitchell Maintenance Supervisor Regular Sunday Mass attendance is required for those preparing for the reception of the sacraments SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK CATHEDRAL TOURS First Sunday of the month, following the 12 NOON Mass Guided group tours are available by appointment You may contact the Cathedral office to request the visit of a priest to the home or hospital of someone who is ill and in need of the sacraments. Holy Communion for those who are homebound is also available upon request. OCTOBER 12, 2014 OCTOBER 12, 2014 MASS INTENTIONS AT THE CATHEDRAL Sunday, October 12 Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:45AM Joseph Battaglia 10:00AM (ESP) Luz & Ernesto Bautista on their 40th Wedding Anniversary 12 NOON Deceased Members of the Permanent Diaconate of the Archdiocese of Newark Monday, October 13 9:00AM Mae Restaino Tuesday, October 14 Saint Callistus I, Pope & Martyr Intentions of the Members 7:30AM of the Cathedral Parish John Stuart-Jervis 5:30PM Wednesday, October 15 Saint Teresa of Jesus, Virgin & Doctor of the Church Annabelle Delgado 7:30AM 5:30PM Kevin M. Walsh 7:00PM In Thanksgiving to all the Saints Thursday, October 16 Saint Gerard Maiella, Religious Saint Hedwig, Religious Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin 7:30AM Intentions of the Members of the Cathedral Parish 5:30PM Servant of God, Mary Grace Bellotti The Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Mother Church of the Archdiocese of Newark, welcomes and celebrates: October 15 17 18/19 19 22 30 Organ Recital: Ian Tomesch Annual Catholic Schools Mass Special Collection: World Mission Sunday Organ Recital: Felix Hall Organ Recital: Martha Nowik Annual Funeral Directors Mass 12 NOON 1:30PM 4:00PM 12 NOON 3:00PM November 2 5 6 15/16 16 A Concert in Honor of the Faithful Departed 4:00PM Organ Recital: David Ball 12 NOON Law Enforcement Mass 10:00AM Special Collection: Black & Indian Apostolate Youth Ministry Recognition Prayer Service 3:00PM December 6/7 12 17 18 24 Special Collection: Retirement Fund for our Religious Navidad Latina 2014 Concert 8:00PM 44th Annual Carol Sing Christmas Concert 8:00PM 44th Annual Carol Sing Christmas Concert 8:00PM Christmas Mass during the Night 10:30PM Choral Christmas prelude begins at 10:00PM Friday, October 17 Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop & Martyr 7:30AM Antonio Rivera 5:30PM Oliver Ramirez Saturday, October 18 Feast of Saint Luke, Evangelist 9:00AM Irma Cekelia 6:00PM Mildred & Rudolph Lodise Sunday, October 19 Solemnity of the 60th Anniversary of the Dedication of this the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart 8:45AM Theodore Giselda Zangari 10:00AM (ESP) Pedro Avilez 12 NOON Tom English PLEASE NOTE In observance of the Columbus Day holiday , one Mass will be celebrated at 9:00AM in the Lady Chapel on Monday, October 13, 2014 Have a pleasant holiday ! (3) THE ARCHDIOCESE ADDRESSES VICTIM’S CONCERNS The Archdiocese takes very seriously the needs of victims who approach the Church seeking healing from abuse. In addition to offering counseling and other support services, in appropriate cases, the Archdiocese provides reasonable compensation to those victims seeking a financial settlement of their civil claim, even after the statute of limitations has lapsed. Settlements are not confidential unless requested by the victim, and may include funding for continued psychological counseling. The Archdiocese’s general liability insurance coverage is the sole source of funds used to pay abuse settlements. Although the Archdiocese, parishes and schools pay premiums to purchase insurance, no parish or school assets, Archdiocesan assets or Annual Appeal or other fundraising collections are used to pay civil claims related to abuse cases. HOW TO REPORT ABUSE The Archdiocese takes very seriously any and all allegations of sexual misconduct by members of the clergy, Religious and lay staff of the Archdiocese. We encourage anyone with knowledge of an act of sexual misconduct to inform us immediately so that we may take appropriate action to protect others and provide support to victims of sexual abuse. Individuals who wish to report an allegation of sexual misconduct may do so by calling the Archdiocesan Office of Child and Youth Protection at (201) 407-3256 A NOTICE ON BAPTISMS AT THE CATHEDRAL BASILICA Baptisms usually take place in the Cathedral sanctuary or Baptistery. However, if there is a Cathedral event scheduled in the main sanctuary, Baptisms may take place in the Cathedral crypt. THE ARCHDIOCESE IS ON SOCIAL MEDIA! Like and follow the Archdiocese of Newark on... Facebook: Twitter: @nwkarchdiocese Blog: Spread the Faith! Evangelize by asking your friends to follow us too! THE WEDDING FEAST At age 16, life was about rock ‘n roll. If my own band was not performing on Saturday night, I was out in the audience, watching another band. It would have never occurred to me to spend my Saturday nights at a Catholic conference or retreat. True, no matter how late I was out, I’d never miss Sunday Mass. But that’s not because it was the source and summit of my life. It was because I didn’t want to go to hell. Why is this? Because I craved fun, joy, adventure and fulfillment. And Church was the last place I expected to find any of these things. Heaven was described as “eternal rest.” Nothing could have sounded more boring. But in the gospel of Matthew, the kingdom of God is ... painted in the colors of a wedding feast -a boisterous, energizing celebration with delectable food, choice wine, dancing, laughter, and fellowship. But not just any wedding feast. This party will be fit for a king since the bridegroom is a prince. But when the King’ representatives issue personal invitations to this party of the century, there are few takers. Perhaps part of it is the fault of the messengers. Maybe their blank faces and monotone voices confirmed the worst suspicions of the invited guests: that anything put on by the King will be a crashing bore. But where did this suspicion come from in the first place? Isaiah speaks of a veil that covers all peoples, a web that is woven over all nations (Is 25:6-10). It is a web of deceit that has been woven not by a spider, but by the serpent that first deceived Eve. It is an immense propaganda campaign that is subtly woven into the message of movies, TV shows, and print advertising. It shows up in teachers' lesson plans and athletes' locker room conversations. The message is simple: “do what God says and you’ll have no life. His reign is at worst about oppression, at best endless boredom. Either reject him or, if you really have to believe in him, just don’t waste too much time and energy on religion. Give the obligatory nod to God and go out and get a life.” That’s why the king in the parable had a hard time filling his banquet hall. Be honest. Do you see the pursuit of the Kingdom as a joyful romp or as a tiresome chore? Do you do the bare minimum or do you grab for all the spiritual gusto you can out of your Christian life? Do you make excuses that you’re too tired or too busy when opportunities arise to grow spiritually, or do you make the Kingdom top priority? The Catholic tradition speaks of “Seven Deadly Sins.” One of the sneakiest and deadliest is often overlooked, which is exactly why it is sneaky and deadly. It is called “sloth” or spiritual laziness. The symptoms? The sloth perceives the kingdom of God to be boring and so can find no energy to pursue it. Everything else–work, kids’ soccer games, Super Bowl parties, shopping–takes precedence so that the sloth never gets around to seeking God. A wise monk once told me that the greatest sin of our sex-saturated, hyperactive culture was not lust but ironically that spiritual laziness called sloth. I think he was on to something. DR. MARCELLINO D’AMBROSIO Catholic Radio now broadcasting in New Jersey and New York City from the Archdiocesan Center in Newark ! Tune in on 1430 AM ATTENTION ALL SINGERS ! The Cathedral Choir is looking for new members in all sections. Studies have demonstrated the tremendous spiritual benefits from singing in a choir. If you love group singing and would like to serve in the Cathedral's liturgies, please contact the Cathedral Director of Music, Dr. John Miller, at the Cathedral Music Office: (973) 484-2400 “Praise the Lord! For it is good to sing praises to our God; for He is gracious, and a song of praise is seemly.” -Psalm 147:1 STRUGGLING WITH PORNOGRAHY ? Trying to overcome a pornography addiction alone does not work. The following resources are available to those who want to give up their addiction to pornography and its destructive fall-out in their lives: An anonymous, science-based Catholic online recovery program for those addicted to pornography. It is based on brain science combined with Catholic theology. The work of Peter Kleponis, PhD, a Catholic psychotherapist who counsels those who are addicted to pornography, is presented. Information, resources and statistics are available. Internet accountability software and tracking with web content filtering in wide use for teens, children and adults. HOW TO PRAY THE ROSARY DAILY MASS READINGS FOR THIS WEEK Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Is 25:6-10a / Phil 4:12-14, 19-20 / Mt 22:1-14 Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31--5:1 / Lk 11:29-32 Gal 5:1-6 / Lk 11:37-41 Gal 5:18-25 / Lk 11:42-46 Eph 1:1-10 / Lk 11:47-54 Eph 1:11-14 / Lk 12:1-7 2 Tm 4:10-17b / Lk 10:1-9 INTENTIONS OF THE POPE FOR OCTOBER 2014 Universal Intention: That the Lord may grant peace to those parts of the world most battered by war and violence. Evangelization Intention: That World Mission Day may rekindle in every believer zeal for carrying the Gospel into all the world. PRAYER FOR THE THIRD EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE SYNOD OF BISHOPS Jesus, Mary and Joseph, in you we contemplate the splendor of true love, to you we turn with trust. Holy Family of Nazareth, grant that our families too may be places of communion and prayer, authentic schools of the Gospel and small domestic Churches. Holy Family of Nazareth, may families never again experience violence, rejection and division: may all who have been hurt or scandalized find ready comfort and healing. Holy Family of Nazareth, may the approaching Synod of Bishops make us once more mindful of the sacredness and inviolability of the family, and its beauty in God's plan. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, graciously hear our prayer. Amen. El más Escurridizo de los 7 Pecados Capitales A los 16 años, mi único interés era el rock ‘n roll. Si mi banda no tocaba el sábado por la noche, yo estaba entre el público escuchando otras bandas. Jamás se me hubiera ocurrido que pasaría mis noches de sábado en un centro de conferencias católico o en un retiro espiritual. Cierto, sin importar que tan tarde me quedara despierto los sábados nunca dejaba de asistir a la misa dominical a la mañana siguiente. Pero no era porque la misa fuera la fuente y cumbre de mi vida, sino porque no quería ir a la infierno. El ser rostizado a fuego lento durante toda la eternidad no me parecía una idea muy atractiva. ¿Por qué? Porque yo buscaba asiduamente la diversión, la alegría y la aventura, y la iglesia era el último lugar donde esperaba encontrar estas cosas. Describían el cielo como el “eterno descanso”. Nada podía sonar más aburrido. En este evangelio el cielo se nos pinta con colores de fiesta de bodas – una celebración bulliciosa y energizarte con deliciosos platillos, vinos exquisitos, bailes, risas y una gran camaradería. No es cualquier fiesta de bodas. Esta fiesta es apta para un rey, puesto que el novio es un Príncipe. Pero los representantes del rey llevan invitaciones personales para esta fiesta del siglo y solo algunos las aceptan. Tal vez parte de la culpa la tienen los mensajeros. Tal vez sus rostros simplones y sus voces monótonas hicieron que los invitados sospechara que cualquier evento montado por el Rey sería muy aburrido. Pero ¿de dónde les vino esta sospecha en primer lugar? Isaías habla sobre el velo que cubre a todas las personas, un velo que se extiende sobre todas las naciones (Isaías 25:6-10). Una red tejida de engaños; no por una araña si no por la serpiente que engaño a Eva en un principio. Es una inmensa campaña propagandística que sutilmente se teje en los mensajes de las películas, programas de televisión y anuncios impresos. El mensaje es siempre: “Si haces lo que Dios dice, no disfrutaras de la vida”. En el peor de los casos su reino es de opresión y en el mejor de los casos de aburrimiento. O lo rechazamos por completo o si de verdad creemos en Él, no hay que desperdiciar mucho tiempo ni energía en la religión. Hay que darle el “si” obligatorio a Dios, pero hay que salir a tener una vida. Es por eso que los conciertos de rock y los encuentros de soccer se llenan, pero las iglesias están vacías cuando hay misiones en las parroquias. Es por eso que al rey en la parábola le costó llenar su salón de banquetes. Seamos honestos, ¿ves la búsqueda del reino de Dios como una tarea alegre o fastidiosa? ¿Haces solo lo mínimo, o tomas todos los beneficios espirituales de la vida cristiana? ¿Pones la excusa de estar muy cansado o muy ocupado cuando tienes oportunidad e crecer espiritualmente, o es el Reino de Dios tu prioridad principal? La tradición Católica habla sobre los “Siete pecaos capitales”. Uno de ellos, es probablemente el más difícil de detectar y a menudo lo pasamos por alto, y es por lo que se vuelve más peligroso. Se llama “pereza” espiritual. ¿Cuáles son los síntomas? La pereza percibe el Reino de Dios como aburrido y por lo tanto no gasta energías para buscarlo. Todo lo demás – trabajo, eventos de los niños, encuentros deportivos, fiestas, compras – toma precedencia a la búsqueda del Reino de Dios. Un sabio monje me dijo una vez que el pecado más grande de nuestra cultura tan saturada de sexo e hiperactividad no es la lujuria, si no que irónicamente es la pereza espiritual. Creo que tiene razón. Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio LECTURAS DE LA MISA DIARIA ESTA SEMANA Domingo: Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Is 25, 6-10 / Flp 4, 12-14. 19-20 / Mt 22, 1-14 Gal 4, 22-24. 26-27. 31--5, 1 / Lc 11, 29-32 Gal 5, 1-6 / Lc 11, 37-41 Gal 5, 18-25 / Lc 11, 42-46 Ef 1, 1-10 / Lc 11, 47-54 Ef 1, 11-14 / Lc 12, 1-7 2 Tim 4, 9-17 / Lc 10, 1-9 INTENCIONES DEL PAPA PARA OCTUBRE 2014 Intención Universal: Para que el Señor conceda paz a las regiones del mundo más afectadas por la guerra y la violencia. Intención por la Evangelización: Para que el Día Mundial de las Misiones despierte en cada cristiano la pasión y el celo por llevar el Evangelio a todo el mundo. OCTUBRE ES EL MES DEL ROSARIO “Con el Rosario se puede alcanzar todo. Según una graciosa comparación, es una larga cadena que une el cielo y la tierra, uno de cuyos extremos está en nuestras manos y el otro en las de la Santísima Virgen. Mientras el Rosario sea rezado, Dios no puede abandonar al mundo, pues esta oración es muy poderosa sobre su Corazón”. Santa Teresita del Niño Jesus ADORACION EUCARISTICA CADA SEMANA Todos los Miércoles, en la capilla de la Catedral, se adora al Señor en el Santísimo Sacramento de 6:00PM a 7:00PM La Santa Misa se celebra a las 7:00PM y Confesiones se escuchan de 6:15PM a 7:00PM Nada te turbe, nada te espante, todo se pasa, Dios no se muda; la paciencia todo lo alcanza; quien a Dios tiene nada le falta: Sólo Dios basta. 3DUN$YHQXH $XWR5HSDLU,QF Complete Auto Service Foreign & Domestic 973-483-1351 Towing Service Fax 973-483-1377 106-108 Park Ave., Newark, NJ Se Habla Español Thinking About...Buying? Selling? Investing? Leasing? 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