ECKANKAR November 2014 “The love of God is in the very smallest things, the most private experiences of your life.” —Harold Klemp Religion of the Light and Sound of God Public Events for North Texas Phone: 972-820-0530 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 952-380-2222 Welcome to this month’s schedule of special events, book discussions, ECK Worship Services for all adult, youth, teen, and young adult held at the Dallas Eckankar Center unless otherwise noted. What Is Spiritual Freedom?, The Mahanta Transcripts, Book 11 , p. 33 Post Seminar Event Let Go and Let GOD Worship Service Photo by Christie Kay Sunday November 2 12:15 pm to 1:00 pm Dallas ECKANKAR Center After the Worship Service, attend a free presentation covering news and events from the 2014 ECK World Wide Seminar A “Texas Style” panel discussion at the 2014 ECKANKAR Texas Regional Seminar 4th Saturday November 22 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm Spiritual Discussion on Dreams Greggton Office Center 3008 W Marshall Avenue Longview, TX 75080 Website: -Longview-Tx 2nd Saturday November 8 11:00 am to 1:00 pm Amarillo Public Library 413 SE 4th Street Amarillo, Texas 79101 Website: Eckankar-Amarillo-TX Spiritual Wisdom on Karma And Reincarnation Book Discussion 2nd Saturday November 8 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm Richardson Public Library (Basement Level) 900 Civic Center Drive Richardson, TX 75080 Website: Eckankar-Dallas Learn From Past Lives, Dreams and Soul Travel Book Discussion Saturday November 22 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm Main Meeting Room East Regional Library 6301 Bridge St Ft. Worth, TX 76112 (E820 North at I30) Would you like to continue to read the Monthly North Texas ECK Wisdom public events? Please sign up to receive the public events via email at by emailing us your email address. We will not share your email address with anyone. Due to the high volume of requests via US Mail, we can only send paper copies for a couple months. Thank you and hope you enjoy ECK Wisdom! Harold Klemp Spiritual Leader of Eckankar Traducciòn en español en las pàginas 4 y 5 11 ECKANKAR Religion of the Light and Sound of God Public Events for North Texas Phone: 972-820-0530 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 952-380-2222 BOOK DISCUSSIONS, ECK WORSHIP SERVICES, YOUTH, TEEN, YOUNG ADULT ACTIVITIES Come and share experiences, ask questions, or just listen as the group explores keys to spiritual freedom. These classes are led by a trained Arahata, an Eckankar teacher, and are open to the public. You are welcome to invite family and friends who would like to know more about the teachings of Eckankar. Spiritual Exercise of the Month: Giving Permission “When going to bed for the night, you can simply say to the Inner Master: ‘I give you permission to take me where I am ready to go.’” —Harold Klemp The Spiritual Life, p. 125 Youth Ask a Modern Prophet about Life, Love, and God Book Discussion Most Every Sunday November 9, 16, 23, 30 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm Drop-ins are welcome Advanced Spiritual Study class starting in Carrollton Dallas ECKANKAR Center The Easy Way Discourses are a series of special lessons written by Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar. The discourses come with the first year of membership and have a special spiritual rhythm that gradually unfolds your consciousness. The class meets to study one lesson a month for twelve months or you may study on your own. After one year you may choose whether to renew your membership. A new class is starting at the Dallas Eckankar Center. This class is open to the members who have received The Easy W ay Discourses. You do not need to be a member to visit a class one time. For information on joining or visiting a class call 972-820-0530. For mor e information on membership go to Dallas ECKANKAR Center 1200 East Jackson Road Carrollton, Texas 75006 Past Lives, Dreams and Soul Travel & Spiritual Discussions/Meetups * * * * Out-of-body or near-death experience? Dreams with a departed loved one? An inner light or inner sound? A sense you’ve lived before? Feel free to bring your friends along. You will always learn something new! Any meetup, please call 1-888-I-AM-SOUL ABILENE: 1st Saturday November 1 11:30 am to 12:45 pm Main Auditor ium Abilene Public Library 202 Cedar Abilene, Texas 79601 KILLEEN: For Events in Killeen area see: LONGVIEW: Every Saturday 11:00 am to 2:00 pm Gr eggton Office Center 3008 W Marshall Avenue, Longview, TX WACO: 3rd Saturday November 15 1:30 pm to 2:45 pm West Waco Libr ar y 5301 Bosque Boulevard, Waco, Texas 76710 New Satsang The Easy Way Discourses in Denton Community HU Chants Date Time 1st Wednesday 7:00 pm 4th Sunday City Denton Address South Branch Denton Public Library, 3228 Teasley Lane 11:00 am Carrollton Dallas ECKANKAR Center, 1200 E Jackson RD 2:00 pm Longview Greggton Office Center, 3008 W Marshall Ave. South Branch Denton Public Library, 3228 Teasley Lane, Denton, TX 76210 Past Lives, Dreams and Soul Travel Discussion and Community HU Chant in Denton South Branch Denton Public Library, 3228 Teasley Lane, Denton, TX 76210 Every Sunday 10:00 am Carrollton Dallas ECKANKAR Center, 1200 E Jackson RD © 2014 ECKANKAR. All rights reserved. The terms ECKANKAR, ECK, EK, MAHANTA, SOUL TRAVEL, AND VAIRAGI, among others, are trademarks of ECKANKAR, PO BOX 2000 Chanhassen, MN 55317-2000 USA. Published by the Texas Satsang Society, Inc., A Chartered Affiliate of ECKANKAR. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the writers and not necessarily those of ECKANKAR, or . 22 You are warmly invited to attend ECK Worship Services and ECK Discussions. November 2 It is a time to remember God’s love for you and your love for God. Ages 2-21 activities run concurrent with ECK Worship Service. Ages 14-21, please join us in the Main Hall every 2nd Sunday. Ages 14-21 5th Sundays note ECK Worship Service. Do Everything With Love Officiator Maria-Dolores Trujillo Reading from the book by: —Harold Klemp, Youth Ask A Modern Prophet About Life, Love and God, p. 58 “Do everything, large or small, as if you were doing it for God -with love, joy, and thoroughness.” ECK YOUTH PROGRAM TEEN, YOUNG ADULT 14-21 Officiator Tony Stone November 30 Spirit Is Always With Us Reading from the book by: —Harold Klemp, Truth Has No Secrets, p. 56 ECK WORSHIP SERVICE DALLAS ECKANKAR CENTER November 2 ECK YOUTH PROGRAM COMMUNITY HU CHANT 4th SUNDAY MAIN HALL SUNDAY 11:00 AM TO 12:00 PM How to Thrive Spiritually in Trying Times Officiator Ehiaguina Borha Reading from the book by: —Harold Klemp, Spiritual Wisdom on Prayer, Meditation and Contemplation, p. 51-2 “Think about the gifts in your life that have come from God, from the Holy Spirit, that make this life worth living. Think about the adventures that are coming, and be grateful for the strength to meet tomorrow. Appreciate the gift of life.” November 9 Divine Guidance in Everyday Life Reading from the book by: —Harold Klemp, The Secret of Love, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 14, p. 132 Officiator Bob Kerr “Remember to ask, ‘What do I do now?’ and listen. Listen and listen again. Then wait and watch for the Holy Spirit to open a way for you to go to the next step in your spiritual life.” November 16 The Transcendence Of Love Reading from the book: The Shariyat Ki Sugmad, Book I, p. 124 Officiator Alex Audu “Love does not come to those who seek it, but to those who give love. It is a binding force between Souls who have nothing to give but themselves to one another. It is not a physical force of any nature, but one of deep tender compassion ready to give all should another demand it.” November 23 Community HU Chant Learn to Sing HU Reading from the book by: —Harold Klemp, The Secret of Love, The Mahanta Transcripts, Book 14, p. 3 Officiator Barbara Shelp “You are a spark of God. You are divine Light and Sound put together in a form called Soul.” Please join us for Round Table Discussions, following the Community HU Chant, from 11:45 am - 12:30 pm. Refreshments & Fellowship will follow the Round Tables. November 30 A Larger Room Reading from the book by: Truth Has No Secrets, p. 35 —Harold Klemp, Officiator Austin Audu “As a spiritual exercise, take yourself into a larger room. For example, if you have a desire for more self-discipline, leave the room of self-discipline that you’re in. Go down the corridor, and go into another room. This room will be larger. It will be much larger. Just live within the awareness that you want to be in this room of more self-discipline. Then let the ECK, the Holy Spirit, bring about the changes in your life that will accompany such a resolution.” 33 ECKANKAR Noviembre 2014 “El amor de Dios se manifiesta en los detalles más pequeňos, de las experiencias personales de tu vida.” —Harold Klemp Qué es la Libertad Espiritual? Transcripciones del Mahanta, Libro 11, pág. 33 Clases Centro en Dallas a la 9:30 am Domingos Cartas de Luz y Sonido y Domingo Octubre 5 y 19 El Shariyat-KiSugmad Discusión Espiritual 4o. Domingo Octubre 26 La religión de la luz y el sonido de Dios Eventos públicos para el Norte de Texas Centro de Eckankar en Dallas Teléfono: 972-820-0530 Correo electrónico: [email protected] Teléfono: 952-380-2222 EVENTOS El Ejercicio Espiritual del Mės “En la noche cuando vas a la cama, puedes decirle al Maestro Interno: “ Te doy permiso para que me lleves al lugar donde estoy lísto para ir.” —Harold Klemp La Vida Espiritual, pág. 125 Revista de Sabiduría Espiritual Revista gratis trimestral a través del internet o correo electrónico. ¿Quieres información sobre cómo manejar las tensiones del diario vivir? ¿Quieres estar informado sobre seminarios, libros, CDs y DVDs? ¿Quieres compartir las enseñanzas de ECK con tu familia, amigos y otros buscadores espirituales? Para entrar en la página web o suscribirse a través de correo electrónico por favor visita: ¿En busca de la verdadera felicidad? Aprende a Cantar HU ¡Descubre cómo 20 minutos pueden cambiar tu vida! ¿Quieres encontrar a Dios dentro de ti? Canta HU, una canción de amor a Dios. En esta vida tan apresurada y llena de cambios constantes HU puede ser la llave para la prosperidad espiritual. Este evento se llevará a cabo en el Centro de Eckankar de Dallas el domingo 28 de Septiembre de 11:00 am a 11:30 am. 1200 East Jackson Road, Carrollton, Texas 75006 Denton, el jueves 3 de Septiembre de 7:00 pm a 8:30 pm. South Branch Denton Public Library, 3228 Teasley Lane, Denton, Texas 76210. Harold Klemp Líder Espiritual de Eckankar © 2014 ECKANKAR. Todos los derechos reservados. Los términos ECKANKAR, ECK, EK, MAHANTA, SOUL TRAVEL y VAIRAGI, entre otros, son marcas registradas de ECKANKAR, PO BOX 2000 Chanhassen, MN 55317-2000 USA. Publicado por la Sociedad Satsang de Texas, Inc., afiliada a ECKANKAR. 44 La opinión expresada en esta publicación es de los autores y no necesariamente de ECKANKAR ó Sri Harold Klemp, el Mahanta, el Maestro Viviente de ECK. EN CARROLLTON SE ESTÁN FORMANDO CLASES DE ESTUDIO ESPIRITUAL AVANZADO Experimente el Milagro del Crecimiento Espiritual Usted está cordialmente invitado a participar en los servicios de ECK y en los diálogos de ECK. ECK PROGRAMA DE JÒVENES Noviembre 2 Es tiempo de recordar el amor que Dios te tiene y el amor que tú sientes hacia Dios. para adultos. Edades 2-21: Actividades simultáneas con el Servicio Dominical de ECK Edades 14-21: Pueden asistir con los adultos en el salón principal cada 2do. domingo. Edades 14-21: 5to. domingo. Tome nota del Servicio Dominical de ECK. Hazlo todo con amor Oficiante Maria-Dolores Trujillo Lectura del libro de: —Harold Klemp, La Juventud le pregunta a un Profeta Moderno sobre la Vida, el Amor y Dios, pág. 58 “Todo lo que hagas, ya sea grande o pequeňo, hazlo como si fuera para Dios, hazlo con amor con gozo, y cuidadosamente.” ECK SERVICIO DOMINICAL PARA ADOLESCENTES Y ADULTOS JÓVENES ENTRE 14-21 AÑOS Noviembre 30 El Espíritu Divino siempre está con nosotros Oficiante Tony Stone Lectura del libro de: —Harold Klemp, La Verdad no Tiene Secretos, pág. 56 “Recuerda siempre que no estás solo. El Espíritu Divino está siempre contigo, siempre guiandote, siempre protegiendote, siempre procurandote gozo y haciendo que tu vida sea mejor, pero eso no significa que tú siempre estés prestando atención.” SERVICIOS DOMINICALES DE ECK CANTO COMUNITARIO DE HU (4to. DOMINGO) SALÓN PRINCIPAL CADA DOMINGO DE 11:00 AM A 12:00 PM Noviembre 2 How to Thrive Spiritually in Trying Times? Lectura del libro de: —Harold Klemp, Spiritual Wisdom on Prayer, Meditation and Contemplation, pág. 51-2 Oficiante Ehiaguina Borha “Think about the gifts in your life that have come from God, from the Holy Spirit, that make this life worth living. Think about the adventures that are coming, and be grateful for the strength to meet tomorrow. Appreciate the gift of life.” Noviembre 9 Guía Divina en la vida diaria Lectura del libro de: —Harold Klemp, El Secreto del Amor, Transcripciones del Mahanta, Libro 14, pág. 132 Oficiante Bob Kerr “Acuerdate de preguntar, “Qué hago ahora? y entonces escucha. Escucha y de nuevo escucha. Espera y presta atención cómo el Espíritu Santo abre para tí el siguiente paso en tu vida espiritual.” Noviembre 16 La Transcendencia del Amor Lectura del libro: The Shariyat Ki Sugmad, Libro 1, pág. 124 Oficiante Alex Audu “El amor no llega a aquellos que lo buscan, sino a aquellos quienen dan amor. Es una fuerza que enlaza a las Almas que no tienen nada que dar excepto de sí mísmas de una a otra. No es una fuerza de naturaleza física, pero de una profunda ternura y compasión lísta para dar de sí misma cuando alguien lo necesite.” Noviembre 23 Canto Comunitario del HU Lectura del libro de: —Harold Klemp, El Secreto del Amor, Transcripciones del Mahanta, Libro 14, pág. 3 Oficiante Barbara Shelp “Tù eres una chispa de Dios. Tù eres la combinación de Luz y Sonido Divino en una creación llamada Alma.” Noviembre 30 Una Habitación Más Grande Lectura del libro de: —Harold Klemp, La Verdad no Tiene Secretos, pág. 35 Oficiante Austin Audu “Como ejercicio espiritual, imaginate que estás en una habitación más grande. Por ejemplo, si tu deseo es ser más disciplinado, deja la habitación de la disciplina en la que estás ahora. Camina a través del corredor, y entra en otra habitación. Ėsta habitación será más grande. Será mucho más grande. Vive con el conocimiento de que quieres estar dentro de esa habitación donde hay más autodisciplina. Entonces deja que el ECK, el Espíritu Santo, traiga nuevos cambios a tu vida que estarán de acuerdo con tu resolución.” 55 Dallas ECKANKAR Center Place Stamp Here Post Office Box 110894 Carrollton, Texas 75011-0894 Directions to the Dallas ECKANKAR Center From the South Go North I35E to West 190, George Bush Turnpike. Take first exit, Old Denton Road (free exit) Turn South (right) on Old Denton Road to 1st traffic light, Jackson Road, turn East (left). Go less than 1 mile to Center on right side. From the East close to George Bush Turnpike Go East on 190, George Bush Turnpike till you are almost at I35E. Exit, Old Denton Road. Turn South (left) on Old Denton Road To 1st traffic light, Jackson Road, turn East (left). Go less than 1 mile to Center on right side. Rising Starz Daycare building -- in the front ECKANKAR Center building -- in the back 1200 E. Jackson Road Carrollton, Texas 75006 The Dallas ECKANKAR Center is located in a building in the back of the Rising Starz Daycare. 972-820-0530 From the East close to LBJ/I635 Go West I635, LBJ, to North I35E. Exit East on 190 George Bush Turnpike. Take first exit, Old Denton Road (free exit). Turn South (right) on Old Denton Road To 1st traffic light, Jackson Road, turn East (left). Go less than 1 mile to Center on right side. From the West Go East LBJ/I635, to North I35E. Exit East on 190 George Bush Turnpike. Take first exit, Old Denton Road (free exit). Turn South (left) on Old Denton Road To 1st traffic light, Jackson Road, turn East (left). Go less than 1 mile to Center on right side. From the North Take I35 South to 190, George Bush Turnpike. Take first exit, Old Denton Road (free exit). Turn South (right) on Old Denton Road To 1st traffic light, Jackson Road, turn East (left). Go less than 1 mile to Center on right side. 66
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