Fourth Sunday of Advent Mass Intentions Saturday 5:00 P.M. Sunday 8:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 11:30 A.M. Monday 8:00 A.M. Tuesday 8:00 A.M. Wednesday 8:00 A.M. Thursday 5:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 12:00 A.M. Friday 9:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. December 19, 2015 Maria Teresa Muccia - RIP December 20, 2015 Madi Coballo and Mario Chiari – RIP Madilyn Meza James Irwin Morales – RIP Jessica Delgadillo and Luckie Luciano Decideria De la Rosa Stella Hnatiuk – Birthday Blessings December 21, 2015 Pat Anthony and Mike Boyle – RIP Jeff Siscilo – RIP December 22, 2015 Demetrio De La Rosa – RIP December 23, 2015 Schiavone Family Keith Allen – RIP December 24, 2015 Youth of the Parish Michael Peralta and Dereck Allen Jo-Ann Eagleton – RIP December 25, 2015 Beat Gassner Family Intentions Jesus Clemente – Third Birthday The Last Days of Advent Today we entered into the last days of Advent, the seven days before the Vigil of Christmas. During these days, our anticipation of Christmas increases in intensity, making us aware not only of how much we have yet to do to prepare for Christmas but how much we have yet to do to welcome Christ more completely into our lives. With the knowledge that the days of Advent are coming to an end, we are led to those means by which Christ comes to us in the Church and asks us to welcome Him into our lives, especially to the Sacraments of the Holy Eucharist and of Penance. As we anticipate the celebration of Christmas, we want to be with our Lord in the Holy Mass each day, if possible, offering ourselves to Him and with Him in the Eucharistic Sacrifice. We want to spend time with Him in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, either reposed in the tabernacle or exposed for adoration. We also desire to meet our Lord in the Sacrament of Penance. There is no better way to make our final preparation for Christmas than to spend time with our Eucharistic Lord and to meet Him in the Sacrament of Penance. Our final preparation for the celebration of the Birth of the Lord brings us to Christmas Eve. The final hours before Christmas are observed with a great recollection, the concentration of our attention upon the great mystery of the Incarnation, and the substantial and unchanging meaning which it gives to our lives. Whatever may be lacking in our preparation for the celebration of Christmas, in the disposition of our hearts to receive Christ fully into our hearts. On Christmas Eve, there can be no place in our hearts for discouragement, let alone despair, but rather our hearts must be filled with confidence in God’s love, with the December 20, 2015 sure hope that He will redeem us from all our sins, even as He has sent His only-begotten Son to do. How can we doubt the mercy of God Who comes to us in all humility and poverty to be for us our All! He will not permit His plan of infinite mercy and love toward us to fail! May the celebration of our Lord’s Birth, this year, bring us all a deeper knowledge of how much God has loved us and continues to love us in our Lord Jesus Christ! May such knowledge, which indeed comes most fully to us in the Holy Eucharist, make us the bright and tireless bearers of God’s love! Los Últimos Días de Adviento Hoy entramos en los últimos días de Adviento, los siete días antes de la Vigilia de la Navidad. Durante estos días, nuestra anticipación de la Navidad crece con gran intensidad, hacienda que nos demos cuenta no tan solo de lo, mucho que nos tenemos que preparar todavía para la Navidad sino también como debemos darle la bienvenida a Cristo de una manera más completa en nuestras vidas. Con el conocimiento de que los días de Adviento van a llegar a su fin, somos guiados por medio de los medios en los cuales Cristo viene a nosotros en la Iglesia y se nos pide darle la bienvenida en nuestras vidas, especialmente en los Sacramentos de la Santa Eucaristía y de la Penitencia. En anticipación de la celebración de la Navidad, nosotros queremos estar con nuestro Señor en la Santa Misa cada día, si fuera posible, ofreciendo nos a Él y con El en el sacrificio de la Eucaristía. Queremos pasar tiempo con El en oración antes del Santísimo Sacramento, ya sea que este reposando en el tabernáculo o expuesto en la Hora Santa. También deseamos encontrar a nuestro Señor en el Sacramento de la Confesión. No hay mejor manera de prepararnos para la Navidad más que pasar tiempo con nuestro Señor de la Eucaristía y encontrarnos con El en el Sacramento de la Confesión. Nuestra preparación final para la celebración del Nacimiento del Señor nos trae a la Noche Buena. Las horas finales antes de la Navidad se observan con una gran recolección, la concentración de nuestra atención se pone en el gran misterio de la Encarnación, y el significado sustancial y que no cambia el cual le da sentido a nuestras vidas. Cualquier cosa que faltase en nuestra preparación de la celebración de Navidad, en la disposición de nuestros corazones para recibir a Cristo plenamente en nuestros corazones. En la Noche Buena, no puede haber lugar en nuestros corazones para estar desanimados, mucho menos para estar desesperados, sino que nuestros corazones deben estar llenos de confianza en el amor de Dios, con la segura esperanza de que Él nos redimirá de todos nuestros pecados, pues Él ha mandado a Su Único hijo para hacer eso. Como podemos entonces dudar en la misericordia de Dios que vino a nosotros con toda humildad y pobreza para estar con nosotros y para ser todo para nosotros! El no permitirá que su plan de infinita misericordia y amor falle! Que esta celebración del nacimiento de nuestro Señor, este ano, nos lleve a un conocimiento más profundo de lo mucho que Dios nos ama y continua amándonos en nuestro Señor Jesucristo Que tal conocimiento, el cual nos llega más plenamente en la Santa Eucaristía, nos haga ser brillantes portadores del amor de Dios! I was thirsting for poverty, chastity, obedience. I asked to be made wholly clean by you, to be clothed by you, to be made resplendent by you. –Saint Peter Canisius Fourth Sunday of Advent Antoinette Smith, DeeDee and Randy Jensen, Susan Gandy, Raymond Roback, Georgiana O. Viveros, Aswut Toscano, Jeannie Spellman, Leandra Arviso, Laura Martinez, Helen Fabian, Shirley Ann Kolb, Violet Inglett, Jacqueline Pierson, Sandra Delzer, Carmen Casas, Virgil Yazzie, Jane Blackmon, Coy Bryant, Marianne MacNitt, Shane Connor O’Connell, Garrett Baumann, Nora Scott, John David Admire, Emily Mazzetti, Sandra Belsky, Kathleen Admire. Also, please remember those who have died: Leobardo Bautista, Otis Blackmon, Dolores Holmes, Song Ak Kim, Leonila De La Rosa, Ana Calderon, Jo-Ann Eagleton, Jeannette Ward, Juan Gonzalez Do you know anyone who would like to be listed for prayer? Please Call the Office at 760-742-3317 or Mike Kerrigan at 951-805-3872 December 20, 2015 Merry Christmas He is wrapped in swaddling clothes, but vests us with immortality. He found no place in the inn, but makes for Himself a temple in the hearts of believers, in order that weakness might become strong, strength become weak. (St. Augustine) May God fill you and all those you love with the light of Jesus Christ. May His light shine always in your homes, and may the birth of our Savior fill you with joy this Christmas and be your support throughout the New Year! Merry Christmas! You will be remembered with our blessing, affection, gratitude, and prayers at Mass on Christmas Day. Around the Mission - December Baptism: Alexis Hernandez, Isabella Huerto, Luciano Gates, Lia Moldonado, Tayla Moldonado, Noah Espinoza, Elliana Josephine Hinojoca, and Ramiro Hernandez, Quinceañera: Jennifer Avalos Funeral: Violet Inglett – Rosary, 7:00pm, Thursday, December 10, Pala; Mass, 10:00am, Saturday, December 12, Pala Angelina Garcia – Viewing, 12-12-15, McLoud Mortuary, Escondido, 10:00am- 2:00pm; Graveside, 9:00am, Valley Center Cemetery, Tuesday, 12-15-15 First Anniversary: James Morales, Saturday, December 19, 10:00am Mass, Rincon Wedding Anniversary: Rose and Tony Garcia 200th Anniversary Book This is the second to the last Sunday for signing up so be sure to stop by the tables to check out the photos and get a brochure to explain the offered photo program! Remember, to achieve our goal, we need to have all our parish families sign up to reserve a time to have their family portrait taken by LifeTouch Photography in the coming weeks…no excuses! Sign-ups are quick and easy! Photos will be taken starting in January, but you must reserve a time for your portraits. CCD Corner Reminder: There will be no CCD on December 27 or January 3, 2016 for Christmas Break. Classes resume January 10, 2016! Wishing everyone a Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year!!! On Sunday, December 20 after the 8:00am Mass, there will be a wrapping party in the San Juan Diego Ctr. Bring your paper, scissors, and tape to join the fun! Thursday, December 24, 2015 5:00PM - Pala Mission Chapel (Youth) 7:00PM – St. Bartholomew Chapel, Rincon Midnight Mass – Pala Mission Chapel + + + Friday, December 25, 2012 Mission - 9:00AM 10:00AM Mass - San Juan Diego Center No 9:30AM Mass – Rincon + + + New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day will be the regular weekday schedule of 8:00AM 2016 Weekly Envelopes Your 2016 Sunday Envelopes are available, for those who use the box envelopes, on the table in the back of church. The boxes have the names corresponding with the number used in the past. If you are not currently using envelopes and would like to use these, please go to the Gift Shop and sign up there. Thank you. Youth Group – December Sunday, December 20 – Confirmation Class, 9:15am to 10:45 Tuesday, December 21 – Christmas gift Exchange, 6:30pm Sunday, December 27 – NO CLASS Sunday, January 10 – Return to classes, 9:15am to 10:45am Grupo de Jóvenes – Diciembre El domingo, 20 de diciembre – confirmación clase, 9:15 a 10:45 El martes, 21 de diciembre –regalos de Navidad intercambio, 6:30 pm El domingo 27 de diciembre –NO CLASE El domingo, 10 de enero, 2016 – regreso a clases, 9:15 a 10:45 am Behold, I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God. – Saint Stephen, the First Martyr
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