Weekly Bulletin - Sittingbourne Methodist Church

Weekly Notices
& Activities
7.15pm House Fellowship (last Mon in month)
10.30am - 12 noon AGE UK (monthly)
10.00am - 3.00pm COGS Club
12.15pm - ‘Living Stones’ (alternate Wed)
4.30pm - 9.00pm - Encore Music School
7.30pm - Trefoil Guild (monthly)
25th – 31st
January 2015
Have you considered making your
offertory by Direct Debit? For more
information see Tony Brown.
If you are a UK tax payer you can most
likely GiftAid your giving, for more
information see Paul Skipp.
8.30am Prayer Focus including breakfast
(as arranged)
Web site www.sittingbournemethodist.org.uk
Minister: Rev. Dr. Gary Watt – Tel: 01795 422573
Collect for this Sunday
Loving God, through your Son you have called us to repent of our sin,
to beleive the good news, and to celebrate the coming of your kingdom. Grant
that we may hear the call to discipleship and gladly proclaim the gospel to a
waiting world; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
10.00am 3H Club
12.15pm Lunch Club
9.15am Prayer Focus (as arranged)
10.00am Coffee Morning
2.00pm Needles & Pins (fortnightly)
7.30pm Choir & Praise Band Practice
Sittingbourne Methodist Church
Original Real Easter Egg –
new design
Easter, I hear you say we've only just finished
Christmas! Easter isn't that far away and the
Original Real Easter Egg has had a complete
re-design and now includes a 24 page Easter
story book/3ft Happy Easter banner and a
pack of milk chocolate Chunky Buttons in
the box.
Features: 3 crosses on the box, comes with
Mark’s Resurrection text in lid, 24 page
Easter storybook/3ft Happy Easter banner,
milk chocolate egg, pack of our Chunky
Buttons 25g and a donation to Traidcraft
We extend a warm welcome to everyone worshipping with us today.
If you are new to our church we would like to stay in contact with you
so please take a card from the vestibule and fill in your name and
address, handing it to a Steward following the service.
Your Steward today is: Barry Langford
Today’s Worship will be led by
10.30am Local Arrangement – led by the Worship Leaders
Next Sunday's Worship will be led by
9.00am Breakfast followed by All-age Worship at10.30am
Rev Dr Gary Watt & Deacon Pru Cahill – Cafe Worship Led by the Family Trust
The eggs are £3.99 each, if you would like
to order one please speak Paul Skipp
Visiting our church and would like to Gift Aid
your giving? Please take a blue envelope from
the table in the welcome area and simply fill in
your details.
Notices for inclusion in next weeks edition should
be left in the pigeon hole marked “Weekly Notices”
in the church welcome area, or telephoned to
Tony Brown on 01795 437801, or e-mailed to him
at [email protected] all by 10pm
on Thursday 29th January 2015.
Those Bereaved - Bill Brightman and Family
Those receiving treatment or unwell at home or in residential care:
Jenny Dixon, Vera Brammer and Emily.
New Mugs!
The Funeral of Joyce Brightman
will take place on Thursday 29th January
at 12.00pm at the Garden of England
Crematorium Bobbing followed by
a Memorial Service at this church at
2.00pm. With light refreshments in the
Frontline Coffee Lounge afterwards.
on Sunday 1st February.
Breakfast from 9.00am followed by
All-age Worship at 10.30am
led by the family Trust.
Church Flowers
The 2015 Flower rota is now up on the
Notice Board in the Lounge. So if you find
any dates that suit your requirements,
please feel free to append your names
as soon as possible. Alternatively make a
donation of money to the Flower Fund by
seeing Anne Skinner on 01634 373877 who
will accept it for the Flower fund. It is the
donations that enable the Flowers to be in
the Church on Sundays.
Fundraising Meeting
A meeting will take place on
Wednesday 4th February at 7.30pm in
Meeting Room 1 to discuss future events
to continue the work of God in this church
and the wider community.
Do you have an hour to spare?
There are a number of small cleaning
and maintenance jobs that need doing
around the church building. Some
of them not the most attractive like
cleaning the large cooker hood in the
main kitchen cutting down weeds and
brambles behind the hall, cleaning out
blocked drains etc. –
Not the the most up-front jobs but still
part of our Christian service.
Will you help?????????
We’ve had 1 volunteer!
If you can please speak to
Tony Brown or Jean Jeffery.
Now we have returned to the coffee
lounge at the front of the church it
has been suggested that we have some
nice matching bone china mugs. If
everyone donated just £1.00 towards
a mug this would make it possible
(and we promise not to break them).
Please pass donations to treasurer
Tony Brown. Thank you.
Food Allergens
Following the new legislation put in
place by the government which came
into force on 13th December regarding
food allergies, all food prepared on the
church premises and any prepared at
home and brought on to the premises
must state if they contain any of the
14 main ingredients which people who
suffer from a serious allergic reaction
may be susceptible too.
House Fellowship Group
A full list of those ingredients will
be displayed in the main hall and
the lounge.
T hank you
Sunday 8th February will be Doreen
Koffie-Williams and the 22nd February
will be Judith German.
will meet at the home of Bill and Jenny
Prince, 16 Marjoram Drive on Monday
26th January, 7.15pm for 7.30pm.
Change of Preacher
Last weeks collection amounted to
£322.65 this does not include amounts
given by other means.
Please ensure your mobile ‘phone is either
switched off (preferably) or on silent
during a church service. Apart from the
disturbance this causes if it goes off it can
also affect the churches AV equipment.