Let the Church Move Out From the Make Your Move Series

Let the Church Move Out
From the Make Your Move Series
A Sunday Preaching Series by
Ralph Douglas West
“Let the Church Move Out”
Pastor Ralph Douglas West
Colossians 4:7-18
Church ___________________________Pastor is the ONLY minister.
Church ___________________________Everyone ministers.
2. Onesimus _______________________________________
The enemy will contend that your sin is so great that it disqualifies
you for service. He will insist that God may forgive you, but He
can never use you.
3. Aristarchus_______________________________________
False friends are like our shadows, keeping close to us while we
walk in sunshine, but leaving us when we cross into the shade.
4. Mark____________________________________________
Failure is not falling down but staying down.
5. Jesus Justus_______________________________________
All the world’s a stage but nobody wants to be a stagehand.
6. Epaphras_________________________________________
We pray too often for God to make everything go right and too
Colossians 4 encourages me. It says, “God does not use me because I
am flawless, nor does He reject me because I am flawed. As I willingly obey
Him and allow myself to be used, God accomplishes His work through me.”
What kind of people did Paul choose to minister with him?
1. Tychicus-________________________________________
“Trust is the emotional glue that binds followers and leaders together.”
Leaders-Warren Bennis
infrequently that we will be right.
7. Luke_____________________________________________
Make sure that the things you are living for are worth dying for.
8. Demas ___________________________________________
Quitting is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.