July 24 & 31, 2016

St. Augus ne Roman Catholic Church
116 Sixth Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11217-3596
Rev. Thomas W. Ahern, Pastor
Mr. Joseph Bichotte, Deacon
Sr. Ellen Glavey, Religious Education Coordinator
Mr. Andrew Violette, Director of Music
Mrs. Nilsa Peña, Parish Secretary
Mr. Brendan Moloney, Coordinator of Youth Ministry
Rev. Agnelo Pinto, In Residence
Rev. Charles P. Keeney, In Residence
Msgr. Robert Harris, in Residence
Monday to Friday:
9:30 AM to 12:00 PM
1:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Monday to Thursday 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
No evening hours
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
9:30 AM to 2:00 PM
Appointments appreciated
Rectory Office
5:00 PM
9:00 AM
10:30 AM
12:00 NOON
1:30 PM
St. Monica Hall
Sterling Place
[email protected]
9:00 AM (English)
Wednesday 7:30 PM (Spanish)
HOLY DAYS: As announced
First Friday of each month, check for time.
Speak to a staff person about the process of becoming
a Catholic and/or receiving Eucharist and Confirmation.
RECONCILIATION: Confessions heard Saturdays
4:00 - 4:45 PM or by appointment.
BAPTISM: Parents should call at least two months in
advance for preparation dates.
MATRIMONY: Couples should meet with a priest or
deacon at least six months in advance.
COMMUNION OF THE SICK: Please call to arrange
communion for the sick, homebound, or hospitalized.
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Sunday morning - English
and Spanish.
Phone number: 718-857-2559; www.sfxsparkslope.org/
Visit our Website
Bulletin for the Weeks of…
July 24 and July 31, 2016
Page 2
Mass Intentions for the Weeks of…
Sunday, July 24
5:00 Patricia & Tom Norby ‘Wedding Anniversary’
9:00 +Lydia Vazquez (S. O’Reilly)
10:30 +Amy V. Rodriguez (Felix Rodriguez)
10:30 +Lydia Vazquez (Miguel Vazquez)
10:30 +Maria Gomez (Rafa & Julia Joa)
12:00 +Monsignor Thomas Brady
1:30 D’action de Grace (Nicole Pierre-Louis)
Monday, July 25
9:00 Janice D’Esposito (Steve Radainski)
Tuesday, July 26
9:00 Andreas Damianou (Carolina Damianou)
Wednesday, July 27
9:00 Celeste Mullaney
7:30 Divino Niño
Thursday, July 28
9:00 +Harry Hill
Friday, July 29
9:00 +Harry Colon (Rosa Sepulveda)
Saturday, July 30
9:00 +Joseph Bernard
5:00 +George Barton
Sunday, July 31
9:00 Blake Family (Pauline Blake)
10:30 Tita Cordero (Angelica Rodriguez)
10:30 Mayra Rivera (Milagros DeJesus)
12:00 Vincent Tarone (Mildred Fedele)
1:30 For The People Of The Parish
Summer Bulletin
Sunday, July 31
9:00 Blake Family (Pauline Blake)
10:30 Tita Cordero (Angelica Rodriguez)
10:30 Mayra Rivera (Milagros DeJesus)
12:00 Vincent Tarone (Mildred Fedele)
1:30 For The People Of The Parish
Monday, August 1
9:00 Claudette Eugene ‘Gift of Life’ (Claudette Eugene)
Tuesday, August 2
9:00 +Fr. Garvey Meade
Wednesday, August 3
9:00 +Fr. John Kennedy
Thursday, August 4
9:00 Deidre Cunningham ‘Gift of Life’
Friday, August 5
9:00 +Fr. Charles McLaughlin
Saturday, August 6
9:00 Elizabeth Rose Loney ‘Gift of Life’
5:00 +Eugene Lamoureux (Tom McGoldrick)
Sunday, August 7
9:00 Larry & Laura Hannon ‘Wedding Anniversary’
10:30 +Maria D Berhabel (Ana Marrero)
10:30 Carmen Rodriguez (Nilsa Peña)
12:00 Henry Claude Jasama (David Joseph & Ernst Brionne)
1:30 Denise Vincent ‘Gift of Life’ (Denise Vincent)
Blessed Mother Candle
For the week of July 24th… will be lit In Thanksgiving
to God requested by Nicole Pierre-Louis.
Collection 7/10 - $3,043.00
Collection 7/17 - $3,574.00
Bread & Wine
For the week of July 31st… will be offered for Mayra
Upcoming Events/Meetings
Sanctuary Candle
For the week of July 31st… will be lit for Marie Bois In
Thanksgiving of Life.
St. Augustine Respite Shelter Volunteers
Twenty-six volunteers signed up to staff the respite shelter during St. Augustine’s week, July 411, 2016. A cooking team prepared an evening
meal for the guests at the shelter and overnight
volunteers slept over. Old First Reformed Church on 7th Avenue and Carroll Street hosts the shelter during the summer
months and faith-based communities in Park Slope provide a
staff of volunteers for a week. We thank the St. Augustine volunteers for their support in providing the guests with a hearty
meal and a clean, safe place to sleep. Our volunteers were: Kanayo Al-Broderick, Vanessa Alvarado, Robert Biegen, Carol K.
Carey, Marie Corkhill, Alycia and Tim Donovan, Ellen Edelman, Lenny Fennell, Edgar Flores, Betty Flynn, Barbara
Glayat, Deborah Hurd, Deborah Hutchinson, Rose Kyewalyanga, Tiffany Laboy, Jimmy Palmaro, Jean Prahl, Max Robin,
Michel Somerville, Joe Sweeney, Gizelle Thorne, Wendy
Thorne, Nancy Tim,, Miguel Vasquez, Karen Weekes. CAMBA,
a non-profit social services agency in Brooklyn, organized the
program and selects the guests. CAMBA services do not end in
summer; shelters are open year round and the need for volunteers is ongoing. If you would like to volunteer, contact Joshua
H. Foss, Tel: 347-992-9757/ email: [email protected]
Terce is every Sunday after the 9:00 a.m. Mass.
Vespers is every Saturday before 5:00 p.m. Mass.
Pray By Hand… no meetings until September. Please
see future bulletins or email [email protected]
Nicotine Anonymous… meets every Thursday in St.
Monica Hall at 7:00 p.m. Stop by the rectory for more
Holy Hour… August 5th directly after 9:00 a.m.
To see the world in a grain of sand
and a heaven in a wildflower,
hold infinity in the palm of your hand
and eternity in an hour. —William Blake
Chair Yoga... with parishioner Dalienne Majors will have a
summer break from July 14-Sept 1st. Classes will resume
Thursdays at 9:45am after Mass on Sept 1st. Please contact
Dalienne at 718-369-3031 if you have any questions.
PLEASE NOTE: During the month of August there will be
NO Spanish Mass on Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. and NO
Baptisms for infants and small children.
St. Augustine R.C. Church
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Bulletin Announcements
Our summer bulletins will be printed bi-weekly. In order to insure timely receipt of your bulletin announcement, please drop
off at the rectory or e-mail to Vanessa at [email protected] (see schedule below for bulletin
deadline). We make every effort to include as many announcements as possible, but please do not wait until the last minute
with your requests. Please allow 2 weeks for announcement.
Thank you.
Sunday, August 21 & August 28
Thursday, August 4
Diocesan Adult Faith Opportunities
*Foundation for Ministry… Are you thinking about volunteering for a parish ministry? This 10-week program, designed for adult learners, covers a different topic each week.
Classes begin in September and are being offered in Brooklyn and in Queens in English, Spanish, and Haitian Creole. If
you are interested, please ask the pastor for a copy of the
registration information form or go to http://
foundations-ministry/ for more information and to register.
Registrations online only! For more information you may
also contact the Pastoral Institute at 718/281-9556 or at [email protected].
*Lay Ministry Program... The Pastor al Institute’s Lay
Ministry Program is for sponsored persons who wish to serve
in parish ministry. Participants are provided academic, pastoral, human and spiritual formation. If you are open to contributing to the pastoral life of the parish as either a volunteer
coordinator for a particular ministry or as a member of a parish staff, speak with your pastor/administrator about applying
to the Lay Ministry Program for classes that start in September 2016. Candidates for the program must have parish sponsorship; nominations are now being accepted. For more information please call Fr. Ahern at ext 12.
WELCOME: To register as a member of the parish, please
use the form on the table in the vestibule of the church OR
stop in the rectory during office hours.
Please turn your cell phone off before entering the Church.
Santa Mónica, cuya fiesta celebramos en agosto, se
conoce generalmente como “la madre persistente”. Ella vio
como su hijo mayor, Agustín, le daba la espalda a su fe cristiana. Mónica estaba exasperada. Durante años se dio por
vencida de hablar directamente a su hijo siguiendo el consejo de un obispo de la región que le dijo que era mejor hablar
con Dios sobre Agustín que con Agustín sobre Dios. La
madre nunca dejó de rezar por su hijo. Finalmente, Agustín
abandonó su rebeldía, fue bautizado y luego ordenado y
nombrado obispo de Hipona. San Agustín se convirtió en
uno de los eruditos más importantes de la Iglesia. Las lecturas de hoy destacan la importancia de la oración persistente.
Abraham, a pesar de temer molestar al Señor, continúa preguntándole sobre el destino de Sodoma y Gomorra. Jesús,
en el Evangelio según san Lucas, le dice a sus discípulos
“pidan y se les dará, busquen y encontrarán, toquen y se les
abrirá” (Lucas 11:9). Esta es nuestra tarea: seguir rezando.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
We pray for the sick…
Recemos Por los enfermos. . .
Requests for public prayers for the sick should be made by the
sick person her/himself or a family member, since at times the
person does not wish the illness to be made public. Please call
the parish secretary. The names will remain on the sick list for
three weeks and thereafter repeated as requested by a family.
Helena Severin
Daisy Rijo
Jose Colon
Janie Gamble
Carmen M Mercado
Nancy Cimino
Jackie Strachen
Robert Katan
Angela Ramos
Barbara Mangilardi
James Leune
Olive Bouaz
Tiffany Rios
Mike Meehan
Dorinda Baéz
Alex Ramos
Julie Elle Brittner
Laura M. Perez
Hector Davila
Kitty Denega
Pascasia Vidal
Paul Callahan
Christopher Neves
Monique Daumec
Yvette Reyes
Kathy Cruz
John Barton
Jane Erickson
Clara Rodriguez
Yvette Sendker
Carmen Torres
Angelo M. Ramos
Barbara Merrill
Col. Ret. Will Merrill
Pedro R. Garsed
Severina Caban
Sonia Bonilla
Anthony Tuitt
Nilda L. Morales
We pray for members and friends serving in the military:
Rezamos por miembros y amigos que estan sirviendo en el
Servicio Militar: Sgt. Estephen Shirverts, Col. Will Merrill, Lt.
Jeanell Merrill, Capt. Peyton Hurley, Manny Otero, PFC Anthony J. Jolimeau, Paul Valdez, Jorge E. Moreira, Jerry
Moreira, Kathleena Hurd, David Garcia, Samantha Vega, L.C.
US Marine Corps, Capt. Richard Martinez, US Marines, Airman Clara Lyde, 1 Lt. Ignacio Naudon.
Recemos Por... Si usted tiene una persona que usted desea
ser rogado para, por favor déjenos saber inmediatamente y rogaremos por ellos. Los nombres quedarán en la lista de enfermos por tres semanas y repetida después de eso por requerimiento. Favor de ver la lista de los enfermos y los difuntos en
la pagina 3. Gracias.
Programa Diocesano de Ministerio Laico
El Programa de Ministerio Laico del Instituto Pastoral es para
personas patrocinadas que desean servir en el ministerio parroquial. Durante un período de tres años, los participantes reciben
formación académica, pastoral, humana y espiritual. Si usted
está abierto a llenar una necesidad de lideres ministeriales voluntarios dentro de la parroquia, hable con el Padre Ahern sobre
la solicitud del programa de Ministerio Laico para las clases
que comienzan en septiembre de 2015. Los candidatos al programa deben tener el patrocinio de la parroquia; nominaciones
están siendo aceptadas ahora. Clases: Curso en Español - el
martes: 7:15-21:15 en la Parroquia de San Juan Bautista, 75
Lewis Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11206. El programa comienza en
septiembre. Para información, llame al Padre Ahern.
Recordatorio: Por favor tome un formulario de inscripción a las salida de la iglesia si no lo has hecho ya.
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Don’t forget to visit our website for more announcements @ www.staugustineparkslope.org
Diocesan Lay Ministry Program… Institi pastoral program minstri se pou laik yo ki esponse moun ki panse a sevi
nan ministry pawas la. Pandan twa ane, patisipan yo va
resevwa formasyon ak a demik pastoral, imen ak espirityel. Si
ou vle vini yon lide ministry ki bezwen nan pawas la, pale
avek Pe Tom nan Septamb 2016. Kandida yo pou program la
dwe moun nan pawas la; nominasyon ap asepte kouniye-a. Pou
enformasion, rele Pe Tom nan ext. 12.
Fondasyon Pou Program Sèvis la
Èske w ap panse fè volontè pou yon sèvis nan pawas ou? Petèt
Fondasyon Pou Program Sèvis la se pou ou! Pwogr am 10semèn sa a, fèt pou elèv ki granmoun, li kouvri yon sijè diferan chak semèn. Li kouvri pa egzanp: Ki W òl Layik Pral Jwe;
Jezi: Mesaj Li ak Misyon Li; Yon Sèl Legliz, Plizyè Figi.
Klas yo ap kòmansenan mwa Septanm nan, epi yo ofri yo nan
Brouklin ak nan Kwins nan lang angle, kreyòl ak panyòl. Si w
enterese, tanpri mande pastè a pou yon kopi fòm enskripsyon
an oubyen ale nan http://dioceseofbrooklyn.org/fmp pou plis
enfòmasyon ak pou ou enskri. Enskripsyon fèt sou entènèt la
sèlman! Pou plis enfòmasyon ou ka kontakte Enstiti Pastoral la
tou nan 718/281-9556 718/281-9556 718/281-9556718/2819556 osnon nan [email protected].
BAPTISMS: Please note… pap genyen batem pou bebe yo
ak timoun piti dwan mwa Out.
Nouvo pèsonn nan pawas la?
Eské ou vlè pou rejistré kom yon pawasyen?
Wi, mwen vlè pou rejisté kom yon pawasyen nan
Legliz St. Augustin ak resvwa anvlope.
Nom ________________________________________
Adrès _______________________________________
Téléfon: (
) _______________________________
Email: ______________________________________
Tanpri koupé fòm la e mété li nan basket
koleksyon-an, ou poté-l nan presbitè pou nou:
St. Augustine Church 116 Sixth Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11217