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Nursing educa-on coming soon to ISC
Mr Simon Whatling is leading an exci&ng project at ISC which will see the
introduc&on of Nursing Educa&on in 2016. In partnership with TAFE North
and James Cook University, ISC will offer training for health care workers,
nurses and in the longer term, dental assistants. A new building comprising
two classrooms and a six-bed teaching ward, medical recep&on area and
u&lity spaces will be constructed, commencing in April, using $1.5 million in
federal government funding. Pictured right are the architect, project
manager, EQ central and regional office facili&es staff and our Business
Services Manager, Mrs Alana Robertson.
Edition 1—3 February 2015
From the Principal
Cassowary Coast Australia Day Awards recognise past and present ISC students
Welcome to all our new and returning Innisfail State College families! It appears that we closed one chapter
in the life of our wonderful college last year, with the first gradua&ng group of students to have undertaken all
of their schooling from years 8 to 12 at the new campus, and we immediately begin an exci&ng new chapter,
with the arrival on campus of the first group of year 7s to commence six years of secondary schooling at
Innisfail State College.
Graduate news: You may have seen in the newspaper some of the results earned by our 2014 graduates. We
are tremendously proud of our graduates, who confirmed once again that ISC is an excellent school, by securing:
Highest academic result in Cassowary Coast: Tamasyn Carman, OP1, and Sir Samuel Griffiths Scholarship winner
Award for best school based appren-ce in FNQ: Kellen Briggs, carpenter with Corica Construc&ons
Award for best school based trainee in FNQ: Tim Ambrum, rugby league development officer with Qld Rugby League
Regardless of the pathway your son or daughter wishes to follow, every opportunity to excel is available at ISC. We
congratulate every one of our 2014 graduates and we will con&nue to watch with pride as they embark on the journey into
2015 enrolments: Our student numbers have grown steadily over the past three years, and 2015 sees a sharp boost due to
the new year group. We an&cipate a final enrolment of about 850 students in the 7—12 campus, an addi&onal 23 in the
Diverse Learning Centre and with seven TAFE classes running each Wednesday, a TAFE enrolment of about 100 students.
2015 staffing: To cater for this enrolment increase, Deputy Principal Mr Richard Graham has scoured the State and beyond
to secure 22 excellent new teachers for the 7—12 campus. Associate Principal DLC Mrs Lois Laidlaw has also welcomed
outstanding new staff in the form of a new teacher and a new speech therapist. We are presently working to appoint
addi&onal Teacher Aides, a Guidance Officer and a Scien&fic Opera&ons Officer to complete our 2015 staff team.
In closing, I’d like to pass on to parents and family the same advice I gave students last week. High school is a very exci&ng
place to be. There is always something to do. Students and families who get the most out of the high school experience
are those who are involved in all the opportuni&es that are presented. Please con&nue to support your high school
students, talk to them daily about their high school life, and become involved yourself in the life of the college.
Kindest regards,
All parents and carers are invited to join the Innisfail State College Parents & Ci&zens Associa&on. A small, friendly group of
interested parents, the P&C meets generally on the second Monday of each month at 7pm in the College office. The
mee&ngs are noted on the P&C-sponsored fridge magnet calendar to be posted home soon to each family. Next week’s
mee&ng, on Monday 9 February, is the AGM. Whether you are interested in joining the execu&ve or just coming along to
learn more about our great school you are very welcome.
Coming events
Thursday 12 Feb
Grant to upgrade auditorium ligh-ng for school musical
An applica&on by P&C President Mr Les Moule to the Queensland
Government Gambling Community Benefit Fund in August 2014 has
secured $20 683.18 for an upgrade to the auditorium ligh&ng. This
will result in the best possible ligh&ng effects being used to highlight
this year’s school musical “Back to the 80s”. Audi&ons are almost
complete for the musical, which features some great 80s music and
dance moves. Rehearsals will take place throughout semester one,
with performances scheduled in term three. See Mr Crear in C block
for more informa&on.
2015 student leaders
P&C AGM Monday 9 February
Friday 6 Feb
Monday 9 Feb
Tuesday 10 Feb
Wed 11-Fri 13 Feb
Wed 11 February
FOUR present and past Innisfail State College students were
honoured in the Cassowary Coast Regional Council Australia
Day Awards this year.
2014 College Captain and Dux Tamasyn Carman was named
Cassowary Coast Junior Ci&zen of the Year. This same honour
was bestowed upon 2013 College Captain Jason Strano last
year. This year Jason was recognised as the region’s Senior
Tamasyn Carman, Jason Strano, Hayley Strano, Zoe Coubrough
Sportsperson of the Year. 2014 graduate Zoe Coubrough was
awarded the Junior Cultural Award this year and Hayley Strano, 2015 College Vice Captain, was presented with an
Excellence Award in recogni&on of her academic and spor&ng achievements and ci&zenship.
ISC Swimming Carnival ALL STUDENTS
AGM of P&C 7pm College Office
Leadership Workshop for Captains
Year 7 camp at Echo Creek
QCS prac&ce and workshop for OP
eligible Yr 12s & all 11s
DLC Parent Chat Night
16 Feb - 20 Feb
Wednesday 18 Feb
Thursday 19 Feb
Friday 20 Feb
Mon 23-Tue 24 Feb
Wednesday 25 Feb
Friday 27 Feb
Year 7 Jet Plans with parents
Year 8 Geography excursion
A&TSI Cons&tu&onal Conven&on
FNQ Cons&tu&onal Conven&on
Instrumental Music Repertoire Camp
Year 11 Marine snorkelling
School photos for ALL STUDENTS
shop is
open Tue,
Wed & Thu
before &
In a special ceremony at school last Friday, the College
Captains and Vice Captains, Student Leaders from years
11 and 12, House Captains and Peer Mentors officially
took up their responsibili&es. In the presence of special
guests Mr Cur&s PiH, Member for Mulgrave, Mr Bill
Shannon, Mayor Cassowary Regional Council and Mr Les
Moule, President ISC P&C, the 2015 Seniors and Leaders
took their oaths and received their badges. We wish
these students all the best in their various roles this year.
Our college student leadership structure also includes
four student leaders from each year level. The year 7, 8,
9 and 10 student leaders will be elected in coming weeks
and we look forward to these students joining the
leadership team.
Innisfail State College acknowledges the Mamu People, Tradional Custodians of the country in which this College is located, and pays
respect to their Elders past and present.
Years 7 & 8 students learn about being successful at ISC
In the most significant change to secondary
schooling in Queensland since year 8 moved from
primary to secondary school in 1964, this year sees
year 7 students par&cipa&ng in high school
throughout Queensland.
ISC is very excited to have welcomed 154 year 7s
and 105 year 8s last week. Following a very
thorough transi&on program last year, our newest
students par&cipated in four orienta&on
lessons last week. These
focused on: classroom
rou&nes and par&cipa&on
strategies, standards of
classroom and playground
behaviours, how to set and
achieve aspira&onal learning
goals, and how to effec&vely
manage &me to improve study
and grades. Parents and carers were invited to also aHend the lessons
and it was wonderful to see them in our classrooms. Lessons were led
by the principal, deputy principal and heads of departments.
ISC swimming carnival
Friday 6 February will see all ISC staff and students at the Innisfail town pool for the annual swimming carnival. Our day
begins and ends at the pool, with Transnorth buses dropping off and picking up at the pool. Students who travel by car,
bicycle or who walk to school, should make their way to the pool, also, as there is no transport from ISC to the pool or back.
Entry to the pool on the day is paid by the College. Students may bring their own lunch or purchase it from the pool
canteen. It is a red food day.
Students should wear a hat, sunscreen, togs and a sunshirt. Shoes and socks are not required. Sunscreen is available
throughout the day free of charge. In fact, house points are allocated to students each &me they “slop” on some
Parents are most welcome to come along and cheer on the swimmers. Students are encouraged to dress in House colours
or themes, but body paint and colour hair sprays are not allowed as they can adversely affect the pool water.
Themes for the day are:
Hinchinbrook Hippies (green)
Oceanic Orpheus (purple)
Fitzroy Firefighters (orange)
Boxing Bedarra (blue)
Textbooks and study planners
Students in years 7 to 12 have been issued with textbooks and study planners. Year 7 and 8 students also received a writeon, wipe-off wall planner, to assist them to organise their school work and free &me. We are s&ll seeking the return of
some textbooks hired last year. Please search for these at home and return them as soon as possible as they are required
by other students this year. It is very important that students clearly write their names in the table printed inside each text
book, so that ownership can be tracked. Please ask to see your children’s text books and check that they are labelled.
By the end of the week, all students had seHled into classes and were
focused on learning the new work.
Parents and carers of years 7, 8 and 9 students are reminded that if they
have any ques&ons at all, the mentors can be contacted as follows:
Students with surnames A—G Mr Sharrock [email protected]
Students with surnames H—Q Mr Whatling [email protected]
Students with surnames R—Z Mr Graham [email protected]
The junior secondary contact in the college office is Mrs Roselyn Cecchi.
Mrs Cecchi can be contacted on 4078 0222.
Year 7 camp will take place at Echo Creek from Wednesday 11 to Friday
13 February. All students are expected to par&cipate in this important
ac&vity, with a program designed to help students interact and work
with other students and staff members in a non-school sePng to
enhance their ability in making produc&ve rela&onships. If your family is
under financial strain, please contact business services manager Mrs
Alana Robertson on 4078 0222 to explore flexible op&ons.
Clockwise from top right: Teacher aide Mrs Sue Rees assists students; Year 7 boys learn how to set SMART learning goals, supervised by
Mr Hooper; principal Mrs Kate MacDonald teaches rounes to Year 7 boys, including minimum expectaons for wri,en responses; head
of English Mrs Deb Thomas shows Year 7 girls what’s similar and what’s different about how high school operates; junior secondary
deputy principal Mr Richard Graham explains behavioural expectaons; Year 7 students learn me management and study planning
skills, including how to use their new wall planners, assisted by teacher aide Mrs Colle,e Ross and teacher Mr Dan Carman.
ISC graduates gain traineeships
Congratula&ons to 2014 graduates Jonah
Barley, Flora Gamia, Joshua Mooka, and Alana
Purcell (leK to right), who have been selected
to take up full-&me health worker cer&ficate III
traineeships with Mamu Health this year. More
excellent results for Innisfail State College’s
great graduates!
Diverse learning
The Diverse Learning Centre welcomes three new students this year—Ellie Golding,
Cody Hansen and Alicia Solien. We have an enrolment for 23 students from 7 yrs—17
yrs. In addi&on, we welcome an addi&onal teacher, Kathy Lizzio who is responsible for
mathema&cs across all students. An emphasis in the early days of the year has been to
remind students of being safe, being responsible and being respecBul and prac&sing
what this means.
Being a Learner is the most important and all students have begun their studies in
English, (Mrs Page), mathema&cs, history (Mrs Lait). This year, we have a special
subject for communica&on taught by Mrs Marturia who will be working with the
students to develop appropriate communica&on skills in all sePngs—at school, in the
community and at home with families. Several of our students use devices to aid their
communica&on and we will develop their skills further with these. Scien&fic opportuni&es will be inves&gated in Terms 2
and 3 with geography in Term 4.
Swimming/hydrotherapy has begun with the first group star&ng last week with Mrs Page, Val and Debra with the
assistance of our physiotherapist, Lorraine Robson. All students will have the opportunity to par&cipate in this programme
across Terms 1, 2 and 4.
As a major funded project, we are developing teachers’ and teacher aides’ skills in the area of Intensive Interac-on for our
early communicators under the guidance of visi&ng specialist, Janee Williamson who is training Debbie BlennerhasseH and
Speech Pathologist, Leanne Herbert to mentor our teachers. This will provide an opportunity for our students who do not
communicate independently to further develop their ability to have their say. We will be visi&ng three larger Special
Schools in Brisbane this week as part of the programme and to aHend workshops by an expert from the UK.