Nucleosynthetic Anomalies in Palladium from IAB, IVA, and IVB Iron

46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2015)
B. Mayer1 and M. Humayun1, 1National High Magnetic Field Laboratory & Dept. of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric
Science, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32310, USA ([email protected])
Introduction: Nucleosynthetic anomalies have
been reported in Mo and Ru from bulk chondrites,
achondrites and irons [1,2], but are either more limited
in W [3,4,5] or absent in Os [5,6]. The origin of these
anomalies may represent spatial and/or temporal heterogeneity in the sources that supplied material to the nascent solar nebula, and/or may have been enhanced by
chemical processing within the solar nebula [e.g. 7,8].
Palladium is a siderophile element but, in contrast to the
refractory siderophile elements studied for isotopic
anomalies (Mo, Ru, W, Os), Pd is not refractory during
nebular processing. We have previously reported Pd
isotopic compositions of IVB iron meteorites [9,10] that
demonstrated clear cosmogenic effects in ε104Pd and
distinct nucleosynthetic anomalies in ε104Pd and ε110Pd
[10]. Here, we present new precise Pd isotope ratio
measurements of IAB, IVA (Gibeon) and IVB iron meteorites to extend our previous work.
Analytical Methodology: For Pd isotopic composition analyses samples from 7 IVB meteorites (new:
Kokomo, Hoba, Santa Clara, and Tawallah Valley; Duplicate: Skookum, Warburton-Range, Dumont [10]), 3
IAB meteorites (Toluca, Canyon Diabolo, Campo del
Cielo) and Gibeon (IVA) were freshly cut and polished,
then dissolved in aqua regia. The iron matrix (cation
column) and isobaric and molecular interferences (Zn,
Zr, Mo, Ru, Cd etc.) were removed with cation and
anion exchange column chemistry [15]. All Pd-isotopic
compositions were analyzed on the Thermo Neptune™
MC-ICP-MS (at the NHMFL, Tallahassee) in 100
ng/mL aliquots in 2% HCl. The 7 IVB iron meteorites
were measured with an ESI SIS™ or APEX™ sample
introduction system in low resolution and static mode.
Later measurements of the IAB and IVA during a separate session were made with a CETAC Aridus™ sample introduction system in medium resolution in static
mode. The measurements were made with Thermo SuperJet8.2 Ni and Spectron T1001 Ni-X skimmer cones.
All Pd isotope ratios were normalized to 108Pd/105Pd
1.18899 [14] using the exponential law for mass bias
correction. All data are given in epsilon notation as deviation from the reference material, an Alfa Aesar High
Purity Pd Standard. Possible minor isobaric interferences from Ru (101Ru) and Cd (111Cd) were simultaneously monitored on the MC-ICP-MS. To establish the
purity of the Pd cuts and to monitor possible interferences, all samples were analyzed with an ICP-MS
(Thermo Element2TM or Element XRTM) prior to measurement on the MC-ICP-MS.
Results: New results are shown in Fig. 1, 2, and 3.
Palladium isotopic anomalies have been confirmed in
the IVB iron meteorites consistent with previous results
from this lab [15]. A Pd isotopic anomaly is now reported for Gibeon (IVA), whereas isotopic anomalies in the
3 IAB irons are not resolved from the terrestrial standard within current precision. Typical within session reproducibility of the terrestrial standard for ε104Pd,
ε106Pd, and ε110Pd was ± 0.1, ±0.05, and ±0.1 εu (2σ of
the mean), respectively.
IVB iron meteorites. The new IVB iron meteorites
show a uniform ε110Pd anomaly around +0.5 εu, with
ε106Pd not resolvable from 0.0 εu. Between the different
IVB iron meteorites a variability in the ε104Pd is clearly
resolvable (Warburton Range: -0.44 to Kokomo: +0.40
εu) which is attributed to GCR effects (see discussion
IAB iron meteorites. The 3 IAB iron meteorites exhibit uniform values for ε104Pd, ε106Pd, and ε110Pd of 0.1, 0.0, and +0.1εu, respectively, but are not resolved
from the terrestrial standard by more than 2σmean (using
all three ΙΑΒ). No resolvable variability within the 3
IAB on ε104Pd has been found here.
Gibeon (IVA). Unfortunately, this sample tended to
clog the nebulizer by the end of the measurement runs
due to possible organic contamination in the solution.
Therefore, these results are still preliminary. In the Gibeon iron meteorite, a positive ε110Pd anomaly of +0.3
and a negative ε104Pd anomaly of -0.2 εu is resolved
from the terrestrial standard while ε106Pd at -0.09 εu is
not resolvable from the terrestrial standard.
Discussion: Cosmogenic effects. Cosmogenic neutron capture in iron meteorites causes the burning of
Rh (highest thermal neutron cross section in the mass
region A=92-110 [11,12]) resulting in an excess in
Pd. This can mask any nucleosynthetic effect on the
s-process only isotope (104Pd, [13]) of Pd while the rprocess only isotope 110Pd [13] has no observable cosmogenic effects. The variable anomalies in the IVB iron
meteorites are well correlated with another in-situ neutron dosimeter based on ε192Pt (Fig.1) (burning of 191Ir
and resulting excess in 192Pt) [3,5,12]. After GCR damage corrections (Fig.1) an initial anomaly in ε104Pd of 0.5 εu is resolvable which is lower than the reported
anomaly in a previous study [10] due to more samples
which have less GCR damage and, thus, the regression
line is constrained more precisely. The 3 IAB iron
metorites show no variability in ε104Pd.
46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2015)
Fig. 1: Comparison of ε104Pd and the in-situ neutron dosimeter
ε192Pt measured on the same samples of IVB iron meteorites [5].
Black squares represent individual measurements of IVB iron meteorites (this study) and open triangles IVB iron meteorites from
previous study [10]. Dashed black line represent modeled effects of
GCR reactions for iron meteorites [10,12].
Fig. 2: Nucleosynthetic anomalies in Pd in different iron meteorite
groups with 2σmean errors. Note that only the ε104Pd of IVB iron
meteorties has been GCR corrected. Black solid line predicts effects
on ε104Pd and ε110Pd based on an s-process deficit [13].
Nucleosynthetic effects. The GCR corrected ε104Pd
anomaly in the IVB iron meteorites as well as the positive ε110Pd anomaly is attributed to an s-process deficit
(Fig. 2). Similar nucleosynthetic anomalies are also observed in other elements, like Ru, Mo, and W [1-5] but
not found in Os [5,6]. Ruthenium and Mo show similar
s-process deficits implying a common host phase [e.g.
7]. If the same carrier was also a host for Pd this would
have yielded a s-process deficit in ε104Pd of -1.0 εu and
an excess in ε110Pd around +1.0 εu [13]. The observed
anomalies, though, are only half of what would be predicted assuming a common carrier for Ru, Mo, and Pd
(Fig. 3). This discrepancy is most likely due to a different host of the Pd anomalies than of Ru and Mo anomalies. A possible carrier might be a metal phase hosting
Pd and part of the isotopically anomalous budgets of Mo
and Ru. Since Pd is not known to form carbides nor
found in SiC [15] in contrast to Mo and Ru, the known
presolar grains are not likely carriers of the Pd isotope
anomaly. Thus, physical or chemical processing of SiC
in the nebula cannot affect the Pd isotope composition
but may enhance the effects in Mo and Ru above those
observed in Pd. Further, studies of Ru and Mo [1,2] on
other iron meteorites such as IAB and IVA have shown
that IAB show no resolvable anomalies in Ru and Mo,
whereas IVA iron meteorites (ε92Mo: +1.0 εu, ε100Ru: 0.5εu) show half the magnitude of the observed anomalies of IVB iron meteorites (ε92Mo: +2.0 εu, ε100Ru: -1.
εu). The correlation between Pd and Mo isotope anomalies shows that processing of carriers plays an important
role in preserving nucleosynthetic anomalies in certain
elements, the details of which remain to be worked out.
In this, Pd isotopes have proven an important new tool.
Fig. 3: Nucleosynthetic anomalies in Pd (this study) and Mo [1] in
different iron meteorite groups with 2σmean errors.
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