Bulletin - Saint Rose of Lima Parish

St. Rose of Lima Parish
Parroquia Santa Rosa de Lima
In Christ, We are Bread for one another:
Broken… we gather.
Nourished… we reach out.
En Cristo, Somos Pan para cada uno:
Lo Dividimos… Nos Juntamos.
Alimentados… tendemos la mano.
True Freedom
February 1, 2015
Any me Nature shows its real power through snow, ice, fire or wind, we realize
how powerless we are. Those powers easily disable our technology, schedules
and the systems we create, throwing everything into chaos. We like to think that
we are in control but, like the man who came to Jesus in today’s Gospel reading,
we aren’t. We can only imagine what his life must have been like, to have this
demon within ruling his life and destroying everything he held dear. Maybe he
tried to fight it off, thinking each morning that new day would be different, but it
wasn’t. The demon’s power was too great - it controlled him and his ac ons.
Then, he came to the synagogue and met the power of Jesus. Jesus looked at the
man and addressed the demon saying, “Quiet! Come out of him.” The man was
set free forever.
Although we don’t like to think about it or accept it, there are forces of evil
outside and inside of us that can control some aspects of our life - including the
quality and nature of our rela onships. Some mes, we think that if we are
posi ve, have the right ideas, read a li le bit more from the Bible or get more
informa on, then we can bring ourselves into spiritual freedom. What we really
need is the power and grace of God ac ng in us.
Some of the demons that can take control of our life are hate, prejudice, greed,
glu ony, lust, substance abuse, selfishness, the desire for immediate
gra fica on and self-concern. These are all powers that destroy us by robbing us
of the freedom, dignity and purpose God has given us in Bap sm. They can be
like a storm out of control. Today, people want freedom from these powers that
dominate them. So o en, they ignore spirituality and turn to science, medicine,
supers on, psychics and charms, things we thought were from the past but are
s ll very much with us today.
There is hope! Jesus can do for us what He did for the man in the Gospel. Jesus
spoke with an authority beyond books and learning: the authority of God. Just as
Jesus liberated the man possessed, He came to free us from all the forces of evil
outside and inside us, so that we can live in the dignity and freedom of the
people of God. We must avoid anything that diminishes, dilutes, divides,
weakens and fragments the most precious gi s we have - our faith, our trust in
Jesus Christ and the spiritual purpose of life. The power and authority of Jesus
Christ is the only power on earth that truly sets us free.
Whatever the demons in our life - demons from the past, demons in the present,
or fears of the future - what Jesus did for the man in the synagogue, He can do
for us. Let us recognize among us the One Who
has the power to cast out our demons, Who
seeks to enter our hearts and lives, Who wants to
make us faithful and free.
11701 Clopper Rd., Gaithersburg, MD 20878-1024
 PHONE: 301-948-7545  FAX: 301-869-2170
 EMERGENCIES (A er Hours): 301-355-8191
 WEBSITE: www.strose-parish.org
Historic Chapel / Capilla Histórica
Monday-Friday................................... 8:30 am (English)
1er Viernes ........................................ 7:00 pm (Español)
Sunday............................................... 7:15 am (English)
1er Dimanche................................... 10:00 am (Français)
2nd Sunday ........................................ 5:00 pm (Tagalog)
Church / Iglesia
Saturday Vigil ..................................... 5:00 pm (English)
Sunday...... 8:45 am (English) & 11:15 am (English + ASL)
Domingo ........................................... 1:00 pm (Español)
Historic Chapel / Capilla Histórica
Thursday........................ 7:00-9:00 pm (English/Español)
Church / Iglesia
Saturday ..................................... 4:00-4:30 pm (English)
Domingo .................................... 2:15-3:15 pm (Español)
Bap sm Classes
Begin while pregnant or awai ng adop on. Bap sms
will not be scheduled un l clases have been completed.
Parents MUST pre-register to a end. Two sessions are
required. 2015: TBD
Clases para Bau smo
Comience cuando este embarazada o esperando una
adopción. Los Bau zos no se podrán programar hasta
que las clases hayan sido completadas. Los padres
TIENEN que pre-registrarse para atender. Dos sesiones
se requieren. 2015: marzo 14 y 21, mayo 2 y 16,
sep embre 12 y 19, noviembre 7 y 14
Church / Iglesia
2o Domingo ...................................... 12:00pm (Español)
2nd Sunday ........................................ 12:30pm (English)
Stephen Ministry
Ralph Bally, 301-873-0487 (English)
Zita Tepie, 301-519-1527 (English)
Julie Diaz, 301-519-8654 (Español)
Accessibility / Fácil Acceso
Hearing systems, accessible sea ng, large print worship
guides and an ASL interpreter (11:15am) are available. /
Aparatos ampliadores de sonido y asientos accesibles
están disponibles.
Woodlands Room Rental / Eventos de Alquiler
Maria Cris na Peano, [email protected]
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time / 5o Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Cycle B - February 7/8, 2015
Historic Chapel:
Sun., 7:15 am Fr. Tony Krisak
Sat., 5:00 pm
Sun., 8:45 am
Sun., 11:15 am
Sun., 1:00 pm
Fr. Francis Russo
Fr. Tony Krisak
Fr. Agus n Mateo
Fr. Agus n Mateo
Ash Wednesday
Liturgy Schedule
Job 7:1-4, 6-7
1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23
Mark 1:29-39
Liturgical Ministers:
Team B
Bread Bakers:
Group 12
Bap sm / Bau zo
Leah Jun Mar nez
Wednesday, February 18
Liturgical Ministers are needed!
Please sign up to serve.
Sign-Up sheets are by
the LM sign-in table.
8:30am (HC)
12:15pm (CH)
5:00pm (CH)
7:30pm (CH)
Mass with Imposi on of Ashes
Mass with Imposi on of Ashes
Liturgy of the Word with Imposi on of Ashes
Bilingual Mass with Imposi on of Ashes /
Misa Bilingue con Imposición de las Cenizas
From Palms to Ashes...
From now through Sun., Feb. 15, you may bring in last year’s
blessed palm branches and place them in the specially marked
baskets (located in the Church Foyer and the back of the
Historic Chapel). They will be burned for use at our Ash
Wednesday services on Feb. 18.
† Deceased
Tue., 2/3 8:30 HC
Wed., 2/4 8:30 HC
Thu., 2/5 8:30 HC
Fri., 2/6 8:30 HC
Fri., 2/6 7:00 HC
Sat., 2/7 5:00 CH
Sun., 2/8 7:15 HC
Sun., 2/8 8:45 CH
Sun., 2/8 11:15 CH
Sun., 2/8 1:00 CH
* Living
Anna T. Arvay, by Bruce & Karen Donato
Jayaprakash Aseervatham, by Kirupa
Josephine Savage, by Bill & Mary Lou Beane
Jenna Harrity, by Peggy & Frank Cardile
Lina Flores, by Maggie Moreno
Rose Forte, by Lori Kirkland
David Montgomery, by Ann & Ron Dziuba
Mildred Seigel, by Bruce & Karen Donato
Judith Ortega Contreras, by Brod. Joe Loberiza
Flor de Maria Mujica, by Family Members
Those who are sick / Aquellos quienes están enfermos:
Dante Aleman Jr., Stephen Ashman, Wayne Baker, Barb Bartle , Tom
Bean, Mary Lou Beane, Gilbert Blake, Mischa Bolton, Joyce Botkin,
Elaine Bygrave, Lois Carnes, Pratap Chirayath, Rev. John Clark, Janet
Fuller, Marco Garcia, Don Gisin, Carla Hamby, Ingrid Jones, Jerome
Julius, Mary Julius, Anne Krause, Michael Lindsey, Yi Liu, Michael
Mahsetkey, Karen Mallen, Alfonso Mar nez, Carlota Mar nez, Josie
Ma ero, Elizabeth McCracken, Maja Orcino, Clarita Pomareda Pinto,
Anthony Reid, Mary Rhoads, Jolie Robbins, Alfredo Rodriguez, Ligia
Sanchez, Maria Jose Sarceño, Anna Sieber, Mar n Sullivan, Zita Tepie,
Paula Turner, Pedro Ernesto Uribe, Marie Valen ne, Myrian Vásquez de
Gonzalez and Kay Volo.
Those who have died / Aquellos que han fallecido.
Esther Baiocco, great-aunt of Kathy Fry
Francisca Castro, mother of Nelton Castro
Guy Efomi, husband of Tshela Pakabomba (Rose Claire)
T.J. Hill, uncle of Steve Morton
Christopher Pagara, cousin of Lane Tuason
Won Park, friend of Mike Ballen ne
Aldo Ruano, brother-in-law of Deacon Mario Moreno
Marie Tardis, mother of Diane Demers
2015 Annual Jubilarian Mass
Cardinal Wuerl will celebrate this annual Mass honoring
couples married 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 and 51+ years on Sun.,
June 21, 2:00pm, at the Basilica of the Na onal Shrine of the
Immaculate Concep on. Please submit names by Mon., April
13 to Mary Carey, [email protected].
Misa Annual de Jubileo Matrimonial 2015
El Cardenal Wuerl estará presidiendo la misa anual para
celebrar a las parejas que están conmemorando 25, 30, 35, 40,
45, 50 o más años de matrimonio el domingo 21 de junio del
2014 a las 2:00pm, en la Basílica de la Inmaculada Concepción.
Para inscribirse contacte a Mary Carey, [email protected],
antes del lunes 13 de abril.
Flu Season Guidelines
If you are not feeling well, please refrain from receiving from
the chalice. If you cannot a end Mass because of poor health
or are "shut-in", consider viewing a televised Mass. The
Archdiocese of Washington airs a Mass filmed in the Crypt
Church of the Basilica of the Na onal Shrine, Sundays at
10:30am on WDCW-50 (Verizon: Ch. 3; Dish or Direct TV: Ch.
50); ABC Family airs Mass at 6:30am each Sunday; Catholic TV
broadcasts a weekly Mass from the Basilica of the Na onal
Shrine on Saturdays at 7:00pm and 11:30pm.
Monthly Young Adult Mass: Christ in the City
2nd Thursdays, Immaculate Concep on Parish, 8th & N Streets
NW, Wash., DC (Mt. Vernon Square Metro). Young Adults (21late 30s) are invited! Adora on & Confession: 6:00pm. Mass:
7:00pm. A erwards, gather at a nearby restaurant for
fellowship, food and drinks! INFO: [email protected];
Mark Your Calendars!
Annual Faith Li Retreat for Women
S.U.D.S. Collec on:
(NEW, Please!) Socks, Underwear, Deodorant, Soap
Sat., March 7, 8:30am-12:15pm (with op onal lunch and
a ernoon session). Renew and refresh your spirituality during
Lent and spend me in fellowship with other women of
faith. Program planning is underway, but addi onal volunteers
are welcome. INFO: Chris ne Jeffrey, cjeff[email protected]
Help provide these basic necessi es to our homeless brothers and
sisters staying in local shelters. Dona ons of shampoo, condi oner,
toothpaste, toothbrushes, lo on, sunscreen and laundry detergent travel or regular sizes - are also greatly appreciated. Dona on boxes will
be located in the Church Foyer and Parish Centre. DROP OFF DATES:
Feb. 7/8 and 14/15. INFO: Kimberly Adams, [email protected]
St. Rose of Lima Men’s Retreat:
Behold the Face of God
Accommoda ng Hearts Ministry
March 6-8, at Loyola on the Potomac, a Jesuit Retreat House in
Faulkner, MD. Give a weekend to God – come away and rest
awhile! Join other men from St. Rose for this annual retreat
experience. COST: $235. ($185 for first- mers and/or young
adults 30 and under.) INFO & RESERVATIONS: Jack Sahm,
[email protected] or 301-367-5043;
Do you have a connec on with someone who has special need,
disability or mental health challenge? Join us on the first Tuesday of
each month as we gather to help provide ongoing access and
opportuni es for full par cipa on in the life of our parish. NEXT
MEETING: Tues., Feb. 3, 7:45pm, Jeremiah Room. INFO: Sherry
Moitoza, [email protected]
OWLS Mini Retreat:
Blessings of Age, Blessings of Wisdom
Lobby Night in Annapolis
Join the Older, Wiser, Loving Seniors for a mini retreat on Tues.,
Feb. 10. Coffee & Donuts: 9:30am. Retreat: 10:00am-2:00pm.
Chris ne Jeffrey, Director of Liturgy and Adult Faith Forma on,
will lead the retreat in prayer and discussion. Please bring a bag
lunch. Drinks will be provided. RSVP: Linda LeBlanc, 301-9631269 or [email protected]
Join Maryland’s bishops and hundreds of fellow Catholics on Monday,
February 16 (President’s Day), 2:30-8:00pm, at St. John Neumann
Mission Church, 620 North Bestgate Road, Annapolis. Shu le buses
between St. John’s and the State Capitol will be provided. This advocacy
event provides Catholic voters the opportunity to speak in person with
their elected officials about legisla ve issues. FREE event includes light
supper. Registra on required. REGISTER: www.mdcathcon.org/
LobbyNight INFO: 410-269-1155 or 301-261-1979
Dear St. Rose Members,
The Holy Father Pope Francis, a er the First Synod on Family and in prepara on for the second one this
year, is reques ng greater input on part of the people of God. As a result, a robust survey has been
generated by the Holy See reflec ng the most important aspects of family and family life today. We are sending you the link to the survey in
hopes that you will take me to answer the ques ons as you are able. We realize the ques ons are rather mul faceted and challenging, but
hope you will be able to provide some input for this broad consulta on of the Church. You are asked to kindly submit the input by February 8,
2015 using the following link: h ps://s.zoomerang.com/s/synodonfamily2015. Thank you very much for taking the me. God bless you.
Thank You Party!
¡Fiesta de Agradecimiento!
Are you an adult who shared your gifts of Time & Talent
with the St. Rose Community throughout 2014 (for
example, Catechists, Liturgical Ministers, Music
Ministers, Ministry Leaders, Social Concerns Volunteers,
Christmas Fundraiser Volunteers, Fiesta Workers, Shape
Up Day Volunteers, etc.)? If so, we want to celebrate
your service to the Parish at a Thank You Party on Sat.,
Feb. 7, 6:30-10:30pm, in the Woodlands Room. This
party is only for adults 21 years of age or older.
Childcare will be available (6:30-9:00pm) and spots are
limited. You must PRE-REGISTER for childcare by
February 2, 2015: Ivonne Salazar, [email protected]
¿Es usted un adulto que compartió sus dones de Tiempo y Talento
con la Comunidad de Santa Rosa a lo largo del 2014 (por ejemplo,
Catequistas, Ministros Litúrgicos, Ministros de Música, Líderes de
los Ministerio, Voluntarios para las Labores Sociales, Voluntarios
para Recaudación de Fondos en Navidad, Trabajadores para Fiesta,
Voluntarios para el Día de Arreglos, etc.)? Si es así, queremos
agradecer su servicio a la Parroquia con una fiesta de
agradecimiento el sábado, 7 de febrero, 6:30-10:30pm, en el Salón
Woodlands. Esta fiesta es sólo para adultos que tienen 21 años de
edad o más. Habrá cuidado de niños (6:30-9:00pm) y el cupo es
limitado. Usted debe PRE-REGISTRARSE para el cuidado de ninos
antes de 2 de febrero 2015: Ivonne Salazar, [email protected]
Flower of Carmel Book Club: A Story of a Soul
First Wednesdays, star ng Feb. 4, 7:00-9:00pm, Duggan Room 2.
Our Lay Carmelite Community invites you to this monthly book
discussion of Therese of Lisieux's wri ng, using the study edi on by
Mark Foley, OCD. The book is available at Amazon.com and at the
Washington Basilica bookstore. Mee ngs will begin with Evening
Prayer. INFO & REGISTRATION: Anna Ryan, 301-525-7103;
fl[email protected]
2015 Confirma on Retreat:
Registra on for this transforma ve retreat is
now open! The retreat will be held Feb. 13-15,
at Meadowkirk Retreat Center in Middleburg,
Virginia. COST: $140 (includes everything).
Transporta on via carpool. REGISTRATION &
INFO: Rosemary Holt, Youth Minister,
[email protected] DEADLINE: Mon., Feb. 9
Honoring the Dignity of Life in Sickness and Death
Sat., Feb. 21, 10:00am-12:00pm, St. Francis of Assisi Church (6701
Muncaster Mill Rd., Derwood). St. Francis and the Archdiocesan
Department of Life Issues are co-sponsoring a panel of experts who
will address Church teaching on the dignity of the person as it
relates to complex medical decision-making and advance direc ves
for yourself or your loved one, as well as the legal requirements in
Maryland. REGISTRATION: h ps://honoring-dignity.eventbrite.com
INFO: Christa Lopiccolo, 301-853-5318 or [email protected]
2015 Cardinal’s Appeal
The Cardinal’s Appeal campaign is a pledge campaign where
you can make a gi , payable over ten months. Each pledge
makes a difference because all parishes par cipate in the
campaign and the gi s of many enable our archdiocese to
deliver needed ministries and services. We will conduct our inpew pledge process at all Masses next weekend and the
following weekend. Thank you for your prayerful considera on
and generous response.
La Campaña del Cardenal de 2015
La Campaña del Cardenal es una campaña de compromiso, en la
que pueden hacer una donación pagadera a lo largo de diez
meses. Cada compromiso de donación hace una gran diferencia
porque todas las parroquias par cipan en la campaña y las
donaciones de muchas personas permiten a nuestra
arquidiócesis ofrecer los ministerios y servicios que se
necesitan. Llevaremos a cabo nuestro proceso de compromiso
desde el púlpito en todas las Misas del próximo fin de semana y
el siguiente. Agradecemos su piadosa consideración y respuesta
Shelter Meal Organizers & Donors
Faith Founda ons
Make learning more about your faith a New Year’s resolu on that
you keep! A new schedule of Faith Founda ons in-parish courses is
available. Visit www.adw.org/faith-founda ons to learn about these
adult forma on courses that can be completed online or in-parish.
Faith Founda ons draws upon the pillars of The Catechism of the
Catholic Church with courses on: Creed, Sacraments, Chris an
Morality, Prayer, and Scripture.
Confirma on for Adults
Have you been Bap zed and received First Eucharist, but haven’t
been Confirmed? Confirma on Sessions will be held on the first and
third Thursdays of each month, beginning on Thurs., Feb. 5. INFO &
REGISTRATION: Chris ne Jeffrey, cjeff[email protected]
Do You Have Ques ons About Becoming Catholic?
Have you ever thought about joining the Catholic Church? Do you
want to know more about our Catholic faith? Were you bap zed
Catholic, but never received all of the Sacraments of Ini a on? To
learn more, contact Chris ne Jeffrey: cjeff[email protected]
Morning Offering
The Catholic Company offers a short morning offering delivered via
email. You also receive the saint of the day. To subscribe, visit
h p://www.catholiccompany.com/subscribe-morning-offering.tr
Thanks to all who helped prepare a hearty dinner for
our homeless friends at the shelter in Rockville this past
week. Though inclement weather caused the plans to
change a bit, everything worked out fine!
January 17 - 24, 2015
Your Gi s to the Lord
Offertory ........................................................... $20,000
Mortgage Reduc on ............................................ $1,967
Direct Debit Mortgage Reduc on......................... $7,338
Capital Campaign................................................. $1,811
Gi Cer ficate Profit............................................... $236
Our Weekly Tithe
Parish Poor Box ................................................... $1,000
Germantown HELP ................................................. $500
Financial Fact
Through this point, our 2014 Christmas collec on has
amounted to $40,651. This is a significant increase from
last year’s figure of $31,888. Your con nuing generosity
in sharing your Treasure, Time and Talent with St. Rose
of Lima Parish is deeply appreciated and makes a real
PARISH OFFICE .........................................................301-948-7545
Not all mee ngs & events
appear on this calendar!
Rev. Agus n Mateo Ayala.......... x 229 / [email protected]
Deacon John Liu......................... x 226 / [email protected]
Deacon Al Opdenaker ........................... [email protected]
Deacon Leo Schneider.............................. [email protected]
Diácono Mario Moreno [email protected]
K-5 Religious Educa on / 1st Penance / 1st Eucharist
Susan Joseph .................................... x 245 / [email protected]
6-12 Religious Educa on / Confirma on / Youth Ministry
Rosemary Holt ...................................... x 224 / [email protected]
K-5 Educación Religiosa
Ivonne Salazar .................................. x 234 / [email protected]
Liturgy & Adult Faith Forma on
Chris ne Jeffrey ................................ x 230 / cjeff[email protected]
Social Concerns
Sherry Moitoza ...............................x 228 / [email protected]
Remi Bauer ........................................ x 235 / [email protected]
Youth & Children’s Music
Jeannie Vanover ....................240-506-0258 / [email protected]
Mary Carey ....................................... x 221 / [email protected]
Administra ve Assistants
Laura Lowery .................................... x 238 / [email protected]
Tania Murphy ................................. x 223 / [email protected]
Liz Sullivan ....................................... x 232 / [email protected]
Maintenance Team
Ryan Janes .......................................... x 287 / [email protected]
Rafael Cas llo .............................................. rcas [email protected]
Pastoral Council Liaison
Steve Ring............................ 301-977-0495 / [email protected]
Finance Council Chair
Paul Riekhof ...........................................................301-990-1815
Bulle n items due at noon, 2 Fridays before publica on date!
Laura Lowery .................................... x 238 / [email protected]
Serving Grades K-8, Upper Montgomery County Parishes
Michael Friel, Principal ............................................301-869-0940
Website ................................................www.maryofnazareth.org
10:00 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
2:00 pm
2:00 pm
2:00 pm
2:15 pm
7:00 pm
Messe en Français (HC)
Thomas Merton Contempla ve Prayer (PAR)
K-5 Religious Educa on (LLCH/LR/BR2)
K-5 Educación Religiosa (LLCH/BR/LR)
Reunión: Ministros de la Eucarís ca (BR)
Youth House Band Rehearsal (YC)
Grupo de Jovenes (LR)
Confessions/Confesiones (CHRR)
Adult House Band Rehearsal (YC)
10:00 am
6:30 pm
6:30 pm
6:30 pm
Taichi Intermediate Prac ce (PCW)
Confirma on Family Session (HC)
Gr. 6-12 Religious Educa on (LR/BR/YC/PCW)
K-5 Educación Religiosa (RTH/JE/SAR/IS/STP/STJ)
10:00 am
6:30 pm
6:30 pm
6:30 pm
7:30 pm
7:45 pm
Taichi Beginner’s Class (PCW)
Confirma on Family Session (HC)
Children’s Catechumenate Session with Parents (KD)
K-12 Religious Educa on (LLCH/LR/BR/YC/PCW)
Accommoda ng Hearts Ministry (JE)
Scripture Ins tute (STJ)
7:00 pm Flower of Carmel Evening Prayer & Book Club (DGN2)
7:00 pm French Choir Rehearsal (KD)
7:00 pm Taichi Beginner’s Class (PCW)
9:30 am
10:00 am
6:00 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
Eucharis c Adora on un l 9:00 pm (HC)
Taichi Intermediate Prac ce (PCW)
Just Ma ers: Social Concerns Study (DGN2)
Ensayo del Drama de la Pasión (JE)
Adult Choir Rehearsal (CH/KD)
Confirma on Class (STJ)
Confessions/Confesiones un l 9:00pm (HCRR)
Kni ng & Croche ng Ministry (STP)
6:00 pm First Communion Mini Retreat #1 (CH/DGN/STJ/STP)
6:45 pm Rosario y Misa (HC)
7:00 pm Grupo de Oración (LR)
8:00 am
9:00 am
9:00 am
9:30 am
2:00 pm
4:00 pm
6:30 pm
Church Cleaning Ministry (CH/CF)
Gardens & Landscape Commi ee (LR2)
Outreach Commi ee (DGN1)
Lector Forma on: Team B (CH/RTH)
French Choir Rehearsal (KD)
Confessions (CHRR)
Thank You Party (PCW/PCF/PCK)
Parish Offices will be closed on
Thurs., Feb. 12 & Fri., Feb. 13.