Cantos Para la Misa - St. Mary, Mother of the Church

September 20, 2015
20 de Septiembre, 2015
St. Mary, Mother of the Church
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
25th Domingo Del Tiempo Ordinario
1008 Vandora Springs Rd Garner, NC 27529-3546
Office: 919-772-5524 Fax: 919-772-5534 Website:
Rev. David M. Chiantella, Administrator
Emergencies only 919-909-0514
Email [email protected]
Deacon Ronald Soriano 919-426-4791
Email [email protected]
Marie Chenevert, Elementary Coordinator
Email [email protected]
Joe Vuletich, Youth Apostolate Coordinator
Email [email protected]
919-772-5524, ext. 109
Mary Dziepak, Music Director
Email [email protected]
919-772-5524, ext. 102
Rosemary Montague, Receptionist
Email [email protected]
Mon — Thu, 9 AM - 4:30 PM
Lunes — Jueves, 9 AM - 4:30 PM
Olga Salas, Recepcionista
Email [email protected]
Lunes, Martes 6-9 PM; Jueves, Sábado 6-8 PM
Mon-Tues 6-9 PM, Thurs, Sat. 6-8 PM
919-772-5524, ext. 100
Today’s Readings
First Reading — The wicked say: With revilement and
torture let us put the just one to the test
(Wisdom 2:12, 17-20).
Psalm — The Lord upholds my life (Psalm 54).
Second Reading — The wisdom from above is full of
mercy and good fruits (James 3:16
— 4:3).
Gospel — Whoever receives one
child such as this in my name, receives me (Mark 9:30-37).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on
English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Rev. Chesco Garcia, Ministerio Hispano
Música- Jesús Acevedo 919-649-1051
Lectores- Rosa Marin, 919-398-0004
Monaguillos- Érica Villegas, 919-264-9153
Ministros de la Eucaristía- Cesar Sánchez,
Formación Religiosa- Mike Munster, 919-567-1565
Quinceañeras- Olga Salas, 919-772-5524
Bautizos-Jeymy Luna, 919-946-5719
Presentaciones- Aurora Saucedo, 919-279-2281
(5-9 PM)
Enfermos- visitas a las casas o hospital llame a la
oficina, 919-772-5524
Social- Kathya Peña Centeno, 919-723-0310
Visitas Virgen Peregrina- Jorge Fajardo
Lecturas de Hoy
Primera lectura —Los impíos dirán: Probemos y
sometamos al justo; condenémoslo a una muerte
infame, pues, según sus propias palabras, Dios lo
ayudará y lo librará (Sabiduría 2:12, 17-20).
Salmo — El Señor es quien me ayuda (Salmo 54 [53]).
Segunda lectura — Donde hay envidia y ambición
habrá también inestabilidad y muchas cosas malas. La
sabiduría trae consigo muchas
bendiciones (Santiago 3:16 —
Evangelio — Jesús les advierte a
sus discípulos que viene su pasión
y resurrección, luego les enseña a
tener humildad y sencillez como la
de un niño (Marcos 9:30-37).
This Week
Saturday Vigil 5:30 PM
Sábado Misa en Español 7:15 PM
Sunday 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 5:00 PM
Monday through Friday 8:15 AM
Eucharistic Adoration: First Friday after morning
Esta Semana
Saturday September 19
Sábado 19 de Septiembre
5:30 PM Anne Cioppa
7:15 PM +Anabel Nuñez
Sunday September 20
Domingo 20 de Septiembre
8 AM
Cecilia & Michael Roberts, thanksgiving
10 AM
for the people of St Mary Parish
5 PM
+Dolores Chludzinski
Monday September 21
Lunes 21 de Septiembre
8:15 AM +Bill Lovegreen
Tuesday September 22
Martes 22 de Septiembre
8:15 AM +Lucy DeMattia
Wednesday September 23 Miércoles 23 de Septiembre
8:15 AM +Terry Kobylowski
Thursday September 24
Jueves 24 de Septiembre
8:15 AM +Judy Morrisey
Friday September 25
Viernes 25 de Septiembre
8:15 AM +Jeanne Double
Saturday September 26
Sábado 26 de Septiembre
5:30 PM +Bill Lovegreen
7:15 PM +Cornelio Aguirre
Sunday September 27
Domingo 27 de Septiembre
8 AM
Holy Family, thanksgiving
10 AM
for the people of St Mary Parish
5 PM
+Henry Cybulski
To schedule a Mass intention, please call the office.
Para solicitor una misa, llame a las oficinas de la Iglesia.
Reconciliation: First and third Wednesday 5 - 6:30
PM. Every Saturday 4 - 5 PM, or by appointment
with a Priest.
Baptism: for Infant baptism preparation, contact
Deacon Ron (see bulletin cover for contact info).
For Adult baptism preparation, contact Father
Marriage: contact the Receptionist at least 6
months before your intended marriage date to
schedule marriage preparation.
First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, or
Confirmation: contact the Faith Formation office
for information.
Parish Council: [email protected]
Find us on Facebook: St.Mary MotheroftheChurch
Si asiste regularmente necesita registrarse en la
parroquia. Para más información sobre las
registraciones y bautizos, favor de llamar a Jeymy
Luna al 919-946-5719.
Offertory/Ofrenda (July 1, 2015-June 30, 2016)
6 September
6 Septiembre
Documentos requeridos para el Bautismo de niños
menores de 8 años:
• Padres: copia del Certificado de Nacimiento Del
• Padrinos: copia del Certificado de Matrimonio
por la Iglesia
Estar registrados en la iglesia al menos 3 meses
antes del bautizo.
Las clases de bautizo son primer y segundo martes
de cada mes a las 7 PM.
13 September
13 Septiembre
Jovenes y Adultos Mayores de 18 años
Rito de Iniciación Cristiana– Padre Chesco
Year to date
Año a la Fecha
$111,155.66 (20% of goal)
Today’s second envelope is for the
Catholic University of America which provides
funding for academic scholarships. Catholic University is the only U.S. university with Pontifical
Maria y Leo Rangel,
[email protected]
Coordinadores Ministerio Hispano Mike y Beatriz
Munster, 919-567-1656
The altar flowers are given in loving
memory of Michael Meese by his
wife and
Recibir los Santos Óleos o Eucaristía
llame la oficina-919-772-5524
Those for whom we pray
Medical Missionaries Seek Items
Sharon Daley-Padfield and Ed Padfield will be returning to Bolivia in
May 2016 as part of a medical mission. To support the efforts of these missionaries,
we will be collecting the following items in October and January:
--glasses: prescription, readers, sunglasses (no
broken lenses or frames please)
--digital blood pressure monitors
--digital thermometers (ear or forehead)
--blood glucose meters and test strips
Please look for the box in the narthex, and check
out the full description of the mission trip on our
bulletin board. Thank you for your generosity to
those who are less fortunate. Questions? Call Sharon at 919-772-7211 or email
[email protected].
For those in need of God’s healing,
strength, and comfort, and especially
Charity Betts, Rose Canino, Will
Cannady, Madelyn Connick, Mary
Dziepak, Bryan Ewing, Glenn
Ewing, John Fields, Clara Gambetta, Ethel Gardner, Christian Gould, Joe Heil, Bill Hunt, Stacey
Jones, Sue Kerrigan, Werner Koch, Linda Kroilen,
Brian Michael Lee, Kathy Leonard, John Lipps,
Barbara Merskin, Landon Moore, Mary Morando,
Raymond Nery, Roland W. Petruzzi, Dee Phelan,
Jerry Potter, Karen Reilly, Ellen Roberts, Victor
Smurro, Bettilyn Smyth, Cathy Spillane, Marge
Stewart, Bernard Streeter, baby Tyson Such, Lucille Swords, Cathy Tomany, John Tuck, Dolores
Weisner, Barbara L. White, Andrew Wiesner, Faye
Yeisley and for the repose of the soul of Jim
Are you celebrating your 25th,
50th or more anniversary of
Welcome St. Mary’s Young Adults!
With the blessing and guidance of Fr. David, the
parish is pleased to announce that we are forming
a group for young adults, single or married, led
by Nicholas Renck. If you're a young adult (in
college to your mid 30's) please consider liking
our Facebook group "St. Mary, Mother of the
Church, Young Adults" or contact us at
[email protected].
If so join Bishop Burbidge at the
annual Wedding Anniversary
Mass on Sunday, October 18 at 2 PM. at Sacred
Heart Catholic Church, 300 Dundee Road, Pinehurst, to celebrate your calling to the vocation of
marriage. Family members are welcome to attend. Please register by Thursday, October 8 by
calling the parish office.
The second reading tells us, “the
wisdom from above is first of all
pure, then peaceable, gentle, compliant, full of mercy and good fruits,
without inconstancy or insincerity.
Let Worldwide Marriage Encounter help you to
practice these traits in your marriage. The next
Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekends are
Nov 6-8, in Atlantic Beach, and Feb 5-7, in
Asheville. Early sign up is highly recommended.
For more information visit our website at: http://
The September through November 2015 'EWTN
Network Highlights' brochure is now available at
the entrances to the church. In addition to an updated daily TV schedule the brochure highlights
Pope Francis's visit to Cuba and the USA. Please
take a brochure home for quick reference.
Book Signing
You are invited to spend a leisurely afternoon
with renowned local Catholic authors. Storytelling, poetry reading, book signings and refreshments are on the agenda. The participating authors and their parishes are:
Echo Lewis (Madonna House) - St. Joseph parish
Eileen Leamy - St. Mary, Mother of the Church
Arthur Powers - St. Raphael the Archangel
Monica Lavia - St. Raphael the Archangel
This event takes place on Saturday, Sept. 26 from
Noon to 4 PM at Stevens Christian Bookstore,
6700 Old Wake Forest Rd in Raleigh. Browse,
visit, relax and perhaps do some early Christmas
Cantos Para la Misa
Canto de Entrada……..……….…. 537 Caminaré
Acto Penitencial………........... Señor Ten Piedad
Gloria……………………………..…..... 5 Gloria
Salmo Responsorial…….......... El Señor Sostiene
mi Vida.
Aclamación a Evangelio……….……….. Aleluya
Ofertorio……….................... 734 Oración de San
Todo es posible para el que cree, más para el
que espera, y mucho más para el que ama.—San
Santo………………………………...... 13 Santo
Aclamación Conmemorativa..… 130 Anunciamos
Tu Muerte
Amen…………………………..……. 132 Amén
Las familias de los niños y jóvenes en clases/
grupos de formación de la fe (catecismo) están
cordialmente invitadas a una misa bilingüe de
apertura del año. Será el lunes 21 de septiembre a
las 6:35pm. (Esta hora es para que los que tienen
niños en clase esa noche los pueden dejar en sus
salones antes de ir a la iglesia.) ¡Vengan a
comenzar el año con el pie derecho!
Cordero de Dios……..…… 135 Cordero de Dios
Canto de Comunión…………... 594 Pan de Vida
Canto Final………….……… 684 Id y Enseñad.
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557850 St Mary Mother of the Church (A)
For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240
Faith Formation Announcements
Did you know that since September of 2014 the Red Cross has been
able to collect 179 units of blood at
St. Mary Mother of the Church?
That’s over 537 lives saved or sustained and you helped do that! The next Blood
Drive is Thursday September 24, 3-7:30 PM,
in St. Joseph Hall. Please call Petre Mondolfi at
919-773-0867 for an appointment or walk in at
your convenience.
Classes began Sunday, September 13 and
Monday, September 14.
We need 3 catechists for Monday 6:30 PM classes.
Our young need Catholic adults. Please step up.
Please feel free to contact Marie at 919-772-5199
or [email protected] or Joe at 919-7725524 ext. 109 or [email protected].
Are You An Active Member?
To be included in our parish’s roster of active parishioners, please register using the blue form
available in the narthex or online. While you may
faithfully attend Mass on Sundays, Holy Days,
and weekdays, we aren’t always able to put
names and faces together. We rely on our parish
roster if you come to us seeking permission to be
a baptism or confirmation sponsor or for an affiliation form for Catholic school. Please remember
to use your offering envelope or an ivory pew envelope so we can credit your attendance at
Mass—even if it’s empty, we record your participation in the liturgy.
Living God’s Word
Lord, help us to follow your
call by serving the “little
ones,” especially those more
likely to be subject to the
cruelty and indifference of the world. Sustain us
in this work with the assurance that when we receive them, we receive not only you but the One
who sent you. Copyright © 2014, World Library Publications. All
rights reserved.
Families of children and youth in Faith Formation
classes/groups are cordially invited to a beginning
of year bilingual Mass on Monday September 21
at 6:35 PM. (This time was chosen so that those
who have children in Monday night class can
bring their children to Faith Formation first before coming over to the church.) Come start the
year off right!
Father David will be away the week of September
28 through October 2 for the Annual Diocesan
Retreat. Good news though! There will still be
morning Mass all week. In the event of an emergency and a priest is needed, please call the parish
Father James Keenan Auxiliary
#11266 Columbiettes
The Columbiettes of St. Mary’s parish
is a female auxiliary of the Knights of
Columbus committed to Marian devotion and extensive community social outreach. We are an organization of women from all backgrounds united
by our Catholic faith, the love of family and country, and a commitment to helping others. We are
always seeking practicing Catholic women to join
our organization. Monthly meetings are the 4th
Wednesday of the month at 7 PM. For more information, please contact Marge Young at 919-4140550.
The more the world is at its worst, the more
we need the Church at its best.—Anonymous
September is National Hunger Action
month. Join the H2O for Hunger challenge! Please see the flyer located in the
If you see a loose or broken
kneeler please call or email
the parish office.