November 22, 2015 | Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the

November 22, 2015 | Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
300 East Ta Avenue • Orange, CA 92865
Telephone: (714) 637-4360 • Fax: (714) 637-4311
Rev. Patrick Rudolph, Pastor
Rev. Fredy Mancilla, Parochial Vicar
Rev. John Duy Nguyen, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Antonio Zapata, In Residence
Deacon Dave Blake
Deacon Joseph Esparza
Deacon Juan Espinoza
Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m.,
12 noon, 2 p.m. (Spanish), 5:30 p.m.
and 7 p.m. (Spanish)
Monday - Friday: 6:15 a.m. and 8:30 a.m.
Wednesday: 7 p.m. (Spanish)
Saturday: 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.
(Sunday Vigil)
Holy Days of Obliga on: as announced
Ahl Agus n, Chris an Service
Irene Ahedo, Office Manager
Joseph Ciccoianni, Principal, St. Norbert
Catholic School
Charlene Dumitru, Adult Faith Forma on
John Erhard, Music Ministry
Carmen Estrada, Hispanic Ministry
Amy Glenane, Parish Life
Janine Kilgore, Liturgical Ministries
Kirsten King, Youth Faith Forma on &
Confirma on
Maria Mar nez, Business Manager
Robin Mayes, School of Religious Educa on
Saturday: 3:30 to 4:45 p.m.
First Friday of each month: 9:30 a.m.
to 10:30 a.m.
Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Sunday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
First Friday of each month beginning at 9 a.m.
and concluding at 8 a.m. on Saturday with
Benedic on.
Please call the Parish Office for informa on
and to schedule Bap sm Prepara on.
Programs are available in English or in Spanish.
Please call the Parish Office for informa on.
Six months advance no ce is required.
Marriage Prepara on is available in English or
in Spanish.
Kindly call the Parish Office to make
At the me of death, kindly call the Parish
Office for assistance in making arrangements.
St. Norbert Parish is a dynamic community of disciples of Jesus Christ striving
to continue His ministries of prayer, love and service.
Reflecting on God’s Word
Solemnity of Christ the King
Poli cal power meets spiritual power in
today’s conversa on between Jesus and
Pilate. “Are you the King of the Jews?”
Pilate asks Jesus (John 18:33). Pilate is
concerned about whether Jesus is a
threat to Roman rule, just as the Jewish
leaders see Jesus as a threat to their
authority. Jesus is thus either guilty of
fomen ng insurrec on as a militant
messiah or of speaking blasphemy by
presen ng himself as one who
inaugurates the reign of God.
Jesus, however, speaks not about himself
as a king but about a kingdom that “does
not belong to this world” (John 18:36).
This kingdom may not be of this world but
it is in this world. God’s kingdom is
present in Jesus as one who comes to
bear witness to the truth. And what is this
truth? That “God so loved the world that
he gave his only Son, so that everyone
who believes in him might not perish but
might have eternal life” (John 3:16).
Jesus is the Word become flesh who
made his dwelling among us, so that we
might see his glory, “the glory of the
Father’s only Son, / full of grace and
truth” (John 1:14). The hour of glory was
the hour of the cross, the hour not of
poli cal power, but God’s power shining
through human weakness, bringing light
into the darkness, revealing selfsacrificing love so that we might have life.
Poli cal power tends to be an upward
climb into dominance and authority that
must be protected at all costs. It
frequently leads to isola on and abuse, to
clinging to power as its own end. Spiritual
power is having the strength to trust God
and surrender so that God can reign, not
by conquest or poli cal alliances, but
through human weakness and surrender
to God.
—James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.
Copyright © 2014, World Library Publica ons.
All rights reserved.
Welcome Amy Glenane, Director of Parish Life
Hello! My name is Amy Glenane and I am excited to be joining the
parish staff as Director of Parish Life! My husband, Peter, and I have
been parishioners at St. Norbert for 13 years and we have five children.
During our me here, I have been involved with the Mother’s Group,
Elizabeth Ministry, and serve as director of our summer Vaca on Bible
School. Prior to coming to St. Norbert, I worked as a youth minister in
the Diocese of Orange, then took some me off to be home with my children. My
youngest daughter just began kindergarten, so I’m looking forward to returning to parish
ministry and serving this wonderful community!
As Director of Parish Life, I will begin by focusing on three areas:
 Hospitality: from coffee & donuts on Sundays to organizing parish-wide events
 Welcoming: reaching out to new parishioners in an effort to make them feel at
home, connect them to ministries, and encourage them to get involved
 Stewardship: engaging parishioners to share their gi s in service to others
Please contact me if you’d like to serve on our new Hospitality or Welcoming Committees! I’d
also love to talk with any of you who feel as though you’d like to be more involved in the
parish, but just don’t know how. I am here to serve you and help meet the needs of all
parishioners…but I can’t do that without knowing what those needs are! I look forward to
meeting you and growing in faith together! Please pray for me and I will do the same for you.
I can be reached at (714) 637-4360 x399 or [email protected] My office is
located in the Rectory building and my hours are Monday-Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Concern America Craft Sale Today
Beau ful handmade cra items from El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico and Bangladesh are
for sale today a er each Sunday morning Mass. By your purchase of these gi items, you
support the work of Concern America and help to provide a fair and just wage for many
materially poor families. We invite you to think about honoring your family and friends in
a very special way by choosing gi s with meaning and purpose.
Concern America is an interna onal development and refugee aid organiza on based in
Santa Ana. (714) 953-8575 or
Referendum Petition to Reverse Doctor Assisted Suicide
Please stop and sign the referendum pe on \a er Mass today. The goal is to get enough
signatures to have California voters vote on a referendum next year to reverse the doctor
assisted suicide law. The following are some reasons to oppose the new law.
What's wrong with legalizing physician-assisted suicide?  It makes doctors into killers, destroying the medical ethic of “Do no harm.”
 It victimizes the disabled, elderly, and chronically ill by providing poison instead of care.
 It ex nguishes what can be a person’s most meaningful days at the end of life.
 It defies protec ng human life, which is the founda on of legi mate government.
 It has no real safeguard against abuse.
 It is the path to euthanasia as seen in Nazi Germany, the Netherlands, and Belgium.
 It defies the commandment “You shall not kill,” which includes taking one's own life.
Weekly Parish Offering
Thank you for your continuing support of St. Norbert Parish. For the fiscal year July 1, 2015,
to June 30, 2016, our parish budget calls for $26,850 to be donated weekly at the Sunday
collection. The collection for Sunday, November 15, was $25,163.13. These collections are
not only for operating expenses each week, but also for any ongoing repair work, upgrades,
etc. to our parish facility. Your regular donations are needed for the good of St. Norbert
Parish and the spread of the Gospel.
Parish Life
Thanksgiving Pie Makers
Once again we are asking for your help this
Thanksgiving in baking or buying a pie (any
filling) to serve the needy. Pies will be collected
on Wednesday, November 25, at the Honikel
home, 1600 Maplewood Street, Orange. Please
contact Larry or Jeanne Honikel at (714) 2732865 if you have any ques ons.
It’s Adopt-a-Family
The Adopt-a-Family coordinators
will be out on the Ramada a er all
Masses this weekend for Christmas
Adopt-a-Family sign-ups. Spread the
joy of Jesus’ birth by providing a needy family with a grocery card,
clothing and a toy or gi card for each child and any extras you
wish to provide for the family. Choose from all sizes of families, or
grab a friend and adopt a family together! Thank Our Lord for all
your blessings by helping a less fortunate family have a Merry
Christmas. Let’s get into the spirit of giving...for it is in giving that
we receive.
Thank you and God bless you for your support and generosity! If
you have any ques ons, please call M J Cretney at (714) 637-7025.
Lessons & Carols
Concert with Bishop
You are all invited to a end the
Advent and Christmas – Lessons and
Carols Concert presided over by
Bishop Kevin Vann from the Diocese
of Orange. The event will take place at
Holy Family Cathedral on Sunday, December 6, at 7 p.m. There is
no charge for admission, however a free will offering will be taken.
Holy Family Cathedral is located 566 S. Glassell Street in Orange.
Orange. (714) 639-2900,
Please pick up your
The memorial altarcito from All Souls Day will
be dismantled tomorrow. Please remember
to pick up the photographs of your deceased
loved ones from the church today or from the
Ministry Center Office at your earliest
Give Thanks
Thursday, November 26
As a community of faith we
thank God for the many
blessings we enjoy. Please
join us for our annual
Thanksgiving Day Mass at 9
a.m. All who a end are invited to bring bread and wine for your
family meal to have it blessed. We also encourage you to bring a
dona on of non-perishable food to help restock the Chris an
Service pantry for the needy in our community.
National Needs Special
November 21 & 22
The annual Na onal Needs Collec on
will be taken up in the Diocese of
Orange this weekend. This collec on
combines three na onal collec ons into one: Catholic Campaign
for Human Development, Catholic Communica on Campaign,
and Catholic University of America. Your generosity will support
the ongoing needs of these vital ministries.
Christian Service
Raffle Winners!
We want to congratulate the winners
of the Chris an Service Raffle at the
Bou que last Sunday. Jessica
Chambers won the Santa Claus, and
Victor Valenzuela was the winner of
the handmade quilt. Thank you to all
who support our Chris an Service fundraisers. Your generosity
directly benefits those in need in our local community. God bless
Ministry Center Closed
The Ministry Center Offices will be closed on
Thursday, November 26, and Friday, November 27,
so our parish staff may enjoy the
Thanksgiving holidays with their families.
Mass Schedule
Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 26, at 9 a.m.
Friday, November 27, at 8:30 a.m.
Saturday, November 28, at 8:30 a.m.
and Sunday Vigil Mass at 5 p.m.
Youth & Teen Ministries
School of Religious Education
Thanksgiving Holidays
We pray that the grace and glory of the Lord
be with your family on Thanksgiving and
forever. Happy Thanksgiving to all our SRE
and parish families!
Please try to come with your family to the
Thanksgiving Day Mass on Thursday, November 27, at 9 a.m. and
bring a dona on of canned goods for Chris an Service Ministry.
There will be no SRE classes on Monday, November 23. Preschool and
Kindergarten classes will NOT meet on Sunday, November 29.
St. Norbert Catholic School
Happy Thanksgiving from
St. Norbert Catholic
Before our parish school students,
faculty and staff all go their separate
ways for Thanksgiving vaca on, we’ll
gather at 8:30 a.m. Mass on Tuesday, November 24, to give
thanks to God for the friends and supporters of our parish school-our Companions on the Journey--whose generosity keeps our
school not only financially stable, but also thriving educa onally
and spiritually. As we sing in a familiar hymn, “No longer strangers
to each other, no longer strangers in God’s house. We are fed and
we are nourished by the strength of those who care.”
Don’t Miss the Christmas Train!
All are welcome! Join us on Thursday, December 3,
from 5 to 8 p.m. for an enchan ng night ride
through historic Irvine Regional Park to meet
Santa Claus! This is event is arranged
by the St. Norbert Catholic School
auc on commi ee. The train will
depart from the brightly-lit train
sta on and drop passengers off at
the North Pole. Children can share their wish list with Santa and
have their photo taken with him too.
A er visi ng with Santa, hop back aboard the train and enjoy the
colorful Christmas lights and decora ons, as well as the magical
“Tunnel of Lights,” on the ride back to Santa’s Village. TICKETS ARE
The price is $12 per person (children age 24 months and younger
ride free). When asked “How did you hear about us?” please type
in the promo code STNORBERT.
Youth Ministry & Confirmation
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all our families.
Thank you for allowing Youth Ministry to
be a part of your teens’ faith walk! The
YM Office will be closed on Thursday and
Friday, November 26-27.
Confirma on 1 Teens:
Mark your calendars for the C1 Retreat on
December 4-6 at the Irvine Ranch Outdoor
Educa on Center. Watch for e-mail updates
and parent handouts in the mail! Parents,
you will remain with your teens at the retreat
center for dinner and a parent retreat from 6-7:30 p.m.
Confirma on 2 Teens:
Class #4 IN THE HOMES on Tuesday, December 8, from 7:30 to
9 p.m.
Vision & Leadership Team
Get some rest in prepara on for our C1 Retreat!
Join us for our C1 Retreat Leadership Mee ng on Sunday,
November 29, from 3:30 to 5:15 p.m. in the Youth Ministry
Room. ALL Leadership are required to a end this mee ng.
Junior High Ministry
No class this week. Happy Thanksgiving!
Registra on for Junior High Ministry is ongoing. Call April with
ques ons at (714) 637-4360 x215.
Young Adult, A.C.T.S.
Advocates of Christ in Today’s Society
All young adults (college age & older) are invited to join us for our
next bi-monthly Young Adult gathering on Thursday, December 3,
from 8 to 9:30 p.m. in the Couch Room. Call Adrian Chávez at
(714) 225-4261 with any ques ons.
YM Help Day Service
Roll up your sleeves for a YM Work Day over
Thanksgiving break this Tuesday, November
23, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Did someone say Taco Tuesday?
Lunch will be served!
Faith Formation & Enrichment
We will not have any RCIA sessions on Thanksgiving, November
26. Our Thursday evening sessions will resume on December 3,
with a discussion of the Seasons of the Liturgical Year and the
tradi ons of Advent.
Anyone desiring to become a Catholic is welcome to begin the
Inquiry Process on Thursday evenings at 7:30. Inquiry sessions are
available year-round, except for holidays, and new par cipants
are welcome at any me. Whether you have decided to become a
Catholic, wish to learn more about the Church, or just have
ques ons that you would like to discuss, we encourage you to join
us. There is no obliga on at this stage of the RCIA process, but for
those who desire to con nue to the recep on of sacraments, the
process usually takes a minimum of one year.
Spend Advent with Mary
Our Advent Reflec on series this year will
meet on Tuesdays, December 1, 8, 15 and
22, at 7:30 p.m. in the Ministry Center
Library. We will take a closer look at the
Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary and the
theology derived from them by studying the
Scripture passages that contain those
stories. Each session will include a half-hour
video with scenic views of places in the Holy Land associated with
the Life of Mary, a discussion of the Scripture passages, and will
conclude with a decade of the Rosary. For the first session on
December 1, please bring a favorite image of Mary to the class, a
statue, picture, or icon. We will talk about what these different
images of Mary mean to us. For more informa on, please contact
Charlene at (714) 637-4360.
Prayer & Meditation with Scripture
Our prayer group will NOT meet on Tuesday, November 24.
During the month of December we will meet on Tuesdays upstairs
in the Ministry Center Library at 7:30 p.m. for the Advent
Reflec on series: Spend Advent with Mary.
What was Happening in the Fourth Century?
Even with the affirma on of Trinitarian theology in the Creed of
Nicaea, and the formal condemna on of Arius, Arianism did not
disappear from the Roman Empire. As the Emperor Constan ne
approached his death on May 22, 337, he called for a priest who
was a distant rela ve to bap ze him. Bishop Eusebius of
Nicomedia who administered the bap sm was an Arian bishop at
that me of the See of Nicomedia, where the royal court was
Constan ne was succeeded by three of his sons, Constan us II as
Emperor of the East, Constans and Constan ne II as Co-Emperors
of the West. Constan us, who also embraced Arian teachings,
deposed the Trinitarian Bishop of Constan nople, Paulus I, who
fled to Rome, and installed Eusebius as Bishop of Constan nople.
Eusebius, a man of power mongering and intrigue, contrived to
have the emperor depose other doctrinally Trinitarian Bishops,
among them Bishops Eustanthius of An och, Marcellus of Ancyra,
and the great opponent of Arius, Bishop Athanasius of Alexandria.
Upon Eusebius’ death in 341, both Paulus I and Athanasius
regained their Episcopal Sees, only to be deposed a second me
by the Emperor Constan us. Paulus regained his Office as Bishop
of Constan nople a er another 7½ years, only to be deposed a
third me within a year. He was taken prisoner and transported to
ci es throughout the Eastern Empire, finally ending in Cappadocia
where he was imprisoned and le to starve. A er a week with no
food or water his Arian enemies found him s ll alive, and ended
his life by strangula on. His body was taken first to Galacia, then,
by order of Emperor Theodosius moved to Constan nople and
buried in the Church of St. Paul in 381. His relics were again
disinterred and moved to Venice in 1226 where they remain in the
Church of St. Laurence. In the hagiography of the Church, Paulus is
known as St. Paul the Confessor, and his feast day is June 7.
During his 45 years as bishop, Athanasius was deposed and
reinstated five mes, o en amidst much bloodshed and suffering.
During his second exile, he wrote his famous Life of Anthony,
about the 3rd century desert hermit, the first Chris an biography.
Athanasius was falsely accused of crimes and suffered physical
and mental abuse at the hands of his Arian enemies, but he
stayed faithful to Trinitarian doctrine as defined at Nicaea. He died
peacefully in Constan nople a er his fi h reinstatement as its
Bishop, in 371. Athanasius is recognized as a Saint by the Roman
Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Cop c, and Lutheran Churches. He
has been named a Doctor of the Church, and is referred to as the
Father of Orthodoxy. The wri ngs of Athansius are considered
classics of theology.
In 355, Emperor Constan us appointed Julian as Emperor of the
West. Although born to a Chris an family and bap zed, Julian
renounced his Chris an faith and desired to return the Roman
Empire to the worship of the classical Roman gods. Because of
this, history has known him as Julian the Apostate. He remained
Emperor for only two years, but during that me waged ba les
into Frankish and Gothic territories in an a empt to expand the
empire into new territories of northern Europe.
Julian was not the only one interested in the Franks and Goths.
Arian missionaries also were waging a spiritual ba le among these
pagan tribes to convert them to Arian Chris anity. They had some
measure of success, and by the fi h century when Arianism had
been mostly suppressed in the Roman and Eastern Churches, it
was alive and well among the barbarian tribes to the North, which
would bring it back with them during their invasions of the fi h
century. Arianism did not meet its end within the church un l the
seventh century, when the invasion of Arab tribes and the spread
of Islam frightened the Church into unifying against its perceived
enemy. Today elements of Arian theology, of Christ being a
crea on of the Father and not co-eternal and equal, can be found
in Mormon and Jehovah Witness teachings.
Ministerio Hispano
Reflexionemos sobre la
Palabra de Dios.
Solemnidad de Cristo Rey
El poder polí co se encuentra con el
poder espiritual en la conversación de
hoy entre Jesús y Pilato. “¿Eres tú el rey
de los judíos?”, le pregunta Pilato a Jesús
(Juan 18:33). A Pilato le inquieta que
Jesús pueda ser una amenaza para el
gobierno romano, así como los líderes
judíos ven en Jesús una amenaza a la
autoridad de ellos. Jesús, por su parte, ni
es culpable ni fomenta una insurrección
como un mesías militar, ni tampoco
blasfema presentándose como el que
inaugura el reino de Dios.
Jesús no se refiere a sí mismo como rey,
sino que habla de un reino que “no es de
este mundo” (Juan 18:36). Ese reino no
será de este mundo, pero está en este
mundo. El reino de Dios está presente en
Jesús, que viene a dar tes monio de la
verdad. Y, ¿cuál es esta verdad? Es que
“tanto amó Dios al mundo que le dio a su
Hijo único, para que todo el que crea en
él no perezca, sino que tenga vida
eterna” (Juan 3:16).
Jesús es la Palabra que se hizo carne para
habitar entre nosotros a fin de que
podamos ver su gloria, “la gloria propia
del Hijo único del Padre, lleno de gracia y
de verdad” (Juan 1:14). La hora de la
gloria fue la hora de la cruz; no fue la hora
del poder polí co, sino del poder de Dios
que ilumina la debilidad humana y trae la
luz a las nieblas, para revelar el amor
entregado del todo y así tengamos la
El poder polí co ende a ser un ascenso
hacia el dominio y la autoridad, que
deben protegerse a toda costa.
Frecuentemente lleva a la separación y al
abuso a fin de aferrarse al poder como
úl mo fin. El poder espiritual es tener la
fortaleza para confiar en Dios y cederle el
paso al reino de Dios, no por medio de
conquistas ni coaliciones polí cas, sino a
través de las debilidades humanas y de la
entrega a Dios.
—James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.
Derechos de autor © 2014, World Library Publica ons.
Todos los derechos reservados.
I Encuentro Guadalupano
La Oficina de Ministerios Hispanos de la Diócesis de Orange invita a todos
los católicos Hispanos al I Encuentro Guadalupano. El encuentro se
llevará a cabo el sábado 5 de diciembre a las 2 p.m., en el Arboretum y
Plaza de la Catedral de Cristo, situada en 13280 Chapman Ave., en
Garden Grove.
Habrá procesión, recreación de las apariciones, bendición de las imágenes, bailes
folclóricos, y mucho más. Este evento es gratuito y al aire libre. Venga, acompáñenos a
venerar a la Patrona de nuestra Diócesis de Orange y de las Américas. Para más
información llame a Karlo Campana al (714) 282-3050.
Venta de Artesanías de Concern America Hoy
Hermosos ar culos de artesenías de Guatemala, El Salvador, México,y
Bangladesh, están de venta hoy domingo después de todas las misas
de la mañana. Todos estos ar culos son hechos a mano.
Con la compra de estos ar culos, usted apoyará al trabajo de Concern
América y ayudará a proveer salarios justos para muchas comunidades pobres. Por
favor, considere esta oportunidad de honrar a sus familiares y amigos con regalos
muy significa vos, y al mismo empo ayudará a que otras personas tengan vidas más
saludables, seguras y dignas.
Coro de Domingos por la Noche (JPC)
Invitamos a personas que toquen guitarra, piano o deseen cantar, a integrarse al coro
para alabar y bendecir al Señor a través del canto. Los ensayos son una vez a la semana y
antes de la celebración dominical. Si alguna vez ha escuchado este llamado, tal vez sea
empo de ponerlo en oración y tomar la decisión de dar su servicio en el coro, y así alabar
y llevar la buena nueva por medio de la música, la par cipación de la Eucaris a, la
convivencia con otras personas del ministerio y la comunidad de San Norberto. Para más
información puede comunicarse a las oficinas del Centro de Ministerios al (714) 637-4360
x105 o 106.
Congreso Pro Vida y de Evangelización
30 de enero del 2016 – Mater Dei High School
Este Congreso es patrocinado por la Oficina de la Secretaría Pro-Vida de la
Conferencia de Obispos de los Estados Unidos. El congreso se lleva a cabo
cada dos años para llegar a hispanos y latinos en nuestra Iglesia y hacerles
un llamado a todos a ser testigos de su fe en la vida pública; informados
por los valores en los que trabajamos sobre la vida, el matrimonio, la familia, la migración.
Este es el cuarto congreso y es la primera vez que se lleva a cabo en la costa oeste. Para más
información llame al (714) 282-6044 o por correo electrónico a: congreso2016
Las inscripciones pueden ser transmitidas en línea en:
Ofrenda Semanal Parroquial
Agradecemos su apoyo con nuo a San Norberto para el año fiscal de julio 1, 2015 a junio
30, 2016. Sus donaciones dominicales aportan al presupuesto que nuestra parroquia
necesita para cubrir los gastos de cada semana, el cual es de $26,850. La colecta del
domingo pasado 15 de noviembre, fue $25,163.13. Se necesita de su donación semanal
para el bienestar de nuestra parroquia y para la promoción del Evangelio.
Ministerio Hispano
Pies para el Día de Acción de
Una vez más estamos solicitando su ayuda este
día de Acción de Gracias, ya sea que usted haga o
compre un pie de cualquier sabor para
compar rlo con los más necesitados. Los pies se
recogerán el miércoles 25 de noviembre de la
casa de la familia Honikel, 1600 Maplewood Street, Orange. Si
enen alguna pregunta, favor de comunicarse con el señor Larry o
la señora Jeanne Honikel al (714) 273- 2865. Dios les bendiga por
su apoyo.
Retiro de Confirmación Primer Año
Jóvenes para Cristo
presenta el Concierto
Viva la Misericordia del
Jóvenes Para Cristo les invita
cordialmente a su concierto anual que
se llevará a cabo el sábado 28
noviembre, a las 5:30 p.m. Habrá
venta de antojitos mexicanos y
tendrán la oportunidad de ganare una Smart TV plasma de 55
pulgadas. La donación sugerida es de $10; los niños menores de 13
años entran gra s. Para las entradas por favor llamen al (714) 8186281 o (714) 473-5901.
Padres de familia, favor de anotar en sus calendarios la siguiente
fecha: 4 al 6 de diciembre. Este fin de semana se llevará a cabo el
re ro de sus hijos que están en el primer año del programa de
Confirmación. Dicho re ro se llevará a cabo en el Irvine Ranch
Outdoor Educa on Center. Por favor asegúrense de llenar la
documentación para el re ro y traerla a la oficina lo antes posible.
Formación en la Fe del Programa en
El sábado 28 de noviembre no tendremos clases, por el día de
Acción de Gracias. Agradecemos primeramente a Dios, que brinda
sus bendiciones a cada familia de nuestra parroquia, también a
cada niño que viene al programa a profundizar en su fe, así como
a cada catequista que comparte su fe y su experiencia con los más
pequeños de la comunidad. Dios les bendiga, y que al iniciar la
temporada de días fes vos, nos unamos como familia para pedirle
a Dios por la paz en nuestros corazones, en nuestras familias, y en
el mundo entero.
Formación en la Fe del Programa en Inglés
Se recuerda a los padres de familia que enen niños en el
programa de formación en la fe en inglés, que el lunes 23 de
noviembre no habrá clases, así mismo, los niños de kínder no se
reunirán el domingo 29 de noviembre, por el día de Acción de
Día Mundial de la Juventud
Dos lugares están abiertos para peregrinos que deseen unirse a
nuestra peregrinación a través de Alemania, Praga y
posteriormente Cracovia, para el día Mundial de la Juventud, en
julio del 2016. Para más información pueden comunicarse con
Kirsten al (714) 637-4360 x210. Aprovechen esta gran
Parish Calendar
November 22, 2015 ~ November 28, 2015
Sunday, November 22
8:30 a.m. Concern America Fair Trade Cra Sale
9:00 a.m. Children’s Liturgy of the Word
3:15 p.m. Grupo de la Divina Misericordia
Monday, November 23
9:00 a.m. Divine Mercy Prayer Group
9:15 a.m. Monday Morning Bible Study
11:00 a.m. YM Help Day
7:00 p.m. Estudio Bíblico de Grupo de Oración
Tuesday, November 24
6:30 p.m. YM Band Prac ce
7:00 p.m. Journey of Hope Group for Divorced & Separated
7:30 p.m. RICA
Wednesday, November 25
7:45 p.m. Grupo de la Divina Misericordia
7:45 p.m. Jóvenes para Cristo Formación de Discípulos
Thursday, November 26
Thanksgiving Day / Ministry Center Closed
9:00 a.m. Thanksgiving Day Mass
Friday, November 27
Ministry Center Closed
Saturday, November 28
No Chris an Service Food Distribu on
3:30 p.m. Confessions
5:30 p.m. Concierto Viva la Misericordia de Senor
Community Life & Groups
Mothers Group
Come connect with other Catholic moms!
We are a diverse group of women
gathering together for mutual support,
fellowship, service and love. We welcome
you to join in our upcoming events and become a part of this great
group of moms.
Here’s what we have planned for the rest of November:
Monday, November 23: Park Day at Shaffer Park, 4 p.m.
Sunday, November 29: Advent Family Ac vity at 10 a.m.
For questions please contact Penny Kim at [email protected] or
(714) 310-8158.
Childcare Co-Op
9 a.m. Mass
Do you have a child between the ages of 9 months
and 4 years of age? Would you like one hour on
Sunday to focus on your faith while your children
are happily playing? Please consider joining the 9
a.m. Co-op! Come visit us in the Preschool Center! If you are
interested in finding out more informa on, please contact Yazmin
Cameron at (714) 393-7366 or by e-mail at [email protected]
Rosary Academy
Rosary Academy is accep ng applica ons for the
2016 school year. You may view informa on and
apply by visi ng We
also hope to see you and your daughter at an
upcoming event:
 "Be a Royal for the Day!” Register for a Shadow Day.
 Experience Rosary – Open House TODAY, November 22, at
11:30 a.m.
 High School Placement Prep Course offered January 9, 2016.
 High School Placement Test is offered January 23, 2016.
For more informa on, and to RSVP to any event, please visit the
Admissions tab on our Rosary Academy website:
Spiritual Advisor
Deacon Joe Esparza is returning to ac ve
ministry at St. Norbert. Fr. Pat has asked him to
serve as a Spiritual Advisor to parishioners
seeking guidance, support or a kind listening
ear. A Spiritual Advisor is someone who listens
to one’s concerns, problems, ques ons, health
issues, and spiritual journey. The purpose is to
help you grow in maturity and awareness of God, to be be er
equipped to live your life in faith. Deacon Joe has completed the
Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola, a retreat designed to assist
people in finding God's will for their life, and to give them the
motivation and courage to follow that will. To meet with Deacon
Joe, please contact him at (714) 637-4360 x129.
Pray for the sick . . .
The Burke Family
Giovanni Camponovo
Martha Centellas
Rowen Celis
Olga Centellas
Lina Cooper
Lela Duff
Bernard Di Nardo
James Hack
Kari Hogan
Al Erhard
Faraj Joubran
Mark Losi
Brenda Oswald
Josefina Pagilagan
Barbara Peek
Jeanne Reidinger
Carla Roehl
Maximus Roy
Aurora Sánchez
Lynda Schulte
Ron Severin
Jeanelle Stehly
Chris ne Stevens
James Stevenson
Janice Taylor
Ma hew Vega
Dora Vera
. . . and for those who have died.
Conce a Blasi
Albert Colondres
Mass Intentions
Saturday, November 21, 2015
5:00 p.m. + Frank Mann, Sr.
Sunday, November 22, 2015
7:30 a.m. + Charles Emge
9:00 a.m.
St. Norbert Parishioners
10:30 a.m. + Frances Derham
12:00 p.m. + John Pahl
2:00 p.m.
Barbie Beltran
5:30 p.m. + Robert Blankenship
7:00 p.m.
Jesús & Elpidia Mendez
Monday, November 23, 2015
6:15 a.m. + Robert Pendleton
8:30 a.m. + Mary Oliva
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
6:15 a.m.
Lawrence Bonas
8:30 a.m. + Carolyn Brenmark
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
6:15 a.m. + Deloris Kiefer
8:30 a.m. + Denise Costanza
7:00 p.m.
Jesús & Elpidia Mendez
Thursday, November 26, 2015
9:00 a.m.
St. Norbert Parishioners
Friday, November 27, 2015
8:30 a.m.
Long Do
Saturday, November 28, 2015
8:30 a.m.
+Sandy Hollingsworth
Our Parish & Beyond
San Antonio Women present a Christmas
Concert Experience not to be missed!
Saturday December 12, at 7:30 p.m.
(Doors open at 6:30 p.m.)
Award winning music ar st and host of the
TV show Waking UP in America, Tajci Cameron comes to San
Antonio De Padua Church, 5800 E. Santa Ana Canyon Road in
Anaheim Hills. She shares a story of longing to believe…in the true
meaning of Christmas told through stunningly beau ful music.
Learn more about Tajci at
Order your ckets now as sea ng will be limited. $25.00 for Adults
and $15.00 for Seniors and Students. This is a great way to share
the Advent spirit with family and friends!
For more informa on contact Judi Moallem at (714) 309-8248 or
(714) 281-2328, or by e-mail at [email protected]
Be a Part of the Tradi on!
Applica ons are now available for incoming Fall 2016 students.
The Early Qualifica on Deadline is December 1. The Entrance
Exam takes place Saturday, January 23. For admissions
informa on call (714) 754-1175 or visit
Mater Dei is dedicated to the development of the whole person
by providing outstanding academic, ar s c, athle c, service and
leadership opportuni es. Annually, 99% of graduates go on to
college (including the Ivy League and other pres gious universi es
across the na on). Recently, Mater Dei’s Athle c program was
ranked the #1 high school athle c program in the na on.
Good Grief!
Here Comes Christmas!
For most people, the holidays are highly
an cipated days of family celebra on,
reunion, gi -giving and fun. Others dread
the holidays or simply endure them. For
them the holidays represent loss and loneliness. If you have
recently lost a loved one or you have had losses in the past that
cause you to associate sorrow with the holiday you are invited to:
Good Grief! Here Comes Christmas! This is a simple me of
retreat and reflec on for persons who have suffered loss and are
experiencing bereavement. In addi on to reflec on, prac cal
sugges ons for how to “be” during the holiday season will be
offered. Treat yourself to a li le TLC as we move through this busy
me. Facilitated by Dr. Kathy Schinhofen.
Christ Cathedral Pastoral Center, Room 1AB
13280 Chapman Avenue, Garden Grove
There is no cost for the retreat, and there is a choice of two
retreat dates:
Thursday, December 3, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Tuesday, December 15, 7 to 9 p.m.
Please RSVP to Esther Ramirez by Tuesday, December 1,
at [email protected] or (714) 282-6001.
Sponsored by the Office of Pastoral Care
of the Diocese of Orange
Magnificat Prayer Breakfast
Saturday, December 12
9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Embassy Suites Anaheim – South
11767 Harbor Boulevard, Garden Grove
Magnificat Prayer Breakfast proudly welcomes
Sr. Ines Sandoval, OCD, of the Carmelite Sisters
of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles. Sr.
Ines will share the deep mysteries hidden in
the revelations of Our Lady of Guadalupe and how they can lead us
into greater communion with the heart of God!
Join us this Advent for this truly inspira onal tes mony!
Registra on by mail postmarked by November 30: $28 per
Registra on at the door: $33 per person
Mail to: Magnificat Ministry, P.O. Box 4381, Orange, CA 92863
Giving Thanks When You Shop
Please be sure to patronize and thank the
generous advertisers in our bulletin. Through
their participation, our parish receives our
weekly bulletin free of charge.
The meal includes a full plated breakfast as well as the speaker’s
program. Please visit for a flyer and
registra on informa on. Flyers are also available in the ves bule
of the church. For registra on informa on, contact Chris na at
(714) 809-9382 or [email protected]
Parish Ministries & Organizations
Adult Faith Forma on
Charlene Dumitru, Director (714) 637-4360 x114
Eucharis c Adora on Commi ee
Ed Majcher ................................. (714) 998-1574
Altar Care
Denise Bi el ................................ (714) 633-2444
Altar Servers/Monaguillos
[English] Karen Purpura .............. (714) 974-6507
[Español] Paula Guerrero ............ (714) 786-7540
Eucharis c Ministers/Ministros
Extraordinarios de Eucharís a
[English] Fran Needham ............. (714) 743-5169
[Español] Juan Guzmán ............... (714) 321-2812
[Español] Fidencia Hernández .... (714) 786-7698
Bap smal Prepara on/Pre-Bau smales
[English] Charlene Dumitru (714) 637-4360 x114
[Español] Carmen Estrada .. (714) 637-4360 x106
[Español] María Ruiz ................... (714) 633-7829
Eucharis c Ministry to the Sick &
[Home Route] Janine Kilgore(714) 637-4360 x110
[Español] María Ruiz ................... (714) 633-7829
Denise Bi el ....................... (714) 637-4360 x130
Filipino Ministry
Lucille Jus niani .......................... (714) 974-4399
Bible Studies
Monday AM - Mary Prather ........ (714) 709-3768
Evening - Charlene Dumitru.. (714) 637-4360 x114
Grupo de Oración
Javier Solis .................................. (657) 200-0505
Irma Chamú ................................ (714) 319-4599
Sonia Jiménez ............................. (714) 203-1187
Elvira Cadena .............................. (714) 631-0031
Bulle n Editor
Joan Doyle .................................. (714) 282-1082
stnorbertbulle [email protected]
[Español] Alberto Ocampo ......... (714) 597-2428
[Español] Bertha Toribio ............. (714) 998-5210
Calendar Secretary
Lola Reynoso ............................... (714) 637-4360
Inquiry Classes
Charlene Dumitru ............... (714) 637-4360 x114
Charlas Prematrimoniales
Juan Diego Noreña ...................... (714) 932-6350
Arnulfo Francis Soto.................... (714) 478-3026
Italian Catholic Federa on
Joe & Rose Digrado..................... (714) 974-1978
Childcare Co-Op
Yazmin Rojas-Cameron ............... (714) 393-7633
Jóvenes Para Cristo
Marco Antonio Cruz ................... (714) 492-9885
Lázaro Cruz ................................. (714) 363-6345
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Michele Desbiens ........................ (714) 999-2710
Kirkwood Eucharis c Ministers
Peter Ricks .................................. (714) 633-0731
Chris an Service
Ahl Agus n ......................... (714) 637-4360 x113
Knights of Columbus Council #15733
Tom Dodge .................................. (714) 633-6859
Confirma on Prepara on
Kirsten King ........................ (714) 637-4360 x210
Lady Knights
Carolyn Obrecht ......................... (714) 402-2576
Cub Scout Pack #863
Joe Beckman ............................... (714) 222-2895
[English] Cameron LaFont ........... (714) 974-3786
[Español] Acacio Mar nez .......... (714) 404-5240
Ron Accornero ............................ (714) 396-7295
Juan Espinoza .............................. (714) 202-5828
Divine Mercy Prayer Group/La Divina Misericordia
[English] Helen Amposta ............. (714) 279-9441
[Español] María Ramos ............... (657) 221-0886
Divorced & Separated
Kelly Klaus ................................... (949) 292-7281
Elizabeth Ministry
Amy Glenane .............................. (714) 974-8781
ESL (inglés como segundo idioma)
George Dore [English only] ......... (714) 280-2801
Hablas español ............................ (714) 637-4360
Kathleen Rapport ....................... (714) 538-8117
Líders de Comité Hispano
Blandina Rosas ........................... (714) 403-4666
Rita Mejia ................................... (714) 392-6694
John Erhard, Director ......... (714) 637-4360 x126
Contemporary Ensemble, English
Janine Kilgore ..................... (714) 637-4360 x110
Coro de Niños
Ana Muñoz .................................. (714) 402-2789
Domingos, español
Floribeth y Cristal Flores ............. (714) 279-9149
Jóvenes Para Cristo Coro
María Ramos ............................... (714) 417-3064
Miércoles, español
Miguel Lugo ................................ (714) 538-2497
Tradi onal Choir, English
John Erhard ........................ (714) 637-4360 x126
Natural Family Planning
Alyson del Hierro......................... (714) 872-3740
Nurse for Seniors, Order of Malta
Ann Bilash, RN .................... (714) 637-4360 x120
Orange Diocesan Council
of Catholic Women
Carol Dolan ................................. (714) 269-6339
Praying with Scripture
Sr. Breda Christopher .................. (714) 283-2496
Rosalba Hernández ..................... (714) 597-3953
[English] Charlene Dumitru (714) 637-4360 x114
[Español] Gilma y Ruben Tenorio (714) 597-1318
Respect Life
Bernie Vitchus ............................. (714) 771-0984
Returning Catholics Fellowship
Charlene Dumitru............... (714) 637-4360 x114
St. Norber est
Mike Adray ......................... (714) 637-4360 x116
St. Norbert Catholic School
Joseph Ciccoianni, Principal ........ (714) 637-6822
School of Religious Educa on/Catequistas
[English] Robin Mayes ................ (714) 998-1070
[Español] Carmen Estrada . (714) 637-4360 x106
Sewing Circle
Ellen Riopel ................................. (714) 488-3207
Spritual Advisor
Deacon Joe Esparza ............ (714) 637-4360 X129
Janine Kilgore ..................... (714) 637-4360 x110
Joe Costanza ............................... (714) 532-5494
Men’s Group of Faith
Gary McKimmey ......................... (714) 224-6160
Ma Terrones............................. (714) 904-5822
Young at Heart
Pat Vega ...................................... (714) 637-2014
Ministerio Hispano
Carmen Estrada .................. (714) 637-4360 x106
Shyn a Ospino, Secretary... (714) 637-4360 x105
Mothers Group
Penny Kim................................... (714) 310-8158
Young Adult Ministry
Adrian Chávez ............................. (714) 225-4261
Youth Ministry/Adolescentes La nos
Kirsten King, Director ......... (714) 637-4360 x210
April Cur n, Junior High ..... (714) 637-4360 x215
[Español] Shyn a Ospino ... (714) 637-4360 x105