Jorgito takes a bath at eight. What time do you want to wake up? I

Presentación de Gramática-página 119
Goal: Lean w to use reflexive verbs with their pronouns. Use them to talk about what people do
for themselves.
English Grammar Connection: ______________ ___________ describe actions done to or for
oneself. In English, _____________ ____________ in –self or selves and show that the
subject both ____________ and ______________ the action of the verb.
In Spanish, reflexive verbs re expressed with a ________________ ______________.
Here‛s how: In the infinitive form of ______________ __________, the ___________
_____________ attaches to the end: ___________________
When you conjugate __________________ _____________. the pronoun appears BEFORE
the conjugated _________________.
bañarse-to take a bath
nosotros (as)
vosotros (as)
usted, él, ella
ustedes, ellos (as)
Jorgito ____ ______ a las ocho.
Jorgito takes a bath at eight.
When a _____________ _________ follows a conjugated verb, use the correct
___________ _________ with the infinitive.
You can attach the pronoun to the infinitive.
¿A qué hora quieres _____________?
What time do you want to wake up?
You can also place the pronoun before the
_______ _________ a las siete.
conjugated verb.
I want to wake up at seven.
Some verbs are not always reflexive.
not reflexive ___________________________________ I wake up Celia at seven.
reflexive _____________________________________ I wake (myself) up at seven.
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.
1. Emiliano ________________________ los zapatos. (quitarse) (to take off)
2. Los señores Guzmán ________________________ por sus hijos. (preocuparse)
3. ¿Tú ________________________ del nombre del profesor? (acordarse) (to remember)
4. Después de bañarme, (yo) ________________________ con la toalla. (secarse)
5. Antes de salir, nosotras ________________________ la cara. (maquillarse)
Write sentences using the information provided. Make any necessary changes.
Modelo: nosotros / preocuparse / trabajo
Nos preocupamos por el trabajo.
1. Miguel / enojarse / novia
(to get angry)
2. María Elena y yo / dormirse / a las once
3. antes de / dormirse, / ustedes / cepillarse / dientes
4. ¿(tú) / ducharse / o / bañarse?
5. yo / ponerse / triste / cuando / tener que / mirar una película triste
Página 120 Actividad 6 ¡Necesitan lavarse!