Oficina Climate-KIC RIC Valencian Region, 19/02/2015

Jornada informativa de la Convocatoria PIP 2015
Martes, 24 de Febrero 2015
Oficina Climate-KIC RIC Valencian region
c/ Quart, 80 (acceso c/ Gaspar Bueno)
46008 Valencia (España)
l Centro de Innovación en Cambio Climático de la Comunidad Valenciana (Climate-KIC. RIC Valencian region) organiza
una jornada informativa sobre la convocatoria 2015 del programa Pioneers into Practice en su sede, dentro de la semana
de presentación de programas de Climate-KIC 2015 en la Comunitat Valenciana.
Durante toda la semana se celebrarán actos, en el Jardín Botánico y en el Campus de Tarongers, para presentar los principales programas en las áreas de educación y emprendedurismo dentro de la iniciativa Climate-KIC.
La lucha contra el cambio climático es una prioridad estratégica de la Unión Europea y Climate-KIC es la mayor colaboración pública-privada de Europa centrada en la innovación
para mitigar el cambio climático y adaptarse al mismo.
Pioneers into Practice (PiP) es una de las iniciativas centrales
de Climate-KIC para inspirar, provocar y hacer efectivo el
cambio en la sociedad y la economía de bajo carbono. Se trata de un programa de desarrollo de conocimiento y movilidad
de profesionales para explorar, poner en práctica y comunicar, a través del desarrollo de capacidades, los últimos avances en la lucha contra el cambio climático.
Inscripción y registro: Enviar e-mail a
[email protected] indicando nombre y apellidos, e-mail de contacto, organización a la que se pertenece y candidato a “Host” o a “Pioneer”
11.30 Recepción y registro
12.00 Pioneers into Practice 2015, en el marco de la iniciativa ClimateKIC
Climate-KIC en la Comunitat Valenciana (RIC)
Sr. D. Francisco Ferrando. Co-director RIC Comunitat Valenciana.
“Pioneers into Practice”. Programa de movilidad profesional
Sr. D. José-Luis Muñoz. Coordinador Europeo del Programa PiP.
Convocatoria 2015 “Pioneers into Practice”
Sra. Dª. Celsa Monrós. Coordinadora Regional del Programa PiP.
Alumni. Asociación para pioneros y estudiantes de ediciones anteriores
Sr. D. Ignacio Chanzá. Representante local de la asociación CKIC Alumni
12.45 Mesa redonda de pioneros y hosts
Modera: Sra. Dª. Marta Esteve. Responsable de comunicación RIC Valencia
13.30 Entrega de diplomas del Programa Pioneers into Practice 2015 y
Ilma. Sra. Dª Victoria Palau Tárrega, Directora General de Relaciones com la Unión Europea. Generalitat Valenciana
Become a Pioneer, be part of Climate-KIC!
Do you feel the need to challenge yourself?
Do you have new ideas in terms of climate change
Would you like to create new products or services for
developing and boosting the new low carbon economy?
If you think that you have all what it takes….WE WANT YOU to participate in the Pioneers
into Practice Programme, where you can make INNOVATION HAPPEN!!!
We invite you to share your knowledge and set up synergies jointly with an interdisciplinary group
of professionals and organizations. Make green and sustainable business happen with the purpose
of carrying out much needed economic and social transformation and breaking boundaries.
What is Pioneers into
Practice Programme?
Pioneers into Practice Programme is a people-oriented
initiative which takes you out of your comfort zone!
Pioneers into Practice is the professional mobility
programme of Climate-KIC and it aims to create a new
generation of entrepreneurs, intrepreneurs and enablers
from several sectors with the capacity to understand
and manage the challenges set out by climate change
and to lead the transition to Low Carbon Economy.
This programme is a win-win, where you can apply to
be a Pioneer or a Host on the next call!!!
Programme overview
You will have the chance of working on and developing innovative Low
Carbon projects at qualified and knowledgeable host organizations
where you will perform individual and group project assignments
Thinking led by the best experts.
while extending your professional and personal network.
Also you will have the opportunity to participate in intensive workshops
to develop an understanding of Transition Thinking and System
Innovation in the area of climate change adaptation and mitigation.
What do we offer if you are a pioneer?
Intensive workshops to develop an understanding of Transition
Opportunity for you to showcase your ideas at the Climate-KIC Innovation Festival to the members of Europe’s leading innovation
PPP on climate change.
Network opportunities to a wider group of climate innovators.
Up to €8,000 grant per Pioneer to cover expenses, travel accommodation and salary costs.
Two 4-week placements working on leading low-carbon projects
What are the advantages of hosting
a pioneer?
in two eligible host organizations (1 regional/1 international) in
You will have the opportunity to work with an expert in climate
the Climate-KIC regions.
challenges, open-minded, with new ideas and contacts. You can
Individual and group projects assignments focused on real world
also benefit from the pioneer’s knowledge transfer and other new
methodologies for making innovation happen.
Placements for climate Pioneers
12 European Regions: 7 partners from eligible
Climate-KIC Regions + 5 Outreach locations.
Climate-KIC PiP Partner Regions
Outreach Regions
Central Hungary (Hungary)
Cork/Dublin (Ireland)
Emilia-Romagna (Italy)
Helsinki/Uusimaa (Finland)
Hessen (Germany)
North of Portugal and Lisbon (Portugal)
Lower Silesia (Poland)
Utrecht (The Netherlands)
Timis (Romania)
Valencian Region (Spain)
West-Midlands (UK)
Climate-KIC RICs
Outreach territories
How can you participate
as a Pioneer or as a Host?
Become a Pioneer, become a Host, be part of Climate-KIC!
Check out if you are an eligible Pioneer:
 Do you have experience and/or qualifications relevant to climate change?
 Are you an Entrepreneur/self-employed or do you work in a company or
Check if you are an eligible Host organization:
 Do you have experience relevant to or work for addressing climate
other organization?
 Do you have a degree or Post DOC or 2 years of work experience in the
 Are you committed to help tackle the climate change challenge?
fields of climate-change?
 Are you able to commit to key dates detailed in the programme’s timeline?
 Are you located in one of the places mentioned above?
 Do you work, live or study in one of the mentioned locations?
 Are you able to provide the Pioneer a workstation and supervision
 Are your English skills up to the task? Are you open-minded and do you
during the placement?
 Are you open-minded and enthusiastic to learn, share and enjoy?
have the will to learn and challenge yourself?
If you have all of what it takes to become a Host and you want to
get added value from Pioneers´ background, JOIN US!!!
If you have all of those features….THIS PROGRAMME IS FOR YOU/WE ARE
Last week
of March
of the
PIP Call
of the
PIP Call
1 week
of April
of the selected
1st week
of May
(3 days)
From 2nd
week of May
End of June
Testimonial Pioneer
“It was challenging, but very interesting and stimulating. I
was exposed to the whole range of their business activity,
from sales and marketing back through to manufacturing and
operations. I found the people who worked there to be very broad
and well-rounded in their skill sets, something which I learned from. I left very
much out of my comfort zone. The team were extremely supportive but it was
hugely challenging nonetheless”
Joseph Fisk, West-Midlands
(2 days)
Crucible I
2nd week
3rd week
(1+2 days)
(1 day)
PIP workshop
+ Innovation
Crucible II
How to apply?
Please feel free to send your application in
English to your regional PiP Manager. For a
full application package or for participating
as a host, visit the webpage: