Saint Mary P arish - Waltham, MA Catholic Church

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary time
February 15, 2015
1835 - 2015
Parroquia de Santa María
Saint Mary Parish
Sexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
15 de Febrero de 2015
Santa María de Waltham
15 de Febrero de 2015
133 School Street, Waltham, MA 02451
Email: stmar [email protected]
Website: stmar ywaltham.or g
RECTORY/Rectoría 781-891-1730 (Fax 781-209-0555)
Rev. Michael Nolan
Parochial Vicar/V icario Par.
Rev. David Martin Ssentamu
Parochial Vicar/V icario Par.
Rev. Agustín Anda
In residence/En residencia
Rev. Timothy Murphy
In residence/En residencia
Rev. Daniel Hennessey
Business Mgr./Dir. de Negocios Mary McCarthy
Michael Welch
Lila Cleary
Choir Coordinators/Coordinadores de Coro
Ivan Colon (Español) , Michael Mukisa (Uganda),
Lila Cleary (Gregorian Chant)
IMMIGRATION CTR/Centro de Inmigración 617-817-7544
Deacon/Diácono Eduardo Mora
Offers assistance to those seeking support for immigration issues - citizenship, housing, ESL classes, and more.
Ofrece ayuda para aquellos que buscan apoyo para asuntos de
inmigración - ciudadanía, vivienda, clases de inglés como segundo idioma, y más.
Office Hours (Rel. Ed. Bldg.)/Horario de Oficina
Mon.-Thurs./Lunes-Jueves 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
or by appointment/o por cita
Administator/A dministradora
Nilvia Hernández
Adam Redjinski
AFTER SCHOOL PROG./Programa Después de la Escuela
Jennifer Acuña, Christine Dufresne, Patsy Gillespie
ANOINTING OF THE SICK/Unción de los enfermos
First Monday of the month - 12:10 p.m. Mass
El primer Lunes del mes durante la misa de las 12:10 p.m.
First Wednesday of the month - 7:00 p.m. Mass*
El primer Miércoles del mes durante la misa de las 7:00 p.m.*
First Friday of the month - 8:00 p.m. Mass*
El primer Viernes del mes durante la misa de las 8:00 p.m.*
or by appointment/o por cita
hogares y enfermos
Call Ann Faulstich at 781-893-8953.
Llamar a el Diácono 617-817-7544.
Call the Deacon to schedule the celebration. The young adult
must be participating in the Confirmation Program.
Llame al Diácono para programar la celebración. La joven
debe estar participando en el Programa de Confirmación.
The church is open every day from 8:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m.
La iglesia está abierta todos los días de 8:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m.
MASS SCHEDULE/Horario de las Misas
Saturday Vigil /Sábado Vigilia 4:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m. Español
1:30 p.m. Luganda
Monday-Friday/Lunes-Viernes 12:10 p.m.
Wednesday, Friday/Miércoles,Viernes
7:00 p.m. Español *
8:00 p.m. Luganda *
Friday/V iernes
Holy Days/Dias de Precepto
7:00 a.m., 12:10 p.m.
7:00 p.m. Español
Comunión y Adoración
7:00 p.m. Español *
MORNING PRAYER/ Oración M atutina
7:30 a.m. - 7:45 a.m.
PRAY THE ROSARY/El Santo Rosario
Monday-Friday/Lunes-Viernes 11:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m. Español
Friday/V iernes
Friday/V iernes
12:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.*
12:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
BAPTISM/Bautism o
Third Sunday of the month at 3 p.m. for children under age
seven. Parents must call the rectory to arrange for baptism.
Preparation is required.
Español: Padres y padrinos deben asistir a la preparación el
primer domingo del mes en el Edificio de Educación Religiosa y el Bautizo se llevara a cabo el primer domingo del mes
siguiente, después de la misa de las 11:30 a.m.
Luganda: First Sunday of the month during the 1:30 p.m.
Mass for children under age seven. Parents must call the rectory to arrange for baptism. Preparation is required.
SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION/Sacramentos de Iniciación
Adults and children (age 7+) who want to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, or First Communion must
attend preparation classes. Call the rectory for information.
Los adultos y niños (mayores de siete años) que desean recibir los sacramentos del Bautismo, la Confirmación o la Primera Comunión pueden tomar clases de preparación para
los sacramentos. Llamar a la rectoría para información.
Call the rectory to arrange a meeting.
Llamar a la rectoría para información.
* Chapel/Capilla
a.m. - 12:00
a.m. - 12:00
p.m. - 3:45
a.m. - 11:20
Sexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
St. Mary Parish, Waltham
February 15, 2015
Many thanks to everyone who voted for St. Mary’s After
School Program in the recent Watertown Savings Bank
Customer Choice Awards. We were awarded $2,302 because
of your support. The amount apportioned to us was based on
the number of votes we received – so your vote really
counted! This money will help us provide enriching
programs for the children and enable us to offer financial
assistance to children whose families cannot pay for them to
attend. We are grateful to Watertown Savings Bank for
continuing to support local charities. This year they gave
away $75,000 to 28 community organizations chosen by
their customers. We encourage you to vote for St. Mary’s
After School Program again next year.
We know that some of you are unable to attend Mass if there
is a snowstorm or very bad weather. Please know that we are
very grateful when you mail in your Sunday donations even
if you were unable to attend the weekend Masses. We
depend greatly on your consistent stewardship to the parish
to cover our weekly expenses. Thank you!
The Mass in Latin (Extraordinary Form) at Saint Charles
Borromeo will be cancelled on February 14 at 6:00 p.m.
This mass will resume the following Saturday, February 21.
Please bring a baby gift to Mass on the weekend of February
28 and March 1 to support the Parish Family Baby Shower.
Baby items that are needed include: baby bottles, newborn
or size 1 disposable diapers, diaper bags, size small sleep
and play clothing, sweaters, crib sheets, socks, nightgowns,
blanket sleepers, receiving blankets, pacifiers, and toiletries.
All proceeds benefit the Pregnancy Help Office at the
Archdiocese of Boston. Monetary donations are acceptable,
too. Please make checks payable to Fund for the Unborn.
Please join us in a pilgrimage to Le Cénacle de Cacouna in
Quebec Canada from May 22-24, where we will have a
prayerful retreat in preparation for Pentecost. In addition we
will be visiting Oratoire St. Joseph and St. Anne-de-Beaupré
Church. The cost is $250 for a shared room or $275 for a
private room; this includes bus fare, food, and lodging. You
must have the required papers to cross the border (green
card, American passport, and extra picture ID). Please
contact Sara Lubin at 978-987-8064 or [email protected]
by February 18 if you are interested in this trip. She will be
collecting a deposit of $75 to reserve a room.
The following Mass Intentions are scheduled this week:
Saturday, February 14
4:00 p.m. - James & Mary Rose Burgoyne
Sunday, February 15
8:00 a.m. - Parish & Parishioners
10:00 a.m. - James E. & Joseph L. Burgoyne, Jr.
Monday, February 16
12:10 p.m. - Peter Koutoujian, Sr.
Tuesday, February 17
12:10 p.m. - Bon & Eclid Roy
Saturday, February 21
4:00 p.m. - William Polonis
Sunday, February 22
8:00 a.m. - Parish & Parishioners
10:00 a.m. - Arthur Gailius
Those requesting a weekend Mass Intention may serve as
gift bearers for that liturgy. Please speak to the celebrant
prior to the Mass.
Thank you for your generous offering to our parish.
• $3,017 was contributed to the weekly collection during the
first four Masses last weekend.
• $513 was contributed to the weekly collection at the 1:30
Mass on February 1.
This weekend’s 2nd collection: Special Monthly
Irma, Maureen, Marie, Elsa, Lisette, Brad, Anne, Gayle
RIP: Margaret Edmunds, Wayne Lalime
In the Gospel today Jesus, moved with pity, touched the
leper and healed him. Let us pray today for the grace to be
generous with our gifts to help those who are suffering.
By your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul you indeed
put your faith into action as you bring healing to the poor,
hungry and weeping.
For the grace to invite others to join the Society of St.
Vincent de Paul, Merciful God, hear us! Please give us the
grace to put our faith into action, to meditate upon it, and to
adapt it to our changing world. Amen.
Next weekend, the Catholic Appeal will be announced in all
parishes throughout the Archdiocese. In preparation, we
invite you to prayerfully consider making a generous gift.
Please visit to make an
online pledge. By supporting the Appeal, you support our
parish. Thank you for your consideration of this year’s
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Santa María de Waltham
15 de Febrero de 2015
“The love that brings new life into the world”
– Rabbi Sacks on the institution of marriage
continued from last week
What made the traditional family remarkable, a work of high religious art, is what it brought together: sexual
drive, physical desire, friendship, companionship, emotional kinship and love, the begetting of children and
their protection and care, their early education and induction into an identity and a history. Seldom has any
institution woven together so many different drives and desires, roles and responsibilities. It made sense of
the world and gave it a human face, the face of love.
For a whole variety of reasons, some to do with medical developments like birth control, in vitro fertilisation
and other genetic interventions, some to do with moral change like the idea that we are free to do whatever
we like so long as it does not harm others, some to do with a transfer of responsibilities from the individual
to the state, and other and more profound changes in the culture of the West, almost everything that marriage
once brought together has now been split apart. Sex has been divorced from love, love from commitment,
marriage from having children, and having children from responsibility for their care.
The result is that in Britain in 2012, 47.5 per cent of children were born outside marriage, expected to
become a majority in 2016. Fewer people are marrying, those who are, are marrying later, and 42 per cent of
marriages end in divorce. Nor is cohabitation a substitute for marriage. The average length of cohabitation in
Britain and the United States is less than two years. The result is a sharp increase among young people of
eating disorders, drug and alcohol abuse, stress related syndromes, depression and actual and attempted
suicides. The collapse of marriage has created a new form of poverty concentrated among single parent
families, and of these, the main burden is born by women, who in 2011 headed 92 per cent of single parent
households. In Britain today more than a million children will grow up with no contact whatsoever with their
This is creating a divide within societies the like of which has not been seen since Disraeli spoke of “two
nations” a century and a half ago. Those who are privileged to grow up in stable loving association with the
two people who brought them into being will, on average, be healthier physically and emotionally. They will
do better at school and at work. They will have more successful relationships, be happier and live longer.
And yes, there are many exceptions. But the injustice of it all cries out to heaven. It will go down in history
as one of the tragic instances of what Friedrich Hayek called “the fatal conceit” that somehow we know
better than the wisdom of the ages, and can defy the lessons of biology and history.
No one surely wants to go back to the narrow prejudices of the past. This week, in Britain, a new film opens,
telling the story of one of the great minds of the twentieth century, Alan Turing, the Cambridge
mathematician who laid the philosophical foundations of computing and artificial intelligence, and helped
win the war by breaking the German naval code Enigma. After the war, Turing was arrested and tried for
homosexual behaviour, underwent chemically induced castration, and died at the age of 41 by cyanide
poisoning, thought by many to have committed suicide. That is a world to which we should never return.
continued next week
Sexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
St. Mary Parish, Waltham
February 15, 2015
The schedule for Ash Wednesday and Lent is below. We
know that some people cannot make it to Mass on Ash
Wednesday. The priests will be around St. Mary’s church
and rectory that day for those who cannot attend Mass. Look
for one of them and they will mark you with ashes.
Masses at 7:00 a.m., 12:10 p.m. English
7:00 p.m. Español
WEEKDAY MASSES/Misas diarias de Cuaresma
Church/Iglesia 12:10 p.m. English
Chapel/Capilla 7:00 p.m. Español
Friday/V iernes ChapelICapilla 8:00 p.m. Luganda
Saturday/Sábado Church/Iglesia 9:00 a.m. English
Mon.-Thurs./Lunes-Jueves 11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Friday/V iernes
11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
9:30 a.m.- 3:45 p.m.
11:00 a.m.-11:20 p.m.
Friday/V iernes
Church/Iglesia 6:00 p.m. English
Mon.-Fri./Lunes-Viernes Chapel/Capilla 6:00 p.m. Español
Wednesday/Miércoles Chapel/Capilla 12:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
Friday/V iernes
Church/Iglesia 12:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
Masses at 7:30 a.m. & 7:00 p.m.
WEEKDAY MASSES Tuesday-Thursday 7:30 a.m.
Saturday 3:00-3:45 p.m.
Abstinence – Catholics over 14 years of age are bound to
the obligation of abstinence. Abstinence is to be observed
on Ash Wednesday and on all Fridays of Lent. On days of
abstinence, meat may not be eaten at all.
Fast – Catholics over 18 and up to the beginning of their
60th year are bound to the obligation of fasting. Ash
Wednesday and Good Friday are the days of fasting. On
these days, only one full meal is allowed. Two other meatless meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken
according to each one’s needs, but together they should not
equal another full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted, but liquids are allowed.
These Lenten regulations state the minimum requirements.
Other recommended practices during this season include
participating in daily Mass and fasting on other days.
St. Mary Parish presents a teaching and exposition of Sacred
Relics on Friday February 27 at 7:00 p.m. Father Carlos
Martins of the Companions of the Cross will be here with his
very special ministry to teach about these holy objects. He
will bring with him over 150 relics, some as old as 2000
years. Among the treasures will be relics of St. Maria
Goretti, St. Therese of Lisieux (the “Little Flower"), St.
Francis of Assisi, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Thomas
Aquinas, and St. Faustina Kowalska. In addition, there will
also be present a portion of the veil of Our Lady, as well as
one of the largest remaining pieces of the True Cross in the
world. Those in attendance will be able to examine and
venerate each relic. In the Church’s history many miracles
and healings have been worked in the presence of relics, and
many have been healed through this ministry. Please do not
miss this opportunity. You are encouraged to bring your
articles of devotion (such as rosaries, holy cards, etc.) and
pictures of ill friends/family members which you will be
able to touch to the reliquaries as a means of intercession.
For more information visit
We continue with our “Question & Answer” series about
Liturgy and the Sacraments. The text is taken from the
Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
• What is sacramental grace?
Sacramental grace is the grace of the Holy Spirit which is
given by Christ and is proper to each sacrament. This grace
helps the faithful in their journey toward holiness and so
assists the Church as well to grow in charity and in her
witness to the world.
You are invited to join other Christians for 40 days of prayer
and fasting for an end to abortion. You are also invited to
stand and peacefully pray during a 40-day vigil in the public
right-of-way outside Planned Parenthood at 1055
Commonwealth Ave. in Boston, beginning February 18 at
3:00 p.m. During these 40 days, candlelight vigils will take
place on Fridays at 7:00 p.m. (English), and on Saturdays at
6:00 p.m. (Spanish). A concluding prayer service will take
place on Sunday, March 29 at 3:00 p.m. Help spread the
word about this important community outreach. If you’d like
more information or would like to volunteer to help, please
contact Rita Russo at 781-762-4391.
If you or someone you know is suffering from the pain of a
past abortion, the Project Rachel ministry of the Archdiocese
of Boston will offer a one-day healing retreat for women at a
confidential location on the following Saturdays from 9:00
a.m.-5:00 p.m.: February 21, March 28, April 25. For more
information and registration, call 508-651-3100 or visit Trust in the tender mercy of God!
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Santa María de Waltham
15 de Febrero de 2015
Queridos hermanos en Cristo:
San Jerónimo cuenta que algunos de los primeros Cristianos
iban a ver al apóstol San Juan y asistían a sus misas. La
homilía era siempre la misma, San Juan decía: “A mense los
unos a los otros” y lo repetía una y otra vez. Un día, uno de
los asistentes a la Misa de San Juan, le dijo que a él le
gustaría que San Juan hablara de otras cosas pues sabía que
el apóstol había escuchado a Jesús, había vivido en El, había
tomado los alimentos con Jesús, había estado con El junto a
la Cruz, lo había visto en el sepulcro y también después de la
resurrección y que San Juan siempre repetía: “Amense los
unos a los otros”. San Juan le respondió: Es que el maestro
nos repetía una y otra vez: “Amense los unos a los otros”. Y
si Jesús les repetía a sus discípulos que se Amaran los unos a
los otros… Pienso que nosotros también también deberíamos
repetirnos los unos a los otros que es de ésta manera como
debemos comportarnos, amándonos los unos a los otros pues
de ésta forme daremos testimonio de que somos sus
verdaderos discípulos… ¡Feliz fin de semana del Amor y la
- Padre Agustín
El fin de semana pasado se recaudo $3,017 de las primeras
cuatro misas. En la misa de 1:30 p.m., el 1 de Febrero, se
colectaron $513. Gracias.
" odo es don de Dios.
Y sólo reconociendo esta dependencia
vital del Creador,
encontraremos libertad y paz".
Benedicto XVI
Tesoros de la Iglesia es un ministerio de evangelización de la
Iglesia Católica. Dirigida por Padre Carlos Martins de los
Compañeros de la Cruz, su objetivo es dar a la gente una
experiencia del Dios vivo a través de un encuentro con las
reliquias de sus santos en la forma de exposición. Cada
exposición comienza con una presentación multimedia sobre
la Iglesia en uso de reliquias que es el que salva, la
catequesis, y devocional, que conduce a una renovación de la
fe Católica para muchas personas. Después de la enseñanza
los asistentes tienen la oportunidad de venerar las reliquias
de algunos de sus santos favoritos. Este ministerio se
desplaza a lo largo de Américas del Norte y será en Iglesia
Santa Marie el Viernes 27 de Febrero a las 7:00 p.m.
Recuerde el horario de servicio en el Centro de Inmigración
es el siguiente: Lunes a Jueves de 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Los sábados de 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. y los domingos después de
la Misa si es necesario. Estamos para servirles.
Esta es una información válida para el programa del
Presidente Obama llamado DAPA que es una ayuda de
conseguir permiso de trabajo para los padres de hijos
nacidos en este país, las aplicaciones parece que se estarán
aceptando desde mitad de Mayo en adelante, durante el
presente momento nada se puede hacer con emigración pero
usted si puede empezara a buscar información sobre su
estadía en los estados Unidos, es necesario un papel que
enseñe la fecha de alguna actividad suya, recuerde tiene que
haber llegado a este país antes de Diciembre 31 del 2010, el
valor parece será el mismo que la acción deferida para los
jóvenes de $465, las aplicaciones nuevas para la acción
deferidas de los jóvenes emigración las está aceptando desde
Febrero 18 de este año. Cualquier pregunta que tenga pase
por el Centro de Inmigración en el edificio de Educación
Religiosa que con gusto le ayudaremos.
El Miércoles 28 de Enero empezaremos las clases de
Confirmación y de Primera Comunión para adultos, como
hemos hechos todos los años; el horario será de 6:30 a 8:00
p.m. en el edificio de Educación Religiosa. Si usted está
interesado o conoce a alguien que necesita los sacramentos
por favor de comunicarse con el Diácono Eduardo Mora
después de la Misa o en la oficina del Centro de Inmigración.
¡Únase al movimiento mundial para proteger a madres y a
sus bebés!
Vigilia próvida Hispana a las 6:00 p.m.
Sábado febrero 21, 28, marzo 7, 14, 21, y 28.
Vigilia Inglès Viernes, 7 pm, febrero 20, 27,
marzo 6, 13, 20, y 27.
Vigilia frente al centro de abortos
Planned Parenthood 1055 Commonwealth Ave., Boston
Oración de Comienzo, febrero 18, a las 3 p.m.
Oracion Conclusiva, marzo 29, a las 3 p.m.
Muchas gracias a todos aquellos que votaron por el
Programa Después de la Escuela de la parroquía de Santa
María. Gracias a su apoyo Watertown Savings Bank nos
otorgo $2,302. Esta cantidad fue basada en el número de
votos recibidos. Este dinero nos ayudara a proveer
programas de enriquecimiento para los niños y nos permitirá
ofrecer asistencia financiera a aquellas familias que no
puedan cubrir la cuota de sus hijos. Estamos muy
agradecidos con WSB por su continuo apoyo a las obras de
caridad local. Este año regalaron $75,000 a 28
organizaciones elegidas por sus cuentahabientes.
Sexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario