02.01.15 Weekly Bulletin.pub

Our purpose is:
− To love God.
− To love the world.
− To love YOU.
Worship Services
9:00 and 10:30 a.m.
Sunday School
10:30 a.m.
Rev. Russell Brown
Heritage United Methodist Church
February 2, 2015
9:00 and 10:30 am
4th Sunday aŌer Epiphany
“The very act of lighƟng a candle is prayer.” – Brother David Steindl-Rast
You are invited to light a prayer ca ndle at any Ɵme, as you feel led to pray.
Margaret CinoƩo
GreeƟng and Announcements
Rev. Russell Brown
*Call to Worship
John Hall/ Lauren Marcucci
We come together today to worship a mighty God! We come to be reminded of
God’s power and grace.
We seek a connecƟon with a source of power that cannot be exhausted… a
spring of hope that will run dry.
We stand today on the shoulders of pioneers in faith who have gone before and
shown us the true meaning of faith.
Help us today to stand with them and to trust the Ɵmeless promises of God.
We believe, but ask God’s help in our unbelief. In the name of Christ we
pray… AMEN.
*Hymn of Praise
Sing Praise to God, Who Reigns Above
Children’s Moment (10:30am only)
#126 UMH vs 1,3,4
Rev. Russell Brown
**Kindergart en - 3rd grade wil l be dismissed to Sunday school (10:30only)
For the locaƟon of your child's classroom please refer to the Children's Ministries informaƟon in the Tidings.
Call to Prayer
(10:30am only)
Lord God, Almighty
Prayers of the People…
#2006 TFWS refrain 3
Rev. Russell Brown
prayer response “O Lord, hear our prayers”
…Lord's Prayer #895 UMH
Prayer Response
Glorify Thy Name
#2016 TFWS vs 1
Lord, I Stretch My Hands to You (Althouse)
Chancel Choir
Soloist: Melissa Barker
Daniel 3:17-18, Ephesians 3:20, NRSV
Tapping In to God’s Power!
John Hall/ Lauren Marcucci
Rev. Russell Brown
Responding in GraƟtude for God’s GiŌs with our Offerings
John Hall/ Lauren Marcucci
Margaret CinoƩo
*The Doxology
Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow
*Prayer of DedicaƟon
#95 UMH
John Hall/ Lauren Marcucci
It is good and right and a delight to the spirit to give our thanks to God.
We remember that everything we have, we have on loan from You, O Lord.
Help us remember to give You thanks at all Ɵmes, in all places, in every
Refresh our sense of purpose and commitment to your ministry of love.
In Christ’s holy name we pray…
Sacrament of Holy Communion
*Hymn of Commitment (9:00am only)
#15 UMH
Spirit Song
*Sending Forth
*Indicates to stand as you are able.
UMH – United Methodis t Hymnal
TFWS – The Faith We Sing s ongbook
#347 UMH
Rev. Russell Brown
words on screen
Carrie DeVries
**Sunday s chool teachers will walk your children to their Sunday s chool class rooms aŌer the
Children’s Moment and then you may pick them up in their classroom aŌer the s ervice.
Parents are always welcome to walk their children to Sunday s chool aŌer the Children’s
Moment if it would make your children more comfortable
If you are visiƟng with us for the first Ɵme, we welcome you and invite you to join us aŌer the
worship service for fellowship and refreshments in our Hospitality Hall (through the south door
of the sanctuary and to your leŌ.) Please stop by the Visitor InformaƟon table near the west
doors to pick up more informaƟon and give us the opportunity to get to know you. Be sure to
complete the yellow form in our aƩendance pads so that we know you were here!