Rottingdean Parish Council: Planning Report, 31st January 2015

Rottingdean Parish Council: Planning Report, 31st January 2015
1. BHCC Planning Committee Agenda for 28th January 2015 including Meadow Vale:
the minutes of this meeting are awaited. The officers’ recommendation, at the end of a detailed
report summarising both the plans and the representations made, was to refuse permission for
the revised plan for 85 homes; and the committee then agreed to refuse planning permission.
2. Decision delegated to Officers and reported to BHCC Planning Committee:
BH2014/01533 – 12 Court Ord Road – erection of 2-storey rear extension with Juliette balcony
at first floor rear, enlargement of existing front porch and other associate works. Approved.
BH2014/02452 – 2 Meadow Close – subdivision to form a building plot and erect a single storey
2-/ 3-bedroom chalet bungalow with associated off-street parking & landscaping. Refused.
BH2014/02598 – 28 Marine Drive – variation of condition no. 17 of application BH2011/03060
(Original permission BH2010/02745) to allow for changes to the approved scheme including
revised fenestration and alterations to internal layout. (Retrospective). Approved.
BH2014/02687 – 21 Bazehill Rd – erection of single storey front extension incorporating
replacement garage, single storey rear extension with first floor Juliet balconies, alternations to
fenestration and other associated alterations. Approved.
BH2014/02876 – 39 Grand Cres – erection of 2-storey side extn at lower ground floor level with
assoc. roof extns. Removal of front steps & relocation of front entrance, alterations to existing
rear dormer, installation of solar panels, alterations to windows and assoc. works. Refused.
BH2014/02091 – Tesco, 5-8 West St – application to extend opening hours beyond the 6 a.m. to
11 p.m. stipulated as a condition of the original approval BH2004/02617/FP. WITHDRAWN.
BH2014/03422 – 4 Challoners Cottages, Falmer Rd – replacement of existing double glazed
UPVC windows with UPVC sash windows to front elevation. Refused. Reason for refusal: the
‘replacement windows, by virtue of their material and detailing, represent a harmful alteration
that would fail to preserve the character and appearance of the building or wider Rottingdean
Conservation Area. The proposal is thereby contrary to policies QD14 and HE6 of the Brighton
& Hove Local Plan, and Supplementary Planning Document 9 Architectural Features, and
Supplementary Planning Document 12 Design Guide for Extensions and Alterations.’
BH2014/03801 – 137 Marine Drive – removal of existing porch & front bay at ground floor level.
Roof alterations incl. raising of ridge height & balcony with pitched roof to front elev’n. Refused.
3. Planning applications: no RPC representations made
BH2015/00057 – 90 Eley Drive – erection of single storey side extension.
BH2014/04328 – 4 Tudor Close, Dean Court Rd – insertion of window to west elevation.
BH2014/04169 – 107 Marine Drive – demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings
and erection of three storey building to provide 9 flats accessed from Chailey Avenue
with associated landscaping, parking, cycle and bin storage.
4. St Aubyns development proposals: please refer to this month’s Parish Notes.
Plans, reports & documents referred to above will be available at the Parish Council meeting,
including the detailed Planning Committee report about the Meadow Vale proposals, but not
the two boxes of original plans. James Simister, Clerk to Rottingdean Parish Council, 31 Jan. 2015.