The Good News - Wake Forest United Methodist

Senior Pastor
W. Donald Warren
Associate Pastor
Helen Champion
Youth Director
Vicki Lawrence
Children’s Director
Denelle Manley
Sharon Southard
Financial Secretary
Tonya Mangum
Music Director
Elsie Shuler
Allen Bailey
Children/Youth Music
Barina Bailey
Handbell Director
Shelly Compton
Preschool Director
Donna Williams
Nursery Workers
Nicole Bassett
Salena Handley
Kamila Rogers
Sunday Services
8:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Sunday School
9:45-10:45 a.m.
Nursery services are
available from
8:15 a.m. – 12 Noon
The Good News
Wake Forest United Methodist Church
Reaching Out to All in the Name of Jesus Christ
Freed-Up Financial Living
Starting Sunday, February 8 in the 5th grade class at 6:00 p.m.
Freed-Up Financial Living is an outstanding tool, designed to help individuals at
every stage of their lives effectively deal with day-to-day issues related to finances.
Even more, it’s about finding the peace, joy, and freedom that come through
following biblical financial principles. Presented in an encouraging, grace-filled
manner, the goal is heart change and a more God-centered perspective on your
resources, not just a change in financial behavior.
You’ll discover effective tools and develop skills that will help you control your
finances— so your finances don’t wind up controlling you! After completing the
course, you’ll walk away with:
• A clear understanding of biblical financial principles
• Simple steps to apply those principles in day-to-day decision making
Are you experiencing a time of significant financial challenge or crisis? Are you
interested in taking back control of your spending? Contact Todd Thigpen if you are
interested, [email protected] or sign up in the narthex.
God, Gardens & Grace by J. Wayne Pratt
Lenten Study Starting February 15 in the Renewal Class at 6:00 p.m.
For many people who journey in Christian faith, the garden is that unique and sacred
space where one may freely communicate with God and experience life’s fullness in a
host of refreshing and spirit-enriching ways. Soul work is truly facilitated in a calm,
serene garden setting. In fact, the Bible contains numerous images and metaphors
which employ the garden as a means of interpreting and better understanding the
nature of God.
Dealing with the sin that so easily invades our lives, struggling with daily priorities
and concerns, and rejoicing in the miracles of creation and resurrection are but a few
of the many biblical truths which unfold in a garden setting. It is in a garden that a
greater sense of peace and contentment is discovered and enjoyed. The garden, in my
view, is truly God’s theater of grace, love, and forgiveness.
Come join in this six-week study where we will encounter God’s Word through
Biblical images and metaphors of the Garden. Contact Wayne Pratt if you are
interested, [email protected] or sign up in the narthex.
If you have an idea for a bible study or program and would like to share your
interest, please contact Helen Champion, 919-556-2239, ext. 104 or
[email protected] . Thank you
The Good News
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For any Children’s Ministry
Children’s Director at 919-5562239
[email protected]
Children’s Fair
Thank you to everyone who
came out to the Children’s Fair
to see what Children’s Ministry
has to offer children and
families, as well as to those
who signed up to serve as
volunteers this coming year.
We are still in need of leaders
and volunteers for many of the
throughout the year. If you
would like more information on
how to get involved, please
contact Denelle Manley.
Club 4/5
Friday, February 20
Club 4/5 will hold our next
meeting on February 20, from
6-7:30pm in the Fellowship
Hall. Look for more information
to come out as we get closer.
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Zumba will start back up on February 5th! If you are new
to Zumba and are interested, come give it a try. No
experience necessary. All you need is comfy clothes,
tennis shoes (that allow side to side pivoting), water and a
towel (because you will be sweating...burning tons of
calories!). Invite your friends....the more the merrier! All
are welcome... "open hearts open minds open doors." We
will open in prayer and then one hour of Zumba! I am
thinking about starting our Thursday Zumba class earlier,
maybe 6:15 or 6:30, rather than 7:00. Please let me know
your preference. I am also wondering if anyone would be
interested in a Monday class at 5:30 prior to Women of
Faith. We could do Zumba or possibly something else
fitness related. Please contact Melodie Rinker at
[email protected] or (919) 818-4395 for
The Cracked Pots meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of
each month. In the cooler months we meet at 9 am. If
you are interested in working on the church grounds
please call or email Linda Klose at 919-556-2293 or
[email protected].
This isn't the most
glamorous committee at WFUMC but we are a fun group
of folks who enjoy being outside and helping make the
church campus look more beautiful. You do not need to
be an experienced gardener to join!
The UMM and the Cracked Pots Invite you to join us for
3/28) Every other year we have a mulch day to freshen up
our church grounds. This year we will have 4 dump truck
loads of mulch to spread around areas on our church
grounds. All ages can help in this BIG project. We will
begin at 9am and be done in a couple of hours if YOU
come to help. Bring your gloves and a bottle of water. If
you have a wheelbarrow, rake and pitch fork, please bring
that too. If your New Year's Resolution was to get more
exercise...................this will be a perfect way!
The Good News
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February 1st after the 11:00am service in Family Life Center
Bring your favorite crockpot of soup to share! Have your warm crockpot in the fellowship hall by
11:00am . You are also welcome to bring your soup recipe to share. Please put your name on
the crockpot, lid, and ladle. Ice Cream Sundaes will be available for dessert! Monetary
donations are accepted for the Souper Bowl of Caring mission along with canned goods for TriArea Ministry.
So we can save you a seat and a bowl of ice cream,
an RSVP to [email protected] is greatly appreciated
by January 30th.
# adults____________________
# children__________________
2015 Lake Junaluska Surge Trip – June 25-28, 2015
Mark your calendars: One of the favorite Youth trips is Lake Junaluska! This year, we will be
traveling to Lake Junaluska on June 25th and returning on June 28th. The cost for this trip is $250
and you can use your hard earned fundraising money toward the cost. To reserve your spot,
contact [email protected] for a registration form. A $75 deposit is due by March 1, 2015.
2015 High School Youth Mission Trip – July 19-25, 2015, Oak Hill, WV
Rising 9th grade thru 12th grade youth and adult volunteers should prayerfully consider
participating, and if you feel called to do so, sign up and provide a $50 deposit to signify your
commitment to this mission by March 29. The total cost for the trip is $150. For more
information, contact [email protected]
Please remember, as with all youth trips, assistance with trip costs is available. For more
information, contact [email protected].
Keeping the Faith
The Good News
United Methodist Men meet the first
Tuesday of the month. All men are
invited to enjoy a night of fun, food
and fellowship in Christ. UMM
will have their next meeting on
Tuesday, February 3rd at 6:45 p.m. in
the Family Life Center.
Memory Makers is a social group for
people 55 and over, we meet once a
month on the third Wednesday for
lunch. Sometimes we have a speaker
or entertainment or just visit and
fellowship. On February 18th at 12:00
p.m. we will meet in the Family Life
Center for a covered dish lunch. If you
need more information call Barbara at
919-426-3599 or e-mail her at
[email protected].
“Beloved, let us love one another,
for love is from God…” John 4:7
United Methodist Women meet every
second Wednesday of the month. All
women of the church are invited to
enjoy a night of fellowship with their
sisters in Christ. UMW will have their
regularly scheduled meeting on
Wednesday, February 11th at 7:00
p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
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If you are interested in becoming a Stephen Minister, a new class
begins in late February.
To enroll or learn more about the program, contact Lisa Hargesheimer
at 919-562-5411, Martha Daniels, 919-554-4863; Micky Brown, 919554-1921; or Helen Champion, 919-556-2239.
Being in Touch With Feelings is a Hallmark of Healthy
“Never apologize for showing your feelings. When you do,
you are apologizing for the truth.”
José N. Harris, Writer
Every day we experience a wide range of feelings. We’re elated
to learn the news of a new baby. We are frustrated with the
morning traffic. We are devastated when a friend passes away.
We are relieved when a sick relative’s cancer is in remission.
Research by psychologists concludes that mentally healthy
people have at least one important person whom they can trust
with their feelings. Those who are not able or willing to share
their feelings risk becoming alienated.
We express our feelings through talking, laughing, crying and
also by silence. Mental health professionals say that expressing
feelings is not only healthy but also strengthens relationships.
Experts know that most anger is related to hurt feelings or unmet
expectations. Fear results when we do not have control of a
situation or we feel vulnerable. Guilt stems from knowing that we
have done something wrong. We are sad because of a death, an
illness, a relationship break-up, “empty nest” or other life
It is healthy to express feelings and to acknowledge your feelings
to a trusted friend. You can also meet with a WFUMC Stephen
Minister care giver to talk over your feelings concerning an issue
in your life.
If you are interested in becoming a Stephen Minister, a new class
begins in late February. To enroll or learn more about the
program, contact Lisa Hargesheimer at 919-562-5411, Martha
Daniels, 919-554-4863; Micky Brown, 919-554-1921. Cathy
Brinkman, 919-524-5283; or Helen Champion, 919-556-2239.
The Good News
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Safe Sanctuaries
February Covenant choir rehearsals at 7:00 in the choir
Feb. 5, 12, 18, 26
(February 18 begins at 6:00 in preparation for Ash Wednesday
service at 7:00 pm.)
Children's choir rehearsals
February 8 and 15. Children sing/ring February 15.
Handbell schedule for February:
2/4 Rehearsal (Adults 6-7, Ensemble 7-8)
2/11 Rehearsal (Adults 6-7, Ensemble 7-8)
2/18 No Rehearsal (Ash Wednesday)
2/22 Worship (Adult Bells both services)
2/25 No Rehearsal
Sunday morning music in February
Feb. 1- Covenant Choir
Feb. 8- Ambush! (8:30). Covenant Choir (11:00)
Feb. 15- Covenant Choir, Children's Choir and Boomwhacker's
(Wednesday, February 18, Ash Wednesday service at 7:00 pm.)
Feb. 22- Covenant Choir, Adult Bells
Holy Week Cantata: "OUR FATHER A Journey through the
Lord's Prayer".
We invite all adults to join us for this very special cantata
combining music and thoughtful insight into the words of the
Lord's Prayer.
Rehearsals are on Thursday's from 7:00-7:50 p.m. in the choir
room. Rehearsals begin Thursday, January 29
Please contact me if you have further questions. Elsie Shuler
[email protected] or 919-426-9674
The purpose of the Safe
Sanctuaries program is to
create and implement policies
and procedures for a safe and
healthy environment for our
children at Wake Forest
United Methodist Church. All
adults who work with children
Sanctuaries training. Training
is on Sunday, February 15th
at 3:00 p.m. or Sunday,
February 22 at 3:00 p.m. both
held in the 5th grade
classroom. Please contact
[email protected] if you
plan to attend.
Teachers Needed
As we start the new Sunday
school year on July 13th and
we need teachers for our
elementary age children and
High School. This is a great
opportunity to help our
children learn and grow in
their faith. Please prayerfully
consider volunteering and call
Dawn Qualley, 919-341-8592
[email protected] if you
can help.
The Good News
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Blood Donors needed on Wednesday, March 4th from
1:30-6 p.m. We will begin sign-ups in late February.
As you may remember, 50% of the Bazaar proceeds are
to go to building two seating areas at the children's
entrance to the Education Building.
The brick walls have been built and the two benches
have been ordered. A big thank you goes to the UMM
for offering to purchase one of the benches. The
Cracked Pots will continue to prepare the areas for the
benches and purchase plant material.
DeColores! Greetings to all from the WFUMC Emmaus,
Chrysalis & Kairos Communities! Are you aware that
there are over 60 WFUMC members that have been on
either a Chrysalis Flight or Walk to Emmaus? That means
that these individuals have participated in a weekend
learning, laughing, worshipping, singing, praying &
participating in small group activities. “The purpose of
the Emmaus Movement is to strengthen disciples within
the ministry of individual congregations.” Within that
purpose Emmaus serves the unique role of spiritual
renewal. As we end our weekend experience, we are
encouraged to begin thinking about how we’re going to
put into practice the gifts God has given us. To
encourage each other and in celebration of each other’s
gifts, we gather as a community 6 times a year. Our next
gathering will be February 6th at 7 pm in the Chapel.
Gatherings are open to everyone in the church.
We meet the 1st Friday of every other month beginning
in February. Other meeting dates for this year are: April
3rd, June 5th, August 7th, October 7th & December 4th.
Mark your calendars now so that you will be sure to
If you would like more info about Emmaus or would like
to worship and fellowship with us, you are welcome to
gather with us. You may also contact Peggy Blake for
[email protected].
Prayer Shawls
Do you have a family member or friend
who is ill, has lost a loved one, or is going
through a difficult time? A prayer shawl
made by church members offers comfort
and is a reminder of God’s eternal love.
We are always looking for additional
members to make shawls-- there is a
Prayer Shawl notebook in the office if you
would like some ideas. Call the church
office at 919-556-2239 to arrange for your
shawl or if you have questions.
Lydia Lowie Encourager
Nominations Requested
We are a church who is blessed with many
individuals that make a positive impact on
our lives and the life of our church.
We would like your help in recognizing
a member or members who seem to go
above and beyond to support and
encourage us as we continue our faith
Beginning Sunday, January 25 nomination
forms will be available at the Welcome
Center. We ask that all completed forms
be put in the Lydia Lowie Encourager box
at the Welcome Center by Sunday,
February 15. A list of previous recipients
is available with the forms.
The Good News
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Larry Magen, Stan Cleverly,
Paul Strickland, Glenn White
8:30 February Ushers
Chad Stansbury, Jeff Troughton, Chip Stout, Bill Wandrack
11:00 February Ushers
1 Micky Brown, Bob Northcutt, Patrick Taylor, George Ashley
Balcony: Brad Bofenkamp, Marty Babinski, Brad Baker
8 Greg Coghill, Kevin Dzielecki, Cindy Estes, Louis Freeman
Balcony: Lisa Hargesheimer, Linwood Harp, John Kuse
15 Larry Magen, Bob Northcutt, Patrick Taylor, Scott Ruppert
Balcony: Marcus & Cathy Potter, David Riedel
22 George Ashley, Marty Babinski, Brad Baker, Micky Brown
Balcony: Chad & Jennifer Turner, Brad Bofenkamp
February Lay Readers
February Visitor Welcome
Marilyn Bonnett
Dawn Nakash
Karen Gilbert
Kraig & Vicki Lawrence
Barbara Holland
Erin Dzielecki
Sue Zaruba
February Greeters
Jennifer Nyland, Dolores Riggins, Beth Stout Joel & Patti Escala, Jessica Kuse
Dave & Sharon VanDyke, Beth Stout
Dick & Carol Intemann, Ruby Sammons
Mike & Linda Chappell, Beth Stout
Larry & Kirsten Magen, Nancy Smith
David & Jane Howle, Beth Stout
Mike & Tamara Porter, Lori Warren
Becky Pratt
Bill Klose
Bill Wandrack
Chris Galde
Jennifer Crank
Traci O’Rourke
Ed Haston
Bob Allen
February Counters
February Worship Assistants
Eddie Riggins, Joan Leatherman
John Clark, Alex Snotherly
1 Bob Gallagher
Martha Loftin, Jeanette Stansbury
Julia Fansler, Cathy Potter
8 Karen Gilbert
Sandra Bryant, Todd Thigpen
Chris Harper, Jill Radding
15 Mark Gustafson
David McAnally, Bill Klose
Mark Gustafson, Mike Porter
22 Linwood Harp
February Acolytes
Luke, Taylor L., Paige
Corey, Daniel, Ethan
Luke, Mattie, Joshua
Taylor L., Anna Beth, Connor
905 South Main Street
Wake Forest, NC 27587
Change Service Requested
Wake Forest United
Methodist Church
905 S Main Street
Wake Forest, NC 27587
(919) 556-2239
(919) 556-1465
Non-Profit Organization
Wake Forest, NC 27587
Permit No. 51
The Acts of the Apostles
10:30 a.m. at the Lodge on Thursday
“The Acts of the Apostles, the fifth book in the New Testament, is
a valuable tool for understanding the growth of the Church
following the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The New
Testament will help us to understand and apply the Biblical story
to our own lives and the life of our churches.” Contact Helen
Champion if you would like to attend, 919-556-2239, ext. 104 or
[email protected].
E-MAIL: office@
We’re on the Web!
Visit us at:
There will be an Ash Wednesday Service on Wednesday, February
18th at 7:00 p.m. in the Worship Center. Please mark your
calendar to attend.