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Goostrey Pre-School
Mobile phones Policy
Policy statement
We take steps
to ensure that there are effective procedures in ptace to protect
children, young peopte, and vutnerabte adults from the unacceptabte use of mobile
phones and cameras in the setting.
Personal tÁobile Phones
At the beginning of each individuat's session, personal mobile phones are
stored behind the counter - away from areas where children are present
Personal mobite phones betonging to members of staff are onty used on
the premises during working hours in an area where no children are in
attendance with permission from the Supervisor.
Members of staff ensure that the tetephone number of the setting is known
to immediate famity and other people who need to contact them in
members of staff take their own mobite phones on outings, for use in
the case of an emergency, they must not make or receive personat catts
when supervising chitdren as this wilt distract them.
of staff witt not use their personal mobite phones for taking
photographs of chitdren on outings.
Parents and visitors are requested not to use their mobile phones whitst in
areas where chitdren are present. There is an exception
company or organisation operates
if a visitor's
a lone working poticy that
contact with their office periodicalty throughout the day. Visitors will be
advised of a quiet space where they can use their mobite phone, where
there are no chitdren present.
Cameras and vídeos
Members of staff must not bring their own cameras or video recorders into the
Photographs and recordings of chitdren are onty taken for vatid reasons,
i.e. to
record their learning and devetopment, or for disptays within the setting.
Photographs or recordings of chitdren are onty taken on equipment betonging to
the setting.
Camera and video use is monitored by the setting manager.
At speciat events where parents request permission to photograph or record their
own chitdren a notice witt be disptayed advising of this and giving the option of
speaking to a member of staff is this
Photographs and recordings
if unacceptable.
of chitdren are onty taken of children if there
written permission to do so (found on the individuat chitd's Registration Form).
This poticy was adopted by: Goostrey Pre-Schoot
To be reviewed: January 2016
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