2 February.pub - Taxiarchae/Archangels Greek Orthodox Church

THE ARCHANGEL’S CALL - February 2015
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The paschal season of the Church is preceded by the season of Great
Lent, which is itself preceded by its own liturgical preparation. The first
sign of the approach of Great Lent comes five Sundays before its
beginning. On this Sunday the Gospel reading is about Zacchaeus the
tax-collector. It tells how Christ brought salvation to the sinful man
and how his life was greatly changed simply because he “sought to see
who Jesus was” (Lk 19:3). The desire and effort to see Jesus begins the
entire movement through lent towards Easter. It is the first movement
of salvation.
The following Sunday is that of the Publican and the Pharisee. The focus
here is on the two men who went to the Temple to pray—one a pharisee
who was a very decent and righteous man of religion, the other a
publican who was a truly sinful tax-collector who was cheating the
people. The first, although genuinely righteous, boasted before God and
was condemned, according to Christ. The second, although genuinely
sinful, begged for mercy, received it, and was justified by God (Lk 18:9).
The meditation here is that we have neither the religious piety of the
pharisee nor the repentance of the publican by which alone we can be
saved. We are called to see ourselves as we really are in the light of
Christ’s teaching, and to beg for mercy.
The next Sunday in the preparation for Great Lent is the Sunday of the
Prodigal Son. Hearing the parable of Christ about God’s loving forgiveness,
we are called to “come to ourselves” as did the prodigal son, to see
ourselves as being “in a far country” far from the Father’s house, and to
make the movement of return to God. We are given every assurance by
the Master that the Father will receive us with joy and gladness. We must
only “arise and go,” confessing our self-inflicted and sinful separation from
that “home” where we truly belong (Lk 15:11-24).
The next Sunday is called Meatfare Sunday since it is officially the last day
before Easter for eating meat. It commemorates Christ’s parable of the
Last Judgment (Mt 25:31-46). We are reminded this day that it is not
enough for us to see Jesus, to see ourselves as we are, and to come home
to God as his prodigal sons. We must also be his sons by following Christ,
his only-begotten divine Son, and by seeing Christ in every man and by
serving Christ through them. Our salvation and final judgment will
depend upon our deeds, not merely on our intentions or even on the
mercies of God devoid of our own personal cooperation and obedience.
... for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you
gave me drink, I was a stranger and you took me in, I was naked and you
clothed me, I was sick and in prison and you visited me. For truly I say to you, if
you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me (Mt 25).
(Continued on page 2)
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THE ARCHANGEL’S CALL - February 2015
The Archangel’s Call
is the monthly newsletter of the
Taxiarchae/Archangels Greek Orthodox Church
25 Bigelow Avenue, Watertown, MA 02472
Phone: 617.924.8182 Fax: 617.924.4124
Email: [email protected]
The Taxiarchae/Archangels Greek Orthodox Church is a
parish under the spiritual and ecclesiastical shepherding of
His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios of the Greek
Orthodox Metropolis of Boston of the Greek Orthodox
Archdiocese of America under the jurisdiction of the
Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.
The Mission of the Taxiarchae/Archangels Greek Orthodox
Church is to proclaim the Gospel of Salvation through the
Orthodox Christian Faith for the glory of our Triune God Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We are a community of believers who journey towards our
Lord Jesus Christ and one another through our WORSHIP,
SERVICE. We invite all people to join us on this journey
toward the Kingdom of Heaven.
The Archangel’s Call is published on the first of each month.
The deadline for submissions to this newsletter is the tenth
of the prior month.
Layout and production by Cynthia Mitaras Alex
Cover Design by Alexandra Roll
Published by the
Taxiarchae Greek Orthodox Church, Watertown, MA
Parish Ministry Team
Administrative Assistant: Lin Themelis
Altar Boy Ministry: Ben Clark, George Stefanides,
John Kopellas, James Jumes
Athletic Ministry: John Kopellas
Bookstore: Charles & Maria Patsios, Richard & Ileana Strakus
Chantor: Costa Magimbi
Choir Director: Cynthia Alex
Computer and Internet Ministries: Manny Parasirakis
GOYA/Youth Ministry Staff: Dimitra Maniatis,
Meropi Sarris, Afrula Karpouzis
Greek Language Arts Coordinator: Voula Polychronopoulos
Hellenic Cultural Center: Chris Ware
Holy Cross Seminarians: Bryce Buffenbarger, Scott O’Rourke
IOCC Representative: Cathy Lagoudakis
JOY Youth Ministry Staff: Kristen Marriott,
Mary Lynn Pergantis, Roubina Tziavas
“Kali Parea" Senior Ministry: Cynthia Alex, Drew Bilillies
Parish Nurse: Marion Avtges
Philoptochos President: Fotoula Kopellas
Sexton: Nicholas Yiokarinis
Sunday School Director: Costas Karageorgis
YAL Coordinator: Costa Karageorgis
Visit Our Taxiarchae Website
Our site is updated every week!
His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios
of the Holy Metropolis of Boston
The Reverend Father Athanasios Nenes, Pastor
Contact Fr. Athanasios at: Cell: 914.479.8096
Email: [email protected]
President: Costa Karageorgis
Vice President: George Faggas
Treasurer: Nancy Sarris
Assistant Treasurer: Frances Levas
Secretary: George Kaliviotis
Assistant Secretary: Chris Ketcios
Stewardship Chairman: John Kopellas
Board Members
Nicholas Alex
Ernest G. J. Anastos
Harry Chehames
Andrew Colivas
Garifalia Davos
Charles Kalivas
Charles Patsios
Costa Zahos
(Continued from page 1)
We are saved not merely by prayer and
fasting, not by “religious exercises” alone.
We are saved by serving Christ through
his people, the goal toward which all
piety and prayer is ultimately directed.
Finally, on the eve of Great Lent, the day
called Cheesefare Sunday and Forgiveness
Sunday, we sing of Adam’s exile from
paradise. We identify ourselves with Adam, lamenting our loss
of the beauty, dignity and delight of our original creation,
mourning our corruption in sin. We also hear on this day the
Lord’s teaching about fasting and forgiveness, and we enter the
season of the fast forgiving one another so that God will
forgive us.
If you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will
forgive you; but if you do not forgive men their trespasses,
neither will your heavenly Father forgive you your trespasses
(Mt 6:14-18).
THE ARCHANGEL’S CALL - February 2015
Page 3
Η Συγχώρηση προϋποθέτει
τη συνείδηση της ενοχής.
η συναίσθηση εκείνη που μας λέει ότι με τις
πράξεις μας, τις παραλείψεις μας, τις νοοτροπίες
μας και τις συμπεριφορές μας βλάψαμε τους άλλους και
πικράναμε τον Θεό. Διαταράξαμε την τάξη, την οποία ο
Θεός έθεσε μέσα μας και γύρω μας. Από εδώ λοιπόν,
πηγάζει αυθόρμητα η εσωτερική ανάγκη της απαλλαγής
από το βάρος της ενοχής και της αμαρτίας, δηλαδή, η
συγχώρηση. Χρειαζόμαστε την συγχώρηση, γιατί
είμαστε άνθρωποι. Γιατί η φύση μας είναι ατελής και
λανθάνει συνεχώς. Ο ιερός Χρυσόστομος τονίζει ότι
“και οι νόμοι γνωρίζουν να συγχωρούν τα αναπόφευκτα,
αφού το να κάνουμε λάθη και να πέφτουμε σε πλάνη είναι
Κάποιοι ισχυρίζονται ότι για να μάθουμε να
συγχωρούμε, θα πρέπει να αγνοήσουμε τα λάθη των
άλλων που μας πλήγωσαν. Θα πρέπει να ξεχάσουμε τα
σφάλματα αυτών που μας ζημίωσαν. Αυτό όμως δεν
μπορεί να συμβεί. Γιατί είναι αδύνατο να σβήσουμε
ολοκληρωτικά τη μνήμη μας και να διαγράψουμε τη
λογική μας. Άλλωστε, θυμόμαστε πράγματα που δεν
θέλουμε και αδυνατούμε να παραβλέψουμε την
πραγματικότητα την οποία ζούμε. Είναι ανέφικτο να
αγνοούμε το κακό που μας ταλαιπωρεί διαρκώς.
Με τη συγχώρηση δεν σβήνουμε το κακό.
Καταλαβαίνουμε όμως, πως αυτό μας εξαπατά και μας
παραπλανά και έτσι μπορούμε να παλέψουμε εναντίον
του. Με τη συγχώρηση μπορούμε να καθαρίσουμε τη
μνήμη από την εμπάθεια της καρδιάς μας και να
διαχωρίσουμε την ορθή και αντικειμενική κρίση από την
κατάκριση και τον κάθε είδους αρνητισμό. Αλλά και
εδώ ο δρόμος φαίνεται να είναι μακρύς και δύσκολος,
σκληρός και οδυνηρός. Και εδώ οι παγίδες είναι πολλές
και ποικίλες. Κάποτε η συγχώρηση γίνεται εξωτερική
και τυπική και απέχει πολύ από το βάθος “των καρδιών
ημών”. Άλλοτε, πάλι, παρά τα όσα ισχυριζόμαστε στους
άλλους, υποκαθιστούμε τη συγχώρηση με την
περιφρόνηση και την κρυμμένη εχθρότητα. Κάποιες
άλλες φορές θέτουμε στη συγνώμη μας όρια και
προϋποθέσεις, κρατούμενα και υπολογισμούς. Η
συγχωρητικότητα είναι η πληγωμένη αγάπη που δίνει
πάντα ευκαιρίες για μια καινούργια αρχή. Είναι η
δύναμη που ανανεώνει την εμπιστοσύνη μας για τους
άλλους, αφού προσπαθεί να τους κατανοεί και να τους
Το αδιέξοδο της μνησικακίας
ποιος δεν συγχωρεί, γκρεμίζει τη γέφυρα από την
οποία θα χρειαστεί κάποτε να περάσει και ο ίδιος.
Οδηγεί της καθημερινές διαπροσωπικές του σχέσεις σε
αδιέξοδο και διάλυση. Ποια, άραγε, ανθρώπινη σχέση
δεν περνάει κρίση; Πώς μπορούμε να κρατήσουμε
αδιάσπαστη τη συζυγία, την οικογένεια, τη φιλία, τη
συνεργασία; Πώς μπορούμε να διαφυλάξουμε την
ανθρώπινη σχέση και τον πνευματικό σύνδεσμο, ώστε
να μην παγώσουν και διαλυθούν, αν δεν μάθουμε να
Ο δυνατός λόγος του ιερού Χρυσοστόμου και πάλι μας
καθοδηγεί: “Έχεις αδικηθεί πολύ και στερήθηκες πολλά
εξαιτίας κάποιου, κακολογήθηκες και ζημιώθηκες σε
πολύ σοβαρά θέματα σου και γι αυτό θέλεις να δείς να
τιμωρείται ο αδελφός σου; Και εδώ πάλι είναι χρήσιμο
να τον συγχωρήσεις. Γιατί, εάν θελήσεις εσύ ο ίδιος να
εκδικηθείς και να επιτεθείς εναντίον του είτε με τα λόγια
σου, είτε με κάποια ενέργειά σου, η με την κατάρα σου,
ο Θεός όχι μόνο δεν θα επέμβει και αυτού — εφόσον
εσύ ανέλαβες την τιμωρία του — αλλά επι-πλέον θα σε
τιμωρήσει ως θεομάχο. Άφησε τα πράγματα στον Θεό.
Αυτός θα τα τακτοποιήσει πολύ καλύτερα απ ο,τι εσύ
Και όμως, αγαπητοί αδελφοί, συχνά διαπιστώνουμε
πόσο αβυσσαλέο είναι το μίσος και οι κακίες μας. Πόσο
βαθιά ριζωμένα είναι στην καρδιά μας το πάθη και οι
αδυναμίες μας. Εδώ ακριβώς κατανοούμε την ουσία και
τη δύναμη του κακού. Συνειδητοποιούμε ότι, όσο και
αν προσπαθήσουμε, δεν θα μπορέσουμε να
υπερνικήσουμε το κακό μόνοι μας. Μόνο αν
στραφούμε στην αγκαλιά του Θεού, αν του ζητήσουμε
με πίστη το έλεος και τη χάρη Του, θα συγχωρεθούμε
και θα συγχωρέσουμε. Θα πάρουμε το δώρο του Θεού,
την άφεση, και θα ζήσουμε τη λύτρωση. Αμήν.
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THE ARCHANGEL’S CALL - February 2015
JANUARY 18, 2014
THE ARCHANGEL’S CALL - February 2015
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From Father Athanasios…
Glory to God for All
Αδέλφια mου!
Με την Χάρη του Θεού, διορίστηκα προϊστάµενος‐
εφηµέριος αυτής της ευλογηµένης κοινότητας των
Παµεγίστων Ταξιαρχών του Watertown MA.
Συναισθήµατα µεγάλης χαράς και συγκίνησης µε
διακατέχουν, µιας που αναλαµβάνω ποιµένας µιας
τόσο ευλογηµένης και καλλιεργηµένης πνευµατικά
κοινότητας που φέρει µια µεγάλη πνευµατική
κληρονοµιά, µιας που, σµιλεύτηκε από τους
προκατόχους µου Ιερείς, τον αείµνηστο π. Εµµανουήλ
Μεταξά, τον π. Θεόδωρο Μπάρµπα και τον π.
Δηµήτριο Τόνια.
Ευχαριστώ ιδιαιτέρως όλους σας και τον καθένα
σας προσωπικά, για την υποδοχή που οργανώσατε για
εµένα, την περασµένη Κυριακή.
Σκοπός µου είναι να σας γνωρίσω όλους από κοντά,
να ευλογήσω τα σπίτια σας και τις οικογένειές σας
και να ανταµώνουµε όλοι µαζί σαν µία οικογένεια
κάθε Κυριακή και σε κάθε ακολουθία. Θα ήθελα να
προσεύχεστε για µένα, για αυτή την Διακονία µου,
ώστε ο Πανάγαθος Θεός να µας κρατά ενωµένους στο
Άγιο Όνοµά Του σαν µια οικογένεια!
Ο εφηµέριός σας,
π. Αθανάσιος Νένες
My beloved!
With the Grace of God, I have been assigned as your
parish priest of the “Taxiarchae” parish. Emotions of joy
fill my heart, since I have become a pastor of this blessed
and spiritually cultivated parish, succeeding Fr. Emmanuel
Metaxas of blessed memory, Fr. Ted Barbas and Fr.
Demetrios Tonias, who through their faith and dedication
to God, worked hard for the spiritual growth of this
parish! Glory be to God!
I would like to thank you all for your love that you
showed to me this past Sunday and for the welcome
luncheon, which was prepared for me with much
eagerness and love. I am deeply grateful for that!
Please keep that love with the same zeal and deep
faith in God for our beautiful Parish and Ministries. Also,
keep me in your prayers so that God, through His Grace,
may strengthen me in my ministry as your spiritual Father
in our great parish.
I look forward to meeting you and blessing your
families but mostly, to gather with you, through the main
Sacrament of the Divine Liturgy on Sundays and
weekdays, to experience the Kingdom of Heaven and
become one family, one body with Christ!
Your Parish Priest,
Fr. Athanasios Nenes
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THE ARCHANGEL’S CALL - February 2015
Chapter of the Good Samaritan
Member of the National Ladies Philoptochos Society
Vasilopita Sunday was a huge success. Many of our
members brought in delicious Vasilopites from their
family recipes, what a treat for our community. Thanks
to everyone who baked and helped serve.
We collected $130 for Saint Basil Academy in New
York. The Saint Basil Academy is a national not-forprofit philanthropic center of the Greek Orthodox
Archdiocese of America which provides love, shelter,
food, education, protection and a home for orphans,
children of chronically ill or destitute parents or children
from broken homes. The National Philoptochos is the
major financial donor.
This time of year marks the beginning of our Annual
Philoptochos Membership Drive. Please consider
joining or renewing your Membership for 2015.
Membership forms will be mailed. If you did not
receive one, please email Artemis Tingos at
[email protected]. The mission of the Philoptochos
is “to promote charitable, benevolent and philanthropic
outreach, to preserve the sanctity of life and family and
to promote our Orthodox faith and traditions.” The
Philoptochos is dedicated to serving the needs of our
church family, our local community and the world
around us with love and compassion. Not only is this a
wonderful opportunity to share your gifts and talents
while serving others but also a great way to make new
and lasting friendships while doing God’s work. All
women are invited to join this worthy ministry of our
Paint Night – Please join us on Thursday, February 5
at 6:30 for Fun and Painting. Come create a
masterpiece while making new friends and catching up
with old friends. Cost is $30, this includes all materials,
you will take home your own painting and we will
provide refreshments. Please R.S.V.P. to Fotoula
Kopellas at [email protected].
We have a limit of 60.
Fotoula Kopellas
Philoptochos President
Taxiarchae Philoptochos
Paint Night
Thursday, February 5 at 6:30
Please join us on Thursday, February 5 at 6:30 PM for a Paint
Night, where a performing artists will guide you in painting the
shown selected scene. At the end of the night you will be
amazed at what YOU have created. We will provide everything
you need: canvas, paints, brushes and even a smock. You just
bring your fun loving friends! There will be refreshments to keep
spirits high and inhibitions to a minimum to make sure your inner
Picasso is unleashed!
Registration is required. There are a limited number of available
seats. The cost is $30 per person which includes all materials,
refreshments and your painting to take home and enjoy!
To register, please email Fotoula Kopellas at
[email protected].
THE ARCHANGEL’S CALL - February 2015
Dear Parish Family,
I am humbled and privileged to be
selected again as our Parish Council
President for this year. Richard Strakus,
John Analambidakis and Bill Souris will
be rotating off the Parish Council. I
would like to thank them for their hard
work and many years of service. I
would like to welcome new Parish Council members Gigi
Davos, John Kopellas and Charlie Patsios. The officers for
the 2015 Parish Council are listed in this bulletin. All the
Parish Council members look forward to working with Fr.
Nenes and every member of our Parish to continue to
improve our Church both spiritually and physically.
Page 7
If you have not done so already, please contact the
Church office to set up a date and time for Fr. Nenes to
come and bless your homes. It will be a great way to start
developing a personal relationship with him.
I would like to thank everyone for their generous
offerings to our Church during the Christmas season and
to those who submitted their 2015 Stewardship Pledge
cards on Stewardship Sunday. We need everyone’s help.
We will be busy this month with the weeks leading up
to the great and Holy Lent. Please review the calendar in
this bulletin so you can attend as many events as possible.
As always I thank you for all of your support in
working together to help our beloved Church.
May God bless you and your families!
Costa Karageorgis
At our Bookstore……...
Fallen Asleep in the Lord
Remember in your prayers
our brothers and sisters
who passed from this life…
October 31 — Stephen C. Athas
November 2 — George Moutafis
November 22 — Charles Alex
December 16 — Angelo Jaravinos
January 5 — Katherine Arvanitis
January 11 — Athena Tagarelis
January 12 — Vasiliki Boustris
January 15 — E. Stacy Stevenson Maravell
Eternal be their memory
Αιωνία η Μνήμη
March 6 - Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss - 10 AM at Brigham
House. Come celebrate one of the most famous children's authors ‐ Dr. Seuss We will have music, cra s, stories and surprises. Don't miss this event for preschool age children and younger. Call 617‐926‐1661 or e‐mail [email protected] to reserve your spot. For more information on the many programs of the
Watertown Family Network call 617-926-1661 or e-mail
[email protected]
Guide to the
Divine Liturgy
Robert Krantz
Yiayias and Papous,
Mothers and Fathers,
would you like to have a
better understanding of
what is happening during
the Divine Litrugy? Would
you like your children and
grandchildren to understand the Divine Liturgy and
help them stay in the faith? Do you know someone
who is thinking of converting to Orthodoxy and
would want to know more about the service? This
book is a guide to what is happening and why it is
happening during the entire Divine Liturgy. You can
take this book with you to church and follow along!
On the right hand side of the book is the Divine Liturgy
in Greek and English. On the left side, we explain what
is happening and why it is happening. Learn what an
Antiphon is, what The Creed is and why we say it,
what parts of the Liturgy are from the Bible, why the
service is separated into “Liturgy of the Word” and
“Liturgy of the Faithful”, what the Trisagion hymn is
and why it is in the service, why we believe there are
angels present during the Divine Liturgy and much,
much more!
Available at our bookstore on Sunday mornings for
$20, or call the office for more information.
Page 8
THE ARCHANGEL’S CALL - February 2015
Volunteers Needed for
Valentine’s Dance
Great Fun, Friends & Entertainment
Friday, February 13, 2015
7 PM—10:30 PM
at the Taxiarchae/Archangels
Greek Orthodox Church
Watertown, MA
Donation: $10
(includes slice of pizza and a soda)
Looking for help with:
Donations of food
(pizza, chips, sodas, napkins, cups)
Setup and Decorations
Ticket Sales
Chaperones — Non parent, older
siblings, cousins, friends of family,
Please email me directly at with your
[email protected] .
Dimitra Maniates, GOYA Advisor
The AHEPA “Harris J. Booras” Chapter #406 once again welcomes Father Athanasios Nenes to the
Taxiarchae parish. AXIOS!
Our regular meeting will take place on Thursday, February 12, with social hour at 7 PM, followed by
meeting at 7:30. Items on the agenda are: processing of membership applications and initiation,
finalization of plans for the Apokreatiko/Valentine’s Glendi and other chapter activities.
Our APOKREATIKO/VALENTINE’S GLENDI will be held on Saturday, February 14 from 7 PM to 12:30
Harris J. Booras
Chapter #406
AM at the Metaxas Hall of the Hellenic Cultural Center. There will be plenty of tasty appetizers and
food, including vegetable trays, tyropitakia, spanakopitakia, loucaniko, meatballs, meat, wine,
refreshments, coffee and desserts, by caterer Thomas Fotis. Enjoy listening and dancing to the music of Kosta Koutsis and
Thanasi Kotsias Ensemble, and DJ music by Nick Yiokarinis. Do not miss this wonderful opportunity to celebrate
Meatfare/Apokreas Saturday. Admission is only $25 per person. For information and reservations call Thanasi
Vulgaropulos. Don’t forget: wearing
appropriate carnival costumes is encouraged!
The AHEPA District Scholarship applications
will soon be available. If you have any
children or grandchildren who are attending
Saturday, February 14
college or will be attending college in
September, please inform A. Vulgaropulos so
7 PM—12:30 AM
that he may secure scholarship applications.
Hellenic Cultural Center
The Seniors Drop-In Center is continuing
Church, Watertown, MA
every Friday from 10 AM to 1 PM, mainly
playing tavli (backgammon). Bowling takes
Music by
place on Wednesdays. For information call
Kosta Koutsis and Thanasi Kotsias Ensemble
Demetri Tsatsarones.
We urge all members to inform our officers
DJ Nick Yiokarinis
of their news, suggestions and proposals. Also,
let us know if a brother is sick or in need.
Full Appetizer Menu
Contact Numbers:
Adam Zapris—1.978.766.6879
Athanasi Vulgaropulos—781.704.7870
Demetri Tsatsarones—781.893.5988
Costa Lagos—617.505.5668
Dessert, Coffee and Refreshments
$25 per person
For reservations contact Thanasi Vulgaropulos at 781.704.7870
THE ARCHANGEL’S CALL - February 2015
Page 9
Το Ελληνικό Σχολείο
Την Πέµπτη 8 Ιανουαρίου και
Σάββατο 10 Ιανουαρίου οι µαθητές
και µαθήτριες του Ελληνικού
Σχολείου µε χαρά καλοσώρισαν
τον Πάτερ Αθανάσιο! Αµέσως
µετά έγινε η κοπή της Βασιλόπιτας.
Το σχολείο µας εόρτασε την ηµέρα των Τριών
Ιεραρχών και την ηµέρα των Ελληνικών
Γραµµάτων στις 25 Ιανουαρίου στην εκκλησία
µας, και 1 Φεβρουαρίου στο Μαλιώτιο Πολιτιστικό
Κέντρο. Συγχαρητήρια στους µαθητές και
µαθήτριες που όπως πάντα έδωσαν το καλλίτερο
εαυτό τους και µε οµιλίες και ποιήµατα όλοι µαζί
τιµήσαµε τους τρείς µεγάλους φωστήρες της
τρισηλίου θεότητος το Βασίλειο το Μέγα, το
Γρηγόριο το Ναζιανζηνό και τον Ιωάννη το
Χρυσόστοµο και παράλληλα την εορτήν των
Ελληνικών Γραµµάτων.
Το σχολείο µας το αντιπροσώπευσε στο
Μαλιώτιο ο Γιώργος Λουµπρίνης, η Παρασκευή
Παπούλια και η Αγγελική Καρτσαγκούλη.
Ευχαριστούµε τα παιδιά για την συµµετοχή
τους και συγχαρητήρια για την τέλεια απόδοσή
Monday to Saturday , February 16-21
St. Sophia’s Sunday School
The staff of St. Sophia’s
Sunday School invite all
Godparents to attend the
annual Godparent Sunday
on February 1st. We ask
your child(ren) to invite
their Godparent(s) to
attend Godparent Sunday
and sit together in church
as we participate in the Divine
You are invited to attend
Liturgy and receive Holy
Communion as a family. Following Godparent Sunday
Holy Communion, Godparents are
February 1
asked to attend and participate in
their Godchild’s Sunday School
class. Afterwards special
refreshments will be hosted by our
staff downstairs in the classrooms
area. Each teacher has prepared a
lesson that relates to baptism,
Orthodoxy, the role of a
Godparent, etc. Yiayiades, papoudes, aunts, uncles and cousins
are invited if a Godparent cannot attend.
Great and Holy Lent begins in February and will include the
Icon Procession on the Sunday of Orthodoxy on March 1st. We
will also be collecting nonperishable food items to donate to
the Holy Resurrection Bulgarian Orthodox Church in Allston to
fill the shelves of their food pantry. Thank you for your help
and God Bless you!
Upcoming Important Dates through April 2015
February 1: Godparent Sunday
March 1: Sunday of Orthodoxy
March 1 through April 5: Paschal Food Drive
April 4:Lazarus Saturday, Breakfast, Palm Crosses
Page 10
THE ARCHANGEL’S CALL - February 2015
2015 Stewardship Summary as of January 26
# of
Amount Range
Less than $300
Total pledges received:
Total offerings received:
Due towards pledged amount:
$86,176 Thank you to the following stewards who have sent in
their 2015 pledges. Our goal for 2015 is $300,000. As
$44,611 of January 26, we have received pledges equal to 29%
$41,565 of our goal.
Number of Stewards:
124 If any names have been mistakenly omitted from this list,
Largest pledge thus far:
$10,000 please notify the church office and we will make
corrections in our next bulletin.
Εάν έχει γίνει παράλειψις ονομάτων σ’αυτόν τον κατάλογο, παρακαλούμε αμέσως όπως αποτανθήτε στο
γραφείο της εκκλησίας και θα κάνουμε τις διορθώσεις στο επόμενο τεύχος.
Mr. & Mrs. John Abate
Mr. Thomas Agathopoulos
Mrs. Evelyn Alex
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Alex
Mrs. Stella Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Anastos
Mr. & Mrs. George Andritsakis
Mrs. Stella and Ms. Paula Antipas
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Anzalone
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Avtges
Father & Presbytera
Theodore J. Barbas
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bitsikas
Mr. Joseph Boisvert
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Brescia
Mr. & Mrs. Aristides Cagos
Mrs. Isminy Cagos
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Chehames
Mr. & Mrs. George Christakis
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas P. Christakis
Mr. & Mrs. Peter N. Christakis
Mrs.Filipiada Christodoulopoulos
Mrs. Christine Cokkinias
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Colivas
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Colivas
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Daskalos
Mr. & Mrs. Konstantinos Davos
Mrs. Mina Davos
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Davos
Mr. & Mrs. Eft. Deamantopoulos
Mr. Nicholas Delegas
Mr. & Mrs. Orestes Demetriades
Mrs. Karen DiGiovanni
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Ducas
Mrs. Afrodite Economos
Mr. Philip Emmanuel
Mr. & Mrs. George Faggas
Mr. & Mrs. J. Ryan Flynn
Mr. & Mrs. George Gartaganis
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Georgantas
Mr. & Mrs. John Giacoumakis
Mr. Vasilios Gizanis
Mrs. Helen Haralampu
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hodgetts
Mr. & Mrs. William Hunter
Mr. & Mrs. James Jumes
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Kacoyanis
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kalivas
Mr. & Mrs. George Kaliviotis
Mrs. Mary Kanellias
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Karafotias
Mr. Costas Karageorgis
Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Karalis
Mr. Nicholas Karellas
Ms. Constance Katsos
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Ketcios
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Kolokythas
Mr. Sophocles Kondoleon
Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Kontos
Mr. & Mrs. John Kopellas
Ms. Elaine Kotsifas
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Kotsiras
Mr. & Mrs. Anastasios Koufos
Ms. Angeline Kounelis
Mrs. Evangelia Kounelis
Mr. Steven Kourepenis
Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Koutovas
Ms. Angela Kringos
Mr. John Kyriakos
Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Lagos
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lalooses
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Lemay
Mrs. Evanthia Lemonias
Ms. Frances Levas
Ms. Lemonia Litopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Brian MacKintosh
Mrs. Denna Magos
Mr. & Mrs. Rudolf Markic
Mr. & Mrs. John Melithoniotes
Presbytera Penelope Metaxas
Ms. Stella Metaxas
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Michael
Ms. Gabriela Mitevska
Mr. & Mrs. Athan. Mitropoulos
Ms. Priscilla Moskos
Mr. Evangelos Nichols
Mr. Matthew Panos
Mr. & Mrs. Ike Papadopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Pappas
Ms. Diana Parasirakis
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Patsios
Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Patsios
Ms. Ellea Polimou
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Racheotes
Ms. Nancy Rallis
Mrs. Katherine Sakorafas
Mr. & Mrs. William Salamanis
Mrs. Bette Salimbas
Mr. Steven Salimbas
Mr. & Mrs. George Sarris
Mrs. Lucy Sarris
Mrs. Alyce Savas
Mr. & Mrs. Eleftheris Savvides
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Sikellis
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Speros
Mr. Vassilios Spirounis
Mrs. Christine Straggas
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Strakus
Mrs. Kathy Sturgis
Mr. & Mrs. Ike Tingos
Mrs. Irene Travlos
Mr. & Mrs. Dem. Tsoumbanos
Mr. & Mrs. Dem. Tsatsarones
Mr. & Mrs. Aris Tziavas
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Usechek
Mr. & Mrs. James Vafiades
Mrs. Julie Vahos
Mr. Charles Vasiliades
Mrs. Iphigenia Vasiliadis
Mr. & Mrs. George Vouloukos
Mr. Athanasios Vulgaropulos
Mrs. Julia Welch
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Costa Zahos
Mr. & Mrs. Demos Zevitas
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THE ARCHANGEL’S CALL - February 2015
Page 11
ΨΥΧΟΣΑΒΒΑΤΟΝ - Saturday of the Souls
February 14, 21 and 28
onomata kekoimhmenÙn
Names of the Deceased
Paint Night
Greek School
St. Haralambos
Orthros and Divine
Liturgy 8.30 AM
Greek School
Dance p.8
Orthros and Divine
Liturgy 8:30 AM
Sunday Schedule: Orthros: 8:45, Doxology, Divine Liturgy: 9:45AM
Weekday Liturgies: 8:30 AM
Parish Nurse Office Hours/BP Clinic: Fridays 9 —12 noon
Greek School: Tues & Thur, 4-6 PM; Sat 10 AM—1 PM
Choir Rehearsal: Wed. at 7:30 PM (call Director, Cynthia Alex for info)
The Publican and Pharisee
Triodion Begins
Epistle: Romans 8:28-39
Gospel: Luke 18:10-14
The Prodigal Son
Epistle: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20
Gospel: Luke 15:11-32
Presentation of
our Lord
Orthros and Divine
Liturgy 8.30 AM
Greek School
Apokreatiko Glendi
Judgement Sunday
Meatfare Sunday
Epistle: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17
Gospel: Matthew 25:31-46
NO Greek School
NO Greek
Orthros and Divine
Liturgy 8:30 AM
NO Greek School
Forgiveness Sunday
Cheesefare Sunday
Epistle: Romans 13:11-14; 14:4-1
Gospel: Matthew 6:14-21
Clean Monday
Lent Begins
Greek School
Liturgy 6 PM
Lenten Meal/
7:30 PM p.12
1st Salutations
7 PM p.23
Saturday of Souls
Orthros & Div. Liturgy
8:30 AM p.4
Great Compline
6:30 PM p.12
Greek School
Page 12
THE ARCHANGEL’S CALL - February 2015
Taxiarchae/Archangels Greek Orthodox Church
25 Bigelow Avenue
Watertown, MA 02472-2041
We begin our Lenten Journey…….
Saturdays of the Souls
February 14, 21, 28
Orthros and Divine Liturgy
beginning at 8:30 AM
Lent begins on Monday, February 23 with the
Great Compline Service.
Please join us at 6:30 PM.
Forgiveness Sunday Vespers followed by the
Forgiveness Circle
February 22 — 6:30 PM
On Forgiveness Sunday, all are invited
to attend Forgiveness Vespers on the eve
of Great Lent. We hear of the Lord’s
teaching about fasting and forgiveness
and enter the season of the fast forgiving
one another so that God will forgive
If you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father
will forgive you; but if you do not forgive men their
trespasses, neither will your heavenly Father forgive you
your trespasses.
(Matthew 6:14)
At the end of the service, everyone will pick a name out
of a basket from those attending, and then pray privately
for that person throughout Lent. On Pascha, we will let
that person know that we were praying for them.
Let us begin Great Lent as a family.
Let my prayer rise
as incense before
And the lifting up of my
hands, as an evening
February 25
6 PM
Join us for the first Lenten Pre-Sanctified Liturgy Following the
service., we will have a pot-luck Lenten dinner. An open
discussion over dinner on a Lenten theme will also take place. All
are invited to join in prayer on these days—young and old alike—
as we begin our journey of Great and Holy Lent.
First Heretismoi
Salutations to the
Friday, February 27 at
7:00 PM