View latest newsletter - Northcote High School

Tuesday 3 February 2015
Celebrating 89 years of education in 2015
TERM 1 2015
Mon 9 Feb:
Wed 11 Feb:
Thurs 12 Feb:
Tues 17 Feb:
Wed 18 Feb:
Ipad training for parents 6 pm
Yr 12 Parent Forum
Yr 7 Parent and Teacher Picnic
Int Student Camp (Boho)
Young Leaders to China Info
evening 6 pm, Room 1
Mon 23 Feb: Yr 8 Anti-Bullying Workshop
Tues 24 Feb: Yr 8 Camp to Boho
Thurs 26 Feb: Per 1,2 Brass Music boot Camp
Frid 27 Feb:
School Photo Day
Mon 2 Mar:
P. 5: Yr 9 Performance
Tues 3 Mar:
VCE Sports Gala
Tues 3 Mar:
Yr 8 Camp to Boho
Wed 4 Mar:
Yr 12 Photos, Missing students
Thurs 5 Mar: Yr 7 Parent Information Night
Frid 6 Mar:
Swimming Carnival Yrs 7-9
Mon 9 Mar:
Labour Day Holiday
Tues 10 Mar: Yr 8 Camp to Boho
Tues 10 Mar: Yr 9,10 DoE Camp
Mon 16 Mar: Softball/Basketball Gala
Tues 17 Mar: Yr 8 Camp to Boho
NHS Council Meetings
Wed 11 Feb: Governance 6 pm
Thur12 Feb: Community Engagement 6
Frid 13 Feb: Finance 8 am
Thur 26 Feb Council 6 pm
Wed11 Mar: Governance 6pm
Thur 12 Mar: Community Engagement
6 pm
Frid 13 Mar: Finance 8 am
Thur 26 Mar: AGM: 5.30 Council 6 pm
Odeta flies through the air to serve an ace at MSAC in
the December 2014 Volleyball competition. See P 8
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Outstanding VCE Results 2014
We congratulate Richard Yan on his outstanding ATAR score
of 99.55 and the achievement of School Dux. Richard also
received a perfect Study Score of 50 in English – an outstanding result in its own right. The girls Dux will be International
Student Ruowen Wang, who achieved an excellent ATAR of
16 students achieved ATARs of 95 or above, placing them in
the top 5% of the state. Other results of note include Ryan
Nguyen (99), Spencer Wong (98.85), Loukas Tsigaras (98.6)
and Tessa Down (97.7).
In addition,
9% of study scores were 40+, a pleasing improvement over 7.1% in 2013.
The median study score was 31
17% of students achieved an ATAR of 90 or above,
37% of students achieved an ATAR of 80 or above.
54% of students achieved an ATAR of 70 or above ,
placing them in the top 30% of the state
3 perfect Study Scores of 50 were achieved in Music
Investigations, Psychology and English
Congratulations to all our students – another great year for
the school!
Congratulations to all students who completed their studies
at Northcote High School this year. The Class of 2014, totalling 240 students, has achieved outstanding results. It is
important that we pause to reflect on our Year 12 VCE students and their results.
At the heart of Northcote High School lies the belief that a
school of quality and excellence provides a far richer and
more comprehensive learning environment than one simply
focused on visible success measured by University entrance examinations. Nonetheless, the VCE provides one
of the few externally validated indicators of our efficacy as a
learning organisation. Further, success in the VCE is also a
passport for our students to opportunities beyond school;
preparation for which is each teacher’s and the School’s
fundamental obligation.
Whilst Northcote High School provides opportunities that
transcend the narrow focus of the VCE, our performance as
a school is often measured and judged by our students success. And again this year, there is plenty to celebrate.
Note: Some of our Yr 12s of 2014 were interviewed for “Judith Lucy is All Woman.” They
appear in Ep 2 on Wed 18 Feb. (ABC, 9 pm)
A profile of our 2014 Duxes
Politics, maybe journalism. I honestly have no idea."
“I'll always remember the genuine interest my teachers
inspired within me throughout my time at the school. Their
own individuality and tolerance have shaped me into the
person I am today, and given me a much more solid sense
of self, triumphing over the angsty adolescent that is in
every one of us”
Richard Yan—ATAR: 99.55
Primary School: Oak Park Primary School
Tertiary Course : Arts at the University of Melbourne
Richard is one of those students whose family moved to be
close to Northcote High School for the start of Year 7 in 2009.
Richard completed an outstanding VCE which included a perfect 50 in English. He will be one of Northcote High School’s
Duxes, having achieved an ATAR in the top 1% of candidates.
He studied Chinese (second language), Maths Methods, English (in which he scored a perfect 50), Visual Communications,
Psychology and Business Management.
Interviewed by The Age, Richard said he would look for a parttime job over summer and was still "a bit all over place" about
what he wants to study. "I might do something like arts, so I
can work out what I want to do while I'm there…Criminology,
Ruowen Wang—ATAR: 98.1
Primary School: Jinjiang No.2 Experimental Primary
School and Quanzhou Experimental High School, China
Tertiary Course: Bachelor of Science, University of Melbourne
Amongst her many accomplishments at Northcote High
School, Ruowen also achieved a high distinction in University level maths, a subject she included in her VCE program. Ruowen will be the girls’ Dux for 2014.
“It was a pleasure to be a student in Northcote. I have
learned a lot and the experience carried all my spirit and
courage. I learnt never be afraid of progressing and changing. I greatly appreciate the opportunity I have been given
to understand and learn more so that I am able to fear
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Yr 11 Achievements in VCE Unit 3 & 4
Congratulations to Year 11 students Millie Fuller and Flora Carbo, who both achieved perfect scores of 50 in their Yr 12
subjects (Psychology and Music Investigations respectively ). Congratulations are also in order for Piri Voljay, who will perform her Unit 3&4 VCE Dance composition solo at "Top Class" (part of the "VCE Season of Excellence" which showcases the best student creative work). Piri did her Dance subject at Brunswick School of Dance. Well done girls!
Flora comments
“Doing a Unit 3&4 in Year 11 was a great opportunity to
do something I really enjoyed and focus on it. Of course,
it was also a taste of what’s ahead next year!”
Tertiary Pathways Report 2014
For the Yr 12 class of 2014, 90% of Northcote’s VCE cohort who applied for tertiary places received a "first round offer" in
January 2015. As has been the case in recent years, RMIT, Melbourne University and La Trobe University remain the most
popular tertiary study options.
RMIT University
56 degree courses, 3 Cert IV, 7 diploma, 11 advanced diploma, 7 associate degree
University of Melbourne
All degree courses
La Trobe Uni
All degree courses
Monash Uni
All degree courses
Australian Catholic Uni
All degree courses
8 degrees, 1 advanced diploma
Deakin Uni
All degree courses
Victoria Uni
4 degree courses, 2 diploma
(Melbourne Polytechnic)
4 Cert IV courses, 1 diploma, 1 associate degree
William Angliss
Institute of TAFE
All diploma courses
La Trobe Melbourne
All diploma courses
Box Hill Institute
All diploma courses
Federation Uni
Degree course
Elly Lukas School
of Beauty Therapy
Diploma course
Australian College
of the Arts
Degree course
Australian College
of Applied Psychology
Diploma course
(Round one offers only)
A wide variety of tertiary courses were applied for. Some of the most popular courses included
* Arts (22),
* Science (22),
* Commerce/Accounting (10),
* Engineering (16),
* Design (12), and
* International Studies (11).
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Principal’s Welcome
Welcome back to Northcote High and a special welcome to our new students and their
families. We are delighted you are part of the wonderful Northcote High School Community! We have had a great start to 2015 and are so looking forward to an exciting
year of learning together. I trust all of you have had a refreshing break. I trust you all
have had some opportunity for a break, I spent a fabulous week in Melbourne enjoying
being home and all that our city has to offer, followed by a sunny beachside break at
Anglesea where I saw quite a few of our families!
The beginning of the school year is one of my favourite times - there is such a great
buzz around the school, staff keen to meet their students and begin classes and students excited about seeing each other and the next year of learning. On Friday 300
bright eyed Year 7s joined us – each unique and keen to find their place and make their
mark. With the exiting of each graduating class of 2014 and the arrival of the Year 7s I
am acutely aware of the very short and precious time the students have at our school
and the importance of ensuring every moment counts. This is one of the unique aspects of an educator’s world: the regular cycle that informs the core of what we do –
supporting young people to be the best they can, building a toolbox of knowledge,
skills, understandings and dispositions to support learning confidence, emotional/social
wellbeing and happiness at school and beyond.
The beginning of secondary school marks a significant and exciting time for our incoming Year 7 students and families. Over the past week many of you have commented
that the child who graduated from Year 6 just 6 weeks ago is very different to the one
who stepped confidently into NHS last Friday. I know you will be eagerly ‘watch this
space’ as your child grows and develops. At Northcote High we so support young
adults to be independent thinkers, focused on fun, stretching their capacity through
challenge and trying new ‘things’, whilst working hard and imagining/realising their
goals and dreams. We look forward to partnering with you to ensure your child is
moves from one level of learning to the next, is socially connected and emotionally
supported and is fulfilling their potential and contributing positively to our school and the
NHS has a rich tradition of both academic achievement and involvement in community
beyond the classroom. We encourage students to be participatory! Opportunities to get
involved are advertised in the daily bulletin (in Tutorial), on the screens around the
school and in the newsletter (available online via Compass and our website). Students
can pursue their passions in music, performance, production, the visual arts, international study tours, social justice, environment, science, mathematics and English competitions, sport, debating, publications - magazine production, leadership, public speaking, chess, camps, technology, design and fashion! There really is something for everyone.
Class of 2014
We are once again delighted with our VCE results increasing our mean study score
and excellent individual achievements. Congratulations to the class of 2014. Special
congratulations to our Duces: Girls Dux – Rouwen Yang with an ATAR of 98.10 and
Boys Dux – Richard Yan with an ATAR of 99.55. Rouwen and Richard like many of the
class of 2014, immersed themselves in the NHS experience. They were involved in
learning in our classrooms, school and community and University Studies as well!
Congratulations also to Ryan Nguyen (99.0), Spencer Wong (98.6), Loukas Tsigaras
(98.6) and Jack McMurty (98.15) for their excellent results and best wishes to all students of the Class of 2014.Other highlights also include - three (3) perfect Study
Scores of 50 - Richard Yan in English, Flora Carbo in Music Investigations and Milly
Fuller in Psychology.
Our students results exemplify their focused work which begins in Year 7 and the work
of our teachers who over many years have been focused on improving learning outcomes for all students. It was wonderful to see that 92% of our students received first
round tertiary offers and we look with interest to second round offers. Individual stories
and more data are highlighted in this newsletter and website.
NHS 2015 – Learning and Relationships
This year we are continuing to focus on quality relationships built around our new vision
and values (see below). The Tutorial Program is the cornerstone to students, Teachers
and families have a home base. The Tutor is you and your child’s key connect at
NHS. The Tutor will be in contact with you over the next few weeks, building a strong
partnership between students, teachers and families, and strengthening a culture
of quality relationships and academic care.
In 2015, we will continue to expand and improve learning opportunities, programs
and facilities. Teachers are working in Teams reviewing and developing the
myriad of ways we engage with and challenge all learners. Their key focus is
planning rich and active learning experiences in the classroom and beyond. From
Art / Technology and multimedia events to music performances, the planning for
the school production to Language competitions, to Green Team focused on
environmental action.
Over the term we will be featuring information on our learning programs and a
summary of our Strategic Plan and Annual Implementation Plan.
International Links
This year, once again we will be participatory in a series of international links. Our
Year 9 Chinese Language students will have the opportunity to travel to China for
6 weeks as part of a DE&T Program. We also have students participating in an
Art and Design Trip to New York, the Stage Band are travelling to Malaysia. And
there is a French language tour to New Caledonia
In the Grounds and Classrooms of NHS
Over the summer we have commissioned two (2) new re-locatables – hopefully
our last (I said that last year)! and a number of grounds and furniture upgrades. I
am also wrestling with the Department of Education and anyone who will listen re:
securing funding for permanent facility upgrades to support the Master Plan.
School Council Elections
We will be holding School Council elections early in the school year. The important key dates for nominations and elections will be newsfed to you in the next
week. Information regarding school council roles and responsibilities are available
from the school. Our Sub Committees will be meeting next week. Families are
welcome to be part of these committees – Finance, Governance and Community
Engagement. See key dates for times
Essential Education Levy and Tax Deductible Donations – NHS MASTERPLAN
The School Council are delighted with the level of commitment families have
shown for Northcote High and the quality of programs we deliver through payment of the Essential Education Levy either in full, instalments or via a payment
plan. The simplified payment process is in its second year and has undergone a
number of refinements as a result of your feedback. The money directly supports
the ‘Student Experience’ - every student, in every classroom - programs, resourcing of education a support services for all and upgrades to facilities. Please
contact us if you would like to payment options Donna Galvin Maurice p: 9488
Fundraising, Communications and Social Media – Help!
The NHS Fundraising and Communications Working Group are working toward
developing a new donations structure - establishing a Northcote High Foundation.
We are also developing a new website and looking at social media communication options. If you have expertise in any of these areas and would be interested
in being part of an Expert secondary consult Group. Please contact me. [email protected] or 9488 2332
AN IMPORTANT EVENT Year 7 – Family Picnic
The Year 7 Family Picnic will be on Thursday February 12th. This is
a wonderful school and community event and I hope all of you can
join us.
Once again welcome to our vibrant and dynamic learning community. We look
forward to partnering with you and appreciate your involvement and support. Our
Teachers, Principal Team and Business Administration Team look forward to a
great year.
Kate Morris
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Northcote High School Production 2015
Anything Goes
Calling all actors, singers, dancers, musicians and stage hands.
There will be a meeting on Wednesday 4th February in the hall at lunch for all students who are interested in being a part of this year’s production. Students must attend this meeting to be involved in any area of the
2015 musical.
Please see Ms Brogan. Ms Este or Mr Campbell if you have any questions.
Anything Goes is musical comedy by Cole Porter from the 1930s. It tells the story of passengers on board a
luxury liner from New York to Southampton and the antics that go on when stowaways, criminals, famous
entertainers and English Lords travel the seas together.
Enrolment Policy at Northcote High School
A reminder to all parents.
Over the last few years, Northcote High School has experienced unprecedented demand for Year 7 places. For entry
in Year 7 in 2015, over 470 applications for places were
received, far in excess of the school’s capacity. Northcote
High School has accommodated all students for whom the
school is the closest, and all siblings of current students,
but for 2015 very few other claims were accepted. The
school’s practice is to fill any vacancies that occur because
of change of mind/circumstance, up to the start of the new
school year.
The school enrols students into Year 7 in accordance with
the Department of Education (DEECD) Placement Policy.
ling at the same permanent residence who is attending the
school at the same time.
Students seeking enrolment on specific curriculum
grounds, where it is not provided by the student’s nearest
government school
All other students are prioritised by how close their
permanent residence is to the school.
In light of population growth projections, it is likely there
will continue to be very few curriculum claims accepted. It
is also likely that siblings of current students, whose
families no longer live locally, which includes families
who have moved away, will not be accepted for Year 7
in future years.
Students are enrolled in the following priority order:
Students for whom the school is the designated
neighbourhood government school (measured in a straight
line from door to door).
School Council has approved a revised enrolment policy,
which can be read online on our website.
Students who no longer live locally, that have a sib-
iPad training for parents
When: Monday 9th February at 6:00pm
Where: Northcote High School Library
During this hands-on session parents will learn how to set-up family sharing and parental restrictions on
their iPads, as well as how see and delete Apps. All parents of students in years 7-9 are invited to attend.
Please bring your child’s iPad to the session
V OLU ME 8 8 IS SUE 19
New staff
at NHS
in 2015
by the Yarra
Left, front to back: Mr Sandy McLeod* (Chinese), Ms Kate Marshall (Office), Ms Harriette Barclay (Bus Management/
Acc/Humanities), Mr Luke Barrett *(Maths/Science), Mr Darren Plunkett (English), Mr Shane Gemmola (English & Head
of Senior School)
Middle, front to back: Ms Kirsty Bachelor (Library office), Ms Georgia Townley (English), Ms Sophia Griffith
(Maths/Science), Ms Kun Qian *(Maths/Science)
Right , front to back: Mr Mike Grose (Eng/History), Ms Laura Ritchie (Maths), Ms Airlie Swallow (PE/Health & Head of
Middle School), Mr Mike Grec (Maths/Science), Mr Luke Slingsby (Maths), Mr Michael Salter (IT office).
* returning staff member
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The value of Internationalising Education
Pages from an ornate book sent by Staszic High School in Lublin,
Poland to Northcote High School in 1935—an example of an early effort at internationalising education.
Northcote High School’s book, sent in return, may no longer exist.
Northcote High School has a vibrant sister school relationship with a school in Anhui in provincial China—Huaibei No1
High School. Established in 1999, this relationship sees annual staff and student exchanges, and ongoing discussions
regarding new models of cooperation. Together, the two schools have exchanged 800+ students and teachers. It is widely
regarded as a model of successful sister school arrangements.
Sister school arrangements exist to
Strengthen the relationships between schools
Increase global awareness between school communities
Broaden our students understanding of other cultures
Support the teaching of languages other than English
Promote Victorian education overseas and to
Develop ties of friendship through regular communication.
Increasingly however, there is a recognition that relationships between schools internationally can also build powerful
teacher effectiveness. International educational relationships are now recognised as providing;
Opportunities for teachers to share pedagogy and curriculum,
Increased knowledge of different education systems
Opportunities for powerful professional development experiences
Increased staff motivation, confidence and morale.
Northcote High School is committed to finding new opportunities for
staff and students internationally and supporting state and national
initiatives. We will report further on these in 2015.
At right: Ms Megan Wyatt Teaching at Huaibei No1 High School in
2011., as part of a four week teaching placement.
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NHS flies at the Dec 2014 Volleyball
Stan and Clancy win the final point in their match at the
State Hockey and Volleyball Centre,.
At right– Bertrice, Ruby and Coby.
Below, some of the students prepare for departure on the
last Friday of competition
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Introducing our school leaders 2015
Year 12 School
Junior Sport Captains
Jon Pappas
School Captains (below)
Xi Wang—bottom left
Jenny Huynh
Darcy Cornwallis—top left
Will Baker
Deputy School Captains (below)
Rishi Mishra—top right
Mollie McKenzie
Sanda Naing—bottom right
Year 8 Captains
Flynn Gilder-Smith
Senior Music Captains
Flora Carbo
Albert Rex
Junior Music Captains
Eva Massey
Isabelle Piccolo-Cody
Year 9 Captains
Georgia Gilbert
Joachim Habgood
Luca Cotugno-Morrison
Year 10 Captains
Patrick Butler
Languages Captain
Louis Becker
Chui Wah Tam
International Captains
Fan Yi Yan
Year 11 Captains
Cindy Huynh
Chau Pham
David Miao
Senior Sport Captains
Jack O’Dwyer
Munni Milton-Moon
Joshua Robinson
Jessica Hill
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Heads of School and Program Coordinators 2015
Head of Junior School—Ms Sarah Emanuel ph: 9488 2370
Year 7 Year Level Program Leaders
Ms Jaymie Metcalf & Mr Paul Giddy - 9488 2343
Year 8 Year Level Program Leaders
Ms Sarah Elphick & Mr Rowan Hore - 9488 2320
Head of Middle School—Ms Airlie Swallow ph: 9488 2384
Year 9 Year Level Program Leaders
Mr Jamie Lethborg & Ms Louise Bossio - 9488 2382
Year 10 Year Level Program Leaders
Ms Jaclyn Dearlove & Ms Jane Lange - 9488 2327
Head of Senior School—Mr Shane Gemmola ph: 9488 2388
Year 11 Year Level Program Leaders
Ms Yalinie Vigneswaran & Ms Carolyn Richards - 9488 2386
Year 12 Year Level Program Leaders
Ms Diana Corkery & Mr Paul-Micah Sullivan - 9488 2331
2015 Camps Update
Term 4
The 2015 Year 8 Camps program will start in Term 1. This
camp forms part of the three core camps the school runs at
Years 7, 8 & 9, which are a prerequisite for the school’s elective camps which start in Year 9. Permission forms for the
Term 1 classes will be distributed in the next few weeks
once which forms will be attending has been determined. If
there is any reason your child could not attend a camp during either term 1 or 4 please let me know. The dates for form
groups in Term 4 will be published later.
Camp 5 Tuesday 20th – Friday 23rd October
Camp 6 Tuesday 27th– Friday 30th October
Camp 7 Tuesday 10th– Friday 13th November
Camp 8 Tuesday 17th – Friday 20th November
Camp 9 Tuesday 24th– Friday 27th November
Camp 10: Tuesday 1st – Friday 4th December
The camp will run for 4 days at Camp Boho South which is
operated by Northcote High School and is the former Boho
Note: there may be some modifications to dates.
South State School. NHS has operated this camp since the
late 1970’s. The activities on this camp include: an overnight Mr. R. Griffiths Camps Coordinator
hike, swimming, bowling, horse riding, and canoeing.
Due to the dry conditions in rural Victoria and the risk of fire
these camps may be rescheduled if necessary. Decisions
regarding fire danger will be made the day before the camp
departs when fire weather warnings are issued. Camps
may also return early if conditions change.
Year 8 Camp Dates 2015
Term 1
Camp 1 Tuesday 24th – Friday 27th February
Camp 2 Tuesday 3rd – Friday 6th March
Camp 3 Tuesday 10th – Friday 13th March
Camp 4 Tuesday 17th – Friday 20th March
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Goodbye Northcote High School!
NHS dominates 2014 Chess Championships
Northcote High School’s Chess Team were victorious at the
National Middle Years Chess Championships. The team consisted of Jack Puccini, Finley Dale, Joseph Hatton, Daniel
Zou, Max Simpson and Demetrius Mousaferiadis.
Schools from across the nation, including arch rival Glen Waverley Secondary College, competed for the prestigious Chess Australian title.
The event was held at the Castle - Queens College Melbourne
University over two days. Matches were one hour long and competitors recorded their moves as the games progressed. The
Northcote Chess crew enjoyed the favourable “home ground” advantage of the College grounds. Unfortunately, the first day of
competition saw Northcote 2.5 points behind the leaders – Glen
Jack Puccini Chess Crew Captain and Finley Dale were as dependable as ever winning all their first round games. Daniel Zou
and Joseph Hatton, lacking match practice, lost early games, but
a turning point in the competition was when Joseph Hatton pulled
off a remarkable move to defeat a major player in the tournament
with a combination of calculated moves. Joseph’s match was
last to finish. Spectators gathered around to watch the concluding
first days play. Joseph was unnerved at being decidedly deficient
in pieces, but remembering some of Jack Puccini’s brilliant strategies, Joseph exposed the Queen and then check mated his opponent.
Demetrius Mousaferiadis playing in his second tournament was
very disappointed in his efforts for the first rounds. He was determined to make amends the next day with some late night practice.
The second day saw Demetrius and fellow Year 7 student Max
Simpson achieve perfect scores. Max was also tired after 6 hours
concentration on the first day but was back to his best form for the
year. Daniel Zou, an experienced and accomplished player received late advice from his sister and won four out of the 7 games,
a fantastic effort.
Jack Puccini travels to Hungary next week to compete in
the world Junior Chess tournament. Jack and Finley and
the crew have been exceptional in their attitude to the
games and have been great representatives for Northcote
Geoff Thomas
National Chess Tournament Middle Years
1st - Northcote High
2nd - Mazenod College
3rd - Glen Waverley Secondary
Individual Standings Middle Years:
Top Scorers
- Kris Chan (Glen Waverley Secondary)
- Jack Puccini (Northcote High)
5 / 7:
- Davis Kim (St Aloysius Catholic College)
- Finley Dale (Northcote High)
- Daniel Yotov (Mazenod)
- Bradley Vince (St Aloysius Catholic College)
- Thomas Pham (Mazenod)
- James Hong (Mazenod)
- Daniel Choi (St Leonard's - Brighton)
- Max Simpson (Northcote High)
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School practice on use of student images
Our Practice on the use of student images
At Northcote High School we celebrate the efforts of our
students by mentioning their participation in school events
and their achievements in this newsletter. As you would
have seen, we use photographs of students and sometimes
examples of their own work in the newsletter. We also use
photographs and examples of their work in the school magazine Ripples, at the end of the year.
A low resolution electronic (pdf) version of the newsletter is
linked on our website.
On the School website
Small group photographs of students involved in school
activities and excursions are also on our website, although
here we do not usually identify these students by name,
age or form group. Where larger scale photos are used
(such as on the front of our homepage) or where the student could be easily identified, the school will seek student
and parental consent before placing information and/or
photographs on the website.
copyright licence paid by the Department of Education
(DEECD) on behalf of all Government schools (AMCOS/
ARIA license). The only exception to this rule can be live
performances such as the school production, where use of
flash photography may be prohibited, as it might disturb/
temporarily blind those on stage.
In the Media
We sometimes invite local press and state media to school
events andthey are expected to follow DEECD and school
policy on the publication of photographs of students. When a
press story is about an individual or small group achievement, the school will seek parental consent before approving or passing on information and/or photographs.
If you have any concerns about how photographs of your
child may be used by the school, please let us know.
At Special Events
Unless special arrangements have been made, we allow
parents to record school performances, as this creates a
memento that can be shared with other family members.
Video or audio recording is permitted at school under a
Student accident insurance/Ambulance cover
arrangements & private property brought to school
Parents are reminded that the Department of Education (DEECD), and Northcote High School does not provide personal
accident insurance or ambulance cover for students. Parents and guardians of students, who do not have student accident insurance/ambulance cover, are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including the
cost of ambulance attendance / transport and any other transport costs.
Private property brought to school by students, staff or visitors is not insured and the Department of Education (DEECD) and
Northcote High School does not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage. This includes motor vehicles and bikes
belonging to parents.
Student accident insurance/ambulance cover policies are available from some commercial insurers, and can be obtained by
parents/guardians for individual students.
Lost Property
In lost property there is a lot of casual clothing such as jackets and windcheaters. These will be donated to charity in 2 weeks if still unclaimed. Also a number of school items are waiting to be picked up.
Lost property is located at the back of M1 and is opened:
12.45pm - 1.00pm
12.45pm - 1.00pm
12.45pm - 1.00pm
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Bell Times 2015
Ipods & traffic don’t mix!
This letter is a timely warning from a local motorist:
Last November I almost knocked over a Year 7 NHS
boy who was on his way home in Thornbury. The accident was so close that he actually touched the bonnet
of my car with both hands then overbalanced, almost
falling over on the road in front of my car.
The boy was on a skateboard and was listening to an ipod at the time. Luckily I was not travelling very fast as I
know it’s a busy road and I would have to check for a
break in the traffic. This boy shot out of nowhere on the
skateboard and I didn’t see him until his hands were on
the bonnet of my car. He then toppled over, picked himself up, collected his skateboard and continued on
down the road. The whole thing happened so quickly it was frightening. He had his earplugs in the whole time.
It seems to me that he must not have stopped at that street to check
for cars. Instead, he must have just skated along as though the road
was a continuation of the footpath.
It would be great if you could bring this to the attention of students
and parents. I’m just lucky and grateful it didn’t have a more serious
Please remind your son or daughter of the dangers of being in
traffic with headphones on. The school also regularly reminds
students of this .
3 Big Changes to the Vaccine Program in 2015
The Department of Health and DEECD have requested we make the following announcement:
In 2015 three major changes to the vaccine program will impact on parents of secondary school students:
1. The Darebin Council's immunisation service may contact you about the secondary school vaccine program. Schools have
been authorised to provide parent contact details to local councils for this purpose. Please contact the school via
email: [email protected] by February 28 2015 if you do not want your contact details given to the Darebin Council.
2. In 2015 only, the vaccine that protects against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough will be offered to all students in
Years 7, 8, 9 and 10. From 2016, this vaccine will be offered to Year 7 students only. This will provide earlier protection from
these diseases.
3. The time-limited human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine program for Year 9 boys was completed in December 2014. HPV
vaccine will continue to be offered to all students (both male and female) in Year 7 from 2015.
Look out for the vaccine consent form/s coming home from school with your child. You need to read, complete and
return the form/s regardless of whether your child is being immunised at school.
To learn more about the changes, the diseases, the vaccines, or how you can prepare your child for vaccination go
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Ms Jacob’s Sports Bag
What’s new for 2015?
The Sports program continues to grow at Northcote High
School, with 2015 bringing more exciting opportunities for
students. Shortly, a link will appear on the newsfeed to the
new Intra and Interschool Sport Policy for 2015. Some key
changes to note in 2015 are as follows:
Students will be able to sign up for all sports and swimming and athletics events via an online survey found
on the MyNHS Sport page. This will take place in
tutorial time or during PE classes.
Trials and training sessions will now appear on students Compass timetables.
We have tougher policies on uniform. Students must be
wearing their full NHS PE uniform on carnival
days in order to attend. Students not in full uniform
will be unable to participate and will return to class.
Payment and Permission due dates will be two days
prior to the scheduled event. No payments/
permissions, under any circumstances, will be accepted after this time. Students without permission
and payment after this time will be removed from the
team and emergency players will be given the opportunity to attend.
Max Ellis. Thank you to Mr Trevaskis and Mr Gilby for
providing training opportunities to the boys and accompanying them to the competition.
State Baseball – Year 7 Boys
This team are our first in over 20 years to reach state level
in the School Sports Victoria Baseball competition. Their
dedication to training and commitment to improve were
demonstrated through their performance at the carnival.
They boys finished 5th overall. Thank you to Jamie Lethborg who did an excellent job coaching them
Coming Up
Friday 13th February – VCE Girls and Boys Cricket
Monday 16th February – Year 7 Girls and Boys Cricket
Wednesday 18th February – Year 8 Girls and Boys Cricket
A full version of the new sport policy is also available on the
MyNHS Sport Page.
Friday 6th March – NHS Swimming Carnival and Community Fun Day
Results from 2014 (that didn’t quite make last year’s final
The Sport department are looking forward to another big
State Tennis – Year 8 Boys
The Year 8 Boys Tennis team showcased some excellent
skills at the State Championships. After the round matches
our Northcote team placed equal third in the results. This is a
fantastic effort and we would like to congratulate the team on
their achievements. Team members: Will Baker, Marco Agostinoni, Luca Cotugno-Morrison, Oliver Crawford-Smith and
Ms Lauren Jacobs
NHS Sport Coordinator
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7-10 PE Uniform & Participation Guidelines
Welcome back to a new and active year. We have some important information/reminders for all 7-10 students and families;
We encourage all Phys Ed and Sport students to be actively sun smart. Students should get in the habit of bringing water
bottles and wearing hats, sunglasses and sunscreen, especially during these summer months.
All students are required to be in full Phys Ed uniform for ALL Phys Ed and Sport lessons. The uniform shop can supply the
polo top and shorts or track pants. Students MUST also were lace up runners with the Phys Ed uniform. Students are provided time to change at the beginning and end of each PE/Sport class and are expected to be in full school uniform for other
classes on that day. Each student will bring home a copy of our “Learning Agreement” over the next couple of weeks outlining the Uniform policy in more detail.
As it is a requirement to be changed for every Phys Ed and Sport class it is very important that all students mark their names
on all articles of their Phys Ed and School uniforms. Our change rooms are used by a number of classes throughout the day,
students often get their belongings ‘mixed up’ with others.
All year 7-10 students will have their own locker all valuables are to be left in these during Phys ed and sport classes. Students DO NOT leave valuables in the bags in the change rooms, leave them locked securely in their locker. The school is
not responsible for any valuables that go missing from the change rooms. We will make every effort to attempt to locate the
missing object, but this is usually a fruitless task.
Ms Megan Young. NHS PE Coordinator
Please see the latest newsfeed for further details
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Mathematics @ NHS 2015
The Mathematics faculty is excited to deliver a curriculum that is dynamic and supports students learning needs. Our faculty
vision is to provide an enriching mathematical experience for all our students so that they develop the skills necessary for a
21st century workforce. This will be achieved through the provision of quality programs, opportunities for extracurricular activities, providing the appropriate feedback and guiding students towards reaching their potential. The theme for this is ‘Math
Everywhere’ and focusses on all the areas in which Mathematics is embedded and enriches our lives. We look forward to
hosting some special events from our industry partners later this year.
Our faculty will endeavour to provide opportunities for our students to experience learning Math in relevant and meaningful
ways and to help guide students through understanding and interpreting the world with numbers. The key attributes for students to develop include:
1. A strong focus on self-improvement and understanding their personal needs.
2. A positive attitude to support a learning environment that is productive.
3. Self-belief and a growth mindset towards learning and developing new skills.
4. Tenacity through participation in challenges and to develop greater flexibility in student thinking.
To help ensure all classes are effective students must ensure they have the appropriate materials at all times. Technology
devices are be appropriately charged and ready for use in class. Adhere to the acceptable use policy and abide by teacher
instruction on the use of devices in the classroom (no mobile phones to be used in mathematics classes).
Enrichment and Support
The Mathematics faculty values the type of activities that challenge students to push the boundaries of their reasoning capacity, and problem solving abilities so that they are confident learners capable of taking risks to develop their mathematical
knowledge and understanding. The Faculty provides Math support in the afternoons (Monday and Tuesdays) and we also
recommend students participate in co-curricular activities that would help them develop their abilities beyond the classroom.
Co-curricular activities available are:
Computational & Algorithmic Thinking
24th of March,
Australian Mathematics Competition,
30th of July,
Math Challenge (3-week program)
23/4 – 23/5
(Compulsory curriculum component for ACE classes)
Math Talent Quest (6-week project)
23/6 – 25/7
(Compulsory curriculum component for Math Modelling Elective class)
Math Games Day (Refer to Teacher for further information) –
Payment by (to Office)
(1st March)
(31st March)
(21st March)
(25th June)
Term 3 (Term 2)
All enquiries to Mr George Georgiadis
Mathematics Coordinator
NHS Debating 2015
Debating meetings are held in M 7 every Monday at lunchtimes starting Feb 2.
Enquiries to Mr Martin Ramsay
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Darebin United Thornbury Junior Boys U14 Team for 2015
Darebin United have a 40-year history of playing soccer in Darebin. We need a few more U14 (or U13) players for season 2015. We play out of Mayer Park in Thornbury. Training will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays
5.00-6.30 at Mayer Park and starts in late February Contact Nick on 0422 144 671 or
[email protected]
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all welcome.
please see Ms Hutchens.
*Weather permitting. If it is a cloudy evening we will reschedule.