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January 25, 2015
Please pray for: Chuck & Shirley Anker; Rhonda Barber; Andrew Bayley; Sue
Boing; Tony Burgess; Becky Carter; Patsy Coble; Ann Cooper’s mother, Marga­
ret Surles; Veda Doss & George Fitzpatrick; Sharon & Carl Duke; Buddy Estes;
Kevin Frasier & grandfather, Jack Urbancyzk; Frizz Gray; Fafar Guillebeaux;
Marilyn Heard & family; Chris�na Hegelson’s father; Tony & Cubiedean Hick­
man; Nancy Hutcheon; Romie Jernigan; Eddie & Ruby Johnson; Irene Levya;
Will & Ruth Liddell & Ruth’s sister, Kathy Holdridge & family; Kathy Manning &
Harry Truslow; Eliseo Mar�nez; Ma� Mauldin & his mother, Linda Mauldin;
Arelle Middleton & her mother, Sandra Van Embricqs; Joe Miller; John Mor­
gan, Martha & Kim Morgan & Nan Morgan’s father; Pam Nowell; Willarean &
Glen O’Rourke; Bill & Wanda Oswalt; Tommy Pa�erson; Tim Rice; Sandi Rob­
inson; Ted (Edward) Rodman & Karen Rodman; Starla Schroll; Anita & Amelia
Sherman; Barbara Sims & mother, Fran Sims; Jane & Dan Sims; Jodie Sims &
partner, Susanne; Laura Sims; Tyler Sims; Kathy Smith; Pam Tidwell & her
mother; Frances Vaughn; Booth Wilson; Lynda Yassim
The Rodman family, Chambless family, Shippen family, and the Trawick family
during this season of grief
Nancy Brennan is hospitalized in Southport, North Carolina
Donna Baker’s cousin, Judy Houghton, undergoing chemotherapy in Sanford,
Joey King’s friends, the Barnes family
For the challenge of growing rela�onships; rela�onships ending (death, sepa­
ra�on, and divorce) and new rela�onships beginning
For those who struggle with issues of iden�ty, depression, and addic�on
For the owners and staff of the Vaughn Road Preschool and the children and
families they serve
The Board and volunteers who serve Good Samaritan Ministries
� Refreshments in the Narthex �
Immanuel warmly invites you to refreshments in the narthex
following the service. Join us for coffee and conversation.
Immanuel Presbyterian Church
Fourth Sunday a�er Epiphany
February 1, 2015
For Silent Media�on: God of deserving praise, you give us voices to witness, hands to extend in welcome and care, and hearts to love. May your calling grow deeper within as your Spirit equips and inspires us with the power to love. Amen.
Gathering Around the Word
“Adagio” from Toccata, Adagio, and Prelude
Fugue in C
J. S. Bach
Seek Ye First
Seek ye first the kingdom of God and its righteousness,
and all these things shall be added unto you. Allelu, alleluia!
You shall not live by bread alone, but by every word
that proceeds from the mouth of God. Allelu, alleluia!
Remembering Our Bap�sm
Welcome and Concerns
Call to Worship
We are here to praise God because Jesus Christ has set us free to live.
We are here because in Christ we are forgiven and made whole.
We are gathered because Jesus Christ has united us into a community of faith.
We will witness to the good news: Jesus Christ frees and unites. Praise God! Alleluia! Amen.
*Opening Hymn: #409
God is Here!
Call to Confession
God has created us in community and communion with one another. When the other gods we entertain fail us, the love of God is with us. Encouraged by the goodness of God’s merciful love, let us confess our sins before God and one another.
Prayer of Confession
Let us pray: When we feel financial insecurity, help us to trust in the power of community.
When we fear rejec�on, help us to know our value and worth deep with­
* Those who are able, please stand
When we fear not having enough, help us to be grateful for what we have, and to trust in the enough-ness of God.
When we fear being alone, help us to reach out in love to others in need.
And when we fear suffering and death, help us to remember the promises of faith.
Forgive our fears and our worship of other gods; Holy One, help us to re­
turn to your ways of grace. Amen.
Assurance of Forgiveness
God has created us in community and communion with one another. Let us look to one another and see the one true God who creates, redeems and sustains; let us choose to live in peace and harmony.
The peace of Christ be with you.
And also with you.
Please turn to your neighbor and offer a word of peace.
We Are Forgiven
Response to Grace: #447
Proclaiming the Word
The Word with the Children
A Reading from the Hebrew Scriptures: Deut. 18.15-20
pages 174-175
The Psalter: Psalm 111
pages 562-563
A Reading from the New Testament: 1 Corinthians 8.1-13
A Reading from the Gospels: Mark 1.21-28
page 171
page 35
Sealing the Word
*Hymn of Response: (insert)
Now to Your Table Spread LOVE UNKNOWN
Invita�on to the Table
This is the table, not of the Church, but of the Lord. It had been made ready for those who love him, and for those who want to love him more. So come, you who have much faith, and you who have li�le, you who have been here o�en and you who have not been here before, you who have tried to follow and you who have failed. Come, not because I invite you, it is our Lord who wants to meet each of us here.
Prayer of Communion
The Lord be with you.
And also with you.
* Those who are able, please stand
Li� up your hearts.
We li� them to the Lord.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give our thanks and praise.
It is indeed right, for you made us, and before us, you made the world which we inhabit, and before the world, you imagined a kingdom of sha­
lom, in which through Christ we have a place.
Grateful as we are for the world we know and the universe beyond, we praise you whom eternity could not contain, for coming to earth and en­
tering �me in Jesus.
For his life which informs our living, for his compassion which changes our hearts, for his disturbing presence, his innocent suffering, his fearless dy­
ing, his rising to life breathing forgiveness, we praise you.
Here too our gra�tude rises for the promise of the Holy Spirit, who even yet, even now, confronts us with your claims and a�racts us to your goodness.
Merciful God, send now in kindness, your Holy Spirit to se�le on this bread and this cup; fill these with the fullness of Jesus.
Let that same Spirit rest on us, conver�ng us from the pa�erns of this passing world, un�l we conform to the shape of him whose food we now share. Amen.
Communion of the People
Responding to the Word
Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer
Call for the Offering
*Doxology: #609
Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow
*Affirma�on of Faith
Confession of Belhar
September 1986
We believe in the triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who gathers, protects and cares for the church through Word and Spirit. This, God has done from the beginning and will do to the end…
We believe that God has revealed God’s self as the one who wants to bring about jus�ce and true peace among people; that God, in a world full of injus�ce and enmity, is in a special way the God of the des�tute, * Those who are able, please stand
the poor and the wronged; that God calls the church to follow him in this; for God brings jus�ce to the oppressed and gives bread to the hungry; that God frees the prisoner and restores sight to the blind; that God supports the downtrodden, protects the stranger, helps orphans and widows and blocks the path of the ungodly; that for God pure and undefiled religion is to visit the orphans and the widows in their suffering; that God wishes to teach the church to do what is good and seek the right; that the church must therefore stand by people in any form of suffering and need, which implies, among others things that the church must witness against and strive against any form of injus�ce, so that jus�ce may roll down like wa­
ters, and righteousness like an everflowing stream; that the church as the possession of God must stand where the Lord stands, namely against injus­
�ce and with the wronged; that in following Christ the church must witness against all the powerful and privileged who selfishly seek their own inter­
ests and thus control and harm others.
Bearing the Word
*Closing Hymn: #39
Great is Thy Faithfulness
Peace of God Be with You Peace of God be with you.
Peace of God be with you. Salaam, salaam.
Peace of God be with you.
Choral Benedic�on
*Blessing and Charge
Postlude “Fugue” from Toccata, Adagio, and Fugue in C
* Those who are able, please stand
J. S. Bach
Designated Monthly Mission Offering for January:
Alabama Arise
Study opportuni�es available for adult learners
during the Church School hour:
Peacemaking Class (Library): Revela�on by Elaine Pagels
Pastor’s Class (Sanctuary): Breathing under Water by Richard Rohr
Discussion Group (CE Building): On a chosen topic
Today, February 1—Fourth Sunday a�er Epiphany/Souper Bowl Sunday
9:30 a.m.—Worship
10:45 a.m.—Fellowship
11:00 a.m.—Church School
Wednesday, February 4
10:30 a.m.—Bible study
5:45 p.m.—Logos
7:00 p.m.—Choir prac�ce
Saturday, February 7—PYC Gumbo Dinner Fundraiser
Sunday, February 8—Fi�h Sunday a�er Epiphany
9:30 a.m.—Worship
10:45 a.m.—Fellowship
11:00 a.m.—Church School
Finance & Stewardship Update, 2015
Tithes and undesignated gi�s received January 25 — $2,554
Tithes and undesignated gi�s received month-to-date — $15,839
Tithes and undesignated gi�s received year-to-date — $15,839
Monthly mission offering received
January 25 — $0
Monthly mission offering received
month-to-date — $425
Monthly mission offerings received
year-to-date — $425
Per capita gi�s received January 25: $0
Per capita gi�s received year to date: $54
Per capita assessment for 2014: $2,528.82
(Or $13.38 per person)
Sara Bayley Memorial & Playground: $12,015
Alabama Public Radio: $20
Nancy Chambless Memorial: $250
10,000 Villages: $1,544
Garden Fund: $75
Director of Chris�an Educa�on
Musician, Music Ministry Coordinator
Guest Musician
Rev. Elizabeth O’Neill
Anita Sherman
All the members of the church
Phyllis Ward
Michael Keeling
Jim Conley
Class of 2015
Class of 2016
Class of 2017
Youth Elder
Carol Gundlach, Linda Jenkins,
Kelly Moody
Gwendolyn Gray, Tom Perrin,
Peggy Shippen
Kevin Frasier, Sherry McFeely,
Bill Su�on
Rachel Moody
Donna Baker, Debbie Pendleton,
Erman Samelo, Anita Sherman
The name Immanuel is a compound of the three Hebrew words, with us God, and
is used by the prophet Isaiah in 7.14 and 8.8, and by the gospel writer Ma�hew in
1.23, who quotes Isaiah 7.14 in reference to Jesus Christ. The name Immanuel
expresses our two-fold convic�on that in Jesus Christ, the living God is with all
people and that all people are therefore welcome in this community of Chris�an
faith. The life, death, resurrec�on, and reign of Jesus Christ tear down every wall
that divides people — racial and ethnic, ideological, age and gender, health and
disability, even walls of opinion — every wall.
At Immanuel Presbyterian Word and Sacrament are held together. The reading
and proclama�on from the Word prepare us to gather together as Immanuel’s
family around the LORD’s table and to partake in the gi�s of bread and cup. As
the pastor comes forward to greet you, please rise and come to the table, take a
piece of bread and dip the bread in the non-alcoholic wine, taste, and see that
the LORD is good. This is the church’s ancient prac�ce of “in�nc�on.” If you are
unable to walk, please no�fy the pastor or an usher; and you will be gladly
Immanuel Presbyterian dis�nguishes between �the and offering. Tithes are mon­
ey and service for Immanuel’s current opera�ng budget. Mission Offerings are
forwarded to the designated mission recipient each month. Both �thes and offer­
ings are given in thankful response to God’s gracious love. Undesignated gi�s are
allocated as �thes to help meet opera�ng expenses. For mission giving, please
indicate “Mission” on your check or envelope.
Immanuel Presbyterian Church, PCUSA
8790 Vaughn Road
Montgomery, AL 36117
(334) 260-0567
Church Office Hours:
Tuesday through Friday
9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Closed Mondays
24 Years
of mission
and ministry