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nothing + : + no + matter nor space or time
> To have squeezed the universe into a ball
+ an + interesting + nothing + a metastable
false vacuum + ... + nothing +
> To have squeezed the universe into a ball
and + then + Heisenberg's uncertainty princ
iple + and + quantum fluctuations + but + s
till + nothing + a picture is still missing
> To have squeezed the universe into a ball
a small + bubble + emerge[s] + a small true
vacuum bubble + created probabilistically +
> To have squeezed the universe into a ball
it will disappear + if + it + cannot expand
rapidly + it + can + dis appear + it + will
> To have squeezed the universe into a ball
but + if the ordering factor + p + takes th
e value ?2 in the quantum potential equatio
n +
if the small bubble expands rapidly to
a large enough size + the early universe ap
pears + the universe can then be > roll[ed]
+ irreversibly
toward some overwhelming
question + and + space and time will emerge
+ with the exponential expansion of the > b
all + with the exponential expansion of the
bubble + with the > overwhelming question +
of the + spontaneous creation of the universe
Imagínate > a > study > of a unique 18-mon
th dataset + que yo no soy yo > daily patt
erns of phone calls + que soy el otro homb
re > circadian rhythms > show persistent i
ndividual differences + que pensabas ver >
with > a strong social component + un desc
onocido que te ha escrito > daily > persis
tent > patterns of + un verso > individual
differences > during the evening + y te di
bujo la luna en > daily > persistent > pat
terns of + un trozo de papel + un amante i
mprovisado mis> individual differences + t
erioso apasionado > at night
+ que te dio
una cita > daily > persistent > patterns >
of phone calls + en este hotel > calls > t
ypically focused on a small number of emot
ionally intense relationships +
ahora y apaga la luz un instante > daily >
persistent > patterns > daily >
t > calls + y hazme el amor como lo haces
con esos amantes > daily > persistent > pa
tterns > persistent > patterns > persisten
t > calls + te juro que > These results de
monstrate > that +
hoy es la última vez q
ue te burlas de mi > the hours of darkness
have a special quality for certain kinds o
f social interactions and social relations
hips + que me engañas + y me hieres
Nebbia {
fenómeno metereológico
nube en contacto con el suelo
suspensión de {
gotas de agua {
cristales líquidos
}: lluvia
gotas de una, cuantos de otro
difusión de la luz {
[ luz a través de una
gota a través de la
luz a través de una
gota a través de la ]+
halo blanquecino {
fenómeno emergente
condensación en suspensión