March 29, 2015
29 de Marzo 2015
Passion Sunday
Domingo de la Pasión
La siguiente información proviene del folleto que se creó
cuando la iglesia fue dedicada. La imagen del Crucificado es de
hydrostone y se ha hecho en bajorrelieve para hacer que parezca
que ha sido tallada en la pared. La ausencia de color se destina a
la figura más sutil; lo que permite que las luces y sombras
dramaticen las características del Señor que sufre. El crucifijo es
colocado en una pared lateral para evitar competir con la acción
central del dinamismo de la palabra y Sacramento que se celebra
en el santuario. Fue diseñado y elaborado por hermana Mary
Peter Tremonte, O.P.
El ambón, donde la palabra de Dios es proclamada y
predicada, nos recuerda la presencia del Señor en su palabra:
proclamada para y por su pueblo en medio de los reunidos en su
nombre. La parte de enfrente del ambón muestra abstractos
granos de trigo — cuando cae en buena tierra, brota y fructifica
en abundancia (Lucas 8:4-15). El grano es la palabra de Dios y
somos el suelo en el que echa raíces y crece para la gloria de su
nombre. Cuatro tipos de madera (nuez, teca, roble blanco y
nogal) han sido cortadas y trazados para hacer los diseños en el
altar y el ambón con tal precisión. Cada uno fue diseñado por
hermana Mary Peter Tremonte, O.P. y elaborado por el pasillo
de la fabricación de San Antonio, TX.
Las ventanas Marianas son 16 paneles de vidrio grabado; en
el atrio principal de encuentro para rendir homenaje a María, la
madre de Jesús, especialmente como aparece en la historia de la
salvación. Ella se ve como una mujer, ayudante, hija, amada
esposa, amiga y mediadora. La técnica del vidrio leptat es un
proceso patentado utilizado exclusivamente por Conrad Schmitt
Studios de Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Las ventanas fueron
elaboradas y diseñadas por la hermana Mary Peter Tremonte,O.P.
El órgano en nuestra Iglesia, es un órgano de 13 tubos en fila
construido por M. P. Moller empresa para nuestra comunidad
parroquial. Dispone de dos teclados manuales y un teclado de
pedal, cada uno contiene una brújula 16-notas. Cada teclado
tiene 11 paradas con diferentes botones. El gran órgano
contiene una palanca que ayuda incrementar la diversidad de los
La capilla, que abre a la plaza y al Nártex de la iglesia
principal, está en la forma de una pequeña tienda de campaña o
pabellón. Tiene 45 asientos fijos y puede ampliarse con asientos
movibles para acomodar a 60. Un sueño desde hace mucho
tiempo del Padre Ed Abell, la capilla ofrece un lugar de descanso
tranquilo de oración y reflexión las 24 horas al día.
The following information comes from the dedication booklet that
was created when the church was dedicated.
The image of the Crucified One is made of hydrostone and
done in bas-relief to make it appear to have been carved from the
wall. The absence of color is intended to make the figure more
subtle, allowing lights and shadows to dramatize the features of
the suffering Lord. The crucifix is placed on a side wall in order to
avoid competing with the central, dynamic action of Word and
Sacrament being celebrated in the sanctuary. It was designed
and executed by Sister Mary Peter Tremonte, O.P.
The Ambo, where the Word of God is proclaimed and
preached, reminds us of the presence of the Lord in His Word:
spoke from, to and for His people in the midst of those gathered in
his name. The ambo frontice bears an abstract of a grain of
wheat—when it falls on good soil, it springs up and bears fruit in
abundance (Luke 8:4-15). The grain is the Word of God and we
are the soil in which it takes root and grows to the glory of His
Four woods (butternut, teak, white oak and walnut) have been
precision cut to make up the in-laid designs in the altar and ambo
frontices. Each was designed by Sister Mary Peter Tremonte,
O.P. and executed by Hall Manufacturing of San Antonio, TX.
The Marian windows are 16 etched glass panel windows in the
main gathering space to pay honor to Mary, the mother of Jesus,
especially as she appears in salvation history. She is seen as a
woman, helper, daughter, beloved bride, friend and mediator. The
leptat glass technique is a patented process used exclusively by
the Conrad Schmitt Studios of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The
windows were executed there and designed by Sister Mary Peter
Tremonte, O.P.
The organ in our church home is a 13-rank pipe organ
constructed by M. P. Moller Company for our church community.
It has two manual keyboards and a pedal keyboard, each
containing a 16-note compass. Each keyboard has 11 different
stops of the tilting-tab variety and there is also a coupler from the
great organ to the swell to increase the diversity of sound.
The chapel, which opens onto the plaza and into the narthex of
the main church, is in the form of a small tent or pavilion. It has a
fixed seating for 45 and can expand with moveable seating to
accommodate 60. A long-time dream of Fr. Ed Abell, the chapel
offers a place of quiet restfulness, prayer and reflection 24 hours
a day.
The Stations of the Cross (in the chapel) designed by
Sister Mary Peter Tremonte, O.P. encircle the glassed
walls in a band around half the chapel. The furnishings in
wood and bronze continue the materials and design theme
set in the main church space.
Christ the Good Shepherd come to our aid.
Fr. James Burkart
[email protected]
Las estaciones de la Cruz (en la capilla) diseñadas por
hermana Mary Peter Tremonte, O.P. rodean las paredes
del cristal en una banda alrededor de la mitad de la capilla.
Los muebles en madera y bronce continúan los materiales
y el tema de diseño situado en el espacio principal de la
Cristo el buen pastor, ven en nuestra ayuda
Padre James Burkart
[email protected]
Mass Intentions & Scripture Readings
March 29, 2015
29 de Marzo 2015
Intenciones de la misa & Lecturas de la Escritura
*visiting Priest
Mon/Lun, March 30
* Fr. Jones
12 Noon
Carlotita Yepez +
Is 42:1-7 | Ps 27:1,2,3,13-14 | Jn 12:1-11
Tues/Mar, March 31
* Fr. Jones
7:00 am
Teddy DeLeon +
Is 49:1-6 | Ps 71:1-4, 5-6, 15, 17 | Jn 13:21-33, 36-38
Wed/Mie, April 1
9:00 am
Al Lopez Jr. +
Is 50:4-9 | Ps 69:8-10, 21-22, 31, 33-34 | Mt 26:14-25
Thur/Jue, April 2
7:00 pm
Ex 12:1-8, 11-14 | Ps 116:12-13, 15-18 | 1 Cor 11:23-26 | Jn 13:1-15
Fri/Vie, April 3
9:00 am
Is 52:13-53:12 | Ps 31:2,6,12-13, 15-17,25 | Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9 | Jn 18:1-19:42
Sat/Sab, April 4
8:30 am
5:30 pm
Gn 1:1-2:2 | Ps 33:4-7, 12-13, 20, 22 | Gn 22:1-18 | Ps 16:5,8,9-11 | Ex 14:15-15:1 | Ex 15:16,17-18 | Is 54:5-14 | Ps 30:2,4-6,11-13,| Is 55:1-11 | Is 12:2-6 | Bar 3:9-15,324:4 | Ps 19:8-11 |
Ez 36:16-17,18-28 | Ps 42:3,5;43:3,4 | Rom 6:3-11 | Ps 118:1-2,16-17,22-23 | Mk 16:1-7
Sun/Dom, April 5
*Fr. Scott Reilly
*Fr. Scott Reilly
*Fr. Scott Reilly
6:30 am
9:00 am
9:15 am
10:45 am
12:30 pm
2:00 pm
Margaret /Robert McKenna +
Anna Ferrere +
Crawford/Graciano Parents + Acts 10:34, 37-43 | Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23 | Col 3:1-4 | Jn 20:1-9
Dominick Priest
People of the Parish
Asunsion Mendoza +
Eugene Sliva
Priscila Diaz
Brian Niechwiej
Robert “Bob” Young
Leny Chan
Pauline Rodgers
For the weekend of / Para el fin de semana March 21/22
Weekly Contribution / Contribución seminal
$ 40,980.
Weekly Budgeted / Presupuesto semanal
$ 37,087.
Over (Under) / Sobre (Bajo)
$ 3,893.
FaithDirect—Parish eGiving / eGiving de la parroquia
Number of Participants / Número de participantes
Sign up today for Regular Enrollment!
¡Inscribase en línea hoy! CGS code is TX665
Diocesan Services Fund / Fondos de Servicios Diocesanos
2015 Parish Goal / 2015 Meta Parroquia
Pledged to date / Comprometidos hasta fecha
Total Amount Paid / Cantidad Total Pagada
Amount still owed / Cantidad total que se debe
Number of Participants / Número de participantes
Thank you for your continued support and generosity!
¡Gracias por su apoyo y generosidad!
We will NOT be celebrating the Sacrament
of Reconciliation on Holy Thursday, April 2
or Holy Saturday, April 4.
No se celebrara el Sacramento de la
Reconciliación durante la Semana Santa los
días 2 y 4 de abril.
Together, let us pray for the needs of our
brothers and sisters, for those in the military,
and those we hold in our hearts.
Juntos, oremos por las necesidades de
nuestros hermanos y hermanas, para los
militares y los que guardamos en nuestro
Sue Frey, David Wagner, Natalie Pate, Joe Johnson, Lucille
Isam, Elvis Ray Isam, Rita Doyle, Peggy Sullivan, Martha
Corbett, Clarence Bronger, Marie Calhoun, Kim Warwick,
Michael J. Soroka, Bob & Kathie Binkle, Fr. John Upton.
During the season of Lent and Easter, Christians around the world
are united in a special way with the Holy Land. Our hearts and
minds and prayers are especially aware of the special place the
Holy Land has in Salvation History. Keeping Christianity alive in
the Holy Land is an urgent need. Recent events have been
especially challenging for Christian communities. All Christians are
called to assist our brothers and sisters who now live in the land
that was sanctified by the Lord’s life, death and resurrection. On
Good Friday, April 3 we will have a collection to support
Christianity in the Holy Land. Thank you for your generosity.
Durante la temporada de Cuaresma y semana Santa, los
cristianos alrededor del mundo están Unidos en forma especial
con la Tierra Santa. Nuestros corazones, mentes y oraciones
son especialmente conscientes del lugar especial que tiene la
Tierra Santa en la historia de salvación. Mantener el cristianismo
vivo en Tierra Santa es una necesidad urgente. Los
acontecimientos recientes han sido especialmente difíciles para
las comunidades cristianas. Todos los cristianos están llamados a
ayudar a nuestros hermanos y hermanas que ahora viven en la
tierra que fue santificada por la vida, muerte y resurrección del
señor. El viernes Santo 3 de abril tendremos una colecta para
apoyar el cristianismo en Tierra Santa. Gracias por su
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is
CANCELLED for April 1st
El 1ro de abril, no estará Expuesto el
Santísimo Sacramento
Junior High & High School
Parents are invited to join us this evening
from 5:30 to 6:45 pm. Please go to your
child’s classroom.
Junior High Youth Group
Grupo de Jóvenes Adolescentes
NO Youth Group this Thursday, April 2nd.
Please attend Holy Thursday Mass 7:30 pm
with your families!
High School Youth Group
NO Youth Group meeting this week!
CGS is starting a young adult
ministry! We would love to hear
what you would like in a
ministry. Contact Mike at
[email protected]
InSight Retreat for Young Women in High School
April 25: 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
An opportunity for high school girls to visit a convent,
interact with Sisters from several congregations who serve
in our Archdiocese, pray together, build friendships, learn
about religious life, share lunch, and ask questions. The day
will be held at the Brothers and Sisters of Charity at St.
Clare Monastery (6921 Cutten Pkwy., Houston, TX 77069)
and end with a 4:00 p.m. Vigil Mass, to which families are
welcome. Registration and permission slips will be
available online.
Men’s Retreat
July 9—12, 2015
Contact: Tom Thibodeau
(281) 831-2252
Women’s Retreat
August 6—9, 2015
Contact: Linda Diaz
(214) 354-7199
On vacation? Out of town? Find a local church at for nationwide mass times & locations
If you were out of town or just
missed the parish blood drive last
weekend, don’t fret. You can make
an appointment to donate, or just
walk-in, at the Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center
(281-440-5900) located at 6935 FM 1960W, Suite A,
Houston, TX 77069 located at the corner of Cutten Road
and FM 1960W or at the one located in the Woodlands
(936-321-8440) at 3901 College Park Drive, Suite 130.
Remember the group code for CGS is 1019.
Discover the Road Less Traveled
Apr. 9, May 14—6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
A monthly discernment gathering at St. Mary’s Seminary
for single young adult men ages 18 and older. Meets every
second Thursday of the month, September to May. Join
priests and seminarians for fellowship, prayer, music,
dinner and talks about the discernment for priesthood and
religious life. 9845 Memorial Dr, Houston, TX 77024.
Deadline to register: April 20. To register, fill out the
registration form and parental consent form. Please click
here for the flyer. Registration and permission slips will
also be available here:
Women Seeking the Road Less Traveled
Apr. 9, May 14 — 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
A monthly discernment gathering for women ages 18 and
older who are discerning a vocation to religious life. Meets
in different convents around the Archdiocese every second
Thursday of the month, September to May. Program
includes supper, a brief presentation and time for sharing,
followed by prayer. Sisters from several religious orders
who live and minister in the Archdiocese will be present.
Information on sites, registration and video about program
is available
CGS Quilt Group and
Interfaith Quilt Bee
Our group will sew and tie quilts of
various sizes. We will be meeting at
the parish every Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
upstairs in the PAC building.
Everyone is welcome. For more information and if
you would like to join our fun group, please call Betty
Lind at 281-251-8818 or e-mail at [email protected].
March 29, 2015
29 de Marzo 2015
JUEVES SANTO · 2 de Abril
7:30 pm Bilingual / Bilingüe
Midnight Prayer
VIERNES SANTO · 3 de Abril
9:00 am Morning Prayer
12 Noon Prayer
1:00 pm The Last 7 Words of Christ
3:00 pm Stations of the Cross (English)
4:00 pm Ultimas 7 palabras
5:00 pm Estaciones de la Cruz (Español)
7:30 pm Bilingual / Bilingüe
SABADO SANTO · 4 de Abril
8:30 am Morning Prayer
8:30 pm Bilingual / Bilingüe
PASCUA · 5 de Abril
Sunrise Service Outside 6:30 am (Bring your lawn chair)
Church Mass Schedule
9:00 am, 10:45 am, 12:30 pm (English)
2:00 pm (Español)
CGS Hall Mass Schedule (overflow mass)
9:15 am
EVENING PRAYER (through 05/24) every Sunday at 7:00 pm except Easter
An intimate weekend to spend together away from the phone, kids, and distractions. A time to discover the
blessing you can be to each other. Renew your passion for each other and God. Weekends are scheduled to
start April 19 and May 15. Sign up at:, or call (713) 482-1791.
"Together in Holiness" Is an annual marriage conference that inspires and empowers couples to grow together in holiness.
May 2, 2015 9:00am to 3:00pm
St. Cecilia Catholic Church / 11720 Joan of Arc Drive / Houston, TX 77024
$45 per couple / $25 per individual (Lunch is included for adult registrants!)
*A limited amount of free childcare is also available with registration. Parents will bring lunches for their children.
Register now:
Rock Solid Marriage: Living the Covenant Conference
A conference for couples of all ages.
Una converencia para parejas de todas las edades.
May 9. 2015 at Christ the Good Shepherd Catholic Community
Please RSVP space is limited!
Por favor llame, envíe un correo electronic, o visite nuestro sitio web para hacer su reservación
Sun / Dom, March 29
RCIA Gathering “Palm Sunday”
RCIA Sacraments Rehearsal
Deacons and Sacristans Rehearsal
Jr. High F.F. Catechist Meeting
Jr. High Faith Formation
High School/College Musicians
High School Faith Formation
Evening Prayer
8:00 a.m.
3:30 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Mon / Lun, March 30 HOLY WEEK no meetings
Church Environment
1:00 p.m.
Tues / Mar, March 31 HOLY WEEK no meetings
Church Environment
8:00 a.m.
Handbell Choir Practice
4:30 p.m.
Wed / Mie, April 1 HOLY WEEK no meetings
Church Envioronment
Deacons and Sacristans Rehearsal
Choir Practice
10:00 a.m.
5:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
Thur/Jue, April 2 OFFICE CLOSES @ NOON
Midnight Prayer
12:00 a.m.
Fri / Vie, April 3 OFFICE CLOSED
Morning Prayer
Noon Prayer
The Last 7 Words
Stations Of the Cross
Las Ultimas 7 Palabras
Estaciones de la Cruz
Passion of the Lord
Sat / Sab, April 4 OFFICE CLOSED
Morning Prayer
Blessing of the Food
9:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
8:30 p.m.
12:00 p.m.
Sun / Dom, April 5 OFFICE CLOSED
Mon / Lun, April 6 OFFICE CLOSED
St. Anne Catholic School – Tomball is hosting a Spring
Open House on Wednesday, April 15. All parents who are
exploring educational opportunities for the 2015-2016 school
year are invited to attend. A special program for parents with
children entering PreK (4 years old) and Kindergarten are
invited to visit the school from 10am – noon. Parents with
children entering PreK (4 year olds) to 8th grade are invited to
visit the school from 1-6pm. Tours of the campus will be
given and registration information will be available. Please
call the school office, 281/351-0093, for more information.
To all newcomers!
Triumph of the Eucharist
The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
(1001 Bissonnet) is hosting an
exhibition by Flemish painter Peter
Paul Rubens from the early 1620’s. It
features paintings and large
tapestries based on his paintings
emphasizing the Blessed Sacrament.
The exhibit continues through May 10, 2015. Entrance to the exhibition
is included with the museum admission, museum members receive free
general admission and Thursdays are free. For more information visit
Triunfo de la Eucaristía
El Museo de Bellas Artes de Houston (1001 Bissonnet) recibe una
exposición de pintor flamenco Peter Paul Rubens desde los primeros
años de 1620 's. Incluye pinturas y grandes tapices basados en sus
pinturas haciendo hincapié en el Santísimo Sacramento. La exposición
continúa hasta el 10 de mayo del 2015. Entrada a la exposición se
incluye con la entrada al museo, los miembros del museo reciben
admisión general gratuita y los jueves son gratis. Para obtener más
información, visite
A Pathway to Peace of Mind
A Free Senior Care Conference
Saturday, April 18
8:30 a.m. – 2:20 p.m.
Prince of Peace Catholic
Community, 19222 Tomball
Parkway, Houston, 77070
(Community Center)
This effort is being coordinated by POP parishioners
who are experienced in the health care field and
understand that most families are ill prepared to deal
with the economic, emotional and physical burden that
caring for a loved one can cause. Having information
and knowing what credible and reliable resources are
available to us can help lighten the load. Each registrant
will pick three workshops to attend and enjoy a hot lunch.
ATTENDING. To pre-register, go to
For question, please contact [email protected]
or call at (713) 410-1172.
Join our parish family!
Newcomers to Christ the Good Shepherd: Please pick up a registration form in the
Narthex or brochure rack at the Front Desk, fill it out and receive your Welcome Packet
from the receptionist.
Recién llegados a Christ the Good Shepherd: Por favor recoja un formulario de inscripción
en el Narthex o estante del folleto en la Recepción, llénelo y reciba su Paquete Bienvenida del recepcionista.
March 29, 2015
29 de Marzo 2015
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the Hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love.
Mariam Ashley Antony
Aaron James Arnona
Gabriela Stephanie Ayala Iraheta
Tyler Bradley Barnes
Karina Stephanie Benitez
Nicholas Graham Bihm
Leslye Briceno
Regine Mikaela Castro
Joseph Anthony Coleman
Michael Patrick Corbett
Joseph Gabriel Couvillon
Kylie Anna Cruz
Joseph Martin Danforth
Ivan Alejandro Delgado
Ezequiel Fernandez Sanchez
Nicholas Andrew Gamboa
Clarissa Genette Garcia
Adriana Gil
Dulce Abigail Contreras
Anthony Ulises Gutierrez
Luis Alexio Hernandez
Brittani Lee Hill
Matthew Robert Hope
Cherilyn Antonio Hwang
Devan Chase Jackson
Jenaro Jacobo
Christopher David Lestage
Alyssa Marie Marino
Zafiro Martinez
Juan Carlos Medina
Christina Renee Mendez
Sarah Michelle Mendez
Madelyn Natalia Molina
Veronica Palacios
Alixin Luciana Paz
Michael Pham Thien Quan
Blanca Estela Plascencia
John Richard Roehrig III
Ivan Salazar Dorantes
Laura Ashley Shelton
Roger Dylan Silva
Victor Manuel Silva-Santiago
Jocelyn Bridget Sorto
Jennifer Sosa Macias
Sarah Elizabeth Stakes
Kevin Antonio Stump Rodriguez
Jasmine Marieanne Vitucci Suarez
Odet Torres
Rachel Marie Townsend Aviles
Matthew Chantharaj Tran
Zachary Paul Trelfa
Cecil Andrew Kwaku Van Lare
Maci Leigh Vincent
Carlos Gabriel Weeber
Madeline Elizabeth Willer
Paige Nicole Willman
Kateleen Zermeno