Our Lady of Guadalupe - Saint Thomas the Apostle

St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston.
1603 Avenue N
Huntsville, TX 77340
Ph. 936.295.8159
Fax 936.295.3543
Second Sunday of Advent
December 6, 2015
Rev. Fred Valone …. Pastor
Felix Ramos . . . . . ... ……Permanent Deacon
Kathy Boscarino . . ………DRE / Youth Minister
Maria Delgado ..…….……Elementary CCE Coordinator
..……….. Dir. of Music Ministry
Jill Baker ……………….. Nursery Coordinator
Dell Wells . . . . . . . . ...…...Bookkeeper
Sylvia Vitela . . . . ……... . Secretary
Laura Puente . . . …….. . . .Custodian
Last Student Mass for the Semester
Sunday, December 6th at 6:00 PM
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Immaculate Conception
of the
Blessed Virgin Mary
Holy Day of Obligation
Tuesday, December 8th
Friday, December 11th
5:00 pm
6:00 pm
7:15 am
7:00 pm
Christmas Flowers
Christmas flowers are being purchased to decorate
our church for Christmas. The flowers may be
donated in memory or in honor of a loved family
member or friend or for some other special
occasion. Please fill in the information requested
below and return to the parish office.
5:30 pm Veronica Antwi and Family
(their intentions)
7:45 am Christopher Everett
10:45 am Dan Shelton
12:30 pm Parishioners
The deadline is Friday, December 18th.
Offering is $20.
_____ in honor of
Mon 12/7
No Mass
Tues 12/8
7:15 am Mary and William Grupa
_____ in memory of
Donated by: _______________________________
_____ in honor of
6:00 pm CSC Intentions
_____ in memory of
7:00 pm Martin Moreno
(special intentions)
Wed 12/9
7:15 am Holy Souls in Purgatory
Thur 12/10
7:15 am Donald Fellers
7:15 am Kathy Miller
6:00 pm OLOG Intentions
5:30 pm Parishioners
7:45 am Tino Castro
10:45 am Cipriano Tovar
Donated by: _______________________________
12:30 pm Perla Marisol de la Fuenta
6:00 pm No Mass
Weekly Readings
Thurs 12/10 Is.41:13-20;Mt.11:11-15
12/11 Is.4817-19;Mt.11:16-19
12/12 Zec.2:14-17;Lk.1:26-38
12/13 Zep.3:14-18;Phil.4:4-7;Lk.3:10-18
That we may resist the lure of
holiday advertising and instead concentrate on the
message of simplicity and trust that is found in the
Christmas manger scene.
“And this is my prayer: that your love may increase
ever more and more in knowledge and every kind of
perception, to discern what is of value…” (Philippians 1:9-10)
Glittery holiday ads can blind us to our stewardship
values and distort our needs and wants. It is important
that during this season of endless buying we remember
that each of us also has the need to give back to God
and to those who are in need.
Stewardship for November 29th: $ 6,740.33
Thank you for your parish support!
GIVING… We make a living by what we get. We
make a life by what we give. - Winston Churchill
Judy Adib, Veronica Antwi, Alma Williams,
James Aubey, Irma Avalos, Gene Barrett, Jordan Bergeron,
Kathy Boscarino, Fidelis Burton, Phillip Caito, Dick
Colgrove, Sunni Cook, Sabrina Coronado, Terry Corral,
Melanie Davis, Margie Eglsaer, Colin Defour, Jose Luis
Ecamilla, Paul Fivel, Diane Fuller, Diana Garcia, Rita
Ghirardi, Winifred Grivich, Mary Gutermuth, Dorothy
Laskoskie, Wilson and Naomi Lede, Andrew Leal, Sam and
Marie Martinez, Becky McGaughey, Cheri McGee, Coby
Meinzer, Carol Mendel, Bill Middleton, Donna Moore, Floyd
and Maryann Moore, Tom Morales, Lourdes Mosqueda,
Paula Phillips, Brenda Piñeda, Odell Rachal, John Raia,
Samuel Ramos, Lillian Rodriguez, Lydia Rodriguez, Maria
Ines Rodriguez, Jack Rumfield, Ana Marie Santos, John
Sarley, Jerry Seaton, Cindy Schwanke, Marilyn Shepherd,
Kayden Bryn Shipley, Wanda H. Smith, Elizabeth Speck,
Tim Speck, Alfredo Torres, Emily Torres, David and
Dorothy Townsend, Margie Turner, Matthew Varnum, Leo
Vasquez, Lupe Vasquez, Joe Vitela, Dell Wells, Rose
Father Fred writes…Saint Bede used the words Miserando atque eligendo [With merciful
love He chose him] to describe Jesus’ selection of Matthew as a disciple. Pope Francis chose these
words as the motto for his papacy. With this as his motto, it is not surprising that Pope Francis has
declared a Jubilee of Mercy to begin on December 8, 2015 and to end the following year on the Solemnity of Christ the King in November, 2016. You can read the full text of Pope Francis’ declaration on the Vatican web site: www.w2.vatican.va. [In the upper right of the web page you can
change the language from Italian to English, if you want.] I share with you a couple of the interesting remarks by the pope in the declaration. Jesus Christ is the face of the Father’s mercy. These words
might well sum up the mystery of the Christian faith…. When faced with the gravity of sin, God responds with
the fullness of mercy. Mercy will always be greater than any sin, and no one can place limits on the love of God
who is ever ready to forgive….. We need constantly to contemplate the mystery of mercy. It is a wellspring of
joy, serenity, and peace… In short, the mercy of God is not an abstract idea, but a concrete reality through
which he reveals his love as that of a father or a mother, moved to the very depths out of love for their child. It
is hardly an exaggeration to say that this is a “visceral” love. It gushes forth from the depths naturally, full of
tenderness and compassion, indulgence and mercy... Mercy: the word reveals the very mystery of the Most Holy
Trinity. Mercy: the ultimate and supreme act by which God comes to meet us. Mercy: the fundamental law that
dwells in the heart of every person who looks sincerely into the eyes of his brothers and sisters on the path of
life. Mercy: the bridge that connects God and man, opening our hearts to a hope of being loved forever despite
our sinfulness…. In short, we are called to show mercy because mercy has first been shown to us. Pardoning
offences becomes the clearest expression of merciful love, and for us Christians it is an imperative from which
we cannot excuse ourselves. At times how hard it seems to forgive! And yet pardon is the instrument placed into
our fragile hands to attain serenity of heart. To let go of anger, wrath, violence, and revenge are necessary conditions to living joyfully. Let us therefore heed the Apostle’s exhortation: “Do not let the sun go down on your
anger” (Ephesians 4:26). Above all, let us listen to the words of Jesus who made mercy as an ideal of life and a
criterion for the credibility of our faith: “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy”: the beatitude to
which we should particularly aspire in this Holy Year…. The Church lives an authentic life when she professes
and proclaims mercy – the most stupendous attribute of the Creator and of the Redeemer – and when she brings
people close to the sources of the Saviour’s mercy, of which she is the trustee and dispenser.
Advent Penance Service Schedule
Servicio de Adviento Penitencial
Wednesday/Miercoles Dec. 2
7:00 pm
Christ Our Light
Thursday/ Jueves
Dec. 3
7:00 pm
St. Stanislaus
Wednesday/Miercoles Dec. 9
7:00 pm
St. Matthias
Dec. 10
6:30 pm
St. Joseph
New Waverly
Tuesday /Martes
Dec. 15
6:30 pm
St. Thomas
Thursday /Jueves
Dec. 17
7:00 pm
Sacred Heart
ELEVEN THREADS MINISTRY - since 2007, we have
been providing prayer blankets, shawls, or lap robes for our
Catholic parishioners who are seriously ill, in nursing homes
and/or convalescent facilities, and baptisms. We are in need
of more "threaders" to keep up with the ministry. If you
crotchet, knit, or want to learn either craft and would like to
consider joining our group or would like more information,
please contact Mary Anne Cook at 295-7049 or Charley
Sanders at 295-0653.
after all Masses on December 12th and 13th. We will have
many types of gifts, large and small, and home made goodies,
in all price ranges. Proceeds are used to help support parish
events and other CDA designated charities. We are also selling delicious Pawnee pecans, 16 oz. bags for $12 each and
“Keep Christ in Christmas” magnets for $5 each. Contact
Sable Losack at 936-295-8003 or ask any CDA member.
News and Events
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Wed., December 9, 2015
Lifeteen and Edge 9:15-10:30
The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary—Mass begins at 7:00 p.m.
The Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy begins today
STAY youth night 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.—our Advent devotion continues w/ Altaration
Upcoming Events
Saturday, Feb 20, 2016
Archdiocesan Junior High Youth Rally—10:30 a.m.—9:00 p.m. @ St. Simon & Jude.
Opened to all 6th, 7th and 8th graders. Registration is due 1/17/2016 Fee: $40.00
Theme: Mercy Games Registration forms can be picked up during Edge, CCE,
Youth Night or online @ www.saintthomashuntsville.org under Faith Formation /
Edge Contact Kathy Boscarino, YM for more information.
What’s Up at the
Catholic Student Center
Joseph Magee, Ph.D., Director – 291-2620 – DSF Supported – http://www.shsu-catholic.org
Week of December 6, 2015
4 pm – Choir Practice
6 pm – Student Mass
Sunday, December 6 @ 7 pm – CSC Christmas Dinner Party
Join us for fun, food, music, games and holiday cheer! There will be an optional gift
exchange ($5 or less), and Christmas carols. Dinner provided by College Knights of Columbus
4 pm – Rosary in the CSC
Faith sharing and
8:30 pm – Men’s Small Group
reflection on the
Women’s Small Group
7 pm – Catholic Bible Study
Wednesday 4 pm – Rosary in the CSC
A faith-filled evening of Scripture,
8 pm – Alive! Praise and Worship Music
prayer, sharing, and great music!
Please Note: This Sunday, December 7, is the final
Student Mass for the
Calendar Year. The 6 p.m. Student Mass will resume January 24.
To all the students and friends of the CSC:
Have a Blessed Advent in preparation for the coming of Our Lord at
Christmas! Have a Merry Christmas and may God continue to bless you in the
New Year!
Palabras de Padre Fred… San Beda el Venerable, comentando esta escena del Evangelio,
escribió que Jesús miró a Mateo con amor misericordioso y lo eligió: miserando atque eligendo. Siempre me
ha cautivado esta expresión, tanto que quise hacerla mi propio lema.
Jesucristo es el rostro de la misericordia del Padre. El misterio de la fe cristiana parece encontrar su síntesis
en esta palabra…. Ante la gravedad del pecado, Dios responde con la plenitud del perdón. La misericordia
siempre será más grande que cualquier pecado y nadie podrá poner un límite al amor de Dios que perdona…
Siempre tenemos necesidad de contemplar el misterio de la misericordia. Es fuente de alegría, de serenidad y
de paz…. Así pues, la misericordia de Dios no es una idea abstracta, sino una realidad concreta con la cual Él
revela su amor, que es como el de un padre o una madre que se conmueven en lo más profundo de sus entrañas por el propio hijo. Vale decir que se trata realmente de un amor “visceral”. Proviene desde lo más íntimo
como un sentimiento profundo, natural, hecho de ternura y compasión, de indulgencia y de perdón…
Misericordia: es la palabra que revela el misterio de la Santísima Trinidad. Misericordia:es el acto último y
supremo con el cual Dios viene a nuestro encuentro. Misericordia: es la ley fundamental que habita en el corazón de cada persona cuando mira con ojos sinceros al hermano que encuentra en el camino de la vida. Misericordia: es la vía que une Dios y el hombre, porque abre el corazón a la esperanza de ser amados no obstante el límite de nuestro pecado…. Así entonces, estamos llamados a vivir de misericordia, porque a nosotros en primer lugar se nos ha aplicado misericordia. El perdón de las ofensas deviene la expresión más evidente del amor misericordioso y para nosotros cristianos es un imperativo del que no podemos prescindir.
¡Cómo es difícil muchas veces perdonar! Y, sin embargo, el perdón es el instrumento puesto en nuestras
frágiles manos para alcanzar la serenidad del corazón. Dejar caer el rencor, la rabia, la violencia y la venganza son condiciones necesarias para vivir felices. Acojamos entonces la exhortación del Apóstol: « No permitan
que la noche los sorprenda enojados » (Ef 4,26). Y sobre todo escuchemos la palabra de Jesús que ha señalado la misericordia como ideal de vida y como criterio de credibilidad de nuestra fe. « Dichosos los misericordiosos, porque encontrarán misericordia » es la bienaventuranza en la que hay que inspirarse durante este
Año Santo…. La Iglesia vive una vida auténtica, cuando profesa y proclama la misericordia – el atributo más
estupendo del Creador y del Redentor – y cuando acerca a los hombres a las fuentes de la misericordia del
Salvador, de las que es depositaria y dispensadora.
REFLEXION… Para que seamos Fuertes frente al atractivo de la publicidad festiva y nos concentremos en el
mensaje de simplicidad y confianza que encontramos en la escena del pesebre navideño.
“Esto es lo que pido en oración: que el amor de ustedes abunde cada vez más en conocimiento y en buen juicio, para
que disciernan lo que es major…” (Filipenses 1:9-10)
Los brillantes avisos comerciales nos pueden cegar en nuestros valores de servicio y distorsionar nuestras
necesidades y deseos. Es importante que, durante esta temporada de un sin fin de compras, recordemos que cada uno
de nosotros también tiene la necesidad de devolverle la mano a Dios y a acquellos que lo necesitan.
CHRISTMAS PROJECT… Want to help? Please join us in the CCE building:
Dec. 14
1:00 pm to 5:00-ish pm
setting up tables, moving boxes and gifts
Dec. 15
3:00 till task is finished
inventorying gifts
Wednesday Dec. 16
3:00 till task is finished
shopping, wrapping, etc
Dec. 17
3:00 till task is finished
Dec. 18
3:00 till task is finished
fill food boxes, goodie bags, any last minute anything
Dec. 19
9:00 am
deliveries to families
Contact Mary at 936-581-2855 or [email protected] for more information.