mass schedule - Immaculate Conception Church

Immaculate Conception Church
P.O. Box 1866 • 22 North 13th Street • Fort Smith, Arkansas 72902 • @IC_Church •
ICChurchFortSmith • Instagram: @icchurch
Sunday in
Welcome to our Parish!
January 31th, 2016
Pastor: Rev. John Antony
Assoc. Pastors: Rev. Pius Iwu
Rev. Joseph Shantiraj
Deacons: Dc. Greg Pair
Dc. César Villafranca
Dc. Charles Kuehl
Dc. Ron Mathews
Church Office...................................783-7963
I.C. School........................................783-6798
Msgr. Wm. Galvin Parish Center......783-7961
St. Anne’s Hall .................................783-0423
Fax Machine Number.......................783-7865
Cindy McNally, Parish
Business Manager…........................785-7970
Deacon Greg Pair, Director
of Lay Ministry..............................785-7972
Life Teen Youth Office.…….............783-2603
Spanish Office..................................785-7978
Religious Education..........................783-7497
RCIA Office .....................................783-7963
Marriage Advocate...........................783-7963
Short term prayers for the Prayer Chain
452-9464 or 452-8222
“The mission of Immaculate Conception
Catholic Church is to proclaim the gospel
message of Jesus through Word, Sacraments
and Works: to form our community in the
traditions and teachings of our Catholic faith, to
care for one another and the community at
large and to bring others to know Jesus by our
witness and example”.
Monday, February 1st
7:00 a.m. Dennis Nesloner †
Tuesday, February 2nd
7:00 a.m. Betsy Schluterman †
5:00 p.m. Confessions @ Chapel
6:00 p.m. Sp. Mass @ Chapel
Wednesday, February 3rd
7:00 a.m. Rose Latta †
Thursday, February 4th
7:00 a.m. Bob Halliburton Anniv.†
5:00 p.m. Confessions @ Chapel
6:00 p.m. Sp. Mass @ Chapel
Friday, February 5th
7:00 a.m. Lawrence Kaelin †
10:00 a.m. Ed Marin †
Saturday, February 6th
7:00 a.m. Dick Worden †
3:30 p.m. Confessions @ Church
5:00 p.m. Deed Wewers †
Sunday, February 7th
7:30 a.m. Lee Hoover †
9:30 a.m. Mass @ St. Leo’s
10:00 a.m. Intentions of
12:00 Noon Juan Fernandez †
2:00 p.m. Ana María Martínez
de Regalado †
5:00 p.m. Marc Soucy †
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 31st, 2016
Faith, hope, and love remain, these three; but the greatest
of these is love. — 1 Corinthians 13:13
The Great Hymn to Love
It is doubtful that Saint Paul, when he sat down to write what we now know as the
thirteenth chapter of First Corinthians, knew that he was penning what was to become
one of the keystones of Christian ethics. In this brief passage, he set down ideals about
love that have held fast through the centuries. Sometimes we may think that because
these are ideals to which we aspire, we are excused from them in our daily living.
But what Paul was writing was a letter to his friends, providing
them with some sound advice about what it meant—and still
means—to live in love, day by day, as a follower of Christ. We
find in his words to his friends a broadening of the great
commands of Jesus to love God and neighbor. Today we
hear what this love must look like in our own actions, and how
it ought to guide our relationships with others.
What’s on the cover?
The Immaculate Conception Church English Choir!
The amazing choir members dedicated lots of rehearsal hours to put together the music
programs for two special occasions: Christmas Midnight Mass and the Equestrian Order
of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem Mass that took place on Friday, January 15th.
A note from the Choir Director, Rick Foti,
What an honor it was to have our Archbishop and Bishop together concelebrating Mass
at IC Church! The Equestrian Order had been trying to arrange that ever since
Archbishop Coakley was installed. It was our pleasure as IC Church musicians to provide
the musical settings for this event. As a member of the Order, I chose music that is
particularly loved by all of us, or had a special meaning. The Order seems to never meet
without singing Lift High the Cross so we did a special arrangement of it. Most of the
Order has made at least one trip to the Holy Land, and we end every daily Mass there
with Jerusalem, My Destiny, so we had to end the service with that song. The
communion hymn was introduced to me at the last meeting in Austin, and we selected
the choral prelude because of its special words, Oh pray for the peace of Jerusalem. The
next step was to arrange the choir pieces for voices and instruments, and that was done
by our very talented organist, Lawrence Odom. The service was a blessing to us, and we
hope the music was to all the
We are so grateful to all the
choir members for offering
their time and talent to
serve our church
community and delight us
with their beautiful voices!
Welcome to our Parish!
Become a part of our Church family! We
invite you to fill out a registration form! You
can find one on our website or
come by the Church Office to pick one up.
Readings of the Week
Monday: 2 Sm 15:13-14, 30; 16:5-13; Ps 3:2-7;
Mk 5:1-20
Tuesday: Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18;
Lk 2:22-40 [22-32]
Wednesday: 2 Sm 24:2, 9-17; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7;
Mk 6:1-6
Thursday: 1 Kgs 2:1-4, 10-12; 1 Chr 29:10-12;
Mk 6:7-13
Friday: Sir 47:2-11; Ps 18:31, 47, 50, 51; Mk 6:14-29
Saturday: 1 Kgs 3:4-13; Ps 119:9-14; Mk 6:30-34
Sunday: Is 6:1-2a, 3-8; Ps 138:1-5, 7-8;
1 Cor 15:1-11 [3-8, 11]; Lk 5:1-11
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
By offering Married Couples the beautiful experience
of a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend, the
Catholic Church is affirming and supporting you in
your chosen vocation – Marriage. Take advantage of
this great gift to enhance your relationship and enjoy a
love-filled weekend away together. The next
Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are at
Subiaco, Arkansas, February 1214, 2016 and at Memphis – Our
Lady Queen of Peace Retreat
Center, April 15-17, 2016. Space is
limited. For more information or to
apply call Stephen and Elaine
Lienhart at 501-312-1119 or
email [email protected] or
apply online at
Geography Bee Winner!
Congratulations to 6th grader Grecia Gonzalez for
winning the Immaculate Conception School
Geography Bee. Congratulations to Grecia
and all the wonderful participants!
Long Term Prayer List. Patricia Brown, Mark Nicholson, Stephanie Fudge, Judy Sosebee, Irene Belcher, Stacy Caldwell, Sr., Louis Ferrari,
Savannah Sosebee, Ruth Tinder, Andrea Williams, Olivia Wilbanks, Betty Wasson, Vera Moreton, Catherine Cabrera, Ryan Gammon, Tina
Wollek, Debbie Shownes, Olga Portillo, Carroll Willey, Don Shafer, John Armstrong, Esther Lopez, Michael Kramer, Mackenzie Campbell, William
Millar, Robert Sanford, Leroy Peer, Virginia Olsson, John Gaffney, Anne Marie Richards, Mary Memmolo, Marcie Beland, Harold Willie, Radley
O’Neal, Jean Hendricks, Tina Mayfield, Lenice Meyers, Aiden Alder, Rosewitha Goodman, Fran Schneider, Kim Borengasser, Mark Gabbard,
Mary Carolyn Borengasser, Liz Schneider, Carrie Gray, Dahilia Gray, Betty Garth, Marilyn Branlett, Lola Hatfield, Paula Lloyd, Mary Williams, Joe
Buergler, Tony Scherrey, Betty Chaney, Peggy Sutterfield, Scott Koch, Claudie Higgins, Riley Beck, Austin Eoff, Mary Allen, Todd Wieley, Peggy
Weidman, Diane Hart, Jackson Fredrick, June Falleur Laws, Nancy Sickmann, Delores & Edmond Procter, Evelyn Wofford, George Moschner,
Sonia Whitfield, Mandy Wasson Cockrane, Dale English, Olivia Neuman, Leah Metheny, Nancy Gibson, Dorothy McNamar, Rose Glover, Charlie
Aboloc, J.B. Meyers, Kerrie Gilliland, Henry Brook Dix, Bruce Bontemps, Rick Conger, Wally Russell, John Anthony Williams, Cari Nolte Burgess,
Mary Frances Roebuck, Deacon Matt Post, Sr. Aubrey, Stager Family, Tina Marie Collins, Chad Bruning, Terry Vaughn, Ray Conrad, Eddie
Wakefield, Wincie Hendricks, Bonnie Thacker, Ryan Jacob Morris.
Sunday, January 31st: 2nd Collection for I.C. School
9:00 A.M. Sp. P.G. Evangelization meets in
St. Anne’s Bldg. (3rd Floor)
9:30 A.M. Sunday School (3 & 4 yr. olds) in Sunday School Rm
10:00 A.M. Babysitting during Mass in St. Anne’s Building
11:00 A.M. Catholic Schools Week Kick-Off in Parish Center
1:30 P.M. 1st Communion Class meet in St. Anne’s Bldg.
(3rd Floor)
6:00 P.M. Confirmation Session meets in Parish Center
6:00 P.M. Bible Time Line Study meets in Common Room
6:30 P.M. Life Teen Night in Youth Building
Monday, February 1st: Grandperson’s Day (CSW)
6:00 P.M. Revelation Bible Study meets in Common Room
6:30 P.M. Bingo Night in the Parish Center
6:30 P.M. Amistad Ladies Group meets St. Anne’s Hall
7:00 P.M. Spanish Choir meets in St. Anne’s Bldg. (4th Floor)
Tuesday, February 2nd
10:00 A.M. Ladies Auxiliary business Meeting in St. Anne’s Hall
12:30 P.M. Symbolon Bible Study meets in Common Room
3:30 P.M. Sisters of Mercy Reading Program meets in
St. Anne´s Hall
6:00 P.M. Sp. Prayer Group Choir meets in St. Anne’s Hall
6:30 P.M. Sp. School of Leaders meets in Green Room
7:00 P.M. Life Teen Band practice in the Church
7:00 P.M. RCIA and RICA meet in St. Anne’s Bldg. (4th Floor)
7:00 P.M. Bible Time Line Study meets in Common Room
Wednesday, February 3rd
9:00 A.M. IC Ladies Auxiliary meet at St. Anne’s Building
10:45 A.M. Study of Mother Theresa meets in Common Room
5:30 P.M. Boy Scouts meet in Parish Center
6:30 P.M. Bible Timeline Study meets in Bishop’s Room
Thursday, February 4th: IC School Faculty Luncheon
10:00 A.M. Gospel of John Study meets in Common Room
1:30 P.M. RCIA meets in Common & Bride’s Room
6:00 P.M. Make-Up Sessions for Confirmation in Bishops’ Rm.
6:00 P.M. Bible Time Line Study meets in Common Room
7:00 P.M. Sp. Choir Practice in the Church
7:00 P.M. Sp. Prayer Group Leaders meet in St. Anne’s Hall
7:00 P.M. K of C Holy Hour in the Chapel
Friday, February 5th
6:00 A.M. Men of Faith meet in Youth Center
7:00 P.M. EPJ meets in St. Anne’s Bldg. (3rd Floor)
Saturday, February 6th
8:00 A.M. Sp. NFP meets in St. Anne’s Hall
11:00 A.M. Sp. Ultreya meets in Green Room
4:00 P.M. FN 14-17 meets in St. Anne’s Bldg. (3rd Floor)
4:00 P.M. Transforming Force meets in Sunday School Room
5:00 P.M. Nuevo Amanecer meets in St. Anne’s Bldg (3rd Flr.)
6:30 P.M. Sp. Prayer Group meets in St. Anne’s Hall
7:00 P.M. Soldiers of Christ meet in Youth Building
Sunday, February 7th
9:00 A.M. Sp. P.G. Evangelization meets in
St. Anne’s Bldg. (3rd Floor)
9:00A.M. Boy Scouts meet in Parish Center
9:30 A.M. Sunday School (3 & 4 yr. olds) in Sunday School Rm
10:00 A.M. Babysitting during Mass in St. Anne’s Building
1:30 P.M. 1st Communion Class meet in St. Anne’s Bldg.
(3rd Floor)
6:00 P.M. Confirmation Session meets in Parish Center
6:30 P.M. Life Teen Night in Youth Building
Second Collection for Capital Campaign
Next weekend (Feb 6-7), we will have a
second collection for our Restoring to Glory
Capital Campaign. We ask you to prayerfully
consider giving generously to this campaign.
This week we want to recognize Rick Foti for offering his time and
talent as Choir Director.
Thank you for everything you do for our church!
Shadow Days in Subiaco Academy
Subiaco Academy –a Catholic, Benedictine boarding and day school for boys in
grades 7-12 located just east of Fort Smith, Arkansas at Subiaco Abbey open to boys
in grades 6-10- is offering Shadow Days for interested students and their parents to
visit and explore the Academy’s junior and senior high college prep program.
Activities include campus tours, shadowing students, and information
sessions with teachers and members of the administration. For more
information, or to reserve a place for a Shadow Day, please contact the
Subiaco Academy admissions office at 479-934-1034 or email
[email protected]. Learn more at our website
Project Rachel: Post-Abortion Support Group
Do you feel alone, hurting or unforgiven from a past abortion? The Respect Life
Office, through Project Rachel, is starting a support group, beginning February 15,
2016. The spiritual journey lasts 11 weeks, with small groups of 68. Groups will be formed in Little Rock, Fayetteville/Rogers,
possibly Northeast Arkansas, and the Hot Springs area. All names
and meeting places are strictly confidential. For details call 501-664
-0340, ext. 357. All inquiries must be made by February 15, 2016.
Baseball Signups
Immaculate Conception baseball signups will be held on Sunday January 31st from
9:00 am to 12 Noon in the Msgr. Galvin Parish Center Foyer. The IC program is for
boys and girls age 4-15. Signups will close on February 15th, or when a
team reaches capacity as determined by the coaches. Registration fee
is $85, uniforms and equipment are extra. Any questions or interested
in coaching contact Chris Millard 719-2765 or [email protected]
Heart to Heart Baby Bottle Campaign: Jan 24th to Feb 21st
Heart to Heart Pregnancy Support Center will be sponsoring its Baby Bottle
Campaign during the “Sanctity of Life” Month. Please take home a bottle and fill it with
cash, coins, or checks and help Heart to Heart in its Pro-life Ministry through 2016.
The bottles are available at the North and West entrance of the Church
and need to be returned to the church on the weekend of February 20th
and 21st, 2016. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Heart
to Heart at 452-2260 or email [email protected].
RCIA: Rite of Sending and Rite of Election
On Sunday, February 7, 2016 at the 10:00 A.M. Mass we mark another important
turning point in the faith journey of our catechumens and candidates going through
the RCIA process for initiation. In the Rite of Sending our church affirms the
decision of these people to begin their final preparation for receiving the sacraments
of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) at the Easter Vigil. The following
Saturday, February 13th, the catechumens and candidates will be presented to
Bishop Anthony B. Taylor at the Rite of Election at St. Vincent de Paul Church in
Rogers, Arkansas at 2:00 P.M. Bishop Taylor, our sign of
unity with the universal church, will call them to a period of
intensified preparation during the season of Lent. We rejoice,
not so much because of what the catechumens and
candidates have accomplished, but because we recognize
God’s grace working in their lives.
Trinity Junior High Super Bowl Packs
Includes: Art’s BBQ Ribs, Pint of Beans and Coleslaw for $30. Please return
all orders to Trinity Junior High by February 1st by Noon. You can drop off
at Trinity’s office or email [email protected]. Pick up will be on
February 3rd between 9-12 at Trinity Junior High. All proceeds will help with
cost for new sports uniforms. Sponsored by Trinity Booster Club
St. Scholastica Gift Shop
We are back to our regular schedule! M-W-F from 9:30 am - 3:30 pm and
most Saturdays from 12:30-3:00 pm. You can always shop online at
Religious Education
Sunday School for children ages 3 & 4.
We are offering this program during the 10:00am
Mass on Sunday. If you have a child in these age
groups, and you are interested in participating,
please contact Surennah Werley.
Virtus Training Sessions
Every volunteer (including Ministers at Mass) and employee in
Immaculate Conception Church and School, that has any contact
with children, is required by our Diocese to
participate in this program. The next opportunity
for this training is: Saturday, February 13th at
9:00am in the St. Anne’s Building.
Adult Bible Study:
Symbolon - The Catholic Faith Explained: Tuesdays at 12:30pm
Common Room facilitated by Surennah Werley
The Gospel of John- Jesus, the Eternal Word: A Catholic Way
Bible Study on Thursdays at 10:00am in the Common Room
facilitated by Maria Muylaert
February 5
Registration and Welcome; Introduction to John DVD
February 11 Chapter 1:1 – 18 The Word
February 18 Chapter 1:19 – 51 The Testimony of John the Baptist
February 25 Chapter 2 Wedding at Cana; Cleansing of Temple
March 3
Chapter 3 Nicodemus (Baptism)
March 10
Chapter 4 Samaritan Woman; Second Sign at Cana
Please contact Surennah Werley 479-783-7497 or
[email protected] if you are interested in attending any
of these classes or volunteering in the programs.
Catholic Schools Week Schedule Jan 31st - Feb 5th
The theme for 2016 is “Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith,
Knowledge and Service. This is how we will celebrate!
Sunday, Jan 31st: Brunch and Art Show after the 10:00 am Mass
in the Parish Center and Open House from 12:30 pm -2:00 pm for
prospective families.
Monday, February 1st: Grandperson’s Day breakfast
Tuesday, February 2nd: Balloon Rosary Launch at 2:00 pm on the
field and Family Spirit Night at Larry’s Pizza.
Wednesday, February 3rd: Support Heart to
Heart Pregnancy Resource Center.
Thursday, February 4th: Faculty and staff
special lunch.
Friday, February 5th: Mass at 10:00 and an
afternoon of fun and games at the Gym.
Perpetual Adoration Chapel in St. Boniface
Please call Rudy and Dorothy Gramlich at 452-7595 or
John and Joyce Becker at 783-8569 if you are interested in
becoming an adorer. We need adorers for Wednesday
11:00 am and Friday 3:00 pm.
Ladies Auxiliary Business Meeting
All the ladies are invited to attend the Ladies Auxiliary meeting on
February 2nd at 10:00 am in St. Anne’s Hall. We will
be discussing upcoming Lenten functions. Please
remember to bring a can good and/or new socks for
all ages, to be given to the Clothes Closet.
St. Scholastica Retreat
Dreams: Lost Language of God: February 19-21, 2016.
This workshop shows you how to begin recognizing, understanding and
interpreting the Voice of God in your dreams. Jungian Therapist Diana
McKendree and Pastor Lance Sawyer team up to bring you a method of
dream-work which blends the best of Jungian psychology with the sacred
biblical tradition. Cost: Resident $195.00 Commuter
$150.00. A $50.00 non-refundable, non-transferable
deposit is required at time of registration. For more
information, or to register, visit or call 479.783.1135.
Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University
Learn God’s ways of handling money with Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace
University! The average turnaround is $8,000 in just the first
three months! The class will start on February 16th at
Immaculate Conception Church and will run for nine
weeks. For more information or to sign up for the class,
please contact Ron Novak at 479-806-3168. The class is
open to the first 25 couples.
Life Teen Schedule
January 31- LIFE NIGHT
February 7- NO LIFE NIGHT
February 14- LIFE NIGHT
February 21- LIFE NIGHT
Ignatian Retreat Opportunity
Deepen your friendship with the Lord in sacred stillness & quiet.
Experience an Ignatian Silent Directed Retreat at St. John's Center, Little
Rock. The retreat begins Thursday, March 17 with dinner
at 6:00 pm and ends Sunday, March 20 after lunch. A cost
of $300.00 includes 3 night accommodations, 9 meals, and
daily individual sessions with a retreat director. For details,
contact the Office of Faith Formation at 501-664-0340 ext.
323. Registration forms are available at
Limited spaces available.
River City Catholic Singles News
February 7th– Super Bowl Party- Cecilia Williams has invited everyone
to come watch the Super Bowl at her home!!! Bring snacks or desserts.
We will carpool from CTK parking lot at 3:00 p.m. We will have a football
pot to make it a bit more interesting…Call Cecilia at 918-427-1239 for more
Open Membership Meeting: We will NOT have a meeting in February.
We will have a short meeting on February 7th at the Super Bowl Party.
February 14th - Valentine Dinner at 3:00 pm- Join us at Judy
Fergeson’s, 6308 Parkfront Drive, for a POT LUCK dinner! Bring your
favorite dish. For more info call Judy at 646-1805
The Catholic Diocese of Little Rock is committed to protecting children
and young people. If you are aware of abuse or have been abused by
Clerics, Church volunteers or Church workers, please contact the Vicar
General for the Diocese of Little Rock at (501)664-0340 ext. #361, and the
State of Arkansas Hotline for crimes against Children at 1-800-482-5964.
For pastoral assistance please contact the Victim Assistance Coordinator for
the Diocese of Little Rock, Drs. George and Sherry Simon at (501)7666001. Diocesan Offices, 2500 No. Tyler Street, Little Rock, AR 72207.
Last Sunday
YTD Weekly
Income Budget
Over (Short)
Sunday Collection
Building Repair Fund
Total Attendance: 1822
Envelopes Sent: 904
Total Envelopes Used: 465 Electronic Giving: 62
St. Leo´s Hartford: $239.00
Black and Indian Missions: $20.00
4to Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
31 de Enero del 2016
Ahora tenemos estas tres virtudes: la fe, la esperanza, y el
amor; pero el amor es la mayor de las tres. — 1 Corintios 13:13
Horario para rezar el Santo Rosario
Enero 31 Estela Manjarrez
Febrero 7 José y Delia Rosales
Febrero 14 Mario y Leticia Sánchez
Febrero 21 José Antonio Barrios
Febrero 28 Jesús y Margarita Martínez
Si deseas rezar el Rosario en los próximos meses llama a Mariella Araujo al
Por años, varias mujeres han propuesto que encontremos una
manera de reunirnos semanalmente en las tardes para
compartir nuestros talentos, recetas, culturas, idiomas y
corazones. Hemos creado un grupo similar que se reúne los
Lunes de 6:30 a 8:00 pm en el Edificio
Juvenil. Ven cuando puedas y por el tiempo que
puedas. Los fondos que recaudamos los
utilizamos para ayudar a las personas
necesitadas de nuestra comunidad parroquial.
El Gran Himno al Amor
Cabe dudar que, cuando san Pablo se sentó a escribir lo que ahora conocemos
como el capítulo trece de la primera carta a los corintios, supiera que lo que
estaba escribiendo se convertiría en una clave principal de la ética cristiana. En
este breve pasaje, ha consignado ideales sobre el amor que se han mantenido
firmes en el transcurso de los siglos. A veces pensamos que porque estos son
sólo ideales a los que uno aspira, estamos libres de no practicarlos en nuestra
vida diaria.
Lo que Pablo estaba escribiendo era una carta a
sus amigos, dándoles buenos consejos sobre lo que
significaba –y todavía significa– vivir en el amor, día
a día, en seguimiento de Cristo. Encontramos en las
palabras a sus amigos una ampliación del gran
mandamiento de Jesús de amar a Dios y al prójimo.
Hoy en día escuchamos cómo este amor debe
expresarse en nuestras acciones, y cómo debe regir
nuestras relaciones con los demás.
Capilla de Adoración en San Bonifacio
Por favor llamen a Rudy y Dorothy Gramlich al 452-7595 o con John
y Joyce Becker al 783-8569 si están interesados en formar parte del
grupo de adoradores. Necesitamos adoradores para Miércoles a
las 4:00 pm, Jueves a las 2:00 pm y Viernes a las 3:00 pm.
¡Concurso de Geografía!
Felicidades a Grecia González por haber ganado el Concurso de
Geografía de la Escuela de la Inmaculada Concepción.
¡Felicidades a Grecia y a todos los maravillosos participantes!
Semana de Escuelas Católicas del 2016: Enero 31 - Febrero 5
El tema de la Semana de Escuelas Católica del 2016 es “Escuelas Católicas:
Comunidades de Fe, Conocimiento y Servicio.”
En la Escuela de la Inmaculada Concepción celebraremos así:
Domingo, 31 de Enero: Merienda y Show de Arte después de la Misa de las
10:00 am en el Salón Parroquial y Tour por la escuela para las familias
prospecto de 12:30 pm a 2:00 pm.
Lunes, 1 de Febrero: Celebración del Día de los Abuelos con un desayuno
Martes, 2 de Febrero: Rosario de globos a las 2:00 pm en el campo de la
escuela y una Noche de Espíritu Familiar en Larry’s Pizza.
Miércoles, 3 de Febrero: Apoyo al Centro de Apoyo para
el Embarazo Heart to Heart
Jueves 4 de Febrero: Merienda especial para maestros y
personal administrativo.
Viernes 5 de Febrero: Celebraremos a los estudiantes
con una Misa a las 10:00 am, seguida de una tarde de
diversión y juegos en el gimnasio.
La fe espera de Dios lo que está más allá de toda expectativa. —Andrew Murray
Regístrate en Nuestra Parroquia
¿Acabas de llegar a Fort Smith? ¿Nunca te has registrado?
¡Te invitamos a llenar una forma de
registro! Puedes encontrarla en nuestro
sitio web en Español
Viacrusis Viviente
Necesitamos voluntarios para el Viacrusis
Viviente que pondremos en escena el
Viernes Santo (25 de Marzo). Interesados,
por favor comuníquense con Candelario
Galván al 479-462-5065 o con Juan Mota
Campaña de Biberones del Centro de Apoyo en
el Embarazo Heart to Heart.
El Centro de Apoyo en el Embarazo Heart to Heart estará
patrocinando la Campaña de Biberones durante el mes de la
“Santidad de la Vida” (Del 24 de Enero al 21 de Febrero). Los
están disponibles en las entradas de la iglesia. Por favor
llévense un biberón a su casa y llénenlo con efectivo, monedas
o cheques, y ayuden a Heart to Heart en el Ministerio Por la
Vida durante el 2016. Los biberones
beberán regresar a la iglesia el fin de
semana del 20 y 21 de Febrero. Para
mayores informes, por favor llamen a Heart
to Heart al 479-452-2260 o al correo
[email protected].
Paquetes de BBQ para el Super Bowl de la
Escuela Secundaria Trinity
Incluye Costillas de BBQ de Art, frijoles y ensalada por $30.
Por favor, hagan llegar sus órdenes a la Escuela Secundaria
Trinity antes del 1 de Febrero a las 12:00 pm. Puedes entregar
tu orden en la Oficina Escolar de Trinity o envía un correo a
[email protected]. Las ordenes estarán listas el 3 de
Febrero de 9:00 am a 12:00 pm en la Secundaria
Trinity. Todo lo recaudado será destinado a ayudar
a cubrir los gastos de los nuevos uniformes.
Patrocinado por el Club de Aficionados de Trinity.
RICA: Rito de Envío y Elección
Rito de Envío: Domingo 7 de Febrero durante la Misa de las
10:00 am Rito de Elección: Sábado 13 de Febrero a las 2:00
pm en la Iglesia de San Vicente de Paul en Rogers.
¿Qué está en la portada?
¡El Coro de Inglés de la Inmaculada Concepción!
Los maravillosos miembros del coro dedicaron muchas horas de
ensayo para llevar a cabo dos programas musicales para dos
ocasiones especiales: Misa de Navidad de Medianoche y la Misa de
la Orden Ecuestre del Santo Sepulcro de Jerusalén que se llevó a
cabo el 15 de Enero.
Una nota del Director del Coro, Rick Foti,
¡Que honor ha sido tener a nuestro Obispo y Arzobispo celebrando
juntos la Misa en la Inmaculada Concepción! La Orden Ecuestre ha
estado intentando organizar esta Misa desde que el Arzobispo
Coakle fue instaurado. Fue un placer para los músicos de la
Inmaculada Concepción proporcionar la música para este evento.
Como miembro de la Orden, elegí la música que es querida por
nosotros o que tiene un significado muy especial. Al parecer, la
Orden no se reúne sin cantar la “Lift High the Cross” (Levanta en
Alto la Cruz) así que hicimos un arreglo especial. La mayoría de la
Orden ha visitado la Tierra Santa y ahí terminamos cada Misa con
“Jerusalem, My Destiny” (Jerusalén, mi destino) así que terminamos
la Misa con esa canción. El himno de la Comunión lo conocí en
nuestra reciente junta el Austin y la elegimos por las palabras
especiales “Oh pray for the peace en Jerusalem” (Ora por la paz en
Jerusalén). El siguiente paso fue hacer los arreglos para las voces y
los instrumentos y eso fue hecho por nuestro talentoso organista,
Lawrence Odom. La Misa fue una bendición para nosotros y
esperamos que la música lo haya sido para todos los asistentes.
¡Estamos muy agradecidos con los miembros del coro por
ofrecer su tiempo y su talento para el servicio de nuestra
comunidad de la iglesia y deleitarnos con sus hermosas voces!
Nuestra Iglesia en Tu Idioma
Esta semana queremos reconocer a Rick Foti por ofrecer su
tiempo y su talento como Director del Coro de Inglés.
¡Muchas gracias por todo lo que hacen por nuestra
Programa de Contribuciones Automáticas
Apoya el trabajo de Dios en la Iglesia de la Inmaculada Concepción aún
cuando estés de vacaciones, en caso de enfermedad o
que por alguna causa no puedas asistir a Misa. Para
más información comunícate a la Oficina Parroquial o
Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial
¿Por qué se quedan conformes con un matrimonio magnifico cuando
pueden tener un matrimonio ideal? El Encuentro Matrimonial es un
programa de 44 horas en donde las parejas pueden alejarse del trabajo, los
niños, las tareas de la casa y el teléfono para enfocarse solo uno al otro. Si
están buscando que su relación crezca, sea más profunda, y más
enriquecida. Entonces les gustará la diferencia que
puede hacer en ustedes un Fin de Semana del Encuentro
Matrimonial Mundial. El próximo Fin de Semana del
Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial estará en Centro de San
Juan, Little Rock, AR, febrero 12, 13, 14, 2016. Para más
información o para registrarse, llama a Arnulfo y Alicia
Manjarrez, 479-285-1100 o 479-285-9087.
Inscripciones del Beisbol
Las inscripciones del Beisbol de la Iglesia de la Inmaculada Concepción se
llevaran a cabo el 31 de Enero de 9:00 am a 12:00 pm en el Salón
Parroquial. Las inscripciones se llevaran a cabo el mismo día del desayuno
de inicio de la Semana de las Escuelas Católicas. Así que ¡ven a
desayunar e inscribe a tus hijos en el beisbol! El programa de beisbol de la
Inmaculada Concepción es para niños y niñas de 4 a 15 años. Las
inscripciones se cerrarán el 15 de Febrero o cuando,
a criterio de los entrenadores, los equipos lleguen a
su máxima capacidad. El costo es $85, los uniformes
y el equipo son extra.
Para cualquier información, comunícate con Chris
Millard 719-2765 o [email protected]
Retiro Ignaciano
Profundiza tu amistad con el Señor en el silencio sagrado y tranquilidad.
Ten la experiencia de un retiro ignaciana en silencio dirigido en el Centro
Católico San Juan, Little Rock. El retiro comienza el jueves, 17 de marzo
con la cena a las 6:00 pm y termina el domingo, 20 de marzo después del
almuerzo. Un costo de $300.00 incluye 3 noches de alojamiento, 9
comidas, y dirección spiritual diaria con un director del retiro. Para más
Shadow Days en la Academia de Subiaco
detalles, vea el boletín de anuncios o contacte a la oficina de formación al
La Academia de Subiaco, un internado Benedictino y una escuela de 501-664-0340 ext. 323. Los formularios de registración están disponibles
día para niños, está ofreciendo Días de Visita para estudiantes
en la pagina . El cupo es limitado.
interesados y sus padres para visitar y explorar la secundaria y
preparatoria de la academia. Abierto para niños en grados 6 a 10.
A LOS NIÑOS Y JOVENES. Si estás enterado de algún abuso o has sido
Las actividades incluyen recorridos por las instalaciones, acompañar abusado por clérigos, voluntarios o funcionarios de la Iglesia, por favor
a los alumnos y sesiones informativas con maestros y personal
contacte al Vicario General de la Diócesis de Little Rock al: (501) 664administrativo. Para mayor información o para
0340, Ext. 361, y a la Línea de Ayuda del Estado de Arkansas para
reservar un lugar, por favor contacta a la Oficina de
crímenes contra niños al 1800-482-5964. Para asistencia pastoral, por
Admisión de la Academia de Subiaco al 479-934favor contacta a la Coordinadora de Asistencia para Víctimas de la
1034 o envía un correo a [email protected] o
Diócesis de Little Rock con los Dres. George y Sherry Simon al 501)766consulta
6001 Oficinas Diocesanas 2500 North Tyler St. Little Rock, Ar 72207.
¿Sabías que en la Inmaculada Concepción tenemos
un sitio web completamente en Español?
Tienes Facebook? Sólo busca “ICChurchFortSmith” y
¡danos un “Like”! ¡Las publicaciones son bilingües!
Por todos nuestros enfermos, para que su cercanía a Dios les de alivio y consuelo, especialmente por Kaylee Palafox, Estefani Ponce,
Aiden Alder, Sr. Hilario Díaz, Ricardo Martínez, Guadalupe Rivera, Rosa Elena Bonilla, Mercedes Castro, Lorena Aguilar, Gregorio García,
Roberto Ruiz, Fidelia Martínez, Albertano Benavides, Alberto Carlos Rodríguez, Antonio Barroso, Edgar Barroso, Víctor Márquez, José
Rodríguez, Antonia Luna, Humberto Cruz.
Oremos al Señor
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