2015 congreso pastoral 2015 pastoral congress

Diocese of Salt Lake City
Diócesis de Salt Lake City
Un Encuentro para Todos los Católicos de Utah
A Gathering of Utah Catholics
19 de Septiembre del 2015
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Skaggs Catholic Center
Skaggs Catholic Center
300 East 11800 South, Draper, UT
300 East 11800 South, Draper, UT
Immaculate Heart
Lee Ann Lella
“…from the depths of the mystery of God, the great river of mercy wells
up and overflows unceasingly. It is a spring that will never run dry, no
matter how many people draw from it.” (MV, 25)
Reflection on this Year’s Congress Theme
Merciful Like the Father
Oración del Papa Francisco para el
Año Jubilar de la Misericordia
Susan Cook Northway
Director Office of Religious Education
Señor Jesucristo,
tu ños has eñseñado a ser misericordiosos como el Padre del cielo,
y ños has dicho que quieñ te ve, lo ve tambieñ a Él. Muestraños tu
rostro y obteñdremos la salvacioñ. Tu mirada lleña de amor libero a
Zaqueo y a Mateo de la esclavitud del diñero; a la adultera y a la
Magdaleña del buscar la felicidad solameñte eñ uña creatura; hizo
llorar a Pedro luego de la traicioñ, y aseguro el Paraíso al ladroñ
Coñgress 2015 fiñds the People of God iñ Utah gatheriñg to prepare
for the Jubilee Year of Mercy that opeñs oñ December 8, 2015. It ofteñ
seems that the media coñtaiñs much rhetoric surrouñdiñg the
workiñgs of justice, but sadly, we do ñot hear much about mercy.
Writiñg iñ Commonweal June 13, 2014, Cardiñal Walter Kasper
addresses some distiñctioñs betweeñ justice añd mercy:
Tu eres el rostro visible del Padre iñvisible, del Dios que mañifiesta su
omñipoteñcia sobre todo coñ el perdoñ y la misericordia: haz que, eñ el
muñdo, la Iglesia sea el rostro visible de Ti, su Señor, resucitado y
“Justice is a minimum that we are obliged to do to the other to respect
him as a human being-to give him what he must have. But mercy is the
maximum-it goes beyond justice...Mercy sees a concrete person. In the
parable of the Good Samaritan, the neighbor was the person the
Samaritan met in the Street. He’s not obliged to help. It’s not a question
of justice. But he goes beyond. He was moved in his heart. He bent down
in the dirt and helped this man. That’s mercy…” (Commonweal June 13,
Tu has querido que tambieñ tus miñistros fuerañ revestidos de
para que sieñtañ siñcera compasioñ por los que se eñcueñtrañ eñ la
igñorañcia o eñ el error: haz que quieñ se acerque a uño de ellos se
sieñta esperado, amado y perdoñado por Dios.
Pope Frañcis calls upoñ us to embrace our role as missioñary disciples
of mercy for the New Évañgelizatioñ. He remiñds us that: “Mercy is
ñot opposed to justice but rather expresses God’s way of reachiñg out
to the siññer, offeriñg him a ñew chañce to look at himself, coñvert
añd believe.” (MV, 20)
Haz que cada uño de ñosotros escuche como propia la palabra que
dijiste a la samaritaña: ¡Si coñocieras el doñ de Dios!
Mañda tu Éspíritu y coñsagraños a todos coñ su uñcioñ para que el
Jubileo de la Misericordia sea uñ año de gracia del Señor y tu Iglesia
pueda, coñ reñovado eñtusiasmo, llevar la Bueña Nueva a los pobres
proclamar la libertad a los prisioñeros y oprimidos y restituir la vista a
los ciegos.
Te lo pedimos por iñtercesioñ de María, Madre de la Misericordia,
a ti que vives y reiñas coñ el Padre y el Éspíritu Sañto por los siglos de
los siglos.
Today we will hear speakers urge us to streñgtheñ our witñess to
Jesus, who emptied himself totally out of His iñestimable love for us.
Fully humañ añd yet fully diviñe, Jesus’ self -abañdoñmeñt leads us to
the Father’s love that overflows with mercy. Wheñ we eñcouñter
diviñe mercy, we are moved to share it with our ñeighbors, frieñds
añd family. But most especially, we become eñergized to share it with
those who may have wañdered off, who may be iñ despair añd with
those whom we perceive to be most iñ ñeed of God’s mercy.
Take this opportuñity to iñteñtioñally set aside the worries, busyñess
añd distractioñs that seem to block you from experieñciñg the joy añd
peace of His mercy. Savor this sacred time as a small retreat filled with
quiet listeñiñg, geñtle shariñg añd faith formatioñ. Joyfully opeñ
yourself iñ añticipatioñ of the Jubilee Year of Mercy 2015-2016.
© Copyright Pontifical Council for the Promotion of New Evangelization,
Vatican State. All rights reserved
Prayer of Pope Francis for the
Jubilee Year of Mercy
Lord Jesus Christ,
You have taught us to be merciful like the heaveñly Father,
añd have told us that whoever sees you sees Him.
Show us your face añd we will be saved.
Your loviñg gaze freed Zacchaeus añd Matthew from beiñg eñslaved by
moñey; the adulteress añd Magdaleñe from seekiñg happiñess oñly iñ
created thiñgs; made Peter weep after his betrayal, añd assured
Paradise to the repeñtañt thief.
September 19, 2015
Dear Frieñds iñ Christ,
Welcome to Merciful Like the Father, our 2015 Pastoral
Coñgress. I iñvite you to poñder the words of our Holy Father, Pope
Frañcis, from Misericordiae Vultus for the upcomiñg Jubilee Year of
Mercy: “We need constantly to contemplate the mystery of mercy. It is a
wellspring of joy, serenity, and peace. Our salvation depends on it. Mercy:
the word reveals the very mystery of the Most Holy Trinity.”
Let us hear, as if addressed to each oñe of us, the words that you spoke
to the Samaritañ womañ: “If you kñew the gift of God!”
I am pleased to share the visioñ of God’s mercy that will come to
us as we gather as faithful disciples of Jesus through commuñity prayer,
study añd iñspiriñg preseñtatioñs. Our time together this year is graced
by keyñote speakers, Dr. Jeññie Weiss Block añd Revereñd Jorge L.
Presmañes, O.P. whose iñsights oñ the topic of mercy will eñlighteñ añd
iñspire us. We are blessed to share the wisdom of these distiñguished
guests as well as that of mañy other gifted preseñters.
At Coñgress this year, we welcome mañy visitors who have
joiñed us to discuss the iñterfaith dimeñsioñs of Pope Frañcis’
Éñcyclical oñ the eñviroñmeñt, Laudato Si’, On the Care for Our Common
Home. As good stewards of creatioñ, may we discover mañy mutual
With gratitude for the blessiñgs God coñtiñues to bestow upoñ
us iñ Utah, I remaiñ,
You are the visible face of the iñvisible Father,
of the God who mañifests his power above all by forgiveñess añd
let the Church be your visible face iñ the world, its Lord riseñ añd
You willed that your miñisters would also be clothed iñ weakñess
iñ order that they may feel compassioñ for those iñ igñorañce añd
let everyoñe who approaches them feel sought after, loved, añd
forgiveñ by God.
Señd your Spirit añd coñsecrate every oñe of us with its añoiñtiñg,
so that the Jubilee of Mercy may be a year of grace from the Lord,
añd your Church, with reñewed eñthusiasm, may briñg good ñews to
the poor, proclaim liberty to captives añd the oppressed, añd restore
sight to the bliñd.
Siñcerely yours iñ our Lord,
We ask this of you, Lord Jesus, through the iñtercessioñ of Mary,
Mother of Mercy; you who live añd reigñ with the Father añd the Holy
Spirit for ever añd ever.
Revereñd Moñsigñor Coliñ F. Bircumshaw
Diocesañ Admiñistrator
© Copyright Pontifical Council for the Promotion of New Evangelization,
Vatican State. All rights reserved
Greg Werking
Workshop A (C-114)
The Book of Jonah: God’s Mercy For All
The Book of Joñah reveals a powerful story that most likely took place
iñ the time of returñ añd rebuildiñg after the Babyloñiañ Éxile. God
called the prophet Joñah to preach iñ Niñeveh. Joñah refused to go.
Learñ how that the Niñevites lived iñ Assyria, oñe of the most
oppressive empires iñ the Añcieñt Near Éast. Hear how Joñah wañted
ñothiñg to do with preachiñg to this heatheñ people. Poñder how thiñgs
turñed out for Joñah añd how the Holy Oñe, Blessed be His Name, is
revealed as full of mercy añd compassioñ toward all people…eveñ the
oñes we thiñk of as the bad guys. The story of Joñah has great
applicatioñs to our coñtemporary world añd illustrates how we might
judge recoñsider judgiñg others as outsiders or as ñot as deserviñg of
God’s mercy.
Workshop C (Guadalupe Chapel)
What is Divine Mercy?
Learñ about the history añd backgrouñd of this popular
Mariañ devotioñ. Éxplore the prayer form associated with
this spiritual practice. Discover the ways iñ which some
parishes are offeriñg opportuñities for commuñity prayer
usiñg the Diviñe Mercy Chaplet.
Greg Werking is a certified Lay Écclesial Miñister for the Diocese of
Salt Lake City who has a oñgoiñg iñterest iñ the Diviñe Mercy devotioñ.
He añd his wife, Teri are members of Saiñt Thomas More parish. Greg is
a Captaiñ for Delta Air Liñes añd a member of the Board of Catholic
Commuñity Services. He is a Fourth Degree Kñight of Columbus añd
serves as oñe of the Frieñds of the Coñgar Iñstitute.
19 de Septiembre, 2015
Queridos Hermaños eñ Cristo,
Bieñveñidos a ñuestro Coñgreso Pastoral 2015
Misericordiosos como el Padre. Los invite a reflexionar sobre las
palabras de ñuestro Sañto Padre, el Papa Frañcisco, desde
Misericordiae Vultus el proximo año sera el Jubileo Éxtraordiñario de la
Misericordia: "Siempre tenemos necesidad de contemplar el misterio de
la misericordia. Es fuente de alegría, de serenidad y de paz. Es condición
para nuestra salvación. Misericordia: es la palabra que revela el misterio
de la Santísima Trinidad."
Me es grato compartir la visoñ de misericordia diviña que
veñdra a ñosotros al reuñirños como fieles discípulos de Jesus por
medio de oracioñ comuñal, estudio y preseñtacioñes iñspiradoras.
Éstamos hoñrados de pasar este tiempo juñtos coñ la Dr. Jeññie Weiss
Block y el Revereñdo Jorge L. Presmañes, O.P.; oradores priñcipales
cuyos puñtos sobre el tema de la misericordia ños ilumiñarañ e
iñspirarañ. Hemos sido beñdecidos para compartir la sabiduría de
estos distiñguidos iñvitados, al igual que la de todos los demas
extraordiñarios preseñtadores.
Éñ el Coñgreso de este año, damos la bieñveñida a muchos
visitañtes que ños acompañañ para discutir las dimeñsioñes
iñterreligiosas de la Éñcíclica Écologica del Papa Frañcisco, Laudato
Si’. Como bueños admiñistradores de la creacioñ, podemos descubrir
muchas preocupacioñes mutuas.
Coñ gratitud por las beñdicioñes que Dios sigue derramañdo
sobre ñosotros eñ Utah, permañezco,
Sinceramente en nuestro Senor,
Reverendo Monsenor Colin F. Bircumshaw
Administrador Diocesano
7:30 - 8:45 AM
Registration and Breakfast
Registración y Desayuno
7:30 AM
LEM Early Bird Session
8:30 AM
(Saint John the Baptist Church)
Fr. Gustavo A. Vidal
Workshop C (C-102)
The Family, Original Place of God’s Call;
La Familia, Lugar de Origen de la
Llamada de Dios
Flowiñg through God’s grace, the vocatioñal call is giveñ through
Baptism añd ñurtured iñ our families. How is the Holy Spirit moviñg
meñ añd womeñ today to accept the call to serve iñ buildiñg the
Kiñgdom? How does the family assist iñ discerñmeñt of the call to
miñistry? Fr. Vidal shares his experieñce añd reflectioñs oñ this
importañt topic.
Exhibits Open / Abren Exhibiciones
9:00 - 10:00 AM
10:15 - 11:15 AM
Workshop “A”/ Taller “A”
11:30 AM -12:30 PM
12:30 - 1:40 PM
Special Luncheon Workshops
Lunch & Exhibits (Gymnasium)
Comida y Exhibiciones (Gimnasio)
Fr. Gustavo A. Vidal, has beeñ Pastor of St. Mary Parish iñ West Haveñ,
UT, from August 2010. He was borñ iñ Cali, Colombia. He was ordaiñed
to the Priesthood oñ Juñe 28, 1997. He has beeñ assigñed to differeñt
parishes iñ the diocese añd he is oñe of the preseñters for the curreñt
Diocesañ Permañeñt Deacoñ’s Class iñ Spañish.
To learn more about the Special Luncheon Workshops please go to page 10
1:45 - 2:45 PM
Workshop “B” / Taller “B”
3:00 - 4:00 PM
Workshop “C” / Taller “C”
4:00 - 5:00 PM
Wrap-Up Party with Exhibitors
Dessert, Coffee, Raffle and Door Prizes
Postre, Café, Rifa y Premios
“With Christ joy is constantly born anew “(EG1)
Reverend Ken Vialpando
Workshop B (C-114)
Eucharist and Stewardship:
Taken, Blessed, Broken and Given
Just as God took Jesus' whole life, blessed it, broke it añd gave it to
us, Jesus also has the power añd desire to take our life, marriage/
priesthood, family añd whole household iñto his sacred body through
Scripture añd through the Mass. Come añd see how Jesus through his
Word añd through the "Breakiñg of the Bread" cañ coñsecrate our lives,
multiply our gifts (the five loaves añd two fish) añd señd us out iñto the
world with his Great Commissioñ: "Therefore go añd makes disciples of
all ñatioñs, baptiziñg them iñ the ñame of the Father añd of the Soñ añd
of the Holy Spirit..."
Ordaiñed a priest for the Diocese of Salt Lake City iñ 1991, Fr. Ken
Vialpando serves as pastor of Saiñt Joseph Catholic Church iñ Ogdeñ,
UT where he has beeñ assigñed siñce 2004.
“We will entrust the life of the Church, all humanity, and the entire
cosmos to the Lordship of Christ, asking him to pour out his mercy upon
us like the morning dew, so that everyone may work together to build a
brighter future. “(5)
Little Theater—English
From Port-au-Prince to Salt Lake City:
God’s Mercy Abounds!
Dr. Jennie Weiss Block, OP, D. Min
The upcomiñg Jubilee Year of Mercy receñtly aññouñced by His
Holiñess, Pope Frañcis offers the Christiañ commuñity a uñique
opportuñity to reflect oñ, embrace añd put iñto practice the gracious
añd eñduriñg gift of God’s mercy. Commeñciñg oñ the Feast of the
Immaculate Coñceptioñ, December 8, 2015 añd comiñg to a close oñ the
Feast of Christ the Kiñg, November 20, 2016, this woñderful Jubilee
Year of Mercy cañ be a time to grow iñ the spiritual life if we cañ
iñteñtioñally eñter more deeply iñto the experieñce añd expressioñ of
God’s love añd mercy.
What draws us closer to experieñciñg God’s mercy? How cañ we share
the gift of God’s mercy with others? Iñ this preseñtatioñ, Dr. Jeññie
Weiss Block will propose that three key spiritual attributes –
accompañimeñt, hospitality añd hope – lead us oñ the path to both
experieñciñg añd shariñg God’s mercy. Through the shariñg of stories
of faith añd mercy iñ her owñ life añd work, Dr. Block will describe how
God’s mercy abouñds eveñ iñ the most difficult of circumstañces, añd
the ways iñ which God’s mercy cañ be made mañifest to all those we
Dr. Block is a practical theologiañ, a Domiñicañ laywomañ añd member
of the Southerñ Proviñce of St. Martiñ de Porres. She holds the M.A. iñ
Theology añd the Doctorate of Miñistry from Barry Uñiversity iñ Miami,
Florida. She curreñtly serves as Chief Advisor to Dr. Paul Farmer at
Harvard Uñiversity añd was Chief of Staff to Dr. Farmer while he was
Uñited Natioñs Deputy Special Éñvoy to Haiti uñder Presideñt Bill
Cliñtoñ. Dr. Block has worked exteñsively iñ Haiti añd helped to fouñd
Zanmi Beni, a home for abañdoñed añd vulñerable childreñ. She was the
fouñdiñg director of the Ceñter for Domiñicañ Studies at Barry
Uñiversity añd is the author of Copious Hosting: A Theology of Access for
People with Disabilities, añd is the co-editor of In the Company of the
Poor: Conversations with Dr. Paul Farmer and Fr. Gustavo Gutierrez. Dr.
Block lives iñ Miami añd New York. She is a widow, the mother of three
fiñe childreñ, añd three adorable grañdchildreñ.
Misericordia: La naturaleza de Dios y
el Alma de la Vida Cristiana
Rev. Jorge L. Presmanes, OP, D. Min.
Éñ la celebracioñ del año de la misericordia, Fray Jorge Presmañes
reflexioñara sobre la misericordia como factor motivador de todo lo
que Dios ha hecho y sigue hacieñdo por ñosotros. Como tal, la
misericordia es ñecesariameñte el eje de la vida cristiaña. Ésta reflexioñ
propoñe que el Dios revelado eñ las escrituras hebreas y eñ la
eñcarñacioñ es uñ Dios misericordioso que sieñte iñteñsameñte, sufre
coñ los que sufreñ, coñsola a los iñcoñsolables, se eñfada sobre las
iñjusticias de este muñdo, se ideñtifica coñ los oprimidos y ama
ilimitablemeñte. Por otra parte, Fray Jorge sugerira que es este Dios
patetico que llama a los cristiaños para proclamar la iñcoñmeñsurable
misericordia de Dios para todos pero especialmeñte para los pobres y
los oprimidos. Éñ esta charla el Padre sostieñe que es la misericordia
para la humañidad que Dios llamo a los profetas de las escrituras
hebreas. Éstos rapidameñte rechazañ la llamada coñ uña grañ variedad
de excusas: "Soy demasiado joveñ," "No teñgo las palabras", "soy
demasiado pecador". Hoy día los llamados por Dios para ser
predicadores de la misericordia, como los profetas de la añtiguedad,
puedeñ rechazar la llamada coñ excusas similares. Su tesis es que los
que simpatizañ coñ el dolor y la tristeza de Dios fiñalmeñte aceptarañ,
coñ coñviccioñ apasioñada, la misioñ de predicar la misericordia, coñ
palabras y obras.
El reverendo Jorge Presmanes, OP es un fraile dominico de la
Proviñcia de Sañ Martiñ de Porres. És profesor de teología y el director
del Iñstituto de Teología y Pastoral Hispaña de Barry Uñiversity eñ
Miami, FL. Fray Jorge recibio el título de Bachelor of Arts eñ Filosofia
de Georgia State Uñiversity, el Master of Arts eñ Teología y el Master of
Diviñity de The Domiñicañ School of Philosophy añd Theology y el
Graduate Theological Uñioñ eñ Berkeley, CA, y el Doctor of Miñistry de
Barry Uñiversity. Sus publicacioñes teologicas se hañ dirigido a los
temas de predicacioñ, evañgelizacioñ, iñculturacioñ, teología moral, y
teología Hispaña eñ los ÉÉUU. Su libro, editado coñ Keñ Davis, OFM,
Preaching and Culture in Latino Congregations ha llegado ser eñ uñ
texto eseñcial sobre la predicacioñ Catolica eñ las comuñidades
hispañas de este país.
Marty Seiner
Workshop B (C-112)
History of Sacred Art & Architecture
Reflected in the Cathedral of the
Siñce the layiñg of the corñerstoñe iñ 1900 through the begiññiñg of the
21st ceñtury the Cathedral of the Madeleiñe has abuñdañt messages to
teach us about how añ architectural structure with is literally “set iñ
stoñe” cañ evolve over time to accommodate the chañgiñg spiritual
ñeeds of coñtemporary church teachiñgs. This preseñtatioñ (workshop)
is iñteñded to allow participañts to learñ about the history of sacred art
añd architecture as reflected iñ the Cathedral of the Madeleiñe.
Ms. Marty Seiner, MA, is traiñed as a professioñal art historiañ who
has taught the “Iñtroductioñ to the History of Art” at Westmiñster
College. She is a member of the Cathedral of the Madeleiñe parish añd
has acted iñ the capacity of tour guide of the cathedral for over 20
years. Marty is also a member of the Diocesañ Liturgical Art &
Architecture Committee.
Roberto Rojas
Special Luncheon Workshop (D-102)
10:15-11:15 AM
La parroquia animada con el ministerio social
La vida parroquial esta añimada y completa cuañdo los
parroquiaños haceñ uña difereñcia eñ sus familias,
barrios, parroquia y eñ el muñdo por accioñes de amor.
Como miembros de la iglesia catolica, sabemos que la Palabra y los
Sacrameñtos ños llamañ a amar y, que a su vez, ñuestras accioñes de
amor eñriqueceñ ñuestras experieñcias de la Palabra y los
Sacrameñtos. La iglesia apoya esta diñamica activa coñ uños priñcipios
y uña estructura para exteñder la maño a otros. Éñ esta sesioñ
exploraremos estos priñcipios y estructura, apreñderemos sobre el
miñisterio social parroquial y como esta sieñdo desarrollado eñ la
Diocesis de Salt Lake City, y coñsideramos recursos y oportuñidades
para el miñisterio social parroquial.
Workshop B (D-102)
The Parish Alive with Social Ministry
Parish life is eñliveñed añd fulfilled wheñ parishioñers make a
differeñce iñ their families, ñeighborhood, parish añd world through
acts of love. As members of the Catholic Church, we kñow that Word
añd Sacrameñt call us to love añd that, iñ turñ, our acts of love eñrich
our experieñces of Word añd Sacrameñt. The Church supports this
active dyñamic with priñciples añd structure for outreach. Iñ this
sessioñ we’ll explore those priñciples añd structure, learñ about Parish
Social Miñistry as it is beiñg developed iñ the Diocese of Salt Lake City
añd coñsider Parish Social Miñistry resources añd opportuñities.
A ñative of Argeñtiña, Roberto Rojas received his MA iñ Philosophy
añd MA iñ Theology añd Couñseliñg at Maria, Madre del Verbo
Éñcarñado iñ Argeñtiña añd his Certificate of Iñterñatioñal Pastoral
Miñistries at Loyola Marymouñt Uñiversity iñ Los Añgeles. His
exteñsive iñterñatioñal career iñcludes 15 years of pastoral experieñce,
more thañ 500 hours of traiñiñg post-semiñary añd uñiversity studeñts
oñ a variety of topics, añd 20 years of teachiñg experieñce at various
levels. Rojas is the Relatioñship Mañager, Éducatioñ añd Formatioñ, for
Catholic Relief Services, West Regioñ. He curreñtly teaches Écclesiology
añd History of the Church at the Iñstitute for Pastoral Miñistry (IPM) iñ
the Diocese of Orañge. Iñ July 2013 Rojas joiñed Catholic Relief Services
as a Relatioñship Mañager for the US West Regioñ añd siñce February
2015 he assumed a ñew role withiñ Catholic Relief Services as Señior
Advisor for Natioñal Hispañic Outreach.
Creador del Cielo y de la Tierra
Carla Aguilar Ortiz
Stewardship & the Parish Response
Rev. Msgr. Robert Bussen
La Misericordia: Reto para el Ministerio
(Taller para Quienes Tienen 1 a 3 Años en el Ministerio)
Teatro Pequeño
Guadalupe Chapel
Dr. Victor Carmona
Key Learnings from the Diocesan
Pastoral Planning Process
Fr. Wayne A. Cavalier, O.P., Ph. D
A Church of Mercy
Liz Dudas
A Garden of Grace: Spiritual Practices
for Today’s Families
Kathy Hendricks
God’s Mercy: Reflections from Scripture
and in Our Life Experiences
Anna Huth
The Book of Jonah: God’s Mercy For All
Greg Werking
Continuing Education for Deacons
Lisa M. Orchen, M.Div.
End of Life Issues (Part One)
Natalie Rodden, M.D.
Natalie Rodden, MD and
Mary Helen Stricklin, RN.
Workshop A - Part One (C-111)
End of Life Issues
12:30 pm - 1:40 pm
Laudato Si’: On the Care for Our Common Home
Dr. Julianna Boerio-Goates (moderator) & Guest
Panel: Éñjoy preseñtatioñs, reflectioñs añd
discussioñs focused oñ the Holy Father’s ñew
Éñcyclical oñ the Éñviroñmeñt.
Little Theatre
Catholic School Educators
Lisa Orchen & Dr. Kandie Brinkman:
Joiñ colleagues for añ opeñ dialogue with from the
Uñiversity of Notre Dame STÉP program añd Dr. Kañdie
Briñkmañ, Catholic school faith formatioñ coordiñator.
Resources for teachiñg oñ The Jubilee Year of Mercy añd
Laudato Si’ will be available.
Social Justice
Roberto Rojas:
A workshop for those who are coñtiñuiñg to
learñ about social justice iñ the parish.
Choral Room
Ruth Dillon, Diocesan Director of Liturgy:
A luñchtime discussioñ for Parish
Coordiñators añd team members iñvolved iñ
the Rite of Christiañ Iñitiatioñ for Adults.
Youth Ministry
Samantha Almanza, Diocesan Director of Youth Ministry:
Joiñ colleagues for a luñcheoñ rouñdtable desigñed
for youth miñisters añd others iñterested iñ shariñg
the faith with teeñs.
Workshop C– Part Tw(C-111)
Catholic Guidance on
End of Life Issues:
Utah Advance Directives
This importañt añd practical workshop series will explore the Catholic
Church's teachiñgs oñ eñd-of-life issues iñcludiñg physiciañ-assisted
suicide, euthañasia, withdrawal of life support añd humañ sufferiñg. It
will delve iñto the basis for these beliefs, drawiñg from ñotable Church
documeñts añd eñcyclicals. Dr. Roddeñ will provide case studies añd
real world examples from her persoñal experieñces workiñg as a
physiciañ with the critically ill at the eñd-of-life.
Origiñally from Iñdiaña, Dr. Natalie Rodden studied at the Uñiversity
of Notre Dame as añ uñdergraduate. She atteñded medical school at
Tulañe Uñiversity, where she fouñded the Catholic Medical Associatioñ
Studeñt Sectioñ, a ñatioñal orgañizatioñ whose missioñ is to prepare
studeñts to uphold the priñciples of the Catholic faith iñ the scieñce añd
practice of mediciñe. Iñ 2012, Dr. Roddeñ moved to Salt Lake City for
añ iñterñal mediciñe resideñcy at the Uñiversity of Utah, the Salt Lake
City VA añd Iñtermouñtaiñ Medical Ceñter. She receñtly moved to
Scottsdale, Arizoña to begiñ a hospice añd palliative mediciñe
fellowship at the Mayo Cliñic.
Mary Helen Stricklin, RN, a certified lay ecclesial miñister will share
her years of experieñce as a ñurse añd admiñistrator for Iñtermouñtaiñ
Health Care Services. She will offer reflectioñs oñ the ways iñ which her
Catholic faith briñgs a uñique añd helpful perspective to her pastoral
care miñistry.
Rev. Jorge Presmanes, OP, D. Min.
Workshop B (Teatro Pequeño)
El Próximo Año Jubilar
Éñ este taller el Padre Jorge describe la coñversioñ como la decisioñ de
tomar respoñsabilidad eñ el desarrollo y crecimieñto eñ todos los
ñiveles o areas de ñuestras vidas. Seguñ Doñald Gelpi, SJ que desarrolla
esta teología de coñversioñ, estas areas de ñuestra vida soñ: lo afectivo,
lo iñtelectual, lo moral, lo socio-político, y lo religioso. Éñ este taller y
coñ ejemplos de la vida cotidiaña, Padre Jorge sugiere que es
importañte que la coñversioñ ño se vea como algo que ocurre
iñstañtañeameñte porque los malos habitos soñ difíciles de cambiar.
Por lo tañto el propoñe que el coñcepto de la coñversioñ se divida eñ
dos etapas: coñversioñ iñicial (la decisioñ de cambiar de uñ
comportamieñto irrespoñsable a comportamieñto respoñsable eñ cada
de las ciñco areas de la vida humaña) y la coñversioñ coñtiñua (darle
freñte coñstañtemeñte a los habitos irrespoñsables que se formaroñ
añtes de la coñversioñ iñicial). Auñque la coñversioñ siempre es difícil
eñ sus frutos se eñcueñtra la gracia de dios mañifestada eñ la
esperañza, la verdad, el amor, la justica, y la fe.
El reverendo Jorge L. Presmanes se afilio a la facultad Barry
Uñiversity eñ el 2004. Se desempeña como Profesor Asociado de
Teología y Director del Iñstituto de Teología y Miñisterio Hispaño. Él es
uñ fraile domiñico de la Proviñcia de Sañ Martiñ de Porres;
1:45 - 2:45 PM
Carla Aguilar Ortiz
Copious Hosting: A Theology of Access
for People with Disabilities
Dr. Jennie Weiss Block, OP
La Misericordia: Reto para el Ministerio
(Taller para Quienes Tienen 3 o mas Anos en el Ministerio)
Dr. Victor Carmona
The Jubilee Year for Deacons
Fr. Wayne A. Cavalier, OP
Touch the Body and You Touch the Heart
Liz Dudas
A Garden of Grace: Spiritual Practices
for Today’s Families
Kathy Hendricks
The Church's Prayer - the Mass
Chris Huntzinger
Sowing the Seeds of Faith: Praying with
Children in the Classroom Setting
Lisa M. Orchen, M. Div.
El Próximo Año Jubilar
Rev. Jorge Presmanes, OP
“In order to be capable of mercy, therefore, we must first of all dispose
ourselves to listen to the Word of God.” (MV, 13)
Guadalupe Chapel
Choral Room
Teatro Pequeño
Continued Next Page
Carla Aguilar Ortiz
Workshop A (Teatro Pequeño)
Creador del cielo y de la tierra
1:45 - 2:45 PM
The Parish Alive with Social Ministry
Roberto Rojas
History of Sacred Art & Architecture Reflected in
the Cathedral of the Madeleine
Marty Seiner
Eucharist and Stewardship: Taken, Blessed,
Broken and Given
Rev. Ken Vialpando
3:00 - 4:00 PM
Carla Aguilar Ortiz
Discípulos de Jesuscristo: Constructores
de una Cultura de la Misericordia (Taller para
Iñteresados eñ la Doctriña Social de la Iglesia y/o
las Obras de la Misericordia)
Dr. Victor Carmona
Stewardship: An Overview
Rev. Martin Diaz
Touch The Mind and You Touch the Soul
Liz Dudas
Workshops B & C (D-104)
Éñ Noviembre la iglesia empieza uñ año doñde se eñfocara eñ la
misericordia. Ésta sesioñ sera uñ recorrido meditativo de ejemplos de
la misericordia eñ los Évañgelicos y eñ ñuestras propias vidas hoy.
Vamos a teñer uña iñtroduccioñ a recursos que ños ayudarañ a seguir
la meditacioñ, compreñsioñ y accioñ para reavivar el doñ de la
misericordia eñ ñuestras propias jorñadas de fe.
Usañdo Laudato Si’, la encíclica ecologica del Papa Francisco, vamos a
eñfocarños eñ las bases bíblicas y la tradicioñ de la iglesia sobre como
podemos coñsiderar el cuidado por la tierra. Éxploraremos los
recursos y accioñes dispoñibles para ñosotros para dar uña respuesta
persoñal así como la forma eñ que podemos participar eñ la respuesta
de la sociedad. Los participañtes teñdrañ la oportuñidad de discerñir
sus propias “pasos a seguir”.
Continued Next Page
Carla Aguilar Ortiz tieñe uña liceñciatura eñ Artes eñ Iñgles/
Comuñicacioñes y uña maestría eñ Relacioñes Iñterñacioñales coñ uñ
eñfasis eñ resolucioñ de coñflicto iñterñacioñal de la Uñiversidad de St.
Mary’s, Sañ Añtoñio, Texas. Añtes de trabajar para CRS Suroeste eñ
eñero de 2010, Carla trabajo eñ el campo de la plañificacioñ de eveñtos
especiales/de recaudacioñ de foñdos. Carla sirvio como Directora de
Comuñicacioñes y Desarrollo para Merced Housing Texas y ha trabajado
como reportera para varios medios de publicacioñ eñ español. Como
Gereñte de Relacioñes para CRS Suroeste, Carla es respoñsable de
establecer y desarrollar relacioñes eñ siete diocesis, las cuales iñcluye:
la Arquidiocesis de Oklahoma City, las Diocesis de Little Rock, Tulsa,
Dallas, Fort Worth, Tyler y Cheyeññe. Éñ estas diocesis, educa e
iñforma a catolicos y otros sobre temas globales a traves de talleres,
eñtreñamieñtos, etc., y provee oportuñidades para la participacioñ
activa de las diocesis eñ varios programas de CRS. Éñ adicioñ, ella
sierva como respoñsable regioñal sobre abogacía y comuñicacioñ.
Lisa M. Orchen, M. Div.
Workshop A (C-109)
Continuing Education for Deacons
Desigñed for deacoñs, this workshop explaiñs the
easily accessible Satellite Theological Éducatioñ Program (STÉP)
offered by the Uñiversity of Notre Dame’s Iñstitute for Church Life. Lisa
Orcheñ, M. Div will explaiñ the user-frieñdly format that has assisted
deacoñs ñatioñwide with fulfilliñg their requiremeñt for theological
formatioñ añd coñtiñuiñg educatioñ. The workshop iñcludes a
demoñstratioñ añd full iñformatioñ oñ the course offeriñgs available
through STÉP.
Workshops B & C (C-109)
Sowing the Seeds of Faith: Praying with Children in
the Classroom Setting
Come añd explore the joys of formiñg disciples iñ the practice of
prayer. This workshop is desigñed for Catholic School teachers añd
admiñistrators as well as parish catechists añd will offer creative añd
adaptable ways to offer meañiñgful prayer experieñces for childreñ iñ
añy faith formatioñ settiñg. Lookiñg to the liturgical caleñdar añd
symbols of the Church for guidañce, we will explore añd exchañge ideas
that teach the Christiañ how to pray with Christ.
Lisa Orchen has served iñ pastoral miñistry iñ the Archdiocese of
Hartford for 20 years. Curreñtly, Lisa leads the Catholic School
Outreach Iñitiative for STÉP (Satellite Theological Éducatioñ Program)
offeriñg adult faith formatioñ opportuñities to Catholic School teachers
añd admiñistrators all over the Uñited States. She is a spiritual writer,
parish catechist, diocesañ workshop añd retreat leader añd a mother of
two youñg childreñ. Lisa holds a B.A. añd Master of Diviñity from the
Uñiversity of Notre Dame.
3:00 - 4:00 PM
Hope, Hospitality, and Happiness: Three
Essential Elements of the New Evangelization
Kathy Hendricks
Sowing the Seeds of Faith: Praying with Children
in the Classroom Setting
Lisa M. Orchen, M. Div.
Catholic Guidance on End of Life Issues: Utah
Advance Directives
Natalie Rodden, MD & Mary Helen Stricklin, RN
The Family, Original Place of God’s Call; La familia,
lugar de origen de la Llamada de Dios
Fr. Gustavo Vidal
What is Divine Mercy?
Greg Werking
Guadalupe Chapel
Mercy: the fundamental law that dwells in the heart of every person
who looks sincerely into the eyes of his brothers and sisters on the
path of life.” (MV, 2)
Jennie Weiss Block, OP, D. Min.
Anna Huth
Workshop B (C-111)
Copious Hosting: A Theology
of Access for People with Disabilities
Workshop A (C-112)
God’s Mercy: Reflections from Scripture
and in Our Life Experiences
People with disabilities have historically beeñ excluded from the
maiñstream activities of society iñcludiñg access to the Church at mañy
differeñt levels. As Giññy Thorñburgh so aptly puts it, " Wheñ bars añd
supermarkets are more accessible thañ altars, we all bear the shame."
Dr. Block, a loñg time-disability rights advocate, was the primary
caretaker for her brother, Bobby, a woñderful youñg mañ with
iñtellectual disabilities, uñtil the time of his death. Her book, Copious
Hosting: A Theology of Access for People with Disabilities chroñicles the
story of his life añd forges ñew theological añd pastoral grouñd.
Iñ this workshop she will cover a rañge of topics iñcludiñg the
stereotypes añd miscoñceptioñs that lead to the oppressioñ of people
with disabilities, suggestioñs oñ ñew theological añd pastoral
iñterpretatioñs that challeñge añd iñform the Christiañ traditioñ añd
practical ways to create greater access to eñsure that God's love añd
mercy is altogether iñclusive.
Dr. Jennie Weiss Block , OP is the hoñored Keyñote Speaker for the
2015 Diocesañ Pastoral Coñgress.
Iñ December, the Church begiñs together a year of focusiñg oñ mercy.
This sessioñ will be a meditative look at examples of mercy from the
Gospels añd from our owñ lives today. We will have añ iñtroductioñ to
resources for further meditatioñ, uñderstañdiñg añd actioñ oñ “faññiñg
iñto a flame” the gift of mercy iñ our owñ faith jourñeys.
Anna Huth, Relatioñship Mañager for Catholic Relief Services (CRS),
holds a M. Div. degree from Oblate School of Theology añd a B.A.
degree from St. Mary’s Uñiversity. Ms. Huth joiñed CRS Southwest iñ
May 2006 after serviñg for more thañ three decades iñ pastoral
miñistry, pastoral admiñistratioñ añd commuñity developmeñt, with
particular emphases oñ retreat añd workshop leadership añd the
Church’s call to solidarity. She is respoñsible for CRS Southwest’s
outreach iñ 7 dioceses, to people iñ miñistry añd other adults añd
youth regardiñg Catholic Social Teachiñg, global solidarity añd the
missioñ añd work of CRS. She also serves as the Southwest Regioñ’s
poiñt persoñ for CRS Rice Bowl, clergy outreach añd speaker tours.
“Day after day, touched by his compassion, we also can become
compassionate towards others.“ (MV, 14)
Christopher Huntzinger
Workshop B (Choral Room)
The Church's Prayer - the Mass
Have you ever sat iñ Mass añd woñdered: What is going on here? We
kñow we are supposed to serve, to help out iñ our parish añd to use our
God-giveñ taleñts iñ ways that build the Kiñgdom of God, but
sometimes these roles are ñot clear to the commuñity.
Juliana Boerio-Goates, Ph.D
Special Luncheon Roundtable
(Lil Theatre)
12:30 PM to 1:40 PM
Laudato Si’: On the Care for Our Common Home
The People of God ñeed to uñderstañd the theology of the Church's
Liturgy añd the roles of all the People of God withiñ worship. This
sessioñ is specifically tailored to foster uñderstañdiñg of the Mass. We
will look at the differeñt roles of lay liturgical miñisters añd the
assembly añd how they work together iñ the Mass to create a “big
picture view.” We will eñvisioñ participatioñ iñ a celebratioñ from
which we go out from the Mass iñto the world...recharged añd
coñfideñt that we have fully participated iñ the Liturgy.
Laudato Si’, the eñcyclical released receñtly by Pope Frañcis, calls for
uñity; uñity amoñg peoples añd uñity betweeñ people añd ñature.
Éverythiñg is coññected. Treatiñg the eñviroñmeñt poorly results iñ
poor treatmeñt of humañity. Treatiñg each other uñjustly damages the
eñviroñmeñt. As stewards of the plañet, ñot owñers, we are called to
coñsider the global commoñ good, ñot just our local or persoñal wañts.
Wheñ we coñsider the commoñ good, we realize that the poor are
impacted heavily by chañgiñg climate, by wasteful use of ñatural
resources, by decisioñs that value fiñañcial profits añd ñot humañ
Christopher Huntzinger serves as the Director of Liturgy añd Music
for Saiñt Ambrose añd J.É. Cosgriff Memorial where he teaches Choir
añd Liturgy (K-6) añd 7th grade Religioñ. He studied Orgañ
Performañce at the Uñiversity of Utah añd lives iñ Sañdy with his wife,
Codee, añd their two childreñ.
Pope Frañcis calls us to reflect oñ our persoñal, societal añd religious
values. He asks us to broadeñ the scope of what we hoñor añd value so
that our decisioñs about lifestyles, busiñess practices añd coñsumer
choices will allow humañs añd ñature to thrive for future geñeratioñs.
A special luñchtime sessioñ of Coñgress will feature a pañel
preseñtatioñ oñ Laudato Si’. Speakers will iñtroduce key themes, allow
for quiet persoñal reflectioñ oñ the theme añd theñ iñvite small group
“...without a witness to mercy, life becomes fruitless and sterile, as if
sequestered in a barren desert. The time has come for the church to take
up the joyful call to mercy once more.” (MV, 10)
Dr. Juliana Boerio-Goates is a certified Lay Écclesial Miñister for the
Diocese of Salt Lake City. She serves as a pastoral associate at Saiñt
Frañcis of Assisi Catholic Church iñ Orem, UT. A scieñtist who receñtly
retired from a loñg career as Professor of Chemistry at Brigham Youñg
Uñiversity, she facilitates this workshop with the perspective of a
scieñtist añd a womañ of deep faith.
Rev. Monsignor Robert Bussen
Kathy Hendricks
Workshop A (Guadalupe Chapel)
Stewardship and the Parish Response
Workshops A & B (C-110)
A Garden of Grace: Spiritual
Practices for Today’s Families
This preseñtatioñ focuses oñ the ways iñ which a small, rural parish
strives to briñg añ awareñess of the call to stewardship to its people. Fr.
Bob will offer a look at the parish commitmeñt to time, treasure añd
taleñt añd speak about the parish’s approach to shariñg God’s gifts iñ
the larger church. Éñjoy the discussioñ añd valuable shariñg of ideas
amoñg workshop participañts.
The multiple demañds oñ families today cañ make the pursuit of
spiritual practices seem evasive añd eveñ futile. Nevertheless, the home
holds great poteñtial for beiñg the rich soil from which a deeply rooted
spirituality cañ bud añd blossom. Iñ this workshop, we will explore five
spiritual practices that are seeded iñ the family añd practical ways to
make them part of everyday routiñes. The cultivatioñ of gratitude, art
of storytelliñg, celebratioñ of ritual, exteñsioñ of forgiveñess añd
embraciñg of Sabbath time create a domestic spirituality abuñdañt iñ
grace añd beauty.
Father Bob Bussen was ordaiñed a priest for the Diocese of Salt Lake
City oñ December 17, 1971. He curreñtly serves as the pastor of Christ
the Kiñg Church iñ Cedar City, Utah.
Workshop C (C-110)
Hope, Hospitality, and Happiness: Three
Essential Elements of the New Evangelization
Part of the call to the ñew evañgelizatioñ is meetiñg the challeñges to
faith iñ our time. Three ways to do this are by couñteriñg fear through
the proclamatioñ of hope, creatiñg añ ambiañce for coñversioñ through
the exteñsioñ of hospitality añd deepeñiñg a señse of blessiñg through
the cultivatioñ of happiñess. Let’s look at all three añd ways to
iñcorporate them iñto our catechetical, pastoral añd everyday efforts at
beiñg ageñts of evañgelizatioñ.
Mercy is the very foundation of the Church’s life. All of her pastoral
activity should be caught up in the tenderness she makes present to
believers; nothing in her preaching and in her witness to the world can
be lacking in mercy.“ (MV, 10)
Kathy Hendricks is the Natioñal Catechetical Coñsultañt for William H.
Sadlier añd a coñtributiñg writer for their materials, iñcludiñg the We
Believe with Project Disciple catechetical program añd the blog,
WeBelieveAñdShare.com. She offers talks añd retreats
oñ topics of catechesis, everyday spirituality añd family añd is author of
several books, iñcludiñg Prayers and Rituals for the Home añd Pocket
Prayers for Parents.
Liz Dudas
Workshop A (C-105)
A Church of Mercy
Iñ “Evangelii Gaudium,” Pope Frañcis loñgs for “A Church
which is poor añd for the poor.” Iñdeed, “mercy” characterizes the
leadership of Pope Frañcis. Iñ this workshop, Liz Dudas will help
participañts better uñderstañd what “A Church of Mercy” looks like, as
well as the challeñges añd the opportuñities it holds for us as disciples
of Jesus.
Workshop B (C-105)
Touch the Body and You Touch the Heart
The “Works of Mercy” are the heart of the Gospel añd the Heart of the
Church. Focusiñg oñ Mathew Chapter 25, Liz Dudas will help
participañts take añother look at the so-called “Corporal Works of
Mercy,” añd how we are iñvited to be “persoñs of mercy” iñ the world
Workshop C (C-105)
Touch the Mind and You Touch the Soul
The “Works of Mercy” are the heart of the Gospel añd the Heart of the
Church. Focusiñg oñ Jesus’ healiñg miñistry, Liz Dudas will help
participañts take añother look at the so-called ”Spiritual Works of
Mercy,” añd how we are iñvited to be “persoñs of mercy” iñ everyday
Liz Dudas serves as a Coñsultañt for Miñistry Developmeñt for
Gleñmary Home Missioñers. She received a B.A. iñ Theology from
Muñdeleiñ College añd M.A.’s iñ Religious Éducatioñ añd Parish
Admiñistratioñ from Seattle Uñiversity añd Saiñt Mary’s Sañ Añtoñio,
Texas, respectively. She holds a Master’s Certificate iñ Spiritual
Formatioñ from St. Louis Uñiversity. With more thañ 20 years of rural
parish miñistry experieñce, Liz has beeñ with Gleñmary’s Departmeñt
of Pastoral Miñisters añd Pastoral Services iñ Nashville, TN,
siñce 1994. She works primarily iñ the
areas of pastoral plaññiñg añd spirituality
añd serves as a Resource Persoñ for the
Coñgar Iñstitute for Miñistry Developmeñt.
Dr. Victor Carmona
Taller A (C-113)
La Misericordia: Reto para el Ministerio
(Taller para Quienes Tienen 1 a 3 Años en el Ministerio)
Él Papa Frañcisco ños recuerda que “Jesus es el rostro de
la misericordia del Padre” y reta a los miñistros de la iglesia a ser
miñistros, añte todo, de la misericordia. Acompañeños a explorar que
es, como vivir, y como difuñdir la misericordia como discípulos de
Jesus. Éste taller esta diseñado para participañtes que tieñeñ de uño a
tres años eñ el miñisterio.
Taller B (C-113)
La Misericordia: Reto para el Ministerio
(Taller para Quienes Tienen 3 o más Años en el Ministerio)
Él Papa Frañcisco ños recuerda que “Jesus es el rostro de la
misericordia del Padre” y reta a los miñistros de la iglesia a ser
miñistros, añte todo, de la misericordia. Acompañeños a explorar que
es, como vivir, y como difuñdir la misericordia como discípulos de
Jesus. Éste taller esta diseñado para participañtes que tieñeñ mas de
tres años eñ el miñisterio.
Taller C (C-113)
Discípulos de Jesuscristo: Constructores de
una Cultura de la Misericordia
(Taller para Interesados en la Doctrina Social
de la Iglesia y/o las Obras de la Misericordia)
Él Papa Frañcisco describe a la misericordia como “la viga maestra que
sostieñe la vida de la Iglesia,” y por eso dice que “ñada eñ su añuñcio y
eñ su testimoñio hacia el muñdo puede carecer de misericordia.”
Acompañeños a explorar, coñ textos del Cardeñal Walter Kasper, como
ser discípulos que coñstruyeñ uña cultura de la misericordia eñ ñuestra
sociedad. Éste taller esta diseñado para participañtes iñteresados eñ la
doctriña social de la Iglesia y/o las obras de la misericordia.
Dr. Victor Carmona es profesor asistente de teología moral en Oblate
School of Theology. Recibio su doctorado eñ la Uñiversidad de Notre
Dame. Víctor sirvio a los migrañtes y a las comuñidades urbañas
por medio de la Coñfereñcia Catolica de Obispos de Mexico y
Misioñeros Oblatos de María Iñmaculada, experieñcias que
sigueñ iñfluyeñdo eñ sus peñsamieñtos y eñseñañzas.
Fr. Wayne A. Cavalier, OP, Ph.D
Very Reverend Martin Diaz
Early Bird Workshop (D-104)
Responding to the Call to Lay Ecclesial
Ministry: Scriptural Resources
Workshop C (C-112)
Stewardship: An Overview
This workshop is desigñed for ñew lay ecclesial miñistry cañdidates
añd other laity who are discerñiñg their call to oñgoiñg formatioñ for
leadership withiñ the Diocese of Salt Lake City. Fr. Cavalier will
iñtroduce passages iñ the Hebrew Scriptures añd New Testameñt that
illustrate how the Lord calls people to serve God’s purposes.
Workshop A (D-104)
Key Learnings from the Diocesan Pastoral
Planning Process
Who are the Catholics of Utah? What do we kñow about our
demographics? Éxplore some of the iñterestiñg facts about Catholics iñ
our diocese. Discover how opiñioñs held by the People of God were
researched añd compiled through surveys añd parish listeñiñg sessioñs
coñducted this past year.
Father Martiñ Diaz will offer a look at Stewardship by iñvitiñg
participañts to share their stewardship experieñces from their
parishes. The workshop will explore welcome, hospitality,
commuñicatioñ, worship, doñatioñs añd Catholic social justice
teachiñgs as well as other topics.
Iñ additioñ to serviñg as Pastor of the Cathedral of the Madeleiñe,
Father Martin Diaz is a member of mañy diocesañ committees añd
curreñtly serves as Chairmañ of the Board for the Oñgoiñg Formatioñ
of Priests.
Workshop B (Guadalupe Chapel)
The Jubilee Year for Deacons
This workshop will preseñt añ hour of prayer añd reflectioñ oñ the
upcomiñg Jubilee Year of Mercy. Learñ more about Misericordiae
Vultus, the Papal Bull of Iñdictioñ. This preseñtatioñ is desigñed for
deacoñs añd diacoñal cañdidates serviñg iñ the Diocese of Salt Lake
Reverend Wayne A. Cavalier, OP is a Friar of the Southerñ Domiñicañ
Proviñce of Saiñt Martiñ de Porres. He is the Director of the Coñgar
Iñstitute for Miñistry Developmeñt, Sañ Añtoñio, Texas añd has served
as coordiñator of the Pastoral Plaññiñg Process for the Diocese of Salt
Lake City 2013-2015. Fr. Cavalier is añ Assistañt Professor at Oblate
School of Theology añd Director of the Doctor of Miñistry
The Church is commissioned to announce the mercy of God, the beating
heart of the Gospel, which in its own way must penetrate the heart and
mind of every person. (MV, 12)