Direct objects and direct object pronouns

Direct objects and direct
object pronouns
How do identify direct objects?
How do I replace them with a direct object pronoun?
What are the direct object pronouns in Spanish?
Info for this presentation taken from Practice Makes Perfect: Spanish Pronouns and
Prepositions by Dorothy Richmond
What is a direct object?
The direct answers the question “what?” or
“whom?” with regard to the verb in a sentence.
John has the book. (What does he have?)
The book is the direct object.
Paul sees Mary. (Whom does Paul see?)
Mary is the direct object.
Using direct object pronouns.
What does a pronoun do in a sentence?
Direct object pronouns in English:
him, her, you (Ud.), it
them, you all
● Let’s replace the direct objects in our
examples with pronouns.
John has the book. → John has it.
Paul sees Mary. → Paul sees her.
Direct object pronouns in Spanish
Direct object pronouns (DOPs) in Spanish:
lo, la
los, las
● When you use DOPs in a sentence, you place
them before the conjugated verb.
● We’ll use the previous examples in Spanish:
Juan tiene el libro. → Juan lo tiene.
Paul ve a Mary. → Pablo la ve.
Another rule for pronoun placement
When using a double verb phrase, you attach the
DOP to the end of the unconjugated verb.
Prefiero mirar la televisión.
Prefiero mirarla.
Tú tienes que hacer la tarea.
Tú tienes que hacerla.
Me gusta escuchar las noticias.
Me gusta escucharlas.
With your partner, discuss 4 facts from the
lesson so far.
Identify the direct object and replace it
with a DOP.
Yo hago la tarea en mi casa.
La hago en mi casa.
Identify the direct object and replace it
with a DOP.
Tú lees los libros para la clase
de inglés.
Tú los lees para la clase de
Identify the direct object and replace it
with a DOP.
Ella quiere los zapatos nuevos.
Ella los quiere.
Identify the direct object and replace it
with a DOP.
Nosotros comemos las frutas
para el desayuno.
Nosotros las comemos para el
Identify the direct object and replace it
with a DOP.
Usted prefiere la camisa azul.
Usted la prefiere.
Identify the direct object and replace it
with a DOP.
Yo necesito el dinero para
comprar un coche.
Yo lo necesito para comprar
un coche.