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Iglesia la Santisima Trinidad • Simbahan ng Santisima Trinidad
• Tasi Tolu Pa’ia
October 26, 2014
Most Holy Trinity’s Mission says:
We discover God's Love through Worship,
Prayer, Study and Good Works
Worship Schedule/Horario de Misas:
Saturday Vigil Masses
4:15 pm (Vietnamese)
6 pm (English) / 7:30 pm (Spanish)
Sunday Masses
8:00 am, 9:30 am, 6:00 pm (English)
11:00 am (Spanish) / 12:30 pm (Filipino)
3:45 pm, 7:30 pm (Vietnamese)
Daily Masses
8:00 am (English)
5:30 pm (Vietnamese except Wed.)
Novena & Mass of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Wednesday at 5:30 pm
Confessions / Confesiones
Saturday at 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
or by appointment
Parish Office Hours / Horario de Oficina
Saturday 10 am to 2 pm
Sunday: 10:30 am to 2:30 pm
Tuesday thru Friday: 9:30 am to 7:00 pm
Monday: CLOSED
La Declaración Misionera de la Parroquia dice:
Descubrimos el amor de Dios por medio de
Alabanza, Oracion, Estudio y Buenas Obras
It is preferred that an envelopes be used at all times especially when tithing
in cash regardless of amount so we can service you better. Please include
your name and address CLEARLY on the envelopes.
Total: $ 17,702.80
Tithe: $ 1,770.28 BFP/TC Debt
This past week the priests and deacons of this parish have contributed $ 300
from their ministries to support the mission of Most Holy Trinity Church
Thank you for sharing God’s gifts, Just as He has shared them with you!
Church members should teach their children to tithe, explain it to
others and set good examples themselves.
(Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam)
Fr. Robert A. Fambrini, S.J. Pastor ext 114
Fr. George Wanser, S.J. ext 116
Fr. Duc Vu, S.J. ext 117
Fr. Vincent Duong, S.J. ext 123
Br. Jim Sanders, S.J. ext 100
Deacon Vicente R. Perez ext 112
Deacon Ruben Solorio ext 100
Deacon Juan Aquino ext 100
Deacon Dung Tran ext 110
Sr. Maria Goretti Nguyen, L.H.C. ext 110
Sr. Mary Margaret Phan, L.H.C. ext 115
Porty Nevarez, ext 126
Catholic Cemeteries of the
Diocese of San Jose
Calvary, San Jose
Gate of Heaven, Los
Altos 650-428-3730
Welcome, New Parishioners
Please fill out a registration located at the Church entrances or on
pg 8 of bulletin. You may drop it off in the Parish Office.
¡Bienvenidos, Nuevos Parroquianos!
Favor de llenar la forma de registración localizada en las
entradas de la Iglesia o en página 8 de boletín. Dejen la en la
Oficina de la Parroquia.
2040 Nassau Drive, San Jose, CA 95122 • Telephone: (408) 729-0101 • FAX: (408) 258-4131
Dates to Remember
Office Manager
BFP &Viet Bulletin Editor
Facilities Manager/Bulletin
Maintenance Dept
: Mary Jane Araya 108
: Sr. Maria Goretti 110
: Sylvia Hogan 307
:Mario Lucas 109
: Jaime Garcia
MHT School - 408-729-3431
Principal - Karen Francois ext. 207
School Secretary - Yesenia Perez ext. 209
Study of the Lectionary every Monday night at 6:30pm in Spanish in room 28 of parish office.
Estudio de el Leccionario cada Lunes a las 6:30pm en Español en el cuarto 28 de la oficina.
Grupo de Oración todos los Viernes de 7pm - 9pm y Adoración de 9pm - 12am . Misa de Primer
Viernes 7:30pm. Primer Sábado del mes a las 9pm
Social Justice & Outreach
Faith Formation
Catechetical Ministry: English/Spanish, RCIA/C,
Confirmation Coordinator, Quinceañera Prep Porty Nevarez email: [email protected]
Special Needs Catechesis - Peggy Bariteau x 120
Vietnamese Catechetics/RCIA/C- Sr. Mary
Margaret ext. 115
Marriage Preparation / Convalidation /
Renewal of Vows 729-0101 x 100
Youth Ministry
Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Society
Minh Pham / Nga Dinh 408-316-9358
Kasarinlan Dance Company -
Social Justice Rep to the Diocese Ignacio Coloma
Health Ministry - Chris Rodriguez
MHT Church Pantry 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Deacon Juan Aquino (Mon, Tue & Wed )
PACT/ Local Organizing Committee
Jennifer - 408-835-6708 or Aurora Solis 408-259-5559
Grace Penuliar 408-210-2100
Samoan Youth - Jeff Tilofaga 408-561-8142
Sociedad de Jesus Juvenil - Rosaura Santiago
Estrada 408-843-8324
KofC Squires - Dave Cadena 859-3905
Music Ministry - English
Mass Time
Angela Tirado - 729-0101
Sat 6pm
Anthony Ricalde
Sun. 6pm
Eddie & Rosie Dominguez - 204-2128
Spanish - Salvador Rojas ext. 119
Filipino - Jessie Garcia
Vietnamese - Ngoc Tran 274-6293
Trung Nguyen 202-4562
Thuan Nguyen 391-6782
Community Life
Samahang Filipino - Jessie Garcia
Knights of Columbus - Irwin Taliaoa - 493-3661
Los Amigos - Gloria Cruz 823-9725
Movimiento Familiar - Miguel Oseguera 926-0794
Grupo de Oracion-Mario/Olivia Gutierrez 406-8512
Legion of Mary English - Rosel Jarvis 972-6930
Vietnamese Community Representative
Dinh Vu 408-655-8597
Samoan Community Representative Malia Mika ext 102
Equipo Pastoral - Sandra Rodriguez 981-3522
Young Couples Group - Ruben Solorio 422-4858
Couples for Christ - Francisco Lozano 272-7375
Cursillo de Cristiandad - Raul Manzo 509-7913
SOS Group - Helen 391-7770
Parish Council
Chairperson - Maria Earl
MHT Counseling Center 729-0101 x 100
2045 Nassau Dr. by Appointment
MHT Employment Center 251-2790
[email protected] ,
2040 Nassau Drive
Tue and Thurs 7pm - 8pm
To set up an appointment during these hours, please call
(408) 251-2790. Alternately, you can also call Steve's Cell
phone at: 408-666-1575. hoc appointments on Saturdays
are also available, depending on availability of office staff.
For First Communion, the student must be in First Grade or 6 – 13 years old, be able
to read and write in English or Spanish. This is a two year program.
Para la primera comunión, el estudiante debe estar en primer grado o 6-13 años de
edad, saber leer y escribir en Inglés o Español. Programa de 2 años.
Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA/RCIC)
RCIC (children) students who need the Sacraments of initiation must be 6 – 17 years
old Adult RCIA, students need to be 18 years old and up. See page 6 & 7 for more
RCIC (niños) los estudiantes que necesitan los sacramentos de la iniciación deben
tener 6-17 años de edad. RCIA adultos, los estudiantes deben tener 18 años de edad
en adelante. Mire página 6 & 7 para mas información.
Stop by the parish office during office hours to pick up information on the procedures
for Baptism. Interviews will be conducted by appointment with a priest or deacon.
Date for Baptismal Class will be given at that time.
Venga a la oficina durante las horas regulares para recibir al hoja de información
para Bautismo. Platica para padres y padrinos será determinada en tiempo de
A 6-month notice is required. For more info, please contact the parish office.
Se necesitan 6 meses de anticipación.. Para mas información, llame la oficina.
The student must be in 8th grade or 13 - 17 years old and have already completed his/
her First Communion before begin the Confirmation process. This is a 2 year program.
Para la Confirmación, el estudiante debe estar en octavo grado o 13 a 17 años de
edad y haber completado su primera comunión antes de comenzar el proceso de
confirmación. El programa es de 2 anos.
Call the office no more then 6 months prior to register. Llame a la oficina no mas de 6
meses antes para registración.
Worship & Prayer
8:00 AM:
8:00 AM:
8:00 AM:
5:00 PM:
8:00 AM:
8:00 AM:
8:00 AM:
Don’t forget to turn
back your clocks
next Saturday or
you will be early to
Mass on Sunday
27, 2014
Marcelo Valdez B-day
George Portillo Health
28, 2014
Patrick Pablico B-day
Elisa Salva 
Oct 26 - Nov 2, 2014
29, 2014
Benny Cendana Jr B-day
Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18:2-4, 47, 51;
1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40
Doris Lagasca B-day
Antonio Sy 
Lope Ana Carbo
30, 2014
M Elena Salinas B-day
Claudia Benites 
Arthur Dumlao B-day
Eph 4:32 — 5:8; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 13:1017
Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 6:12-16
Eph 6:1-9; Ps 145:10-14; Lk 13:22-30
Eph 6:10-20; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10;
Lk 13:31-35
Phil 1:1-11; Ps 111:1-6; Lk 14:1-6
Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24:1-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3;
Mt 5:1-12a
Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5-11 or
6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40, or any readings from
no. 668 or from Masses for the Dead,
nos. 1011-1016
31, 2014
Victoria Vitug 
1, 2014
Martha Nhi Thi Nguyen 
Tisalonica Mundala 
Norma Samson 
Lord, teach me to be generous. Teach me to serve you as you deserve. To give and not to count the cost, To fight and not to heed
the wounds, To toil and not to seek for rest, To labor and not to seek reward, Save that of knowing that I do your will. AMEN
October 26, 2014
Dear MHT Parishioners,
I am pleased to report the financial statements of our Parish for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2014. The report covers the financial
position and operating results of the Parish for the period July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014, including the Operating Budget for the current
Fiscal Year 2014-15.
Assisting and advising me in the oversight of our Parish’s financial matters is the Parish Finance Council. Together, we reviewed the
financial reports and the results of operations to effectively use and allocate the financial resources you have contributed to our Parish.
Financial highlights:
The Parish incurred a deficit of $71,444 as total operating expenses exceeded budget by $64,649 and a shortfall in revenues
by $7,544. However, this was partly offset by parish organizations net revenues of $25,541, resulting to a lower decrease in
net assets by $45,903.
The Sunday Offertory Collections did not meet the budgeted amount by $103,052 or 9%. The Sunday Offertory Collections
is the main revenue source of our Parish, which represents 64% of the total operating revenues.
Excluding depreciation of $231,914, a non-cash expense item, total operating expenses of $1,387,669 was well within the
budget. However, spending in program services was up by $44,496 mainly due to higher outlays for Food Pantry and Youth
and Young Adult Ministries, Weed and Seed Programs, and subsidy to MHT School, but these were totally offset by budget
savings from supporting services and other expenses.
Cash In Bank at the end of June 2014 amounted to $384,970. Of this amount, $127,511 was designated for the church
bathroom expansion and installation of Air Conditioning System, $16,134 was designated for Preschool expansion project
and $10,785 was restricted for Food Pantry Ministry, and the remaining balance of $230,540 will be used to defray
operations, which is equivalent to only two months of the Parish monthly operating expenses.
Long-term debt to the Diocese of San Jose on the Trinity Center was reduced by $99,747 to $3,706,737 at the end of June
2014 as we regularly remit our monthly payment ($17,585) to the Diocese.
For this fiscal year 2014-15, we reduced some budgeted expenses to balance the budget and we estimated $1,400,500 for the
total revenues.
For this Fiscal Year, we will move forward to install the Air Conditioning System in our Church and abandon the Church Bathroom
Expansion Project because the estimated construction cost of $1 million is unattainable for our Parish resources. We will be soliciting bids
from independent contractors for the installation of Air Conditioning System and hope to have it install and operational by the summer of
2015. In addition, we will also solicit bids on our outside contract services such as janitorial/maintenance services and security service.
These are some of the projects we are pursuing in this fiscal year to minimize our expenses. We also restructured the rental rates for our
Trinity Center rooms to generate additional resources for our Parish.
Because of your kindness and generosity, we were able to continue our mission of discovering God’s love through Worship, Prayer, Study
and Good Works by providing liturgical services, education and faith formation programs, evangelization of youth and young adults, and
helping the needy in our community through variety of ministries and program services. Jesus Christ has made great things to our Parish
and calls on us to offer generously to our unending mission. I remain forever grateful for your tremendous support and generosity.
If you have any questions on the financial report, I invite you to attend the Parish Finance Council meeting on Saturday, November 22,
2014, 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM at the Trinity Center.
Sincerely yours,
Father Robert Fambrini, S.J. Pastor
26 de Octubre, 2014
Estimados Feligreses,
Estoy muy complacido de presentarles el reporte financiera de nuestra Parroquia para el año fiscal que termino en Junio 30 del 2014. El
reporte cubre la posición financiera y los resultados operativos de la Parroquia del periodo de Julio 1, 2013 a Junio 30, del 2014,
incluyendo el presupuesto operativo para el Año Fiscal en curso 2014-2015.
Asistiéndome y asesorándome en la supervisión de los asuntos financieros de nuestra parroquia es el Consejo Financiero Parroquial.
Juntos hemos revisado los informes financieros y los resultados de las operaciones para utilizar con eficacia y asignar los recursos
financieros que han contribuido a nuestra Parroquia.
Finanzas Relevantes:
La parroquia incurrió en un déficit de $71,444 de gastos operativos total excediendo el presupuesto por $65,649 y una baja de ingresos
$7,544. Sin embargo, esto fue cubierto en parte por las ganancias de las organizaciones parroquiales con $25,541, resultando con una
disminución menor en los activos netos por $ 45.903.
Las Colectas del Ofertorio Dominical no alcanzaron la meta del monto del presupuesto por $103,052 o 9%. Las colectas del Ofertorio
Dominical son la fuente principal de ingresos de nuestra Parroquia, la cual representa el 64% del total de las ganancias operativas.
Excluyendo depreciación de $ 231.914, una partida de gastos no en efectivo, los gastos operativos totales de $ 1,387.669 estuvo bien
dentro del presupuesto. Sin embargo, los gastos en los servicios de programas fue hasta en $ 44.496 debido principalmente a mayores
gastos para la Despensa de Alimentos y al ministerio de Jóvenes y Jóvenes programa de Semillas y hierba (Weed and Seed), y un subsidio
a la escuela de MHT, pero éstos fueron totalmente ajustado por ahorros en el presupuesto de los servicios de apoyo y otros gastos.
El total de efectivo en banco a fines de junio del 2014 ascendió a $ 384,970. De esta cantidad, $127,511 dólares fueron designado para la
expansión de los baños de la iglesia y para la instalación del sistema de aire acondicionado, $ 16,134 fueron designados para el proyecto
de expansión de Preescolar y $ 10,785 fue restringido para el ministerio de la Despensa de Comida, y el saldo restante de $230,540
dólares se utilizará para sufragar las operaciones, lo cual es equivalente a sólo dos meses de los gastos operativos mensuales de la
La deuda a largo plazo con la Diócesis de San José del Centro Trinidad se redujo en $99,747 a $3, 706, 737 a finales de Junio de 2014
mientras que remitamos los pagos mensuales ($17, 585) a la Diócesis.
Para este año fiscal 2014-15, reducimos algunos gastos presupuestales para equilibrar el presupuesto que estimamos
$1, 400,500 de ingresos totales.
Para este año fiscal, vamos a avanzar en la instalación del sistema de aire acondicionado en nuestra Iglesia y abandonar el proyecto de
expansión de los baños en la Iglesia porque el costo de construcción es estimado en $ 1,000, 000 inalcanzable para nuestros recursos
parroquiales. Hemos solicitado ofertas de contratistas independientes para la instalación del sistema de aire acondicionado y esperamos
tenerlo instalado y funcionando para el verano del 2015. Además, también vamos a solicitar más ofertas sobre nuestros contratos de
servicios externos, tales como los servicios de limpieza / mantenimiento y servicio de seguridad. Estos son algunos de los proyectos que
perseguimos en este año fiscal para minimizar nuestros gastos. También reestructuramos las tasas de alquiler de nuestros salones del
Centro Trinidad para generar recursos adicionales para nuestra parroquia.
Debido a su amabilidad y generosidad, hemos sido capaces de continuar nuestra misión de descubrir el amor de Dios a través de la
adoración, oración, estudio y buenas obras proporcionando servicios litúrgicos, programas de educación y formación en la fe, la
evangelización de jóvenes y jóvenes adultos, y ayudando a los necesitados en nuestra comunidad a través de diversos ministerios y
programas de servicios. Nuestro Señor Jesucristo ha hecho grandes cosas a nuestra Parroquia y nos llama a ofrecer generosamente a
nuestra misión sin fin. Les estoy eternamente agradecido por su enorme apoyo y generosidad.
If you have any questions on the financial report, I invite you to attend the Parish Finance Council meeting on Saturday, November 22,
2014, 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM at the Trinity Center.
Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el reporte financiero, los invito a asistir a una reunión del Consejo Financiero Pastoral el Sábado, 22 de
Noviembre, 2014, de 10:30 AM a 11:30 AM en el Centro Trinidad.
Padre Roberto Fambrini, S.J.
Good Works
Habitat will paint the exterior of
your home for $50!
To qualify you must meet the following requirements:
Live in or near Habitat’s East San Jose target area
Own and occupy a single family home in need of
repainting (includes town homes & mobile
• Household income is below 80% of the area
median income limit (see table below)
• Homeowner is willing to meet “sweat equity”
requirement, and contribute $50 to fund more
Habitat repairs*
Meet the members of the
St Vincent de Paul Society
of Most Holy Trinity Church
Back Row: Juan Navarro, Ignacio Coloma, Shawn Maloato,
Submit an application:
• visit HabitatEBSV.org/HomeRepair
• call us at 510-803-3373
• email us at [email protected]
Front Row: Lolinda Gali, Mildred Cardillo, Raquel Villaviza, Lillie Rule,
Deacon Juan Aquino, Remy Dinh
Habitat le pintara el exterior de su
casa por solo $50!
The Lector ministry proclaims the Word of God for the assembly, making it
understandable, inspirational and alive. Lectors also raise the community’s
prayer to God by leading the Prayers of the Faithful.
Para calificar tiene que cumplir con los siguientes
Lectors are needed weekly for all English and Filipino Masses and are
assigned on a rotating basis. Most Holy Trinity is actively recruiting lectors.
Training is required and available as needed.
Please contact Linda Rodriguez for further information
[email protected]
Vivir cerca o dentro del area designada en el area
marcada por Habitat del Este de San Jose
• Ser propietario y ocupar su casa de familia (incluye casa de dos
pisos y casas mobibles) con necesidad de pintura
El limete de ingreso total de miembros de familia sea menos del
80% del area mediana (mire la table
• El propietario esta dispuesto a cumplir con las horas de “trabajo
de equidad” y contribuir $50 para financiar mas reparaciones de
408-712-0327 or
October 26 is Priesthood Sunday
Members of the San Jose Serra Club honor the parish pastors and associates in
our San Jose Serra Club 21- parish area today, Priesthood Sunday. We thank
them for their love and devotion to all parishioners; for their counsel and
understanding in times of family stress and illness; for their support and care
in times of layoffs and unemployment, for their comfort in times of family
grief and sorrow; for their constant concerns with parish needs and with their
shared joy with us at Baptisms, Marriages, First Communions and
Confirmations. Most of all we thank them for bringing Eucharist for us all.
Someta la solicitud:
visite HabitatEBSV.org/HomeRepair
llamenos a 510-803-3388
email a [email protected]
Thank you, dear Fathers.
San Jose Serra Club
[email protected]
Thank you for joining us in prayer and sacrament.
Whether you are long-time residents or newly arrived in the Parish, if you are NOT registered, please complete the information below and place
in the offertory basket or bring to the Parish Office.
Phone: (
Head of Household
New Parishioner
Phone Number Change
New Address
e-mail address:
Please send Offertory envelopes
50th Anniversary
CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? 50th MHT School Anniversary
coming up! We're looking for our Alumni. If you are an
alumni or know an alumni, please contact us at [email protected].
Most Holy Trinity Preschool
Most Holy Trinity Preschool is now enrolling for the 2014-2015
school year! Most Holy Trinity preschool accepts children from 3
years of age up to entry into kindergarten. Our program helps
students learn their letters, numbers, and helps to improve on the
student’s fine motor and gross motor skills. In addition to these skills
the teachers also help the students to develop the social skills needed
before entering kindergarten. By bringing your child to preschool you
are setting them up for a lifelong love of learning.
Dear Most Holy Trinity Community,
As we get closer to Halloween, many of our students are going
on field trips to visit Pumpkin Patches.
Most Holy Trinity Preschool has a variety of program options to meet
any family’s needs. We offer care Monday –Friday from 7am-6pm.
You can enroll your child in a half day program, 8am-12pm, or a full
day program, 8am-4pm. From 7am-8am and 4pm-6pm we offer an
extended care program for the children. We also offer 5, 3, and 2 day
a week care, to meet the needs of your family.
If you are interested in finding out more information about our
program please feel free to call us at (408) 929-2287. We would love
for your family to come in for a tour of our wonderful facility.
Our next Family Mass will be Sunday, November 2nd at 9:30
a.m. All Saints Day is Saturday, November 1st.
Thank you Father Bob and Father George for your support of
our school.
Warm Wishes,
Most Holy Trinity Preschool Staff
LIC# 434412400, 2033 Nassau Drive, San Jose, CA 95122
In Peace,
Karen Francois
Most Holy Trinity Catholic School, is a K-8 grade school. We admit students of any
race, color, and national and/or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs,
and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the schools. It does
not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and/or ethnic origin,
age, sex or disability in administration of educational policies, scholarship and loan
programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.
Health Ministry
October 26, 2014
26 de Octubre 2014
Hoy es domingo SALUD
Come to the Trinity Center after mass to get your blood
pressure and blood sugar checked. 9 am – 1 pm.
Ven al Centro de Trinidad después de la misa para que te
revisen su presión arterial y azúcar en la sangre. 09:00
a.m.-1:00 p.m..
I am pleased to announce a NEW benefit for your
families and friends. I have partnered with Family
Wyze Community Service Partnership to provide
Prescription Savings Cards that can make medicine
more affordable and keep you healthy.
Tengo el placer de anunciar un nuevo beneficio para sus
familias y amigos. He colaborado con Family Wyze
Servicio Comunitario para proporcionar Tarjetas de
Ahorros para sus Prescripciónes. Las tarjetas pueden
hacer los medicamentos más asequibles y mantenerlo
About the Prescription Savings Card:
Acerca de la tarjeta de descuento:
• Puede ser utilizado en las recetas aprobadas en casi
todas las farmacias incluyendo CVS, Walgreens, RiteAid, Walmart, Target, etc
• Ahorro de hasta el 75% - la media del 40% en los
precios al por menor de la medicina
• Las tarjetas no necesitan estar registrados o activado - se
puede utilizar de inmediato
Can be used on approved prescriptions at almost
every pharmacy including CVS, Walgreens, Rite
Aid, Walmart, Target, etc.
Savings up to 75% -- average 40% off retail
price of medicine
Cards don’t need to be registered or activated
can be used immediately
Even people with insurance can try it to see if
they save more!
• Incluso las personas con seguro pueden probarlo para
ver si ahorran más!
Come to the Trinity Center to get your card today!
Ven al Centro de Trinidad para obtener su tarjeta hoy!
For date and time see calendar on Community Room
Para fecha y horario mire el calendario en la ventana
del Community Room.
Se pide una donación $5
For More information contact/Para más
información llame a: Chris Rodriguez 408-921-0757