View - St. Louise Parish

2nd Sunday in Lent— 3-1-2015
II Domingo de Cuaresma — 01.03.2015
Liturgy Schedule
Weekend Masses
Saturday: 5PM Vigil
Sunday: 7:30AM, 9AM, 11AM
1PM Spanish
6PM Life Teen
Weekday Liturgies (English)
Mass: 9AM Monday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday
Mass: 6PM Thursday (during Lent)
Liturgy of the Word: 9AM Tuesday
Anointing Mass (English)
9AM First Saturday of the Month
Reconciliation (English and Spanish)
Thursdays 5:15-5:45PM (during Lent)
Saturdays 3—4:30PM or by
Today’s Gospel Reading: Mark 9:2-10
Jesus took Peter, James, and John and led them up a high mountain apart by
themselves. And he was transfigured before them, and his clothes became dazzling
white, such as no fuller on earth could bleach them. Then Elijah appeared to them
along with Moses, and they were conversing with Jesus. Then Peter said to Jesus in
reply, "Rabbi, it is good that we are here! Let us make three tents: one for you, one
for Moses, and one for Elijah." He hardly knew what to say, they were so terrified.
Then a cloud came, casting a shadow over them; from the cloud came a voice,
"This is my beloved Son. Listen to him." Suddenly, looking around, they no longer
saw anyone but Jesus alone with them.
As they were coming down from the mountain, he charged them not to relate what
they had seen to anyone, except when the Son of Man had risen from the dead.
So they kept the matter to themselves, questioning what rising from the dead meant.
Parish Information
141 156th Avenue SE
Bellevue, WA 98007
For a full listing of Parish Staff see inside,
page 10.
Para obtener una lista completa de la
Parroquia Personal Dentro consulte la
página 10.
Parish Office Hours
9AM—6PM, Monday thru Friday
10AM—2PM, Saturday
Our Mission • Nuestra Misión
As members of St. Louise Catholic Church, our mission is to proclaim the good news of Christ in Word and Sacrament,
to build up the prayerful community of believers in all our diversity and to witness God's saving love by ministering to
the needs of others.
Nuestra misión como miembros de la Iglesia Católica de Sta. Luisa, es de proclamar las buenas noticias de Cristo en
la Palabra y el Sacramento, para construir la comunidad devota de creyentes en toda nuestra diversidad y para
presenciar el amor de Dios atendiendo a las necesidades de otros.
Welcome To
St. Louise
If you are new here,
a returning Catholic,
or have been a
member and don’t
feel connected,
contact our Parish
Office at
425-747-4450 to find
out more information
about the parish. If
you are interested in
registering, fill out an
information card,
found at the
welcome desk in the
main vestibule of the
church, and drop it
in the collection
basket, or register
online at
Bienvenido a
Santa Luisa
Si eres nuevo aquí,
un regresando
católica, o ha sido
miembro y no se
sienten conectados,
póngase en contacto
con nuestra Oficina
Parroquial al
425-747-4450 para
obtener más
información acerca
de la parroquia. Si
usted está
interesado en
registrarse, llenar
una tarjeta de
información, que se
encuentra en la
recepción de
bienvenida en el
vestíbulo principal
de la iglesia, y
colóquelo en la
canasta de la
colecta, o registrarse
en línea en
From the Pastor • Del Pastor
Dear Parishioners,
Queridos Miembros de la Parroquia:
Last week there was a brief
announcement in the bulletin
asking you to pray for the parish staff and for our retreat on
Wednesday, February 25. I am
writing this column before the
retreat, so I will have more to
say about it in next week’s bulletin.
La semana pasada hubo un breve anuncio en el boletín, pidiéndoles que oren por el personal de la parroquia y por nuestro retiro el miércoles 25 de febrero.
Estoy escribiendo esta columna antes del retiro, así
que tendré más que decir al respecto en el boletín de
la próxima semana.
As you will recall, Steve Donaldson and Tim Corey led
the staff on retreat last August to begin to pray, think
and dream about what our future might be. They led
the Parish Pastoral Council through a similar, albeit
shorter, experience in November. In December and
January, you completed a survey designed by the Office of Planning and Research at the Archdiocese.
Thank you to the more than 600 parishioners who took
time to do so. We will use the survey information as
the staff and leadership reflect and pray during the
planning process. The Pastoral Council is now seeking
the input of the Finance Council and commissions in
preparation for the April 18 parish leadership meeting
of the staff, the Pastoral and Finance Councils and the
commissions, to provide what we will need to put a
strategic plan together for the parish.
Psalm 90 offers this prayer: Lord, give success to
the work of our hands. I would ask that you prayerfully offer that prayer, this week and even throughout the
Lenten and Easter Seasons, for the success of this
important work for our parish.
With my promise of prayer for all of you,
Fr. Gary Zender
The Bishops Need Your Input!
Consultation for the
Synod of Bishops on the Family
The last day to take the survey is March 9.
Once again, as with the most recent Synod of
Bishops, the Office of the Synod of Bishops invites
a process of broad consultation among every
component of the local Church, including
academic institutions, organizations, lay
movements and other ecclesial associations.
Please follow the link below to Archbishop
Sartain’s cover letter and the survey. The
Archbishop’s letter contains a hyperlink to the
Vatican Lineamenta that provides valuable
background information about each survey
area. This survey contains 46 questions that are
based on the Lineamenta, so you are urged to
read the Lineamenta, carefully before you
respond to this survey.
Como ustedes recordarán, en agosto pasado, Steve
Donaldson y Tim Corey dirigieron al personal en un
retiro para empezar a orar, pensar y soñar cuál puede
ser nuestro futuro. Ellos dirigieron también al Consejo
Pastoral de la Parroquia en una experiencia similar,
aunque más corta, en el mes de noviembre. En diciembre y enero ustedes completaron una encuesta
diseñada por la Oficina de Planeación e Investigación
de la Arquidiócesis. Gracias a los más de 600 feligreses que se tomaron el tiempo para hacerlo.
Usaremos la información de la encuesta para que el
personal y el liderazgo reflexionen y oren durante este
proceso de planeación. El Consejo Pastoral está ahora
recabando los aportes del Consejo y las Comisiones
de Finanzas, en preparación para la reunión del 18 de
abril en la que participarán el personal de la parroquia,
el Consejo y las Comisiones Pastoral y de Finanzas,
para poder tener toda la información que necesitamos
a fin de armar un plan estratégico para la parroquia.
El Salmo 90 contiene esta oración: Señor, da éxito a
la obra de nuestras manos. Quisiera pedirles que
ofrezcan esta oración esta semana y también durante
toda la temporada de Cuaresma y de Pascua, para el
éxito de este importante trabajo para nuestra parroquia.
Con mi promesa de orar por todos ustedes,
Padre Gary Zender
Parish Raffle Event
St. Louise Parish
Raffle night is
Saturday, March 21,
6PM-8PM in the Parish Hall. Our Fil-Am,
Hispanic and Indian Communities will be providing
the meal for this wonderful parish event!
Please preorder your meal ($10 per person or
$40 per family) at any of the Masses the weekend
of Feb 28-March 1, March 14-15 during “Display
Weekend” or at A
limited number of tickets will be available at the
door. Go to for the volunteer
link to help on Display Weekend and the Raffle
$50 Raffle Tickets on sale while supplies last!
Questions? Email Debbie at
[email protected]. Thank you!
Hospitality and Welcoming
24-Hour Prayer Vigil begins this Friday
This comingFriday, March 6 thru Saturday, March 7, St. Louise’s Annual
24-Hour Prayer Vigil will begin with 9AM Mass on Friday and end with benediction at 8:45AM on Saturday. All are welcome to come and pray, individually and as a community. Below is the schedule:
A box for prayer inten9AM – 10AM First Friday Mass (March 6)
tions and a sign-up sheet
10AM – 6PM Silent prayer
has been placed in the
6PM – 6:30PM Rosary (English)
main vestibule. Please
6:30PM – 7PM Stations of the Cross (Sp.)
place your prayer inten7PM – 7:30PM Rosary (Spanish)
tions in the box and sign
7:30PM – 9PM Adoration & Vocal prayer (Sp.) up for an hour of vigil
9PM – 9AM
Silent prayer
prayer time. For ques8:45AM
Benediction (March 7)
tions contact Esther
Mass with Anointing of the Sick Lucero-Miner at
425-747-4450, or
[email protected].
Gospel of Life - Pie Sale
The Gospel of Life Community is holding a pie sale the
weekend of March 7 and 8 after all the Masses, to
benefit impoverished women and children served by
our community. Selections include peach, cherry,
apple and blueberry. All pies are frozen.
Crossing Borders:
Migration, Theology, and the Human Journey
A Small-Group Study on Immigration
Take an in-depth look at the issue of immigration
this Spring, using the “Crossing Borders” materials
developed by JustFaith Ministries.
Several of our existing Good News People groups
will be starting on the Crossing Borders module,
and some new groups will be formed. Each group
will tailor a schedule for completing the eight
sessions based on its members’ needs. The parish
plans to underwrite group costs including
registration fee and DVDs; individual participants
will be asked to pay the $55 cost of three books (scholarships will be
available in cases of need). If you think you might like to be part of this,
or if you have questions, please contact Ann Brashear
([email protected], 425-746-8663) or Esther Lucero-Miner
([email protected], 425-747-4450).
Bereavement Support Series
Thursdays, March 5 – April, 9, 7PM , at Sacred Heart Bellevue in the
Parish Office, 9460 NE 14th St. Bellevue. Grief is a natural response to
loss, it can be beneficial to seek help from a support group. To Register
contact, Mary Dickins, 425-450-3908, [email protected].
This Week In Our Parish
Esta semana en Nuestra Parroquia
Sunday, March 1 - 2nd Sunday in Lent
Raffle Tickets on sale after all Masses
8:30-11AM KofC Pancake Breakfast
8:30-10AM Children's Faith Formation
RCIA Meets
3:30-5PM Rite of Confirmation (RoC) Gathering
Life Teen, Dinner and Life Night
Tuesday, March 3
Stations of the Cross (Eng.) - Church
Communications Committee - Parish
Wednesday, March 4
Youth Ministry views The Sisterhood
School Winter Concert
Thursday, March 5
5:15-5:45PM Individual Reconciliation
Friday, March 6
NO School Today
24-Hour Prayer Vigil begins - see
Schedule to the left
Senior Bulletin Stuffing - Parish Center
Legion of Mary - Parish Library
Renewed in Christ Prayer Group St. Louise Room
Stations of the Cross (Sp.) - Church
Emaús Prayer Group (Sp.) - Church
NO CROWD tonight
Saturday, March 7
Middle School Rally
Sacramentors - Parish Center
Benediction - 24-Hour Prayer Vigil
Mass with Anointing of the Sick
Music Ministry Meeting - Parish Center
Raffle Tickets on sale after 5PM Mass
Gospel of Life Pie Sale after 5PM Mass
Sunday, March 8 - 3rd Sunday in Lent
Daylight Savings Time Begins
Charger Cards for Sale after 7:30 and 9AM Masses
Gospel of Life Pie Sale after Masses
Raffle Tickets on sale after Masses
8:30-10AM Children's Faith Formation
RCIA Meets, 1st Scrutiny
3:30-5PM Rite of Confirmation (RoC) Gathering
Life Teen, Dinner and Life Night
Activities and Events
Parish Retreat
Saturday, March 14, 10AM-2:30PM
Come to the Water
Lent calls us all to “turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel” –
to step out of our usual routines and bring our attention back to God.
Pay attention to God? What does that even mean?
Is that what prayer is? How do we do it?
Our Catholic tradition honors many holy people who have sought with
all their hearts to pay attention to God. These people – the saints –
can help point the way for us to grow in our prayer lives too.
Join Fr. Gary in an exploration of the spirituality of St. Benedict, St.
Francis of Assisi and St. Ignatius of Loyola. The Benedictine tradition
connects prayer and work. The Franciscan tradition connects prayer
with simplicity and with care for the poor and for the earth itself. And
in the Ignatian tradition, prayer emphasizes discernment and a living
relationship with Jesus Christ. Any of these could be a tool to open a
new chapter in your own relationship with God this Lent.
The retreat will be held in the St. Louise Parish Hall on Saturday,
March 14, from 10AM to 2:30PM. Please bring a brown-bag lunch
and, if you are able, a snack to share.
Questions? Contact Esther, 425-747-4450 or [email protected].
Forever Young A Group for 55+ and/or Retired
Next meeting March 25, 9:45AM, Parish Hall. Topic for March
meeting is “Preparing For Holy Week,” presented by Fr. Dick
Interest Groups
Book Club will meet on Friday, March 27 at 9:45AM in the
Mother Teresa Room. Book to be discussed is “The Girls of
Atomic City” by Denise Kiernan. Newcomers always welcome.
Scrabble Group meets Wednesday, March 4, at the home of
Kathy Reifers. For information call 425-746-6457.
Let’s Eat Out (LEO Group) Thursday, March 12, lunch at
12:30PM at Tutta Bella in Crossroads. Please call Kathy
Reifers, 425-746-6457, to let her know you will be attending as
she needs to make reservations.
Upcoming Fun! Tour the Gates Foundation Visitor Center
Saturday, March 7. Lunch following tour at the Seattle
Center. Please contact Bob Leingang at 425-643-0779 or
[email protected] if you would like to go.
Bellevue Botanical Tour on Saturday, April 25. Please
contact Jeanne Dondanville (425-746-2403) if you would like to
Young Adult Ministry
Ages 20s and 30s
Lenten Small Group Program: “The Burdens We Carry” Join
other groups of young adults as we meet weekly in prayer and
reflection. We will focus on the Gospel reading for the upcoming
Sunday with discussion questions to follow. If interested, contact
[email protected].
Tuesday, March 24, 7PM, Young Adult potluck dinner and
meeting in the Parish Center.
Wednesday, March 4, 7PM. Theology on Tap: “Jesus Christ:
Life, Death, & Resurrection” will be at Kell’s Irish Pub in
Seattle. Food and drink specials will be available all evening.
Tonight’s presentation by Victoria Ries. Her talk is on the
Passion and Death of Christ. You are invited to begin the
evening with Mass at 6:30PM at Christ Our Hope parish.
Thursday, April 2 Holy Thursday Pilgrimage: “Burdens
Washed Away.” Watch this space for details.
World Youth Day 2016 in Krakow, Poland. The Archdiocese
will be sending a delegation of young adults (18-39) to World
Youth Day. If interested contact [email protected].
to sign up for email updates.
Faith Formation and Youth Ministry
CROWD For Middle School Youth
St. Louise School News
Annual School Gift Campaign Thanks. Thanks to those who
have already supported the school. If you have not yet pledged
a donation to the Annual School Gift Campaign, please review
the materials that you have received in the mail and give
thoughtful consideration to a pledge. If you have any questions
or if you did not receive materials about the St. Louise Annual
School Gift Campaign, please contact
[email protected].
NAMI Eastside Presents
5th Annual Children’s Conference
Advocating for Struggling Students
Saturday, March 7, 8AM to 3:30PM
Northshore Community Church, 10301 NE 145th St. Kirkland
For information please call 425-885-6264.
Vacation Bible School
CROWD is our fun, engaging Catholic middle school youth group.
All 6th, 7th and 8th grade students are welcome! Join us for our
Friday Night LIVE from 7-9PM in the Parish Hall and experience a
friendly and energizing group.
Eighth graders are invited to join us to watch The Sisterhood in
the HUB at 3PM on March 4.
No CROWD March 6.
We are looking forward to the Middle School Youth Rally on
March 7!
CROWD Friday Night Live - March 13, 7-9PM in the Hall!
NO CROWD March 20
March 20 Stations of the Cross rehearsal – meet in the HUB
NO CROWD March 27
NO CROWD April 3
April 3 - Stations of the Cross! Rehearsal in the Hall at
12:30PM. Stations of the Cross in the Church at 3PM!
Please check the calendar on our website for events. Kindly email
[email protected] with any questions.
For High School Youth
Life Teen is a Eucharist-centered youth group for high school
teens. Our high school students gather in an environment where
they have the opportunity to have a positive experience and be
spiritually challenged while being part of a community where
they will be loved and accepted.
June 22-26
St. Louise Church holds a Vacation Bible School every year for
kindergarten and elementary-aged children the last week of
June (June 22–26 from 9AM– noon each day). It is an
ecumenical VBS program in collaboration with Cross of Christ
Lutheran Church and the Church of the Resurrection Episcopal
Our Vacation Bible School is a fun week of memorable
Scripture-based activities for children in kindergarten and
elementary grades. Each day kids will sing catchy songs, play
teamwork-building games, break for a snack, take on a Daily
Challenge to celebrate God’s love, experience electrifying Bible
adventures and create crafts they’ll have fun making and taking
Registration forms are available for this summer’s VBS,
“Shine!” Adult and student helpers are needed and
welcome. Hours volunteered can be used to meet service
hour requirements. For further information, contact Geri
Hanley in the parish office 425-747-4450, or [email protected].
Please join us for dinner at 5PM then Life Night after the
6PM Life Teen Mass on March 1, March 8 and March 22.
Please join us on Wednesdays for The Sisterhood in the
HUB at 3PM!
March 15 is our Day of Service! To join us kindly email
[email protected] by March 8 for a registration form.
Come to EXCEL 2015 with us March 27-29 at Camp Don
Bosco! EXCEL is an amazing retreat for high school students!
Registration is due on March 13 and is $105. Scholarships are
available. Kindly email [email protected] if you have any
If you have any questions kindly contact Miranda
Harpel-McGaw, 425-214-5465, [email protected],
425-623-4818–text Message.
Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @StLouiseYM ,,
Liturgy, Prayer and Worship
Come join the Triduum Choir
If you love to sing or play an instrument, come and join the choir for one or all of the Triduum services on Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil. To sign up or for
more information contact Lynette Basta, 425-747-4450 or [email protected]. Listed
below are the choir practice dates and times. Even though we have already had our
first practice it’s not too late to sign up!
Rehearsals for
Sat., Feb. 28
Wed., March 4
Sat., March 14
Thurs., March 19
Wed., March 25
Sat., March 28
12 Noon—3PM
Good Friday
Holy Thursday
Easter Vigil
Easter Vigil
Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil
Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil
Stations of the Cross
Throughout Lent come and pray the Stations of the Cross as a community—This week in English on Tuesday at 6PM or in Spanish on
Friday at 6:30PM. Books will be available in the back of the church so
that anytime during the day or early evening you can come and pray
the Way of the Cross on your own.
Schedule of 6PM English Stations:
Tuesday, March 3—Traditional Stations led by Esther Lucero-Miner
Wednesday, March 11—Living Stations led by Fr. Fabian
Tuesday, March 17—Traditional Stations led by Deacon Sam Basta
Wednesday, March 25—Marian-Focused Stations led by Deacon Bill and Gina Haines
Wednesday, April 1—Family Stations led by Children’s Faith Formation
Good Friday, April 3
8:45AM—11:30AM Outdoor Stations led by School (begin at flagpole anytime between
3PM— Stations led by Youth Ministry
Thursday Evening’s During Lent
Individual Reconciliation 5:15-5:45PM followed by 6PM Masses
Avoid the lines on Saturday. During Lent Individual Reconciliation is offered on Thursday evening between 5:15-5:45PM and we will celebrate Mass on Thursdays during
Lent at 6PM. Come and join us!
This Week’s
Mass Intentions
Monday, March 2, 9AM
Ethel Fricke, Deceased
Carol Meinhardt, Deceased
Federico Guanzon, Deceased
Margie Budig, Deceased
Teresita Aveniya, Deceased
Wednesday, March 4, 9AM
Adela & Feliciano Ferrer, Deceased
Michael Dondanville, Deceased
Jim Spadoni, Deceased
Richard Harkins, Deceased
Ram Kesav, Deceased
Jean MacDonald, Spec. Int.
Thursday, March 5, 9AM
John Helsper, Deceased
Audrey Kinsella, Deceased
Cesar Rosales, Deceased
Wilfredo Ebola, Deceased
Louise Bridget Lamb Tompkins,
Friday, March 7, 9AM
Kenny Hammrick, Deceased
Dom & Rose Robertazzi, Deceased
Martha Vu Family, Deceased
Peggy Fursman, Deceased
Robert Harris, Spec. Int.
Saturday, March 8, 9AM
Fredy Wy, Deceased
Land Washburn, Deceased
Lincoln & Tahoe Washburn, Deceased
Dick Partington, Spec. Int.
Rosalinda Wy, Spec. Int.
Joanna Wroblewska, Spec. Int.
Cristian Varela, Spec. Int.
Let Us Pray
Please remember in your prayers at Mass and at home this week, all those who have asked for our prayers:
For the sick. We remember especially: Margaret Abraham-Csorgo, Vera Aebi, Dan Bankson, Carmen Luisa Bush,
Christiane Bynum, Patrick Carrico, Melissa Carriuolo, Betty Chandler, Betty Cline, Therese Raymond-Cline, Joanne Comfort,
Marilyn Craver, Verne Edson, Carmen Pavia Fuentes, Dora & Delia Garcia, Tyler Ghosn, Steve Gibbs, Walter Handy,
Elena Javelona, Clarence J. King, Dan Kraft, Jean Claude Kouassi, Raymond Laframboise, Kay Landau, Jean MacDonald,
Judy McBroom, Cheryl McCulloch, Alice Moran, Lois Omundson, Mayah Park, Dick Partington, Tony Partington, Scott Rains,
Lisa Rossman, Violet Smith, Charlotte Sollars, Jerome Steffen, Ed Weise, Brian Zamora.
If you would like a name added to the prayer list please contact Nila Agostini or Kathy Riley, 425-747-4450. The name will remain on the prayer list
6 weeks. After the 6 weeks if you would like to be re-added please contact Nila or Kathy .
For the dead. We remember all those who have passed away this February.
For Next Sunday • Para el próximo Domingo
Readings • Lecturas
Presiders • Celebrantes
March 8• March 8 2015
Exodus 20:1-17
Psalm 19:8, 9, 10, 11
1 Corinthians 1:22-25
John 2:13-25
Saturday, March 7
Fr. Fabian
Éxodo 20, 1-17
Salmo 18, 8. 9. 10. 11
1 Corintios 1, 22-25
Juan 2, 13-25
Sunday, March 8
7:30AM Fr. Fabian
Fr. Gary
11AM Fr. Gary
Fr. Tito
Fr. Gary
The daily readings in English are online at
Gospel Reflection Question • Evangelio Pregunta de Reflexión
What habits or attitudes have I had to unlearn over the years?
Has my view of the cross changed as I have aged?
¿Qué hábitos o actitudes que tuve que desaprender lo largo de
los años? Ha cambiado mi visión de la cruz como he envejecido?
Stewardship • La Corresponsabilidad
Our Stewardship of Treasure
God gives it all, then calls us to share.
Thanks to those of you who have
already returned your Parish Stewardship commitment card. We ask
everyone else to prayerfully evaluate your giving to the parish and
community and after praying, fill
out your commitment card and
return it as soon as possible.
Number of households that have turned in a pledge: 889
(2014 total: 910)
Amount pledged: $1,552,154 (2014 total: $1,515,421)
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Offertory (384 envelopes) $17,140.85
Other collections and donations
Building Fund (19 envelopes) ........... 602.00
Children’s Collection ....................... $292.56
Holy Day ........................................... $22.00
Improvement Fund ......................... $137.34
Social Concerns Commission......... $310.00
St. Vincent De Paul Society............ $357.00
Archdiocesan Collection (Home Mission)
(142 envelopes)…………………...$3,935.60
Northwest Catholic .......................... $40.00
CRS ................................................. $15.00
Thank you for your generosity!
Annual Catholic Appeal
Thank you to all who have responded to the needs
of our Church in Western Washington through the
2014 Annual Catholic Appeal. If you haven’t already
done so, please fill out a pledge card today or go
online to donate: Be sure to note
that your parish is St. Louise.
Number of Households that have Pledged: 728
(this time last year we had 827)
Our Annual Catholic Appeal Goal: $286,109
(last year $248,281)
Amount Raised to Date (including pledges and one-time gifts):
$271,954 - we’ve reached 95% of our goal. (this time last year
we had $276,868)
Amount Received to Date: $258,363 - we have 95% fulfilment
of the amount pledged.
(this time last year we had $276,416)
Operation Rice Bowl
Hungering for a Bountiful Earth
This week CRS Rice Bowl takes us to
the coffee highlands of Nicaragua,
where we’re called to protect both the
goodness of creation and the livelihoods of struggling families. How will this week’s fast remind us
of the sacredness of God’s creation and our duty to protect it?
If you have not picked up a Rice Bowl it’s not too late, there
are plenty in the vestibule of the church.
Outreach and Service
Catholic Advocacy Day March 26, 2015
Proclaim Justice & Life for All
March 26, 9AM-3PM, Olympia, WA. Catholic Advocacy Day is
a day every year when Catholics from all over the State of
Washington converge on Olympia, to pray and to meet with our
state legislators about issues they are considering that affect the
poor or implicate our Catholic social teaching. Everybody wears
red. Seeing a huge mass of people turn out to make their voices
heard on specific issues can really make a difference in how our
legislators vote.
Register online by March 5. Chartered busses will be available for registered participants.
If you would like more information regarding participating in
Catholic Advocacy Day contact Esther Lucero-Miner,
[email protected] or 425-747-4450.
Help Support St. Louise’s Food Bank
Donations for the St. Vincent de Paul food
pantry here at St. Louise are always needed.
Your donations keep our food bank stocked and
ready for those in need. You are invited to bring
nonperishable food items when you come to
church and place them in the food bin located in
the main vestibule. Other needed items that
people can't get with food stamps and we are
most in need of include dish soap, toilet paper, deodorant,
shampoo, shaving cream, razors and laundry detergent.
NPH Faces of Hope 2015
St. Louise Parish is cordially invited to attend the Nuestros
Pequeños Hermanos (NPH,
Spanish for Our Little Brothers
and Sisters) Faces of Hope
fundraiser on Tuesday, March
24, or Thursday, March 26. Stefan Feuerstein, National Director of NPH Honduras, will be the
keynote speaker. Enjoy a complimentary meal and learn how
NPH cares for vulnerable children in Latin America and the
Caribbean and how you can help. These are fundraising
events with a donation request. Tuesday, March 24: 12PM,
Hyatt Regency 900 Bellevue Way NE, Bellevue. Thursday,
March 26: 7PM, Palace Ballroom 2100 5th Ave., Seattle.
Please contact Dawn McIntosh, [email protected], or register online at:, if you are interested in
attending and would like to join our St. Louise table.
Eastside Baby Corner
Eastside Baby Corner collects
new or used (clean and in
good condition) baby and children’s items, and gives them to
low-income families through social service agencies. St. Louise
volunteers will deliver some items left at our Parish Office.
Examples of these donations include children’s clothing
(newborn to size 14), small toys and books (less than 11x17
inches), strollers with safety straps, high chairs with safety
straps, maternity clothing, disposable diapers, and baby care
Donors may deliver furniture or other larger items themselves to
the Baby Corner office in Issaquah, but check first to see if the
item is acceptable: 425-865-0234 or
Books for Children
The St. Louise Social Concerns Commission
supports an organization in Cuzco, Peru
called "Manos Unidas.” This good
organization runs a school that serves
children with learning difficulties or special
needs. The school needs more books in
Spanish for children. They would be very
grateful if we could find in our homes any books in Spanish that we
could donate to this worthy cause. These books can be for children
who are in kindergarten through the fifth grade – i.e., the primary
grades in general. If you have books of this kind that you can
donate, please bring them to the Parish Office, where there is a box
in the reception area marked "Books for Manos Unidas.” If you
have any questions regarding this program, please call Michael
Johnson in the Parish Office at 425-747-4450. Thank you for your
Gospel of Life - 40 Days for Life
Since its beginning, 40 Days for Life has conducted 3,336
campaigns of prayer, fasting, prayer vigils and outreach resulting
in 9,699 babies being saved from abortion, 107 abortion workers
quitting their jobs and 60 abortion centers closing. Beginning on
February 18 prayer vigils will be held every weekday outside the
Planned Parenthood facility at 14730 NE 8th Street, Bellevue, for
40 days . If you can join the vigil for a couple of hours, contact
Annie or Rachel of St. Joseph’s Parish at:
[email protected]. Otherwise, pray daily for those hurt by
abortion: women in crisis pregnancies, innocent children, men and
women distressed by past abortions, workers at abortion centers,
and our nation.
Sección español
Próximos Bautizos
Próximas Clases Bautismales
Domingos 19 & 26 de abril 2015
Salón de Santa Luisa
Hora: 2:30-4:30pm
Se necesitan acomodadores
en la misa de español
Necesitamos hombres y mujeres que sirvan como acomodadores en este ministerio litúrgico tan importante. Si puedes
acoger a las personas con una sonrisa, ayudar a aquellos que
lo necesitan a encontrar un lugar para sentarse, ayudar en la
colecta del ofertorio, y repartir el boletín, ¡te necesitamos!
Para más información, contactar a Norma Yánez al correo
[email protected] ó al 425-273-4761.
Próximos Bautizos
Abril 2015
Sábado, 11 de abril, Padre Gary Zender
8:30AM Sacramento solamente
Mayo 2015
Domingo 3 de mayo, Padre Gary Zender
Misa: 1PM.
12:30PM en el vestíbulo
Sábado 9, de mayo, Diácono Abel Magaña
8:30AM Sacramento solamente
Junio 2015
Domingo, 7 de junio, Padre Gary Zender
Misa: 1PM
12:30PM en el vestíbulo
Sábado, 13 de junio, Diácono Abel Magaña
8:30AM Sacramento solamente
Libros Para Niños
La Comisión de “Social Concerns” de Santa Luisa apoya una
organización en Cuzco, Peru llamada "Manos Unidas." Esta
buena organización dirige una escuela que atiende a niños
con dificultades de aprendizaje o con necesidades especiales. La escuela necesita más libros en español para los niños.
Ellos nos agradecerían si pudiéramos buscar en nuestros
hogares cualquieres libros en español que podríamos donar a
esta buena causa. Estos libros pueden ser para los niños que
están en “kindergarten” hasta niños que están en el quinto
grado, o sea en los grados primarios en general. Si tienes
libros de este tipo que puedes donar, por favor llévalos a la
oficina parroquial, donde hay una caja en el área de recepción marcada "Libros para Manos Unidas." Si tienes cualquier
pregunta en cuanto a este programa, por favor llame a Michael Johnson en la oficina parroquial al número 425-7474450. ¡Muchas gracias por su generosidad!
Reflexión El evangelio de hoy:
Probando, probando…
probando”. El Señor nos
pone a prueba, hasta nos
provoca antes de comenzar a actuar en nosotros.
Dios hizo esto con Abraham, Pedro, Santiago y
Juan, y hasta con Jesús.
Pero Jesús, el Hijo de
Dios, venció y ahora pide por nosotros para que no caigamos
en la tentación, y no seamos tentados más allá de lo que podemos resistir. “Si Dios está a nuestro favor, ¿quién estará en
contra nuestra?” Con la Santísima Trinidad fortaleciéndonos, y
nuestra plena voluntad de obedecer en esta Cuaresma, podemos acercarnos más a la salvación.
Texto: Philip J. Sandstrom, STD © 2000, OCP. Derechos reservados. Ilustración © 1996 M. McGrath.
Operación Plato de Arroz
Hambre de una
tierra abundante
Esta semana Plato
de Arroz de CRS
nos lleva a las tierras altas de café de
donde somos llamados para proteger tanto el bien de la creación como los medios
de vida de las familias que luchan. ¿Cómo nos recordará el
ayuno de esta semana lo sagrado de la creación de Dios y
nuestro deber de protegerla?
Pastoral and Administrative Staff
Fr. Gary Zender (habla español) …………………. 425-747-4450 x5463
[email protected]
Parish Administrator / Administrador Parroquial
Jonathan Taasan ……………………………………425-747-4450 x5473
[email protected]
Parochial Vicar / Vicario Parroquial
Fr. Fabian MacDonald ………………………………425-747-4450 x5462
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant / Asistente Administrativa
Rita McHale ………………………………………….425-747-4450 x5470
[email protected]
Deacons / Diáconos
Bill and Gina Haines ………………………………………...425-214-5383
[email protected]
Bookkeeper—Capital Campaign / Contadora—Campaña de Capital
Barbara Abbott ………………………………………425-747-4450 x5471
[email protected]
Sam Basta ……………………………………………………425-214-5382
[email protected]
Parish Receptionists / Recepcionistas Parroquiales
Nila Agostini (habla español) ………………………425-747-4450 x5460
[email protected]
Michael Johnson …………………………………….425-747-4450 x5460
[email protected]
Pastoral Associate / Asociada Pastoral
Esther Lucero-Miner (habla español) ……………..425-747-4450 x5461
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant for Fr. Gary and Esther Lucero-Miner
Asistente Administrativa para el Padre Gary y Esther Lucero-Miner
Annie Bailey (habla español) ………………………425-747-4450 x5476
[email protected]
Pastoral Assistants / Asistentes Pastorales
Faith Formation, Initiation & Sacraments (English) /
Formación en la Fe, Iniciación y Sacramentos (Inglés)
Geri Hanley …………………………………………..425-747-4450 x5464
[email protected]
Facilities & Maintenance Supervisor /
Supervisor de Instalaciones y Mantenimiento
Paul Trussell ………………………………………...425-746-4220 x5442
[email protected]
Initiation & Sacraments (Spanish) /
Preparación Sacramental (español)
Sr. Amalia Camacho ………………………………..425-747-4450 x5474
[email protected]
Parish School / Escuela Parroquial
Dan Fitzpatrick ………………………………………425-746-4220 x5405
[email protected]
Catechist Leader for Hispanic Ministries /
Catequista Líder para el Ministerio Hispano
Magda Delgado ……………………………………...425-747-4450 x5454
[email protected]
*Para Primera Reconciliación, Comunión, Confirmación para niños y
adultos, contactar Hrma. Amalia Camacho o Magda Delgado. Para
bautizo contactar Nila Agostini, 425-747-4450 x5460 [email protected].
Vice Principal / Subdirectora
Kathy Loftus …………………………………………425-746-4220 x5406
[email protected]
Secretary / Secretaria
Lola Bazan …………………………………………..425-746-4220 x5400
[email protected]
Pastoral Care and Advocacy for Annulment Process /
Cuidado Pastoral y Defensa del Proceso de Anulación
Kathy Riley …………………………………………...425-747-4450 x5466
[email protected]
Development Director / Directora de Desarrollo
Jill Leland …………………………………………….425-746-4220 x5403
[email protected]
Music Ministry / Ministerio de del Música
Lynette Basta ………………………………………..425-747-4450 x5467
[email protected]
Pastoral Counseling
Cathy Callans, MA, LMHCA …………………………………425-614-6225
[email protected]
Youth Ministry / Ministerio para Jóvenes
Miranda Harpel-McGaw …………………………….425-747-4450 x5465
[email protected]
Eastside Pastoral Care Ministry/
Ministerio de Cuidado Pastoral Eastside ………..……..206-748-1500
Anyone who has any concerns or allegations related to the safety and wellbeing of our children regarding clergy or lay leaders in the
Archdiocese of Seattle should contact the special hotline at 1-800-446-7762.
Cualquiera que tenga alguna inquietud o alegatos relacionados con la seguridad y el bienestar de nuestros niños en relación al clero
o líderes laicos en la Arquidiócesis de Seattle puede llamar a la línea especial 1-800-446-7762.
If you are interested in having an announcement published in the bulletin, please visit the parish website to read the bulletin publishing guidelines.
Questions: email [email protected].
Si está interesado en tener un artículo publicado en el boletín, visite por favor el sitio web de la parroquia, para leer las pautas
editoriales para el boletín. ¿Preguntas? Email [email protected].
Around the Archdiocese
Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center
at the Palisades
The Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center at the Palisades has
many upcoming retreats during the Lent and Easter season.
“Fight the Good Fight of Faith”, Men's Silent Lenten Retreat
March 13-15, led by Fr. Jack Shrum.
“On Fire for the Light,” Women's Lenten Retreat March 20-22,
led by Heather King.
Palm Sunday Weekend Silent Retreat March 27-29, led by
Fr. Jordan Bradshaw, O.P.
Visit their website for more information:
Film and Discussion Series
“How Am I Being Called to Be Non-Violent?”
Sunday, March 29, 2-4PM
Facilitated by Deacon Denny Duffell, Leona Muller, CSJP-A,
and Sue Nies, CSJP-A.
St. Mary-on-the-Lake, Peace and Spirituality Center
1663 Killarney Way, Bellevue. Parking is limited, we encourage you to carpool.
To RSVP or for more information contact Sue Nies,
CSJP-A, at 206-595-4431 or [email protected].
Men’s Reflection Day
“Seeking a Deserted Place…Silence, Solitude, Slowness, Stillness, Spaciousness”
Saturday, March 21, 2015, 9:30AM—1:30PM, led by Doug Johnson, CSJP-A
Peace and Spirituality Center, St. Mary-on-the-Lake, 1663 Killarney Way, Bellevue, WA 98004
Sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace. Coffee and tea provided ~ Bring a sack lunch ~ Free-will offering.
Parking is limited, so we encourage you to carpool.
Register by March 13 to Diane Figaro at 425-635-3603 or [email protected].