Untitled - the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels

Pastoral Staff/Parish Directory
Claudia Avila Torres, Director of Evangelization/Adult Faith Formation
Fred Balak, Director, Crypt Mausoleum
Eileen Bonaduce, Business Manager
Sr. Christine Bowman, O.S.F., Director of Cathedral Relations
Frank Brownstead, Director of Music
Deacon Gus Catipon, Director of Cathedral Outreach
Margaret Chirivella, Volunteer/Tour Coordinator
Isabel Loriente, Gift Shop Merchandise Manager
Bea Martinez, Coordinator, Children’s Tour
Ramiro Montes, Facilities Manager
Cecilia Mora, Wedding Coordinator
Gabriela Esparza-Reitzell, Director of Liturgy
Samuel S. Soria, Cathedral Organist
Michelle Youssef, Director of Faith Formation
Sacraments and Special Services
Cathedral Outreach Ministries
Reconciliation: Monday–Friday, 11:00am-12:00pm
Please call the Parish Office at (213) 680-5200 regarding Mass Cards,
Anointing of the Sick and Funerals.
Please contact the Cathedral Pastor in writing regarding Weddings and
Baptisms. Wedding dates must be reserved at least six months in advance.
For more information, visit our website: www.olacathedral.org.
The Outreach Office is located on the corner of Temple and
Hill Streets and is open Monday–Wednesday-Friday, from
8:30am to 12:00pm.
For more information or to donate, please call (213) 680-5231.
Cathedral Crypt Mausoleum
For information, visit our website: www.olacathedral.org.
The Crypt Mausoleum is located on the lower level of the
Cathedral. For information about interment, please call
(213) 680-5226 or email [email protected]
The Cathedral Gift Shop
Galero Grill
The Gift Shop features an ever-changing selection of sacred art, statues,
Bibles, rosaries, devotional medals, cards and inspirational gifts for all
occasions. Phone: (213) 680-5277
Store Hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm
Saturday: 10:00 am to 5:30 pm; Sunday: 9:00 am to 5:30 pm
Please check the Cathedral website for extended special event hours:
www.olacathedral.org. Shop online at www.olacathedralgifts.com for a
selection of the store’s offerings. All proceeds support the works of the
Operated by Levy Restaurants, The Galero Grill offers
breakfast and lunch items.
Hours: Monday–Friday: 7:00am-4:00pm
Sunday: 7:00am-4:00pm. Please visit our website for extended
special event hours: www.olacathedral.org.
Volunteer Opportunities at the Cathedral
Cathedral Tours
Tours are free and available Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and
Friday at 1:00pm., and Wednesday at 1:15pm. Meet on the lower
plaza near the fountain. To schedule special organized group tours (for
10 or more), please call (213) 680-5215.
Music at the Cathedral
Sunday 10:00am Mass features the Cathedral Choir; Sunday 12:30pm
Spanish Mass features the El Coro de la Catedrál. Free Organ Recitals
every Wednesday at 12:45pm. If you are interested in joining one of
the choirs, or for further information please call (213) 680-5205.
Cathedral Concert Series information: www.olacathedral.org.
Levy Restaurants at the Cathedral Conference Center
From small meetings to large gala’s and weddings, box lunches to
multiple course dinners, the Levy Team is on hand to assist with all
your catering needs. For additional information, please call
(213) 680-5271. Visit our website at www.cathedralcatering.com.
Parking (Entrances on both Hill and Temple Streets.)
Hours of Operation: Monday–Friday: 5:30am-9:00pm (Hill St.
entrance); 6:00am-9:00pm (Temple St. entrance)
Saturday: 8:00am-8:00pm; Sunday: 7:00am-8:00pm.
Monday–Friday: 90 min. free validated parking with Mass
attendance. Regular parking rates: $4 per 15 minutes, $18 max
Saturday: $8.00 flat fee
Sunday: 3-hours free with Mass attendance; $8.00 flat fee after
JOIN THE CATHEDRAL ASSOCIATES — This exclusive membership organization of Cathedral donors helps to ensure that the
Cathedral continues to thrive and grow in providing pastoral care, educational programming and outreach ministries for the community.
Membership benefits include a Cathedral Gift Shop discount; parking pass; annual recognition on the Cathedral Associates’ Donor Wall; special
members-only Mass and reception in the Residence; exclusive Lenten and Advent Liturgical Retreats with the Cathedral Pastor; reserved seating at
select holiday liturgies; and more. To join or for additional information, please call (213) 680-5219.
A Unique and Special Gift: DEDICATE A CATHEDRAL PAVING STONE — The Cathedral floor is graced with over 60,000 paving
stones—each laid by hand. Celebrate births, baptisms, confirmations, birthdays, weddings, anniversaries or honor the memory of someone special.
Information about this unique program is available throughout the Cathedral at the visitor’s tables or at the Information Booth located on the Lower
Plaza. To dedicate a paving stone or for more information, please call (213) 680-5219.
Photography: Cover (clockwise from top:) Brianne Sanada, Rich Villacorta, John Nava
The Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels is a welcoming community
of prayer, worship and service
seeking to teach and reconcile God’s people through Jesus Christ.
Lenten Reminders
When you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so that you may not appear to be fasting, except to your Father who is hidden.
And your Father who sees what is hidden will repay you. Mt. 6:18
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fast and abstinence. Fridays during Lent are days of abstinence.
What does it mean to fast? Fasting is to consume a maximum of one full meal and two small meals that do not add up to one meal.
Also, there is no snacking. Catholics 18 to 58 are obliged to fast.
What does it mean to abstain from meat? One does not consume mammals and fowl. Fish is okay. Roman Catholics who are
14 years of age and older are obliged to practice abstinence. Disabled or feeble, pregnant women and nursing mothers are exempt.
Why should we fast, abstain, pray and give? We do this as a form of personal penance, as a way to humble ourselves before. God. Our desires
become a reminder of our deep desire for our loving and merciful God. To give is to live out our mission to serve others and to be in
communion with each other.
SPECIAL PARKING NOTICE: Palm Sunday (March 29) & Easter Sunday (April 5)
In order to handle increased parking needs on Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, all cars will enter the structure via the Hill Street entrance only.
Cars will depart the structure via the Temple Street exit. Please note that there is no left turn into the parking structure on Hill Street unless directed
by Traffic Control Officers. Additional parking (for a fee) is available at the Music Center located on Grand Avenue just south of Temple Street.
We ask that all visitors please pay close attention to the posted signs and the instructions provided by the parking attendants. Above all, it is our
hope that all those entering and exiting the parking structure will treat one another with respect, patience and Christian charity.
7:00 am, 12:10 pm
Friday 11:30 am (St. Vibiana’s Chapel)
Mar 1
3:00 pm
6:00 pm
Rite of Calling
Rite of Calling
Mar 21
10:00 am Lenten Penance Service
Mar 22
12:30 pm Mass in Honor of Archbishop Oscar Romero
Mar 30
7:00 pm Chrism Mass
For Holy Week and Easter events,
please see the special Holiday Schedule insert.
An invitation to experience God’s Mercy and Forgiveness
As part of our Lenten journey, we invite you to join us for a
special time of prayer, reconciliation and healing. Individual
confessions will be held. Come by yourself, come as a
family, or invite a friend who has not experienced the
Sacrament of Reconciliation in some time.
Join us as we experience the gracious mercy of God!
10:00 AM
On Good Friday, all Christians are united in a special way
to the Holy Land.
The proceeds from the Good Friday Collection go to the Franciscan
Custody of the Holy Land. The Franciscans have been caring for the
holy sites there since 1209. They also assist the poor, run schools,
provide scholarships, and conduct pastoral ministries to keep
Christianity alive in the land where it originated. The continued
existence of these programs supporting Christians in the Holy Land
depends on the faithful financial support received from our brothers
and sisters in Christ from the Good Friday collection.
Thank you for your generosity.
(Free on Wednesdays)
Mar 4
12:45 pm
James D. Hicks
Mar 11
12:45 pm
Mark Pacoe
Mar 18
12:45 pm
Frederick Burgomaster
Mar 25
12:45 pm
Demonstration Samuel Soria
For information, contact Samuel Soria, Cathedral Organist
[email protected]
The Cathedral is proud to present this year’s
Robert Graham Memorial Student Art Exhibit.
Named in honor of renowned artist, Robert
Graham (whose work graces our Cathedral)
the impressive exhibit features award -inning
artwork from students at Alverno, Bishop Amat, Cantwell-Sacred Heart
of Mary, Chaminade, Crespi, Flintridge-Sacred Heart, Immaculate Heart,
La Salle, Louisville, Loyola, Marymount, Mayfield, Providence, St.
Francis and St. Monica high schools. The exhibit, located throughout
the North Ambulatory will run through early May.
We offer a heartfelt thanks to all those participating in this year’s
Annual Appeal. Pledge Forms and Payments have been sent to the
Archdiocese, and you should soon be receiving your monthly billing
statements. Please do your best to stay current on these pledge payments. Once the pledge payments have exceeded our goal, we will receive the additional funds for use in our Cathedral ministries. God bless
you as you continue to be imitators of Christ!
Laid to rest in our Cathedral Mausoleum in January 2015
Louis L. Lemoine
Violet Lumina Baden
May their souls, and the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
“We are a welcoming, Catholic young adult community at the Cathedral of
Our Lady of the Angels, providing young adults with opportunities to
experience and witness God's love by journeying together in faith through
knowing, loving, serving and sharing God with others."
Join us at our upcoming events:
Mar 1
C-YA @ Mass - 9:30 am Rosary in St. Vibiana Chapel
10:00 am Mass in the Cathedral
Mar 5
Catholicism DVD - "To the Ends of the Earth - Peter, Paul
and the Missionary Adventure"
7pm doors open, 7:30pm start, Cathedral Conf. Center
Mar 12
Catholicism DVD - "A Body Both Suffering and Glorious The Mystical Union of Christ and the Church"
7pm doors open, 7:30pm start, Cathedral Conf. Center
Mar 17
Nights of Discipleship Meeting
7:30 pm, Cathedral Conference Center
Mar 19
Catholicism DVD - "Word Made Flesh, True Bread of
Heaven - The Mystery of the Church’s Sacrament and
7pm doors open, 7:30pm start, Cathedral Conf. Center
Mar 21
Feeding the Homeless - Volunteer Service
7:00 am, St. Francis Center, Downtown LA
Mar 26
Catholicism DVD - “A Vast Company of Witnesses The Communion of Saints”
7pm doors open, 7:30pm start, Cathedral Conf. Center
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CathedralYoungAdults
Presented by
Edward R. Cainglit, Esq.
Allan M. Soto, Esq.
Leo Herrera, Esq.
Topics to be Discussed
 Use of Living Trusts in Estate Planning
 How to Minimize Estate & Gift Taxes and Other Taxes
 Use of Wills to Pass Assets to Heirs and Beneficiaries
 How to Provide for Surviving Spouses and Dependants
 How to Plan for Your Potential Incapacity
 The Benefits of Charitable Giving
 Completing an Advance Directive
SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 2015:
11:15 am (English) immediately after the 10:00 am Mass
1:45 pm (español) después de la misa de 12:30 pm
— with Allan M. Soto, Attorney at Law
SUNDAY, MAY 3, 2015:
9:15 am (English) immediately after the 8 a.m. Mass
— with Edward R. Cainglit, Attorney at Law
11:15 am (English) immediately after the 10:00 am Mass
— with Leo Herrera, Attorney at Law
“One is nearer God's Heart in a garden
than anywhere else on Earth”
Not just gardens, but porches, balconies and window boxes
are all opportunities to be reminded of God’s grace. Come
into the Cathedral Gift Shop for wonderful gifts to make
your outdoor space just a little more divine.
Easter is just around the corner, and you may know a little
one who will be getting plenty of jelly beans and chocolate
bunnies in their Easter basket… but if you want to give a
child something that will last long after the candy is gone,
consider a Children’s Bible or Stories of the Saints. It
might be the gift of a lifetime.
Spring into the season with a special gift prepared for you at the
Cathedral, a great way to remember the loved ones who bring such joy
to our lives! Come in or visit our website at:
Your purchases directly support your Cathedral.
What better time to remember the loved ones who
bring such joy to our lives!
PERPETUAL PRAYER FOLDER Your loved ones’ names are listed
perpetually in a prayer book in Archbishop Gomez’s personal chapel.
For a tax-deductible minimum donation of $60, you receive a
handsome leather bound folder to give as a gift.
PAVING STONE Name a stone in honor or in memory of loved ones.
Depending on the location of the paving stone, the prices range from
$50.00 to $5,000.00 (closest to the altar). The names are recorded in
our virtual database; you receive a map of the location, a beautiful
commemorative certificate and card announcing your gift.
For more information contact:
Sister Christine Bowman, Director of Cathedral Relations
213-680-5219 or e-mail: [email protected].
Es saludable enseñar a los niños sobre la seguridad personal
y los límites del contacto físico con otros
Enseñar a los niños sobre los límites y cuando un contacto físico
con otros es seguro no es educación sexual. Hay muchos temas de
seguridad que enseñamos a los niños: seguridad en las bicicletas,
seguridad en el agua, prevención de incendios, entrenamiento para
conducir, etc.
Los programas de seguridad personal deben contar con lecciones apropiadas para la edad, que les brinde a los niños la información que ellos
necesitan para protegerse sin asustarlos. Mantener a los niños sin el
conocimiento de los peligros a su alrededor no los mantiene seguros.
Los predadores cuentan con que los niños no saben lo que hacen.
Para más información, por favor visite: http://www.usccb.org/issuesand-action/child-and-youth-protection/faqs.cfm.
Opportunities for individual consultations available after the sessions DID YOU KNOW…
Teaching children about boundaries and safe touches
For Reservations and Information:
is healthy
Please contact Office of Cathedral Relations
(213) 680-5219 or Email: [email protected]
Teaching children about boundaries and safe touches is not sex
education. There are many safety issues we teach children: bike
safety, water safety, fire prevention, driver's training, etc.
Los Angeles Religious Education Congress 2015
“See” / “Ver”
Personal safety programs should have age appropriate lessons that give
March 12, 2015 (Youth Day) & March 13-15, 2015
children the skills they need to protect themselves without frightening
them. Keeping children unaware of the dangers around them does not
The annual Archdiocese of Los Angeles Religious Education Congress
keep them safe. Predators count on children not knowing what to do.
offers opportunities for faith enrichment, prayer and entertainment.
For information and registration, visit www.RECongress.org or call the For more information, please visit: http://www.usccb.org/issues-andaction/child-and-youth-protection/faqs.cfm
RECongress information line at (213) 637-7348.
Personal Pastoral/Directorio Parroquial
Claudia Avila Torres, Directora de Evangelización y Formación de Adultos
Fred Balak, Director del Mausoleo Cripta
Eileen Bonaduce, Gerente de Negocios
Hermana Christine Bowman, OSF, Directora de Relaciones
Frank Brownstead, Director de Música
Deacon Gus Catipon, Director de Servicios Communitarios
Margaret Chirivella, Coordinadora de Voluntarios/Excursiónes
Isabel Loriente, Gerente de Mercancia, Giftstore
Bea Martinez, Coordinadora de Excursiónes par Niños
Ramiro Montes, Gerente de las Instalaciones
Cecilia Mora, Coordinadora de Bodas
Gabriela Esparza-Reitzell, Directora de Liturgia
Samuel S. Soria, Organista de la Catedral
Michelle Youssef, Directora de Formacion de Fe
Música en la Catedral
Coros: Nuestros coros de la Catedral participan en las misas de los Domingos,
con el ‘Cathedral Choir’ en la misa de 10:00am en Ingles, y el Coro de la
Catedral en la misa de las 12:30pm, en Español. Si usted está interesado en ser
parte de uno de los coros, o si desea más información, por favor llame al
(213) 680-5205.
Recitales/Conciertos: La Catedral ofrece recitales de órgano cada miércoles
a las 12:45pm. Para información sobre conciertos, o eventos especiales
musicales, visite nuestra página de internet, www.olacathedral.org.
Ministerio de Asistencia
La oficina de Asistencia está ubicada en la esquina de las calles Temple y
Hill. La oficina está abierta el lunes, miercoles y viernes, 8:30am-12:00pm .
Para más información o para hacer donaciones, por favor llame al
(213) 680-5231.
Mausoleo Cripta de la Catedral
El Mausoleo Cripta está ubicado en la planta baja de la Catedral.
Para información sobre entierros, por favor llame al (213) 680-5226
Sacramentos y Servicios Especiales
Reconciliación: Lunes a Viernes, de 11:00am-12:00pm
Bodas/Bautizos: Por favor comuníquese con nuestro Pastor en escrito
con respecto a bodas y bautizos. Las fechas para bodas se tienen que
reservar por lo menos con seis meses de anticipación.
Servicios Especiales: Por favor llame a la oficina de la parroquia al
(213) 680-5200 para tarjetas de misa, ungimiento de los enfermos y
Oportunidades para Voluntarios en la Catedral
Para servir en la Catedral como voluntario, por favor llame al
(213) 680-5215.
Tienda de Regalos de la Catedral
Nuestra tienda ofrece una gran selección de regalos religiosos, de
inspiración y de colección. Tenemos biblias, libros de temas
espirituales y más…
Horario: Lunes a Viernes de 9:00am a 4:30pm
Sábado de 10:00am a 5:30pm; Domingo de 9:00am a 5:30pm
Ubicado en la plaza por su conveniencia o, visítenos por Internet:
Visitas a la Catedral
Las visitas a la Catedral, ‘tours’, son gratis y están disponibles a la
comunidad de Lunes a Viernes a la 1:00 p.m. y los Miércoles a la
1:15 pm. Para programar una visita organisada especial, por favor
llame al (213) 680-5215.
Galero Grill
Operado por el Restaurante Levy, el Galero Grill ofrece desayuno y
Horario: Lunes a Viernes de 7:00am a 4:00pm
Domingo: 7:00am-4:00pm
Visite nuestra página de red para información sobre horarios
prolonga-dos para eventos especiales: www.olacathedral.org.
Los Restaurantes Levy en el Centro de Conferecias de la Catedral
Operado por el Restaurante Levy, nuestro centro de conferencias ofrece
salones elegantes para todo tipo de evento. Nuestros salones acomodan
banquetes, reuniones, conferencias para grupos grandes y pequeños.
Para reservar y más información, por favor llame al (213) 680-5273.
Visite la página web www.olacathedral.org para ver los horarios de
eventos especiales.
Estacionamiento en la Catedral
Las entradas al garaje del estacionamiento están ubicadas en las calles
Hill y Temple.
Horas hábiles: Lunes a Viernes de 5:30 am-9:00pm (Entrada Hill Street) y
6:00am– 9:00pm (Entrada Temple Street)
Sábados de 8:00am-8:00pm; Domingos de 7:00am-8:00pm.
Validación para misas selectas: Lunes a Viernes: Al asistir a la misa,el
estacionamiento con validación es gratis por 90 minutos.
Domingos: 3 horas gratis al asistir a la misa.
Tarifa de estacionamiento: Lunes a Viernes: $4/15min, $18 max.
Sábados: $8 tarifa fija;
Domingos: $8 tarifa fija después de las 1:30pm.
Más de 60,000 losas adornan el piso de la Catedral-cada una colocada a mano. Celebre nacimientos, bautizos, confirmaciones, cumpleaños, aniversarios o honre la memoria de alguien especial. La información sobre este programa único se encuentra disponible por toda la Catedral ya sea en la mesa de información para el visitante o en el
puesto de información ubicado en el primer piso de la Plaza. Para dedicar una losa o para más información, por favor llame al (213) 680-5219.
Al convertirse en socio de esta organización exclusiva de donantes de la Catedral ayuda a asegurar que la Catedral continúe prosperando y creciendo al
proporcionar atención pastoral, programas educativos y ministerios de alcance exterior para la comunidad.
Los beneficios de ser socio incluyen: un descuento en la Tienda de Regalos, un permiso para el estacionamiento, un reconocimiento anual en el muro de los socios donantes
de la Catedral, una misa para solamente socios, una recepción en la Residencia, retiros cuaresmales y de advenimiento litúrgico con el pastor de la Catedral, asientos
reservados durante liturgias festivas selectas y más. Para hacerse socio o para más información, por favor llame (213) 680-5219.
Fotografia: (La portada) Brianne Sanada, Rich Villacorta, John Nava