February 22, 2015 - St. Frances X. Cabrini Catholic Church

St. Frances
X. Cabrini Catholic Church
12687 California Street, Yucaipa, CA 92399
Phone: 909·797·2533 • Fax: 909-790-5803
E-Mail: [email protected]
Web: stfrancesxcabrinichurch.org
Office Hours/Horario de Oficina
Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday/
Lunes, Martes, y Jueves
8:30 A.M. - 5:30 P.M.
St Frances X Cabrini Church Yucaipa
Tuesday/Martes - 8:30 A.M. - 6:30 P.M.
Friday/Viernes - Closed
(Lunch 12:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M.)
First Sunday of Lent • February 22, 2015
Mass Schedule/
Horario de Misas
Saturday/Sábado Vigil
4:00 P.M. - English
7:30 A.M. - English
9:00 A.M. - Español
11:00 A.M. - English
Daily Mass/Misa Diaria:
Monday through Thursday
Lunes a Jueves
7:30 A.M.
Communion Service/
Servicio de Comunión:
7:30 A.M.
Exposition of the Blessed
Sacrament/Exposición del
Santísimo Sacramento:
8:00 A.M. - 9:00 A.M.
12:00 P.M.
Sacrament of
3:00 P.M.
and by appointment/
y si hace una cita
Leadership Team / Equipo De Liderazgo
Rev. Santos Ortega
797-2533 ext. 228
[email protected]
Peter Bond
797-2533 ext. 505
[email protected]
Dan Hudec
797-2533 ext. 506
[email protected]
First Sunday of Lent
February 22, 2015 1
CLEAN SWEEP Lent again, we may say with a sigh. What shall we give up this
year? If we think only of depriving ourselves, however, we miss the point. Lent is a
time for spiritual spring cleaning in preparation for Easter. The Church recommends
three things for this season: fasting, prayer, and almsgiving. The purpose of these
practices is to help us simplify our lives, to convert our hearts more closely to God,
and to grow and develop as disciples of Jesus. Fasting may not only mean eating
less, it could mean eating healthier foods. We can also fast from behaviors that
damage others and ourselves, such as gossiping and anger, sexual immorality,
misuse of alcohol and drugs, or smoking. Increasing or deepening our prayer during
Lent is not just a matter of saying more prayers. If you are in the habit of prayer, try
a different style of prayer: pray a psalm, try a new devotion, or silently sit in God’s
presence. Add morning and evening prayer to your day, pray with your family, be
more mindful during Mass. Lent has been a traditional time of helping the poor
and doing acts of charity and mercy. While we are supposed to be doing this
year-round, Lent is a good time get involved and put ourselves to work.
Giving alms can be done in more ways than just giving out money
to people on the street. It can be done by helping family, friends,
and neighbors out of tight situations or being more generous to
employees. If you are able to give money at this time, increase
what you give to your parish and to some of the many worthy
charities such as the Saint Vincent de Paul Society, Catholic Relief
Services, or Catholic Charities.
Lent Calendar
February 21 & 22 ~ First Sunday of Lent
Regularly scheduled Masses ~ Saturday Vigil 4:00P.M.
(Reconciliation 3-3:30P.M.) arrive no later than 3:00P.M.
Sunday, 7:30AM, 9:00A.M (Spanish), 11:00A.M.
Rite of Sending February 22nd - 11:00A.M.
Children’s Rite of Election with Bishop Del Riego - 2:00P.M.
Adult Rite of Electon with Bishop Barnes
(OL Rosary Cathedral) - 6:00P.M.
Friday, February 27 ~ Stations of the Cross and Lenten Supper
5-6:30P.M. Supper 7:00P.M. Stations of the Cross
Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus
Stephen Ministry You may wonder why we Stephen Ministers often
quote passages from Scripture, psalms, or direct quotes from Jesus or
one of the apostles including St. Paul. Our ministry is faith and
scripture-based as our own faith is scripture-based. We reach out
through God’s assistance to those who are hurting, providing them
with emotional and spiritual care. We try to find passages that will be
encouraging, inspiring, and meaningful, leading to greater awareness and knowledge
of God and our faith, helping our care receivers and our readers form a more
personal relationship with Him. On January 4th we celebrated Epiphany, a glorious
event for those of us who are not Jesus. As Fathers Santos told us, Epiphany is the
manifestation of Jesus as Messiah of Israel, Son of God and Savior of the World, with
all implies, God's great love for us and all people with His mercy and grace extending
beyond Israel to all nations and people throughout the world. St. Paul, a Jew prayed
for the Romans (his gentile converts) and for us living today, “May the God of Hope
fill you with you joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the
power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:1-13) and in Romans 8:14-17, “All who are led
by the Spirit of God are sons of God. The Spirit Himself gives witness with our spirit
that we are children of God.
Fasting and Abstinence
Fasting and abstinence are
obligations for all Catholics during
the season of Lent. They begin
the process of purifying and
making us receptive to receive
the Lord. At the same time the
spiritual practice is not for
FASTING: Fasting was
recommended by Jesus both
by example and teaching. The
least we are to do when we fast is
to eat one meal at midday and
two small snacks during the day.
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday
are fast days for the universal
ABSTINENCE: Abstinence
means not eating meat, meat
products, and poultry. It is
meant to allow us to eat simpler,
basic meals. Ash Wednesday,
and every Friday during Lent, and
Good Friday are days of
All persons who are in good
health and have completed their
fourteenth year (the day after
one’s 14th birthday) are asked to
abstain from meat on the days
mentioned above. All adults
(those who have completed their
18th year) are asked to fast up to
the beginning of their 60th year.
If one’s health is not good, no
matter one’s age, they should not
fast or abstain from nutritious
foods but should spend the days
of fasting and abstinence doing
other spiritual practices (for
example, reading the Bible,
praying the Rosary, doing acts of
kindness for others).
First Sunday of Lent
Our Confirmation I
Retreat was a success.
Thank you to all the
candidates and the team
for putting forward the
best effort. We are
blessed to have you in
our parish community!
May the Gifts of the Holy
Spirit continue to bless
you and inspire you to
maintain a strong faith
and a strong sense of service.
Nuestro Retiro de Confirmación I fue un éxito.
Gracias a los candidatos y equipo por haber
puesto su mejor esfuerzo. Estamos bendecidos
de tenerlos en nuestra comunidad parroquial.
Que los dones del Espíritu Santo los inspire y
los mantenga Fuertes en fe y en servicio.
February 22, 2015 2
Readings of the Week
Gn 9:8-15; Ps 25:4-9; 1 Pt 3:18-22;
Mk 1:12-15
Lv 19:1-2, 11-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15;
Mt 25:31-46
Is 55:10-11; Ps 34:4-7, 16-19; Mt 6:7-15
Wednesday: Jon 3:1-10; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19;
Lk 11:29-32
Thursday: Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8;
Mt 7:7-12
Ez 18:21-28; Ps 130:1-8; Mt 5:20-26
Dt 26:16-19; Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8;Mt 5:43-48
Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18; Ps 116:10,
15-19; Rom 8:31b-34; Mk 9:2-10
Pregunta de la Semana
1er domingo de Cuaresma
Pregunta para los niños: ¿Qué harás en esta
Cuaresma para asemejarte más a Jesús?
Pregunta para los jóvenes: La Cuaresma nos da una
oportunidad de hacer las cosas de otra manera, de "ir al
desierto". ¿Cómo puedes hacer que la Cuaresma sea un
tiempo de crecimiento en la fe?
Pregunta para los adultos: ¿Cuál es el área de su vida
que más desea "reformar" mientras se prepara para
abrazar el Evangelio?
Easter Egg Hunt
We have started to collect Easter items in order to be able
to hold our annual Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday.
Items we need include:
Would you like to join a Faith Sharing
Group focusing on the Family. We are
starting a new group using the book
Love Is Our Mission; The Family Fully
Alive, as preparation for the World
Meeting of Families.
This group will consist
of adults and will meet
here at the parish on
Tuesdays. Starting
Tuesday February 24
until May 12 from
7:00pm to 9:00pm.
Gracias a todos aquellos que ya se han comprometido a
nuestra Campaña de Corazones Generosos en Deuda. Si
usted se perdió la oportunidad para acompañarnos en la
Campaña de Corazones Generosos en Deuda, no se
preocupe. Los materiales aún se encuentran disponibles
en la oficina parroquial y en las bancas de la iglesia. Su
compromiso y contribuciones siempre son necesarias y
de mucha ayuda.
Plastic Eggs
• Candy
• Stickers
• Small toys
*All items must be small enough to fit into eggs.
If you would like to donate any items please drop them off
at the parish office during the week.
Spring Church
Softball League
Saints game schedule:
Saturdays at the Yucaipa
Community Park Softball Fields
February 28th - 4:30 pm
March 7th - 8:15 pm
Thank you to all who have pledged to our Generous
Heart Campaign. If you missed the opportunity to join
us in pledging to our Generous Hearts Debt Campaign,
don’t worry. The materials are available in the parish
office and in the pews of the church. Your commitment
and contributions are always needed and helpful.
Primer Domingo de Cuaresma
22 de febrero del 2015 3
“La Cuaresma de nuevo” pudiéramos decir con un suspiro. ¿A qué pudiéramos renunciar
este año? Pero si pensamos sólo en privarnos de algo nos equivocamos del todo. La Cuaresma es tiempo de una
limpieza general espiritual en preparación para la Pascua. La Iglesia recomienda tres cosas para este tiempo: ayuno,
oración y limosna. El propósito de estas prácticas es ayudarnos a simplificar nuestra vida, volver nuestro corazón más
íntimamente a Dios y desarrollarnos y crecer como discípulos de Jesús. Ayunar no solamente es comer menos,
también pudiera significar comer alimentos más saludables. Asimismo podemos ayunar de comportamientos que
dañen a los demás, tales como el chisme, el rencor, la inmoralidad sexual, el mal uso del alcohol, las drogas o fumar.
Aumentar o profundizar la oración durante la Cuaresma no es sólo decir más oraciones. Si tienes el hábito de rezar
trata un estilo diferente de oración: ora con un salmo, trata una devoción nueva o siéntate silenciosamente en la
presencia de Dios. Añade a tu día la oración de la mañana y la tarde, reza con tu familia, presta más atención en la
Misa. La Cuaresma ha sido tradicionalmente un tiempo de ayudar a los pobres y hacer actos de caridad u obras de
misericordia. Aunque se supone que hagamos esto durante todo el año, la Cuaresma es un buen momento para
empezar o poner más empeño en nuestras buenas acciones. La limosna se puede dar de más maneras que
dándola a las personas en la calle. Puede hacerse ayudando a la familia, amistades, vecinos que
andan en situaciones difíciles o siendo más generosos con nuestros empleados. Si estás en
condiciones de poder dar dinero en estos momentos, aumenta lo que le das a tu parroquia y a otras
organizaciones caritativas como la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl, Catholic Relief Services o
Caridades Católicas.
Búsqueda de huevos de Pascua
Hemos empezado a reunir artículos de Pascua con el fin de
mantener nuestra búsqueda anual de huevos de Pascua el
domingo de Pascua.
Los productos que necesitamos incluyen:
Huevitos de plástico
· Dulces
· Calcomanías
· Juguetes pequeños
* Todos los artículos deben ser lo suficientemente pequeños como
para caber en los huevos.
Si usted desea donar algún artículo por favor de entregarlos a la
oficina parroquial durante la semana.
Upcoming RE Schedule
Tues., February 24
4:30 - 6:00 pm
Wed., February 25
6:00 - 7:30 pm
Mon., February 23
6:00 - 7:00 pm
Tues., March 3
6:45 - 8:45 pm
Thur., March 5
6:00 - 7:30 pm
24 HASTA MAYO 12, 2015 DE 7:00PM A 9:00PM.
Guía para Ayuno y Abstinencia
El ayuno y la abstinencia son obligaciones para todos los católicos durante la temporada de Cuaresma . Comienzan el
proceso de purificación y hacernos receptivos a recibir al Señor . Al mismo tiempo, la práctica espiritual no es para
AYUNO: El ayuno fue recomendado por Jesús , tanto por el ejemplo y la enseñanza . Lo mínimo que debemos hacer
cuando ayunamos es comer una comida al mediodía y dos pequeños aperitivos durante el día . Miércoles de Ceniza y
el Viernes Santo son días de ayuno para la iglesia universal.
ABSTINENCIA: La abstinencia significa no comer carne , los productos cárnicos y aves de corral . Tiene el propósito
de permitir que comamos más sencillos , comidas básicas. Miércoles de Ceniza y todos los viernes durante la
Cuaresma, y el Viernes Santo son días de abstinencia.
Se pide a todas las personas que gozan de buena salud y que han cumplido catorce años (el día después de un
cumpleaños número 14 ) a abstenerse de comer carne en los días mencionados anteriormente.
EDADES Y SALUD: Se solicita a todos los adultos (aquellos que han completado los 18 años ) a ayunar hasta el
comienzo de su 60 aniversario . Si su salud no es buena, no importa su edad , que no debe ayunar o abstenerse de
alimentos nutritivos , pero deben pasar los días de ayuno y abstinencia haciendo otras prácticas espirituales ( por
ejemplo, leer la Biblia, rezar el Rosario , hacer actos de bondad para los demás).
First Sunday of Lent
February 22, 2015 4
Calendario de Cuaresma
21 y 22 de febrero ~ Primer domingo de Cuaresma
Misas en su horario regular ~ Sábado Vigilia 4:00 p.m.
(Reconciliación/Confesiones 3-3:30P.M.
Llegar a las 3pm no mas tardar.
Domingo: 7:30A.M. (Eng)., 9A.M. en Español
y 11:00 A.M. (Eng)
Rito de Envío 22 de febrero 11:00 a.m. (SFXC)
Rito de Elección para Niños c/ el Obispo
Del Riego (SFXC) - 2PM
Rito de Elección Para Adultos c/el Obispo Barnes
(Catedral de Nuestra Señora del Rosario) -6PM
Vier., 27 de febrero ~ Vía Crucis y Cena de Cuaresma
5 - 6:30PM Cena - 7PM Vía Crucis
Patrocinado por los Caballeros de Colón
In Memoriam of:
Bill Zimmerman, Maria Provencio,
Joseph Ramirez, and Ann Huckaby
Pray for your servants who served you
faithfully throughout their lives. We ask this
through Christ our Lord. Amen
Prayer List
(Please note this list is for seriously ill persons. Names
can only be listed for two weeks - our prayer chain
continues to pray for people after this time).
Recently we received additional requests for prayers for
the following:
Monica Guzman, Jamie Frego, Mirna Castro, Mary Lou
Kingston, Burt Auzene, and Lea Clark
If you would like to request prayers for your family,
please contact Margo at 797-2533.
Update Training for
Ushers/ Hospitality
Who Needs Food?
Your neighbors in Yucaipa and Calimesa periodically need food
Mandatory Update
assistance due to unemployment, illness or family trauma. Give a
training for Ushers/
helping hand.
Hospitality Ministers will
The ICS Food Distribution Center needs:
take place on Saturday,
Canned Soup
March 7th, 2015 in the
Parish Center, alcove # 10, from 9-11 a.m.
Boxed Cereal
Please call Joe Scarite at 909-795-0103 to
Canned Fruit
confirm your attendance. Items covered in
Canned Ravioli
Drop off a few of these items at the ICS Center or in the containers
in Church. Interfaith Community Support of Yucaipa Valley (ICS)
ICS is a registered charity operated solely by volunteers. All donations
are fully tax deductible.
the training will be as follows: Roles and
Responsibilities; before, during and after
mass; Usher Identification; Emergency
procedures. Refreshments will be served.
St Patrick’s Day Dinner - March 14, 2015
At Knights of Columbus Hall
(12586 California Street)
Tickets of sale now!
$8.00 Children (12 & Under)
Healing Broken Hearts-One Weekend at a Time.
Pope Francis said: “God is the light that illuminates the darkness, even if it does not dissolve it, and a spark of
divine light is within each of us.” Sometimes situations and decisions from the past can place us into darkness
where we feel disconnected and alone. If you have emotional or spiritual wounds as a result of a past abortion,
please consider attending our upcoming Rachel’s Vineyard weekend retreat February 27 – March 1, 2015.
Rachel’s Vineyard is a unique sensory based program for both men and women, which integrates emotional,
psychological and spiritual dimensions to provide an effective recovery process for those hurt by abortion and
life’s circumstances. By experiencing God’s profound love and mercy, let 2015 become the year you rekindle
the spark of divine light which is within all of us. Participation is strictly confidential. For more information,
please contact Mary Huber at 909-475-5353 or [email protected] or visit the website
First Sunday of Lent
Ministry Staff
Business Manager/
Administradora de Negocios
Precious Chikulo
ext. 227
[email protected]
Coordinator of Pastoral Care/
Coordinadora de Cuidado Pastoral
Margo Isenberg
ext. 225
[email protected]
Coordinator of Youth Ministry/
Coordinadora de Ministerio Juvenil
Grades/Grados 7th-12th
Iliana Garcia Ocampo
ext. 229
[email protected]
Director of Religious Education/
Educación Religiosa Grades/
Grados 1st-6th
Linda Ornelas
ext. 224
[email protected]
Office Assistants /
Asistentes de Oficina
Edith Garcia
ext. 230
[email protected]
Peggy Patterson
ext. 222
[email protected]
Office Receptionist/
Recepcionista de Oficina
Cecilia Newby
ext. 221
ICS (Food Distribution)
ext. 225
ext. 225
Marriage/ Matrimonio
ext. 228
Pastoral Council / Concilio Pastoral
Enrique Lima
ext. 501
Finance Council
Don Averill
ext. 503
Jóvenes Para Cristo
Elvia Corona
Mothers in Faith
Teresa Russo
Altar Servers / Monaguillos
Dcn. Dan Hudec
ext. 506
Eucharistic Ministers/
Ministros de Eucaristía
Jesse & Monica Robles
Alfredo Montiel
Clara Ureña
Small Faith Communities
Lisa Cox
[email protected]
Health Ministry/ Ministerio de Salud
Alicia Sevick
Dcn. Peter Bond
ext. 505
Iliana Garcia Ocampo
ext. 229
R.C.I.A. (new Catholics)
Lisa Hudec
[email protected]
Returning Catholics
ext. 225
Catholic Daughters of the
Trisha Wright
Knights of Columbus
Dietrich Rubelius
February 22, 2015 5
2/21 – 2/22, 2015 Mass Intentions
4:00 P.M. Leonard & Ron Lardy †
7:30 A.M. Pro Populo
9:00 A.M. Loreto Meza & Florencia Lyva †
11:00 A.M. Leon Cherpin †
2/23 – 3/1, 2015 Mass Intentions
7:30 A.M.
7:30 A.M.
7:30 A.M.
7:30 A.M.
7:30 A.M.
4:00 P.M.
7:30 A.M.
9:00 A.M.
11:00 A.M.
Genofeva Nasiadka †
Greg Hughes
Roseann Gracza (Birthday)
Brian Champion (Birthday)
Communion Service
Linda Frego (Birthday)
Pro Populo
Nicanor Figueroa
Alma & Fred Valencia (Birthdays)
Mass intentions are available for these dates:
4/30, 5/4, 5/6, 5/7, 5/19, 5/20, and 5/21.
Please call or come into the Parish office to reserve dates before Tuesday for bulletin publication.
Question of the Week - First Sunday of Lent
Question for Children: What will you do this Lent to become more like Jesus?
Question for Youth: Lent gives us a chance to do things differently – to "go to the
desert." How can you make Lent a time for growing in faith?
Question for Adults: What is the one area of your life which you most want to "reform"
as you get ready to embrace the Gospel, what is it?
Mark your calendars for "Patriotic Rosary" on
Thursday, March. 12, 2015
God the Father, Son
and Holy Spirit, Maker of heaven and earth, You are
the First Cause of these United States of America. You are the Author of all that is true, noble, right,
pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy. Nearly two and a half centuries ago our American
founders declared earthly independence and by your prompting held "these truths to be self-evident,
that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator"-endowed by You- with certain
unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
Please join us at 4pm in the Chapel followed by a Pot Luck in the Parish Center. Let us pray
together as stated "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and
seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin
and heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7:14)
Hot Entre will be provided by the Respect Life Team and Last names beginning A-H; I-Q
please bring a Salad or Side Dish; and R-Z please bring a Dessert.
Rosario Patriotico el jueves 12 de Marzo, 2015
Dios Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, Creador del cielo y de la tierra, Tu eres el Guia Principal de los
Estados Unidos de América. Tu eres el autor de todo lo que es verdadero, noble, correcto, puro,
precioso, admirable, excelente y loable. Casi dos siglos y medio atrás, nuestros fundadores
de América declararon su independencia usándote a Ti como ejemplo, dijeron: "estas verdades son
evidentes, que todos los hombres han sido creados iguales, que son dotados por su Creador"dotados por Ti con ciertos derechos inviolables y entre estos están la vida, la libertad y la búsqueda
de la felicidad."
Por favor únase a nosotros en la Capilla a las 4:00 pm, y después tendremos un Pot Luck en
el Centro Parroquial. Oremos juntos como se indica "Si mi pueblo que es llamado por mi nombre se
humillare, orar y buscad mi rostro y convirtieren de sus malos caminos, entonces oiré desde el cielo y
le perdone sus pecados y sanar su tierra." (2 Crónicas 7:14)
El plato principal lo proporcionará el equipo de Respeto a la Vida y Apellidos empezando
de A-H; I-Q favor de traer una ensalada o un platillo para acompañar al plato principal; y R-Z
por favor traiga un postre.
Share the Faith this Lent season
and together we will experience
the Lord in a whole different way.
Small Faith communities begin
this week. Please contact Lisa Cox
at [email protected] or
[email protected] to join one today.
Presentaciones de Bebés
Si usted quiere presentar a su
bebé (menor de 1 año de edad),
por favor llegue temprano y
avísele al Padre ANTES de
comenzar la Misa.