FEB Newsletter - Cornerstone Baptist Church

February 2015
From the Pastor’s Desk...
“If you stopped random people on Main Street and asked about Cornerstone Baptist
Church, would they even know we exist?” – Question asked by a member at the beginning
of our Envisioning Missions conversations,
c. 2012
“We are really getting out there, aren’t we!” – comment of a long time member, December
About two months ago, I was in my office when one of our dedicated, long time members
poked her head in for a quick conversation. We spoke of the success the Be-Our-Guest Dinners and also, of our Church table that we have been hosting at community events in Killingly.
These new efforts, joined with long running programs, and your support - in time, energy,
and monetary contributions - have helped us make a serious impact on the lives of literally
hundreds of people in our community. THANK-YOU!
We have been hosting BOG Dinners now
for about 8 months. Our guests have told us
that our dinners are unlike any others available in town.“We love coming here, we are
made to feel as if we are guests. The food is
great and the people are so wonderful,” said
one of our community friends. Many others
who dine with us on the first Friday of each
month have echoed this sentiment. What a
great testimony to the love, care and
compassion shown by so many of you
who are dedicated to this outreach
Deacon’s Fund Update
One of the ways we help folks in our community
that stays relatively unknown, is money from our
Deacon’s Fund that goes directly to relieving emergency monetary needs of people in the area.
The Deacon’s Fund is administered by the pastor.
The names of those who receive help through this
fund are kept anonymous and all checks are written
directly to the appropriate vendors.
This Christmas showed yet another meal
initiative –sponsored and coordinated by
one of our newest families – providing a
delicious meal and fellowship for many who
were alone on Christmas Day. Take it from
Cheryl and me, it was a GREAT afternoon!
Others, as you may know, have offered face
painting for free to the children of our town
at events such as the Tomato Fest, and
Independence Day in Owen Bell Park,
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247 Broad Street, Danielson CT 06239
860 774-3907
[email protected]
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In Worship
This Month
Sunday, February 1
10:30 am—Worship
with Communion
Ladies Luncheon
The Ladies Luncheon will be at Hanks in Brooklyn on Wednesday,
February 11th at 12 noon. As usual there will be a sign-up sheet in the
narthex. All ladies in the church are welcome.
Sunday, February 8
10:30 am—Worship
Sunday, February 15
Sunday, February 22
10:30 am—Worship
Thank you to everyone who donated items from the Giving Tree this year or
helped to wrap presents. Your time, talents and resources
are extremely appreciated; especially to those families who
received this year. We were able to assist 7 families who have
connections to our church through the Advent Angels
program and many others as well, including children in the
after school program in South Providence!
Hannah St. Onge*
George Murray III
Kendall Rosen*
Brittany Bertorelli
Nicole Taranto
Frank Maynard
Susan Cochran
Debra Grandelski
Barbara White
Jeremy Grandelski
Marilyn Poer
Christine Guerin
Katrina Grandelski
Nancy Chase Charron
Thanks again for your generosity!
-Gina Mills,
Missions & Outreach Deacon
Contributions to our community Women's Domestic Violence shelter have been
greatly appreciated over the past years. Thank you all who continue to support
a much needed cause for women in crisis. Following is a list of some items you
may donate to the collection box in the narthex. As soon as we get it filled I will
bring the items to the office for distribution. Thank you, Molly
Crayons, coloring books, feminine products, tooth paste, baby powder,
deodorant ,lotion, shampoo, conditioner, pony tail elasticity, razors, gift
cards, mittens, hats, Most items can be small, such as travel size toothpaste,
soap, etc. The shelter does not accept clothing donations due to the lack of
storage space. They do not accept stuffed animals.
Girl Scout Brownie Troop 65108-Melissa & Ashley's Troop
held a Community Hot Breakfast on the 3rd of January.
We served around 40 people. Thank you for the use of
the kitchen and the hall.
The girls earned their community serve badge.
Thank you for you continued support and use of the
church on Tuesdays for meetings.
Rev. Greg Thomas
Organist/Choir Director:
Howard W. Curry
Administrative Secretary:
Kris Useted
Remember: The last person to leave the church building should be sure that all doors and windows
are closed /locked, door alarms set. In addition, the Academy Street door into Fellowship Hall will
be kept locked during the Sunday worship service. Thank you for helping us take care of our
Connections is published 11 times a year at The Cornerstone Baptist Church, and is put together by
a host of valuable volunteers. Please try to have articles and information to the office by the 15th of
the month, and no later than the 20th.
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February Sunday School News
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From the Pastor’s Desk—continued from page 1
among others. And this December, at the Old Fashion Christmas in Davis Park our Sunday School leaders provided
one of the most popular crafts for children that afternoon. There are children in our Sunday School today that we first
met at the Cornerstone Baptist Church table.
Those of you who volunteer at the Friends of Assisi Food Pantry have made a huge difference as well. Through your
efforts, dedication and loving service, Cornerstone Baptist Church has gained notoriety in Danielson. When a nonCatholic client asks the director of the food pantry about churches in the area, she recommends Cornerstone Baptist
Church by name!
Our involvement in and your concern for the lives of people staying at the family shelter on Reynolds Street and
Hawkin Street, as well as the domestic violence shelter has been shown by members of our congregation who have
served as volunteers, provided toiletries, blankets and other resources, fellowship, and developing friendships for many.
In fact, several of our new members and attendees at worship have come to us through these programs – and what a
blessing they have been to us!
Through your generous response to our Giving Tree and other appeals, the care and concern that so many of you
have shown for those who struggle to provide Christmas Gifts for their children and family has reaped many rewards –
not the least of which are the smiles of dozens of children on Christmas morning.
In what has become a semi-annual event sponsored by the Sunday School, we have ‘swapped’ clothing with dozens of
families, providing a place where they can outfit their growing families, find clothing for those who are dressing for success in jobs and job interviews, while providing for others as they bring in clothing that they can no longer use. Many of
you have helped ‘advise and accessorize’ at these events – THANKS!
Our Women’s Group, through their involvement in White Cross (an American Baptist Church ministry) as well as the
Prayer Shawl Ministry that they have provided for several years, has held out the Spiritual hope, care and prayers of
our faith to many in time of illness, crisis, deep distress and loss. I love poking my head into their room on a Wednesday evening. It always seems like a place where JOY lives.
There is much more, but space is short. But let me wrap this up by revisiting the statements that I started this message
Yes, we are ‘getting out there’. And because of YOUR efforts, Your time, and Your financial support, our church –
Cornerstone Baptist Church – is becoming more widely known as a place of love, caring, support, help, fellowship,
fun, service, and integrity; all in the name of and dedication to our Lord Jesus the Christ.
You, working with and for our Master Jesus, are providing strength and definition to the Cornerstone!
Just think of what we can do next with your continued support.
Pastor Greg
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Moderator’s Musings for February
Greetings in the latter half of winter (we hope) with a few words about the Advisory Board! We are approaching the time of year when some of you are about to pick up the phone and hear the person on the other end
of the line say “Would you be interested in serving on Cornerstone’s Advisory Board as a deacon of ………?”
There are two parts of that question that strike fear into the hearts of anyone receiving that call; “Advisory
Board” and “deacon”!!!
Church board membership often is seen as a life sentence to a myriad of meetings,
discussions, disagreements on finances, etc. “Deacon” to those who may have
come from a more liturgical church background may sound like a lofty post where
dark suits and stern faces are prerequisites for the job. I can assure you that the
latter is far from the truth here at Cornerstone. Deacons are all “regular folks”
here who enjoy their tasks, feeling that they are in some ways expressing their
faith through their talents. If you like to say “hello” to a visitor or one who looks
like they need a hug at that moment; if you like to fix things; like to write notes of
encouragement; interested in what goes on in the mission field but don’t want to
actually go there yourself, you might find a place to serve. More about that later…..
Now, about the “life sentence” thing… the church is an organization and like all other organizations, there
needs to be individuals who will assume responsibility to see that the organization
continues to function.
When there are few willing to serve in those areas, if the organization is to continue to function (lights go on,
pews dusted, meals cooked, coffee served, Sunday School taught, grass cut, snow shoveled, collections
collected, money applied to the right categories, bills paid, etc.) those few begin to feel that they may die in
the office that they enjoy(ed) filling. That’s why every year around this time that the phone calls begin. (We
don’t want anyone to die at a board meeting!) And it doesn’t have to be this way.
The next three newsletters will have brief descriptions of the Advisory Board duties along with the names of
the current members holding those positions. Deacon positions require that you be a member. Each deacon
can assemble a committee to help in the task..committee members don’t need to be members. Everyone has
a talent that can be shared with others. If, after you read through the lists of tasks, you see something that
really strikes your heart, tell Pastor Greg or me or one of the deacons you see listed. If you are a member and
you think you would like to be part of the board, we elect members at the May Annual Meeting. Try the
position for three months – if you find that it isn’t what you thought, you can try another position, remain as
a committee member or just say “Whoops, not for me…” no problem, you won’t be shunned – that’s not a
Baptist thing!
Mission and Outreach Deacon – Gina Mills: Much of our mission energy
comes from ABCCONN (American Baptist Churches of Connecticut) in the
forms of specific offerings which Gina brings to our attention. Other local outreach which has been very successful has been the clothing drives available to
the community. The collections at holidays fall under this category.
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Property Deacons - Frank Brush and Bruno Gilbert, when Frank is in Florida: They
take care of the physical property, including the parsonage and the grounds. They
don’t necessarily “fix” everything themselves but it’s their responsibility to be sure
things work properly…the heat goes on, the A/C (not at the same time); hot water;
toilets work; light bulbs get changed; the elevator gets
serviced; etc. this used to be
called “Property and Finance Deacons” but now that we have an Investment Committee
to oversee the finances with the treasurer we are revising the ByLaws accordingly.
Deacon of Connections – This position is open currently. A person in
this position would greet newcomers, be sure that those who need a
ride to church gets a ride, helps people connect their gifts and talents
with the needs of the community and the church. If you like people,
this is a great position.
Our Advisory Board meetings are held monthly, skipping July and August usually, on the second Tuesday of
each month, unless it’s Women’s Basketball Tournament time. (There are priorities, even in God’s realm!) We
start at 6:30 and commit to being done by 8:30. We do have fun amidst the sometimes seriousness of the
business!! BTW, all meetings are open to the congregation – come and visit if you’d like to see just how much
fun you could have every other month.
Grace and peace,
Caroll Marston – cell phone 860-428-4970 if you have questions
Deacon’s Fund- continued from page 1
Situations vary as to what these monies pay for, but the vast majority is to help with rent emergencies. Often times these request
are for far more money than we can provide. But the solution is what makes our faith community so special.
As pastor I have worked closely with my colleagues in ministry here in the Brooklyn/Killingly area as well as Sister Eleanor at Project Northeast in Putnam, to develop procedures and policies so that we can work together with people who need more help than
any one of us can provide.
Last year we helped 31families or individuals either stay in their homes, supplement their groceries,
keep electricity on, buy gas for transportation to work or job interviews, help with emergency childcare, register a vehicle or buy
work specific clothing.
In total we gave $1756 through out 2014.
We only have these funds because of your generosity. This money DOES NOT come out of our regular budget, but rather it
comes from special offerings and donations from our friends and members.
Your next opportunity to contribute to this essential fund comes on our next Communion Sunday. Just use the special offering
envelopes in the pews on the first Sunday of each month, and you will help us keep one of the last safety nets available to residents
of the Killingly Brooklyn area
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Advisory Council Meeting - December 16, 2014
The meeting was called to order at 6:35 by moderator, Caroll Marston. Pastor Greg led us in prayer. Instead of a devotional message this month, Caroll asked everyone to tell what they were thankful for this Christmas.
What have you heard?
Melissa Card stopped in to let the board know that her Girl Scout troop would be putting on a breakfast on Jan 3 from 7-11 to
provide food for the families that count on school meals to help their families.
Gina called to ask that we mention there are still tags on the tree in the narthex for the advent angels.
It was mentioned that members should keep Christ in their hearts, and not judge others.
Frank Brush moved to accept the minutes from November meeting. Seconded by Pat Rocheleau and passed.
Treasurer’s Report was discussed and put on file for the auditors.
At this point Dana Thayer took the floor to discuss her idea for a community Christmas Day Dinner for those who don’t have any
family or would just like to be with others. Everyone were in agreement that is was a good idea. Questions raised were - is there
is enough time to get the word out for this year? P. Greg will get contact names from area agencies to Dana Tomorrow. She will
contact grocery stores for food donations. Good Luck Dana!
Dates to remember:
Dec 20- youth group sleepover
Dec 24 4pm Howard Valley Service
Dec 24- Christmas Eve 7pm
January 2 Be Our Guest
Jan 18 Budget meeting after church
Jan 23-24 Abcconn leadership summit
Pastors ReportArts in worship team thanks! – Donna Gilbert, Dana Thayer, Cindy Marcheterre, Melissa Card, Molly Truesdale, Pat Rocheleau
Baptism – need recommendation for membership for AJ Duval, Scott & Cole Davagian
New Members - Flo & Oduro
Message from Gina, please take a tag if you can from the giving tree
Christmas Movie Nights – pizza night was very well attended
Christmas Eve at Howard Valley – we will need a generator and heat – I have contacted Bruno
Old Fashioned Christmas – our table was crowded and popular
Went to Pierce Board indoctrination meeting
Visited – Bernie, Max, Ruth Chandler and Ruth Hochstetter
Continuing to work with the board for Camp Wightman
Focus on Veterans - $50 as per last year
Westfield's "Aspire" campaign
Drop internet at parsonage
Will be calling a meeting of those who expressed an interest in a retreat: Margaret, Mike L. , Kathy Hexter
Mary Grandelski moved to accept into membership the following AJ Duvall, Scott Davagian, Cole Davagian, Flo and Oduro. Motion was seconded by Mike Lehoux and passed.
Pat Rocheleau moved to donate $50 to the Veterans Focus Group. Seconded by Molly Truesdale and passed.
Pastor Greg reported that the internet service for the parsonage will not be needed as the booster signal that Jim Hilow has added
is working fine.
Deacon Reports:
Events-Debra reported that a light lunch will be served at the Jan budget meeting.
Investment committee- Larry Southam is reviewing investments and will make suggestions after the New Year.
Missions- Sheldon will be taken off of the board.
Property & Finance- Frank stated that there had been some issues with the heat in fellowship hall, but after fiddling with it, it seems
to be okay now.
Worship and Membership- Molly stated the in January the box will be back in the narthex for donations for the domestic Violence
Due to the lateness we bypassed old business and went straight to discussion on the budget.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:55.
Respectfully submitted once again this month,
Debra Grandelski
Members Present: Caroll Marston, Pastor Greg, Kathy Hexter ,Pat Rocheleau, Mike Lehoux, Frank Brush, Donna Gilbert, Mary
Grandelski ,Molly Truesdale and Debra Grandelski
Next Meeting-----------January 13
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247 Broad Street
Danielson, CT 06239
On the back page...
Many people want to serve God, but only as
-source unknown
I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun
has risen: not only because I see it, but because
by it I see everything else.
-C.S. Lewis
The future is something which everyone
reaches at the rate of 60 minutes an hour,
whatever [they do], whoever [they are].
-C.S. Lewis
Our perception that we have “no time” is one
of the distinct marks of the Western culture.
- Margaret Visser
Your task is
-Rainer Maria Rilke
[email protected]
Web page:
If being loved is your goal, you will fail to
achieve it. The only way to be assured of being
loved is to be a person worthy of love, and you
cannot be a person worthy of love when your
primary goal in life is to passively be loved.
- M. Scott Peck
Life is like a mirror
Everything comes back
The good, the bad, the truth
Give the world the best you have
And the best will come back to you.
- unknown
When science finally locates the center of the
universe, some people will be surprised to
discover that they’re not in it.
- unknown
People are funny; they want the front of the
bus, the middle of the road, and the back of
the church.
- unknown
Remember this; When people choose to withdraw far from a fire, the fire continues to give
warmth, but they grow cold. When people
choose to withdraw far from light, the light
continues to be bright in itself but they are in
darkness. This is also the case when people
withdraw from God.
-St. Augustine
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