Read Our Bulletin - Gethsemane Lutheran Church

Calendar for the Week of February 1, 2015
Sunday: Worship @ 8 & 10:30a/ EdHr,Sunday School, 9:30a
9:15a-Planning Meeting for VBS August 3-7
Souper Bowl Sunday
Monday: MHCC Exercise Class, 9:30 a.m.
Band, 7 p.m.
Tuesday: Men’s Breakfast, 8 a.m.
Bible Study, 10 a.m.
Swing Band, 7 p.m.
CYF Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday: MHCC Ex, 9:30 a.m.
Clutterers, 5:30 p.m.
Way to Live Teen Group, 6-7:30 p.m.
Thursday: Bible Study @ Adventist Cafeteria, 7:30 a.m.
Quilting, 9:30 a.m.
Orchestra, 12:30 p.m.
Girl’s Group, 1:20 p.m.
Choir, 7 p.m.
Friday: Office Closed, MHCC Ex, 9:30 a.m.
Sunday: Worship @ 8 & 10:30a/Adult Ed. & Sunday School 9:30a
Consecration Sunday
Pinochle, 2 p.m.
Mission Statement: As a people forgiven and called by God we proclaim the Good News of Christ by
serving both the physical and spiritual needs of people in our changing community.
Vision Statement: Gethsemane Lutheran Church will, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, grow
as a servant body reaching out to our neighborhood and our community, sharing God’s grace and
serving as the Body of Christ in this time and place.
February 1
Altar Guild
Asst. Min.
Keeper of Keys
Readers Feb 1
8 am
10:30 am
Roberta Vidlund,K Reagan Colleen Barnett, Kim Butenschoen
Al/Ethel Marsh
Ginny Barton
Gloria Kelsay
Denise Johnson
Lois Boro
Mary Starmont, M Burgess
Darlene Kuehmichel
Scott Blohm, Rod Hills
Diane Liefeld
“A caring church for a changing community.”
Gazette: To publish or announce.
February 1, 2015
Office: 503.256.1835 [email protected],
Church Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Pastor: Tom Hiller, 503.557.7991 or 503.250.0736; [email protected]
Preschool Director: Katie Strobel, 503.256.1835; [email protected]
Youth Coor.: Jennilee Porch, [email protected], 315.573.4901
Parish Admin.: Judith Rykken
Finance Mgr.: Cathey Myers,
Organist: Brooke Benfield
Custodians: Dale/Ann Van Horn Choir Director: Cameron Herbert
+ Please Use the time before worship for meditation and prayer. As you
leave, go with a prayer for yourself, for others who worship with you, and
for the needs of the world. Peace to you!
We Welcome all who worship here today. Children are welcome at
worship, but childcare is available from 10:15 to 11:45 a.m. for children 5
and under.
+ Speak With An Usher if you’d like communion brought to you in your pew.
If you need a Gluten-Free wafer, please ask when you come to the altar.
+ Amplification Devices, Wheelchairs, Walkers, & LARGE PRINT EDITIONS of
the order of service and Gazette are available as are Sermon Outlines at the
usher’s station.
The Sacraments of Our Church
Baptism – You and your children are invited to receive God’s gift of Baptism. In
Baptism God offers these gifts: forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ; new life
here in the Body of Christ, the church, and beyond death in God’s presence; and
the power of the Holy Spirit. If you wish to be baptized or if you desire baptism
for your children please speak to Pastor.
Holy Communion – You and your children are invited to receive God’s gift of
Holy Communion. In Holy Communion God offers the gifts of forgiveness of sins
and unity within the Body of Christ, the church. We believe that Jesus Christ,
crucified and risen, is present in this sacrament, giving his true body and blood
as food and drink and that this real presence is a mystery. To learn more or if
you are considering the readiness of your children to receive this Sacrament
please speak to Pr. Tom.
**Like Us on Facebook**
Please sign up in the narthex to help as a Worship Assistant. Sign up for a
whole month, or for just a Sunday or two. Questions? Talk to Gloria.
Gethsemane’s Preschool has one opening left for a 3-year old (by September 1,
2014). Come visit our program on a school day. View the website at or see us on Facebook.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner is Tuesday, Feb 17, at 6 p.m. (Thanks in advance to
Todd Sloan and the fellowship crew for providing the meal!) Help decorate our
Alleluia banner, and do Mardi Gras projects. Please RSVP if you're coming.
CYFM Committee Meeting is this Tuesday, February 3, at 6:30 p.m. in the conference
room. You are invited help plan children and youth ministries.
At the Cross+Gen Gathering on Wednesday, February 25, at 6:30 p.m. we will discuss
Lenten themes. This intergenerational gathering will be part of that night’s service.
Thank You to all who donated baby items for our Follow the Star drive for SnowCap.
The Sunday School children kicked it off at our Happy Birthday Jesus party, donating
many items. Then the whole congregation was invited to join the effort. The result:
57lbs of baby items for SnowCap. What a blessing this will be to so many families!
The Youth Fundraiser during our Annual Meeting last week raised $270 toward our
trip to Detroit this summer. The youth and the CYFM Committee thank you greatly for
helping us get closer to our goal!
VBS Planning Meeting is today from 9:15 to 10a.m. in the Community Hall Yes, VBS
will be here in no time. Come learn about this year's curriculum and have a hand in
planning and creating this awesome summer program for our kids. You'll get first pick
of VBS positions, such as Music, Activities, Craft, Decoration, Registration, CoDirector(s).
The Triennial ELCA National Youth Gathering is in Detroit this July.
SOUPER Bowl Sunday is Today. Soup for SnowCap goes in the tub in the narthex. This
national and inter-denominational drive is a BIG undertaking!
Thank You to all participating in the Fred Meyer Community Rewards program. Our
first quarterly statement says the preschool earned $37.99. If you are not signed up
yet, we’ll help you set up an account at the Spaghetti Dinner on Feb 22. Please bring
your Rewards Card so we have your account number.
The 2014 Annual Offering Statements are in your mail file folders.
The Preschool Spaghetti Dinner and silent auction/raffle is Feb 22 after the second
service, a major fundraiser for our preschool. We will auction baskets and
“experiences” again. If you have a skill or talent you can share as an auction item,
we’d appreciate it. Things such as yard work, knitting lessons, tutoring, beer making,
gift wrapping, baking...the possibilities are numerous. If you are interested in donating
a basket or a talent to be auctioned off or if you have gift cards for our raffle please
see Katie Strobel. Other options include vacation homes, time share time, or other
services of value.
Thank You to My Gethsemane Family for your love and prayers during the passing of
my Mom. Thanks be to God for her 85 years. Denise Johnson and family.
Unless otherwise requested, people named in the prayers will stay on the Urgent list
for 30 days. Prayer Concerns—Ongoing: Those who are ill, homebound, or in need of
other prayers: Joe Rapp; Wynn & Jim Stafford; Jo Nelson’s friend Greg; Ginny Barton’s
friends Golda and Carolyn; Sharon’s Lee’s nephew Kevin, and her niece Terry;
Jonathan Herbert’s friend, Mitch; Marian Aleckson; Doris Hansen; Elmer Schmidt; Dick
Burgess; Paulette Kelley’s brother Randy; Bill Herbert’s sister Judy; Carol Steele and
her cousin Arlan Scott; Dwaine Estes; Linda Babcock and her grandson Josiah;
Katherine Eshleman; Pr. Randy Shutt; Aiden Lindstrom; Rita Nesbitt’s son John; Galvin
& Virginia Irby; Colleen Barnett’s friend Ellen; Roseann Foster-Mikhail’s mother Rose;
Madison Goldbacher’s friend Breanna; Jennifer Peck; Tyler Riehl; Lillian Huston; Nicole
Poole; Nettie Ubrick’s nephew Troy, and her friends Tim, Juanita, Mary, and Ruby; Bill
& Cameron Herbert’s goddaughter Carey; Randy Treanor; Judith Rykken’s relative
Rick; Lucille Langseth; Bud Qualheim; Mickey Dochow; Dan Walter; Sharon Lee’s great
nephew Jace; Connie Smith’s friend Joe; Roland & Virginia Haacke; and Ida Olson.
Urgent: Those who are ill or in need of other prayers: Jo Nelson; Todd Sloan; Dorothy
Shouse’s daughter Robin; Darlene Kuehmichel; Tiffany Herbert; Colleen Barnett’s
nephew Ken; Rita Nesbitt; Kim Butenschoen’s friends Launa and Erin; Bonnie Aplin;
Grace Fadness; and Shar Giard’s friend John.
Those who are grieving: The family and friends of Colleen Barnett’s half-brother Willis;
the family and friends of Denise Johnson’s mother Margie Bowers; the family and
friends of Brandee Liebrand’s grandmother Clara Palmblad; the family and friends of
Becky Keiper’s sister in law Martha; the family and friends of Doug Glenn’s sister
Billie; and the family and friends of Stan Anderson.
Calling All Pinochle Players: Second Sunday Pinochle is February 8 at 2 p.m. Use the
south entrance; we'll direct you from there. Todd Sloan
From Daybreak Central The Daybreak families thank everyone for their kindness and
generous hospitality. Gethsemane is one of their favorite churches! They are so
appreciative of everything. The Daybreak moms were overcome with joy with the
donations of diapers and baby wipes. One mother was stunned and didn’t believe me
when I said we had diapers and baby wipes available for them. So, from me to you,
THANK YOU ALL so very much for making this program such a success and for bringing
safety, shelter and Gethsemane TLC to the families. Patty Olson
Rummage Sale 2015 Will Be Friday and Saturday, May 1 and 2. I know many of you
are cleaning, organizing closets, garages, etc., so save all those good, used treasures
for the sale! We can only store things at church for two weeks beforehand. We need
workers! Set-up begins April 26, so plan your vacations for after May 2, please!
Goodwill will again furnish racks, hangers, etc. but save bags for us to use. If you have
questions, ask Clara or at the office.
Bud Qualheim is at Pacifica Senior Living, 1808 SE 182, Portland, 97233.
Flodine Loe’s New Info: 12154 SE 114 Ct., #102, 97086 Phone: 503.351.3684
Rita Nesbitt is at Marquis Piedmont, 319 NE Russet St., Portland, 97211. Her
phone is 503.289.5571.