Newsletter - Sharp Memorial United Methodist Church, Young Harris
February, 2015
The Newsletter of Sharp Memorial United Methodist Church
A Stephen Ministry Congregation
email: [email protected]
Phone/fax: 706-379-3210
PO Box 66, Young Harris GA 30582
Volume 32, No. 2
Upcoming in Lent
Pancake Supper
Tuesday, Feb 17: 5-7 PM - Fellowship Hall
$6 tickets from United Methodist Men
Church Staff
Shrove Tuesday (“Fat” Tuesday or Mardi Gras) is the last feast day
before the season of Lent begins the next day, Ash Wednesday.
Rev. David Tinsley
Jim Barker
Director of Ministry Care
Service in the Sanctuary
Feb 18: 12:00 noon
Joy H. Breedlove
Administrative Assistant
& Newsletter Editor,
Pam Leslie
Director of Music
Angela Holloway
Tonya Page
Nursery Supervisor
Lenten Worship and Lunch
Wednesdays, 12 noon – 1:00 PM
Sanctuary then Fellowship Hall
Kim Tigar
YHC Interns
Logan Gray
Monica Lewis
Feb 25Mar 4Mar 11Mar 18Mar 25-
Meditation /Lunch
Sally Barker/ Lydia Circle
Jim Barker/ Susanna Wesley Circle
Barbara Davis/ Mary Martha Circle
Jayne Brechbill/ Ruth Circle
Don Gregg/ Fay Hoag Circle
February Circle Meetings:
Offering- Offer a
helping hand
The North Georgia United
Methodist Housing & Homeless
Council is an agency of the North
Georgia Conference of the United
Methodist Church, and was created
to help churches and other nonprofit organizations in ministering
to very poor and homeless persons.
During February, you will have an
opportunity to help homeless adults
and children by contributing to the
Conference Homeless Offering,
which supports the Housing and
Homeless Council.
The Housing and Homeless
Council, under the direction of
Rev. Virginia Tinsley, makes
grants each year to homeless
shelters, feeding programs,
domestic violence shelters, utility
and rent assistance ministries,
Habitat for Humanity houses, and
programs that prevent
homelessness or provide services
for poor and homeless persons.
These ministries are located all
over the North Georgia
Conference, in large and small
communities. When you
contribute to the Conference
Homeless Offering, your gift is
combined with those from your
church and other churches all over
North Georgia to help provide
housing and basic necessities for
persons who are homeless or in
danger of losing their homes.
100% of the Homeless Offering
goes to ministries that serve
homeless and poor persons. Thank
you for your generous support of
this offering.
All women are invited to
participate in a Circle. If you
would like more information or to
attend a meeting, please contact the
UMW News
The United Methodist Women is the
largest women’s faith denominational organization in the world,
with over 800,000 members. Ask
any member of Sharp Memorial
United Methodist Women if you are
interested in joining.
Sharp Memorial United Methodist
Women are very generous. In 2014,
$5300 in pledges was sent to the
District UMW Treasurer to support
Mission Projects. Pledges are sent to
the District quarterly. Below is a
portion of the donations collected for
2014 Pledge
money to the District
2014 Call to
Prayer and Self Denial
$ 100.00
Murphy Harpst
$ 505.00
Towns County
Food Pantry
$ 240.00
Five Special
Mission Recognition Pins
(sent to District)
$ 120.00
Three “One
Minute of Mission” Pins
(sent to District)
$ 100.00
Towns County
Family Connection
$ 500.00
$ 859.00
2014 World
Thank Offering
$ 600.00
Discretionary Fund
$ 600.00
Sharp Scholars
Scholarship Fund
In all, $5373. was given to Missions
by our UMW, in addition to the
$5300. in pledges sent to the District.
The Susanna Wesley Circle will
meet on Weds, Feb. 4 at 10:00 AM
in room FH 2/3 at the church.
Circle leader is Jenny Moe (706379-1211).
The Mary Martha Circle will
meet on Tuesday, Feb. 10 at 10:00
AM in room FH 2/3 at the church.
Circle leaders are Mary Goodner
(706-835-2322) and Peggy Gregg
The Fay Hoag Circle will meet on
Thursday, Feb. 12 at 6:30 PM at
the church. Circle leaders are Patti
Kay (706-379-3219) and Dian
Woodruff (706-379-2504)
The Lydia Circle will meet on
Monday, Feb. 16, at 7:00 PM in
room FH 4/5 at the church. Circle
leaders are Melanie Beighley (cell
770-633-3765) and Brenda
Maynard (706-896-5035).
The Ruth Circle will meet on
Thursday, Feb. 19, at 3:00 PM in
room 203 at the church. Circle
Leader is Anne Gilmore (706-8963141).
Call To Prayer
and Self-Denial –
A Gesture of
The United Methodist Women’s
Call to Prayer and Self-Denial
Program will be held on
Wednesday, February 11, at 11:00
AM in the Fellowship Hall. In 2015,
the offering received will go toward
the pensions and health care of
retired deaconesses and missionaries.
Two missionaries, Diamond Pate and
Whitney Peters, will be our guest
speakers. Registration begins at
10:30 AM. All women are invited to
participate. Please wear your church
2014 Wrap-Up
Report from the
Now that the year 2014 is “in the
books”, the Mission Committee
would like to inform you about the
Mission giving from our church.
First, our monthy “Communion
Offerings” which are given to
mission projects locally, in our
Conference, and around the world.
January, Pastor’s Discretionary
Fund: $2,192.
February, North GA Conference
Homeless Offering: $1,819.
March, UMCOR One Great Hour
of Sharing: $1,568.
April, Murphy-Harpst Home:
May, Wesley Woods: $1,232.
June, Bishop’s Initiative: $862.
July, Towns Co. Food Pantry:
August, Towns/Union Habitat for
Humanity: $1,825.
September, UM Children’s Home:
October, Old Union Cemetery:
November, Hurburt-Johnson
Friendship House: $1,331.
December, Sharp Scholars: $1,672.
Communion Offering Total:
Then, there are funds in our
Operating Budget that the Missions
Committee can allocate to various
mission projects. In 2014, these
were allocated to the following.
Accessibility to Clean Water: $500.
Murphy-Harpst Home: $500.
Red Bird Mission: $1,500.
Casa de Pan Foster Home in Costa
Rica: $500.
Osprey Missions: $1,000.
Women’s Enrichment Center:
S.A.F.E., Inc.: $500.
Mission giving from Operating
Budget Total: $5,000.
The Missions Committee
sponsored the Rummage Sale in
the spring of 2014, with proceeds
of $4,493. Of this, $3,000. was
donated to North GA Technical
College for scholarships. The
balance has not yet been allocated.
The Missions Committee held an
“Alternative Gift Sunday” where
honorary gifts could be made to
one or both of two mission
projects. Giving to Heifer Project
totaled $635. and to St. Andrew
Potato/Produce Project, $713.
This does not include other gifts
made by individuals throughout the
year, but only the gifts under the
purvue of the Missions Committee.
The total of these Mission
Gifts made in 2014 is
Lenten Book
Are you in need of forgiveness?
Do you need to forgive someone?
Would you just like to learn more
about forgiveness? Then join the
upcoming book study Forgiveness:
A Lenten Study. Beginning on
Monday, February, February 23,
and meeting for six weeks from
10:30 AM – noon, Sally Barker
will lead the discussion of Marjorie
Thompson’s book. Contact Sally
([email protected]) or Joy
Breedlove (in the church office) if
you are interested in joining this
Remember our
Please remember those who are
homebound or in nursing homes.
In Brasstown Manor: Hilde
Schaffranke, Harvey and Rachel
Windsor. In Chatuge Nursing
Home: Blanche Anderson, Joan
Perry. In Clay County Care
Center, Hayesville, NC: Ramona
Davidson. In Union Co. Nursing
Home: Mary Evans. In Abernethy
Laurels: Tommie Hancock. At
home: Betty Barlow, Mildred
Dunbrack, Marilyn Gordon,
Sandy Lawyer, Ruth Page, Tom
Shrove Tuesday
Pancake Supper
Feb. 17
Put it on your calendar - the annual
Shrove Tuesday Pancakes and
More Supper will be held on
February 17, 2015 from 5:00 –
7:00 PM. Shrove Tuesday (“Fat”
Tuesday, or Mardi Gras) is the
feast day before the season of Lent
begins on Ash Wednesday.
Tickets are $6.00 per person for a
delicious meal of pancakes,
breakfast casserole, sausage, and
all the trimmings. Tickets will be
available from members of the
Sharp Men or in the church office.
Come feast with your church
Notes for 2014
Operating Budget (2014)
Dec. income: $30,424.
2014 income: $371,906.
Dec. expenses: $29,130.
2014 expenses:$378,799.
Dec. surplus: $1,294.
2014 deficit: $6,893.
where we were called Sharp
Snitchers? Pretty funny!)
If you have any questions, please
don’t hesitate to call Margaret
Frizzell at 706-745-3197.
Memorial Gifts
A donationwas made by Betty Jo
Blanchard in memory of Townsend
Blanchard, to the Music Fund and
the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund.
Members of the Disciples Sunday
School class contributed to the
Sharp Scholars fund in honor of
their teacher, Rev. Dr. John Kay.
Mike Ackland
Mike Ackland has retired from the
position of Treasurer at Sharp Memorial
UMC effective Feb. 1, 2015. He was
honored at the coffee fellowship time on
January 25. Pictured above is Barbara
Davis, SPRC Chair, making a
presentation to Mike. We greatly
appreciate his service to our church and
are happy he will still be with us as a
church member.
Attention: Sharp
On Monday, Feb. 16, we’ll hold
our next Sharp Stitchers sewing
day for Quilts of Valor. Pieces for
two Quilts of Valor are cut and just
ready to be sewn into tops. Please
join us on President’s Day from
9:30 AM to around 2:30 PM.
Bring your sewing machine and
basic tools plus a salad to share.
Dessert and drinks will be
provided. Everyone is invited and
needed for this most worthy cause.
(Did you happen to see the
misprint in one of the Quilts of
Valor articles in the local paper
Stephen Ministry
Thought for the
"Bear one another’s burdens, and
thus fulfill the law of Christ."
Galatians 6:2.
Stephen Ministers provide one-onone care to people going through a
crisis or difficult time. They meet
with that person on an ongoing
basis, offering distinctively
Christian care and support.
Stephen Ministers care for people
with a wide range of ministry
needs-grief, divorce, unemployment, hospitalization, loneliness, a
spiritual crisis, financial distress,
rehabilitation after an injury,
terminal illness, relocation, longterm disability, and countless other
life difficulties.
In 2015, Stephen Ministries celebrates
40 years of carrying out its mission to
“equip God’s people for the work of
ministry.” With God’s blessing may we
continue that mission for 40 more
years—and beyond.
Please Help! Please
Label Your Items!
We need your help! Anyone who
puts anything in the church
refrigerator or freezer is asked to
PLEASE label it with the date and
name of the person or group to
which it belongs. Pens and labels
are available in the drawer by the
A donation was made from the
Sara Wyatt Bryson Estate, in
memory of Sara Wyatt Bryson and
in honor of Jim and Sally Barker’s
extraordinary service to others.
A gift was made to the Pastor’s
Discretionary Fund in memory of
James Pestana, by Sandra Bookout.
A gift was made to the Pastor’s
Discretionary Fund in memory of
James Pestana, by Norma Jean and
Robert Stewart.
A gift was made in memory of
Bruce Eickhoff by his aunt, Elsie
Frey, and family.
Gifts have been made to the
Pastor’s Discretionary Fund in
memory of Berndt “Nord”
Nordhielm, by:
• Ward Allen
• Norma Jean and Robert Stewart
• HC Advisors
• B. C. Nordhielm
• Cathy Oldroyd
• Cindy and Randall Brassfield
• Julie Parlier
• Bonnie and Donald Weaver
• David Nordhielm and family
Worship Servants
Feb. 1 – Drew Sofield
Feb. 8 – Illeana Fontenot
Feb. 15 – Drew Sofield
Feb. 22 – Illeana Fontenot
Feb. 1 – Kori Sofield
8:30 AM service
Feb. 1 – Kathy Pierce, Lawton
Feb. 8 – Jay and John Richards
Feb. 15 – Ron Day, Brenda
Feb. 22 – Marsha and Robert
11:00 AM service
Feb. 1 – Bob Atkinson, David and
Barbara Pittman, Norma Jean
Feb. 8 – Ann Atchison, Jen
Angelopulos, Linda and Frank
Feb. 15 – Ray Blitch, Ray Ide,
Richard and Deborah Klotzbier
Feb. 22 – Cherri and Karl
Scharnberg, Janet and Bill
Coffee Set-up
Feb. 1 – Peggy and Ben Lilly
Feb. 8 – Pat and David Kerr
Feb. 15 – Marsha and Robert
Feb. 22 – Jay and John Richards
Altar Flowers
Feb. 8 – Krista and Doug Strain
Feb. 15 – Betty Walther & Helen
Feb. 22 – date available
Please note: the 2015 Flower
Calendar is posted on the bulletin
board outside the church office.
Nursery Volunteers
8:15 – 10:00 AM
Feb. 1 – Linda Hinson
Feb. 8 – Jan O’Harrow
Feb. 15 – tba
Feb. 22 – Marsha Elliott
10:00 AM – noon
Feb. 1 – Joyce Frick
Feb. 8 – Nancy Stevens
Feb. 15 – Barbara Pittman
Feb. 22 – Sue Wall
Altar Guild, February
Martha Barker
Welcome, New
We’ve recently welcomed several
new members to our church family.
Happy Birthday
Jim Barker – Feb. 1
Allison Arnold – Feb. 2
Janice Cochran – Feb. 2
Melanie Clem – Feb. 3
Jim Hancock – Feb. 9
Carl Cooney – Feb. 10
Kim Cooney – Feb. 12
Kalem Burns – Feb. 13
Jay Richards – Feb. 14
Don Muehlhausen – Feb. 15
Pete Page – Feb. 15
Gerry Riecke – Feb. 15
Harold Hogan – Feb. 17
Dick Campbell – Feb. 18
Vikki McVay – Feb. 19
Bitsy Weber – Feb. 19
Kristen Servis – Feb. 20
Carolyn Baker – Feb. 21
Robert Elliott – Feb. 21
Bill Miller – Feb. 21
Ian Servis – Feb. 21
Andrew Servis – Feb. 21
Austin Stephens – Feb. 22
Dottie Lou Andrews – Feb. 23
Kathy Ensley – Feb. 23
Zell Miller – Feb. 24
Bill Lety – Feb. 25
John Beebe – Feb. 26
Ruth Page – Feb. 27
Allison Page – Feb. 27
Beth Eickhoff – Feb. 28
Franklin Boulineau – Feb. 29
Happy Anniversary:
Sandy & Pete Page – Feb. 7
Ann & Frank Sebree – Feb. 14
Jeannie & Dick Campbell– Feb. 18
Mary & Ken Manwaring – Feb. 18
Jennifer & Henry Angelopulos –
Feb. 28
Bruce and Elaine Hyden joined
our church family on January 11,
Ernie and Michelle Hutman
joined our church family on
January 18, 2015.
Support our
Troops in Prayer
Please remember in your thoughts and
prayers all of the men and women in our
armed forces stationed all over this
world, keeping our country safe and
free, along with the civilians who are
there to support them.
Especially we remember:
SSG Jimmy Barker – US Army,
Jim & Sally Barker’s son,
stationed in Vincenza, Italy
SFC Ron Barker – US Army,
John & Martha Barker’s son,
stationed at Ft. Hood, Texas.
PFC Charlie Bell – Nancy & Paul
Bundy’s grandson, stationed at
Garmisch, Germany.
Jared Blackburn – Army Special
Forces, on his 2nd tour in
Afghanistan. Brenda Maynard’s
Alec Blackmon, Airman FC –
home from Afghanistan. Brenda &
Charlie Maynard’s grandson-inlaw.
SSGT Jeff Buckingham – Ron
Denton’s cousin, Special Forces,
now stationed at F. Lewis, WA..
CAPT Lew Dyer – US Navy, son
of Woodie and Bud Dyer, now
stationed at Parris Island,
Beaufort, SC.
Trent Dyer – Wilson Sayles'
SSG David B. Edwards – Don
Gregg’s nephew, USAF, Nevada.
CAPT Sean Flynn – US Air
Force, Charlotte Bunnell’s
grandson, McGuire Air Force
Base, New Jersey.
LTjg Bentley Foster – US Navy,
serving on board the USS Howard
out of San Diego. Anne and Jim
Gilmore’s grandson.
SGT Dustin R. Gammill. –
USMC, Jenny Moe’s niece’s
husband, Naval Air Station in Ft.
Worth, Texas.
LCPL Brent Jones – USMC,
returned from Pakistan, now
serving as a recruiter.
David Junghans – US Army,
PVT Michael Ledford – Ruth
Heusel’s grandson, back in the
Lt. Col Scott Wesley Lerdon –
US Air Force Reserves, deployed
to Guam. Bobbie and Wes
Lerdon’s son.
Daniel Moriarty – Jenny Moe’s
grandson, in USMC Basic
Training, Parris Island.
CDR Gregory Morris – US Navy,
serving on an aircraft carrier out of
Japan. Diana Smith’s greatnephew
Lt. Commander Brian Potter US Coast Guard, Washington, DC.
Grandson of Margaret Frizzell.
Col. Stephen Smith – Larry
Smith’s son, Ft. Bragg, NC.
SSG Brent Steel – US Army, Ft.
Hood, TX. Martha and John
Barker’s nephew.
The deadline for the March 2015
issue of Sharp Notes will be
February 15. Items for the
newsletter may be brought to the
church office or emailed to Joy at
[email protected].