Pastor Michael K. Heidle - Immanuel Lutheran Church • Danville, IL

Note from Pastor Heidle
February 2015
“Have I Told You about the Lamb?”
Have I told you about the lamb?
A few of you have heard the amazing story of
how my wife and I returned from our honeymoon
in New England with a small menagerie in our Ford
Escort: 2 live lobster and a live lamb from Maine
(which we named Mainard). I don’t have space here
to tell the unique story of how we obtained and
travelled with them in that little car, but it sure was
a delight for the Detroit inner-city children at the
school where Sue had finished her student
teaching—they had never seen live lobster or a live
lamb! That’s not why we got them. Truth be told,
we got the lobster for eating, of course; and the
lamb … well, that’s a whole story in itself that still
baffles me.
But, oh, was that lamb the most amazing
pet I think I’ve ever had. The lamb would
follow us around and was certainly “at
home” in the house with us. Of course, we
weren’t able to keep it with us when I
started classes at the seminary; but my
parents took her, had her bred, and
wound up with a small flock of sheep
from that first tiny (and cute) little lamb.
Now, I could probably tell “lamb
stories” as sermon illustrations for a
month of Sundays … but I don’t want bore
you with ‘personal pet stories.’ But…
Have I told you about The Lamb?!
When John the Baptist saw Jesus coming, he
exclaimed: “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes
away the sin of the world!” You see, Jesus is The
Lamb that’s truly worth talking about! That’s why
our Midweek Lenten Services and messages this
year will focus on the Passion of Jesus as the
“Lamb of God, Pure and Holy.” There are
many Scripture passages that will weave together
throughout our Lenten meditations like a warm
sweater to embrace us with God’s grace. And the
simple, but meaningful hymn, “O Lamm Gottes”
(Lamb of God, Pure and Holy) may, at times,
sound like the constant baa baa of a lamb, but it
will take us week after week to the very throne of
God to seek and receive His mercy.
So I plead with you to make every effort to join
us each Wednesday this Lenten season for the
message of Christ’s Passion so that I can tell you
about The Lamb!
Here’s what you can expect:
Feb. 18 (Ash Wednesday): I Peter 1:18-19
“The Pure and Holy Lamb of God”
Feb. 25: I Corinthians 1:21-25
“The Crucified Lamb of God”
Mar. 4: I Peter 2:21-24
“The Patient Lamb of God”
Mar. 11: Philippians 2:5-11
“The Lowly Lamb of God”
Mar. 18: Genesis 22:7-8,13-14; John 1:29
“The Lamb of God Who Bears Our Sins Away”
Mar. 25: Psalm 22:6-8
“The Lamb of God Who Suffered Scorn”
Apr. 2 (Maundy Thursday): Exodus 12:1-7; I Cor. 5:7b
“The Lamb of God Who Has Mercy on Us”
Apr. 3 (Good Friday): Isaiah 53:3-7
“The Lamb of God Who Bore Our Shame”
Apr. 5 (Easter): John 20:19-23
“The Lamb of God Who Gives Us Peace”
And that, my friends, is even more
exciting than talking about a pet lamb!
These messages and services, along with
some Bible study, will present the heart of
our redemption through Jesus Christ and allow us
to appreciate it with more understanding and
praise God with renewed zeal for the great salvation
He gives us full and free.
Lamb of God, pure and holy,
Who on the cross didst suffer,
Ever patient and lowly,
Thyself to scorn didst offer.
All sins Thou borest for us,
Else had despair reigned o’er us:
Have mercy on us, O Jesus! O Jesus!
It is because of this that each of us can confess,
in the words of Luther’s explanation, that Christ
has redeemed me, a lost and condemned person,
purchased and won me from all sins, from death,
and from the power of the devil; not with gold or
silver, but with His holy, precious blood and with
His innocent suffering and death, that I may be
His own and live under Him in His kingdom and
serve Him in everlasting righteousness, innocence,
and blessedness, just as He is risen from the dead,
lives and reigns to all eternity!
Pastor Michael K. Heidle
 Special Voters Assembly, Feb. 8
 Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14
 Transfiguration of Our Lord, Feb. 15
 Presidents Day, Feb. 16
 Ash Wednesday, Feb. 18
 “A Taste of Deutschland,” Feb. 21
 First Sunday in Lent, Feb. 22
 Regular Voters Assembly, Feb. 22
HELP US CARE FOR YOU... When you or
a family member enters the hospital; please let them
know during the admissions process that you are a
member of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Danville.
The best option for us to serve you
with prayers and visits is for you
to call the church office when
you or a family member enter
the hospital or have any
Your health and well-being is
important to us and we want to pray
for you! Whether hospitalized or facing surgery or a
medical procedure, or for any other time of spiritual
need, please call the church office at 217-442-5675
or Pastor Heidle at home 217-431-4844, or on his
cell at 217-516-0085.
LENT will begin this year
with Ash Wednesday on
Feb. 18. If you would like
to sign-up for a soup
supper, please call the church
office. Soup suppers are yet another great
opportunity to gather with your friends here at
Immanuel and enjoy good food and good
conversation. Soup suppers are also a convenience
for the busy person or family to ensure a good meal
and make it a little easier to attend our Wednesday
Midweek Lenten services (Feb. 18 – Mar. 25)!
resume their weekly meetings again on Wednesday,
Feb. 11 at 9:30 am in the Multi-purpose room.
Please come and enjoy this weekly fellowship with
Seven days without prayer
makes one weak!
THRIVENT... Ring in the New Year with
financial resolutions. With the New Year comes the
opportunity to improve your financial well-being.
Here are four financial resolutions to help you get
started: 1. Establish a budget based on what you
spent last year, taking into account the variable
prices of gas, heating and food. 2. Cut back on debt
by paying off a credit card balance, foregoing the
unnecessary purchases or paying an additional
amount each month to your mortgage payment. 3.
Prioritize major purchases you want to make and
figure out how to pay for them out of your current
income. 4. Meet with a legal professional to review
your will or estate strategy to ensure it reflects your
current life situation. For help in achieving your
2015 goals, contact East-Central Illinois Group at
217-819-4646 today or visit
STAYING FED... “How sweet are your words
to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!”
(Psalm 119:103, NRSV) Recently I was confronted
with this question: If you fed yourself with food the
way you feed yourself with God’s Word, would you
still be alive? It gave me pause. Do I eat enough
spiritually? — feast regularly enough on Scripture
to keep up my energy and the health of my soul? Do
I eat nutritiously? — take in a balanced meal of law
and gospel, comfort and commandments, prophecy
and promise? Do I pass up spiritual junk food?
— set aside empty calories that lead to disease,
in order to hunger for what truly gives life?
Do I drink enough Living Water to
avoid faith dehydration? And once in
a while, do I splurge on dessert? —
savor the sweetness and joy of
belonging at God’s table? What
abundance God sets before us. May
we never skip a “meal”!
LENTEN LIVING... Lent begins on Ash
Wednesday, February 18 this year. Christians have
observed this season of the church year since the
fourth century. It’s traditionally a time of reflection,
penitence and spiritual renewal before Easter.
During Lent, some Christians give up something
that hinders their relationship with God. Others do
something extra for their spiritual growth or make a
special sacrifice. The key is to make Lent a
memorable season of sincere spiritual growth — a
time that can set the tone for the rest of the year.
Club’s 19th annual German Dinner will be
Saturday, Feb. 21 from 4 pm until 6:30 pm.
Tickets are available from
Men’s Club members, before
and after church, and from
the church office. The ticket
prices are $9 for an adult; $5
for children under 12. Our
menu includes Brats, potatoes, green beans,
sauerkraut, pumpernickel bread, & cake. Carry-outs
will be available. There will be a live German band!
We will also have a German heritage and genealogy
display. We are again asking volunteers for dining
room helpers and to donate German chocolate and
Black Forrest cakes—sign-up sheets are posted.
Your help and support is truly appreciated!
SCRIP: The national scrip cards will be ordered
Monday, Feb. 9, 2015. Please have your order in
the church office by 1:30 p.m. on that day. Local
cards (Big R and County Market) can be purchased
every Sunday in the chapel hallway.
WOMEN’S GUILD... Ladies of Immanuel, join
us for our monthly Women's Guild meeting
on Tues., Feb 10 at 7 pm in the multi-purpose room.
Valentine games, fun, and treats are on the agenda
as well as our business meeting. See you there!
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I wanted to take
the time to highlight a few important upcoming
items for February. As was recently announced in
church, we are planning to have some important
Voters meetings. We have been working to update
the Constitution and By-laws for various items and
we will need participation from the congregation to
review and vote on these updates. Per our by-laws,
we will first discuss the changes on Feb. 8, after
service in a Special Voters Meeting. Then we will
actually vote on the items on Feb. 22 in our Regular
Voters Meeting. As mentioned, there are print
copies available, or if you prefer an electronic copy,
[email protected]. This is an important
activity for everyone who is counted as a member
of Immanuel to participate in. The Regular Voters
meeting on Feb. 22 will also consider the budget for
DLS. We are reminded by the Lutheran Schools
Week motto this year that we are called to
service. It may seem to some to be a small service
to attend Voters meetings, but actually, this is a
vital portion of our service as members, both to
attend and participate in these meetings. Please be
sure to join the leadership of Immanuel in our
efforts to communicate the key issues that impact
our small portion of the Christ's kingdom here in
Danville. –Dwain Dixson, Congregation President
MORTGAGE PAY DOWN... If we make only
KAPELLE CONCERT... Concordia University
Chicago Concert Choir, Kapelle, will perform “I
Can Tell the World” on Friday, Feb. 27 at 7:30 pm.
The Choir will perform at Our Savior’s Lutheran
Church located at 2645 Old Jacksonville Rd. in
Springfield, IL.
the required monthly payments of $709.89 over the
25 year life of the mortgage, we will be paying
approximately $84,600 of interest! This brings the
total we would be paying back to approximately
$213,000. If you are looking for a way to help our
church, donating money to help pay off the
mortgage sooner will save us dollars that can be
utilized for other needed expenditures. Please put
your donation in an envelope marked
“MORTGAGE PAY DOWN.” If you specify that
it is to be sent in immediately, that’s what will be
done. Or you can specify that it is to help with a
monthly mortgage payment. So far we have
monthly mortgage payments through May, 2015
contributed. The current mortgage balance is
$94,400. This is due the outstanding response to
the Christmas appeal which brought in $28,315!
and all contributions to pay down the mortgage
during the year will be appreciated.
month of December’s Stewardship giving was about
$6,900 over the budgeted amount. For the five
month period in the current fiscal year, it was about
$4,300 about the budget amount. The utility bills
for the month of December were $3,700 and will go
up when it gets colder. The Stewardship giving has
increased since October and helped us get current
on our bills, but we have not yet been able to start a
“savings account” to tide us over the lean giving
during the winter months. Thank you to everyone
who has stepped up to help us over this hurdle.
-Jo Van Hoveln, Director of Finance
2008, when our mission began as a
summer lunch program, we had no
idea the path God had planned for
these simple beginnings. The path
led to a backpack program in 2010. Thirty
five to forty backpacks were prepared each Friday
morning for children at risk for hunger attending
Cannon School. The program grew to include
Meade Park, North Ridge, and Southview. In 2014
the summer lunch program was discontinued due to
several other locations providing breakfast and
lunch for the children. The number of hungry
children grew to the point we had to increase
storage space for all the food. Trinity trustees
converted the hall along the stage to a storage area.
Shelving and 2 carts were donated. We are grateful
for these caring people! Our mission continued to
grow, resulting in inadequate space to work and
store food. Once again our prayers were answered.
Misty Walker, a Quaker Oats employee who
supplied our need for Granola Bars all through the
years was aware of our situation. She emailed
Pastor Neil from Life Church where she is a
member, to inquire about possible space for the
program. Their focus is mission and they have
responded to numerous needs in our community and
their leadership was excited to work with us by
offering the building next to the church. This
building has a large kitchen with an entrance to an
attached storage area, all climate controlled. To
complete the need for additional shelving Life
Church provided it. We are grateful for them. There
is ample space for all the tables needed for packing.
We are currently feeding 184 students each Friday.
In addition to feeding children at risk for hunger,
our focus is to reach to the community to develop
awareness. God is providing for us once again with
generous donations from churches, groups that have
conducted fundraisers, and donations from
organizations, social groups, and individuals. Even
children collect food and money. Our most recent
donation of $250 is from Danville Lutheran
School’s weekly Chapel. We ask that you keep the
hungry children, volunteers, and contributors in
your prayers. We thank the many loving people
who are helping this program continue to meet the
growing need. God bless each of you!
- Rose Gates, Coordinator
PRAYER... Think back over your prayer life this
past week. Have you been praying for a friend or
acquaintance that needs to know how much Jesus
has done for him/her? Praying for that friend is
important. Pray for their families, their jobs, their
health, their joys and their sorrows. Pray that God
would open the door for you to share how much
Jesus means to you. Meanwhile praying also for us,
that God would open to us a door for the word, to
speak the mystery of Christ. Colossians 4:3
each other; what have you done with His gift?
Spend time with the one you love on a Lutheran
Marriage Encounter Weekend! Such a worksop and
experience can help you rekindle the sparks you felt
on your wedding day. It will help you communicate
more intimately with one another in a comfortable
and private environment away from family and
other responsibilities. The next weekend is
scheduled: in Peoria, IL March 6–8. For info or
registration: or contact
[email protected] or by phone at 815-796-2248.
Pre-registration is required by Feb. 6.
Thank you to everyone for supporting our
Parish Education programs by attending our
January Monical's Day. Our profit will be
reported in February.
Last day for ordering Icebox cookies is Feb 1.
Cookies will be baked on Feb 7 and distributed
at church on Feb 8 and school on Feb 9. We
look forward to a fun baking day and appreciate
all of the orders we have received. Profits will
support our summer VBS.
Our next meeting will be Feb 16 at 6:30 pm. On
our agenda is a discussion of Vacation Bible
School and Sunday School.
Every day we work with, shop with, visit
with, live next to, play on teams with, get
our hair styled by and get our cars fixed
by people who need to know about Jesus
and His great love for them!! Whom can
you tell this week that God loves them
and Christ died for their sins?
JOURNEY TO THE CROSS... Walk in Jesus’
footsteps from Palm Sunday to Easter! We are
planning “Journey to the Cross” this year in late
March. Many volunteers are needed so please
consider helping out! We are aiming for this to take
place on Friday, Mar. 27 (for DLS students) and
Sunday, Mar. 29 (open to the public). Please watch
for a volunteer sign-up sheet coming soon! We need
LOTS of help!! Even if you are only available on
one day, your help will be greatly appreciated!
Please pray
for God to bless this event
as plans
come together and for
blessings on all who
will Journey to the
Cross with us!
Thank you!!
EASTER CANTATA... Now is a great time to
join the Choir! If you would like to participate in
the upcoming Cantata, join them for practice on
Wednesday evenings at 6:00 pm in the loft. All who
love to sing are welcome to join!
CAMP CILCA... Each year Camp CILCA has a
retreat when men can gather to clear out some fallen
trees and prepare firewood for the coming camping
season and be strengthened in their walk with the
Lord. Come join us Feb. 20–22 on Friday night
(after 6:30 pm) or even just for Saturday. We will
be staying in the Christian Growth Center. The
suggested donation is $25 for housing, meals and
snacks. We begin with registration Friday at 7 pm
and conclude at 11 Sunday morning. Please call to
let us know you are coming: 487-7497 or 691-1252.
On Saturday, Mar. 7,
DLS will have a huge
rummage sale in our
gym ~ proceeds will be
science equipment and
supplies for our school.
Please start setting aside items for this sale
(especially if you start your “spring cleaning”). See
Sue Heidle if you have questions; watch for more
information your Immanuel Lights. THANKS!!
“The best way to keep your kids out of hot water
is to put some dishes in it.”
What to Give Up for Lent
GIVE UP grumbling! Instead, “in everything give
thanks.” Constructive criticism is OK, but
“moaning, groaning, and complaining”
are not Christian disciplines.
GIVE UP 10 to 15 minutes in bed! Instead, use that
time in prayer, Bible study and personal
GIVE UP looking at other people’s worst points.
Instead concentrate on their best points.
We all have faults. It’s easier for people to
overlook our shortcomings when we
overlook theirs first.
GIVE UP speaking unkindly. Instead, let your
speech be generous and understanding. It
costs so little to say something kind and
uplifting. Why not check that sharp tongue
at the door?
GIVE UP your hatred of anyone or anything!
Instead, learn the discipline of love. “Love
covers a multitude of sins.”
GIVE UP your worries and anxieties! Instead, trust
God with them. Anxiety is spending
emotional energy on something we can do
nothing about: like tomorrow! Live today
and let God’s grace be sufficient for you!
GIVE UP TV one evening a week! Instead, visit
some lonely or sick person. There are
those who are isolated by illness or age.
Why isolate yourself in front of the
“tube?” Give someone a precious gift:
your time!
GIVE UP buying anything but essentials for
yourself! Instead, give the money to God.
The money you would spend on the
luxuries could help someone meet basic
needs. We are called to be stewards of
God’s riches, not consumers.
GIVE UP wallowing in self-pity. Others may have
hurt you with their words, actions, and
neglects; but you do not have to let that
drag you down. The Lord cares for you!
Abide in His love! Then, share His love …
even with those who don’t deserve it!
{BTW you didn’t deserve His love either!}
GIVE UP judging by appearances and by the
standard of the world! Instead, learn to
give up yourself to God. There is only one
who has the right to judge: Jesus Christ.
Have you ever thought about volunteering to help in
a way that would be a blessing for people whose
homes and lives have been devastated by some
storm or natural disaster? How does one do that?
Have we got an answer for you!!!
Headquartered in Addison, Illinois, Lutheran
Church Charities (LCC) was founded in 1947 as a
501(c)(3) nonprofit ministry to help support
Christian human care ministries of the Church. LCC
works throughout the United States and
Internationally in bringing the Mercy, Compassion,
Presence and Proclamation of Jesus Christ to those
Suffering and in Need. LCC works with and in
partnership with our churches. LCC is a RSO
(Recognized Service Organization) of the Lutheran
Church - Missouri Synod. We operate with a Dollar
In – Dollar Out funding process where EVERY
dollar given for a cause goes directly to that cause
or need, with LCC acknowledging the gift and
overseeing that the money is used as intended.
Chainsaw Clean-up in Columbia, Mississippi
Shortly after Christmas the small town of
Columbia, Mississippi received a present it did not
want... a tornado! Hundreds of trees fell on and
around homes, too much for the town's crews to
handle. Pastor Ed Brashier, the Southern District
Disaster Response Coordinator, asked if LCC could
send a crew to help.
On the Sunday after the New Year a team of 16
LCC LERT (Lutheran Early Response Team)
chainsaw operators arrived. In a week they cleared
away more than 300 trees that had been downed or
damaged while 4 bobcats hauled away the debris.
One of the home owners commented, "I don't
know what I would have done if the Lutherans
hadn't showed up. I would NEVER have gotten all
this cleaned up."
But the clean-up was not
exclusively an LCC operation; the Woodlawn
United Pentecostal Church of Columbia housed our
team and provided hot showers and meals. As Ed
Boerman, the team leader of the LCC chainsaw
team said, "It was a rewarding experience knowing
that God had brought us all together to work and
serve together...we were there to make a difference
and we did."
Andy Sanders of our congregation was there!
Maybe you can be there next time!!!
Help Others in Need
During Times of Disaster
2015 Basic LERT Certifications Dates
Have Been Set
Due to federal guidelines, volunteers responding to
a disaster should be trained and certified. LCC is
providing training for Lutheran Early Response
Teams (LERT) throughout our district. Should a
disaster strike these teams would be put on call and
may be asked to deploy in 72 hours or less to the
disaster site. This training will prepare team
members for credentialing and will focus on the
safety, work, and ministry of Lutherans as Early
Responders. So, are you interested in joining
LCC in ministry through disaster response?
LCC has finalized several opportunities for you to
become LERT certified in order to become the
hands and feet of Christ to those in need. The four
scheduled dates are Feb. 21, April 25, Sept. 19 and
Sept. 26 from 9 a.m. - noon at various locations.
The three-hour training takes you through the
fundamental guidelines and procedures of disaster
response. The fee is $35, which covers instruction,
the training manual, LERT ID card and LERT vest.
Walk-ins are accepted but space is limited. Sign-up
today to join us in spreading the mercy,
compassion, proclamation and presence of Christ in
the midst of chaos.
Around the Classroom – News & Happenings of our DLS
School Phone: 217.442-5036
[email protected] Online:
Our school will be celebrating
Lutheran Schools Week from January
25th through the 31st. We will be
celebrating with other Lutheran
schools through the United States and
the world. We will enjoy special activities
throughout the week as we remember the many
blessings God has given to us. Our students will
serve others by visiting several places in the
community to share the message of Jesus through
their songs and other activities. In February, our
basketball and volleyball teams will still be having
games. We encourage our families and
congregational members to attend our home games
and cheer for our teams. Our teams enjoy hearing
the cheers from their supporters in the bleachers.
This month our teachers are writing on the topic of
math. Math seems to be one of those subjects in
school that you either just love or hate. The truth of
the matter is we use math every day in one way or
the other. As you read the articles, you will see the
importance of math from our three year olds to our
eighth graders.
Preschoolers do math even though they are not
sitting at desks with workbooks or memorizing
multiplication tables. Preschool math helps them
make sense of the world around them and teaches
them to reason and problem-solve. In preschool
math, children learn about numbers by counting
objects and discussing the results. Geometry is
practice constructing shapes and discussing their
properties. Children measure and compare the
height of a block tower with the height of a desk or
table. Patterns are another way for children learn
and to recognize patterns of different colors and
sizes. Finally children sort objects by color, size,
and shape, count them, and record the data on
graphs and charts. These charts might reflect the
class pet's growth, and the number of rainy days in
The PreK 3/4 class has done many different
math skills through the year. Every day the helper
gets to point to the numbers as the class calls off the
number of days on the calendar. They do patterns
such as ABAB, AAB, AABB for which number
card comes next. They even find patterns in our
weather chart for the week. We talked about
comparing sizes of small, medium and large and
made a snowman with different sized circles. We
have done a lot of graphing. We graphed which
color apple we like best, m and m colors, and just
recently the different colors of Goldfish crackers for
our letter G. Ag in the Classroom came and did a
presentation on the book All in One Cookie. This
story went through all the ingredients a grandma put
in her cookies. We followed up by making cookies
the next day and counting how many chocolate
chips we put in our cookie. Mrs. Heidle put in the
most. Math is all around us and we enjoy learning.
Math is all around us! From Bible verse references
to the calendar to celebrating birthdays, the children
are learning about math every day. Using the daily
calendar, the class is learning to recognize and form
numbers up to 30. In addition, each month has a
different pattern to determine: AB, AABB, ABC
Charting weather on a pie graph and bar graph is
also a part of our morning meeting.
Diagrams, counting up, determining what number
comes next, playing ‘Freeze’ on our giant number
line, sorting, grouping and singing numerical
songs, all help to teach and reinforce Math in the
Kindergarten is really enjoying Saxon math! We
have discovered that God’s world is full of patterns
and shapes. We’ve learned little songs to help us
remember how to write each number. We use
pattern blocks to make pictures and patterns. We
know words like parallelogram and trapezoid! We
practice counting by tens using real dimes. Telling
time is our newest challenge. Soon we will
celebrate the 100th day of school as we move our
counters from the ones jar to the tens jar and finally
to the 100’s jar!
First grade math begins the first thing in the
morning with our “math meeting”. One of the
activities is counting “How many days have we
been in school?” The 100th day of school is
February 2nd! We are planning a big celebration of
that big number! We’re even bringing 100 things
for show-and-tell. As we look at our 100 number
chart we’ve discovered all sorts of neat
arrangements and patterns.
We are currently
working with those numbers to explore some two
digit addition – it works out pretty neat with dimes
and pennies. Of course we’re still memorizing
math facts – we make our own flashcards to help.
Math is all around us and it is fun to learn!
In second grade, we have just ‘turned the corner’ on
double digit addition with regrouping and will begin
subtraction with regrouping soon. We are
concentrating on working every problem from top
to bottom and right to left—not always an easy
thing to remember! We continue to count money,
read a thermometer to the nearest degree, and
measure to the closest inch. Our concentrated math
vocabulary work has focused on fractional parts,
polygons, congruent shapes, and, of course, sums
and addends. Our New Testament Bible stories have
many ‘math moments’ in them as we watch Jesus'
compassion and mercy performing miracles.
The Third and Fourth grade class has been working
hard in math. The Third grade has been working on
time and money. They have learned how to make
change and how to count money. They have also
learned how to add and subtract money. The fourth
graders have been working with multiplication and
division. We have also talked about order of
operations, PEMDAS. This has been a bit
challenging, but the students have done well. The
fourth graders are going to be working with time,
money, and negative numbers in the coming weeks.
The third graders will be working on graphs and
graphing data in the coming weeks. We are looking
forward to learning many new things.
5 Grade Math: We just completed a chapter on
decimal division and are now moving on to
organizing data. In the new chapter the students
will learn how to collect data, interpret it and graph
it on several different types of graphs and charts.
6th Grade Math: 6th grade is learning how to set up
and solve proportions. They have been looking at
different map scales and using proportions to find
the distance between various locations.
7th Grade Math: In 7th grade we are working with
percents and how they apply to daily life. We just
completed a section on using percents to figure out
the amount of sales tax or the amount to tip a
waiter. Next they will learn to use percents in
proportions and equations.
8th Grade Math: The 8th graders have just learned
how to set up and solve proportions and equations
involving percents. They will be using that to solve
for different rates of change and percents of markup
and discounts.
Lutheran Ministries Media, Inc.
5 Martin Luther Drive,Ft Wayne, IN 46825-4996
Toll free: 888-286-8002
Email: [email protected]
Making a Christ-like Difference!
30-minute Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod worship service
Produced by Lutherans for the homebound, hospitalized, …
Includes the Gospel, Epistle, and Sermon by LCMS Pastors
Music by choirs, soloists, and small groups
“Worship for Shut-Ins” Award Winning Television Ministry
 Broadcasts weekly on: Sundays 7:00 am – WTWO-TV2 (NBC)
Sundays 10:30 am – TCT Network - DIRECTV channel 377
 Broadcasts Nationwide ever Sunday: DIRECTV channel 377
11:30 am Eastern; 10:30 am Central; 9:30 am Mountain; 8:30 am Pacific
 Tune in any time online:
February 2015
Febuary 1, 2015 – Mark 1:21-28
“Silencing the Demons”
Rev. Dr. Thomas R. Ahlersmeyer, Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Fort Wayne, IN.
Satan opposes God’s Kingdom, including robbing God’s children of their identity and potential in Christ. Jesus
silences Satan’s demonic forces ... with authority!
February 8, 2015 – Isaiah 40:31
“Hope in the Lord”
Rev. Richard Koehneke, Former regular pastor on Worship for Shut-Ins.
Hope in the Lord renews our strength to prepare for eternity and to deal with the challenges and opportunities of
today. God is faithful. He keeps His promises!
February 15, 2015 – 2 Corinthians 4:6
“Come and See”
Rev. Dr. Daniel J. Brege, St. Paul Lutheran Church~Decatur.
Christ, on the Mount of Transfiguration, demonstrated His eternal glory which He possesses with the Father and
the Spirit, now and forever. It took this King of Glory to change the darkness of man’s fallen condition into the
light of forgiveness and everlasting life. Jesus earned this light for us at the darkness of the cross and the
darkness of the tomb. With Christ brightly bursting from the tomb, God calls light out of darkness; and when
the Holy Spirit converts our dark hearts to union with Christ, again God calls light out of darkness.
February 22, 2015 – John 20:19-29
“Light Out of Darkness”
Rev. James L. Elsner, Prince of Peace Lutheran Church~Stroh, IN.
Life changes, and its changes can lock us into fear, doubt, and uncertainty. But Jesus comes to us – as He
always does – with His gifts of forgiveness and new life!
Official Acts
Serving in
John Albers
David Ammermann
Don DeMoss
Scott Burgess
John Albers, Chris Meyer
Don DeMoss, Dwain Dixson
Team “B”
Capt. Ray Wittmann, Scott Huckstadt,
Larry Fredericks, Wayne Mann,
Ted Mann, Stuart Barnes
Ash Wed. 18
Wednes. 25
Sue DeMoss
Diana Pratt
Gail and Barb Garner
Dwain Dixson
Nancy Purviance
Janet Terry
Feb. 1
Joe & Jeanne Hoitenga
John & Marcy Heeren
Kitty Lee
Charles Vollmer family
Charlotte Schendel
Nancy Kucic
Carl & Jerry Young
Marlon & Marian Heideman
Gary & Sarah Stuhr
Carol Johnston
Feb. 1
Molly Buesing
Aidin Stuhr
Lauren Ferris
Shamiah Cope
Dalton Connolly
Madyson Schendel
Altar Guild
Sue DeMoss and Kim Davis
Money Counters
Brecken James Martin
Ainsley Rose Martin
Art Linse
Joseph Nasados
This Newsletter Sponsored By:
Arnold’s Office Supply, Inc.
Locally Owned … Gary & Sarah Stuhr
Lay Readers
David Lohnes *If you would like to keep in
touch with David, his new address is 204
North Illinois Ave., Morton, IL 61550.
Matt Heeren
Communion Assistants
Transfers Out
Team “B”
Which Jericho woman
hid the two Israelite
spies, and where did
she hide them?
Joanna, in her stable
Bathsheba, at her neighbor’s house
Milkah, under a pile of blankets
Rahab, on her roof
Answer: See Joshua 2:3, 6
Our February 2015 newsletter prepared prayerfully for:
February 2015