Click Here for the Student Symposium Schedule

10:00-10:50 AM
9:00-9:50 AM
3224 wsc
Sam Jackson
Jenna Koford
Casey Paul Griffiths, Department of Church History & Doctrine
Mark D. Ogletree, Department of Church History & Doctrine
Gideon and Christ: Condescension as a Means to the
For the Earth is Full and there is Enough to Spare
Father's End
Jacqueline N. Smith
"We Must Go Through": Jens Nielsen's Persevering
Approaching the Throne: The Power, Practice, and
Purpose of Prayer
Evan Poff
Mike Godfrey
Rachel Hickey
Sexuality and the Mormon Church
Book of Mormon Mysteries: References to the Mysteries of
God in the Book of Mormon
3228 wsc
3222 wsc
Jan J. Martin, Department of Ancient Scripture
Aaron Montague
What influence does pornography have on marriage?
Michelle Gioglio
Experiences of Unmarried Women on the Pioneer Trek to Zion:
Examples of the Faith, Courage, and Conviction of Single
Jan J. Martin, Department of Ancient Scripture
Megan Armknecht
Mormon Women and Mother Eve: Perceptions,
Ryan A. Chapman
A Delivering God
Parallels, and Pedestals
Sisters with the Willie, Martin, and Hunt Companies
11:00-11:50 AM
3224 wsc
Aaron P. Schade, Department of Ancient Scripture
Taylor Sterling Knapp
The Law of Sacrifice
Tessa Hauglid
The Measure of Courage: Marilynne Robinson's Gentle Critique
of the Christian Church in Gilead
3228 wsc
Casey Paul Griffiths, Department of Church History & Doctrine
Louisa N. Greear
Sister Edna Harker Thomas: Missionary and Mother
Lauren Remington
A Pecuniary People: In His Blood are We Bought and Paid For
Nicholas Davis
Early Restoration Disciplinary Councils
in the First Japan Mission
3222 WSC
Mark A. Wright, Department of Ancient Scripture
Jan J. Martin, Department of Ancient Scripture
Whitney Wilcox Laycock
Finding Christ's Grace Throughout the Scriptures
Ruth Reneer
The Man on tl1e Mountain
Makayla Hatch
The Enabling Power of the Atonement
Justin M. Delong
"Then Sings My Soul": Contemporary Christian Music
Loretta R. Farnsworth
Visions for Our Day: John's Revelation on
in Latter-day Saint Culture
Celestial Glory
10:00-10:50 AM
3224 wsc
Aaron P. Schade, Department of Ancient Scripture
Nate Munk
Charity Towards Those Who Are Different
Sam Williams
Not Particularly Unusual? Maybe, But Not As They Say
Samantha Dodson
Our Eternal Hero Story
Mark A. Wright, Department of Ancient Scripture
Elizabeth Nielson
Between the Natural and the Spiritual Man: Weakness
Caitrin Saiki
The Creation: "The Love Which from Our Birth Over
Spencer Larson
"Until I Came and Mine Eyes Had Seen"
of Will, Mormonism, and the Conflicts of Duality
and Around Us Lies"
3228 wsc
3222 wsc
Casey Paul Griffiths, Department of Church History & Doctrine
Aaron P. Schade, Department of Ancient Scripture
David W. Smith
The Voices of the Father and the Son in Doctrine and
Miranda Zemble
The Beauty of Sacrifice
Covenants 29
Carson Whiteley Bennett
Joseph, Yusuf, and Joseph Smith
Bridger Talbot
The Preservation and Destruction of LOS Tabernacles