Crusader Magazine - February 2015

Bulletin of the Eucharistic Crusade for Children in Great Britain
February 2015:
Read inside:
- Life of Saint Martin de Porres
- Eucharistic devotion
- The life of Christ
- Bible History - The burning bush
- Saints & Nations - Martyrs of Japan
- Holy Souls Corner
- My Catholic Faith - An image of God
p. 4
p. 6
p. 8
p. 11
p. 12
p. 13
p. 14
Month of
the Presentation of Our Lord
February 2015
Saint Valentine
Priest and Martyr
(† 268)
alentine was a holy priest in
Rome, who assisted the martyrs during the persecution
under Claudius II. His great virtue
and influence became known, and
he was apprehended and brought
before the emperor's tribunal: “Why,
Valentine, do you want to be the
friend of our enemies and reject our
friendship?” The Christian priest
replied: “My Lord, if you knew the
gift of God, you would be happy,
and your empire with you; you
would reject the cult of your idols
and would adore the true God and
His Son Jesus Christ.” One of the
judges interrupted, asking the martyr
what he thought of Jupiter and
Mercury. “They are miserable, and
spend all their lives in debauchery
and crime!” The judge, furious,
cried, “He has blasphemed against
the gods and against the empire!”
The emperor nonetheless continued
his questioning with curiosity,
pleased to have this opportunity to
know what Christians thought.
Valentine had the courage to exhort
him to do penance for the blood of
Christians which he had shed.
“Believe in Jesus Christ, be baptised
and you will be saved, and already
in this life you will ensure your
empire's glory and the triumph of
your arms.” Claudius began to be
convinced, and said to those in
attendance, “Hear the beautiful
doctrine this man is teaching us!”
But the prefect of Rome, dissatisfied, cried out, “See how this Christian is seducing our prince!” Claudius, weakening, abandoned the
holy priest to another judge.
This man, named Asterius, had a
little girl who had been blind for
two years. Hearing of Jesus Christ,
the Light of the world, he asked
Valentine if he could convey that
light to his child. Saint Valentine
placed his hand on her eyes and
prayed: “Lord Jesus Christ, true
Light, illuminate this blind child!”
The child saw, and the Judge with
all his family confessed Christ and
received Baptism. The emperor,
hearing of this, would have turned
his gaze away from these conversions, but fear caused him to betray
his sense of justice. With several
other Christians Saint Valentine
was tortured and martyred in the
year 268.
This illustrious martyr has always
been held in great honour in Rome,
where there still exists a catacomb
named for him.
Saint Valentine’s feastday is
on 14th February
February 2015
Dear Crusaders and Friends,
By the time you receive this,
you will probably be back in school.
How did your summer go? I am
sure that you had lots of fun and
adventures. That is good. But did
you grow in the love of Our Lord
and in the practice of virtues. You
might tell me that you are not able
to check to see, that your soul is
invisible. It is true that your soul is
invisible, that there is no gauge you
can check to see if you love God
more. However, there is a way to
check and it is by looking to see if
we fulfilled the promises we made
in the Eucharistic Crusade. Did I
say the prayers that I promised to
say? Did I fill out and turn in my
treasure sheet as I promised I
would? Did I make good Communions with good thanksgivings? Did I
make acts of sacrifice, to suffer a
little with Jesus? Did I try to make
Jesus more known and loved by the
people I live with and play with?
If you can answer yes to those
questions, then God bless you! You
make my heart glad and the Heart of
Jesus rejoices. If you find that you
did these things poorly or completely forgot about them, then it is true
that Jesus’ grows sad in looking at
you; but don’t be discouraged, remake your promises and start again
to do these things. Jesus will accept
you back.
You may say to me that it
never feels like you are becoming
holier or that you love God more
when you do the things you promised. I must tell you that you will
never feel this growth like you feel
a cool breeze or a cool drink. Have
you ever seen a tree grow? No, it
grows too slowly to actually see its
growth. Yet, it grows so very big
and strong. It is the same with your
soul. When it grows, it makes no
noise and doesn’t attract attention.
As long as you do those things that
are pleasing to God, He will make
your soul grow bigger and stronger.
Please show this to your parents!
Subscription fees for the Crusader magazine are now due for the
year 2015. The cost for the 12 issues
of the year 2015 is $10.00 per subscription. All payments are to be
addressed to:
Crusader Magazine
61 Koplick Road
Park Ridge, QLD 4125
If checks are sent, please make them
payable to: St. Philomena School.
Thank you for your support in
this matter. God bless you.
Yours in Christ,
Father Campbell
February 2015
The story of the little doctor of Lima, Peru
By Mary Fabyan Windeatt
he months passed, and Martin left the
house of Dona Francesca, where his
mother still lived. He had become
Dr. de Rivero’s assistant, and every day was
learning more and more about how to cure
the sick. He lived in a house close to his
work, a house belonging to a lady called
Ventura de Luna. Each morning he got up
very early and went to hear Mass at the
church of San Lazaro. Although he was just
a Negro boy, and the rich white people in the
town paid him little attention, he knew that
God loved him. God had thought so much of
him, and of every other poor Negro in the
world, that He had given each a soul that
could never die. Now black people had extra
sufferings to bear, but there would come a
day when all the cruelty and injustice would
be at an end. In Heaven there would be no
one to care about the colour of one’s skin, or
about the other things that mattered so much
on earth. All that would matter in Heaven
would be how well one had done his duty on
earth, how faithfully one had loved God and
done His will.
God’s Will! Martin often used to think about
that, as he knelt in the church of San Lazaro
every morning, and watched the priest offer
Holy Mass. What was God’s Will for those
who lived on earth? Wasn’t it to love one
another, because in every human body there
is a soul that is the image of God Himself?
“If I love people, and try to make them happy, I am really loving God and making Him
happy,” Martin decided. “How glad I am
that I was born! How glad everybody should
be that they are living in this world, with a
chance to do God’s Will and then go to live
with Him forever in Heaven! And what a
pity so few people see it this way!”
Martin loved his new life. Before six months
had passed, his employer, Dr. de Rivero,
was telling his friends that he had never
known such a trustworthy boy.
“His hands seem to know just what to do for
the sick,” he said. “And his memory? Well,
it’s simply remarkable! That lad can make
up any medicine, no matter how difficult.
Why, he’s even learned how to set a broken
It was true. Martin liked nothing better than
to work around the little shop of his employer. Here were many shelves, each reaching
to the ceiling, and each holding rows and
rows of bottles. The bottles were all shapes
and sizes, holding brightly coloured liquids
and powders. These were the medicines
which the doctor made out of herbs and
plants. In only a short time, Martin knew all
these medicines by name. He liked to look at
the different bottles and to realise that they
held comfort and relief for those who were
One morning the boy was alone in the shop,
for Dr. de Rivero had gone to the other side
of the city to visit a sick man. As usual,
February 2015
Martin was busy. He swept the shop, dusted
the tables, the chairs, the shelves with their
bottles, and was hanging up a large bunch of
herbs to dry when he heard a terrible
commotion in the street. Two Indians had
been fighting farther up the block, and one
of them was bleeding badly from a great cut
over the eyes. Martin looked out of the door
and saw that the wounded man was being
carried toward the shop.
“Quick! Where is Dr. de Rivero?” cried a
woman who had run ahead of the others.
“This poor Indian is bleeding to death!”
“The doctor isn’t here,” said Martin. “But
don’t worry. I’ll look after the man.”
The woman tossed a scornful look at the
boy. “This is no time for jokes,” she said.
“Quick! Tell me where there is another
doctor’s shop!”
Martin was very calm. “There wouldn’t be
time to go for anyone else,” he said. “Here,
help me open the door so they can bring the
poor man inside.”
“But you’re only a child!” cried the woman.
“Don’t you see that this is a matter of life
and death?”
“Yes,” said Martin. “I see.”
The Indian was brought in and laid upon a
couch, and everyone was amazed to see how
Martin at once took command of the situation. In an instant he had some water in a
basin, a sponge in his hand and some
strange, sweet-smelling white powder in a
little dish. He bent over the man, who was
moaning with pain, and went quietly to
“Don’t worry,” he whispered. “You’re going to
be all right.”
The people who had
crowded into the shop
were silent as they
watched the twelve-year
-old Martin go about his
work. Where had a mere boy learned such
gentle skill? Scarcely had he washed the
dreadful wound with water and put the white
powder on it than the bleeding began to stop.
“Who is this little Negro?” whispered the
woman who had first run into the room.
There was wonder now, not scorn, in her
“He is Martin de Porres,” someone replied,
“Dr. de Rivero’s apprentice. And a good
one, too, by the look of things.”
In a few minutes Martin had finished his
work. The deep cut was now covered with a
clean white cloth, and the man able to sit up
and look around.
“There,” said the boy. “You’re all right now.
Just remember to be quiet and rest. And if
you’ll come in tomorrow, I’ll put on a clean
bandage. In the meantime, you might take
this along with you.”
The Indian took the little bottle of liquid that
Martin handed to him and looked at it
curiously. It was deep red in colour.
“What’s this?” he asked.
“Wine,” answered Martin. “You’ve had a
bad shock, and a little drink of wine will
help you to feel better.”
One by one the people left the doctor’s
house and went out into the street. Two of
them took the wounded man by the arm to
lead him home. But the others remained,
talking in little groups about the remarkable
scene they had just witnessed.
“That lad’s a marvel!” said one man. “I
don’t think the doctor himself could have
done a better job. For myself, I’m afraid that
the sight of all that blood would have made
me lose my nerve.”
“Young Martin de Porres doesn’t know what
fear is,” put in another. “Why, I’ve seen him
fix up many cases that were far worse than
More next month
February 2015
The Heaven of the Tabernacle
here is a true Heaven here upon earth, a Heaven so genuine, so
beautiful, so grace-abounding, that the human heart finds in it a true
foretaste of the joys of Paradise. This Heaven is the Eucharistic Tabernacle, wher e our God dwells with us in the Blessed Sacr ament. Befor e
the Tabernacle all our labours are lightened and sweetened; there our heart is
satiated with the Bread of Life. There we receive eternal, inexpressibly
precious graces and gifts.
Once when the Venerable Balthasar Alvarez, the confessor of St. Teresa,
knelt before the Tabernacle, Jesus appeared to him in the form of a child, His
little hands filled to overflowing with pearls and diamonds – so many, that He
could scarcely hold them. Looking at Balthasar with a sorrowful expression,
the Divine Child said to him with touching pathos: If only someone would
take them from Me!
Every Catholic should be impressed with joyful
amazement and deepest gratitude at the sight of the
condescension which God manifests in the Holy Eucharist, and should, without intermission, praise this celestial gift, this Manna from Heaven. Whoever regards
this wonderful gift of God with indifference forgets that
in the Tabernacle the same God is present who
conversed with our first parents in Paradise and spoke to
Moses from the burning bush; that in the Tabernacle
dwells the same God who once in human form walked
upon earth and brought to mankind the glad tidings of
salvation; who comforted the sorrowing, healed the sick
and raised the dead to life. He forgets that the white Host conceals the God
who once lay as a tiny Infant in the crib, and that from the altar the same
Divine eye looks upon him which, dying, gazed upon the Blessed Mother and
the beloved disciple at the foot of the Cross.
February 2015
Through the Blessed Sacrament earth is made, in very deed, a vestibule of
Heaven. The supreme happiness of Heaven consists in possessing God. The
Blessed in Heaven behold God face to face; they know Him, they love Him
and are most intimately united with Him. According to the Prophet Ezechiel,
the name of the new holy city of Heaven and the name of the Church on earth
shall be: The Lord is there! (Ezech. 48:35). In the same sense St. John writes:
“Behold the tabernacle of God with men, and He will dwell with them. And
they shall be His people and God Himself with them shall be their
God.” (Apoc. 21:3).
It would, indeed, be something great if a seraph or
a saint were to dwell among us in the form of
bread; but how we should marvel at the love of the
eternal God who dwells among us in so condescending a manner! God r evealed His pr esence
in the Ark of the Covenant by listening to the prayers of the Jews and granting them many graces and
favours, but He did not reveal Himself with the
real and personal presence which He accords us in the Blessed Sacrament.
Oh, let us appreciate this unspeakable gift!
On the first Sunday of Lent in the year 1585, St. Teresa appeared to Father
Jerome Gratian and said to him:
We in Heaven and you on earth must be alike in purity and love; we in perfect enjoyment, and you in suffering. What we in Heaven do before the Divine Reality, that you
on earth must do before the Blessed Sacrament. Announce this to all my daughters.
Blessed Crescentia of Kaufbeuren often said: “Two things constitute my
Heaven on earth: The Holy Will of God and the Most Blessed Sacrament.”
Heaven is a state of perfect and eternal happiness, the spiritual possession of
God, beholding Him face to face in the Beatific Vision and loving Him to the
utmost of the creature’s powers in communion with the Blessed Virgin Mary,
the Angels and the Saints. In the Blessed Sacrament we come closest to the
supreme bliss of Heaven for we possess the same God who is the joy of the
Blessed, in whose presence the angels veil their faces and sing their Sanctus,
sanctus, sanctus! – “Holy, holy, holy!” – the God whom they reverently
surround in every Tabernacle where He is present. Yes, we possess God and
can even receive into our very being in Holy Communion Him who is the
“Bread of Angels,” the “Manna from Heaven,” who becomes, as St. Thomas
writes in the Lauda Sion, “the Food of pilgrims striving for Heaven.”
THE Life of christ
February 2015
February 2015
1) fold in half and then 2) fold along this line
Daily Offering
(to be recited when you wake up):
O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer Thee all my prayers,
works, joys and sufferings of this day, for all the intentions of Thy Sacred
Heart, in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world,
and in reparation for my sins. I offer them particularly for...
January: for broken families
(follow the dotted line instruction and send it without an envelope)
February 2015
PAGE: Mor ning pr ayer and offer ing, Evening pr ayer and tr easur e sheet
CRUSADER: 2 Decades, Holy Communion ever y Sunday, at least 1 sacr ifice
a day fight against dominant fault, Confession once a month
KNIGHT and HANDMAID: 5 decades ever y day, Spir itual Communion, 15
min. of meditation, Confession every 2 weeks.
February 2015
Day of Month
Crusader Treasure Chart—February 2015
For broken families
to the
15 mins of
The Crusader
61 Koplick Road
Park Ridge, QLD 4125
Use tape to seal this edge
February 2015
February 2015
February 2015
More next month!
February 2015
I can do all things in Him who strengtheneth me. – Phil. IV, 13
oses fed the sheep of Jethro, his father-in-law. One day he
drove his flock into the desert, and came as far as Mount
Horeb. There the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire,
which issued from the midst of a bush. Moses saw that the bush
was on fire and was not burnt. He said: “I will go near to see why
the bush is not burnt.” As Moses drew near the Lord cried out to
him from the burning bush: “Moses, Moses!” and he answered:
“Here I am.” And God said: “Come not nigh hither. Put off the
shoes from thy feet; for the place whereon thou standest is holy
ground. I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God
of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.”
Moses, in awful reverence, hid his face, and dared not look at God. And the Lord said to him: “I have seen
the affliction of My people in Egypt, and I am come to deliver them out of the hands of the Egyptians, and
to bring them out of that land into a land that floweth with milk and honey.” The Lord further told Moses
that he should go to Pharaoh to demand the liberation of the children of Israel.
Moses answered: “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and should bring
forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?” The Lord said: “I will be with
thee.” Moses declared that the people would not believe him; but would
ask who had sent him. Then God said to Moses, “I AM WHO AM. Thus
shalt thou say to the children of Israel: ̕HE WHO IS hath sent me to you̒.”
Moses answered and said: “They will not believe me, nor hear my voice;
but they will say, ̒The Lord hath not appeared to thee̕.” Then God asked
Moses: “What is that thou holdest in thy hand?” Moses answered, “A
rod.” The Lord then told Moses to cast his rod upon the ground. He threw
it upon the ground, and the rod was turned into a serpent, so that Moses
fled from it in terror.
But the Lord called him back, saying: “Take it by the tail.” Moses did so, and the serpent became again a
rod. The Lord told Moses to work this, and some other signs, before the Israelites, and they would believe.
But Moses still objected, saying that he was not eloquent, but that his speech was slow and hesitating.
Then the Lord said to him, “Who made man’s mouth? or who made the dumb and the deaf, the seeing and
the blind? Did not I? Go, therefore, and I will teach thee what thou shalt speak.” Moses answered: “I
beseech Thee, Lord send whom Thou wilt send.” The Lord, being angry at Moses, said: “Aaron, thy brother, is eloquent; speak to him and put My words into his mouth; he shall speak in thy stead to the people.”
So Moses returned to Egypt; and Aaron, his brother, inspired by the Lord, came forth to meet him.
Moses repeated to his brother all the words of the Lord. Then they went together to assemble the children
of Israel; and Aaron spoke to them that the Lord had looked upon their affliction. And Moses wrought the
sign of the rod, and other miracles. Whereupon the people believed; and, falling down, they adored the
As the people of Israel would not have believed that God had sent Moses to free them from slavery, but for
the miracles he wrought; so we should not receive any one as sent by God, in a special manner, except he
prove his mission by signs and miracles.
February 2015
Angels, Saints and NATIONS sing
Praised be Jesus Christ our King.
Japanese martyrs, 5th February
apan, or Nihon as the natives call it, was first discovered to the Church in
1541 by the Portuguese. Saint Francis Xavier visited there in 1549 and had a
great influence. But he thought China was the key to the country’s heart and
would later die on the threshold of that country without entering it. Meanwhile, in
1582, the Japanese emperor drove out the Jesuits, and forbade practice of the faith.
Many natives died martyrs, while missionaries worked in secret. In 1597, twentysix Christians were arrested of whom three were Jesuit, including one priest, and
seventeen Third Order Franciscan, all Japanese. Six others, including three priests,
were Franciscans of Spanish origin.
Three were only fourteen, thirteen and eleven years of age. Thomas Cozaki was
left by his father (martyred too!) the family fortune but he replied that while his
father was gaining a heavenly crown, he was left with the earthly stuff, which he
didn’t want! Anthony was begged by his parents to at least put his faith aside and
consider what he was losing. But he scorned their offer of this momentary life at
the cost of his eternal one! Little Louis was
offered his life by the governor who staggered
at killing one so young. But he too embraced his
All twenty-six were tied to their cross, then
transpierced by two spears which met in their
breast and re-surfaced at the shoulders. It was
February 5th 1597.
When missionaries were able to return there in the middle of the nineteenth century
they were met by Catholics who wished to know if they venerated Mary, were obedient to the Pope, and were celibate. When they answered yes to each question
they were told that ten thousand secret Catholics lived there! Truly the blood of
martyrs is the seed of Christians. As Our Lord tells us “For in this is the saying
true: That it is one man that soweth, and it is another that reapeth. I have sent you
to reap that in which you did not labour: others have laboured, and you have entered into their labours.”
Is it mere coincidence that that the place of their martyrdom, Nagasaki, was also
the city destroyed by the American atom bomb in 1945? And that Catholics faithful to their Rosary survived all the evil effects of this bomb?
Let us pray for the missions of Asia.
February 2015
HOLY souls corner
e have a regard for the Holy Souls. We realise the severe punishments they
undergo, and, no doubt, it has been impressed on us that we may help them in a
number of efficient ways. For example, we may wish to gain indulgences on their
behalf; the ultimate being plenary indulgences applicable to the Holy Souls. It should be
remembered that the gaining of a plenary indulgence is subject to certain conditions. One of
these should particularly be noted: we must have no affection at all for sin, even venial sin.
What ought we deduce from this? We should firstly have a great
horror of the smallest sins. We take great care to avoid actions for
which human justice would inflict on us even a single year’s
imprisonment. For venial faults divine justice punishes with
sufferings infinitely more terrible than earthly prisons. It is not
uncommon that, where venial sin is in question, there is often a
strange forgetfulness of our faith. We know that the penalties of
Purgatory will be the chastisement of every word we have spoken
which is untrue; every word which is contrary to charity or humility; of all acts of sensuality and of selfishness; of all fits of bad
temper; of our vanity; of all the time we have lost or have employed badly. Yet in spite of
that we allow ourselves to commit all of these faults. What folly to expose ourselves for so
little to such great punishments.
If we had really meditated on Purgatory we should have developed a spirit of penance. Our
venial sins and temporal punishments due to sins already pardoned must be paid for to
satisfy divine justice. Now to acquit ourselves of these great debts, we have only two means
to choose from: either penance in this world, or Purgatory in the next. Purgatory is terrible,
penance here below is easy; for in proportion as God is severe after death, He is good and
indulgent during life.
We should mortify our little passions during life; we should develop a hatred of sin which
so offends God; we should say, “What is this small mortification compared with Purgatory,
which I am sparing myself.” In addition, we should consciously determine to develop an
aversion for sin, so we shall be in the best possible state to benefit the souls in Purgatory by
gaining the maximum benefit from indulgences sought for their release.
Some indulgences are granted in behalf of the living only, while others may be applied in
behalf of the souls departed. It should be noted, however, that the application has not the
same significance in both cases. The Church in granting an indulgence to the living exercises her jurisdiction; over the dead she has no jurisdiction and therefore makes the indulgence
available for them by way of suffrage (per modum suffragii), i.e. she petitions God to accept
these works of satisfaction and in consideration thereof to mitigate or shorten the sufferings
of the souls in Purgatory.”
To benefit those poor suffering souls, it is not only important what we do (e.g. gain indulgences,) but maybe more important, what we are (humble and mortified.)
St. Dominic Savio, help us to develop an angel-like innocence that was so characteristic of
February 2015
Chapter 17. An image of God
The Book of Genesis describes the creation of the first man
and the first woman in these words: "And the Lord God formed
man of the slime of the earth, and breathed into his face the
breath of life; and man became a living soul. Then the Lord
God cast a deep sleep upon Adam: and when he was fast
asleep, he took one of his ribs. ... And the Lord God built the
rib which he took from Adam into a woman"(Gen. 2:7, 21,
22). Such was the creation of Adam and Eve, our first parents. God gave them power over all created things: the earth,
the beasts, birds, fishes, plants, and all things else.
What is man?
Man is a creature composed of body and soul, and made to the image and likeness of God.
Before the creation of man, God said, "Let us make man to our
image and likeness; and let him have dominion over the fishes of
the sea, and the fowls of the air, and the beasts, and the whole
earth, and every creeping creature that moveth upon the
earth" (Gen. 1:26).
1. God formed the body of man from the slime of the earth; but He breathed the
soul into man's body. In this way the soul came direct from God, and indicates
closer likeness to Him.
We should always reverence our likeness to God, trying to perfect it by
making our soul as holy as possible. Once the enemies of a king tried to make
his son do something wrong. But the youth proudly and resolutely answered,
"No! I am the son of the king!" By Baptism man becomes the adopted son of
God, Who is infinitely higher than any earthly king. Man’s soul is like his
Father in Heaven.
2. The soul of man is different from the soul of brute animals. Animals have senses
and instinct, but neither reason nor free will. Free will is that power of the soul to
choose whether to act or not to act.
If a horse has not eaten for a day, and you put some hay before him, he will eat, because his instinct
moves him to do so. But a hungry man may fast for days, and still refuse to eat however hungry he
may be, if he wills not to eat. The difference between man’s free will and animal instinct is that a
man can say "
No"to himself.
3. The soul and the body are not loosely connected parts of man; they are united in a
substantial union. The soul is not located in any particular member of the body,
but is whole and entire in each part.
February 2015
Liturgy this month
The month of February is dedicated to
the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
February 1st: Septuagesima
Preparation for Lent; God calls us to work in His Vineyard.
February 2nd: Candlemas
Presentation of Jesus in the Temple 40 days after He was born, according to the Jewish Law of
the Old Testament. Our Lady comes to offer the Son of God in the Temple and receives the
prophecy of the old man Simeon: a sword will pierce Her Heart!
February 3rd: St Blaise
On this day or on the following Sunday, in honour of St Blaise, one gets the throat blessed by a
priest to prevent illnesses during the coming year and to protect our voice with which one
praises God.
February 8th: Sexagesima
It is not enough to hear the Word of God, we must listen to it, keep it in a good and perfect
heart, and then we will bring forth
good fruits, for which Jesus will
The Stations of the Cross - 10
reward us in eternity.
February 11th: Apparition of Our
Lady at Lourdes
Message of Our Lady to St Bernadette: “I do not promise you happiness in this world, but in the next!”;
“Penance! you must pray for
sinners.”; “I am the Immaculate
February 15th: Quinquagesima
It is Jesus in His Charity that will
deliver us from the slavery of sin!
February 18th: Ash Wednesday
Fast and abstinence on this first day
of Lent. Fast means one main meal
and two small meals and abstinence
means no meat. Offer this as
penance for sin and love of God.
February 22nd: 1st Sunday of Lent
We prepare our salvation by prayer,
penance and works of Charity.
Ember days this week, Wednesday,
Friday and Saturday.
Jesus is stripped of His garments
February 2015
The Crusader prays, receives Communion, makes sacrifices
and shows good example for the intention that is given him
each month by Bishop Bernard Fellay,
successor of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre
as Superior General of the Society of Saint Pius X
February 2015 Intention:
For broken families
Daily offering
To be recited every morning when you wake up
Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I offer Thee all my prayers, works, joys
and sufferings of this day,
for all the intentions of Thy Sacred Heart,
in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
throughout the world, and in reparation for my sins.
I offer them particularly
for broken families
The Intention was for the Holy Souls and the dying
of the
Visits to
15 mins
of meditation
Remember that all the good works and prayers
from your treasure sheets are given each month to Bishop Fellay
and His Excellency offers them at his Mass
on the first Saturday of every month.
Eucharistic Crusade in Australia,
St. Philomena School, 61 Koplick Road, Park Ridge, Queensland 4125
© Eucharistic Crusade 2014 - email: [email protected]